#[ more finesse. ] louis a. / interaction.
loyalpromise · 3 months
📜(louis and james!)
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*james  and  louis  skipping  stones  on  lake* james:  it’s  such  a  beautiful  evening. louis,  whispering:  take  that  you  fucking  lake
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@walkerwhisperer​​ 𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗗 for a 𝗗𝗜𝗔𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗨𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗥 from 𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗜𝗦 !
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          “ i guess you could say that the walker skin really masks your scent, huh? ”
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worldendured · 3 years
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@nctbitten​ said: “I wasn’t actually that confident, it was more of a fifty-fifty.” (@ louis) a/mong u/s sentence starters
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          brow is risen and mouth edges pull back into a bemused half-smile. louis shakes his head lightly and hands raise up to grasp onto the lapels of his trench coat. she’s always surprising him.
          “ well, if that’s the case, ” he says, half-chuckling, “ then might i say that i COMMEND you on your EXCELLENT poker face, miss queen clem! ” lord knows that his own poker face is nonexistent. he is a terrible liar, especially when he has to look someone in the face.
          “ man, ” he draws out, tone turning playful. “ how do you do it? ”
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vcsecretgifts · 3 years
Snap shot in time
From: @auburnandamberangel
Merry Christmas @plopofcolour Qotd era Khayman and Armand interaction on the Night Island. Hope you like ^u^
Armand watched Khayman looking at his upper terrace garden, the plants benefiting not only from the sunshine but also the seaspray. The cacti, the large Saguaros with their armed tall appearance especially had captured the ancients fascination. The silhouettes classic to many a western. They weren’t indigenous to Egypt, effectively a new world plant, and certainly capturing this until recently slumbering vampire. Perhaps as they too were long lived, slow in maturing. He had his cameras slung over his neck and shoulder wanting to capture the bloom on one of them, a first. He recorded all of them on this island. Mementos.
Khayman was a very good guest, polite, and surprisingly unaloof compared to other vampires of a similar age. ‘Mr manners leaves their bodies after the first few thousand years!’ Daniel had observed dryly not to long ago as they say in said same garden, watching the waves. Sitting on the stone steps, snuggly between Daniels stretched out legs. Barely dead himself, so manys ways appeared rude by his modern standards. “Not all are…impolite.” Daniel had nodded, smiling almost as if he’d read his mind and knew he was thinking of the Egyptian. Which was impossible, he just people watched very well. And surely he was an expert in Armand observations by now.
“Ahh but Khayman was nice as a human, not many airs on him plus he’s sweet on you. So you’re the last person he’d be short with.” Interestingly not too much jealousy in that statement. A small possessive kiss to the top of his head, caressing of his arms about his waist. Their guests came and went, things were more peaceful minus some of their vampire brethren. Peaceful between them even. Born in a time of crisis, his home even invaded it wasn’t ideal for them even with a notorious nosey parker like his fledgling. He’d borne so much strain at his hands before being turned, it worried Armand. Sometimes they fought as he instinctually pulled back.
“The fact he’s easy on the eye doesn’t hurt much either does it.” Daniel added laughter in his voice. Teasing. Armand smiled despite himself turning his head. “But I’m famous for a penchant for blondes darling aren’t I.”
“Except Louis.” His beloved kissing his dimples. And others he’d best not mention. Not eager to quote that book at him right now.
“Hmmmm. Nice to not always be predictable then.” Kissing Daniels matching smile. It had ended up being a very good evening that night. Allowing himself to bask in the glow of the memory of it.
Khayman found the sea soothing, the air fresh and the garden a magical oasis. A small movement betrayed his hosts presence, rare to not have an exuberant Daniel or hesitant brooding Marius in orbiting attendance around Armand. Moths to this ’cherubs’ - seraphin now surely more apts flame- A ethereal beauty no matter the flowery language. In his time one destined to be blessed by the gods. A soul just as full of substance as his appearance. To think without her, the mother waking he’d probably not have crossed paths with this one. So artful at cloaking his presence. Deep in thought he was looking at him, but not really seeing him. Caught in a recollection. Unguarded he looked so young, in the eyes the depth and knowledge in them gave his age away. This was the way with their kind. Trapped in their making, the soul grew seen through the orbs alone. Somehow still warmth there, if the mood was right. A miracle considering the heartache had been through in so far centuries. He would do much to make sure he didn’t make those eyes cold. Watching this former coven master navigate so many vampires in his sanctuary, first love mingling with last. Struck by the poise. The former parents guardian, the Roman made said face light up and close down in equal measure. Not his place to intervene ofcourse, though tempting. Best to announce his presence, so Armand didn’t feel too exposed.
“Armand, good evening. Was there something I can aid you with?” Smooth heavily accented voice totally interrupting his reverie. “Did you want private time in your garden?” Previously observed vampire catching him unawares, hoping he hadn’t left himself open to scrutiny thoughts wise. His mind usually locked up tight, some of the first brood lacked finesse with the mind gift, it coming to them later. But what they lacked in finesse, could be made up by brute force alone. Being Marius’ blood line vicariously provided some civility that otherwise may not exist, for a not even five hundred year old former cult coven leader. Ageism was alive and well in their surviving group from Akashas cull. As if age always came with wisdom… Khayman had been gentle and respectful in his manner towards him. Armand appreciated this from his most recent friend. He saw him as he was, no judgement.
“No not at all. I take pleasure in seeing enjoyment from my garden. The cacti have you in their thrall I see.” Genuine smile to the ancient. Moving closer. The garden lit by coloured uplights here and there to make it appealing.
“They are exotic to my old eyes, yes. Beautiful yet dangerous. So like us I feel.” Small smile back. “Your a gracious host, I know it’s not in most of your nature’s to live on mass for long. You’ve been patient where you could have been firm. Silent when you could have spoken.” Khaymans turn to watch and enjoy the view that had nothing to do with the garden, but more it’s creator.
“Ah well, tact or diplomacy is something I’ve always had to have. Never to speak unless it improves the silence or my position in it.” Being quite open now in this admission. Unusually candid for himself truly. He didn’t think he’d regret it in this situation.
“The lone jackel is a hard role to break, though it’s served you well.” The ancient replied. Looking back at the cacti. “How old is this one then?”
“This one is around seventy years. It’s the first year it’s flowered, you’re lucky to have witnessed it.” Itching to take a picture of the flower, and perhaps Khayman too if he was truthful with himself. Just incase his stay was brief and centuries passed until another meeting of minds. “But they can live to around one hundred and seventy five perhaps even two hundred years. Not bad for a desert dweller.”
Khayman eyed the camera, that was the term wasn’t it. One of the magical picture capturers. “You’ll record it with this?” He hadn’t tried anything new in a while. Armand was patient, the best person to ask to try. “How?” He uttered before he had time to edit.
Inquisitive and open to instruction, not your average elder. Refreshing like the sea breeze. “I need a tripod, unless you can hold it steady as a rock. I’ll do both.” Zipping inside and then back out to get it. “I’ll need a long exposure to make the most of the moon light, and a flash for my close ups. The window inside opens for the picked time, the light hits the film and makes an imprint like an eye I suppose but in reverse, or inverse a negative. We can use the darkroom next.” Twinkle in his eye as he saw the ancients eyes widen. “The Polaroid develops as you shake it.” It must sound odd to the others ears.
“Witchcraft then. I’m an apprentice to a modern sorcerer.” Pleased by the laugh this comment brought from Armand.
“Usually I’m called bewitching. But I’ve been accused of worse.” Daniels words echoing in his head, pleased he didn’t blush as easily as said youngblood.
Gingerly taking the camera and going still, statue like as he could. A trick you learnt which came easily with age. Though it usually unnerved younger immortals. *Direct me as if I’m a tripod.* He said is the mind voice. Armands softer hands aiming the slr camera for a closeup. Physical contact was a luxury being a nomad rarely afforded.
Hearing the snap of the inner workings, turning of the spool. With each shot, the flash singing. Armand liked this process, methodical, practised yet still room for error and surprise. *Move back a little so I can get a portrait of it. Perhaps one of and for you to take with you?* Because people leave - eventually. This was always a possibility. Sentiment came with a cost, this he always knew.
A photo to keep. An anchor would be good for times Khayman felt unsteady. Stronger by the year, but wispy in his soul sometimes. A welcome light in the Night Island Villa, to concentrate on. *Yes. A portrait of plant, myself and it’s guardian even better.*
Warm glance, nodding his answer. “This also has a cable to take a photograph at a distance. A bellow balloon, a tube and a metal press.” Screwing it into the button. Then retrieving it from the taller elder. Fixing this on the tripod via it’s own foot. Let’s set ourselves up. Standing and leaning into the framing arms of the cactus, as if the plant was behind them, reaching to hold them close.
Khayman followed the younger ones lead. Moving in closer and realising he could smell Armands hair. Wondering if this was his shampoo or just his natural scent. Vampires sometimes exuded a odour that was unique to them, a spice in the blood perhaps. Marius had made him, imbued with donations by Akasha during his guardianship. Perhaps he had smelt like this in Venice as a mortal. Not something he could easily ask the child of two millennia. Nor share a want to share his blood to strengthen those below a thousand in their coven, truthfully only this one piqued his interest.
Armand had the cord behind his back to depress at just the right moment. Khaymans strong heartrate was hard to ignore so close. “Ready. One two three.” Not using cheese, referring to a dairy product as slang for smiling usually put older vampires in a spin. So a countdown better. Not flinching at the flash or the next long exposure. “Always take more than one for practicality.” Moving to replace the lens cap and concentrate on the Polaroid camera in front of him now. “Arguably this one is like magic.” He stated with a smile. “As Daniel can attest I took so many in our early years here.” Boxes and boxes of them, indulgent expression on his face. He was rich, but some things were priceless that had little monetary value in his collection. “Strike your next pose. Make yourself comfortable.”
Khayman liked Daniel. He was full of life, and hoped that energy didn’t turn downwards into madness. Knowing Armand was concerned with this too, any elder making a first fledgling would be - especially one as fond of forward planning as his host. Smiling nervous about doing something wrong. Hoping irrationally it wasn’t magic, as magic never bode well. Flash and snap. Painless. Wondering what the twins back in Sonomo thought of this new family, Mekare learning after her travelling the wilderness. Focus on Jesse, their link to Miriam.
Armand handed the Polaroid by its framed white bottom edge to the elder. “Now shake it, and you’ll slowly appear.” Charmed by Khaymans expression, bouyed one so old could still feel the wonder of the new. Despite intermittent sleeps. Hope for all of them surely. Watching Khayman watching the photograph as it developed. “What do you think?”
Bit by bit the image appeared - the dark background shading in firstly, the bright green cacti appearing next with its vibrant blooms. Then the paled by time figure, a smile all for the taker. Now one such photo of Armand with or without himself would be wondrous. “A fine picture.” So excited he placed kisses on Armands cheeks stopping before he daren’t put any on those rosy lips. Moving faster than he usually did, enveloping the younger vampire in a hug would perhaps be too much of a liberty. They had time. “One of us next, yes?”
Armand didn’t have time to start at the sudden movement of the ancient. Stealing himself to be squeezed, fortunate it didn’t come to pass. Khayman smelt inviting though, heady blood from their fount. Marius would be jealous no doubt. But he wasn’t here was he. Attending to Pandora, a promise of a return soon. As ever time would tell. Trying not to stare at Khaymans lips. “Yes. An instant portrait next.” Glad of someone who gave as much as he took.
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monkey-network · 4 years
An Unfortunate Critique of Spiderverse - Part 1 (of 3)
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse was a fun award-winning 2018 animated film with a basically unanimously positive fandom, regarded generally as both a masterpiece Spider-Man film and a remarkable animated film overall. And while I do not disagree with that, it definitely earned its spoils, it pains me a bit to bring up the reason(s) why I can’t call it the masterpiece that many claim. I like this film, but I don’t love it as much as others and I wanted to express why. And I will see to be critical, not cynical. Fair enough? Spoilers ahead for this... 2018 film that you should’ve seen already.
Part 1 ~ The Spiderverse Squad
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Now believe me when I say that I enjoyed this trio. Spider-Ham wasn’t as funny as I figured, but he still stood out like Peni and Spider-Noir in a respectable way. I especially loved the fandom’s reaction to them with fanart and jokes galore. But on a look back, it dawned on me that while their presence was welcome, our writers blew the load too soon and wasted these characters. Roll with me, will ya?
If you come to know me, you’ll figure that characters are the element I find the most crucial of your story; you mentally can’t just throw in random heroes into the story unless they’re significant to the protag, story, or world as a whole. It’ll feel weird, like you have no coordination. And yeah, the B team adds to Spider-verse’s worldbuilding mechanic that is the multiple universes; it thematically makes sense that more than one Spidermun can exist. And additionally kicks ass, no objections here. The problem I argue comes when while they add to the world building, it honestly added little to our boy Miles’ story, and it’s that disconnect that makes the characters feel more unnecessary than before. This doesn’t help when things could’ve worked far better if it only involved Gwen and Beter. To explain this better, I wanna bring up a couple films that are similar to Spider-verse yet knew how to use their secondary characters, the first one being...
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Kung Fu Panda, baby!
The furious five sans Tigress is about the same as Spider-verse’s B-Team where Po really doesn’t rely on them to both unleash his inner strength and face the final boss in the end. They’re his muse for enjoying martial arts. Po interacts with them a little more than Miles does with the others, but we still have that disconnect between the upcoming novice and the experienced. That disconnect however is counter-balanced by their significance in the story, not only in certifying the stakes that come with Tai Lung, but being the necessary crew to another important character: Tigress.
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Tigress is not only a character that Po looks up to, she’s a character with something to prove herself. She puts down Po because she’s envious of the special treatment he’s involuntarily receiving and mirrors the villain Tai Lung before his descent to villainy. The movie would’ve probably been fine if the Furious Five didn’t exist and it was just Shifu and Po training together, but having the five, and Tigress especially, in the story adds a great triangle of interaction between Po and Shifu, Shifu and Tigress, and Tigress and Po. Which makes it all the more poignant when she runs away to face Tai Lung herself, stern in proving herself to both Shifu and Po. We know that she wouldn’t win against him, but that loss is added two-fold when the other four were there to support her. The others aren’t as cynical towards Po, but it’s understandable that they sided with Tigress, thinking their experience together will help them succeed. It makes sense that the four willingly fight with Tigress, and it’s reasonably daunting when Tai Lung is able to tower all of them by himself. Compare this to Spiderverse where we kinda don’t get see our heroes and villains, excluding Miles, stack up that well until the 3rd act; it’s hard to wonder if who’s evenly matched and who can overpower whom. It doesn’t help that Peter, Gwen, and Miles are all isolated from the other three during the final fight in the warp terminal. 
It’s in the end where Po proves himself the Dragon Warrior, he not only earned that respect from the five but feels more complete knowing he and his idols look up to each other in a way. We really don’t get that interpersonal synergy with Miles and the B team beyond the moment of them together post Aaron’s death and their initial meeting, the best we get is that Miles knows he isn’t the only Spider-man but even that doesn’t feel as personal as his relationships with Gwen and Peter. Plus while Gwen and Peter are important characters, we don’t see much of a personal connection between the five Spidermun, it mostly comes off as an obligation that they’re together. Now I won’t lie, this is a pretty unfair comparison. The B-team came together on the fly, and it’s not like Miles, Gwen, and Peter knew who they were in the first place. But remember when I said a couple of films in the beginning? This leads to an ironic situation, coming from one of my other favorite movies about being special...
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Been a while since I talked ‘bout this beauty
I think it’s safe to say Spiderverse and The Lego Movie have a kindred story beat where our hero meet some tagalongs that have their own thing but nonetheless contribute as supporting characters. But unlike Spiderverse, the Lego Movie showed something I never figured about characters until I saw it once again last year. The other characters have their stake in the plot, but they are also relative features of our main character Emmett. Unikitty resembles his boundless optimism, Benny his excitability, Batman his emotional conviction, and so on. It’s a stretch, but it is possible to note supporting/secondary characters as facets of who our main character is, what they lack or what’s the most prominent idea of them. In Steven Universe, the crystal gems are separate elements of who Steven is at his best or wants to be. Beastars has Legosi, Louis, and Haru have differing aspects of growing up that blend well when united. It’s essentially the braincells meme, the parts make up the whole. Gwen and Peter fill those parts exponentially for Miles, with Peter’s experience and Gwen’s finesse in her skill, to show him the work that goes in being a hero. Same goes for Aaron and Jefferson on a more personal level, being the ones to give Miles the necessary conviction to become the hero. All I gotta ask is: Can ya say the same for Peni, Noir, or Porker?
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Again, not that they’re bad characters, but they mostly felt detached from the story in multiple angles
Now at this point you’ll probably say, “Monkey, we get it, where are you going with this?” Well, I can’t help but feel the B-team, while alright on their own, unfortunately feel like cameos that overstayed their welcome. Beyond the initial meetup, the interactions we get with them are second to none, there is no significant dynamic between the B-team and the two spidermun that are more significant to the story. I feel a little less charitable for media wasting potential and it doesn’t help that writing them out until the final fight is very easy. “Peni and Sp//dr were responsible for repairing the flash drive?” Well, I can say a few hints in the movie can point to Aunt May, Peter, and/or Gwen doing it instead. It’s hard to come back to this film compared to the others I’ve exampled when the back of my mind is going “Why are ya’ll here?” I say it would’ve been surprisingly cathartic if the B-team came near the end where they helped out and met up with the trio before bouncing back to their dimensions. As such, we could put more time in for Miles and Gwen together at Aunt May’s house the same way Peter and Miles got earlier before the plot generally runs the same, we have less voices but we build on those character dynamics for more than that bus ride they share. Add to that character theme of Miles, Gwen, and Peter B. being the different generations of Spider-man or something. Overall, I love them, and they feel wasted in this film.
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I just can’t see Spiderverse where the focus of these three subsides the interest for the other three
I wanted to discuss this particularly because as much I can say that much detail in the film fundamentally works, which I will discuss later in this analysis, it stands to say that not every ambition in this undoubtedly ambitious movie was added well. It’s honestly how i feel with randomness humor, it’s fun at first but you gotta do more than enough to make it timeless while keeping the surprise of it intact. Or else you just wish they just replaced that joke with something more constructed. Said before, they don’t or weren’t able to utilize these characters beyond their cameo level moments, and it is not a good thing that they’re potentially saved for the sequel because I hate the idea of depending on a sequel to fix the 1st movie’s issues. I gotta wait to 2022 for a potentially better management of characters and that bothers me. I appreciate what I got, but I unfortunately can’t say that appreciation equates to a free pass of what’s detrimental to my love for this film. Now, I tagged this as part one for a reason, because this is only a symptom, a fun size piece to a bigger story problem I have.
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Next time. Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.
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thefandomfuckery · 4 years
What made you stan One Direction and Fifth Harmony? What did you like about them that made you stan that you didn't see in LM?
I was into anime for a long time before I was into 1D and I was at a point of burn out by that point so I was ready to latch onto something new I suppose; my sister had always been into boy groups and celebrity stuff forever but I remember when she showed me WMYB for the first time (I made a disgusted face) I was like, bleh these guys look boring. I remember then catching One Thing on some music channel we’d have on while we were home doing other stuff. And I was like “oh this is catchy” then I started looking more into them through Tumblr after that; loved their sincerity and their humble nature. But how close knit they were as a unit of guys, you hardly see that with boys in this day and age. Being open with affection and care of one another. I obviously fell for their personalities and their story but what they were in their individual relationships. That’s why I never understood supporting a Taylor, Ariana, or Nicki. Yeah they’re interesting and good music. But the thrive I got off 1D was their chemistry and interactions. You can’t have that with a solo act and the great thing is, there was 5 of them and each of them paired up had their own different workings. You would never get the same kind of interview if you put lets say Niall and Louis, if you put Louis with Zayn, they’d have their own interests with each other, they’d tease each other differently. It was even better on stage, if you watched. Zayn and Niall had their own thing (google beep beep boop, it’s adorable) Liam and Harry had their own dancing thing with their feet haha. 
IT’S THAT. ALL OF THAT. IT was just a connection of interaction that you felt like you got to be apart of this very close knit group and I needed that when I was in high school and was very lonely at the time. I won’t be cheesy but these boys were a big highlight of my teen years. 
I won’t get as complex but 5H had the same vibe of everything I said about 1D but they were women so their narrative was different. They were really the soap box for diverse female empowerment with a young gen. It had been so long since a gg had made it even remotely big and had such a large audience. But the difference for 5H and 1D for me was I didn’t feel the need to support 1D. As in call radio stations, vote for awards, watch music videos a couple thousand times, or stream them 24/7. There wasn’t a need since 1D had marketing where 5H didn’t and that became 5H big sell, their fans would close the gap. They’re still up there with the most awards and high acclaim. I still think WFH got robbed for a nomination but I laugh at what might have happened with all the drama if they had gotten nominated so. I also just believed in their evolution a bit more; I wanted them to have the finesse and style BP has but it’s a money and investment thing and when your label isn’t interested then *queue eyeroll*
The thing LM lacked the whole time, since I found them out in my 1D years and I attempted to like them. I liked their HHYD video a lot and I liked the whole personality similar to spice girl thing they were rocking but they were a little older by the time they got the DNA era rolling (Perrie was already 18 I believe) while Dinah was 16 when they were starting out. LM was also not growing up with their music. Salute tried to and like I said the whole “we only date and have female issues” was the reason I was not interested in them or their music. Their interviews were pretty cringe especially the early ones. While 5H were much more fun and didn’t care about acting for the cameras. It’s a combo of things but it also comes down to. I never believed in their group chemistry. Ever. They say, we care about each other a lot, but they never really made me feel it. It always seemed like an act. 
This was so long winded. And didn’t even cover everything I’m sure. Whew.
After 1D and 5H broke up I got back into anime. Just finished Beastars. It’s great and on Netflix. (I’d say the anime fandom is less dramatic because it’s fiction but IT’S NOT)
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The Thrill Is Gone
This is the final draft of the second essay this semester in ENG 100 the prompt was to simply write a process essay.
Music in general is a fountain that hydrates the soul, but as B.B. King so aptly put it "[The] Blues is a tonic for whatever ails you."  The blues are produced through both natural insight and musical finesse, both of which can be achieved by any person with the drive and temerity to devote oneself to the music.  There are only two requirements for writing the blues: a guitar and the tenacity to display the broken feelings that reside inside of your heart.  If you relinquish yourself to this process, you will not only know how to play the blues, but the blues will also find a place to exist inside of you forever.
Step one: break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend.  The blues are built on conflicts of emotion and there is no greater juxtaposition of conflict than that of love and loss.  The loss of a loved one through the stress of a relationship is commonplace in most music, but the wanton earnest of reconnection and disbelief in love's demise is what defines blues music.  If you have never felt the loss and regret of love's flame being extinguished, then you are in the wrong genre of music.  If you are trying to gain sympathy for your emotions, then you are also in the wrong genre of music. The goal of the blues is not to have the listener sympathize, but rather empathize, with your feelings. Everyone has had their heart trampled on and the only amenity is knowing someone feels the same duress but is still able to carry on.
Your next step is to move to an impoverished part of the country.  There are still plenty of places in this great nation that exist deluged in the unquenchable flood of disparity and it is important that you are able to connect with your core audience. Misery loves company, and to hear someone has it just as bad is comforting in troubled times.  When you look at a hollowed-out city, the demise is what inspires the blues.  Once again, you are concerned with concept of love and loss.  One's love for the city one lives in can burrow its ties deeper than patriotism for one's nation. Be careful; if you start singing about the whole nation's problems you are writing country music, so keep it localized. Also, you can write about how a once great city has fallen apart, but you can't sing about how to fix it; don’t get preachy.  The blues are about lamentations of the past, not solutions for the future.
Now that you're settled in your new environment, buy a suit. Not only is style and important factor in the presentation of the music but it's also imperative for the next step.
Join some form of grassroots Catholic clergy.  Not only does gospel music have deep ties in the blues, you will interact with the people who were born into the blues.  the harder life is, the more religious one can become. You can feel the weight of Catholic guilt in every hymn, rebounded with a hopeful hallelujah; that’s the blues.  when your suffering reaches a point where the only solution seems to be divine intervention, you have found the source of the blues.  You might not find this desperation inside of yourself, but as part of a religious community it's hard not to know someone whose outlook on the future has become so bleak.  Every member of the clergy becomes your community, and just as with the city you live in, you are allowed to write about the woes of the community.
The next step can be tricky and requires allot of self-introspection. Find a how you are oppressed. In this day and age, oppression takes on many forms and seems to encompass every walk of life. Louis Armstrong once sang that "The only sin is in my skin."  Your oppression does not need to run that deep but if you feel that your perception of yourself is dictated by outside entities, then you have the right to feel negative about the source.  You have the freedom to write about how you feel about the world around you and your place in it. Once again, do not get preachy. Sing about your problems with society, but let society develop solutions on how to solve their own problems.  You don’t have the responsibility of fixing the way people perceive your walk of life. It's important to remember that you can be whoever you want, and if you feel ashamed of any facet of your identity, let people know why they are making you feel that way. Unless oppression is pointed out, people won't know how to act normal.  
Finally, you need to learn how to play the guitar.  you might be saying to yourself, "Why is this the last step rather than the first?" It's because you don’t play the blues, you feel the blues. Once you have been through the heartache, the struggle, the Catholic guilt, and the oppression, the rest should come naturally.  Start with one finger on one string and build the music around the emotion you feel inside. Don’t be hung up on the style or whether it sounds correct; build something that melds to your feelings.  Some of the greatest guitarists have taught themselves, and with all the emotion and raw energy you have built up inside yourself, you can too. If you wish to skip this step, you can always do what Robert Johnson did and sell your soul to the devil, but this step is drastic and is not recommended.
You now have the tools you need to write the perfect blues album. You can write about the loss of love and the desire for closure. You can write a song about the way the world has forgotten your city and how the street lamps no longer work.  You can tap into your knowledge of the Bible and write some gospel-inspired tracks based on the woes of your community. And if you have the courage, you can write about how you feel this society is treating you, all while looking sharp in nice attire. With the right kind of eyes, you can still find classifieds in newspapers; find an add written by some teenager with a Macintosh computer and have him commit your blues to wax for all to hear.  The only thing left to do is take your testament and walk the earth, enduring headaches from the second-hand smoke in the dive bars you play.  Travel the country preaching the gospel according to you, until you have a congregation.  The most important thing to remember: No matter who you are, the people want to hear what your soul has to say, not some pasteurized version of what you heard is the blues. As I said at the beginning, you must relinquish yourself to this process; don’t be afraid to get lost down the line. One day someone will find you, someone will hear your words, and that person will feel whole again. That is the purpose of the blues.
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loyalpromise · 3 months
📜 clem & louis :3
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louis: what is your biggest weakness ? clem: i can be uncooperative. louis: okay, can you give me an example ? clem: no.
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loyalpromise · 2 months
🎲 (for louis)
39: a tentative kiss ...
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          “ c’mon  dude !  wake  up ! ”  louis  tried  to  shake  the  other  back  into  consciousness,  but  he  was  out  cold  and  showed  no  signs  of  stirring.  “ seriously,  james,  we  gotta  go ! ”  like  james  could  actually  hear  any  of  what  louis  was  even  saying.  
          shit.  shit.  shit.  shit.  shit…
          louis  cycled  through  many  ideas  in  his  head,  but  he  couldn’t  carry  james;  the  guy  was  too  big  and  way  too  heavy  for  louis  to  be  able  to  comfortably  carry  him.  clearly,  trying  to  wake  him  up  by  force  wasn’t  working,  and  louis  didn’t  have  any  water  to  splash  james  with.  they  didn’t  have  much  time  either;  the  walkers  would  be  closing  in  on  them  soon,  and  louis  didn’t  feel  like  dying  today.
          another  idea  sparked  in  his  mind,  and  immediately,  he  shut  it  down…  until  it  came  back,  and  he  realized  that  it  actually  might  be  his  ONLY  option  at  this  point.  he  peered  down  at  james,  contemplative,  gnawing  on  the  inside  of  his  cheek  as  he  thought  it  over,  and  ultimately  decided  that  it  was  this  or  nothing,  and  he  just  hoped  that  james  would  be  understanding  afterwards.
          with  much  trepidation,  louis  finally  leaned  down,  hesitating  the  closer  he  came  to  james’  face,  almost  second  guessing  himself  and  chickening  out.  sure,  it  wasn’t  ideal,  but  it  was  this  or  leave  james  to  get  mauled  to  death  by  walkers  and  louis  didn’t  want  to  have  that  on  his  conscious  for  the  rest  of  his  life !
          inhaling  deeply  through  his  nose,  louis  surged  forward,  but  still  could  only  manage  to  press  a  featherlight  kiss  to  james’  lips,  pulling  away  a  mere  second  later,  and  watching  with  a  mixture  of  relief  and  terror  as  james’  eyes  finally  fluttered  open.
          before  louis  could  open  his  mouth  to  speak—to  justify  what  he’d  just  done—he  found  himself  upright  in  his  bed,  breathing  heavy,  and  staring  out  at  the  dim  walls  in  his  dark  dorm  room.  it  took  him  a  few  moments  to  realize  that  it  had  all  just  been  a  dream,  and  he  made  a  mental  note  to  not  eat  any  more  years  old  candy  he  found  laying  around  ericson’s  again.
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loyalpromise · 3 months
📜 clem & louis & violet :>
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louis: WHY.  why  did  you  give  violet  a  KNIFE ?! clem:  i’m  sorry.  she  said  she  felt  unsafe. louis:  now  I  feel  unsafe ! clem:  i’m  sorry. clem:  ...  would  you  like  a  knife ?
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loyalpromise · 3 months
♡ louis
●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●○○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●○○ | LOYALTY ●●●○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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loyalpromise · 4 months
starter for @lastedpromise ( mitch ) from louis !
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          not  much  phases  louis—or  he  likes  to  pretend  it  doesn’t.  either  way,  he  doesn’t  let  the  others  see.  he’ll  let  their  stinging  remarks  or  off-handed  comments  roll  off  his  back,  smile,  laugh,  and  go  about  his  day,  care-free.  sometimes  louis  can  tell  that  they  aren’t  being  serious;  he  doesn’t  take  every  comment  to  heart,  but  sometimes  things  hit  a  little  too  close  to  home.  still,  he’ll  go  about  his  day—it’s  nothing  new.
          what  louis  hadn’t  accounted  for  was  how  his  HOTHEADED  boyfriend  would  react.  he  was  still  getting  used  to  it.  it  wasn’t  like  mitch  said  much  before  they  got  together—in  fact,  louis  thought  mitch  hated  him  with  every  fiber  of  his  being  at  times,  or  at  the  very  least  found  him  annoying.  so,  he’d  been  extremely  surprised  when  mitch  made  a  move  on  him—not  that  he  disliked  it  or  anything.
          but  it  surprised  him  even  more  just  how  mitch  acted  when  they  were  together.  softer,  sweeter,  but  still  with  his  usual  chaotic  streak…and  a  temper  when  set  off.  he  hadn’t  gone  off  on  louis  about  something  ( yet )  but  louis  could  watch  the  gears  turning  in  his  head  and  the  way  he  had  to  bite  his  tongue  whenever  someone  scoffed  about  something  louis  said.  louis  found  it  more  impressive  than  it  probably  was,  and…sweet.
          “ mitch,  seriously—it’s  fine, ”  louis  insisted  once  they  were  alone.  “ for  real.  don’t  have  an  aneurysm,  okay ? ”
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loyalpromise · 5 months
47 (for either ruby or louis! if you're feeling either of them.)
#𝟒𝟕: "𝑺𝑶𝑨𝑷" - 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒛 / 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙵𝚈 𝚆𝚁𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 !
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think i got myself in trouble so i fill the bath with bubbles then i'll put the towels all away should've never said the word "love" threw a toaster in the bathtub
          it’s  not  a  good  day  as  far  as  louis  is  concerned,  and  usually  he  can  see  the  brightside  on  most  things—or  he  pretends  to,  at  the  very  least.  today,  however,  he  feels  drained  and  the  absolute  downpour  of  rain  hasn’t  been  helping  his  mood.  he  doesn’t  know  when  it  plans  on  letting  up,  but  he  can’t  imagine  that  it’ll  be  any  time  soon.
          earlier,  to  pass  the  time,  he  had  tried  to  crack  jokes,  play  piano,  partake  in  conversation  with  the  others—anything  to  fill  the  void  of  boredom.  it  hadn’t  lasted  very  long  before  he  caught  hell  from  a  handful  of  people  and  he  wasn’t  sure  if  he  had  the  mental  energy  to  keep  up  with  his  usually  chipper  appearance  today.
          james  had  been  visiting;  sticking  out  the  storm  and  far  too  kind  to  call  louis  annoying  like  the others had.  james  didn’t  talk  much,  so  he  should’ve  expect  as  much,  but  it  was  still  nice  to  not  have  the  reminder  that  he  was  extremely  under  appreciated  by  his  peers.
          with  a  sigh,  he  spoke,  not  exactly  addressing  james,  mostly  just  talking  aloud,  but  it  had  only  been  the  two  of  them  in  the  current  vicinity.
          “ i’m  sick  of  all  the  games  i  have  to  play… ”
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loyalpromise · 2 months
“It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.” Clem @ Louis 🥺💕✨
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          louis  had  never  taken  clem  for  the  poetic  type,  but  maybe  he  truly  was  rubbing  off  on  her.  her  words,  while  touching,  were  bittersweet,  and  he  couldn’t  have  her  worried  about  losing  anything  of  what  they  had.
          a  smile  pulled  at  his  lips  as  he  gave  her  shoulder  a  gentle  nudge.  mushiness  ensuing  in  three…two…one…
          “ more  like  you  showed  up, ”  he  corrected  her,  airily.  “ when  we’d  saved  y’all  from  that  car  wreck  i  never  woulda  thought  we’d  end  up  where  we  are  now…  and  i  don’t  wanna  lose  this  feelin’  that  i  feel  for  you  either. ”  he  leaned  in  closer  then,  almost  enough  for  their  noses  to  touch.  “ you’re  the  only  one  who  can  keep  feelin’  what  you’re  feelin’  though.  and  believe  me  when  i  say:  i  plan  on  makin’  it  wayyy  too  hard  for  your  feelings  for  me  to  ever  go  away  so…you  got  nothin’  to  worry  about,  clemster. ”
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loyalpromise · 3 months
@walkerwhisperer liked for a dialogue starter ( louis to james ) ! ♡
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" see ?  i'm  not  just  a  pretty  face. "
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loyalpromise · 4 months
starter for @imaginarianisms ( aaliyah) from louis !
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          louis  had  always  wanted  kids—it  had  been  a  decision  he’d  made  while  he  still  was  a  kid.  he’d  wanted  a  big,  happy  family—happier  than  anything  he  grew  up  with—and,  admittedly,  he  never  thought  it  was  in  the  cards  for  him.  at  least  not  with  the  world  steadily  crumbling  around  them,  anyway.
          but  then  along  came  aaliyah  and  while  he’d  been  stunned,  floored,  even,  to  find  out  that  he  was  going  to  be  a  father  after  having  come  to  terms  with  the  fact  that  it  was  never  going  to  happen,  it  had  been  a  pleasant  surprise  and  one  of  the  happiest  days  of  louis’  life—only  coming  second  to  the  day  she  was  actually  born,  of  course.
          being  a  parent  was  already  hard;  you  would  always  be  worried  for  your  child’s  wellbeing,  but  with  how  the  world  was  now,  louis’  concern  for  his  child  had  only  grown  tenfold.  still,  he  tried  not  to  stress  himself  out  too  badly—they  had  a  literal  village  to  look  out  for  aaliyah,  after  all,  but  he  was  still  going  to  worry.  no  amount  of  reassurance  would  ever  quell  that.
          “ i’ve  taught  you  well, ”  louis  said  one  afternoon,  beaming  down  at  his  daughter.  he’d  been  teaching  her  how  to  play  the  piano,  and,  unsurprisingly,  she  was  naturally  gifted,  much  to  his  delight.  “ have  you  written  any  of  your  own  songs  yet ? ”
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