#[ but i always prioritize writing ONE thing on nnoitra first <5 ]
despairforme · 1 year
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     The apartment was looking a little better now. He had bought a large bed. It had been a huge struggle when the delivery guys came. Nnoitra had done most of the carrying. The bed now took up almost the entire bedroom, leaving just a bit of room on the floor ( well, there was no room now, because Nnoitra had flooded it with dirty clothes ). The second thing he had needed to buy was a fridge. Considering how gluttonous Nnoitra was, one would think that he’d buy a fridge first and foremost. But nah, he’d been fine living off take-away. The different boxes were stacked on the kitchen counter. The fridge was on the smaller side. No point in having a big fridge when he always ate the content anyway. He till needed to get a table and a couple of chairs. Yeah, IN CASE he had a friend come over, he’d want someplace for them to sit. Just the fact that he was considering having visitors was proof that he was feeling better. Being busy with getting the apartment habitable had actually improved his mood. He had feared it would have the opposite effect, and just drain him, but nah. He felt better.
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