#{ since halloween is over... }
starboysbrainrot · 8 months
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“why are we still friends ?”
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 7 months
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Happy Halloween ;)
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Aging rockstar Eddie Munson who goes viral on tiktok after dueting a fancam of him and Stevie that is backed by the bi wife energy audio.
It's shaky, clearly a spur of the moment response, Eddie is obviously captivated for a second by a clip of Stevie that starts to play. He sighs and directs his attention back to the audience. "I love my beautiful wife, the sun to my moon, the light of my life."
You can just make out another voice from somewhere in the background call out, "Love you too!"
"But I did not survive being an openly gay teenager in the 1980s in rural Indiana to be called a heterosexual!" 
He zooms in closer to his face, it's unclear whether this was intentional, "I did not go through a sexuality crisis in the early 90s when she transitioned, to be called a heterosexual."
Stevie comes out from somewhere behind where Eddie is ranting to drape herself around his shoulders, "Oh that's a good picture of us." The original video is a step above thirst trap and the picture in question is a pap shot of Stevie and Eddie from a long past Halloween. Stevie is in the famous Farrah onepiece and Eddie is in first husband Lee Majors' Six Million Dollar Man red tracksuit.
"You just like it cause we actually ran into Farrah and she liked your hair."
"It was also-"
She isn't dislodged as Eddie fails, well practiced at staying on her perch. "I didn't cancel the back half of our 1995 tour because of morning sickness to get called a HETEROSEXUAL!"
Stevie's smile is indulgent and soft, it wrinkles the corners of her eyes in soft crows feet that betray her age. "You can be trans and straight."
"A fucking ally then!"
She's got a sage Mona Lisa smile as the video ticks to a close, "I love my husband, and he's actually bi."
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the1weird1pencil · 7 months
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I was pretty frustrated at work today and I wanted to doodle something to calm myself down.
This was the result.
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forecast0ctopus · 1 month
which characters do you want to draw more of?
yknow i feel like this is probably more pointed towards star trek. which there ARE a lot of trek characters id like to draw more of. but you just opened a whole can of worms man theres so much stuff i love that i havent really done much fanart for..... i want to do scooby-doo fanart soooo bad but i never get past the sketch phase....i havent drawn hardly any paranatural in ten years... woould love to draw more my babysitter's a vampire fanart its been so long since ive drawn those guys....... ive wanted to do jaane tu ya jaane na redraws for the longest time... okay i wont go on any longer ill stick anythin g else. in the tags lmao
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theroundbartable · 7 months
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Concept: (Post magic reveal) Camelot is preparing for their Halloween feast, when an assassin attacks Arthur. Merlin steps between them to save Arthur and gets hit instead. His magic takes the danger from the spell. Arthur didn't notice and thinks that Merlin failed to magic himself a costume.
Merlin spends the rest of halloween trying to alert Arthur of the danger.
Speech bubbles: 1. "Morgana having fun" top left corner. She's carving a pumpkin
2. Speech bubble Arthur: Shut up, Merlin. People who get themselves cursed don't get to complain. Is this what Gaius has to deal with every day?
3. Bottom left corner. The face of the assassin.
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gay-little-axolotl · 10 months
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mzannthropy · 1 month
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phoenixtakaramono · 8 months
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The prologue is here on AO3!
Wordcount: 33K | 71pgs
(The Elevator Pitch of this QT)
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irradiatedsnakes · 7 months
yknow besides a higher-stakes-but-still-very-silly plot always being a lot of fun, night of the living pharmacists has some of the tightest writing + jokes + animation of the whole show. it's an unbearably good episode
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hersweetrevenge · 4 months
Hi there! <3 I re-watched Halloween Ends yesterday because I was upset and I needed Corey to save me, lmfao, and I wanted to ask you something that I've been wondering about. So, I have no way of getting the novelisation of the movie anytime soon, and you're kinda my only frame of reference for it; so I hope you don't mind me asking you this. When Corey is on his revenge killing spree, he kills those bullies at the mechanic shop. And Ronald is there. And then Ronald comes out to help the kids because of Terry. And only because of that. So, that makes me wonder... Did Corey plan on killing Ronald after he was done with the kids? Is that something that was elaborated on in the novel? Because I keep wondering about that, since Corey pretty much killed everyone that ever wronged him during that night, and Ronald was right there; but Corey didn't kill him (or didn't get the chance to, at least). Terry shot him by accident. But Corey killed his mom, of course. So, it'd make sense if he had at least planned on going after Ronald as well; even though he never actively wronged Corey (only passively, if we look at the way he just sat and watched while Joan abused Corey right in front of him, for example). But more so for completion's sake, y'know? They were on generally good terms, after all. I mean, in your latest post about the novel, you quoted that Ronald is "the loveliest thing" in Corey's life, according to Rohan. So, that makes me wonder all the more. OH, and... I fought with myself to include this point, but anyway- Corey takes the mask off when Ronald comes to help the kids, so that Ronald can see his face and know it's him. And it clearly disarms Ronald immediately and is the reason why Terry accidentally shot him instead of Corey, because he shielded him instinctively. Thus, I keep wondering if Corey meant for that to happen or if he took the mask off in order to assure Ronald that he wasn't actually in danger... It's such a seemingly insignificant thing that I'm thinking about far too much, but it's been bothering me that I don't know, and I was curious if the novel said anything about that at all, or if they just brushed over it there, as well. If they did, I'll just make up my own mind, of course, hdsfdjkfsk Anyway, I'm very sorry for rambling on about this, gosh! I love your blog(s) and everything you have to say about Corey and Rohan, you're awesome!!! Thank you for your detailed posts all the time, they keep me going! Take care! <3
ahhh hi !! thank you so much for sending this ask !! i love talking about this sort of thing more than anything lol and i’m sorry this took a little longer than i expected to reply, i was double checking like every ronald scene in the novel and cross-referencing that with behind-the-scenes details from making of, and re-watching the movie (i didn’t have to do that last one but like you, i needed emotional support from corey too 💗)
WARNING for discussions about (canon-typical) violence, murder, child abuse, abusive households, mentions of suicide and self-harm, and spoilers for the novelisation.
TL;DR – the novelisation does not elaborate on corey's intentions in any huge amount of detail, but it does provide some insight into a few different possibilities for ronald and corey’s relationship and what that would mean for corey's intentions.
general relationship
the novelisation actually gives some really specific details about the cunningham-prevo backstory, but also leaves a lot of aspects vague too.
joan married ronald when corey was 15, and she made it clear to ronald that he would "remain firmly on the sidelines when it came to corey's upbringing" which ronald "gladly" agreed to. so from the very beginning, ronald accepts he isn't going to be an active parent to corey, which maybe means he didn't believe he would do a good job anyway, or maybe he agreed it wasn't his place to parent corey in the same way joan does.
also, corey was already a teenager, he didn't need parenting in the same way a younger child would, which is partly why i think joan waited until corey was older to get remarried, because although being a single parent is difficult, she wouldn't want someone else in the picture as a father-figure for corey.
i don't personally see corey and ronald having a super close relationship, but there are multiple instances that show they are at least comfortable and familiar with each other (in line with what rohan said).
corey had a job before working for ronald, so we know ronald didn't have to give him a job. i hc that corey really wanted to do something stimulating instead of call centre work, and ronald agreed despite joan's grievances over it.
ronald doesn't seem too angry at him for being late, even though it is a regular occurrence (third time in a month).would he be so lenient on anyone who wasn't his stepson?
the gifting of the motorbike is a huge moment of course. that's a big gesture which, in the novelisation, also comes with some stilted bonding when ronald reminiscences that he used to "get laid [...], if you can believe it".
they have their united front moment over dinner when joan is trying to work a reaction out of them and neither gives her what she wants.
a smaller but still significant gesture is that corey uses dumbbells and a pull-up bar in his room to workout, which ronald bought him for christmas. very much feels like an attempt to help corey rebuild his self-confidence.
honestly though, rohan's comment about ronald being the "loveliest" thing in corey's life is probably right, especially as corey's life has been incredibly insular. as the town pariah with an abusive mom, his stepdad being cool about him being late for work is probably one of the best parts of his day.
but then on the other hand, there are moments which do not characterise their relationship very well, including multiple instances of ronald "ignoring" joan's abusive behaviour and not intervening.
to reiterate a previous point: ronald very willingly obliges joan's wishes of not "interfering" with corey's upbringing. her unfounded criticism and distrust of doctors, the school system and anyone other than her taking care of corey should have been a huge red flag (if, of course, any of that behaviour could have been inferred prior to their marriage).
ronald's passivity at being side-lined by his wife, allowing her to continue an unhealthy and unbounded relationship with corey.
when joan is berating corey for "sneaking around" and seeing allyson (the slap/kiss scene), she questions ronald as to whether he knew about the motorcycle, to which ronald stays completely out of it and doesn't answer her, despite her being furious with corey.
however it is a really difficult family dynamic to navigate, with so much nuance. i'm reluctant to say if ronald is a "good" or "bad" stepdad, or whether their father-son relationship is "good" or "bad", simply because their circumstances are so trying and complex. yes, joan has abused corey for a long time, but that abuse also extends to ronald in many ways too, resulting in him allowing (or enabling) joan's abusive behaviour in a flawed attempt to maintain the (toxic) status quo of the household.
did corey intend to kill ronald?
like i mentioned, there isn't any elaboration about corey's intentions in the novel, either through narration or extra dialogue. the scene happens almost exactly as it does in the film, with a few alterations and added background details. it's the surrounding details and plot differences that change my opinion.
i think movie!corey would have killed ronald if he had to. he knew ronald would be at home or at the yard, both of which were places he intended to go (to kill momma and the bullies). i'm not sure he had the same desire to kill ronald as he does the others, especially if he sees ronald in a good light, but to tie up loose ends he might do what is "necessary". i do find it very interesting that he lets ronald see his face though, and i can't decide if that is as a reassurance (he wouldn't kill ronald and ronald should know that) or because it just didn't matter (he's going to kill ronald so even if he sees corey's face, he won't be a liability to worry about).
however, i don't think novel!corey intended to kill ronald. in the novel, despite all of the extensive set-up of joan being abusive and corey's repressed desires to hurt her (and arguably ronald), there's no suggestion that corey planned to go back home as part of his spree and kill joan. if he wasn't going to kill joan after everything she did, i really don't think he'd have plans to kill ronald.
that's not to say there aren't implication in the novel that corey would hurt ronald too. there's a scene after the slap/kiss where corey can hear joan and ronald arguing about him, and once they've gone to bed corey gets a knife and stands outside their room, but ultimately doesn't go in. it isn't specified whether he wants to hurts just joan, or ronald as well.
michael's mask
ahh so when i was re-reading the scrapyard massacre in the novel to try and answer whether corey letting ronald see that it is him was a way of corey saying "you don't have to be scared of me" or even "you should be scared of me", i've come to a different conclusion about the mask.
“Who did this to you?” [Ronald] asked. “Him,” Margo said, pointing across the street. Ronald turned to find Corey twenty feet away on the other side of the fence, pulling Michael’s mask over his head. "Corey?" he muttered in disbelief.
the way the novel reads, i think that when corey puts the mask on in front of ronald, it's the first time he puts the mask on at all. if that is the case, it adds a whole other level to the transition between corey's kills as himself (or as the scarecrow) and his kills "as michael".
earlier, billy's sees "corey's shape wearing his prevo jumpsuit". it's fair enough that billy would assume it's corey without seeing his face, because they know that corey is there, but there's no mention of the mask either.
then, the way it describes ronald seeing corey put on the mask doesn't really indicate that corey was making sure ronald saw it was him. he's already "pulling on the mask" by the time ronald looks over at him; he wasn't waiting for ronald to look he was already doing it.
alternatively, the movie shows corey very deliberately stood there, waiting for ronald to see him and recognise him before he puts the mask on. i'm leaning towards it not being a gesture of reassurance but more of a last show of humanity to someone corey cares about -- "it's me, and i appreciate that you always treated me well, but this is the monster they've made me into".
in both versions, ronald jumps up to stop terry shooting corey. whether he was intending to shield corey or was just getting up to try and talk terry down, i think it says a lot about ronald as a character. he has been very passive this whole time, especially in scenes that take place at home, but in this moment he takes an authorative position to try and diffuse the situation. there's a scared kid with a gun, and his own stepson who he's starting to think might have done something awful, but this doesn't have to continue -- they can talk about it and calm down and whatever it is that has happened can be worked out.
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crepegosette · 2 years
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kinda angsty lietbel au where natalya and tolys are engaged but neither of them want to marry but are pressured by everyone else to. in the day of their wedding, an unfortunate event happens, killing both of them. as a result they end haunting the place together
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stars-inthe-sky · 2 months
Tagged by @village-skeptic to "share three random facts about yourself."
My front teeth are mostly fake! There was something up with the fluoride in the Philadelphia water when I was a baby that messed up the surfaces of my natural teeth, so five of the six top-fronts are now porcelain veneers...and the sixth is an entirely fake bridge because I'm just congenitally missing that one (ditto one sister and our maternal grandmother).
I took guitar lessons for a couple of years, mainly because my parents were like "pick an instrument but not drums" (my sisters both tried piano) but was always terrible at it and retained nothing. I cannot read music and am basically tone-deaf.
I've never been big on costumes. I love cosplay in theory, but in practice I have little interest in actually dressing up as anything with real effort—including for Purim or Halloween—and usually just fake something with whatever I already own if I absolutely must. Longtime followers may recall I've done Carmen Sandiego a whole bunch of times since acquiring a red trenchcoat about a decade ago, as you basically just need that and a hat (which I purchased concurrently for this reason) to make it work.
Tagging: @hondagirll + @fulltimeprocrastinator + @ryeloza
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pochapal · 7 months
Halloween question, because I can: What would Maria(and everyone else if you want) dress up as for Halloween?
obvious answer is beatrice uu but actually there's no way in hell rosa would buy maria anything resembling a witch costume in order to avoid "enabling" her autism so instead it'd be like. generic ghost/pumpkin/black cat from the supermarket all ages all sizes kids costume best value discount sale (it's made of shitty material and doesn't fit maria very well at all and maria hates the whole thing because she doesn't get to be a witch now). good ending is maria gets a black cat costume and she pretends she's beatrice's familiar for a hot minute.
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oniii-fans · 7 months
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ladychandraofthemoone · 8 months
Traintober Day 17: Holiday
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Ivo’s first Halloween 🎃 👻!! His driver, Kara Cupper will go all out for her little engine/sibling/brother/son figure . If he wants to be painted like a jaguar 🐆, she’ll decorate him as one!! Lowkey inspired by that fact that a few of Ivo related content had something to do with safari (his only wooden railway toy with the zoo hippo 🦛 , Ivo’s Hugh Hunt/Safari, etc).
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