morbotipo · 8 months
El paso de Rossy de Palma en el cine de Almodóvar:
· La Ley Del Deseo, 1987
· Mujeres Al Borde De Un Ataque De Nervios, 1988
· ¡Átame!, 1990
· Kika, 1993
· La Flor De Mi Secreto, 1995
· Los Abrazos Rotos, 2009
· Julieta, 2016
· Madres Paralelas, 2021
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Átame (1989) dir. Pedro Almodóvar
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falsenote · 2 years
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Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1989)
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entre-tinieblas · 1 year
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Julieta Serrano en ¡Átame! (Known in English as Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down*)
*last part is wrong as literally it's tie or tie up
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nachojfoster · 2 years
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FELICIDADES PEDRO #pedroalmodóvar #felicidades #happybirthday #pepilucibomyotraschicasdelmonton #laberintodepasiones #entretinieblas #quehehechoyoparamereceresto #matador #laleydeldeseo #mujeresalbordedeunataquedenervios #átame #taconeslejanos #kika #laflordemisecreto #hableconella #losabrazosrotos #…. (en el deseo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci78Ta3jjbf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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filmap · 2 months
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¡Átame! / Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Pedro Almodóvar. 1989
Castle Pl. Mayor, 8, 10710 Granadilla, Cáceres, Spain See in map
See in imdb
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¡Átame! (1989) dir. Pedro Almodóvar
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ducavalentinos · 1 year
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pablolf · 2 years
Almodóvar said he first detected challenges for his work in the U.S. when his 1989 romp “Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!” opened there and faced pressure from the MPAA to cut some of the sexuality from the movie to avoid an X rating. “It was the first time I tried to defend something that was obvious to me, which is the freedom of the director,” he said. “And then I discovered that was not part of the rules there.” Miramax, which was distributing the movie, sued the MPAA and lost; the film was released unrated. “I discovered that Miramax was very happy with the situation because for them it was like publicity,” Almodóvar said. “I felt very bad because of that.” The plot, in which a character played by Antonio Banderas kidnaps an actress in an attempt to seduce her, led to some awkward interviews as well. “A journalist for ABC asked me if I was afraid that some guys are going to imitate Antonio Banderas and start kidnapping girls,” he said. “I remember my answer. I said that if I knew that the only distribution of my movies was in prison and inside psych wards, then I’d be careful about the stories I’m telling. But I don’t think the audience is crazy.”
Pedro Almodovar
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olderthannetfic · 1 day
Hey. Maybe not the place. But people treat your ask box like a forum so 🙏 I thought I was ace because porn does nothing for me and I only like erotica/doujinshi if I like the characters. But I recently discovered watching wrestling does something for me. Is this really weird? How do I know where I fit?
I will gleefully embrace the identity of basement-dwelling gremlin who prefers horny fiction to actually dating or having sex with other people.
But porn tastes aren't what defines sexual orientation.
Neither is willingness to get off the couch.
Are you attracted to people, anon? That's usually how people define the various identities on that spectrum: no attraction, very occasional attraction way below what's seen as commonplace, attraction only when you know someone well, etc. (Which, of course, brings up the question of what level is "normal" and whether someone's judging based on Hollywood nonsense or on what's actually typical.)
For me personally, mainstream porno movies have actors I find un-hot wearing clothing I find libido-killing in ugly environments with bad lighting and camerawork. The scenarios lack the psychological depth needed to interest me, and there's little sense of intimacy.
This has nothing to do with orientation and everything to do with film craft.
Doujinshi of characters I'm already familiar with have a lot more context for what's going on, and this can add a lot of zing to kinks or increase the apparent intimacy.
Wrestling has plotlines. It has deeply charismatic stars. It has different body types than a lot of porn. There's nothing odd about finding it hot but not liking the porno movies you've been exposed to.
Plenty of people prefer all of the horny film festival favorites of the 90s to actual porno movies. It seems like funding dried up for those kinds of movies for a decade or two, but they used to be common.
I preferred the kinkier ones. Crash, for example, was a staple of my teenage viewing. Not the cringey one that won too many awards: the pervert one with the eight billion scenes of people licking each other's scars like they were performing oral.
It really digs into the psychology of kink... in addition to being far more visually beautiful and starring far hotter people than most of the commercial porn I've seen. Same deal with The Pillow Book or ¡Átame! or Maurice or Bound.
I've been seeing articles lately talking about a return to 90s levels of sex in arty movies. People point to the likes of Call Me By Your Name and Saltburn.
Live action commercial porno movies do vary, obviously, but it's just so, so, so common to find them tacky or boring while liking other forms of porn, even other live action sex scenes.
Hell, even for poorly shot stuff, I've never seen even amateur porn capture the vibes of this one long-deleted youtube video of a guy giving a lecture on anal massage and treating his subject like a prop while lecturing to a big group of onlookers.
Sometimes, people just aren't very into casual sex, and horny art where they can fantasize about people who actually know each other is better than horny art about the pizza delivery guy. Sure, there are pornos that try to have more plot, but porn stars are generally good at being porn stars, not at subtle and naturalistic acting.
Wrestlers are hardly subtle, but they do do different acting from your average porno, and there's more continuing plotline. Unless you mean... like... college wrestling? (In which case, Kink.com has or had some series where people wrestle to decide who gets to top. Wrestling is hardly a niche interest.)
For kinksters, the context and psychology often matter a lot. Showing an object with a lot of cultural baggage, like shiny black leather, can be hot, but the viewer might need more, and your average porno isn't geared up to provide that.
Anyway, if you want to determine your own orientation, your interest in art isn't necessarily going to help that much.
If you're only rarely attracted to people, and you have to know them well first, you could be demisexual, but you could equally well be shy or nervous or depressed or repressed or too busy and stressed to spend much time noticing your own feelings—or just surrounded by people who aren't your type. Only your personal interpretation of your internal experience can determine which it is.
But no, being horny for wrestling is not weird.
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pierppasolini · 4 days
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¡Átame! (1989) // dir. Pedro Almodóvar
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morbotipo · 6 months
― ¡Sal de ahí, te he estado esperando!
― ¿Me esperabas a pesar de que te han dicho que he muerto?
― Sabía que no te morirías sin despedirte de mí
― No vengo a despedirme de ti, sino a arrastrarte conmigo
― ¿Dónde me llevas?
― ...
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1715- Tómame... Tómame en tus manos con ODIO, fóllame como un animal, como un depredador que devora a su presa después de haberla deseado tanto, tómame con la misma ansiedad que se disfruta lo prohibido, hazme conocer el placer en medio del dolor, ahí empinada frente al espejo, marca mi piel, topa mis limites, usa tus manos, tu boca, tu lengua, deja volar tu imaginación, penetra con tu serpiente cada cavidad de mi cuerpo y hazme retorcer, amarra mis manos, cubre mis ojos, átame los pies, llena de violencia mi carne, tómame sin piedad, haz mi piel estremecer... Cógeme como si me odiaras, como si fuera tu peor enemigo entierra entre mis muslos tu daga, has que grite de placer en cada embestida, muéstrame tu furia y tu pasión, obséquieme esa muerte chiquita, mátame las veces que sean necesarias hasta saciar tu hambre de carne, llena mi vientre de ti, para después caer desfallecida en tu pecho, aun con tu daga dentro de mí... Despues bésame despacio mientras miras a tu mujer recién cogida, resucitando de la muerte que le has dado, recobrando la respiración y ahí aun con nuestros fluidos mezclándose, abrígame en tu pecho y hazle a mi alma el AMOR...
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guerrera-lunar · 3 months
Soy adicta a tu sexo, presa de tu lengua y esclava de tus besos. Quiero devorarte como caníbal a la roja carne, mira que tu pasión todita me cabe. Huelo tu perfume desde lejos, ven, fúndete conmigo en este fuego, muerde donde quieras, tratame violento, hoy quiero tu masculinidad fluyendo como el viento. Te quiero rudo y erecto, te quiero así por dentro, enrédate en mi pelo y bebe toda la sangre de mi cuello, soy tu presa fácil, a voluntad me entrego. Átame a tu cama, o átame a tu cuerpo, estállame como supernova en un placer intenso. Júrame tu amor eterno, aunque no sea cierto, que soñar me gusta, más cuando no estoy durmiendo.
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diolimpia · 2 months
Esta noche no hay más tregua...
Esta noche se harán realidad nuestras fantasías. Esta noche SEDÚCEME . Despierta esa loba hambrienta que habita en ti y haz un derroche de lujuria en esta alcoba, no seas la niña tímida que juegas ser, vive esta noche y SEDÚCEME. Araña y marca mi espalda como tu territorio, sangra mis labios con pasionales mordiscos mientras tu cara lasciva me indica que aún falta más, átame a tus más oscuros deseos y hazme llegar al climax del placer, por favor SEDÚCEME. Muéstrame desde el sofá tu cuerpo desnudo, húmedo y ansioso de ser poseído mientras atado estoy a tu lecho inmóvil y deseoso de beber esa miel de ti, provoca al máximo mi libido, vas, por buen camino sigue así. Tapa mis ojos y sube por mi cuerpo acaricia, muerde y besa lo que quieras de mí, desciende despacio en mi para unir nuestros deseos y baja a tu ritmo, a tu merced estoy atado haz de
mi tu esclavo Cuando nuestros orgasmos exploten juntos, y la humedad llegue y moje nuestra piel, encantado quédare de mi loba, esa loba hambrienta que viste de niña su piel, seducido ante tal resultado con un beso tierno en tus labios te agradeceré. Y empezaremos otro vez con nuestro juego ahora en sentido contrario,  ahora me toca ser quien tome el mando y a mi ama, en mi sumisa convertiré....
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andromerot · 4 months
my pedro almodóvar marathon. thoughts, feelings, tier list
or, i spent like 50 hours on this so i better get to post about it
well, i'd be lying if i said i set out to do this with any clear goals in mind. i sort of just wanted to watch movies. this year i set out to watch through a couple of directors entire works, but ran into complications or got bored. so anyway when i finished my term i decided id try a third time with my best friend pedro. i had watched five of his films already but was mostly unaware of other things he had made. on the 22nd of november i started with matador, then went on and in exactly a month i had watched all of his feature films yayyy
so this is how i ranked them on letterboxd and this is a tier list. this doesnt really sum up my thoughts though so im leaving a little review for each below the cut, in the order i watched them in this month hope someone cares :) thank you
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matador (1986): ohhhhhh my god. absolutely unexpected how insane this movie made me. many people say its not very good, i dont think that's true. transgressive, erotic, camp, necrosexual, implicit faggot tension, beautiful costuming, insanely talented cast of so many characters sick in the head. watching this one first really hyped me up to keep at it and to close out the month i rewatched it the other day and though it was less surprising than the first time i watched it its maybe my favorite now :) it has structural flaws i suppose. but i love it
¿que he hecho yo para merecer esto? (1984): pretty funny! not bad at all, i remember enjoying it as i watched it, it just wasnt very memorable. i enjoy every performance by carmen maura, chus was stellar as always and forqué was really sweet in this one too, i liked it. i literally forgot half of the plot though. did anyone remember the telepathic child or the faked hitler diaries? i didnt until i looked it up.
la ley del deseo (1987) (rewatched): showed this one to my friend, god its iconic. some of my favorite chiques almodovar. so fun to watch and so silly even though its not quite a comedy. the fact that antonio is just called antonio in this one makes me unwarrantedly happy. MAURA THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE!! very hot all around. i think i liked it better this time than the other two i had watched it.
pepi, luci, bom y otras chicas del montón (1980): everyone talks about how sexually transgressive 80s almodovar is and i was like yeah whatever until i watched this one. straight up trilogy of trash shit. so beautiful. i wish every movie was like this. no one likes it but i adored it. erecciones generales will stay in my mind forever and i loved the musical numbers. and the piss, of course.
entre tinieblas (1983): also somewhat forgettable, though i watched it while pretty worried about something else so maybe i didnt give it the attention it deserved. its not a bad time but i wouldn't rewatch it. based on the premise you think it'd be better.
la flor de mi secreto (1995) (rewatched): OH GOD. until last month my favorite almodóvar, its been outdone but it still destroys me. its terribly underrated. i dont even know what i can say about it... marisa paredes is stunning at doing desperation. the boots, the scene at the protest, the initial meeting with ángel, the poem in the car, that moment in the hall. it's beautiful and breathtaking. lesbian film history, i promise.
todo sobre mi madre (1999): like, its good, but i dont get what people see in it that makes it so acclaimed. again paredes is great in this, but penélope is somewhat tame compared to what she does later, and this is the point in the list where i have to admit cecilia roth is not very good to me and all my compatriots start throwing rocks at me. listen i just wish she'd stop doing that stupid accent its so fucking bad cecilia sincerate seguro sos de villa crespo. anyway its fine if a bit weird about trans women, but hes always a hit or miss w that
átame (1989): took a big break between the last one and this one for some reason. anyway, pretty funny, except it really drags in the middle. shouldnt have been that long, but victoria abril always slays and the last scene is wonderful.
tacones lejanos (1991): WOAHHHHH! really cool i liked it. i love a mother daughter thing especially this mother and this daughter. really fun doppelganger story and i love how it was told, i found it both melodramatic and subtle? miguel bosé makes a really pretty girl, this will inform my every subsequent rewatch of suspiria. big fan of his gender. dance number fucked obvs
kika (1993) (rewatch): ok, i know why people don't like this one, but its so silly... cmon. it sillay. once again incredible abril performance, the costuming my god.... her character makes the whole movie i wish i was her. lesbian rossy de palma was wonderful and every forqué performance is a delight. pedro getting hitchcockian with it to slightly trick the audience is a staple of his 90s filmography, fucks.
carne trémula (1997): the title made me think it would be better! there was barely any carne. i didn't really see the point of most of it tbh, though based on how the movie starts and ends there might be some spanish historical context that im missing that makes it more interesting. strangely reminiscing of the buenos aires affair to me, but puig is better. yeah it was just pretty boring.
laberinto de pasiones (1982): YAYYYYYY i had some trouble torrenting so i watched it really out of order this but its SO FUN. obviously in the same vein as pepi luci bom but i liked it slightly more just for how unnecessarily elaborate it was. the one major role i dont mind roth being in and im a big fan of antonios gay terrorist with an ultradeveloped sense of smell character and arias is really into his very silly character too – he works well in secreto as well, i wish hed been on more almodovares, i should finally watch camila. liné was hilarious too. the problematic incest storyline was really funny to me sorryyyyy and i got a lot of gender out of the musical performances. hey can you believe that beautiful fag covered in blood is a franquista now. i can
hable con ella (2002): ehhhhhhh. some people really hate this one for the couple scenes i found most interesting, others love it for reasons i cant parse. its got parts that caught my attention a lot, but mostly it was eerie in an unenjoyable and uninteresting way and the backstories dragged on too long, especially grandinetti's. like i just don't care sorry. THE scene is quite disturbing though. i appreciated he decided to show rape in a more subtle light for once, it made it a lot more cruel and a lot more interesting.
la mala educación (2004) (rewatch): sighhhh. i really wish i liked this one. its got so many elements i am into – the colours are obviously spectacular, the unreliable multiple narrations and the disassembled timelines are always enjoyable to me, the attempt at social commentary is appreciated, some scenes are stunning (fictional ignacios head split in half is unforgettable) but quite honestly the characterization is so bad it bores me. i liked it more the first time i watched it just because of how confused i was, once i wasnt it lost its magic. maybe the worst in what is considered the "somewhat autobiographical movies about directors" trilogy (i think there's four of them but we'll discuss that later) probably because the character of enrique is so bland. i know its more but it feels that you only spend like five minutes with him. ángel/juan's motivations for anything are so puzzling, ignacio is just a caricature at this point and probably the character with the most depth is berenguer, which is ironic, i guess
volver (2006): WAHHH. its hard to talk about it honestly. it was so unexpectedly beautiful. the acting is so on point – penélope cruz and that beautiful carmen maura comeback are self evident, but blanca portillo is also stellar. it was fascinating from minute one and i couldnt keep my eyes off it. its written with such care and love. i suppose the plot itself is nothing out of this world, but the way it is handled is explosive. i really adored it.
los abrazos rotos (2009): the fourth bastard on the self insert series! cmon, its way more about himself than la mala educación. anyway, its good at some points, not very in others. the strong point is obviously the relationship between mateo, judit and diego, their refusal to be tied as a family and their desire to be tied by love is reaaaally interesting. the scene at the sea... but penélope and her millionaire and her millionaires son do nothing interesting at any point, im afraid to say. sad! surprisingly not very memorable, even though i didnt dislike it as i watched it. like i remember i liked some things but if a couple weeks later i dont remember what they were its probably the movies fault
la piel que habito (2011): AUGHHH OK. fuck. THIS ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. it wasnt it was really mid. when it started i was like oh is pedro trying out his hand at cronenberg and i was really excited because im SURE he can do cronenberg better than cronenberg but he didnt. it was worse. how are you giving your women less agency than that guy??? honestly probably the first ever film of his where this is a noticeable problem, though penélope in the last one should give us a hint. ughh it should have been good. im mad about that. no desire to question gender or power and the unchronological storytelling does nothing for me. BAD! if anything i recognized its sexual power for if banderas character was a woman i would be throwing up and convulsing on the floor. i hope vicente and his lesbian coworker had a beautiful romance i guess. i cant believe some people call this one one of the most controversial of his work....
los amantes pasajeros (2013): hm well everyone was like THIS is the bad one and i was like i bet you guys are just being mean but no yeah this is the bad one. its not funny and it drags on so long...i can usually defend the rape scenes in his movies, even in kika or hable con ella, but this one just sucks so bad. i was prepared to defend this movie but i cant. as soon as the movie started i was trying to guess where all the threads would connect, how all the characters would be linked and they mostly... weren't? also the reference to the gazpacho scene in mujeres made me groan out loud.
julieta (2016): well i dont really know what this was supposed to be....it feels on the surface it could have been really good but something about it felt so emotionless. it was an odd experience, watching it, because i expected to be moved by so many scenes and i never was. i dont know what the point of it was.
dolor y gloria (2019): ok yeah this one was sweet! didn't blow my mind or anything but it was very cleverly made...a really more beautiful way to do the childhood-as-movie thing than in mala educación, i really enjoyed it. nostalgia bores me sometimes but i feel hes not being annoying about it. long live old man yaoi (and finally an argentinian actor i DONT hate...) and that beautiful beautiful cave and that mind gripping apartment bringing in the characteristic insane set design but in a new way...i had a good time
madres paralelas (2021): oh this could have been so good! it wasnt but honestly i dont remember exactly why i disliked it. i suppose i didnt connect to the characters and that it is a story that requires that to engage you – their motivations were really out of place and unlike other movies that bothered me. really interesting premise, didnt work out. im sad about it. could have been cool.
yeah so that's it i only realized while writing this that i forgot to rewatch mujeres but obvs that ones very good, proper classic, quote it every time i eat gazpacho and such. also extraña forma de vida is a snore i refuse to watch it again. i hope this works as a rec list for someone. and i am ready to be stoned by my wrong opinions by the rest of you
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