#[ Muse : Temari ]
minds-interlinked · 11 months
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Permanent interaction call for Temari~
What you can expect after leaving a like would be: *Sporadic starters. *More frequent inbox visits. (whether memes or just random one liners) *DM visits // Discord available upon request. (Whether for plotting, possible relationship dynamics, or even verses specific to our muses.) *Specialized Relationship Tags.
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whiskeysmulti · 7 months
"Have you ever thought about leaving Sunagakure and moving here?" Naruto asked Temari with a tilt of his head. It seemed like she was back and forth between the two villages every few weeks.
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Random IC- always accepting! Temari stopped as the Hokage spoke. She hadn't considered it if she was being honest. She had a duty to Suna and her brothers but she had been visiting Konoha frequently to see Shikamaru. They might have started as enemies, but somewhere along the line she fell for him. However, her brothers were in Suna, and she didn't want to leave them behind. "Are you crazy? I can't abandon my brothers!"
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helluvaslut · 1 year
Anon asks :  Can we breed Temari?
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“Question is, can you last a whole night with me? Because I’m expecting you to keep going until eight am the next day.” 
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rewrittn · 2 years
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 years
"Now I've got to wonder how Lady Temari got so ripped! What's her secret?!"
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"Helping Kankuro salvage scraps for his puppets is a surprisingly affective work out, but besides that it's mostly generals strengths training and diet plus carrying around this massive fan. There's a spicy pepper that grows in the desert that is packed full of vitamins and makes for some of the best protein shakes I've ever tasted. Once you get past the spice it's not too bad."
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daybreakrising · 2 years
@fightingdreamcrs​ liked for a starter | Kiba & Temari
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He wasn’t afraid of her. He wasn’t in the least bit intimidated. He was used to strong, terrifying women. He lived with two of them, and had for his entire life, so... no, he wasn’t afraid of her. Except he was, just a little. She probably scared him more than Gaara did, actually, and he’d never forget what he’d seen in the Forest of Death during the chunin exams. Really, it only made him wonder why Kankuro was so... chill. At least, in comparison.
Pretending that his palms weren’t a little sweaty, he plastered on his friendliest grin and strode right up to her. “Heeeey, Temari.” Okay, a strong start. His only problem now was he didn’t know how to follow that up. “Uhh... how.... how’ve you been? Was the trip from Suna okay? No problems at all?” Great, now he was rambling, bombarding her with questions she’d probably already answered. 
Just get to it, idiot. Exchanging a quick look with Akamaru for some encouragement, he dragged fingers through his hair - growing wilder the longer it got, he’d noticed - and gave a slightly nervous laugh. “How, um... how are your brothers?” That’s it. Ask after both of them to disguise the fact you’re only really asking after one of them. Nice job.
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fightingdreamcrs · 2 years
tag drop [ 17 / ? ] - T.EMARI.
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susililys · 8 months
Continuation of my ShikaTema Fanfic Masterlist, click here for Part 1 or Part 2 :
New Parents / Post Chapter 700 / BORUTO / Nara Family CONT.
Leave The World Behind by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari runs into Shikamaru while at the marketplace with baby Shikadai.
Home At Last by: orphan_account M | ONESHOT Married smut, Temari comes back home from Suna.
Newborn by: SpookyMoth ONESHOT Domestic, pregnancy fluff.
He's Only Ten But She Was Only Three by: drowninglinguists ONESHOT Shikamaru is on a mission and Shikadai helps Temari deal with PTSD.
Love and Pride by: silverkunai ONESHOT Father and son sweetness, Shikamaru talks with Shikadai after the Chuunin exam loss.
Father's Brains and Mother's Attitude by: Kimiz ONESHOT Give me Temari and Shikadai, mother son bonding fics anytime!
Raindrops by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari goes on her first mission now that Shikadai is old enough, but the Nara boys are taking it hard.
48 hours to live by: Majsasaurus COMPLETE Includes Temari's reaction to the Shikadai bomb situation.
History Lesson by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Mostly Shikadai and Temari talking about the past, Rasa and the Konoha Invasion.
Snapshots by: lisa29 ONESHOT Snapshots of Temari's pregnancy.
How Did We Get Here by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari muses on how she came to have a life that includes a loving husband and son.
Shikadai by: SuperAwesomePandaKitty ONESHOT Temari gets abducted while 8 months pregnant, sweet fic.
Tell Me It'll All Be Alright by: SpicedGold COMPLETE Shikamaru spirals as he deals with Temari getting severely injured on a mission.
Favourite Things by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari gets asked what her favorite thing about Shikamaru is.
Wave of Affection by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari reflects on life with her family.
The Night Off by: SpicedGold ONESHOT ShikaTema need a break, cue in babysitting uncles.
Waking Up To You by: SpicedGold ONESHOT
A New Perspective by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Shikadai gets to see Temari in action.
Rest, Relax, and Revolt by: SpicedGold COMPLETE One of the best fics I've ever read, where the Sand/Nara family go through a revolt in Suna.
Hachidaime by: ShrimpArmy M | ONESHOT Yessss, was waiting for ShikaTema fics with Hokage Shikamaru
New routines by: clumsydragon28 ONESHOT Mostly Temari and Shikadai mother son bonding, loved it!
First Steps by: KiaraShell ONESHOT Ok, but how cute is this?
Family Life by: Aspire2B ONESHOTS Cute family moments!
Life of the Naras by: shikamarubase ONESHOTS Awww I’ve gone through these so many times.
Obvious Reasons by: LettieB ONESHOT Shikadai asking the real questions.
A Warning by: Awnyaa ONESHOT Fluff, Temari equals deforestation.
Nothing by: thegizka ONESHOT Temari wants to do something for Shikamaru’s birthday, domestic fluff.
Nightfall by: SeaTempest M | ONESHOT Fluffy married smut.
Falling Through the Clouds by: spiritedarray
Moments by: tiashew14
4,572 days later by: therewithasmile
Antics by: eternallove5225 Second chapter in this collection is definitely my favorite. .
Lazy Love by: existence555 Favorite chapters, 5, 7, 13, 24, 25, 28, 57, 68, 76
On… by: ArmchairAnthropologist
Days Gone By by: Adulson
A Troublesome Love by: spiritedarray
Not So Troublesome After All by: BrokenDreamz95
Everyone's Eyes by: TaintedMoonlight
Approximation by: lollipop-mania
They Are Good at Many Things by: lollipop-mania M
Troublesome Crybabies by: ichilover3
Shadows of a Nightmare Future by: Mr Gr33d COMPLETE This was such an interesting and good read. Time Travel AU where Shikamaru goes back in time to save Temari and Shikadai.
unattainable, irreplaceable, you by: teatin COMPLETE This is so insanely good, ShikaTema on opposite sides of a war, unresolved feelings.
The Day Bleeds by: pieceofmind22 COMPLETE I usually don't read fics with character death, but this one was really well done.
Salt by: Comatosejoy INCOMPLETE Temari has to go in hiding due to Rasa giving her hand away in marriage, just one chapter shy of being completed.
The Rules by: lafolleconnasse M l COMPLETE This one gives me some intense feels, so well written!
The Desert and the Deer by: nahra M l COMPLETE Death God Shikamaru, someone commented that this could be an award winning movie and honestly…facts!
Trial of the Heart by: Majsasaurus M l COMPLETE Really intense, dark, and well written. Took me some time to finish reading it cause our beloved family goes through some extremely rough times. Jinchuuriki Shikadai. Happy Ending.
Grandmaster by: notquitejiraiya (lethargicshadowlover) INCOMPLETE I usually don't like to read alternate universe fics for ShikaTema, but I’ve been enjoying this one.
Warriors Heart (A Prequel to Fated) by: CeeCeeK COMPLETE ShikaTema as samurais.
What it Takes to Make her Smile by: TaintedMoonlight COMPLETE This used to be one of my favorite fics growing up. Fairy AU.
Of Sand and Shadow by: CinderRoses M | COMPLETE Shikamaru and Temari meet in completely different circumstances when he's abducted by Suna Anbu. Really enjoyed this!
Book One- The Enemy by: SillySnowden11 M | COMPLETE This is such a good read! The villages are at war with one another and commanders ST end up having a tentative alliance. Slow burn romance.
New Blood by: JFalcon COMPLETE Very long multi-chapter fic that includes many other characters, but it has ShikaTema as the main relationship throughout and is very well written.
This took me so long to make, but honestly I've always wanted to have a list of all my favorite ShikaTema fics all in one place. Hope this makes it easier to enjoy all of these amazing works! Thank you to all the writers who have made my days better throughout the years!
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rpking99 · 28 days
Naruko Uzumaki
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Hinata Hyuuga/Hinata Uzumaki
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Hanabi Hyuuga
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Kushina Uzumaki
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Himawari Uzumaki (Aged Up)
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Sakura Haruno/Uchiha
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Sarada Uchiha (Aged Up)
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Satsuki Uchiha
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Ino Yamanaka
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Mei Terumī
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Total Muses: 18
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mixelation · 10 months
For the pairing thing, how about Gaara x Sai?
send me the rarest of pairs and i'll tell you if i ship it & how it would work
both these characters are so emotionally stunted i have no idea how this ship would get off the ground LMAO. the vibes do not spark joy, but here's a mildly musing way it would work:
Gaara keeps being told he needs a romantic partner for complex social reasons he doesn't fully understand. It'll make him seem more relatable and nice, or something. He does want to seem more human and approachable to his citizens so eventually he caves. However, Gaara has no idea how romance is supposed to function. He never got see a functional marriage modeled by his parents. Temari's relationship with Shikamaru confuses him and Kankuro's commentary on it confuses him even more. ("Don't worry, little bro, I'll tell you when you need to go scare the shit out of him." Why does Gaara need to do this?)
Gaara doesn't like any of the Suna girls his advisors and/or Kankuro throw at him. But one evening at a social event in Konoha, he sees a pretty person his age standing alone by the punch bowl......! He decides to give "flirting" a whirl.
Gaara: Excuse me, are you single?
Sai: Oh, I've read about this. You're asking me out, and I should answer based on interest rather than my actual romantic status.
Gaara, internally: Oh good, he's making this easy.
Gaara, out loud: My brother advised me that I should be upfront that I don't like a lot of small talk, and also I have attachment issues.* However he said some of my strong points are that I'm not ugly and also Kazekage.
Sai: Oh, interesting.
Sai: Yes, I guess I am single for tonight.
*Kankuro did NOT tell him to word it that way.
They get along really well. They schedule a second date. Sai even has a manual for dates, which Gaara appreciates. Kankuro doesn't know what to make of this but if Gaara is happy....? Temari and Team 7 think it's cute. Gaara's advisors are NOT amused.
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riversimmone · 6 days
Line in the Sand
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Line in the Sand - chapter 1
AU GaaSaku. Because war is coming. Because a king needs a queen. And because no-one warned him his most dangerous opponent would be the one warming his bed.
Cross-posted from fanfiction.net. Technically. I'm done waiting for my muse and want to post this here on AO3. Please read the tags and read and kudo and comment. I hope you enjoy. :)
End chapter notes:
Thankyou so much for reading. :)
This is a work in progress story you can also find on AO3 and FF.NET.
Enjoy. :)
Chapter One: Enough is Enough.
Death was such a final affair. It couldn't be undone, bribed away, or blackmailed to disappear. Fighting it was a delay tactic at best, and denying its existence was detrimental and foolish.
It was also, sometimes, the only thing that made sense.
"The king is dead!"
The voice came from outside the mausoleum, but echoed through the building like a doomsday proclamation.
Death made sense.
Except the fact that sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it made no sense whatsoever. He was struggling to understand how he had come to be standing here, looking at this particular coffin, feeling these… feelings; guilt, regret, hatred, love and sheer terror.
What kind of omnipotent being let murderers, rapists and other sundry evil men live, but took away a broken country's last ray of hope? The sky was already darker than it should be at this time of the day, so what was the point? Why was he here, mourning, when so many others deserved it more?
"The king is dead!"
Yes, he'd died this morning; the blood in his bedchambers had yet to be cleaned and the redhead staring at the coffin in front of him could still smell the stench of it, hours after having found the body.
Sabaku no Gaara lifted his arms, his eyes travelling over the lines of the palms of his hands. It all seemed so arbitrary.
"The king is dead!"
He growled. Would someone shut that person up?
The words that echoed within the walls of the mausoleum (despite coming from outside), haunted him and he wished they would just die too.
He had never felt more confused, more foolish for believing that death itself would not touch these hallowed halls. He should have seen this coming. It was his duty to his king, to his family, and to his country.
The king is dead. He reminded himself.
And yet somehow, those four words were more comfort to him than he'd ever felt.
Gaara was still torn, however. He hadn't hated the fool, though the older man had given him every reason to. They were family… once upon a time.
But the children of the Sabaku clan had been scattered to the wind when their country fell into civil war. Who would claim the throne? Who would kill their own flesh and blood to get on that throne? And who would be forced on bended knee?
Ultimately, the answer had been: no-one.
And so the war raged. For three years; for three years their loyalists fought for and alongside the sibling they wanted to see crowned. People died then too. And then the outsiders invaded, taking advantage of the chaotic state of affairs; more death had come to them, and the estranged children were forced to put their disagreements aside to force the invading harbingers out of their lands.
And they won.
Gaara stood stiffly, glaring down at his brother's coffin.
Why did you have to die, stupid fool?
It was Kankuro that the people had wanted when the dust settled, and for once, the trio siblings had sat down and listened to the voices around them. It was Kankuro's cheeky face that was plastered around the royal home, the royal city, and pretty much the entire kingdom. The people didn't even know him personally, but somehow he had the kinder face of the Sabaku children, and they trusted that dorky smile.
Gaara groaned inwardly.
And the truth was, they weren't wrong. He had his foul moods just like anyone else, but Kankuro had been the better sibling – the nice one. Even in the heat of battle; Temari could scare a battalion with a glare and he… Gaara didn't have to try, he just naturally terrified all.
But who would the people want now? And how long would that person hold the crown before they too, were betrayed?
Even now, other nations were circling the borders like vultures, sensing their weakness. How long would it be before death visited them all again?
For three years, Gaara had fought his siblings, thinking he wanted to rule. He might not have been the first born, like Temari, or as well-liked as Kankuro, but there was no denying his power. If he wasn't meant to defend their people with that power, then why had he been born with it?
The gods were laughing at him, he was sure of it; give an ant the ability to conquer every ant hill, but deny him the spoils.
Temari's voice broke through his thoughts and the redhead looked up to see her striding into the mausoleum, flanked by two guards. She waved at them and they halted, letting her approach Gaara alone. She looked determined.
"The people are going to riot," she said. "Advisor Yura believes we cannot sit on this; the people will want retribution."
Gaara stared back at Kankuro's coffin. This was not how he had intended to celebrate his twenty-first birthday. It seemed so long ago now, that Kankuro had been slapping him on the back and questioning his sexual orientation, given that Gaara hadn't wed any of the noble ladies yet. He was the only sibling without a significant partner.
I have standards. His monotone reply had been met with a laugh and a giggling confession of his brother's own sex life.
Kankuro's widow crept into his head, and Gaara sighed. He felt sorry for her, mostly. She was too kind hearted a person to do what needed to be done next.
Gaara himself didn't want a kind woman. For most of his life, he hadn't wanted a woman at all (he liked them, but only when they didn't talk). He was twenty-one now, and had never held down any kind of relationship. He'd rarely partaken in sex and still had little idea what he was doing – which only added to his desire to avoid sexual situations. He found it too hard to let everything go and open himself up in front of anyone without the pressure of pleasing another person, let alone himself.
He was too easily impressed by feminine curves to trust himself in the sight of them.
It was a free life, but also a lonely one.
"We have to get out there." Temari stepped up next to him. "We have to tell the people that this treachery will not go unanswered."
The warm hand on his shoulder reminded him yet again that he wasn't as alone as he felt.
Finally, he'd been on good terms with his brother, and now this?
He couldn't stand it.
The pain was going to tear him up from the inside and he didn't know how to stop it.
"Gaara?" His sister's voice was soft, almost cautious.
He shook his head slightly. "How could he?"
Temari frowned. Was he asking how Kankuro could die, or die and leave them behind? She sighed.
"He loved you. Even when you were at each other's throats – even when we were all trying to kill each other. Kankuro… never stopped hoping we would all come back here someday. He loved you most of all."
It still didn't make any sense to him.
He didn't get it.
Making his decision, Gaara squared his shoulders and turned to face the guards who had been dutifully waiting for them to finish their conversation. He stared into their faces and they stared back. Loyalty in this country meant equal footing – even a servant deserved to be treated with respect.
He nodded to them. "Tell the advisor to gather the people. It's time to make a stand."
A wide grin spread over the faces of the guards and they rushed to obey his command.
Temari clasped her brother's hand, feeling the same desire for revenge rush through her. Gaara squeezed her hand back, though he didn't feel as confident as he'd sounded. But he was determined: he would not let anyone take advantage of his people again.
On the other side of Sunagakure, green eyes raked over the city hungrily, taking in every detail.
Silk curtains wafted over her face, falling against her body gently, highlighting the contours of her petite body; she loved the feel of it, but more than anything, she enjoyed the cool breeze drifting in – a sign that even balmy summers in this city could be gentle on the wind. She was taking a moment to admire the beauty of the foreign city beneath her before letting the reality of her situation sink in. Sunagakure. Her new home. It had seen better days – at the height of its power years ago, it had stood as a beacon to distant travellers – but even now it still retained a regal air about it.
It was… entrancing.
Sakura Haruno was the heiress to the last of the nomadic tribes that had come to Sunagakure to parlay with king and request permanent residence, only to hear the news of the man's untimely death. They were a proud people, brave warriors and healers, but they were dying. Country borders were closing in light of the new political tensions, and it was becoming impossible to safely traverse the old travelling roads they loved so much – in just this last month alone they'd lost fifteen people in their caravan to brigands and foreign soldiers mistaking them for spies.
This couldn't continue.
Most people thought they were just gypsy nobles who were hardy and interesting enough street entertainers when they were short on money, but the truth was that they were the descendants of the Kiraaku – a Yakuza-like clan that had once been infamous for manipulating their way into powerful families. They'd literally fucked, manipulated, and murdered their way into the noble court.
But things changed when Sakura's great-great grandfather gathered what was left of their clan (after an assassin killed their patriarch) and turned them into nomads. Slowly, the legend of the Kiraaku died down, and very few knew of their bloody past. Their history was dead. And yet they themselves, survived.
Sakura turned away from the balcony and looked at her sleeping father; she had come to his chambers, hoping he was awake, but now hesitated to disturb him. He was dying, and there was nothing she could do about it. A sickness picked up from a neighbouring country had infested his body and now he had very little time left. Kizashi was all she had left of her mother – the woman who'd been kidnapped, raped and murdered by brigands before Sakura was even old enough to talk. Mebuki had been a beautiful woman, and it was her exotic looks that the pinkette had inherited.
But enough was enough.
They needed to find a new home if they were going to prevent these things from happening again. And her father had a plan to make that happen.
In this country, the daughters of the smaller tribes were highly valued in buying and selling for marriages with nobles because of their exotic looks and rumoured, unique skills. It was a fetish that made her uncomfortable, but what kind of Kiraaku descendant would she be if she didn't take advantage of it?
Her father stirred, reaching out for her as she ran to his side.
"I knew it was you."
His sight was failing, along with his internal organs. Even she, with all her medical prowess, couldn't save him, and she hated herself.
"Don't cry."
Her tears trickled down his arm as she kissed the back of his hand.
"I can't help it, daddy."
"You can't cry yet."
She nodded. "I know."
"Yuri can lead our clan now, but you need to do something else for them."
"I don't know…"
"Do this, please? For me?"
Sakura tightened her hold on his hand. "I will, daddy."
She had no problem with seducing the richest noble she could catch the eye of. They were all rolling in dough. If they fell for her charms, it was their own fault. But her father had higher dreams and, upon news that the king had died, had expressed his desire for her to aim much higher.
The youngest Sabaku…
He had more wealth than your average noble, and the power he wielded in battle was too much of a temptation; she may not agree with the way her ancestors had hurt people, but the blood of the Kiraaku ran through her and she couldn't deny she really wanted to see this living legend in the flesh. His people mostly feared his power – though they revered it too – but if the rumours were true, he was headed for that ivory throne.
Even if she failed with him, there had to be someone in that court that would find her attractive.
Sakura kissed her father's forehead as his eyes closed and his breathing evened out again, indicating he was asleep.
She would marry into wealth and restore her clan's honour by taking that crown (or similar) by whatever means she felt necessary. But first, she needed to play the marriageable woman. She needed to show off her exotic looks, her unique skills, and charm the pants off that man.
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kiigan · 2 months
NAME: Theia
PRONOUNS : she/her or they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord please! It's faster and it's easier and it has a lot of extra functionalities for both chatting and roleplay. I don't mind the tumblr DMs but they are very unreliable and more than once I've experienced not being notified that somebody messaged me or vice-versa.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Itachi, basically. However, on discord I've dabbed a bit at writing Kimimaro, Temari, and Rock Lee mostly for fun with friends. And I suppose I should mention I also write muses in other fandoms? Though the Naruto hyperfixation has been real as of late, but yeah, I also have muses in Star Wars, Fullmetal Alchemist, Resident Evil, and several Final Fantasy games.
BEST EXPERIENCE : I would say it's that moment you look at a reply from your partner and 1) you are in awe at their writing and portrayal and wondering how did you get so lucky to write with someone so talented, and 2) you can't wait to get to replying back, no matter how long the thread may be, and in fact you find yourself having so much fun with it and getting so engaged that you easily write back twice as much.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Uhhh I would say it's probably to feel that my partner isn't as invested as I am. For example, if we agree to plot but I'm the only one suggesting ideas and coming up with scenarios, and all I get back is short replies or something generic like "I'm okay with anything". Or if we have a ship together (doesn't even have to be a romantic ship) and I'm the only one coming up with headcanons and sharing stuff that reminds me of our muses. By all means, we don't need to talk/ plot/ roleplay every single day! I get very busy myself and sometimes go radio silent. And, as someone who's autistic, trust me that I know very well the feeling of being socially awkward. But roleplay is a partnership and requires mutual investment. If I start feeling like I'm the only one excited about our muses and plots, that's gonna make me feel like I'm annoying you and, in turn, that's gonna be the fastest way to make me withdraw from it.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I have recently confirmed that my muse type is Tall and Handsome and Full of Trauma, and occasionally also full of eye gore. But also I am very drawn to "accidental" heroes, heroes that are heroes not out of a prophecy but because, within their limitations, they choose to do what is right and what is needed. And I am also very drawn to big brother figures?? A lot of my muses seem to end up adopting orphans and/or raising other people's children lmao.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I prefer plotting because, from my self-experience, non-plotted interactions get dropped far too easily (either by myself or by my rp partners). That said, I am also a big fan of letting the muses talk and choose what they want, even if it may go against something previously plotted. And I don't think this is incompatible with memes? I do love memes and they are super good for breaking the ice between people who never wrote together! And also super good to provide new scenarios with which to plot and develop upon.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I have the tendency to write a lot, so I'd say long replies? Which doesn't mean I'm not interested in short ones! Especially because, sometimes, my brain is too mush to handle the long stuff so it's nice to have short ones to get some writing done. I just find it that, with muses like Itachi who rely heavily on introspection, it really is easy for me to get into it and write a lot more than originally planned.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Whenever my brain is not dead from work, I guess. As of late, it's been a lot easier for me to write during weekends for this reason. I care a lot about my replies and I don't like to give back half-assed stuff, so really the best time is whenever I can sit down, relax, blast some music, and get to writing.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I am definitely a nerd like Tachi and his perfectionism + obsessiveness come from my own. We are also both introverts and we both often occasionally have... trouble to keep a normal conversation going lol. And, honestly, we are both idealists.
tagged by: @fightaers & @fighterbound ♡ tagging: if you're reading this you're tagged by default~
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whiskeysmulti · 8 months
"What's it like living out in the desert all the time? Don't get me wrong I think the village is really nice and has some cool buildings but I do have to wonder do ya eventually get used to having sand in your shoes?" - To Temari
Random IC- always accepting!
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Temari had never considered the difference in the sand and other nations. She was used to desert sands and arid temperatures, but other nations like Fire and Rain were not used to it. But if she visited their villages, it would be different to her so she couldn't really say anything. It was just interesting to her. "Yeah it's hot and sandy, but you get used to it. What about you? What nation are you from?"
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 2 years
"Damn, what's with that new blonde woman's arms? They're thick as tree trunks!" (For Temari)
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"Are my arms still bulky? I was afraid marriage and the peace time had made me soft." Temari smirked as she rolled up her sleeves and flexex her arms causing the muscles to quickly tighten and give off an impressive display of strength as her bulky biceps put most others to shame. "Maybe I should hit the gym, they're usual bigger than this... I wonder if I can still crush a melon between them." She muttered wondering if she should try and get back in shape.
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sassykinzonline · 1 month
What is a song that is currently stuck in your head because Naruto sings it too much
Naruto seems like the dude to sing something and look at the victim who heard the singing and asked what’d they think (me too)
Sasuke do you like defttones sorry if that’s offensive to emos :(
Scene kid Naruto gyra Naruto save me Naruto wearing obnoxious colors and serving c u n t please sasuke stop stealing the gay from him
What’s the latest gossip that’s happening in the village I’m very nosy
hello thank you for the questions to consider:
watch this movie by the way its really good. anyways he sings it while doing what he thinks is disco soul train dancing its cute stupid. its a bit funny since he isnt one to be sexually vulgar, but i guess this is his bad bitch song?
2. he doesnt really ask because he knows hes a good singer, i know hes a good singer. its just a fact. but he does sing and pout at you like this -> 🥺 and invade your personal space to try to get you to sing along. im not a bad singer but my voice is so low its kind of hard to sing songs with him, which upsets him greatly.
3. i got told to listen to them a lot at one point but just never did, im sorry to disappoint. got any recs? i am a casual enjoyer of mcr and muse though, hope that makes up for it? theres this perception of me (not saying you in particular believe this) that i'd be some "rock music is the only real music" snob and thats not really accurate? im not close-minded, i just know what i like pretty accurately. i tend to like hiphop more because it more coherently reflects my rage and reaction to the...oppressive nature of life and desperation to just survive. but i also like many other types of high/heart rate bpm music because it helps me focus while training. these days i listen to kpop more because it has always been decently popular here, and naruto is really into it.
4. i didnt do anything to his gay >:(. hes a queen but hes also shyer than you think. when he was a kid he wanted "attention" because he wanted to be humanized, but hes been under a lot of pressure and been highly visible since he could remember. hes working through that balance now, but you know him 😒
5. kiba may have gotten "someone" (we legit dont know who) pregnant, and temari mysteriously isnt doing envoys to the leaf recently. big scandal much diplomatic nightmare. luckily its golden week so i dont have to deal with that shit till next week 😏.
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imastrangeone98 · 2 years
Desert Flower
(A/N: you know what day it is @philistiniphagottini don't you??? ITS TIME!! My tumblr bestie's bday is today and it's about time I whipped up something nice! Enjoy this adorableness, and check them out on tumblr and ao3!! Their spice is off the charts awesome ;)
(Also I made up a fictional flower- it's not a real thing)
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It took quite a while for you to notice, but now that you know that Gaara has a soft spot for plants, it could not escape your mind.
It also didn't help that his birthday is now only a few days away, and you still haven't found the perfect gift for the Sand Village leader.
"If it's from you, he'll definitely like it, no matter what it is," Temari had tried to reassure you to no avail, her good intentions having no effect on you.
So now, here you are, desperately hanging off the side of a cliff on the outskirts of the village, attempting to get your hands on the rare solar bluebell that only grew on the cliff tops.
"You stupid thing," you can't help but hiss out loud, fingertips just barely grazing the stem of the flower. "If it weren't for the Kazekage, I wouldn't be out here doing this ridiculous-!"
"Ridiculous, you say?"
You shriek at the unexpected voice, causing your grip on the rocks to slip and you fall-
Onto sand.
Warm arms are carefully wrapped around your waist, and the familiar raspy voice of your village leader saying, "What's so ridiculous?"
"N- nothing, my lord!" you nearly scream, this time from a different type of fear. "I would never refer to you in such a disgraceful manner!"
"Relax, dove, I know. Also, why are you referring to me as 'my lord?' That doesn't suit you," he chuckles, a gentle hand smoothing down your now messy hair. "But I am much more concerned with the fact that you managed to climb this entire cliff without any assistance. Why did you not ask me for help?"
A weak chuckle escapes your lips. You're so screwed.
"Well, y'see... It was just..." You suck in a deep breath. "IwantedtogetapresentforyouandIknowhowmuchyou-"
"Now, now, slow down." He covers a hand over your mouth. "I'm not mad at you, if that is what's making you so nervous. Take a deep breath, dove. You were saying something about me?"
He swiftly removes his hand and you start over, carefully pacing your words despite your sadness over the lost surprise. "It's your birthday soon, and I wanted to get a surprise gift for you. I know how much you love plants, so I figured I'd try and get one that wasn't in your collection..."
Gaara watches you for a few seconds before chuckling. Your cheeks couldn't help but heat up at the warm sound. "And you decided on one of the most rarest and dangerous plants in the world?"
"Yes, dove." He pats your cheek before pointing out the flower to you. "Those petals and the stem actually contain a highly volatile toxin that can cause severe paralysis upon contact with direct skin. If I hadn't shown up, it's very likely you would have fallen..." The two of you peer off his sand cloud, "Quite deep."
You let out a nervous titter, and with your adrenaline now fully gone, your knees begin to buckle. "Oh. That's nice. Very nice. I could've just fallen straight to my doom."
"And it would have made me very sad to hear of the news," he muses, resting his cheek on the top of your head. "Besides, you don't need to do something so dangerous just for me. There will be many opportunities in the future for life-and-death scenarios." He smiles at you, and you feel bad that you can't tell whether he's serious or not.
"...You're just messing with me, right?"
"Of course. I would never joke about your death." He sits down on his sand cloud and pats the spot next to him. "The sun is about to set. Come sit with me. There's something I'd like to show you."
You would be insane to reject an offer from Gaara. The sand feels soft as you sift it through your fingers, and the two of you stare into the sunset in comfortable silence. That is, until he points at the poisonous solar bluebell, whispering for you to watch the petals.
As the deep red sunlight begins to touch the flower, you're stunned at the way the petals seemed to crystallize, almost translucent. They glow a pale blue, and with the light it's almost purple.
"Do you like it?" he asks, and you just nod, still stunned by the beauty. So stunned, in fact, that you don't notice until it's too late: he reaches across the cloud and plucks the flower straight off the rocks to tuck it behind your ear.
"Gaara!" you scream, almost ripping the flower away when he holds your wrists with a laugh.
"That's the secret: you can only pick them once the light of the sunset turns them into that crystal-like substance. They're no longer poisonous from then on."
You sigh in relief, before slapping at his shoulder. "You doofus! Don't scare me like that!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it would scare you that much." He rubs the back of his neck, the tips of his ears red with embarrassment. "But I must admit, seeing you all flustered was quite amusing."
"Oh, you perverted sadist!" You touch the flower carefully, and as he said, the petals don't send your body into severe shock. "And besides, this was supposed to be your birthday present, not mine!"
"Who knows," he jokes. "Now that you know the secret, maybe you'll be hanging off these cliffs in a day or two. And I will have to rescue you all over again."
"Nope, I'm not doing that ever again. And besides..." Plucking the flower from your ear, you slide it behind his own and take a few seconds to admire your handiwork. "This looks much nicer on you."
And with the soft purple flower complimenting the red of his hair and the blush of his cheeks, your words can't be more true.
A/N: I need to work on endings, but all things aside happy bday!!!
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