#[so thank you!!]
relgnira · 1 year
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I participated in the @dndads-gift-exchange-spring2023 !! Have some Close-Foster-Swift family bonding art!
This is for @apathetic-microwave , I hope you enjoy!
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bisexualbuck · 2 years
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I hear you're taking a little trip to the Gamma Quadrant. Care to come along?
(Description under Read More)
[Image description: six gifs from Star Trek Deep Space Nine featuring Quark and Odo. Odo is in a near liquid state and struggling to talk and stand upright.
Gif 1: Odo says, "I'll be back before you know it, making your life miserable.
Gif 2: Quark says, "Then you are coming back."
Gif 3: Odo says, "Count on it."
Gif 4: Quark says, "I will."
Gif 5: Odo appears surprised for a moment before he gives Quark a sharp nod.
Gif 6: Quark stares intently at Odo, then he looks down and turns to walk away.
/end image description] @startrekdescribed
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xskyll · 1 year
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It was a critical hit. (Why yes, I do play Kingdom Hearts.)
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woozification · 3 months
thank you everyone who gave me good interview vibes, i just got an email that they want to move forward with the process and have me meet with management and my (potential) future coworkers
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I love your Headcannons! Tell me, how do you think Ambrosius and Ballister spend a romano evening together?
First off I want to say thank you you’re too freaking sweet.
And next I want to say I’m sorry because I’m about to dump so much on yall. I was kinda dragging my feet cause I didn’t know how to answer and then once I started I couldn’t stop. 
So I feel like they’re both movie-obsessed losers (same babes same) 
Bal never knew his parents and Ambrosius’ parent’s marriage was purely political 
So a lot of their ideas of romance are led by old romcoms 
You know candlelight fancy dinners where the guy goes out of his way to woo the girl
But they’re both introverts at heart and hate those pretentious restaurants that charge an arm and a leg for the idea of food
And Ambrosius has way too many food allergies to really enjoy the idea of eating out in a romantic way
Plus they’re also public figures and every time they do go on dates people act like it’s the biggest news ever and it takes over the internet for two weeks at least 
So they do what makes them both happy and they have those romantic moments in secret 
If they wanna have a nice picnic they’ll have it by the lair cause no one even knows about it
And they’ll set it up all nice and pretty and idyllic (very P*nterest board adjacent) 
Or if they want those stupidly romantic dinners they spend time setting up their dining room until it looks like a scene out of a damn movie 
Candles flowers the whole shebang just in the comfort of their home 
Most of the time they’ll end the day how they normally do 
Either cuddling on the couch or watching something stupid with Nimona 
But it’s always the highlight of their week 
Because yes they put this much effort into doing something sappy and romantic every single week
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falmerbrook · 6 months
Hiii I love your blog and I love phylogeny so I am so excited for the classification you said you were making! I wanted to ask how you were gonna do the reptils and adjacent? Because i don't think there are many examples of skulls in the games (I might be wrong i don't know much about eso in particular) so what basis are you going on to separate like diapsids/anapsids/dinosauria/etc? I know we can see dragons skulls in Skyrim (but i don't remember their morphology) but what about Alit and Guar and Kagouti and cliff racers and such? And Argonians? Are you putting them in the same group or does the Hist cause a bug enough divergence that they get their own?
Sorry if I come off as pushy or rude, it's not my intention. I'm just very enthusiastic about this topic :D
aaaaaa thank you!! And you're no bother at all, I love talking about this stuff!
So, confession: most of my classes were focused on mammals, so my understanding of sauropsida isn't as detailed. I haven't gotten super into sorting through the messiness of the Morrowind reptilians-esque creatures yet, but right now I'm sort of leaning on them being similar to early therapsids (which would probably make them synapsids). I like the idea of them being more like reptilian pre-early mammals, and maybe having branched off there to be there own group (not necessarily comparable to any modern clades to emphasize how unique their evolution is) rather than actually being reptiles (although perhaps in-universe they would be classed as such despite not being in that clade. The irl classification of "reptiles" is already messy as is anyway). I'm open to them being more dinosaur-like though too. Skulls would definitely help, but even if we had them I'm not sure I'd trust the artists to have given it this degree of thought anyway lol. I'll just have to muse on it more.
Interestingly, ESO makes the distinction that alit, kagouti, guar, and wormmouth (which is apparently a thing from Shadowkey) are all closely related, while cliff racers, cliff striders, scuttlers, and bantam guar are closely related and not related to that first group. Maybe that second group are diapsids and more similar to non-avian dinosaurs? idk. Like I said, i still gotta wrap my head around it all.
I'm actually avoiding using any humanoid races for the most part, partially because in-universe sources on their origins are probably largely biased (either in religious or mythological viewpoints, or because of in-universe racism), and partly because it kinda becomes a mess when i started looking at it, so I figured I'd give myself less work. Like, do I trust the accounts that Argonians are related to guar, or do I trust the accounts that they were made out of thin air by the Hist? I have my own ideas in the back of my head for mer and man phylogenies, but those are their own things. I'm also not including dragons since they're basically demigods and I'm not actually sure they would be able to breed or fit into any evolution.
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 days
referring to this
idk if her forte could work like this but fubuki using it to have medicine given to sickie (anyone in the nda let's be honest) work faster, basically speeding up their recovery 👀
fubuki day thoughts
Oh my!! Now this is great thinking! Tbh I always thought Fubuki could only turn back time… I’m not sure if she can make it go forward.
I thought to myself while I took a shower after getting this ask; What if it would be Fubuki’s first time making time move forward rather than backward. Or maybe she has done it before, but she doesn’t have enough practice for it so the results are still unstable.
But if one of her dear friends were to fall sick, and the time was of the essence and the medicine was being slow, she would 100% try to fast forward time in order to make the medicine work faster to make them better.
In a way, that would make her a healer in her own right c: I bet that would make her feel so accomplished as one who loves adventures. What an OP little sweetheart she is 💜
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Bonus points if using her time powers in order to move forward makes her MORE exhausted than moving it backward. After all…future events haven’t been predicted yet. So I think that would have even more of a price to pay on the user.
(It would make for good angst though. Good old self sacrifice)
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tazmiilly · 10 months
i just wanted to let you know that i think you draw facial expressions really good and they really add to the humor in your funny comics
aww thank you!! :D that means a lot! 💛
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napping-sapphic · 4 months
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Hey this post of yours ended up in the this bed we made tag. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it before but if not then based off of this post and knowing literally nothing else about you I think you might like it at least a little bit.
Anyway have a nice day
I somehow didn’t catch on that that was a game title at first and thought it was like some secret club for a hot second lol
Thank you for the recommendation!! It legitimately looks really cool though!!! I do love mysteries and Women™️ lol
Unfortunately I don’t think I have anything that can play it though!😓 But i might cave and just try and find a play through of it instead!!
Hope you have a nice day too!!
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uc1wa · 4 months
I’m alive. Socially, I’ve never been happier, though my social battery is drained by my irls and it’s so hard to communicate w my online besties (they know this 4 the most part LOL). This semester is actually going pretty good! I just got promoted at my job about a week ago. The guy I’ve spoken ab on here… went on a date w him but got bored w him and he was not matching my energy so booted him. Uuummmmm that’s about it for xi’s life updates hahahaha. I do want to write but I feel like I have no energy for that right now (am jotting down lil ideas that I get here and there for when I do feel comfy writing again). How are you guys doing!! Mwah, wishing everyone well :3
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timothylawrence · 8 months
just wanted to say that i think your OCs are awesome 😭💖 you put so much love in them and it shows!!
😭😭😭 this is way too sweet omg 🥺😭… thank you!!! Rana is like, my first fully fledged written out OC that I’ve actually posted about to this degree, so I’m so happy ppl like her!! I’m a little quieter abt hala but everyone so niceys abt her… 🥺❤️
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Here Rana is having another Mediterranean off with her best frenemy
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hailsatanacab · 6 months
The NEW YEAR 🎉💥 has almost 💦💦CUM💦💦 and you know 😍 what that means 😏😏.. its time for 😏😏😏👅 NEW 🍆COCKS🍆 for the new year of TWENTY-TWENTY-WHORE😍👉👌 all of the 🍑THOTS🍑🍑😋🙋 are making it their 🎉NEW YEARS🎉 RESOLUTION to find 👅BIG DICKS👅 to EXPLODE 💥💥💥💥 some💥💥FIREWORKS💦💦 .. and some 🎊BALLS🎊 to drop 😉😉 in their ASS 🍑🍑 💥💥 be prepared to get 🍆🍑FUCKED😩😩 at MIDNIGHT 😆🌜🌙 on NEW COCKS 🍆EVE when 🍑🍑ASSUARY 1🍑💦💦 cums💦💦 around🍆🍆👅
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robinwonder9 · 6 months
Tell me why your art is so GOOD??
you deserve all the love you can get, my friend..
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like seriously.. you do.
THANK YOU!!!! :3 this means more than you'll ever know! <333
im so glad you like it!! idk if i can answer that question x3 i guess i like high contrast and chiaroscuro so that bleeds into my work a lot!! ;3
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sneebl · 7 months
if youre looking for jedtavius fic recs, down then left on ao3 is god tier, and any weather/against the world (also on ao3) is fantastic. dtl is mature tho, so be warned...
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evoblue · 7 months
Happy Three-Year Blueversary to me! :) Thank you all for making my experience writing her such a great and memorable one! She really wouldn't be this fun to me without all of you.
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geniuslab · 2 months
Hi, I'm one of your new followers. I came across one of your tae fics and loved it so much that I followed you immediately! I wanted to read your masterlist, but can't find a link for it. All the links on your Tumblr description don't open. Please help when you find the time. Thank you 💚
thank you so much, lovely! i’m so happy you enjoyed it 🥹
i’ve let my tumblr gather a lot of dust over the past few years, i’m so sorry my links are all wonky! my masterlist is here but i’m not sure if these links will work for you. i think the easiest way to search for my fics is to look up ‘bts fic’
i don’t really write anymore, but i appreciate that you found your way over here and hope my other stories are maybe somewhat interesting 💖
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