#[ more finesse. ] louis a. / musings.
loyalpromise · 5 months
tagged by: @imaginarianisms tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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The world is a puzzle, so complex and multifaceted that you long to run your hands through the tapestry of its wonders and stay there forever, lost in the threads and colors and stories. You wish to stay there forever and you tell yourself it's to know the world but maybe it's not, maybe it's a fear that you're not enough, that you're so fragile and helpless in a world that moves too fast, to sharply, too many bright, painful colors that you stay locked inside your mind and thoughts, where you decide the tempo of your world, where you can grow and be as competent, as capable as you want, where the world is as wide as you can imagine it and never out of control unless you want it to be. Your shield is your knowledge, your mind, and you never feel ready enough for the world around you, never feel prepared enough, never safe, and you wonder if things could have been different, if you could have been better, happier, more like everyone else if you'd just known what you know now.
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You wear a thousand masks and you claim them all. You say they are all you, all parts of you but some of them you picked up when you needed to be brave, some you picked up when you failed because you were yourself, some of them you picked up because you needed to be stronger for someone smaller, better for someone bigger, useful for someone crueler, and you can't help but desperately scramble for first place, for usefulness, to prove you're worth keeping around, to prove you're the best, to prove you're good enough, valuable, enough. You just want someone to tell you you're enough. You strive for success, to be a role model, to take the lead, to be someone everyone loves, someone who can't fall, someone who can't be hurt the way you were once, the way you're running from even now. Sometimes you just want someone to hold your hand and let you spill all your broken fragments outward but you know you could never let it go. The only thing holding you together some days is the image of perfection and success and security and the worst part is that everyone else needs you to never falter either because you so often are the one holding everyone together too. You can't help but wonder if your emotions are ever your own, if you are just an actor in a life that's not your own, if you were cursed to be a mannequin, a doll, from the moment you were born and placed into a life where you were a child meant to be seen, not heard, to perform, not live, and the jealousy the injustice or the pain is fueled into masks as you take the world by storm.
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troubatrain · 3 years
the times with the kids...
two blurbs following want me to want you
read the rest here!
You’re going to marry that boy right?
You bit the inside of your mouth, holding in the smile at your grandmother’s words. You were both watching Matthew and your youngest cousin, far off at the end of your driveway so Matthew could teach him how to slapshot. You adored watching your boyfriend with kids, the way he always wore a smile and took the time to chat even if someone interrupted the middle of a date you were on. It never bothered you, how could it when you got to fawn over Matthew’s kid voice?
“One day…” You muse, smiling at Matthew picking up your cousin in celebration once he finally hit the back of the net. It was easy to daydream about those sorts of things with him, because he’d always made it so clear he was planning his future with you in mind. You could see it so clearly, a few little Matthew’s running around with wild curls on their heads and an attitude just like their father. Matthew would probably coach their teams, insisting that he wouldn’t take it too seriously but you knew what kind of competitiveness ran through that family - he’d be the most annoying peewee hockey parent in the world.
“Matty’s the best Y/N, look at my shot!” Your cousin exclaims, his front tooth missing so everything he said sounded just a bit funny. He showed you his stick, hands in the position they should after he tested Matthew’s patience of the left and right thing, “He’s the best coach in the world!”
“Best coach? I don’t know about that,” You tease, Matthew scoffing behind you when he was about to plant a kiss on your cheek.
“Coached you through sucking my dick last night,” Matthew whispers in your ear, sending a sweet smile to
your grandmother like he didn’t just tell you that. Your grandmother got up to chase after your cousin, Matthew slipping into the seat next to you while a hand landed on your thigh, “What’s on your mind?”
“How’d you know?” You ask, tilting your head to the side while Matthew chuckled.
“I spent years of my life staring at you,” Matthew admits, pressing his lips against your head, “Hope I get to spend the rest of it doing the same, so what’s up?”
“You just looked good over there you know?” You admit, leaning your head against Matthew’s shoulder, “It’s like you’re never bothered when someone asks you to teach them something or sign something when we’re out.”
“I’m not,” Matthew shrugs, he didn’t think much about it, or the way it conveyed to you that you were a good person, “You sure that’s all you’re thinking about?”
“Sometimes when you do that I think about us and the future and that stupid joke Brady made about us raising winners,” You admit, tucking your head into his neck. Matthew gave your thigh a squeeze, encouraging you to finish your thought, “You’ll make a good dad one day, that’s all.”
“As if our kids won’t have a fucking superhero for a mother,” Matthew jokes, “They’re playing hockey though.”
“They’ll do whatever they want,” You remind him, poking at the dimple in his cheek, “And if they’re smart it won’t be hockey.”
“They’re my kids they definitely won’t be smart-
You weren’t meant for the cold.
It was a beautiful sunny day in St. Louis, and instead of laying by the pool you were freezing while you walked through the same practice rink Matthew skated at his entire life. All for a mouthguard he didn’t even use let alone need.
“Are you lost?” Brady chirps, leaning against the boards while Matthew leads an overwhelming group of ten year olds around the ice. You’d forgotten that he was helping a camp today, the emphasis on his mouthguard making more sense.
“No I’m just being a good girlfriend,” You deadpan, crossing your arms and looking at Brady. Your attention on Brady was gone quickly, replaced by the little girl who was sitting on the bench with a pout on her face. She reminded you of yourself, too stubborn to go play with the boys despite being lumped together with them constantly because you were a far better athlete than the girls in your class and you swore your gym teacher had it out for you.
“Your turn Brady,” Matthew tilts in his head to the middle of the ice, where the cone drills Matthew set up were getting out of control way quicker than he expected. He smiles at you, leaning across the boards to press a kiss to your lips, “Thank you so much…I couldn’t have these kids thinking I don’t wear my mouthguard.”
“You don’t,” You remind him, causing Matthew to chuckle from the ice. You bit your lip, having an internal debate with yourself for a moment, “Can I have your hoodie?”
“Are you going to stay?” Matthew questions, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, “Are you sick?”
“No I just… does she not want to play?” You ask, averting your gaze to that same little girl, trying not to draw too much attention to her that she very obviously didn’t want.
“I can’t get her out here,” Matthew hides the grin threatening to grace his face, his heart skipping a beat at the way you were so concerned about that one kid. That’s how you were, constantly trying to grow your game for the next little girl who declares she’s going pro one day, and it made Matthew’s heart grow four times its size. It was admirable, and Matthew swore it constantly made him a better man. You push Matthew back onto the ice, telling him that Brady was definitely losing control of the kids and that you’d stay for a little bit.
“Lots of boys here huh?” You ask, sitting next to the girl who’d been staring at you since Matthew skated over to the bench. She blushed, pushing a piece of hair behind her and looking up at you.
“My mom said I might be the only girl, but I don’t want to play with the boys, they never think I’m any good,” She admits, kicking her stick with her skate and looking down.
“I used to be like that, Matthew actually teased me for the same reason, but between you and me, I think he was just jealous that I was faster than him,” You tell her, bumping your shoulder with hers and holding out your hand, “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“I’m Maggie,” She nods, finally breaking out a grin. You didn’t see it, but Matthew hadn’t stopped watching you, his eyes stuck on you while you talked to that girl in hopes you could get her to play. His heart beat a little faster, all of those dreams he had about a family seemed to be prominent at times like these. It was easy to imagine it, a few kids who had a drive like yours and hopefully your smile too.
“Everybody boo Matthew for staring at his girlfriend!” Brady hollers, an army of ten year old boys booing after him. Matthew rolled his eyes, pushing his brother in the chest while the kids cheered for the chaos they hoped would ensue.
“Will you stay if I go out there?” Maggie asks you, dragging your attention away from Brady’s chirping and the potential wrestling match that was about to start. You were cold, and this ideally wouldn’t have been the way you spent a day off, but Maggie’s big brown eyes had you weak. You nod, telling her to go out there and show them who’s better, smiling when she skated away.
You froze at that rink an entire hour before they finally got the last kid off the ice, Maggie waving goodbye to you excitedly while Matthew mentioned to her mother that there’s a girls hockey program at another rink nearby if they wanted to check that out. You waited for Matthew to clean up, bidding Brady a good bye after he decided he didn’t need to help clean up because Matthew spent the whole time gawking at you.
“Maggie seemed to like you,” Matthew hums, stacking up the last of his cones and pausing to kiss you, “She wouldn’t even look at Brady and I.”
“There were too many boys here for her, she said they don’t think she’s good enough to play with them,” You hum, pulling away from Matthew’s lips slightly, “Can’t say I don’t relate.”
“I already apologized for that,” Matthew whines, smiling when you caught his humor and laughed at his reaction, “Think you’ll go that easy on our kids? Or whatever peewee soccer team they play on that you finessed your way into coaching?”
“We’re having kids? And a soccer team?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at your boyfriend who was very obviously getting ahead of himself, “Are you going to be the team dad who brings orange slices?”
“I actually hope that’s my only job after I retire...and loving you.”
“You’re just trying to get laid.”
“No, we’re just practicing for the real thing.”
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monkey-network · 4 years
An Unfortunate Critique of Spiderverse - Part 1 (of 3)
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse was a fun award-winning 2018 animated film with a basically unanimously positive fandom, regarded generally as both a masterpiece Spider-Man film and a remarkable animated film overall. And while I do not disagree with that, it definitely earned its spoils, it pains me a bit to bring up the reason(s) why I can’t call it the masterpiece that many claim. I like this film, but I don’t love it as much as others and I wanted to express why. And I will see to be critical, not cynical. Fair enough? Spoilers ahead for this... 2018 film that you should’ve seen already.
Part 1 ~ The Spiderverse Squad
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Now believe me when I say that I enjoyed this trio. Spider-Ham wasn’t as funny as I figured, but he still stood out like Peni and Spider-Noir in a respectable way. I especially loved the fandom’s reaction to them with fanart and jokes galore. But on a look back, it dawned on me that while their presence was welcome, our writers blew the load too soon and wasted these characters. Roll with me, will ya?
If you come to know me, you’ll figure that characters are the element I find the most crucial of your story; you mentally can’t just throw in random heroes into the story unless they’re significant to the protag, story, or world as a whole. It’ll feel weird, like you have no coordination. And yeah, the B team adds to Spider-verse’s worldbuilding mechanic that is the multiple universes; it thematically makes sense that more than one Spidermun can exist. And additionally kicks ass, no objections here. The problem I argue comes when while they add to the world building, it honestly added little to our boy Miles’ story, and it’s that disconnect that makes the characters feel more unnecessary than before. This doesn’t help when things could’ve worked far better if it only involved Gwen and Beter. To explain this better, I wanna bring up a couple films that are similar to Spider-verse yet knew how to use their secondary characters, the first one being...
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Kung Fu Panda, baby!
The furious five sans Tigress is about the same as Spider-verse’s B-Team where Po really doesn’t rely on them to both unleash his inner strength and face the final boss in the end. They’re his muse for enjoying martial arts. Po interacts with them a little more than Miles does with the others, but we still have that disconnect between the upcoming novice and the experienced. That disconnect however is counter-balanced by their significance in the story, not only in certifying the stakes that come with Tai Lung, but being the necessary crew to another important character: Tigress.
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Tigress is not only a character that Po looks up to, she’s a character with something to prove herself. She puts down Po because she’s envious of the special treatment he’s involuntarily receiving and mirrors the villain Tai Lung before his descent to villainy. The movie would’ve probably been fine if the Furious Five didn’t exist and it was just Shifu and Po training together, but having the five, and Tigress especially, in the story adds a great triangle of interaction between Po and Shifu, Shifu and Tigress, and Tigress and Po. Which makes it all the more poignant when she runs away to face Tai Lung herself, stern in proving herself to both Shifu and Po. We know that she wouldn’t win against him, but that loss is added two-fold when the other four were there to support her. The others aren’t as cynical towards Po, but it’s understandable that they sided with Tigress, thinking their experience together will help them succeed. It makes sense that the four willingly fight with Tigress, and it’s reasonably daunting when Tai Lung is able to tower all of them by himself. Compare this to Spiderverse where we kinda don’t get see our heroes and villains, excluding Miles, stack up that well until the 3rd act; it’s hard to wonder if who’s evenly matched and who can overpower whom. It doesn’t help that Peter, Gwen, and Miles are all isolated from the other three during the final fight in the warp terminal. 
It’s in the end where Po proves himself the Dragon Warrior, he not only earned that respect from the five but feels more complete knowing he and his idols look up to each other in a way. We really don’t get that interpersonal synergy with Miles and the B team beyond the moment of them together post Aaron’s death and their initial meeting, the best we get is that Miles knows he isn’t the only Spider-man but even that doesn’t feel as personal as his relationships with Gwen and Peter. Plus while Gwen and Peter are important characters, we don’t see much of a personal connection between the five Spidermun, it mostly comes off as an obligation that they’re together. Now I won’t lie, this is a pretty unfair comparison. The B-team came together on the fly, and it’s not like Miles, Gwen, and Peter knew who they were in the first place. But remember when I said a couple of films in the beginning? This leads to an ironic situation, coming from one of my other favorite movies about being special...
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Been a while since I talked ‘bout this beauty
I think it’s safe to say Spiderverse and The Lego Movie have a kindred story beat where our hero meet some tagalongs that have their own thing but nonetheless contribute as supporting characters. But unlike Spiderverse, the Lego Movie showed something I never figured about characters until I saw it once again last year. The other characters have their stake in the plot, but they are also relative features of our main character Emmett. Unikitty resembles his boundless optimism, Benny his excitability, Batman his emotional conviction, and so on. It’s a stretch, but it is possible to note supporting/secondary characters as facets of who our main character is, what they lack or what’s the most prominent idea of them. In Steven Universe, the crystal gems are separate elements of who Steven is at his best or wants to be. Beastars has Legosi, Louis, and Haru have differing aspects of growing up that blend well when united. It’s essentially the braincells meme, the parts make up the whole. Gwen and Peter fill those parts exponentially for Miles, with Peter’s experience and Gwen’s finesse in her skill, to show him the work that goes in being a hero. Same goes for Aaron and Jefferson on a more personal level, being the ones to give Miles the necessary conviction to become the hero. All I gotta ask is: Can ya say the same for Peni, Noir, or Porker?
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Again, not that they’re bad characters, but they mostly felt detached from the story in multiple angles
Now at this point you’ll probably say, “Monkey, we get it, where are you going with this?” Well, I can’t help but feel the B-team, while alright on their own, unfortunately feel like cameos that overstayed their welcome. Beyond the initial meetup, the interactions we get with them are second to none, there is no significant dynamic between the B-team and the two spidermun that are more significant to the story. I feel a little less charitable for media wasting potential and it doesn’t help that writing them out until the final fight is very easy. “Peni and Sp//dr were responsible for repairing the flash drive?” Well, I can say a few hints in the movie can point to Aunt May, Peter, and/or Gwen doing it instead. It’s hard to come back to this film compared to the others I’ve exampled when the back of my mind is going “Why are ya’ll here?” I say it would’ve been surprisingly cathartic if the B-team came near the end where they helped out and met up with the trio before bouncing back to their dimensions. As such, we could put more time in for Miles and Gwen together at Aunt May’s house the same way Peter and Miles got earlier before the plot generally runs the same, we have less voices but we build on those character dynamics for more than that bus ride they share. Add to that character theme of Miles, Gwen, and Peter B. being the different generations of Spider-man or something. Overall, I love them, and they feel wasted in this film.
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I just can’t see Spiderverse where the focus of these three subsides the interest for the other three
I wanted to discuss this particularly because as much I can say that much detail in the film fundamentally works, which I will discuss later in this analysis, it stands to say that not every ambition in this undoubtedly ambitious movie was added well. It’s honestly how i feel with randomness humor, it’s fun at first but you gotta do more than enough to make it timeless while keeping the surprise of it intact. Or else you just wish they just replaced that joke with something more constructed. Said before, they don’t or weren’t able to utilize these characters beyond their cameo level moments, and it is not a good thing that they’re potentially saved for the sequel because I hate the idea of depending on a sequel to fix the 1st movie’s issues. I gotta wait to 2022 for a potentially better management of characters and that bothers me. I appreciate what I got, but I unfortunately can’t say that appreciation equates to a free pass of what’s detrimental to my love for this film. Now, I tagged this as part one for a reason, because this is only a symptom, a fun size piece to a bigger story problem I have.
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Next time. Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Aquatic Adventures
Summary: Louis and Clementine go on a double date with Violet and Prisha to the waterpark.
Read on A03:
“C’mon, Violet, quit dragging your feet!” Louis called as he raced towards the entrance.
Violet rolled her eyes, adjusting her swimsuit strap under her shirt. She hoped Prisha was OK with the fact that she’d chickened out and bought a tankini to wear. Clementine had helped her pick it out online and had assured her that Prisha would love it, but Violet still wasn’t sure. She wasn’t comfortable showing more than a tankini offered yet. Her ribcage and hipbones always stuck out weird in swimsuits. Hopefully the tankini covered up those flaws.
Prisha seemed excited for the day as she walked beside her, sunhat on and beach bag in tow. They’d both been rather surprised when Louis and Clementine asked them out on a double date, especially considering both couples had only been officially dating for a month or so. But they soon got excited by the idea and agreed to join in. It had been forever since either of them had been to a water park.
“Louis, wait up! I’ve got the tickets!” Clementine called from behind them.
Louis spun around and ran back to her, quickly taking everything she was carrying into his own arms. “Sorry babe, lost track of myself for a minute there. I’m just so excited!”
Clementine smiled at his ear to ear grin. “No worries. And you don’t have to carry everything. I can take half,”
“Nu-uh. As a good boyfriend it’s my job to carry everything to and from the date,”
Violet scoffed. “Where’d you read that? Dating for Dummies?”
Louis stuck his tongue out at her in retort.
“There it is!” Prisha exclaimed, pointing toward the top of a slide that could be seen in the distance. “The Mother Lode: 80 feet of dead drop glory,” Screams could be heard in the distance as swimmers started their watery descent.
“Can’t wait,” Violet said with a grin.
Louis looked nervous. “I don’t know… I think Clem and I may be sticking to the smaller slides. The wave pool sounds nice too,”
“Actually, I think I’ll try out the Mother Lode too,” Clementine giggled as she saw Louis’ panicked reaction. “Don’t worry. That doesn’t mean you have to go,”
Violet laughed. “Oh, but it does! How can he prove himself worthy of you if he can’t face a simple water slide?”
Louis looked guiltily at the ground.
Clementine leaned forward to give him a quick peck on the cheek. “Do what makes you happy, OK? She whispered.
Louis’ eye lit up and his fingers entwined with hers. “OK,”
Aqua Extravaganza Water Park and Resort was an awesome place. They’d decided to go on a weekday to avoid the crowds, but even with lower turnout there were still plenty of kids running around screaming and having the time of their lives. The four of them quickly followed suit. They started out with some classics: The Spinnerator, Dive Bomb and the Big Splash. Then Prisha grabbed Violet’s hand and they ran off together toward the Mother Lode. Louis encouraged Clementine to tag along, opting to use the time to buy snacks for the group.
 After the girls had experienced their terrifying drop (which Prisha and Violet wanted to do again, but the line had gotten super long), they met up with Louis, downed their Icees and Pretzels and headed over to the Lazy River, grabbing a giant raft that would fit all four of them and plopping in to follow the River’s flow. They laughed amongst themselves as they regaled each other with stories from work. Aasim and Ruby were a key topic of interest as it was clear they were going to be the next couple to get together. It was only a question of when.
“I kid you not,” Louis said, leaning forward on the raft, “The other day I saw them talking about different types of lettuce and Aasim was absolutely entranced. He sure as hell didn’t take in a word she was saying though!”
Prisha chuckled. “The poor man is whipped. I hope he gets the guts up soon to tell her how he feels,”
“How did you and Vi get together?” Clementine asked. “Who made the first move?”
“I would say Violet did,”
“Really?” Violet spluttered. “But you were the first to ask me out!”
“True, but I wouldn’t have if not for the brilliance that was you chugging that entire jar of maraschino cherries in ten seconds flat. I was flirting with tying the cherry stem, sure, but that display of feral vitality was what convinced me to take the leap and ask you out officially,”
“Excuse me,” Louis shook his head in confusion. “Violet did what now?”
“Don’t tell,” Violet said, a warning tone to her voice.
“But it’s such a cute story!”
“I’ll never hear the end of it if you do,”
Clementine sat up straighter. “Well now we have to hear it,”
Prisha opened her mouth to begin. “So Violet and I were by the bar-”
Before she could continue, Violet pushed her off the raft, causing Prisha to fall into the water with a squeal. Prisha swam after them, grabbing Violet’s arm and pulling her in as well. As they play wrestled in the water, the raft drifted further and further ahead of them.
“Should we try to slow down so they can catch up?” Clementine asked.
Louis shook his head. “They look like they’re having fun. Maybe… we can have some fun of our own too,” He met Clementine’s gaze for a second, then looked down, embarrassed.
Clementine giggled.
“Sorry, that was an awful line, wasn’t it?”
Clementine brushed a dreadlock back behind his ear. “I liked it,”
 By the time Prisha and Violet caught up to the raft and saw where things had gone, they decided it’d be best if they didn’t rejoin the pair, opting instead to grab a couple’s raft of their own.
After a couple more rounds on the water slides, the couples made their way over to one of the regular pools. Louis had the brilliant idea to have a chicken fight faceoff: Prisha and him as the bases while Violet and Clementine fought hand to hand on top. The competition got surprisingly fierce. Violet and Clementine both knew a thing or two about hand to hand combat and were fast enough to dodge each other’s attacks, making it a battle of skill and dexterity as each of them tried to outwit the other.
Meanwhile, Prisha and Louis were each determined to be the best tank, pressing fiercely against each other and trying to throw the other off-balance. Both couples were impressive in their own right. Clementine utilized Louis’ dreadlocks to their full potential, steering and guiding him with such finesse that they looked like something out of Ratatouille. More than once she yanked him out of harm’s way, Louis’ trust in her so complete that they moved as though they were a singular unit. Prisha and Violet were not to be underestimated though. During one round where it looked like Louis and Clem had just won, the pair made a miraculous recovery, rising from the water with determined banshee cries, faces contorted in ungodly rage. The attack was so frightening that they quickly overwhelmed their startled opponents.
By the end of the day they were too exhausted to even get up to leave. Louis had pulled his chair beside Clementine’s and covered both of them in an enormous beach blanket, huddling together for warmth as the chill of staying out of the water overtook them. Meanwhile Violet and Prisha were sitting by the edge of the pool, legs trailing through the water as they chatted about this and that, finding more comfort in each other’s presence than the actual dialogue.
“You were magnificent in that last round,” Prisha said, smiling at Violet. “Like something out of a Greek myth: an Amazon, ready to cut down any fool that might dare to cross her,”
Violet bit her lip, looking down.
“Was that too much?”
“No, it’s not that. I’m just not use to compliments like that,”
“You deserve to be. You’re worthy of them,”
“How do you do that? Just speak so freely?”
Prisha shrugged, looking bemused. “I’m not sure. I’ve never been one to mince my words, but you…. You inspire me. You’re like my muse,”
If Violet hadn’t been blushing before, she certainly was now.
“I’m sorry. I’m laying it on pretty heavy, aren’t I? I should learn to hold back more,”
“No,” Violet grabbed her hand. “I like it. Don’t ever change,”
Prisha smiled shyly. “Alright then. I won’t,”
“They’re so dang cute,” Louis whispered, peeking out from underneath the beach towel.
Clementine joined him in his spying, her head on his shoulder. “Definitely. It’s nice to see Violet so happy.” She turned to Louis. “You’ve known her for a long time, haven’t you?”
“Over half my life. She’s dated before, but I’ve never seen her like this. I really hope things work out between them,”
“I think they will. Prisha looks just as smitten,”
Louis looked back toward her, turning on his side. “Sorry I’ve been focused on stalking my ship when I should be focusing on you,”
Clem shook her head. “Don’t apologize. I think it’s cute the way you care so much about your friends. It’s one of the reasons I started liking you,”
Louis flushed at her words, looking down between them. “That’s good to know, since I don’t think I could stop. The excessive stalking of my friends that is,”
“Don’t do that,” Clementine murmured.
“Do what?”
“Sell yourself short. Turn every statement you make about yourself into some sort of back-handed insult. You’re a good person, Louis. Don’t convince yourself otherwise,”
“I… wow. I don’t know what to say in response to that,”
“Then don’t say anything at all,” Clementine drew closer to kiss him, leaning into him as his hand slipped around her. They pulled apart with a sigh.
“I know it’s too early to say anything super heavy yet,” Louis stated. “So I’m just gonna say that I really, really, really like you,”
Clementine’s nose wrinkled in amusement. “I really, really, really like you too,”
They leaned in for another kiss.
“Hey, lovebirds!” Prisha called. “You done yet?”
“Yeah!” Violet joined in. “Quit making out underneath the towel! It’s time to go!”
Louis sighed, rolling his eyes. “Alright, alright. We’re coming!”
It had been a wonderful day at the water park. Louis immediately started making plans for their next double date. Violet and Prisha tentatively agreed, with the caveat that they had veto power on double date ideas if any of them got too crazy. As the couples walked back to the car, hand in hand, they were certain that this had been the first double date of many, many more to come. None of them were complaining. In fact, they were already looking forward to the next one. 
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coffeelouis · 5 years
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it’s that time of the month again! though, i should be more consistent about posting at the tail end of one month compared to the very beginning of the next. but, without further ado:
here’s every fic i’ve read in february 2019, in order of reading:
just call me inspiration by @hereforlou
The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world.
(Or, the one where Louis is a writer, Harry is an art student, and they inspire each other in very different ways.)
⭐ If Ignorance Be Bliss by @seemyselfout 
“Uhh” Louis hears first. Then the creaking. The fucking creaking of it all. The bed, which Louis knows is basically a glorified camp bed with its awkward wheels at the bottom and wooden board behind it, begins thudding. The banging is rhythmic, Louis can’t help imagining the poorly stifled moans of them both, Harry’s awkwardly lanky limbs and skinny hips jerking with about as much finesse as an eighteen year old can manage (read: not a lot). There is a moment where Louis is almost certain he hears Harry say “shhh, uhh, my roommate” and... The audacity of that. Louis is simply too outraged now to do anything, including get turned on, and simply waits until Harry’s stupid dick gives up (it sounded like she didn’t come -Ha, Louis thinks bitterly).
Uni AU: Harry is too experienced, and Louis just wants to get to experience him.
i can’t breathe (without you as mine) by @togetherwecouldbealright
It's slightly strange that Harry doesn't recognize him but Louis doesn't really mind because for some reason that's a mystery to him, Harry still somehow seems to be smitten with him.
or, the one where Harry just had surgery and is at the mercy of anesthetics and Louis is having far too much fun video taping Harry's initial reaction to seeing him.
two loves have i by @wreckingtomlinson
“So, hang on a minute.” Niall puts the pen down. “You’re really trying to tell me that you think two people who look alike moving into the same building around the same time makes more sense than Louis cutting his hair and changing his clothes in the four days since you last saw him?”
or, Harry is convinced the new guy who's just moved into his apartment complex is not only hot, but has an equally hot doppelgänger.
There’s Nothing I Can Do (I Only Wanna Be With You) by @chaoticallyyours
Roommates Harry and Louis both consider themselves matchmakers. Louis’ latest crusade is finding the perfect match for Harry, despite the admittedly disastrous results. With just a little bit of help from their friends and a lot of whining, Louis realizes that the best match for Harry might just be the person already sharing his flat.
OR: Louis is a dumb gay who doesn’t realize he’s in love with his best friend. Until he does.
an honest mistake by @disgruntledkittenface
You look different when you’re not covered in come,” he blurts out, immediately regretting each and every life choice that has led to this exact moment. Elevator Guy is going to hate him.
Louis has ridden the elevator with his neighbor all week. The first time they speak, there’s a misunderstanding.
⭐ for now and forever by orphan_account
"It's nice that you want to offer that, but I just can't do that. First of all, it's illegal."
Louis shakes his head vigorously. "No, no. It's not like one of us is gunning for a visa."
"Listen to yourself," Harry laughs, shaking Louis' shoulders. "Don't you think it's a bit weird to con the country you're supposed to be serving?"
Louis is going into the Army, Harry is going nowhere, and there's nothing like a little identity fraud between friends.
⭐ give me things to stay awake by @embodied
It’s shitty and it’s counterproductive and it’s self-indulgent, but he lets it become a thing. On Saturday nights Harry goes out and gets so pissed he can’t stand, and when the bartender cuts him off he rings Louis and is in his car within an hour. It’s not a cycle he’s proud of, but it’s also something he can’t resist, and he keeps doing it as long as Louis keeps showing up.
AU. It's been a year since Louis broke up with Harry.
I don’t want a taste (I want it all) by @thedaggerrose
What Louis really needed was a fat fucking nap.
What Louis got instead was some hipster-looking wannabe arguing with him over the validity of avocado toast.
Or the AU where Harry tells Louis to go fuck himself, Louis tells Harry to fuck him himself, and Harry follows through.
⭐ honey, honey by @resurrectdead
It just feels weird to not be able to tell his own mum about how nervous yet over the fucking moon happy he is right now, because this tape isn’t for neither Niall nor Liam. It’s for, well.  It’s for Harry bloody Styles. The boy that makes his insides feel like sunshine.
Or: It’s 1988, and Louis has to make a mixtape for Harry
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midnightcindy · 6 years
To Love a Sinner: Chapter 13
        The way into the Howard estate was damned near impossible. In fact, with Alyn’s lack of espionage training, it was a suicide mission just showing up. Alyn’s line of work called for less finesse: a hard knock on the head, a kick to the gut, a bullet through the skull, and the subsequent disposal of any remaining bits. This mission tonight was anything but quick.
        Alyn read carefully over the instructions that Nico had already worked out. Thankfully, at least someone had put some thought into how to get in. From the detail Nico had written, someone would have believed that he lived there; seriously, what was that kid doing as muscle? His talent was clearly in the details.
        The information file burned into Alyn’s brain, he carefully followed the path through the woods that Nico had found. Alyn moved his way silently past the guards patrolling the property, carefully avoiding the areas that were marked as watchdog territory. Soon he was slipping in through the back veranda, hiding among topiaries and hugging the path that had been plotted for him on the map. He carefully watched the gentle sweep of the cameras, and prayed that he wouldn’t make a wrong step.
          Since God clearly wasn’t watching out for someone like him, it must have been sheer luck that he was able to get in through the french doors cresting the patio. He dug through his pocket until he found the lock picking kit Leo showed him how to use, and after three tries, the door creaked open. He breathed carefully as he ducked inside, laying low in the darkness of the sunroom. Alyn closed his eyes, searching for the next step.
          Through the sunroom, past the kitchen, into the main hall. The stairs to the second floor, hug the left railing, cross the hall. Alyn breathed low as he approached two ornate, wooden doors. Pulling his gun from his belt, he held it at eye level, and exhaled. Alyn pushed the door open with one hand, and stopped.
          An elegant man in a lax version of a suit- an undershirt with exposed suspenders, wrinkled slacks, and a tie that had been loosened after a long day- with a shock of blonde hair rested his hip on a large desk made of heavy wood, a document in hand. He chewed on a pair of spectacles as he read, his silky hair covering his face until he looked up.
          For a moment his eyes were cold and unfocused, until he saw the gun Alyn had pointed at his face. His cool demeanor fell, and he raised his hands, glasses and papers hanging loosely in his fingers. “Don’t shoot.”
          “Yeah, that’s not why I’m here,” Alyn said softly, shutting the door behind him.
          Louis Howard lowered his hands, dropping the glasses on the table.
          Alyn cocked his gun nervously. “Don’t fucking move, Howard.”
          “All right,” he said, his voice even enough. “Just tell me why you want me dead, and maybe we can make a deal.”
          “I’m just doing what Mr. Branche hired me to do,” Alyn admitted, moving closer. “That should tell you enough.”
          “Look, whatever Robert is paying you, I can triple it,” Howard said, his hands outstretched.
          “Right,” Alyn said, scoffing. “Except he's paying me in ways that you couldn’t match.”
          “Please,” Howard begged, although his voice never wavered. “I’m just a man with a family, trying to provide.”
          Alyn chewed the inside of his lip. “Nice story,” he said. “But I’m not the emotional type.”
          Of course the next voice to speak would make Alyn regret his words. “Daddy?”
          Alyn’s eyes widened, his face running cold. A boy walked into the room, no more than five years old, his big, blue eyes red and sleepy. He rubbed at his face, blanket trailing behind him. “Daddy,” he said again. “Who is that?”
          Alyn wasn’t ready to see this. No, he thought, not again.
             “Mommy,” Alyn said, clutching a teddy bear. He walked into the tiny kitchen from his bedroom, leaving Leo still sound asleep in their bunk bed. He was so tired, and he yawned with a tiny squeal. “Mommy, I heard a funny noise.”
             Alyn walked forward, past the cupboard that was blocking the tiled floor. He cocked his head when he saw a pair of slippered feet poking out. Turning the corner, there was a funny smell in the room. It reminded him of warm pennies. “Mommy?”
             His mother was lying on the ground. Thinking she fell asleep in the kitchen, Alyn moved toward her head to wake her up. He stepped in something hot. Looking to his feet, the floor was covered in a red liquid. “Mommy,” Alyn repeated. “Mommy, what’s wrong?”
             She didn’t answer.
             “Mom,” he tried again, poking at her chest.
             Her eyes were open, staring at the ceiling.
             Alyn screamed.
             Alyn was breathing heavily, his gun shaking as it pointed toward Louis Howard.
          “It’s all right, Charlie. Go back to bed.”
          “Daddy,” Charlie said, shuffling forward. “Why does he have a gun?”
          Alyn couldn’t breathe. His finger was trembling on the trigger. Why was he here? Who was that man?
          “Charlie,” Howard said, backing away from Alyn. “Go to your room.”
          “Daddy,” Charlie said louder.
          Alyn heard the voice. No witnesses.
             “I… I can’t…” Alyn muttered.
          “Charles,” Louis warned, pointing at his son. “Do as daddy says!”
          “I… I…” Alyn’s head was spinning. Mom? Wake up!
             Charlie started to cry. “I’m scared!”
          “It’s okay,” Howard said.
          Alyn’s gun was falling now. He couldn’t see. He pressed a hand to his face. “I can’t do this,” he muttered.
          Howard paused, looking back to Alyn. “What?”
          “I can’t live in this nightmare anymore,” he said, crumpling to his knees. The gun slipped from his hold, falling onto the carpet. The air was still.
          Alyn flinched when he felt a tiny hand on his cheek. He looked up, eyes stretched and tired, and stared into the soft blue pools of innocence. “It’s okay,” Charlie said. “I have nightmares too.”
          Alyn felt his chin quiver, and he ducked his head, crying softly. He saw Leo’s face, young and still so innocent, holding his brother. The police lights flashed around them in the cold night, the night that held so many memories from so long ago. It’s okay, Alyn, Leo said. Someone will take care of us.
          Alyn reached out without thinking and held onto the small child. He shivered helplessly, hugging the little boy close, comforting the shadow of himself.
           Then, Alyn felt another hand on his shoulder, a larger stronger one, and he looked up. Louis Howard was kneeling next to him, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Would you like to have a drink with me?”
          Alyn sniffled, wiping at his face as he released the little boy. He cleared his throat, wiping at his face and nodding. “You got anything strong?”
           “So,” Louis said, his fingers a steeple resting on his lips, “what do you think?”
          Alyn finished his second drink, grunting at the burn that coated his throat. “It sounds too good to be true.”
          Louis chuckled, leaning forward in his chair to pour Alyn another glass from the decanter.
          Alyn covered his glass, shaking his head politely. “Sorry,” he said tiredly, “I normally don’t even drink this much.”
          Louis nodded, and leaned back again. “If you insist.” He took a thoughtful breath, then settled his hands on his lap. “Mr. Crawford, I am prepared to offer you everything I have said and more. All you have to do is exchange some information to me.”
          Alyn shook his head snickering. “And how do I know you’ll actually come through?”
          “Because I believe you’re a good man,” he said seriously. “A good man who has led a life through a series of unfortunate events.”
          “How do you figure that?” Alyn quipped, settling back into the armchair.
          “You couldn’t kill me or my son, even though you were given direct orders. That doesn’t sound like a heartless thug to me.”
          Alyn smirked, stretching out his legs over the thick rug. “You know what I think?”
          “What is that,” Louis asked.
          “I think you’re just sweet talking me,” Alyn challenged. “I think the minute I give you what you want, you’re just gonna shoot me on my way out the door. You really think I believe you can keep me safe from Robert?” Alyn shook his head, laughing. “I can’t even keep me safe from Robert, and he trusts me. Can’t keep anyone safe from that bastard…”
          Louis narrowed his eyes, and stood. Strolling to the wall, his hands in his pockets, he seemed to be deep in thought. Alyn watched as he stared at a portrait of his family. The Howards looked regal as ever, Louis standing proudly, his arms draped around his wife and child as if both embracing and protecting them. Louis mused, “Do you have a family, Mr. Crawford?”
          Alyn stared blankly at the portrait. “What does it matter?”
          “Would you do anything to protect them?”
          Alyn went quiet. He thought of the only two people that mattered to him, and he found himself sinking into his seat.
          “So would I,” Louis murmured, and turned on his heel to face Alyn. “Believe me when I say that you and I are not so different, Mr. Crawford. So trust my words when I say that in keeping your family safe, I can also protect mine.” Louis stood over Alyn, leaning slightly to set his arm on the backrest. He stared down into Alyn’s eyes as he spoke firmly. “Tell me what I need to know, and in turn, I will see to it that those you hold dear can live long, happy lives away from this madness. Do we have a deal?”
          Alyn stared down at the hand lingering in front of him. In Louis’ palm, he could see Leo and Billie, relaxing on a beach somewhere, not having to worry about phone calls from mob leaders or angry exes. Just tan skin and martinis, Leo’s laughter and Billie’s touch. Taking Louis’ hand, Alyn stood. “I want them safe, first. Then I’ll tell you what you need to know.”
          Louis grinned. “Very well. I can arrange to have them sent off wherever you like, completely untraceable. Robert will never be able to find any of you.”
          Alyn gripped Louis hand tighter. “Let’s get one thing straight, Howard,” he said firmly. “I don't give a damn what happens to me, but if one of them gets hurt, I’ll kill you myself.”
          Louis Howard grinned, shaking Alyn’s hand. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Louis released Alyn and wandered back to his desk. “You twenty-four hours to get them here, and I can handle it from there. When you get back here, you’ll give Byron anything he needs on Robert’s operation. Then, I’ll sneak you off. But until you get here, you’re on your own.”
          Alyn nodded stiffly with his chin, and tugged on his leather jacket. Cracking his neck, he walked briskly out of the study. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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loyalpromise · 5 months
louis tag dump:
[ more finesse. ] louis a. / answered. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / about. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / headcanon. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / interaction. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / style. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / aesthetic. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / likes. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / fc. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / reply. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / musings. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / music. [ more finesse. ] louis a. / visage. re: louis / clem. re: louis / aasim. re: louis / mitch.
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