#|| don't worry; she'll buy him his own ticket
hedgiwithapen · 9 months
Prompt: Artemis’s planning process for the homicide with malice aforethought of Icicle
(It changed as I was writing it but i hope it scratches the itch)
Artemis finds Rick in the hall before third period. 
"Hey," she says. He nods in acknowledgement and waits for her to say why she's blocking his locker. 
"Why are you blocking my locker?" he asks after a long moment. 
"You know stuff about Chemistry. Your dad was some kind of genius, right?" 
Rick blinks. He wasn't aware Artemis had even thought about the old JSA. 
"I know some," he says. "Not as much as my dad. You should probably ask Cindy."
"No. I can't ask Cindy."
"Why not?"
"Because she'll make this about her. She's not exactly a team player. You are."
Rick rolls his neck. " Right, I'm going to assume that's a compliment. Now, I need my textbook."
"Of course it's a compliment. So. Will you help me?"
"With what?" Rick asks, glancing down the hall. It's busy, but everyone's wrapped up in their own nonsense. 
"I have a lot of my... my dad's stuff. For his pucks. Explosives, compounds, but I need to make sure I've got it right. I need something that'll burn on water."
"Oh," Rick says, with dawning clarity. He takes a deep breath, thinking about what Beth would say. What Courtney would think. He dismisses it. "Yeah. Okay. I'll pick you up after your practice."
"I can walk," Artemis says.
"We can't plan this in the Pitstop," Rick counters.  "I've got space. no one will even notice a few practice explosions."
"Oh, right." Artemis nods. She holds out her hand. Rick shakes it.
"See you then."
It takes some effort to get the compound right. Rick's father's book has some of his notes on chemistry, but mostly how it relate to the Hourglass. Still, they make it work through trial and error. A lot of error. The farm field is littered with tiny craters, but it's not like there are any neighbors to worry about.  They test mixture after mixture on frosted over mornings, until they have something that will work. 
For the first time in two months, Artemis smiles. Rick shovels dirt, the hourglass glowing around his neck. Slowly, the smoke dissipates.
They can't find Icicle alone. 
Rick's the one who asks Beth for help.
She takes a long look at him, and at Artemis, and bites her lip before making a choice. 
"I don't want to know why you need the weather tracked. I don't want you to tell me. Okay?"
"Okay," Rick agrees for them both. 
"And promise me you'll be safe."
Rick nods. "Cross my heart," he says. 
Icicle is in Denmark. Not Norway, which was their first thought, not back in Southern California, not Siberia. Denmark. Half a world away, Jordan Mahkent has no idea that he's going to die, soon. 
Artemis reaches out to Cindy, who doesn't buy plane tickets on her phone on the spot. Instead she texts for a moment, and looks up. "Private plane. Out of Oakville, tomorrow night. Well, out of a field in Oakville. No customs or bag check that way."
"Good, Artemis says, shivering. December's dark comes on fast in Nebraska.
"I could come with you," Cindy offers, uncharacteristically lowkey about it. "For backup." She recognizes the hard look in Artemis's eyes. "He's your kill. I wouldn't step in unless--"
"He's our kill," Artemis says, gesturing to the duffle bag at her feet. "But thanks. It's something I need to do personally."
"Suit yourself," Cindy says. 
Rick drives her. He's got the cover story ready to recite, that she's looking at housing for college. It's a silent drive, punctuated only by concerned intakes of breath when they hit a bump. The chemicals are stable before they're mixed, but the worry still sets in.  His car spits back grit from the gravel road as he slows by the field. A plane waits. 
"Thanks," Artemis says. "For helping me."
"How'd you know I would?" Rick asks the question he's been sleeping on like a lumpy mattress for weeks. "Cindy would have agreed in a heartbeat. How'd you know--"
"Because he killed your parents too," Artemis says, resolutely. "Stargirl'd never get that. Midnite either. But you get it. I knew you would."
Rick nods. The memory of the rage he'd felt for the tree they'd hit, then for Grundy, had sat in his heart, such a steady drip of poison he'd gotten used to it. They hadn't been to blame, but Icicle was. The weight had gotten lighter the closer he and Artemis got to a plan, and now it felt hardly like a burden at all. "You'll get him for them, too?"
"For every orphan he's made," Artemis says, and slams the car door behind her.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
It's time for the end of season 2- The Deep Dive Caper!
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What an absolutely showstopping finale!! I'm so thrilled to liveblog it. This episode gets serious like no other episode really does before or since. Lets get started!
Late, as usual. Buy a lottery ticket the day I do one of these on time. Notes under the cut as always!
right off the bat this episode is pretty much unlike any other. they try to have a caper setup- the vile drive- but it's not long before we realize that EVERYTHING is gone. even in the last finale the sort of "caper" of the episode was rescuing devineaux. this episode is all about answers.
"all on my own. the only sure way i know." hrnnrgh carmen
their boat is being so nice and stationary in the middle of a raging storm and waves taller than they are
rip vile island we hardly knew ye
the cs team is just showing off their background artists 😌
ah would you like some mashed shadowsan with your steak
maelstrom your plan sucked babygirl sorry. should have sic'd brunt on her on the train like a rottweiler
interesting plan though. if shadowsan really had killed dexter, what would carmen have done? beat him up? sent him to acme? just thrown him out? she promises to hunt him down if he runs but like what were you going to do after that? murder for a murder?
malestrom: maybe she'll show up in botswana ✨ carmen who's been out for the count for half a year and has no reason to have even shown up in botswana as early as she did:
the teddy bear <3
in love with cleo's boob straps. that safety harness does not even clip in the front its like if a backpack was securing you to a car
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that explosion animation is so good though its so impactful
its a damn good thing devineaux showed up when he did he could have been blown to the gates of hell in one second flat and no one would have been any the wiser
chase drinks so much disrespect women juice the first two seasons that he blames julia for an impression of her that his own mind dreamed up i love him for that
angry carmen is so babygirl to me. go bestie show emotion. get so mad about that shit
mmm and theres the shot i used for our title card! and what a fantastic one it is. shadowsan's motif playing in the background as carmen pauses at the oni, but the show itself telling us that he is still on her side with that gigantic, massive symbol of him framing carmen in a circle of red. if you pay attention and learn the colors the team likes, you don't even have to worry about this ep its all cool
you know what the dominant color in this entire scene of carmen trying to find out the truth is, though? blue. even when she's in the server room or staring at shadowsan's oni, the water isnt tinted green like they easily could have made it. its. all. blue.
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obsessed with how zack wakes up he's being exorcised and the demon was the peppers and onions
agree it would have been hilarious if devineaux finally gets rescued and it turns out to be a really, really pissed off carmen sandiego
roundabout has the air of a theater kid who always got the leads but had to act surprised about it
evil ihop
i love how confused roundy looks its so funny
devineaux stabbing himself and the scream makes me cry laughing every single time
devineaux really goes ↘️↗️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️
i would watch a series about devineaux being left to fend for himself on the island and slowly losing his mind
his supervisor was so excited about firing him
okay here we go it all gets real now
carmens realization going from my dad was a cop -> my dad was literally the exact opposite of a cop and neither of those things being things she is happy about
i love the realization hitting her face (even if it was animated. a touch blandly)
shadowsan's face s just animated fantastically here. his eyebrows are up- he realizes carmen is there, maybe confused about why she isnt saying anything. then his eyebrows drop, his face falls ever so slightly. he knows the jig is up
also. yes. "your silence is like thunder" is just. ough its such a good line
he isn't even surprised by the question he knew it was coming eventually
"if you run, I will find you." its not a threat its a damn promise. for older viewers its easy to draw the connection between the famous i will find you and i will kill you. it doesnt have to be said.
mm and carmen rejecting the offer to sit and be comfortable around him. she just can't
even in the flashbacks your can see so much of carmen in him its so great. its dishonorable, and everything carmen stands against, but she is undeniably her father's daughter
the plot for this flashback is so sophisticated its so so good. they treat the audience really well about it
also young faculty designs <3
the red on the inside of dexter's jacket to symbolize his secret with carmen im sobbing
also the decision to make carmen have his eyes is. hrngh.
already been pointed out but the way the music softens when shadowsan says "you" HURTS
THAT BABY IS A SNITCH. carmen. snitchdiego
the heartbreak when present carmen speaks again gfgrgh
i like the new mask he hangs behind him before carmen confronts him, by the way. its green and white- the shadow of vile and his past looming over his shoulder, maybe- but also the mask of vile he had to put on to lie about what really happened to wolfe
the dolls rdhg im not crying you are
anyone have any thoughts on a dexter voice claim btw?
also also i sprang this on rueitae already but "dexter" while referring to dexterity and his skill as a thief can also mean "the one who dyes" which. jesus. it refers to dying cloth but the double meaning is ouchie
he locks her in gay baby jail!!!
i gotta stop making jokes about the most serious part of the entire series sorry
there's a little bit of a pink panther hint to his theme as he sneaks out the window which is interesting
rue's also already covered it but what WAS this man's plan for just leaving baby carm in there. like shadowsan says desperation i guess
god young chief shooting and killing an unarmed dexter wolfe and presumably orphaning her is the twist. of a fucking lifetime
the despair in the music cue when it reveals it was only his car keys
the matryoshka dolls getting burned in that fire ahrhgfrdshgsghds
love that shadowsan not only sets the house on fire while he and a baby are still in it but gives said baby an object that just got set on fire
also vile protocol dictating that he should have just burned a baby alive?? what the fuck!
bellum's apathy, mael's mild interest/concern, and cleo's disgust towards baby carm shdfjads
little tiny baby carmen shunting her butt at cleo is hilarious
faculty: omg she's a real natural thief she stole that thing without anyone noticing baby carmen in broad daylight five seconds earlier:
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btw bb carm is so cute she's so round
carmen finally just sliding to the floor under the weight of all of that information. now that she has at least the idea that shadowsan was not the one who murdered her father, even if she still needs proof
"why would you make me find out on my own?" is one of the most heartbreaking lines in here. she had to go through this realization almost completely alone. her trust in the man she was coming to see as a father was shattered and he could have just told her. he could have just told her
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shadowsan crying theyre so family
you can just hear the regret and fear and sadness in his voice paul nakauchi is literally so good
COMMANDER!!!! oh shittt i missed the one and only canon commander caturday rip...
ivy violently hitting the cash register is a mood
the little reveal even in the music as it pans to ivy in the starbucks uniform
chief nailed the good natured but a little exasperated "hmm" when dealing with people who have no idea what they are doing
ivys little look as she sees carmen walk in. the smile drop off her face as she walks away
carmen's theme ahrugdhjdsg the music in this show is so good
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what is her hand doing
oh chief no honey
the deadpan "i wouldnt drink it"
i love the little nod/head bow thing of acknowledgement of carmen's efforts
the sinister music as carmen ever so casually pulls off her little trick is GREAT
i didnt know chief could open doors 🤨
congrats on being gay agent argent you did it again
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player hack chief so bad the logo goes off of the screen
"somethings wrong" yeah no shit julia
chiefs oh shit face is so funny shes like aohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo
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little guy
im so mature
we love digging up graves
that dawning apprehension on carm's face as she realizes there's a chance she might be about to see the decayed corpse of her twenty-years-dead mom in there
carlotta being modelled after old carmen was a cool choice. lots of fan theories about old carm being her mom this day 🫡
"are you with me?" "to the end of the line." grgfhgjhsdhjsgds im shaking them violently in my teeth if i ever got a cs quote tattoo or something it would probably be that line
the only thing i dislike about this cliffhanger is that in s3 they kind of try to deliver on this big wide promise that this finale gave us and then give up until the last episode of the entire series. like. isk. i feel like they should have either gone harder on the carlotta mystery or left it alone although they did leave me the opportunity to write a 66 thousand word fic series on the concept so i guess i cant complain
half clean shaven half very unshaved chase is so funny its cursed. he shouldnt have no hair but he shouldnt have that much worst of both worlds
devineaux's theme mixing in with that iconic action/danger soundtrack as he grins devilishly is just fantastic shit
chief waiting for a response as chase just silently smirks into the mirror
anyway GOODNESS GRACIOUS i cannot believe we're already through season 2????? what???? tis the end of my favorite season :( but s3/4 are nothing to sneeze at, either!! im super excited to get into more. (plus tsonts? are we doing that?)
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cromwellharvests · 2 years
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@reigningsniper​ said:
"in my defense, they didn't have a smaller teddy bear in stock. hope you have some space in your bedroom" // not riza being EXTRA.
she’s struggling to hold the plush as Riza explains— not, of course, for it’s weight, but because the thing is as tall as her and wider by half at every point. it is, truly, the largest stuffed anything she’s ever seen... and the mental image of Ri, with her generally serious expression and driving prowess, crossing the city with him crammed in the passenger seat? truly tremendous.
“well, I do have that reading chair in th’ corner I don’t use terribly often. assumin’ he’ll fit,” she muses, finally managing to find a good angle where her head could poke past one of the teddy’s shoulders, beaming with laughter as she does.
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“—he’s perfect. I absolutely love it.”
from the cinnamon color of his little curly-q ‘fur’ down to the big pink bowtie on his neck. in fact, she had a dress which tied to a very similar ribbon in the back... she’d have to dress up to match him, sometime.
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locitapurplepink · 2 years
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Here comes another new chapter, happy reading
Chapter 7
Hunter and Wrecker had a conversation after they done with science lesson "There's a new arcade building will open this friday. We can get 30 % discount of a hour tickets for 100 first customers." Wrecker told the news.
He sighed "I wish I could but I have to pick Omega and a shift that day."
Wrecker wasn't pleased "Ah, come on, man. You will miss the fun."
"I've been missing fun for many times and it doesn't bother me." Hunter responded.
"Oh yeah, what about your girlfriend ? Isn't she dissapointed when you have a thousand things to do ?" Wrecker asked.
"We've been discussed and she's okay with that. Plus, she really love to see my little sister. " Hunter responded.
"Well, I can't resist about that last one. I love seeing Omega."
Then Tasya came to Hunter "Hunter, can you take me to the gift shop after school ? I wanna find nice things for my cousin. She'll come this week."
Hunter sighed "Sorry Tasya, I have to pick Omega up and do my shift. Maybe next time, okay ?" "Okay. I'll ask Lydia then." She left the boys alone.
"So that's what you always do everyday ? Having a non-stop shift and ruining your teen life ?" Wrecker complained.
Hunter shook his head "Listen man, you know I have nobody in my own family except Omega. It's all up to me to make ends meet, it's all up to me to take care of her. You better respect my life."
He closed the door locker and left Wrecker alone as Wrecker sighed.
Hunter parked his motorcycle to pick Omega from her junior high school and soon after that, she showed up heading up to him immediately.
"Hey kid, how was your school ?" He asked as passed a helmet to her.
She responded "It was okay."
"Any homework ?"
"Just an English one."
"You can do your homework while I'm doing my shift." He said.
Before they left, there was a boy around her age rushing to them "Omega !" "Hi Liam ! What's up ?" "Here's your invitation for my birthday at Friday 5 p. m. Don't forget."
"Can I, Hunter ?" Omega begged. "Alright, I'll make sure she'll be there." Hunter replied. "Awesome ! Thank you Hunter. See you at school." Omega waved at him "Bye Liam !"
Hunter tapped on her shoulder "Come on, kid."
Hunter just finished cleaning all the tables at the cafe. He then noticed Omega read an invitation.
"So where's the party will be held ?" "It says at the brand new arcade will open this Friday." Hunter was surprised as he read the card "I'll get a free hour since Liam's parents buy us."
An arcade that Wrecker talked about this afternoon "That's really good. How many kids will be there ?" "About 20 including me. If you want to, I can ask Liam to... "
Hunter shook his head "No, I'm good."
"Wrecker !" Omega rushed to see his brother's friend came over the cafe. Wrecker lifted her up "Hey kid ! How are you ?" "I'm good."
"Good to hear it and here are your new clothes. These are just for you." He gave Omega some shopping bags. "Thank you Wrecker ! I'm gonna try on."
"Anytime kid !" He responded.
While waiting Omega try her new clothes, Hunter asked him "What are you doing here ?" Wrecker sighed "Look man, I just wanna say sorry. I didn't mean to be pushy, it's just, I'm worry 'bout you. Worrying that you will sacrifice everything you have to be survive and I'm just wanna see you have fun and happy."
Hunter then sighed "I forgive you, buddy and I'm actually would to come..." Wrecker was surprised "One of Omega's classmates will celebrate his birthday at the arcade you talked about this friday and I could hang out with you while waiting for her."
"Uuh, she will come to her crush's birthday." Wrecker teased as Hunter shook his head "Wrecker, she's just 13..." "Which means she's already a teenager. She will fall in love, having a boyfriend..."
Their converation was cut by Omega showing her new clothes "What are you guys think ?" Omega worn a matcha green shirt and navy blue jeans. Hunter smirked "You look great, kid."
While doing their wrote math material, Audrey was busy taking selfie which Mrs. Yarrow noticed "Audrey, no selfie during my class. Please write your material." Audrey groaned "Fine."
But soon after that, Hunter's phone rang which Audrey was bothered. He raised his hand "Mrs. Yarrow, can I take this outside please ?"
Mrs. Yarrow nodded "Sure, Hunter." Audrey was shocked as Hunter saying thank you and left the class. Audrey complained "Why you let him play his phone ?"
Mrs. Yarrow made a serious face "Because I trust that he's taking responbility than you think."
After that, Hunter back to class "Mrs. Yarrow, can I leave this class now ? I have a family emergency."
"Is your sister alright ?" Echo asked curious.
"I hope so. Her school is on fire and I have to go there." Hunter said.
The others were shocked as Mrs. Yarrow spoke "I'm so sorry to hear that, Hunter. You allow to leave now." Hunter nodded "Thank you Mrs. Yarrow. " He tidied his table, took his bag and left the class again.
Chapter 7 is up. Hope you guys like this one.
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙞 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞 ?
─꒱ in which we peak into how jujutsu kaisen characters handle their child on a daily basis。
─꒱ feat. gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara & itadori yuji
─꒱ warnings ; none
─꒱ notes ; suddenly i’m having jjk as parents brain rot after a night of reading megumi smut
꒰꒰ he’s a great dad trust me, spoils his child like no one’s business. you want the entire set of the haikyuu manga and crunchyroll premium? give him five minutes to purchase them. want front row tickets to see nct in korea? yeah, he’ll get it for them and thats plane tickets on first class
꒰꒰ but don’t get me wrong,,, he’s a doting father but sometimes it might be just too much.
꒰꒰ for starters, mans gotta know where their kid's heading on a daily basis. gotta shot him a text that heading to shibuya with your friends or taking a flight to okinawa or hokkaido. he just wants them to be safe !!
꒰꒰ expect him to text his kid almost every time he’s out buying anything. he’d be all the way in osaka, they're in class they will randomly get a text from him if they want uncle rikuro cheese cake or kuidaore taro pudding.
꒰꒰ not to mention !!! he will text you it’s an emergency and they have to call him, a matter of life or death situation. knowing he’s a shaman, he could die but there’s like a percentage of a chance that could happen, it's percentage rivals how fast he can activate his expansion domain. which isn’t much. but when they pick up the phone, he’s just gonna ask the. which top would look better or say there’s a hot deal for these sweets across the street and if they wanna go
꒰꒰ his favourite thing to do it probably embarrass his kid in front of their friends. maybe. yeah. baby pictures and all
꒰꒰ if he has a daughter his father radar is SO high. a boy gives even a glance her way, he will probably threathen them. spoils her with so much it even HURTS to look at his bank account but he's rich so ;;; takes her out shopping and half his camera roll is photos of her or selfies of them
꒰꒰ if it's a guy, he will cheer him on every time a girl confesses his love for his son. probably even gives him condoms and tips but you didn't hear that from me. with no doubt gloat to his students how amazing and manly his son is, takes him out on missions when he wants and goes sweet store hopping with him
꒰꒰ if his child returns home crying for whatever reason, a boy broke her heart or someone beat their kid up for doing the right thing;; bitch gojo is gon beat the shit outta them no cap
꒰꒰ he's the dad every teacher flirts with at parent teacher conferences, and the dad every girl in the friend with has a crush on
꒰꒰ amazaing dad, but probably should work more on the expressing it to his kid area
꒰꒰ he won't spoil them rotten like gojo, but if he sees its something that they truly want and sees that it's of use or valuable, he will get it for them because he wants to see his kid smile
꒰꒰ he's not big on affection, probably a hug time to time and an appreciation pat on the head. if his kid falls he would just crouch down and ask if they need a hand, or is their baby girl starts crying he'll pick her up into his arms and pat his head
꒰꒰ if he has a daughter he would be reluctant to go shopping with her, but he does like the fact that his kid is smiling and showing him her outfits. he better have a say as well if there's an attire that shows to much skin, he just wants the best for his girl. if a boy looks her way with a look, he will emit an aura enough for the boy to piss his pants
꒰꒰ if his kid is a boy, you bet hes gonna teach his son to beat up half the delinquents up the area too ‼ he has so much trust in his son, they would spar sometimes and he would take him on to missions. he sucks at giving advice, probably around the words of 'just be yourself?' he won't show it but he's cheering for you
꒰꒰ he's a chill dad, if their kid ever forgets anything at home and he's off to drop it off at school, he would be a bit reluctant cuz why did they forget it to begun with, but he's gonna do it anyways <3 the one parent that everyone calls pretty
꒰꒰ he'll text his kid basic and short messages, a how's your day or do you want anything from here kinda texts when he's out on missions. he wants to be sure that you're given enough space to be yourself within his reach
꒰꒰ fushiguro screams like the type of dad that would have a family photo in his wallet. i just find that cute and UGGH yes <3
꒰꒰ if his kid comes home crying, he's going to immediately comfort them. bad test or shitty day, he's gonna be slightly awkward but he'll take them out for their favourite food or arcade
꒰꒰ he's also the typa dad that will check up on you before he goes to bed or when he comes back from a mission, when you're all asleep just to make sure you're safe
꒰꒰ listen,,, listen, kugisaki is a bad bitch mother and it radiates that energy
꒰꒰ if she has a kid, she's gonna raise them to be the baddest bitch in all of tokyo, in all of japan if all i care. she gives her kids credit for even trying to beat gojo up, but if they can't she's still gonna be happy if they tell her they kicked a guy's kneecaps in for taking their lunch money
꒰꒰ a little reckless, her parenting methods are a bit questionable but like its kugisaki here, she does whatever the hell she wants. her kid falls to the ground? don't cry pussy, get up you're better than this
꒰꒰ kugisaki's that mother who probably buys take out food every friday, or takes her kids out to a mf buffet only to tell them to pay for her because she gave birth to their ungrateful asses
꒰꒰ she's the most chill mother out there, all her kids' friends probably want to be adopted by her because she's fun and knows how to kick ass
꒰꒰ if she has a daughter, definitely wants them to be famous instead of a shaman. she wants to see her kid rocking those magazines or fuckin it up in movies or j-dramas, so she got rights to stroll through the red carpet as the most beautiful mother
꒰꒰ if she has a son, definitely will end up making him into a loyal, bad boy who knows how to drink his respect women juice on a daily basis. the son who also get absolutely wrecked by his own mother in smash bros. doesn't matter how old kugisaki is, she would still be able to beat her son even if he's a first grade shaman
꒰꒰ if her kids come home crying, i bet you she'll only scold them. she'll ask why the hell you crying over this guy/girl, they're way low of the standards and are not even it. she would convince them that they're so much better (?) to make them feel good about themselves. and then she'll probably head lock the kid to crush on a better person
꒰꒰ she's the type of mother who wouldn't sit down to talk to her kid often, sometimes she also socks at communicate like fushiguro but at least she knows it. she would be the type that would comfort her kid by bring food ( typical asian parent shit tsk iykyk )
꒰꒰ she's also that type of mother when they tell her that someone makes fun of something to the point that their kid is broken by it, she will get out that car and pick at fight with the kids, and then wipe their ass on the floor, and the mop the deck with their parents
꒰꒰ this man is the personification of a fun, chill and laid-back father
꒰꒰ he would be the dad that would wake their kid up in the morning so they're not late, pack their food or bring food to their school if they forgot to bring any
꒰꒰ he doesn't really spoil his kid, but you bet he'll take them to fun places like arcades, escape rooms and even go street food binging. definitely would have a movie marathon too
꒰꒰ if he's back from a mission early and near the school his kid goes too, you bet he's going to catch them by the end of school just to walk home with them and take about his mission
꒰꒰ he's the kind of dad that wouldn't mind if they're swearing around the house, but they gotta watch their mouth still, he doesn't want them to be as bad as sailor nor does he want them picking up nasty habits
꒰꒰ if his kid is a girl, he will give her space and room for anything, be it needing some time alone after a bad test or constantly wanting to go out with her friends to get her mind off things that he might not be able to fix. he doesn't mind going shopping, definitely would give an opinion to any outfits with a thumbs up. takes pictures with his daughter on any shenanigans they do together and send them to his group chat with kugisaki and fushiguro
꒰꒰ having a boy, he would want to play sports with them and go on missions. sometimes they would go to the arcade to try the punching game to see who has the highest and then bet the lower pays for food after. he likes giving advice, even though it won't be helpful or will be, he's gonna say it either in hopes that it'll be brought up in their head in any moment they're in
꒰꒰ he's the type of dad that has a selfie of him and his kid as a lockscreen i jUST KNOW IT
꒰꒰ if his kid comes home crying he will be so worried. like whats wrong, what happened, who hurt you, does he have to punch someone?! he's going to pull them into his arms and take them out for food, maybe even a walk. he's they type to want to cheer them up no matter the situation, and probably when they're all good and dandy, he will personally talk to solve the root of the problem behind their back
꒰꒰ when there's something to be settled, i bet you that they settle it with a game of rock-paper-scissors out five ‼‼
─── ➴ SUKUNA ( BONUS )
꒰꒰ what makes you think this man wanted a child, if he did have one ; probably either got it killed during the heian era or he killed it for his superiority complex </3
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© MGUQIIS 、 2020
225 notes · View notes
In My Mind (Part 3)
Only warning is mild language. I'm not sure how many more parts will come. Maybe 3. Maybe 6. We'll see.
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"How do we find someone without a face, a name, or an idea where they went. It's been two days she could be anywhere. It's like chasing a ghost." "We don't." You eye him carefully and he clarifies, "She found you before. If she has something to say, she'll find you again." Erik didn't seem the type to let something like this hang unattended so why would he move on from this so easily? Maybe there really was nothing else you could do to find her.
"Assuming she was real," he adds, "We need to consider illogical options since this is an illogical situation." You continue to stare at him. He was calm and handling all the 'weirdness' gracefully. "If you're okay, I'm okay," you say and you get a text. It's from Lia. You have a braiding appointment and your last customer is there waiting. You'd forgotten all about her. "Shit! I gotta go back to the salon. I forgot I had one more client." He slips his shoes back on and downs the rest of the water in his glass. You walk out to the living room leaving him behind and as you open the front door you hear him move fast to the kitchen putting the glass in your kitchen sink and he jets ahead of you pulling you by your hand down the staircase and down to the ground floor where you exit. He doesn't free your hand once you emerge. "Uh uh, what you coming with me for?" He pulls you to his car and closes you in, clicking your seatbelt. "You gone keep that lady waiting," he chides stopping your protests. He drops behind the wheel and speeds off shortening the already short trip back to the salon. The second the car goes into park, you leap out unsteadily and he follows as you burst through the salon door. "I'm late, I'm so sorry. I'll dock $10 from your total." You look up and instantly drop the keys in your hand on the floor. "It's you," you gape and the woman smiles in response to your surprise. You turn to Erik and he's gone. Everyone else is gone. It's just you and this mysterious lady in the empty shop that's gone dead silent.
"Nia," her warm voice echoes and you feel peace and calm radiating from her form. Her eyes are tender and full of kindness. "Nia, I have been sent by your God to guide you. You have been graced with a great gift to assist with your great purpose, and now you must demonstrate your capability." God sent? Is she an angel? You notice her shadow looks nothing like her, it has six arms and large wings. "Help N'jadaka. Help him find peace. Do this and then your purpose will be revealed." "N'jadaka? Oh, Erik. But how? What do I do?" "How'd you know that name?" You turn around and it's Erik looking at you like you've lost your mind. When you turn back the woman is gone. You grab his forearms. "Tell me you saw her." He squints and shakes his head. "I saw you drop your keys and freeze, then you said my name. What she say?" From the corner of your eye Glenda is staring at you this time blatantly. "I'm fine, just dropped my keys. Clumsy, you know," you offer with a matching clumsy shrug and she doesn't seem to buy it. "I thought you were going home. What you doing back?" The second part of that seemed to be aimed at Erik. She doesn't trust him, it's clear. You look at Lia and she's shaking her head. "I already cornrowed your client, remember? You done for the day. Go home. Get some sleep, you definitely need it." She turns her attention to Erik, "Iunno who YOU are and why y'all so close all of a sudden, but make sure she gets some sleep."
"They think I'm fuckin crazy," you groan from the passenger seat. You're holding on tightly to your seat as the car moves aggressively. Erik had taken it upon himself to drive while you told him about your encounter with the mysterious woman. He passed your apartment complex giving you more time to talk while he rode around. He didn't want you to leave a thing out.
"So you supposed to be my psychologist.. Help me find myself and shit," he mumbles and you're also not sold. It sounds ridiculous. "I don't know, but apparently you need peace because you don't have it. So let's just work on that." The car turns onto a highway and you watch the signs before turning to look at Erik's face. He's just chillin on the surface.
"You're taking me somewhere aren't you." "Yep." "Where?" "What that sign say?" You look at the upcoming sign that says EXIT and has a bunch of fast food and restaurant logos. Thank God, because you could eat a cow. He pulls into a restaurant called Bear's Den. It's a black owned restaurant, you think. When you enter, a lot of the staff is black and the menu is so country. It's comforting. Erik orders lemon pepper chicken with a salad and fruit cup. You order chicken and dumplings with a pineapple casserole, something you'd never had before. You let Erik try the casserole, but he wasn't feeling it like you were. You mostly ate in comfortable silence with minimal verbal conversation. However, nonverbals were high as you exchanged meaningful glances and facial expressions. He was trying to read you and you were trying to understand him. He requested the check and rejected your money when you offered to pay for yourself, which was perfectly fine by you. You'd eaten your fill for free. "Go to the bathroom before we leave to go back. You drank a lot," he says and you raise your brow. "I'm appreciative that you bought me dinner, but that's a little too personal for you to be worrying about." "And my dreams and my life ain't personal?" He shoots back. "I didn't invade your mind on purpose though." He nods in the direction of the restroom and you roll your eyes. Raising from your seat you walk to the rustic multi-stall restroom and actually empty your bladder. Maybe it was good that you went. When you resurface, he's not in the restaurant and you walk out to find him in the car. Buckling yourself in, you brace yourself for his crazy driving and somehow, you still aren't prepared. Then you notice that this is not... the direction of your apartment. "Where we going now?" The car moves aggressively and quickly further away from home and he takes his sweet time responding, apparently in no rush.
Airport.. Airport?
"The fuck? You leaving so soon?" He couldn't leave! You still hadn't figured anything out. "You're coming with me." "The hell I am." "You gone help me or not?" His volume is rising. He's serious. "How long? I need to talk to cancel my appointments." "Indefinitely, for now." "FUCK.. this..," you trail off angrily tapping at your phone screen. How selfish of him to expect you to uproot your life, possibly lose your client base, and follow him to tend to his mental health issues. You said you would help him, but you meant on your terms, not his. "Do you understand that I have bills, shop fees, clients, and in short.. a life outside of this? Do you not care?" His shoulders roll and and he takes the exit to the airport. "I got you. Don't worry about it." He's so cryptic. 'Don't worry about it,' right.. You go through your Styleseat and cancel everything, silently fuming. He'd better 'have you' or there'd be hell to pay. Trained killer be damned.
"So you're just gonna leave your car?" "It was a rental," he chuckles. "When did you buy me a plane ticket?" He ignores you, but this ticket says you're going to Oakland, California. You'd never been to the west coast, but now you're placing his accent. He drags you past security and you have no luggage, but they wand you briefly. You have to take your shoes off too. Then you board and he gives you the window seat, which you're grateful for.
The fluffy cotton clouds are so full, they look like you could jump onto them, wrap yourself up and sleep. But the sky is darkening rapidly so the sights are getting increasingly tougher to see, clouds included.
"While you're playing shrink with my PTSD, I want to test this ability of yours some more." That doesn't sound promising. You face him and that familiar feeling of trouble washes over you. He plans on using you for personal gain, IF he can get a handle on how your newfound ability works. It's disheartening, but you hold the cards. "Erik, I told you everything I knew about the situation. This isn't something you can manipulate to work how you want." His small dark eyes narrow and shoot darts through yours. You don't waver. You can see his complicated mind scheming behind those eyes, but then they soften. "Lotta people sleep on this plane. Try to get in someone's head. If you can't, it's okay but just try." He's not going to leave you alone about this. You close your eyes and draw a deep breath in, releasing a long breath through your nose. You relax yourself in your seat and rest your head against the window. You push all thoughts away, trying to make things as silent as possible and then you focus. You're searching for a vibration, a visual, a feeling. Everything goes black and then it suspends.
Black. Black. Black. A sunny field of white lillies. "Nia, wake up we here." Your head snaps up and you open your eyes willing them to focus. You watch Erik put away earbuds and pocket his phone. People are standing in the aisle with luggage waiting to exit and you jump up. "Erik, you didn't sleep did you?" "Nah, but you did for three and a half hours." Your eyes search for who it could've been, but there's no way to tell. No one's wearing lilly printed clothing afterall. But then an elderly white man stands in the row behind you and Erik and it looks like he could've been sleep. "I saw something" you tap Erik as it's your turn to exit the plane, and he follows your eyes to the old man. Awe lights his face but then a dark glee darkens it. He pulls you behind him off the plane by your wrist and you wait behind him until the old man appears. "Ask him what he dreamed about," he whispers hurriedly in your ear. "You ask him!" "If I ask him he gone see nigga and have a heart attack. You ask him."
Rolling your eyes, you fix a faux sweet look on your face and jog lightly up to the old man, gently grabbing his attention. "Excuse me sir, this is an odd question, I know, but.. did you happen to dream of a sunny field of white lillies?" Your eyes plead your silent apology and his look baffled. He shakes his head subtly and doesn't respond, but his surprise tells you that's exactly what he dreamed of. His pink finger points at you. "How did you know? Are you a magician?" She shake your head and walk away rejoining Erik. You grab his arm leading him past the old man who is still staring at you in confusion. "He dreamt of lillies. I saw it. It was him," you whisper. The corner of Erik's mouth lifts and his eyes shine, but he says nothing else. "I know what you're planning," you whisper still clutching his arm because he hadn't pushed you off. "Do you," he toys. "I don't know the specifics, but I can tell you I'm not helping you profit off of me." "What if I just want you to profit? You don't like money?" "This is a gift from God. I won't abuse It! You're gonna heal and find peace and then I'm a figure out some deeper purpose. Stick to the plan.. N'jadaka." That name earned a light humored jolt out of him. He likes that name. "Is that a chosen or a given name?" "Given." You watch his face for more information knowing he can feel your stare, but putting two and two together you think it goes back to his parents. "I'll tell you more when we get to my place. You'll see it all anyway."
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Opening Up
Clare: had read stories about the Japanese mafia claiming to be humanitarian groups that keep order in Japan. “I’m sure most of it is made up. But the mob knows how to fake running legitimate enterprises. They have office buildings, business cards, the whole works. It would be easy to get in over your head! Now I want to borrow a manga about that.” She laughed. “I guess that means boys aren’t allowed to take home ec at all? According to the paperwork Simpson handed out, it’s compulsory for girls.” She already had a feeling sexism and gender roles would need to be the topic of one of her articles. “How embarrassing. Don’t worry, I won’t take it personally and make Nastsumi feel worse.” Clare smiled at the thought of being ‘average’. “In that case, I’ll wait for Japan to buy new pants so they’ll be the right length for once.” She nodded. “I’m in no hurry and I can come back if you want me to since Emi has plans.” Clare offered. They were only going to spend a couple of hours at the mall. She kissed him again and again with more passion even though she wasn’t trying to change his mind. Soon as he stopped, Clare let go of him and blushed. “I wasn’t offering to buy lingerie. Just satin cami and shorts sets.” She expected him to sneak into her room for cuddles and making out. Nothing more. Clare smirked at Kota as she got into his car. “Why would I freak out? I didn’t even know who Yohio was. Still don’t really…” She trailed off uncertainly. Clare could’ve found out anything she wanted to know about him online but she didn’t feel comfortable violating his privacy. “Can’t be a model. A designer? Maybe an actress...West Drive’s studio isn’t far from here.” She guessed. Clare knew Murder Bunny was popular locally and in Japan, but she had no idea anyone famous would make a special trip to pick up dresses from Kota. When he helped her out and mentioned it again, she giggled. “I’m not going to embarrass you.” She still wasn’t taking his ‘warning’ seriously. So Clare had to bit down on her lip to suppress a scream when she saw who was waiting for him. She saw a picture on Instagram yesterday of Melanie Martinez’s latest split-dyed hair color, blue on the right side of her head and black on the left. The girl hugging Kota looked identical to the singer, she had the nose ring, tattoos, dark lipstick everything. Clare stared at the older girl as much as she could without breaking her promise. It couldn’t really be THE Melanie Martinez? Kota never let on he was on a first name basis with a big star. Not a single hint all the times they’d listened to her music. What if she’d said not today when he suggested giving her tour?! Clare knew what an endorsement from Melanie meant for MB and she didn’t want to act like a crazy fan so she only smiled at Melanie when he introduced them. “Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I relate to your songs so much, and I love the fairy tale elements like the big bad wolf being a metaphor for something much darker.”
Kota: looked at Clare when she mentioned the manga. "I can see if I can find some for you. I mainly read manga on an app called Manga Meow and most of them were recommended to me. Others just seemed interesting. Just watch what you ready because some are more twisted than others. I do read some dark and twisted ones, but there have been some that were too dark for me to read." he explained and looked at her. "No, but that's mainly our fault. We were invited to join in home ec when the calligraphy teacher was absent, but it didn't go too well. Tanakashi-san ate most of the batter Nakashimi was working on, some boys left in the middle saying it was boring. A few of the boys just slept allowing the girls to make the cookies from them and in the middle of the class Kodomo-san's oven caught fire so we were kicked out for our own good and we're not allowed. I wasn't able to go to the class since the teacher didn't know English and I didn't know Japanese at the time." he chuckled and smiled at her. "Thank you. Tanakashi-san accidentally sets off her anxiety, but at the same time he's helping her with it. They're dating and since they've started dating, she no longer locks herself in lockers and has become more outspoken." he assured. "But there are still some things she's afraid to say. She'll keep it in till the very end, yell it out, then bow as an apology for being loud." he laughed a bit and squeezed her hand when she mentioned buying pants in Japan. "The girls don't wear pants in Japan like ever. There are pants in some styles such as Visual Kei for girls." he laughed. "Sorry I imagined you in the pants and dressed in the Visual Kei style. Visual Kei style is their version of Goth only more dramatic in some aspects or like our Punk rock clothing. All black with chains and bondage belts on the pants, but not too many girls wear the pants even dressed in Visual Kei, they prefer skirts. Other than that your only option is skirts. In the winter girls wear cotton leggings with fleece on the inside." he explained. "I mean I did do an online poll to see how many girls would wear pants in Japan and only like 3 said they would out of millions of girls that took the poll so I'm not making MB pants for girls in Japan, but in some comments they said only Yankee's would wear pants. Yankee is an insult to a Japanese woman, but they'd call you a Yankee because you are, it's basically a term for people who live on this side of the country." he explained and smiled as she spoke. "Ok good because I plan on sneaking in your room once Emi goes to sleep. Also no one knows I'm a virgin in Japan, it's kind of like here. If people found out I'm a virgin I'd have girls offer to sleep with me and guys try to help get me laid. Not too many guys are virgins in Japan after 14 and if you are it's considered an anomaly." he explained. "Girls are the same in some aspects. Most girls lose their virginity at 15 and those that don't lie about it most of the time." he shrugged. "Girls and guys are on a similar level in that aspect." he added. When Clare spoke to Melanie, Kota suppressed a laugh and turned his head to the side away from Clare for a moment. "I'm happy to hear that, Kota did tell me you're a fan." she said and shook Clare's hand before moving beside Kota as they started walking. "So I made the dress with the shoes in mind." he said as she took the shoe box out of the bag and handed him the bag, then the lid holding the shoes in hand. "I love them." she smiled and hugged him again before walking again. "I figured you might." he chuckled. "Did you get a call from Johnny Depp yet?" Mel asked looking up at him. "Why would I get a call from Johnny Depp?" he asked curiously. "Because Johnny Depp was on Jimmy Falon and Jimmy asked for his most memorable fan experience. He told the story of how he met you and your cousin in the UK and how he lectured you both on the plane and called your parents." Melanie laughed. "Mel, that's not funny. To this day I'm still forbidden to get a debit card and I have to show my mom the inside of my wallet when I get home to prove I don't have an obscene amount of cash and it's the same with my brothers now. They kind of hate both of us for it." he explained. "Or they could be mad you came up with the idea first. Besides how does a child obtain enough money to afford two tickets to the UK, a nice hotel room, and food for the two weeks you were there?" she asked. "I cleaned out my bank account. And we would've stayed longer if Johnny didn't ask us about our parents. They didn't even realize we were missing either. Genre was staying at a friend's house and my twin was pretending to be me every now and then." he explained. "Well, he knows your full name since Jimmy saw the picture and said 'Oh that's Dakota Anderson he's the head of Murder Bunny.' and showed off a pair of MB socks he was wearing on his show saying how much he loves them. He also told everyone how he owns an MB jacket too. He has the black varsity one." she explained. "I should get my assistant to find his number and call him asking if he wants me to personalize it for him." he muttered. "Do it! He'll freak out you so need to do it while I'm here and on speaker phone." she exclaimed as they got to his office. "Later?" he asked. "Ok, do you want to go bowling after?" she asked. "I wouldn't mind, but Clare's going to the mall with her friend at some point today." he explained as he got her dresses. "You didn't tell me this on the phone." she said. "You asked if I'm free." he trailed. "Can Kota and I pick you up from the mall then?" Mel asked looking at Clare.
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