#[ anyways! i gotta write on my book now! ]
reopening the ask box is like... just finishing vacuuming shed cat hair, and then immediately going and petting said cat vigorously & watching with delight as So Much Fur sheds right back onto the floor
#knocked it down from 96 asks to 53 lets gooooo#i was gonna keep it closed for much longer but like. that was past me's opinion when they were way more stressed than usual#current me misses Conversing with the Masses! or something like that!#is it a smart decision? probably not!#between packing & comms i dont have much time#but keeping it closed felt so wrong... i dont like keep out signs....#absolutely unprompted#i forgot how time-consuming and difficult packing is#im too out of practice....#ive got all my sketchbooks and notebooks and paper and comics boxed up#Except my wof collection. im waiting for book 15 to be shipped before i box em all up. gotta keep things Together#but yes anyway sorry the box is Open for whatever your little heart desires#which is.... bad timing bc im gonna be chronically Offline tomorrow and probably a decent chunk of the next day#now if yall will excuse me im going to Attempt To Write Fanfic.#we'll see if i manage more than one sentence#i am doing. so much usps research for this shit its hilarious#like yes! i will read reddit threads! watch yt 'day in the life' videos! job listings! etc!#but hey now i know about casing and relays/loops and dps and flats and the difference between city and rural-#its fun to learn new things for writing!#i will be taking Liberties anyway! but at least they'll be a conscious decision yk yk#and if i ever post i can say 'hey i know this is inaccurate But its for the sake of the fic. im doing it on purpose! not outta ignorance!'#also i feel so so bad for cca's like... the work 'ethic' is so fucking inhumane are they ok-
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the-yearning-astronaut · 10 months
I think.... over the last two days I think I've read just about every Murderbot fic on AO3 that meets all my (current) filter criteria... I'm pretty sure the only one I have left now is a 200k epic....
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angelsdean · 1 year
the most adhd thing ever abt me is that my youtube watch later has over 600 videos on it and the earliest ones date back to circa 2009. i am infinitely putting things off for later
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cestacruz · 3 months
Mmm Jeanne
#servants cant learn new stuff (i'll talk about jalter in a second) therefore#jeanne shouldnt know how to read or write#we actually Dont get a confirmation that she can do those things in summer 3. because the book that jalter thought jeanne wrote#was actually Her own book#jeanne works with marie. maybe she comes up with the ideas and does rough drawings that marie would be Delighted to bring to life#marie reads to jeanne is my image#jalter taught herself how to read and write and i think that was possible because of the unstability of her existence#if you try to teach jeanne how to read and write it will stick for a second but if like idk 15-20 min pass she would likely find herself#unable to read again and her writting to be suboptimal#she can sign her own name ofc thats historical#she can recite the bible from memory iirc#i love jalter's ability to be her own person even if it comes with the fact that she is very much. an ephemeral dream#like her FCKING SKILL IS CALLED.#WHY MUST YOU HURT ME LIKE THIS FGO#anyway. now jeanne again but physical#oughhh thank u for the support in the tags when i said jeanne should have self image issues because she looked different in life#i hadnt fully talked bout it i just went with hair but yeah. i need to check again because im pretty sure her body wasnt Suuuper different#but i just gotta confirm#but im just so i love the idea of her just not liking the way she manifested abd not knowing Why she manifested like that#when there are Countless depictions of her with her short brown hair#sieg looks to the side whistling (its not his fault but he knows the pseudo servant part#and its probably a mix of . fate apocrypha's manifestation and of how some people imagined jeanne looked like#but it still upsets her#not that she'd ever complain to people#you can probably get it out of her tho#unrelated and only to those who reached this far: im thinking of a singularity set in 15th century orleans in the Middle of the hundred year#war. but the difference aint “oh jeanne d'arc came back to life evil” rather than “there seems to be a battle here where it shouldnt and oh#my god is that jeanne- oh god jeanne d'arc fucking died--#and chaldeas has to try and fix the war without living breathing jeanne d'arc#actually thats not the middle of the 100yearwar but yknow what i mean. also haha jk unless...
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petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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yingyangstache · 9 days
Jaden Animations put out an Adderal video
So after years.... YEARS of going round and round and round the bend of meds and counseling, psych and all of this crap, AND finally getting to a place where I'm starting to feel a little bit content, starting to come to terms with who I am, and this new situation with a disability (which I hope to god nobody else has to go through), I've come to one horrible position. That Jaden Animations video came out today, where she just casually outs all of fuckin creative youtube for being on Adderal (I laughed my ass off when she did that lol), which... I mean yeah we all knew, and that's just sort of an out in the open secret because, lets face it, not every creative on YouTube needs to be on addi. Because... obviously. But ever since long haul all of my disorders have been amplified to such a degree I've been... So miserable existence has been a chore. But now that we've (me and my counseling team) worked our way through so many meds and so many different counseling methods, and I've worked through my own trauma of being in a family that's worked in the industry (of mental health(and other shit if I'm honest)) I've come to terms with my fear/trepidation of Addi and drugs like it (and just drugs in general if I'm honest) I got a hold of a couple and gave them a shot. The outcome? Some people need meds lol (go figure lol). And often people who need them are brow beaten so hard by non-neurodivergent people into thinking the meds they need are going to actively harm them. Or, in my case that "the meds are killing people". My family is full of people who are typically pretty level-headed about stuff... typically. But when you get into meds, they become as dumb as bricks. And when their kid suddenly needed meds, their thought process became "Well they're just not trying hard enough"... That mindset passed on to me, took me years to even consider I might need meds lol. I'm still not a huge fan of HUGE amounts of people popping Addi, namely because I used to deal in high school and I know people are just taking shit cus it's fun (I used to sip lean... cus I was self-medicating on reflection but also cus it was fun(PS: No, now I wasn't dealing my shit, I ran protection lol)) but you can tell when something is over prescribed. If anyone reads this and thinks to themselves "Wel I'd like 30 cups of coffee worth of focus" don't. Go through the proper channels first. Counseling, psychiatrists, testing, it took years before I got my first Adderal script, and the first one didn't even work. I had to get a bunch of other trauma out of the way, get A WHOLE OTHER SCRIP for a different prescription to get anxiety stuff under control before I could get Adderal to even work. 1 Drug is NOT going to fix everything if you do have issues (Most likely. But maybe you're lucky? Fuck). Every once in a while a bigger YouTuber will make a YouTube video about mental health, which is cool, but it often feels like they boil down to "AYY YO! ADDI!! SHIT'S POPPIN!" But like. Yeah? For some people it is? it's prolly more helpful to break the stigma of "you just need to apply yourself better! I got here with NOTHING but HARD WORK! DON'T look at my medicine cabinet..." which I think is still so prevalent. Lifes hard. Don't beat yourself up if you feel like you need help. If you do, go get it. Just don't think a magical tablet will disolve all your problems.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
just a heads up, this is set before robin comes to town, and a little bit after max receives the book from eddie.
They’re walking home today—the bus was too crowded, and Will didn’t want Max to walk home alone—when Will tells Max he believes her theory.
“Really?” Max asks, stopping on the sidewalk outside her house, “You believe me?”
Will nods. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s…it makes sense.”
Max crosses her arms, “It does?”
“Yeah,” he says, “it’s like…okay, so recently I’ve been having these…dreams. But they feel real. Like I’m here, but I’m somewhere else too. It’s a memory, I think. I think…it’s not impossible. Some of the memories are hazy though, like…like I’m not meant to be there.”
Now Max is interested. She’s read Will’s story, knows what he went through in the Enchanted Forest. His memories are hazy for a reason.
He’s quiet as they walk to the front steps, Max sees the concentration on his face, brows furrowed mouth pressed into a thin line. And then, he speaks again, “I think…I think there was a girl there. She knew me, but…I don’t think I know her. At least, not here anyway,” he stresses the word, his face screwing back up in thought.
Max digs the house key from her pocket and lets them both inside. Will drops his bag at the door, gently, as Max says, “You might wanna call your mom and let her know you’re here with me, I gotta grab something,” he nods, picking up the landline phone planted on Max’s wall. Max jogs up the stairs, running straight to her room where the storybook lays on her desk, still open to the story she read last night. She snatches it, cradling it close to her as she jogs back down into the living room, right as Will hangs up the phone. He eyes the book suspiciously but doesn’t comment on it.
“My mom said that it was okay that I was here, but she’s got to work a little later today so I might be here a while…” his eyes drift back to the book, “Is that it?”
She nods, handing the book to Will. His eyes widen, and it might be a trick of the lights, but Max swears his eyes shine over the gilded cover.
Like the curse, Max thinks, if he reads this book then maybe…
They move to the middle of the living room, sitting cross-legged as Will opens the cover and flips to the first story. Max watches for any signs of recognition, but nothing. At least, not yet. He clears his throat, before putting on his most dramatic reading voice, “Once upon a time…”
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spiritofjustice · 8 months
I think I might take a short break from writing SOBR, like a few days or a week at most, just to refresh my brain and do some fiction reading. I read Cattle Kingdom and that was super informative but I need a little fiction inspo now. When I write a lot really consistently like this my writing starts to feel stale so gonna do my best to do a refresh. But it’s gone well, I’ve written 7 chapters since I came back from my big hiatus in September. I’m feeling really good about this project
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despairforme · 1 year
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     The apartment was looking a little better now. He had bought a large bed. It had been a huge struggle when the delivery guys came. Nnoitra had done most of the carrying. The bed now took up almost the entire bedroom, leaving just a bit of room on the floor ( well, there was no room now, because Nnoitra had flooded it with dirty clothes ). The second thing he had needed to buy was a fridge. Considering how gluttonous Nnoitra was, one would think that he’d buy a fridge first and foremost. But nah, he’d been fine living off take-away. The different boxes were stacked on the kitchen counter. The fridge was on the smaller side. No point in having a big fridge when he always ate the content anyway. He till needed to get a table and a couple of chairs. Yeah, IN CASE he had a friend come over, he’d want someplace for them to sit. Just the fact that he was considering having visitors was proof that he was feeling better. Being busy with getting the apartment habitable had actually improved his mood. He had feared it would have the opposite effect, and just drain him, but nah. He felt better.
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dallonwrites · 1 year
catastrophic event where my hyperfixation on my wip has finally translated to writing but it’s midnight and i also have a dissertation deadline this weekend
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
700 more words TT
#have written 1700 words today aknjfkjgfhj#i wonder if my strategy of just writing whatever tf i can think of down first (what i've been doing today)#and then going back and organizing/elaborating/deleting/etc after will come back to bite me tho#idk i had a solid like 1000 words i think where i wasn't struggling too much to write what i wanted to write#and then i was like lmfao shit now what#ugh anyway i'm tired but i wanna finish the 2400 words today so i can do all that otehr stuff to actually make it coherent tomorrow#it's due tomorrow afternoon ;-; and here i am putting words on tumblr dot com instead LOL#and then i have exam on friday ;-; but i like that class but it is rly hard and i havent fully comprehended everything yet#bc i havent done any practice/studying yet ;-; so gotta cram after turning this project in lmfao rip#ahhhhfhajfghlsdbjksdfgjlkadhgaidrhg screaming so close yet so far still lol#bro i was like very productive for like a couple hours maybe this afternoon and then after that i've been . not as productive TT#1700 words tho !!!!! 700 more i can do it probably TT#i could've chosen a final project option that wasn't writing some kinda essay but iiiiiiii didnt :'')#i actually like somehow completely forgot about the fact that i was obsessed w rina's htg album and one of the options was like a playlist#option and i feel like a lot of the songs could fit w themes we discussed in class this asian am lit class :P#esp bc minor feelings and we read (parts of) the book minor feeligns lol#but i forgot about that until someone mentioned the song in class as part of Their project 💀#but oh well i mean i was thinking about the playlist project bc it#seemed like the easiest ngl LMAO but nothing was rly jumping out at me for songs#granted when i was thinking about it my mind blanked to just like taylor even tho i definitely haven't only been listening to taylor XD#ANYWAY WORDS 700 WORDS#sigh maybe that 12-3am grind will hit lmfao#jeanne talks#FINALS WE CAN DO IT GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YALL DOING FINALS SHIT ANDGJFHGDJKDJFK
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man.. rereading the arc of a scythe trilogy!!!!
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nerice · 1 year
my vague plan was to do lhnh after having a working main book draft but the recent. decisions abt framing [a path we know its end...] leaves me kind of no choice but to go right into dream game after.. no words can express the amount of rip
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voidcat · 2 years
You ever come across a fic w an interesting idea/concept but as you read you’re just…. Not exactly disappointed but it’s def not what you’ve expected
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astrxealis · 5 months
on a whim and in spite of my responsibilities i have started on making a whole 9 chapter self-indulgent fic for mr. grim reaper from the hit game 'a date with death'
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#haha... so quickly did i finish the game and all endings and achievements.....#started at 3 am on a school day :)) damn.#so i have a lot of thoughts and things to say but writing is tiring so i will just say. fuck me. fuck hell. fuck all. oh god.#...so i have a big thing for white-haired fictional guys w/ red hair. at the top of my head i can think of two vampires and one grim reaper!#haha. oops.#then there is an angel... a ghoul... and idk what the fuck to call him but he isn't a normal guy.#and there's more. but. i cannot recall at the moment. uh. anyway!#wowed tbh bcs this game got me my inspiration to write for myself back....... and also to write for others. and also to write in general.#even as i yet procrastinate on something i am actually required to write! two of those#actually so uhm haha rip!!!!! but it's fun at least. writing :3#i like having a sense of dread creeping up on me bcs when i have nothing needed to do i feel empty... gotta improve that.....#idk what game to play now tho. sigh. haven't played undertale in a bit even as i am trying to finish it and idk where i left off <//3#omori... i am just Scared..... but will finish that alongside undertale!#currently playing persona 4 golden actually but bit tiring going through my routine of having to use my dad's laptop bcs i own a macbook he#owns a whole ass gaming windows laptop so. yeah. uhh genshin is on to grinding again so i'm sick of that. uhhh.#ffxiv..!!! i am avoiding it rn for the sake of my sanity bcs i love that game too much. in a good healthy way but also it takes up#everything i have in me so i have to. prepare for it. oops.#the recent news tho... i am trying not to perceive so i don't go insane.....#oh. i could read books. but i want to make a bunch of notes and uh that is Something indeed! bcs i am currently reading classics +#nonfiction ... science or philosophical books..... and there's rereading pjo. :)) fun
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appalachianapologies · 10 months
Paradigm Check-in
welcome to a new series- that i'm going to call "paradigm pwednesday" because there aren't any days of the week that start with p so pwednesday is just going to have to- where i write something in paradigm and share it because otherwise i'm never going to finish this book
8/2 (somewhere in chapter seven)
But now she's at the motel, alone, and it's been hours. Sid had two people to take down tonight, so it certainly makes sense that he'd be taking longer than Delilah, but it still doesn't make it any easier to handle. She's not so much worrying about the man as wondering what it would mean in terms of Marcus. If Sid got caught, would Marcus blame her? Probably not. They're partners, sure, but it's clear that Marcus thinks of Sid in a higher regard than Delilah. It might make sense for Marcus to blame Sid if something went wrong with her, but not the other way around. Sid has at least twenty years of this under his belt, which means if anything happens it's his own damn fault. Somehow, the thought isn't as comforting as she thinks it should be. 
#i have this thing where i find it unreasonable for myself to not write a book quickly because somewhere along the line#i have equated fic writing with novel writing#and my brain goes ''if you can write a book-length fic in a few months why can't you write a book-length book in a few months?''#so anyway now i feel guilty for writing fics and bad for not writing books#congrats girl you ruined the one hobby you love#i tried to write some mac fic the other day and instead just felt dread and guilt#because i knew there were numerous other things i should be writing with my limited free time#i think i just need to get it in my brain that working on certain projects doesn't mean i don't care about other projects#it just means at that moment that i have inspiration for thing A and if i tried to work on thing B all that would happen is#i'd feel super frustrated and want to bang my head against the computer#i need to shake my reflection in the mirror and say ''it's okay if you work on other projects if that's what brings you joy at that moment'#wips are never abandoned they are just patiently waiting their turn and i will stand by that fact forever#ugh. anyway i feel anxious this morning thinking about this so good for me you took a perfectly good morning and you gave it#anxiety. look at what you did.#and it's so stupid because it's not like i don't want to write this book#if i didn't want to write it i simply would stop writing it. it sucks because i really DO want to write this book it's just being annoying#atm#anyway the moral of the story is sometimes writing happens and sometimes writing doesn't happen and sometimes it happens to the wrong thing#and i'm just going to have to live with that#ok i gotta get out of these tags now. final words being: be kind to yourself be patient with yourself love yourself you got this#(to both myself and to you <3)#also for the record i am totally okay lol. every author goes through mental blocks and this is hardly my first and it won't be my last#i know it'll pass i just need to take a breathe and be kind to myself#ok new wednesday challenge everyone take a moment to take a breathe and be kind to yourself. this is a threat
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