#¯\_(ツ)_/¯ such is life i guess
odinsblog · 6 months
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anormaladn · 3 months
would Yugo officiate the otomirga wedding
that'd be hilarious
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orcelito · 1 year
i do love how i Can read the sound effects in trigun. bc even tho theyre untranslated, i can read katakana & hiragana lol. but also my eyes tend to just glaze over them bc theyre very japanese sound effects, so the sound transcriptions arent exactly what i'd attribute the sounds to (just by virtue of being an english speaker)
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but like. here, from right to left, we have "don-don-don", "ga-gigi", and "ba-kan". which i can infer what those sounds are... but also it's simpler to just fill in myself based on what i See what sounds would be here. the only real reason the sound effects are useful (to me) are for knowing how many shots Vash fires (like the "don-don-don" showing that vash shoots 3 times)
other examples of sound effects:
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"go go go go", "kyuru kyuru kyuru kyuru" (kyuru being the sound of wheels turning i guess, tho i got No Idea what the go go go go is)
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"GAN", "do do do do" (a clang, then four shots fired by Vash)
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"BA-BA-TSU", "ni-pa", "ba-tan!!" (sound of rolling??, sound of smile?? then a door shut)
see what i mean lol about the sounds being very Japanese? i can read them, but what they read to is still not very useful if you're not familiar with most Japanese depictions of sound effects (like me)
still nice to be able to supplement my reading with my katakana & hiragana knowledge tho
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coconi · 2 years
revalink, 16? :)
16. "Thank you."
"I said I'm fine."
Although Revali doesn't raise his voice more than usual, the echoing walls of Zora's Domain care not for anyone's privacy — Link hears it clearly from the healing pool in which he just woke, dazed and alone, at the very back of the chamber.
Despite his soreness, Link heaves a sigh of relief: if Revali has the presence of mind to complain, it means he's not at death's door anymore.
"You are the farthest thing away from fine!" Comes Mipha's voice, its pitch higher than usual out of either frustration or exhaustion. Or both. Something splashes wildly. "Please Revali, you lost too much blood and my Grace is at its limit. You need rest!"
The splashing becomes gradually weaker, then stops altogether.
"Tch, fine! Might as well linger here since my feathers are soaked through." 
Revali's words are met by a heavy silence Link knows all too well; he can almost feel the force of Mipha's glare, so unexpected to those who hardly know her. After a moment, Revali clacks his beak in defeat.
"I won't try to leave, you have my word. Now go take care of yourself for a change. It’d be rather hypocritical not to, wouldn’t you agree?”
When Mipha giggles, it is hard for Link not to do the same. 
"I’ll do just that. Rest well."
Link follows the sound of Mipha exiting Revali's pool. She gives someone instructions, far too quietly for Link to make out any words. 
The whispers stop. "Yes, Revali?”
The gentle rumor of waterfalls fills the air as Revali gingerly clears his throat. "Well, I wouldn't imagine that pesky kn—" A pause. "Link didn't make it out unscathed, did he?"
Link blinks. Quietly, he shifts and peeks over the edge of his pool, until Mipha's silhouette and the top of Revali's head become visible.
"Indeed, he did not." Mipha says, crestfallen. "He received several blows while shielding you, far more than he should have. It's a miracle he was still conscious when we came to your aid.” She takes a step in Revali’s direction. “But I assure you he'll be alright. He's not in danger anymore."
Revali’s crest bristles. "I wasn't worried about him."
"Clearly not.” Mipha smooths down Revali’s feathers and edges away before he can muster a squawk. She gives him a tired smile. "Recover your strength, Revali. And, if I may… don't forget who saved your life today."
As Mipha retreats, Link lowers himself back into the cool pond, careful to keep his head afloat. Without conversation the chamber becomes eerily quiet, with only the occasional droplet disturbing the peace. Link's eyelids flutter close; a comfortable drowsiness envelops him; his freshly-healed injuries beg for respite…
A sudden, resounding splash rattles Link’s spine, followed by a grunt and the distinct scraping of sharp talons on a hard surface. Not leaving the room or pacing...
...but approaching at the excruciating pace of a stalking beast of prey.
Link's breath seizes in his throat. He keeps his eyes closed, forces himself to exhale evenly as the steps get closer.
Clack. Stumble. Clack.
Cold water drips over Link's cheeks, his eyelids, his nose, and it takes every ounce of his training not to move. He hears labored breaths somewhere above him, feels the burning gaze of the Rito he shielded with his own body as death knocked at their door...
Even if Revali were to kill him now, Link doesn't think he could regret it if he tried.
"This is a debt that shall be repaid, you hear me?” Revali hisses, voice strained and wavering. “I bear little love for unfinished business, and will not stand to owe you a miserable plucking thing, you… you—”
Link does not move, tongue held firmly between his teeth. Revali's shadow looms over his closed eyes, hovering near, and suddenly Link can’t hear anything but the desperate clamor of his pulse within his flesh. 
“I will not repeat myself, so hear me now or remain unconscious. Why, perish if you’re so inclined! It hardly matters to me.” Revali’s angry muttering is barely intelligible. Link holds his breath.
“I... thank you.” 
The shade retreats, allowing light to filter through Link’s eyelids once more. Link’s hands twitch at his sides, itching to break the water's surface, to bring the shade back, to—
"And never do that again." Revali spits bitterly as he limps away, leaving Link adrift in a sea of his own making.
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gummi-15 · 9 months
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powered snow ❄️
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danadaria · 2 months
My two cents about the Watcher drama:
Beyond people feeling betrayed, beyond having to pay for another streaming service —in this economy?!— and beyond the fact it may be a bad business model to go from 0 to 100 on one new idea:
I think one of their biggest mistakes is the fact their video didn't communicate what they need it.
And it's big deal if your industry is communication and entertainment.
Let's put aside if people have money or no, or if Watcher knows their audience.
The problem I'm seeing is that they're not selling excitement.
Show me the new shows teasers!
Show the new faces!
Show how cool is your new platform!
At least show what would you like to build!!!
I said let's put aside the money issue, becase let's be honest, not everyone, but some people will spend the $5-6 dollars. Everyday people spend that money without thinking. Even me, I'm unemployed as hell, but if I had the 5 dollars I could say "treat yo' self" and buy the short term happiness for a month.
But the thing is, aside the countdown timer, there are zero anticipation because they hadn't show anything shiny and new and exciting.
And the issue is, when they say they want to do "television caliber content" and your audience is your investor/executive producer, you NEED to show what is the thing you're creating or want to create.
And the last video?
Taking out the parts where they are asking for money, this video would be so perfect to be published once they ran for a while the transition period, and things started to take off. A thank you, showing "we were these guys with a suitcase full of dreams, and now, it's the last video".
I didn't follow much of the worth it series, but I remember Ryan and Shane going for an entire parallel season between unsolved and watcher, before going with their own thing. In fact, I remember Unsolved did a making of/homage as their last video. And it was moving and at the same time, ending in a hopeful note about their futures.
But the reality is, they uploaded the video they uploaded, and they are selling their hopes and dreams as the product.
And when you sell hopes and dreams, if something goes wrong it ends feeling like a personal attack for everyone involved.
Anyway, I wish them the best.
I hope they find a way to reconnect with their audience and build the platform and content they want to build.
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agayconcept · 3 months
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darkerrpmemes · 7 months
Predators have a pattern
The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence was written by Gavin de Becker to help people trust their gut instinct and avoid potentially dangerous situations, by learning to recognize various behaviours/events that serve as common precursors to violence. These are called PINS - Pre-Incident Indicators.
By recognising warning signs such as PINS, individuals can better identify dangerous people before something bad happens and take the necessary precautions/actions to stay safe. 
There are several types of PINs to watch out for, namely:
Forced Teaming
This is when a person implies that they have something in common with their chosen victim, acting as if they have a shared predicament when that isn't really true. Speaking in "we" terms is a mark of this, i.e. "We don't need to talk outside... Let's go in." The goal is to establish a false sense of rapport and make their victim lower their guard.
If someone keeps using collective terms like "we" and "us", implying you are a "team" when you don't know them well/have just met, ask yourself:
Why is it so important to this person that I feel obliged to do something together with them right now, when what I was doing originally didn't involve them (ie, bringing shopping upstairs to my apartment)
How much do I actually know about this person and their intentions for choosing to attach themselves to me in this situation? (ie, are they hoping to get me alone?)
Charm and Niceness
This is being polite and friendly to a chosen victim in order to manipulate him or her by disarming their mistrust.
If someone you don't know well/just met is being charming and nice to you, especially if they are combining this with the Forced Teaming tactic, ask yourself:
Why are they so keen to quickly establish a rapport with me and make me like them?
Are they looking for me to do something for them (ie go somewhere with them, let them into an apartment building they "forgot" their key to, lend them my phone to "make a phone call", give them personal information about myself that could allow them to find out where I live/work later, give them money) now that I am "on the hook" AKA engaged in a friendly conversation with them?
How do I think they would react to me politely trying to disengage/declining to do whatever they've asked of me?
Charm and niceness in predators is superficial; they don't tend to keep up the act once they are told no, and they tend to challenge your boundaries instead of respecting them.
Too many details
If a person is lying, they will add excessive details to make themselves sound more credible to their chosen victim.
A person who's genuinely locked themselves out of their apartment building by accident will most likely just say, "Hey, I just nipped out for something and I forgot my key like an idiot, could you let me into the building please?"
Someone who's focused on selling their lie, however, would probably weave a whole cover story to explain away their actions, like, "Hi, I just moved in here and I was running out to grab some meds for my sick partner but I left my key in my jacket upstairs - I normally always wear that jacket, but now of course it's really warm, so I didn’t grab it, and I guess this is a lesson in not keeping my keys in my jacket pocket, haha. Could you let me in? I don’t wanna have to call my partner to come all the way down to buzz me in, because she's not supposed to be exerting herself while she recovers, so help me out here?"
Ask yourself:
Why did they tell me so much information I didn’t ask for and didn't need to know?
Did the person's behaviour seem suspicious to me before they provided this very detailed cover story?
Why would a credible person feel the need to justify their actions to me and overcompensate to convince me of their credibility before I've even called it into question?
An insult is used to get a chosen victim who would otherwise ignore one to engage in conversation to counteract the insult. For example: "Oh, I bet you're too stuck-up to talk to a guy like me."
The tendency is for the chosen victim to want to prove the insult untrue.
Ask yourself:
Are they insulting me now just because I wouldn't do what they wanted?
Does proving their negative assertion wrong involve me doing what they wanted, in spìte of my own discomfort and gut instinct that told me not to do it in the first place?
Why should I care about this person's opinion of me?
Loan Sharking
Giving unsolicited help to the chosen victim and anticipating they'll feel obliged to extend some reciprocal openness in return.
Ask yourself:
Why is this person offering to help me right now?
Did I actually want or need their help, or have they just swooped in without being asked?
Does accepting their help feel like it comes at a price, or am I going to feel indebted to them for this?
The Unsolicited Promise
A promise to do (or not do) something when no such promise is asked for; this usually means that such a promise will be broken.
The unsolicited promise is a predator's subconscious projection. Ironically, in their effort to lull you into a false sense of security and make you believe that a specific bad thing won't happen to you, they are giving themselves away - because the fact that such a thing has occurred to them before you ever raised concerns about it, indicates that it was on their mind and likely their intention all along.
For example: an unsolicited, "I promise I'll leave you alone after this," usually means you will not be left alone afterwards.
Similarly, an unsolicited "I promise I won't hurt you" usually means the person intends to hurt you.
Ask yourself:
Why did that person feel the need to promise something I never asked about?
Discounting the Word "No"
Any reasonable, respectful person will back off when you tell them no. They might go away thinking you are rude and strange if they don't understand why you're setting a boundary, but they will back off. A predator will not accept rejection.
A predator will push your boundary, test how serious you are, and try to coerce you into changing your answer even after you have given them multiple clear rejections. They may try to charm you, or turn the subject into a debate where they can wear down your resolve. They may turn angry and threatening. They may try to guilt trip you, or use typecasting to make you want to prove them wrong. They may even cycle through more than one of these tactics - whatever they think will work.
Any person who is unwilling to respect boundaries and refuses to take no for an answer, regardless of the situation, is not a safe person for you to be around.
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joyridingmp3 · 10 months
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b-blushes · 1 year
i do try not to be too existential terror and hopelessness on here but sometimes something will just get under my skin 😅
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ellcrys · 11 months
i really am such a longfic bitch lmao help
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mercutihoe · 1 year
Can’t believe that not only do I turn 24 tomorrow but I also graduate with a masters?!?!?!?! And I still visit this stupid website almost daily to post cringe
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1morteveryday · 2 years
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213/365 👣
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buckynats · 1 year
Man, I know I'm terminally Inside (for reasons beyond my control for a number of factors) but it isn't until I wake up at a reasonable time and get to run errands and interact with people and just generally exist in the world at large for a little while that I realize just how incredibly bad current circumstances are for my mental health
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nako-doodles · 2 years
Before I forget, I wanna say thanks to those who send you daily Seom updates. I check on the tag regularly and it brightens my days somehow. And how you end up calling them seomtannies etc is so cute. 😔
*anime sponsor narrator lady voice* the #shirley gets played handseomly tag was kindly brought to you by @marzaid and @proofofyoongi and their stupendously generous donations of real life money, time, and dedicajin - ご覧のスポンサーの提供お送りします<3
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ransomdemands · 2 years
why would u edit out stretchmarks!? they r cool and sexy
You know I always thought they looked kinda bad and odd, but I suppose that is probably just bog standard insecurity. Hmm.
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