#[ vices ]
vices-n-virtues · 10 days
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How your eyes close and your jaw tightens with concentration as you give pleasure a home - Henry Rollins
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cuties-in-codices · 6 months
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the pilgrim encountering envy, betrayal and slanderousness
in an illustrated prose adaptation of "pèlerinage de la vie humaine" by guillaume de deguileville, hainaut, late 15th - early 16th c.
source: Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 182, fol. 109v
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you-are-a-something · 13 days
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klutzykelzy · 11 months
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nothing i do or take fills the hole inside me :(
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1five1two · 6 months
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Timothy Pittides.
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eternal-echoes · 21 days
“A rabbi noted, "At first, sin is like an occasional visitor, then like a guest who stays for a while, and finally like the master of the house."1 He added that sin is not merely a temporary lapse in the strength of the will, but actually weakens the will until it is crippled. All along, we tell ourselves that we're free not to make these choices, but our freedom slowly dwindles as we become servants to our vices.”
-Jason and Crystalina Evert, How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul
1 Midrash Rabbah on Genesis 22:6, in The Soncino Midrash Rabbah (New York: Judaica Press, 1983).
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professorrumo · 10 months
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Just 1-100 more angsty fanarts and I might get my life back together. (Maybe. Maybe not.)
Who would have thought me starting my first real grown-up-job would turn out being only the second most distressing event this month, huh.
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zaptor37 · 1 month
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A surprise Max vices post! (Violet and yellow which are lust and joy are made and designed by me *^v^*)
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stat and appearance and vices refresh for Memento Mori, oh my! 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
Hi lovebugs!
I wanted to introduce the changes I'll be making to the Stat page, a peak into some of the vices I'll be adding, and the additional appearance options I'll be giving MC!
Now that I'm more comfortable coding in Twine, I feel like I can implement these changes that many have been requesting!
This refresh won't be implemented until I post Chapter 2 and the updates to Chapter 1 and the prologue. But! That doesn't mean I can't show y'all what I've cooked up!
I wanted to 1) simplify the stats so I can have an easier time writing flavor texts depending on different MC's 2) have a stat dedicated to the MC's emotional arc.
So, stat changes?
There will now be two additional stats. The SANITY stat, and the HEALTH stat. Both are on a scale from 0-100. The HEALTH stat is pretty self explanatory. The more banged-up your MC gets, the lower the stat goes. Don't let it get to 0...we only have one doctor around here.
The SANITY stat is MC's attunement to their emotions, the quality of their coping mechanisms, the emotional wear and tear they've encountered, and their reactions to these events. This singular stat will replace the traits section. A higher SANITY will mean that MC is more merciful, level-headed, emotionally mature, and optimistic about their future. They think with their head, and can set their emotions aside when it comes down to difficult decisions. A lower SANITY will mean MC has a tendency to be violent, impulsive, selfish, and cynical. They are much more volatile and prone to explosive outbursts. This MC is more likely to let their emotions influence their decisions, for better and for worse.
You begin the Prologue with a SANITY stat of 80. Those dreams....
If we're being real, this SANITY stat will have a great impact on the kinds of decisions your MC makes under high stress. Oh, you thought you as a reader would be able to have your low SANITY MC react logically when they're in a life or death situation? Think again, my friend. When tensions are high and emotions boil over, I will be using SANITY stat checks to determine how a MC reacts, and how successful they are achieving their goal. So, keep an eye on that SANITY stat. The choices you make throughout the story can be the difference between life or death when it matters most.
That isn't to say that higher SANITY MC's will always make good decisions. You might think that you've considered every variable and the logical answer is the best one. That isn't always the case. You might lose the people you care about, in more ways than one. You can't always live cautiously. To live a fulfilling life, you must take risks and put your heart on the line. No choice can be worse than the wrong choice.
In addition to these two stats, there will still be the Personality stat section and the skills section. These are mostly unchanged, save for some wording.
Stoic or Friendly
Intimidating or Charming
Stubborn or Compliant
Insincere or Genuine
Alien Knowledge
There are many flavor texts I'm adding, as well as changes to dialogue or character interactions depending on your MC's skillset or personality!
There will also be some fun "hidden" dialogues or interactions for those of you that max out on a skill. Fortune favors the bold!
For MC appearance updates, what's tea?
Firstly, please note that not all of these changes will be set one after the other. I will do my best to integrate them as seamlessly as possible into the chapters. Having multiple customization choices back to back feels clunky to me while I'm writing. So if some choices don't show up immediately, don't worry!
I'll be adding 6 clothing options in total and letting MC be super fly so fresh so clean if they want to be (3 more masculine outfits, 3 more feminine although clothing is genderless you know the vibes)
Along with the already-present eye color and hair color, MC will also be able to set their skin color.
Tattoos, piercings, and details such as freckles, dimples, stretch marks, and the presence/absence of glasses.
Top surgery scars will be available!
MC can set their body types/physique. (and how they feel about it)
Determine whether MC wears makeup or not, and which style of makeup.
Now, these vices...sit down let's discuss
Taking from my own experiences as well as research, MC will be able to partake in drug use, alcohol use, and sexual activity as a way of coping with the trauma they've experienced. They will not start indulging in this vice before chapter 1, so we can see the slow progression/descent and get the full range of repercussions.
If any of you have any suggestions to any of the three sections above, I'm all ears! I cannot promise I can accommodate any or all of the recommendations, but I will note them down! Just please be respectful, or the ask will be deleted ✧˖° (i'm putting a lil cute emoji here but y'all please do not piss me awfffff)
Anyways, I hope y'all like the changes I'll be implementing! I'm happy that I'm getting used to the different coding and variations; now I get to add more customization!
Happy Sunday, everyone!! Be sure to laugh today!!
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geekynerfherder · 2 months
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'Vices: LSD' by Timothy Pittides.
16" x 20" 6 colour screen print, in a numbered Regular edition of 125 for $50; a numbered Rainbow Foil Variant edition of 25 for $75; a numbered Lava Foil Variant edition of 25 for $75; and a special 6.25" x 10" perforated blotter print edition.
On sale Friday April 19 at 10am PT through Spoke Art.
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bitter69uk · 10 months
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Pop a cork! Today (13 August) is National Prosecco Day! I call this photo “The Vices of Anita Ekberg”. (Look, I know Anita is inevitably drinking champagne here rather than prosecco, but work with me, OK?).
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cuties-in-codices · 8 months
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vanitas as a woman in a mesh dress
in a copy of john ridewall's "fulgentius metaforalis", bavaria, c. 1424
source: Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1066, fol. 238r
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You can't get to old age by another man's road. My vices protect me but they would assassinate you.
Mark Twain
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planet8eight · 9 months
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baffles me TO THIS DAY why the vices & virtues bonus tracks never made the album. a lotta them are better than what actually made the cut and those 6 songs are some of the best music panic! ever made, especially post-split
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askcarlislecullen · 8 months
What’s your guilty pleasure? Don’t say your wife or family! Do you have a weird show you enjoy or something really strange you enjoy doing?
Long showers. Although Edward always tries to block our thoughts as a matter of course, he goes to extra-special lengths when he fears he might end up seeing body parts he doesn't want to see. So I long ago started using the shower as a means to have long stretches of thinking time to myself, plus the hot water feels wonderful.
My wife long ago gave up on trying to temper this particular proclivity of mine and now installs in each of our homes a dedicated continuous water heater that feeds only whichever shower I use. While cold showers aren't uncomfortable for us, per se, stepping into an icy shower when you were expecting heat is still quite jarring and the number of times I have heard a shower turn on in our home only to be followed by one of the children screaming "CARLISLE!" are...well, many.
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