#[ fantasia war. ]
disneyboot · 8 months
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
The Autism Headcanon Masterpost
Autism headcanons provided by me.
Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
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Etcetera (Cats the Musical)
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Megamind (Megamind)
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Walter Strickler (Trollhunters Tales of Arcadia)
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Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
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Tinker Bell (Peter Pan, Tinker Bell)
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Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them)
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Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
(no image because I hate the movies)
Sherlock Holmes/ Basil of Baker Street (idk, any Sherlock Holmes ever)
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Leonard Snart (The Flash) (Because I'm stupid and projecting onto my faves)
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Fred Jones, Jr (Scooby Doo, Mystery Incorporated)
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The Spring Sprite (Fantasia 2000)
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Echo (Star Wars, The Bad Batch)
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Fiver (Watership Down)
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Darwin Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
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Ferb and Candace (Phineas and Ferb)
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(this will be added to)
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I need movie recommendations.
Please let me know of any movies you love!
The more the better! I’m in need of new comfort movies!
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negreabsolut · 2 months
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En Qui-Gon Jinn i n'Anakin Skywalker a Coruscant, amb l'R2-D2 mirant l'escena. Star Wars: Episodi I - L'amenaça fantasma (1999).
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horoffic · 9 months
👻 "So you are Kyrie. I wasn't sure since you were so green." The sun was setting which meant that Perona's bat instincts had told her it was fine to fly. She wanted to explore Diapool but had come across a familiar face on the town's outskirts instead.
Smirking from above has they had walked below her, Perona had been dangling upside down from a tree branch with her wings wrapped around her. If not for the ears and the hands and feet, you might've mistaken her for a vampire.
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"This situation is a little weird, don't you think? But I like your hair! Very pretty."
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isolaradiale · 9 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Memories in the minds of the citizens of a circle of flame that hung high in the sky persisted for seven days and seven nights, and of the city’s weather worsening over the course of that period without even a trace of explanation from the city’s creators. But that eve the state of things had worsened. The circle began to crackle as shards of flame began to rain down from its center.
“It’s the end of the world!”, one NPC cried, sparking panic among their fellow citizens as a ball of rock and fire crashed through a nearby building. It was a phenomenon that was taking place across the city’s entirety as mass panic set in. Hour after hour destruction reigned down upon the people with no end nor solution in sight. A monster arose, as did a voice to guide them. But during their last stand... they failed. And then came 12:00AM.
The circle of flames descended, expanded, consumed what was left of the island in its pitch black void. And for the citizens? Darkness. All encompassing, as if they’d been thrown into an absence of consciousness. Whatever the monster had been looking for in the hole, it had found it. 
While they slept the city was reconstructed. Razed land reborn, a program booted up over the city’s landscape. To some it might have been familiar, to others it was a brand new concept: Fantasia. 
When the people saw light next they’d find their surroundings, and quite possibly their own bodies, reborn. Fantasia was a fantasy realm, a remnant of a ‘harmless’ prank from a distant world, but this time it had set itself up upon Spirale. Through whose command? It remained a mystery.
Upon ‘waking’ the people of the city would find things very different from what they recalled. No longer was the city one of modern technology, but a realm of fantasy and magic separated into four kingdoms. Each kingdom was at war with one another, their people very different and desiring a sacred treasure known as the Fruit of Beginnings. Those torn from other worlds, in the eyes of the kings and rewritten NPCs, were to serve as heroes for their kingdom. Swearing allegiance they were supposed to either work or fight for the place of their choosing. 
But that wasn’t all. Some would find themselves redesigned as well. Champions had to look the part of their world, did they not? And so Fantasia reformed the outsiders into denizens more fitting of the realm. Each kingdom is known for its primary race and primary monster race, and characters might find themselves reincarnated as one of them. Their powers retained, of course, but on top of them a number of talents unique to these races.
So welcome to this fantasy game -- nay, welcome to your new reality. It’s survival of the fittest in this world, and allegiance is key. 
Welcome to part one of FANTASIA WAR, Isola’s first fantasy event!
First, a tl;dr:
the entire city has been re-purposed into a fantasy setting for the duration of this event.
characters are expected to ally themselves with one of the four kingdoms and aid in their efforts, be it as a soldier or a worker at home
there are eight fantasy races (four humanoid and four monster) available to have your character become upon waking at the event’s beginning; additionally you can just remain in your current form if you wish
each race has its own unique abilities and magic is a common skill in this world
all worldbuilding information can be found on this post
starting next week we’ll be posting quests that can be taken with small rewards as payout
part 1 is just an adjustment period to flesh out your character ideas for the setting
GENERAL FAQ A separate FAQ post will be made specific to the event once questions start rolling in. Due to the event’s nature we expect to receive plenty of them and will be using them to clarify world building and rules as necessary.
Will there be a reward for participating in this event? There is an unlockable reward associated with the raid segment of the event that will come in pt2. We will be making the requirements a little more lax though, so we'll have more information when that goes up!
Do we have to pick a fantasy race for our characters? Can they remain normal? You don’t need to change your character! It’s just a fun option for those interested. That said, you cannot change your fantasy race after picking it so choose carefully!
Are powers retained during this event? What if we pick a fantasy race? Regardless of picking a fantasy race or not your character will retain their normal abilities that they’ve unlocked in Isola. The only outliers to this would be abilities specific to your own character’s unique physiology. For example if a character was an android they wouldn’t have the technological merits if you changed them in a Beastkin, but you could substitute that loss with the natural strength of that race. Additionally if a power is deemed OP (such as conceptual abilities or mass item production) they will be locked for the entire event duration. Weapons will be retained no matter what, and any technological inconsistencies will be handwaved as ‘champion privilege’. 
Can we use magic? Yes! All fantasy races can use magic. A list of available spells can be found here.
Are there any risks to entering a kingdom you aren’t allied with? As the kingdoms are all at war, champions are required to tread lightly in domain that isn’t allied. Many NPCs take the forms of guards that are fluent in the otherwordly visitors and their allegiances, and won’t hesitate to attack or attempt to apprehend those they deem a threat.
What about a ceasefire zone? Ahaha, no.
What if my character wouldn’t side with a kingdom and would choose to fly solo? You’re free to attempt this, but due to the world’s nature NPCs will always see you as aligned with a kingdom. This status isn’t removable.
Can we meet with the kings / queens? Not at the moment, no. For the most part their locations are unknown, orders given to their people from the shadows.
What happens if your character dies? They’ll respawn in their kingdom’s primary town.  
Do our characters still have their cellphones? Yes, and service is still up (somehow). It’s just... NPCs will try really hard to take them from you if you aren’t careful.
Should we put all of this event info for our characters somewhere? We recommend you make a post with all the relevant information!
Anything happening with the hole? Hole? What hole? The hole is gone, filled by a gigantic tree whose leaves and branches stretch out against the sky. There isn’t a place in any of the kingdoms where you cannot see it. And yet... the NPCs seem to have no idea it’s there. Hm.
I have a lot of questions! And we have answers! We’ll be composing a separate FAQ post shortly, but until then start sending your questions to our event sideblog so the dash isn’t overwhelmed. We will not be taking event questions via the main masterlist blog.
What was that about a circle of flame for a week in the event description? When the event was originally run we teased a circle of fire in the city sky a week before the event started. Memories of this circle have been included in the simulation of the event, so your character will remember seeing it.
How long will this event be running? This event is an extremely meaty event with two parts and a raid battle portion, and so we will be running it for four weeks to give everyone a fair chance to participate. A such it will end at 11:59:59PM on October 20th.
As a reminder... Powerless characters are often allowed to utilize their Fantasia War forms during combat events so if you haven't made one for them, this would be a good chance to do so!
Also please keep in mind... Because of how renewals work, your character should have no memories of the Fantasia portal in the Intraspace, which is a recreation of this event's setting.
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katara-stan-club · 9 months
I need a purrgillow (purrgil pillow) immediately please
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light-imperfected · 4 months
um uhh ahhhh
i never put this piece anywhere bc at the time we finished the gabewukong fantasia thread the event was already over and also i got shy abt writing wukong pov and also until tonight it ended in the middle of a sentence in my notes app. but its self indulgent and extremely gay and i was thinking abt it while writing that mk reply so here you go.
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crossfists · 8 months
He was no stranger to the world ending. Nor the difficulties that came with 'banding together'. Still, he had been doing what he could for his own part, with his own professional standing on the island, currently. It had...Somewhat worked. He did not find he was the best at recruiting people to a cause, even if those, once recruited, would have no issues following his lead.
And after days of recruitment, he allowed himself to worry after Steven once more. A message was sent while his back was turned:
[text] I will meet you shortly.
Before he continued on his way. It was already dusk, and Steven shouldn't have left just yet while still giving the man more freedom shortly. Moving into an alleyway, the encroaching darkness obfuscates the purple haze coming off the person walking toward him, but it can hardly obfuscate the familiar silhouette approaching-
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The fight that occurred is at minimum, bloody. The damage to the buildings nearby was not destructive, but indicated combat in a closed space between two strong figures.
Only a single hulking figure remains at the end, drenched in red. The smell would be enough to entice any Unholy with a penchant or appetite for blood would be drawn for miles.
And yet the man in holy garb does not move further from the spot, standing still.
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punishercross · 8 months
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An assassin from a small sect in the Kingdom of Airaisal, Nicholas D. Wolfwood is seemingly hunting down a few people. Whether as targets or not, that ain't yer business. Even in Yela Alora, he's got quite the reputation for his ill-fitted and torn holy man's garb, and the large cross he caries on his back. Rumor has it from the locals that he's got some sort of blessed ability to heal, and wields a glowing cross as a weapon...
Despite the Beastkin's affinity for magic, Wolfwood is actually unable to use any himself and has no distinct powers beyond his physiological enhancements. While it looks like magic to other people, he actually has no access to spells in any natural (or supernatural) way.
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gutsberserkson · 10 months
Ever notice something about these types of villains?
Is it just me, or does it happen to be that Satanic Archetypes (villains inspired by Satan, the Devil, at least by how Christianity portrays him) tend to be among the most well-liked and critically acclaimed villains? I'll list some examples: Morgoth and Sauron from Tolkien's Legendarium (The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings), Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, Griffith from Berserk, Randall Flagg from the Stephen King multiverse, Chernabog from Disney's Fantasia (Disney himself said that Chernabog is, in fact, supposed to be Satan himself). There are plenty more examples I could list, but I'll keep this as brief as I can, unless you want a bigger list for next time.
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sageshadowed · 8 months
Macaque's bored. For a city-altering event, this so-called war doesn't actually touch him—for now, at least. It's not too miserable to adjust to. The plant-body he's been assigned looks more dead than he'd like, but at least it looks cool, and it gives him back some of the power he's been lacking here.
Looks like the same can't hold for his old pal Wukong. Macaque had fully thought he was a human traveller lost in the woods, not the Great Sage. (the smell gives him away, even in this distinctly unfuzzy form.) He swallows a snicker. Before the whole Azure situation, Macaque would've taken the opportunity to fuck with the King. He's not out to kill anymore—most of the time, at least—but it doesn't mean he won't have a little fun.
Macaque swings down in front of @sunsage's face, dangling upside down by a vine-like tail. "You gotta be more careful where you go, bud."
He flips to the ground, grins. "You never know when someone's going to play an awful prank on an unsuspecting mortal." Just like old times, he nearly says, bites down on the words before he does; for all their bickering, Macaque doesn't want to talk about—that. (You'd think a guy would get over his hatred of Tang Sanzang after a few centuries, but apparently Macaque's not the type to forgive and forget.)
He puts a hand to his chest in mock horror instead. "What happened to your hair?"
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sanctummilitis · 8 months
Steering clear of entering the forest outright, she had traversed the edges of land upon which Airisalians had settled so to avoid drawing attention. Behind its outer layer of trees, her blood ran cold to dare enter, the scent of blood polluting the air. it had been only for the benefit of an efficient hiding place should she be discovered that she'd even come near the woodland, pushing down against the uncomfortable squirming of her gut.
Outside may not have been the issue though — for the rapid movements of someone, or something, within the shade of tree trunks caught her eye. it may have been a natural flicker in the corner of her eye, but within enemy territory, she was not about to take any chances, nor could she afford to.
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With swift manoeuvre, the Fae brandished Excalibur and took up an aggressive stance in preparation for any intended ambush. If they believed her vulnerable or foolhardy for coming alone, she would demonstrate it to be misguided. She had bled once in the forest and would not do so again. "Show yourself — if force is necessary, know there will be no hesitation".
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hanabisays · 8 months
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Heart would have beat against her chest if she had it beating at least. She can't feel anything, but she is nervous. If there's one thing she'd like to avoid, it's fighting. She swallows thickly and Haru lands on the undead's shoulder, watching the unholy being in front of them.
"I-I'm just passing through." Hanabi manages to say through a rather timid voice. She even has her hands up to indicate she means no trouble.
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archaictold · 9 months
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— info . ↪
zhilan has been transformed into a merfolk! specifically, a leafy seadragon!
zhilan resides in opalaria, though isn't too content with the political unrest plaguing the empire. he doesn't go out of his way to get into conflict, but he does admonish the power tactics of its governing bodies. this might get him into some precarious situations, though hopefully not! (... however... quietly assisting a rebel force or something like that isn't out of the question.)
still a scholar. used to often travel between kingdoms for work related things, but as tensions between the kingdoms rose he had to cease those trips.
when in bipedal form, he greatly resembles an alraune. this might also cause him some issues when out of the water, given his ambiguous alignment with opalaria and frequent case of mistaken identity. he tries to stay in the sea when possible.
no need for glasses! a seahorse has great eyesight, and so zhilan's vision has seen improvement! you won't see him with his trademark spectacles.
whether in merfolk form or bipedal form, his skin has a vaguely plant-like appearance to it. it's faintly transparent and a little waxy-looking on the surface. he'll be able to camouflage extremely well where there's vegetation.
blushes orange. rather than pigmentation due to blood rushing to the surface of the skin, it's the work of chromatophores embedded in his skin.
always green whether bipedal or merfolk.
— spells . ↪
can cast spells! they are as follows:
blessing. (offensive)
restore. (defensive)
awaken. (defensive)
silence. (status affliction)
sleep. (status affliction)
his unlocked abilities can be found here. starter call is to come! this will also probably be edited as needed. thank youuu!
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horoffic · 9 months
👻 The sound of rain pouring down outside had already stirred Perona from her slumber. Adjusting to being a beastman had been complicated, particularly when her bat side liked the dark and dangling upside down to sleep. She'd been doing just that in a small cave in Airaisal, essentially having made it her home.
Based on the light filtering in through the hole it was still late in the afternoon. It was too early to get up, so she'd planned on just leaving her wings wrapped around herself as she fell back asleep. But someone else had dragged their butt into her cave. Another beastman. A very large woman with canine traits.
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She dropped from the cavern ceiling and landed on her feet and winged hands on all fours in front of her, yawning. "Can I help you with something? This is where I'm sleeping."
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