gutsberserkson · 25 days
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gutsberserkson · 25 days
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Reblog if Urara Shiraishi (Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches) is best girl.
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gutsberserkson · 28 days
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gutsberserkson · 2 months
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「Mermaid Princess Peach」 by MushroomMirror | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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gutsberserkson · 2 months
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Berserk (ベルセルク) // Kentaro Miura
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gutsberserkson · 2 months
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gutsberserkson · 2 months
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At least wipe the blood off…
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gutsberserkson · 2 months
tw: rape/sa
iof soldiers held women in the vicinity of al shifa hospital and they raped them and forced their husbands/families to watch. and anyone who closed their eyes got threatened that they'd be shot. they raped a pregnant woman in front of her husband and child. the word monsters doesn't even come CLOSE to describing these lowlife animals. this is pure sexual sadism. AND THE WORLD IS STAYING SILENT. wanna know why? because palestinians are not white. the world would be up in flames. hell, the media was OUTRAGED at the alleged news of "40 beheaded babies" when there was literally no evidence of it (there is still none, mind you). there are hundreds of thousands of videos and photos from palestinian journalists that are posted everyday documenting the war crimes committed against them. and yet apparently it's all fake. hypocrisy at its best.
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
Ariel did give away her life for a man.
Deal with it.
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She believed that the world above might not be bad but she didn’t have something to personally sacrifice for until she met a man who was not only “not bad,” but “good.” The kind of guy who also has faith when nobody else does. The kind of guy who saves dogs from burning boats. The kind of guy who is compassionate to people who disagree with him and try to tell him what to do.
When she met a guy like that, a guy that could not only understand her, but a guy that she could give the gift of understanding to—
She absolutely gave up her life for him. Absolutely.
And BRAVO to her.
That’s not called “glorifying a man.” It’s called, “selflessness.” It’s called, “rightly valuing what’s good.” It’s called, “faith, even when nobody else has the guts to call what’s ‘good’ ‘good.’” It’s called love, and it’s way way better than “independence.”
The Live Action Little Mermaid can’t save you from the truth of who Ariel was. It can’t change the fact that love is better than selfishness, no matter how hard it tries.
Deal with that.
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
Essay on Varda’s character in Morgoth’s Ring
As I say in every post of mine, these are my own opinions, so I might very well be flat-out wrong, but there is no need of offence
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“Her beauty was high and terrible…”
This association of words seems weird to me because it reminds me of another line with darker conotations:
“Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!”
The association is more obvious in this description of none other than Melkor:
“…and he also took visible form, but because of his mood and the malice that burned in him that form was dark and terrible. And he descended upon Arda in power and majesty greater than any other of the Valar, as a mountain that wades in the sea and has its head above the clouds and is clad in ice and crowned with smoke and fire; and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like a flame that withers with heat and pierces with a deadly cold.”
The parallelism between Varda and Melkor is based not only on Dark and Light, but also on the dualistic nature of light:
Tolkien himself used this parallelism when discussed the relationship between Sauron and Gandalf:
“Warm and eager was his spirit (and it was enhanced by the ring Narya), for he was the Enemy of Sauron, opposing the fire that devours and wastes with the fire that kindles, and succours in wanhope and distress; ”
In my opinion, Sauron and Gandalf are meant to mirror Melkor and Varda.
But I would argue that neither Melkor and Varda are the embodiments of Darkness and Light respectively, but rather a blend between the two of them.
Melkor’s eyes are flame and he’s majesty is again mirrored by Varda’s majesty - whose very name means “lofty” and who is associated with “heights” and majesty herself in the following quote:
This is another quote that strikes me:
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Tolkien used the word “desire”. In this paragraph, he stated that Varda chose to be Queen of Arda by destiny and desire.
Manwë’s name is not mentioned in here, which makes me thing that Varda was a co-ruler rather than just Queen consort, which means that her authority didn’t rely on Manwë’s.
But the word “desire” keeps troubling me.
The hopeless romantic and the stoic Catholic that was Tolkien always made the clear distinction between “love” and “desire”. In the same paragraph, Varda is described as being the lover and the protectress of the Quendi, but she didn’t become their queen becaue of love, but rather because of desire.
Desire is a term associated with Melkor more often than not:
“And of these Melkor was the chief, even as he was in the beginning the greatest of the Ainur who took part in the Music. And he feigned, even to himself at first, that he desired to go thither and order all things for the good of the Children of Ilúvatar, controlling the turmoils of the heat and the cold that had come to pass through him.”
“And Melkor knew of an that was done, for even then he had secret friends and spies among the Maiar whom he had converted to his cause; and far off in the darkness he was filled with hatred, being jealous of the work of his peers, whom he desired to make subject to himself.”
“He began with the desire of Light, but when he could not possess it for himself alone, he descended through fire and wrath into a great burning, down into Darkness. And darkness he used most in his evil works upon Arda, and filled it with fear for all living things.”
Melkor desired the light, and the power and the lordship over the whole Arda and his desire was its doom.
It seems now that Varda desired the Queenship and I cannot help but wonder if there’s here more than meets the eye.
What I think that, similarly to the other parallels meant to show how one succeeds when the other fail (see Gandalf/Sauron, Gandalf/Saruman, Frodo/Gollum, Faramir/Boromir), Melkor and Varda were meant to mirror each other - what I think is that both of them desired power in the beginning, both wanted to rule the world according to their own designs, but Varda succeeded in her task the moment she chose to follow Manwë, and her love for him taught her the selfless love for Eru’s Children and the Beauty of creations, while Melkor’s ossessive love for the one think he couldn’t have (light) as well as the love for his own intelligence and power lead him to his ultimate doom.
I really think Manwë’s selfless, unconcerned nature played a huge role in shaping Varda’s character.
She really got to be Queen and her counsel was the most valued:
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She had Manwë to show her the “good way”, while Melkor had no one. Just as Gandalf had the Valar he served to show him the “good way”, while Sauron had no one (talking here about the Second Age and the Third Age Sauron). Frodo had Sam, while Gollum had no one. Faramir had Gandalf’s advice, while Boromir never seemed to listen to them.
Tolkien always valued a companion’s good advice and good will in shaping the hero’s character and decisiond, and Varda had Manwë.
But I think Melkor and Varda were not only meant to represent the everlasting battle between Light and Dark, but also mirror each other and build one of Tolkien’s major themes in her books: one succeeds when the other fails, no matter how similar their circumstances are, because the one who succeeds acts selfleesly, while the one who fails is doomed by pride.
*I’ll tag @chaos-of-the-abyss because I have a feeling that she might like this post and add (or rant on) something 😅
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
Manwë and Varda are the definition of a #1 Power Couple. Fight me on this.
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
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For the Under The Highwind event <3
——— ✦ commissions✦ VGen: iwonn_arts Twitter(X): @iwonn_arts Redbubble & Teepublic: Iwonn
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
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"So suck it up, 'cause I'm not leaving."
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockheart in Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
"things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, even without Sephiroth", the most misrepresented quote in the LTD.
If you've spend any time looking into the LTD you'll probably have heard the claim that Nojima said that Cloud and Tifa were incompatible and that their problems have nothing to do with Sephiroth. This belief comes from a misunderstanding of the following quote.
“‘Episode Tifa’ … first off, there’s the premise that things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without Geostigma or Sephiroth this might be the same. I don’t really intend to go on about my views on love or marriage or family (laughs). After ACC, I guess Denzel and Marlene could help them work it out"
~ Nojima
The meaning they're trying to take from the quote is that when Nojima says "without Sephiroth or Geostigma", that this refers to a scenario where Sephiroth had never existed. The implication being that the issues Tifa and Cloud are going through are internal, not external, and potentially even inherent to their natures. But what the actual "internal" problems they're facing are is never brought up, which is weird since this is rather important. What they want you to think is that the internal problems are either somehow inherent to them as a couple, aka, they're just not a good fit. Or else that the internal problem is "Cloud is in love with Aerith".
But the problem is that they don't provide evidence of any of this, and worse yet, we KNOW what the actual issues are. This quote isn't a mystery, we KNOW exactly what Nojima is referring to. This quote isn't a refutation to the Cloti telling of the story, like all pieces of evidence it supports Cloti perfectly but is simply unintentionally misunderstood or intentionally misrepresented. Before we go into the problems themselves though it's important to take a minute to notice something. Namely that inherent in the argument that "things aren't working out for Tifa and Cloud", is the idea that their relationship is one where 'working things out' is applicable as a concept. Much like getting a divorce is proof of marriage, using the fact that Cloud and Tifas relationship is going through a rough patch as evidence that they're not in a romantic relationship is....misguided. The next part of the quote makes this even more concrete: "I don’t really intend to go on about my views on love or marriage or family". So whenever people bring up Tifa and Clouds relationship troubles as evidence against Tifa and Cloud, please thank them for conceding that they're in a relationship.
So based on that, lets clearly lay out what is being asserted here in its most general form. The claim essentially has two parts. 1: "Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship, but it is troubled"
2: "The reason for these troubles is related to Aerith being the real love interest of the story"
Note that if they can't prove point 2, then this quote hard cements Cloti. The argument stands or falls on Clotis inability to address point 2.
So let's address it.
First lets address the "without Sephiroth or Geostigma" part. The interpretation that this is meant to be read as "if sephiroth was never born" is patently absurd. This is an interview about a very specific point in time in Cloud and Tifas life, which specifically points at a thing that happens in THAT point in time, namely Geostigma. He doesn't say something generic like "if Cloud and Tifa had never ran into hardships in their life they'd still be incompatible", no, he points at two specific things, Sephiroth and Geostigma. Geostigma we know is only a problem during the time of advent children, it's not a disease going back right through to Clouds childhood. Sephiroth is but he's also very specifically attacking Cloud DURING advent children, he returns DURING advent children. Clearly this quote is addressing the current events of Sephiroth and geostigma, aka, the movie, not the more generic impact that Sephiroth has had on Cloud and Tifas life since childhood. If that was meant to be the case he'd have said "sephiroth, jenova, and Shinra" or something else more chronically substantial. And what are the troubles they're going through? Well, luckily we don't have to guess, since that's been reiterated again and again and again and again. It's mentioned in games, it's mentioned in books, and it's mentioned in interviews.
"As long as Cloud blames himself for Aerith’s death, he won’t be able to move on with his life. One of the first ideas we had for Advent Children was to have Cloud overcome and resolve that immense feeling of guilt. For Cloud, no one other than Aerith can solve that problem for him." ~ pg. 58 of Reunion files.
Failing to protect people important to him is his sin… Convincing himself of this, Cloud shuts himself off. What does his meeting with Aerith bring him? ~ Cloud Strife profile 10th AU
Two years after returning to the planet, Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who saved the planet. And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to having being unable protect those dear to him, ~ Aerith Gainsborough 10th AU profile.
Cloud feels an incredible sense of guilt for not being able to save her, but sometimes he can still hear her voice in a soft whisper. ~ (Reunion Files, Aerith’s profile)
Zack&Aerith For Cloud, they were people whom he can never forget. The two irreplaceable people, Zack, “who was sent to death because of him”, and Aerith, “who met a tragic fate as he couldn’t protect her” became “the unforgivable sin” in his heart. ~ ACC POST CARD BOOK.
“I’m going to live. I think that’s the only way I can be forgiven. All sorts of things… happened.” ~ Cloud in case of Tifa
"Cloud is scared that the peace he has now might shatter, so he is living on his own." ~ Nomura
Deep down, Cloud knew that he shouldn’t be so hard on himself, but at the same time he couldn’t let go of those feelings of guilt for what happened to Aerith and Zack, or the thought that he could never forgive himself for it. But then his companions made him feel better by telling him to let go. - Takahiro Sakurai (Cloud’s voice actor) pg. 15 reunion files.
"She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn’t protect Aerith. Cloud was trying to overcome that and live on" ~ Case of Tifa.
The happier he is now, The more Cloud is tormented by painful “memories” of the past. ~ Cloud’s 10th AU profile.
The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud… ~ Cloud’s 10th AU profile
"when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality." ~ FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cloud Strife Profile
"Cloud continued to regret the deaths of his best friend and comrade, who were dear to him, in FFVII. In AC, he says “I want to be forgiven.” ~ Dissidia Cloud’s profile
"Cloud’s heart continued to be tormented by a deep sense of regret and blame towards himself." ~ Cloud’s Dengeki profile
Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who saved the planet. And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to having being unable protect those dear to him, she was a major factor in causing him to close himself off." ~ Aerith’s 10th anniversary profile.
“I want to be forgiven. Mm. More than anything.”-Cloud “By who?” ~ Aerith
“Isn’t it time you did the forgiving?” ~ Aerith to Cloud.
“But… I let you die…” ~ Cloud to Aerith
“I never blamed you. Not once, you came for me, that’s all that matter.” ~ Aerith to Cloud
“Are sins ever forgiven…?” ~ Cloud to Vincent
“I’m not fit to help anyone. Not my family. Not my friends. Nobody.” ~ Cloud to Tifa in ACC
You're too weak to save anyone, not even yourself ~ Sephiroth to Cloud in remake
"You've failed again I see" ~ Sephiroth to Cloud in remake
"It's just like, when I failed you" ~ Cloud in remake
Man, they sure love to go on and on about Cloud feeling guilty and wanting to be forgiven, about failing and feeling like he's not strong enough, that he can't protect anyone and that he'll fail again in the future....it's ALMOST as if Cloud has other things on his mind that don't have anything to do with his compatibility with Tifa and/or Aerith, it's ALMOST as if these things are central to his character arc. You could even say that these are troubles that have been with him for all his life and have been exasperated by the death of Zack and Aerith and his resulting fake persona. One could even say, that perhaps, just perhaps, CLOUD WOULD STILL HAVE STUFF TO DEAL WITH EVEN IF GEOSTIGMA AND SEPHIROTH HADN'T SHOWN UP IN ADVENT CHILDREN AND THIS IS NOT A GOD DAMN TEENAGE LOVE DRAMA! For the love of all that is holy, if you've ever used this quote to discredit Tifa and Cloud, STOP. Stop making this sorry excuse of a "point", stop linking this quote and thinking it supports Clerith, it doesn't, this is insanity, you are demented. So based on everything I've said, here Is Nojimas quote again, paraphrased by me to steelman its meaning. "Cloud is going through an internal arc, his problems are not just finding a cure for his disease and stopping the remnants and Sephiroth, his real fight is internal, he has to forgive himself".
The quote has nothing to do with Nojima trying to disprove Cloti, and only the most fanatically misguided shippers would ever think otherwise. Shippers are often accused of making everything about romance and when it comes to Cleriths they are right. The idea that Nojima here is just looking at FFVII as a romance story, rather than him addressing the specific events that happen in ACC and OTWAS is childish to the extreme. Cleriths thinking that this quote does them favors only serves as more proof that they simply don't know what they're talking about, this is a childs interpretation of storytelling and anyone agreeing with it should feel a deep sense of shame concerning their own lack of comprehensive reading skills.
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
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"that's what heroes do. they save people."
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockheart in Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
hmm bit of a shame britt seems to like spunky characters more. I guess that shows in her former acting roles and grounded characters are hard to come across in western media. As long as she understands tifa, that's fine by me even if she's not her favorite character. Everyone has different tastes. I'm just already glad all of the cloud related actors truly bias tifa as a character more than anybody. Which I find really quite something. Coincidence? I think not hehe. I believe tifa's mocap actress genuinely likes tifa as a fan more than her vas ig. (Not sure about her jp va, she seems reserved with her opinions).
She didn't say Tifa's not her fave. She's said previously Tifa's her favourite, but she's also a decent person and says she likes others too. She doesn't wanna come off as only caring about her own character, that's why she begins her answer with "idk" because she has to think about how to answer the question in a way that's not gonna cause her aggro. And she said Aerith and Yuffie because their personalities are different to the one she plays. You'll notice most of her answers come from an actor pov because she's really dedicated to her job and always thinking about those different roles and how to play them. It's not that she likes those characters most, it's just they're different to what she's doing because Tifa's very grounded and serious, so she doesn't get to act out those more exuberant emotions.
Britt understands and loves playing Tifa, so I think we've got the right person in the role 😁
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gutsberserkson · 4 months
I’m now looking at this drawing and I’m amazed at how well it conveys everything that I wanted to convey and even more, while half of the things were done unconsciously.
Firstly, I was looking for a reference specifically for Lancelot and Guinevere, and I was lucky)
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But then some kind of magic happened, because at first I wanted to draw just a romantic picture. I was lucky with the pose; he hugs her and protects her with a sword. It so happens that she holds her hand on the award that she presented to him, and this symbol is located precisely in the area of ​​the heart, which leads not only to romantic references, but also to the direct phrase “lady of the heart”, which in Russian meaning means the lady whom the knight chose his “muse” to whom he dedicated his exploits.
The dark cloak can be associated with Zero, who surrounds them and from whom they cannot escape, but I don’t really like this association. When you look at his face, the effect is as if he is crying (which is not far from the canon), the bokeh light effect is often used when depicting dying or disappearing (which is not far from the canon). Behind them there is a glow and sparks, as if everything around is on fire (which is not far from the canon, but looks better than a sea of ​​​​blood) hey, just notised there is a big fire in the reference, which means that this is an illustration for the legend where he saves her from being burned, I’m a little not attentive x))
So I'm very happy with the result.
And if you haven’t watched this anime yet, but are planning to, then sorry for the spoilers))
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