#<-because gran doesnt want to talk about their feelings
flovverworks · 21 days
the greatest thing about writing gran again is that my brain always does a "ok so we know what one of them feels about this topic, what about the Other one" and now its 10 times stronger
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pocketramblr · 5 months
I want to know how all might reacts to reincarnated afo!aizawa
Like I think All Might would understand that Aizawa doesn't remember his villainous past, and has essentially been reborn, but the fact that afo somehow managed to get away with it (in a matter of speaking at least) must be like one of those forbidden itches from another dimension: forever vexing him
So All Might doesnt find out about this until Aizawa goes to him himself a few months after the worst of it, which is important because the reaction is defintely something that would vary based on when and how he learned it.
As it is, Aizawa goes to Might Tower and is like "Hey, I'm a UA student, Nedzu emailed All Might and said why he needed to see me, if he hasn't checked it tell him its about All For One." and is quickly sent up to talk. All Might is confused about the why- this kid is like, sixteen, AfO could have been dead before he was born.
But then Aizawa sighs, and says "I was born on the day you killed All For One," which means he knows way more information than he should, and All Might listens even when the kid immediately seems to go off topic by explaining that he's always wanted to be a hero, even though erasure is a weak quirk, and he knew he wouldn't be able to be a hero like All Might. Then he gets to the Garvey fight, and very quietly says that when he tried to erase the villain, he stole one of his quirks instead. All Might looks at the boy's palms, and sees.
But he doesn't quite see the truth yet.
"You're All For One's son." He breathes.
Shouta shakes his head. "No. Worse. I was born the day you killed him, right? Well, the hospital I was born at, there was a doctor that worked for AfO. Tried to save his life. Couldn't. So AfO ordered him to grab a baby, and transfered his quirk... to me." All Might relaxes, because that is tragic, but easier to deal with- "And then, I guess, they lost me? Not sure, but um, after Gravey, i went to the hospital and the Doctor kept messing with me. He was giving me more of All For One's quirks... and his memories. And i- it was so stupid, I went in there alone, and now... it's all there. in me."
All Might is no longer relaxed. He stares at the kid. Miserable, Aizawa holds out a hand, and a spike shoots out from it. One All Might remembers going into his chest, and he flinches.
Aizawa puts his hand down.
"I can't figure it out."
"Can't figure what out?" All Might asks.
"I can't figure out if I'm more me or more him now. I mean, I feel like I'm in charge. But he's been alive a lot longer, even if so much of those memories a blur. And, logically, even if he isn't in my head, his memories have to affect me. I mean, i knew going alone was stupid, but all those memories of his power, his pride, i ignored it and went anyway. I can't figure out what it means to know all of this now, who I am or what I should do."
All Might nods. He feels such pity for the boy, such grief he didn't prevent this. caused it, even, really. "And you came to me?"
"Yeah. You're the person alive who's known All For One the longest, except Gran Torino and I didn't know how to find him." The teen shrugs. "You'd be the one to know if he's... you know, if i'm him. You'd be the one to stop him."
All Might stares at him, not moving, not speaking. Aizawa beings to twitch despite himself.
"You trusted me to fix this." He finally says. "Yeah, there's no way in hell All For One's in charge of your brain then. You're safe, kid. You might have the memories, but i take it you hate the guy in them?"
"More than anything. You're sure? It makes sense that i could be influenced-"
"Young Aizawa. You're safe. I am sure. And if that changes, i'll make sure to help you. I am here."
Aizawa goes nearly boneless on the couch. "Thanks."
"No problem. I'm guessing you'd feel better if you were doing something about it, though?"
"You're a hero. You feel better when you're doing something."
"Yeah. What do you have in mind?"
"Let's see if any of your new old memories can help us weed out anyone else who could be planning something like the Doctor was, and then come up with some plans to use all those quirks in you now for good."
Aizawa smiles for the first time in weeks. It is a terrifying smile, but it is absolutely nothing like All For One's too-calculated smirk. All Might smiles back.
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toestalucia · 2 months
I STILL have not watched versus&rising im gonna be honest with u BUT heavy heavy heaviest rising spoilers <33333333 (also main story spoilers
anyway im actually kind of worried about dad considering uh. rising casually having mom lore. like. 'i am your mother'. can u imagine releasing rising right after the most devastating story chs in gbf & us going to estalucia next update and being like 'hello heres ur mom. things are Not great and the implied dialogue is Hell'. fully understand all the 'rein.....O_O' comments they made on the rising streams JKBKADJD I GET IT NOOWWWWW (<-when it was released and my friend dm'd me asking me if i want spoilers)
like im sincereeeelllyyyyy hoping he's okay-ish but its also? if he went to estalucia for mom id like that. he returned to zinkenstill with a baby, and then left like 6-8 years later. i admittedly dont think he'd leave on a whim (theres also the part of how much happened ~10yrs ago). was the otherworld involved. was the kings eye involved. was mom dead before he returned to zinkenstill or. what is different in our timeline compared to the others (i saw one of the rising trailers and they use the bg art for the tree violet knight sits on in one of reins visions(??????)..................)
sorry risingers who r screaming that this is readily available knowledge IM GONNA WATCH THE STORY THIS MONTH I PROMISE i wanna pick up rein. i alrdy told kaitlyn that. but ill make it a separate blog cuz what the hell that is a SPOILER. but depending on it i might pick up dad too <-captain obsession
beyond hilarious baha made her goth tho. rein u r so fkng cool i love mothers u never couldve prepared me for mom to appear in the SIDEGAMES. theres a gran @ mom thing i rly wanna write. because to me theres certain things that gran doesnt want to hear from their parents? like..what happened happened.
Walfrid: There's one more thing I need to apologize to you for. In all this talk about your father's journey, one piece of the puzzle has never been mentioned. You know what that is, don't you? I'm referring to your mother.
Walfrid: Yes, I know her very well. She was another great friend on our journey. In fact, she set off on the journey with your father right from the start. Gran: What kind of person was she? Walfrid: She was a compassionate woman, coming from a line of maidens who worshipped the god of the Sky Realm. Katalina: What? Then the maiden who sent Vyrn was… Walfrid: Yes, her. She lived in the same area as Gran's father. She grew up with her parents and younger sister in happiness. But then an incident compelled them to Vyrn and leave. (Taking cause and effect into consideration, this all dates back to when the sky was formed…) Vyrn: …? Walfrid shakes his head as if to dismiss his idle thoughts and returns to the topic at hand.
Walfrid: I have my reasons for not wanting to discuss that woman in too much detail. The truth is I don't know anything about her at present. As in I don't know where she is or what she's doing. I don't even know if she's safe.
Walfrid: But I have a feeling you will meet her at some point as your journey unfolds. You should prepare yourself for when that day arrives.
dialogues that lives in my head at all times
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marunalu · 2 years
Fandom really wants Izuku to kill Tomura or go crazy for hurting Bakugou, I hope that doesn't happen because I don't want Midoriya's development to be thrown away just for it, more considering that even after the war he decided to try to save Tomura, even before knowing if Bakugou was alive or not and later even save Chisaki despite what he did to Eri, this would only set the character back in a realm that shouldn't go back.
Dont worry that will not happen! Bkdk stans love to scream how izuku always turns into a berserker if bakugou is in danger, but everyone who is able to read properly and doesnt wear shipping goggles, knows that izuku rages for everyone who is in danger.
He got VERY angry when ojiro was called an "ape" by shinso.
He broke his WHOLE body in the entrace exam to save ochako, a girl he just met.
He broke his fingers and damaged his arms for shoto in the sport festival.
He rushed to help aizawa when he was punched into a meatball by a nomou.
He was ready to fight stain, one of the most dangerous massmurderes of japan, to protect iida.
He got into rage mode and broke his arms multible times to protect kota from muscular. He was ready to DIE for him! Same happened in his fight against chisaki to save eri. If not for eris quirk, izuku would be DEAD! He literally killed himself over and over again in this fight, with eri rewinding him back! If that is not raging then WHAT is it?!
In the war arc, izuku already lost it when he saw aizawa and gran torino almost brutally killed in front of his eyes! Even BEFORE bakugou pushed him out of the way, izuku was already giving HELL to shigaraki!!! Turned him into a human jojo! Bakugou was only the straw that broke the camels back! Izuku would have completly lost it in this moment no matter WHO it would have been! It could have been iida, shoto, ochako, all might, his mother, ANY other of his friends, he would have reacted the SAME WAY! His sanity was already at its limit, after he saw two of his mentors, he dearly loves almost die! It just happened to be bakugou and not one of the others, because hori needed bakugou to do something meaningful for once in this arc! Pushing izuku out of the way, was the ONLY important thing he did in that arc, otherwise he was COMPLETLY useless and again that role could have been given to anyone else! The outcome would have been exactly the same!
He also jumped into shotos "fight" against dabi in the war arc, trying to protect him from dabis attacks! Was also standing up for endeavor to give him his fighting spirit back.
Then in the vestige world, he saw how shigarakis eyes asked for help. The moment he was able to move again, he RUSHED to shigarakis side to help him. "Your eyes looked like as if you were asking for help!"
He promised chisaki, a man he HATES that he will bring him to his "father", if he will learn to feel remorse for what he did to eri.
Izuku helps and saves EVERYONE! He is ready to save and help MASSMURDERERS! He swore to himself that he will save shigaraki from afo and he knows that currently shigaraki is under afos control! He woudnt be mad with shigaraki, but afo! And he will try to find a way to save him, not kill him! He already SWORE to himself he will try everything he can!
Yoichi explained it best: "this boy rages for the sake of others!" NOT FOR BAKUGOU! FOR OTHERS! Personally, I believe yoichi more, then a bunch of shippers, because unlike them, he actually understands izukus character, because he is literally a part of his soul!
Bakugou is not special regarding that, its just that he and izuku have a long history that connects them. Bkdk shippers (to be fair shippers in generel), love to make everything that happens about their ship. They dont read the manga for the story, but their ship! They wear shipping goggles that makes them unable to grasp the story and the characters properly! I know what Im talking about, because to my shame many years ago I was like that too! Everything is about the ship! Nothing else matters! If the ship doesnt sail, the whole story is automatic terrible and was a huge waste of time! (OF COURSE IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME, IF YOU ONLY DID READ IT FOR A SHIP THAT DIDNT HAPPEN!) They still believe mha is a gay romance manga and when you try to tell them its not, they call you homophobic!
But to get back to the original point: again dont worry. Izuku will not go berserk because of bakugous injury and try to kill shigaraki! The narrative made pretty clear that izuku is aware that shigaraki is under afos control and he doesnt blaime him for the things afo is making him do! He wants to save him! Bakugou being injured, because he acted like a brainless idiot wont change that! Actually I think its possible that he and izuku will have a fight regarding shigarakis fate! Bakugou gives a shit about saving villains, they are his enemies and he doesnt understand that they are humans who were badly treated by the society he worships! Bakugou doesnt know that izuku wants to save shigaraki and this could end in a big argument and bk vs dk 3 with izuku winning this time!
I also dont think izuku will be the one who saves bakugous ass in the next chapters. We still dont know who or what the dots are, izuku saw flying towards him. Could be nomous or other minions of afo. Bakugous ass will be saved by the big 3! Its their moment to shine!
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moth-within · 11 months
oc ramblings, talking about gran hotel solaire and queerness under the cut
i think one of the things i'm most excited about for ghs is the like... its the 1920s yeah, and queerness.. was a very dont ask dont tell thing back then. but, heres this hotel with, coincidentally, a bunch of queer people thrown in.
i think, though a lot of it may go unsaid, there is something so pulling to me to write about... the queer experience there. even if just briefly, right?
like, jaime is a man of very few words. he doesnt stay in one place for very long. he doesn't want people to know who he is, queerness aside. of course, that plays a part, deep down in his psyche, but on the front that is just.. who he is. he rarely talks with anyone or really connects with anyone at all, because he cant afford to. he's too afraid of what may happen
but at the same time, he's desperate for human connection, so when he does reach out and have a night of connection, the next morning? he's gone. and the person that was there is left without him to hold for any longer. he'll never see whoever that was again, theyll never see him, and thats for the best. the world that theyre in, its not friendly to those who are different, and jaime knows that very well. he had to hide it growing up, he's going to continue hiding it even now. he doesn't have any other choice
i think a lot of the people he ends up connecting with happen to be gay men, and maybe subconsciously to jaime that makes it.. better? because they already know what the deal is. it feels worse when its with a straight woman, because she might not understand why he has to go-- granted, the gay men don't fully understand the reason, but they can make an assumption at least. they'll have some form of closure knowing this is just the way things are for them. at least in this era
of course, itll get better, and suffice to say in this fictional 1920s world things are most likely a lot.. better for lgbt+ people than it was in real life, but its still not great, right? i think ignoring that would be a disservice to parts of the narrative that might benefit from it. we don't have to write any of the violence of course, that'd be way too much, but i'm definitely planning on incorporating some of the more subtle parts in jaime's writing.
something something.. finding a community in the hotel, finding people like him, and he's genuinely unable to run away in this moment. so he has to sit down and confront it all, he has to confront these parts of himself, and have other people start to understand him in turn. itll be hard, but i think thats so interesting
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androidemotions · 4 years
these hcs are kinda halfway set in a modern au bc thats my context for this ! (gonna split it up so its not as long bc i drafted the original and it was LONG) water tribe siblings first !!!
adhd/autism king 😌
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[ID: a screenshot of Sokka standing on a raised stone platform with a map of the Fire nation hanging behind him. He’s holding his arms stiffly by his side with a wide-eyed look on his face, brows raised as he has his mouth open, saying something. End ID.]
- schedules to survive, he likes to know what hes getting into and if you try to change plans on him without warning he’ll be very resistant
- smart kid who doesnt study, oh he tries, oh boy does he try, he ends up reading the same sentence over and over until he gets distracted by drawing something, working on the blueprint for his latest invention, or with researching something completely unrelated to what he’s mean to be studying. then he tosses and turns all night because he’s stressed by not having studied, but when he actually takes the test he makes a 105, despite there not even being a bonus question, he just answered the essay question so well the teacher gave him an extra 5 points
- special interests?? we got em!!! classic weaponry (think swords, boomerangs, but also, like canons and catapults and shit) engineering/physics, art/drawing, strategy games. he tends to hyperfocus within his special interests, so like for a week he was hellbent on building his own full sized trebuchet, much to the dismay of Gran Gran who just wanted to grow her tomatoes without them being crushed by said full size trebuchet
- (also he plays all types of games probably, but he def plays those ones where you take over the world, like the ones online and azula also plays them too and they end up being rivals, while not actually knowing who the other is outside of their usernames)
- he also talks a lot in his classes/is like the ‘class clown’ and ppl think this is him not focusing but engaging this way actually helps him focus way more than sitting silently, a lot of teachers dont understand it but the ones who do are actually paying attention and realize that he’s generally talking/joking about their current topic
- some observations (this shit is all canon babey!!!) - sokka is great at being a leader and communicating in groups he’s in but he really really struggles in front of crowds, one-on-one and sokka can talk well, joke and stuff but as soon as he’s separate from other people and everyone is just listening he clams up (solar eclipse pt 1). he also loves to joke and make people laugh, and a lot of the time he misinterprets stuff because he’s autistic but he also will realize this and do it anyway because he thinks it’s funny and he likes laughing with his friends (idk if this happens in canon but i do this and sokka does too bc i said so :^). He also takes up the protector/comforting role but despite his best intentions he can sometimes say insensitive stuff and not even realize what he’s done to upset people (when he happily told aang ‘the whole world thinks your dead!’) works best when he feels needed, if he feels unnecessary or like something doesnt matter he struggles to complete it (i feel like the beginning of sokka’s master rlly demonstrates what i mean here), and this goes both ways, he will put too much value into certain things that he cares about and can get his priorities mixed if he’s focused too much on what he believes matters more than what might be most pressing (zuko destroyed his suki sculpture, oh right bc he was attacking aang)
she also has adhd/autism, (so do both Hakoda and Kya 💙)
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[ID: a screenshot of Katara, Hakoda, Sokka, and Bato. Hakoda has his hand on Katara’s shoulder as they both look at Bato who is saying something, she has curious look on her face with her brows raised, while Hakoda looks exasperated. Sokka beside him his also looking curiously up at Bato, with one brow raised and the other furrowed. Bato has a neutral expression on his face as he speaks. End ID.]
- palms sweaty thoughts spaghetti, she tries to be practical bc she thinks someone needs to be but really her brain is like a runaway train, she sees something that needs doing and is like, guess ill do that now! and drops whatever she was doing first. she can get very anxious because of this because all the thing that need doing start to pile up because theyre all in her brain at once. that and as much as she tries to be practical she’s very impulsive, getting help from other people really helps alleviate this stuff
- interacting w ppl, when she was only part of her own smaller community she had a lot less toll on her, bc she knew everyone and was used to them, as she meets more people she gets really frustrated with how many people seem to refuse to say what they really mean. Katara is very straightforward herself and she says what she means, so even tho she gets more and more perceptive when interacting with new people, she resents how much she has to work just to decipher what people really mean half the time.
- caring for ppl, with people she cares about communicating is much easier bc she knows them, so she’s very open about her feelings around these people, and she can be hyper empathetic at times, but then sometimes she will say SUPER insensitive stuff off the cuff because she’s just very impulsive and she might regret it after the fact but she really struggles with apologizing because being wrong makes her feel like ppl are going to reject her
- perceptions, she knows what’s expected of her by the world, but she really rejects the idea that she has to stay in her role. still, she has internalized a lot of these expectations and tries to perform them, even when she sometimes struggles. beyond herself, she’s very certain about what she knows is wrong and has a strong moral code, she sees something wrong and she wants to fix it.
- she’s awful in school, not because she’s not smart, but she’s smart in ways that society does not appreciate. she doesnt care at all about all the worksheets and math she’s never gonna use, and all the history that got distorted, she’s much better at learning stuff on her own and she will go on deep dives of subjects she cares about and is super knowledgeable abt them.
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[ID: A cropped screenshot of Sokka with his arms extended outwards, palms flat as he gestures. He has a slight grin on his face with his mouth open to speak, eyebrows raised and looking at the viewer calmly. He’s wearing his usual blue tunic with the Earth Rumble XI belt along with his earth kingdom bag hanging across his chest. The text on the image says, “This post made by ADHD Sokka gang. End ID.]
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[ID: a cropped screenshot of Hakoda, he has a serious expression on his face as he looks ahead. The text on the post reads, “This post made by ADHD Hakoda gang.” End ID.]
from this post (part of what inspired me to write these out) @meteor-sword​ now just katara needs one 😄
adhd aang next, i will finally live up to my url (will edit with a link when i post)
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
Tbf the heroes don't know what happened to Tenko. They look at Shiggy and see a guy who attacked USJ and tried to kill the Symbol of Peace, who organised attack on a summer training camp and kidnapped a kid, who leveled down a whole city and who now is leveling another one. They don't see a victim bc they don't know he is one. But they do see the damage he does and act accordingly.
Yeah but thats not all they see. Especially this arc. Heroes arent stupid. They have enough information to see Shigaraki as victim.
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1- They know that there is no sign about Shigaraki in records which means hever never go to school like normal kids, he didnt get quirk counseling, but most importantly it means that society never support Shigaraki Tomura, if they were, they would know.
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2- They know Shigaraki is mentally child and they also know that he just NEW started to grow, they immediately realized there might be some adult behind the kid. Someone who groomed him.
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3- Then, later they found All For One. The person who is behind of the kid. Afo is a man who is famous with manipulating people. When they heard about this, again, they could understand. Afo made it clear that he wants Shigaraki to be successor and again another proof that Shigaraki was groomed.
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4- Shimura Tenko. Allmight and Gran Torino literally know what kind of person Afo is. They even knew that Afo targeted the kid, they must’ve been understand there is something wrong with this sitution, like Shigaraki didnt become this way because he is evil but they kept it as secret. They said they will research but there is no voice since then.
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5- Kurogiri. They literally saw that how Shirakumo, hero student became a dangerous villain. Not only they saw how good person can become a villain but also they saw Shirakumo is still in there. That there is a hope.
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6- Noumus. Heroes knew that noumus are people who are victim of science. Shigaraki was in one of that tupes, he was being used and treated as tool but instead of thinking he might be victim, they dehumanized him more and more.
etc etc etc.
Its not that they dont understand Shigaraki is victim but easier to believe that he is not cause saving him would be hard.
Now, you might say that somes knows nothing about those informations, they dont know everything.
For the ones who knows something, they are the ones who could’ve change things but they chose not to. Like Gran Torino who knows Afo and Shimura history or Aizawa who literally ignored the evidence that Shigaraki is might be just like Eri, just like Kurogiri.
Well, for people who know none of them, i wouldnt fully blame them but problem is more like the way system is. The heroes who knows something about it, literally covered it up and didnt even warn people about it. The posibility that Shigaraki is a victim.
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Because they dont actually interested in changing things or rehabilition of villains. The system is normalizied the violence towards villains that most heroes ignore the fact that villains are humans too.
You might say what else they could do? Well, many things actually cause heroes are the ones who have the power in society. They are the ones who control of the sitution.
They could talk about this subject, instead of covering up. They could research about it more. They could at least listen and trying to understand this sitution.
You might say They have no time to talk.
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But funny, they have time to blame him for existing.
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And yeah, i guess, burning someone alive or trying to kill him is easier than talking...
You might say But Shigaraki needs to be stop so they have no choice to do this.
Yeah, Shigaraki needs to be stopped, of course, they cant let people die. But they have no choice? This is not true.
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In story, many times it shown that heroes know how to be amazing when they wanted to. They can make a lot of miracles in most impossible situtions and at least, they always try. Why? Cause they think its worth it. And in those times, they will try their best.
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It’s not that they cant save Shigaraki. Its that they cant bother with it. They think its not wothy to save someone like that. They will literally ignore every evidence in front of them. Even though, Shigaraki literally showed his suffering in front of them.
You might say why they would care about murderer’s suffering but again, its about the system they are in. The way villains are treated. Just because someone is criminal or villain, it doesnt mean they deserve to die or being treated as less human being. They ignore Shigaraki cause thats how villains are treated in society and they dont plan to change it cause they are so blinded by system.
And again, they wont try to save Shigaraki cause he doesnt cry like Eri or openly asking for help. They think good people will always stay good and they will hold their feelings forever but this is impossible cause everyone has breaking point and despite heroes knows in deep that they will still ignore it.
And you might say Shigaraki and other villains didnt have to kill people etc etc but Like Shigaraki and story explained it many times;
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the people in league, they were good people and they tried, they endured, until enduring pain is not being a option, since society doesnt listen, destruction is literally the only way of victims can express their pain.
So; Villains can only express theirselves with destruction cause noone will listen to them. Heroes can do something but they wont cause they dont understand the suffering of victims in society.
Now, dont get me wrong. I love heroes cause i love the idea of saving someone but in bnha, heroes are really not heroes. All hero side is have is idea of hero, ieda of justice, they are in love with idea of heroes so much, they will ignore the victims who needs to be saved.
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I dont necessarely think that they are bad or good people. When i analyzie someone, i only focus that person, not all at once. Not every heroes are same kind of person. I am sure that some of them are really good intentionally people, just like Deku but some heroes are really at fault and they intentionally ignoring things and make it worse.
The problem with hero side is not that they are evil but they are in pretty messed up system and they dont even try to change it cause they dont understand how much messed up it is. Some truly dont understand, some ignores, some use this for their selfish desires, with every way, its hard to root for them when they are supporting this messed up system while ignoring victims They dont even try to understand which is so frustrating, especialy as we readers know flaws but heroes ignores and they dont even make any effort :///.
And again, i love justice, heroes etc etc but i have no intention of ignoring what they are doing right now. Cause villains at least admit but heroes always justify it and call it as justice and thats so messed up.
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Lets say; I truly believe that Deku is kind, good person (he is my favorite character with Shigaraki) but i also think that what Deku doing to Shigaraki right now is wrong cause its not that Deku cant understand or do something else. He can but he doesnt see Shigaraki as worth it cause he is villain and in hero society villains are meant be destroyed by heroes. But i want Deku to face and understand this why its wrong, one day.
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The reason i mostly rooting for league, despite loving idea of heroes is because league, villains are pitifull. They are live in pretty unhealthy environment, they live with heavy mental illness, they are treated as monsters and i dont see what else they could do but hero side, they are at least live in healthy environment, they have lifes, happy moments and they can do something but they chose not to. And at least, the things league, villains did are changing things, challeging the system but heroes dont do anything. I also believe that we are meant to root for Shigaraki’s group too, especially this arc.
(Hope you understand me, i dont really hate heroes and i have different opinion for every characters, i dont just divide them as villains and heroes but right now, its exteremely hard to root for them, well, i hope they can get good character developments already.)
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Songbird, Part 2
Also on AO3! 
Link to Part 1 
Izuku has a powerful quirk: he can give powers to the people around him based on the different songs he sings. Unfortunately, everyone else really wants that quirk and are willing to kidnap him to get it. 
Songbirds sing even when the music stops.
Hello I’m redefining Izuku’s quirk for the sake of more dramatic powers: Most songs are general power-ups (everyone in auditory range), others are personal power-ups (only the person singing). Both only affect those who hear them, unless the effect is 100% intrinsic. Izuku uses a lot of general power-ups because he’s helpful like that. Each song can only be used once per day.
Examples: A song that creates a forcefield will only be a barrier to those who hear it, but a strength increase is a strength increase no matter which way you slice it.
anyway! day 1 of class is ok bc izuku and bakugo head to school together, and its honestly a miracle he didn't get kidnapped again
anyway, he meets iida and is fucking floored when he apologises for yelling at him. uraraka calls him the "boy with the singing quirk" and hes pretty happy. bakugo is grudgingly pleased izuku has friends and sits down, izuku following suit. shinsou is half asleep at his desk and seems to have been there the whole time
aizawa does his little spiel, quirk assessment happens yadda-yadda. izuku looks so chill on the outside but the kid is freaking the fuck out internally
he's coming second in the test, aizawa still erases his quirk, more of an example to the class because he assumed izuku wouldnt lose his shit. he didn't - at least externally
from this we also find out izuku has a kind of internal metronome because he suddenly has no internal 'beat' when his quirk is erased. his hearing gets substantially worse too.
which serves to freak him the fuck out because he feels off balance and like hes had cotton stuffed in his ears
anyway, yeets the ball, all is good, bakugo glares fucking daggers at aizawa for singling out izuku and izuku tries not to dissociate
battle trial is nothing special, but bakugo just fucking,,, turns his hearing aids off so izukus quirk doesnt work on him
its a blessing and a curse because it leaves izuku free to use most personal powerups, but honestly bakugo wants a nice fight more than he wants to win so thats fine with him
izuku wins, but only just, izuku gives uraraka a speed up through the comm link, iida who was Not ready for that, loses
Bakugo and Izuku sing Stronger than You and kick ass for a solid while before the song runs out and the nomu hits them into the lake. Izuku, with a broken leg and the beginnings of a concussion, has to drag a semi-conscious Bakugo to shore and let me tell you they both almost drown like 8 times. Izuku helps All Might by singing Anything (Hedly), which functions honestly like a big Ol’ Plus Ultra to anyone believing in what they are doing. (It starts working on Shigiraki after the Stain arc, but before then he was acting without purpose)
Sports festival!
All Might and Izuku are basically dad and son in this universe too, so, despite the dissimilar quirks, Todoroki still calls out Izuku to fight. Because Todoroki is the son of Endeavour and privy to a little more heroics insider info than he really should be, he also knows how often Izuku deals with villains. In an attempt to piss off the eternally nice and collected boy enough to give him a fight he can piss off Endeavour with, he calls him a damsel in distress.
Izuku is fuming and Bakugo has to basically hold onto his forearm to stop him from clocking Todoroki right in the jaw, but lord is Bakugo also pissed. Todoroki, for a second, realises he may have fucked up.
Todoroki wins the first event, Izuku is pretty middling. Like he's top 10? But he didn’t make a major impact. But the guy sees Monoma and gets an Idea
“HI SO – I know you hate class 1A, and really there is something to be said for the way our school is trying to pit 2 classes of children against each other like a bitter blood feud - BUT I have an idea that could be 100% ridiculous and if you want 1B to make an impact, please work with me. I need to shove something in Todoroki’s face.”
“… I’m listening.”
The general idea is Izuku’s songs have a different effect when sung in a duet, some are only practical in duet form: IE, stronger than you is a dodge boost alone, but in a duet is a massive power boost to the two singing it. So what if two people with Izuku’s quirk sung a duet? Chaos, probably.
Monoma agrees because one of the only things he likes more than 1 upping 1A is quirk based tomfoolery. The team ends up consisting of Izuku, Monoma, Kendo and Uraraka. Kendo and Uraraka, with the use of Uraraka’s quirk, carry both Izuku and Monoma – the better you sing, the better the quirk works.
Its lucky Monoma knows most of the songs Izuku brings up as ideas, and adds some suggestions of his own. If the other two know the song it's not a bad idea to join in, but its not the end of the world if they don’t.
The list of songs they have on standby and their effect when sung by two people with the Songbird Quirk
Two Player Game - Be More Chill: It forms both a connection between the people singing it, allowing them to anticipate the other's movements and creates a semi-translucent double of each singer that mimics their movements with a half second delay, aka: each punch you throw hits twice.
Family – Mother Mother: Creates a kinda forcefield that hovers just above the body. The stronger the bond between the singers, the stronger the shield – good thing Uraraka and Kendo know that one.
Hurry Hurry – Airtraffic Controllers: Slows down your perception of time, giving the appearance of superhuman reflexes. With the addition of a partner, it also grants superspeed.
We don’t get tired, we get even – Pat the Bunny: The more energy you’ve used up, the more energy you get back when singing this song + a proportional increase in general ability.
Doubt Comes In – Hadestown: Anyone who hears it quickly loses the ability to fight other people, including the singers.
The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman: In addition to the normal effect of drawing attention to the point you can’t look away, singers get a ‘moon jump’ ability.
Turn the Lights Off – Tally Hall: Makes the area pitch black and gives the singers monstrous forms with plenty of claws and eyes.
How they use these is up to your imagination, but they end having taken the 10’000’000 point band from Todoroki. Bakugo, the only person with a decent understanding of Izuku’s quirk, just turned off his hearing aids and told his team to block their ears when weird shit started to happen. They came second, Todoroki third and Shinsou’s team fourth.
Uraraka gets to the second round bc Bakugo fights Monoma in the first round and jesus that fight is hilarious because its just Monoma – while using Bakugo’s quirk too – insisting that Izuku has abandoned class 1A for class 1B and Bakugo getting progressively more done with this boy’s shit.
Izuku and Bakugo + Todoroki and Iida are the semi finalists. Izuku and Bakugo are mostly just like “Thank fuck I’ve been talking to so many god damn weirdos today please can we just have a normal fight”. Izuku wins, j u u s t. (Izuku and Bakugo have a pretty 50/50 win loss ratio going on in this AU)
Todoroki vs Izuku is the final round of the whole thing, Todoroki told him about Endeavour, Izuku is pissed that no one looks at him and sees him, they only see his quirk (other than like, 6 people at this point). So he gets where Todoroki is coming from but holy shit hes doing literally just that. The main song Izuku uses for that round is Escapism – Steven Universe which makes him intangible (other than like his feet so he doesn’t go through the floor like Mirio). He’s trying to get the vibe across to Todoroki that he is free of his blood. He stops singing just to scream that at him, which is really what loses him the round. He's not intangible anymore, so he has no way to dodge the fire that comes at him. But he's pretty happy anyway.
Stain Arc!
Izuku’s hero name is Lyre!
Izuku doesn’t intern with Gran, but he does visit the guy with him. All Might hasn’t given his quirk to anyone else because the only suitable person he can see is Izuku, but Izuku basically can’t say no to him so he’s having a crisis. Izuku just thinks he’s there to visit All Mights old mentor and shoot the shit, which is really what they do.
Gran basically just ends up telling him “Kid aint a wallflower, he’ll tell you to fuck off if he doesn’t want it. All Might decides to ask Izuku about it after everything is over.
Izuku ends up interning with Endeavour, along with Todoroki. He never ended up yelling at endeavour, even though he hates the guy. Shouto encouraged him to take the offer bc, 1, Endeavour literally never gives out internship offers and 2, it’d be more fun because that way he doesn’t need to deal with his dad’s bullshit alone.
Endeavour is like “Oh it’s the kidnap kid, your quirk is neat.” And izuku is smiling through gritted teeth like “Th Anks SiRr”
So, starts pretty normal, then the winged Nomu steals Izuku right off the ground. Izuku just says “I’ll be fine! Just keep doing what you're doing, I’ll get myself down.” Endeavour just shrugs like “Ok, I give you permission to defend yourself.” While Todoroki is screaming internally because his new friend is literally being flown away
So the Nomu that was once a really good friend of Izuku’s (not that izuku is aware of that) literally just dumps him somewhere else and leaves. Izuku is confused, really confused, so he starts walking his way back to where he was before he hears a familiar voice.
Guess who it’s Iida, with a serial killer standing right over him. Izuku panics and goes straight into Turn the Lights Off. Without Monoma it only makes it dark, but it’ll have to do.
Thing is: he has a key problem. By virtue of the fact he’s singing, Stain can always hear him. Izuku’s only advantage is that he can see Stain but stain can’t see him, and the darkness means Stain moves more cautiously.
Anyway, in the artificial darkness, he can send a longer text anyway.
Midoriya [7:31PM] stain – [Location Pin Dropped]
So a lot of people, All Might and Aizawa included, f r e a k o u t. Todoroki goes running, Endeavour sends sidekicks with him because he saw his son, normally deadpan, almost chocking on panic as he mutters “Midoriya found Stain.”
Endeavour very much wants to also get Stain but the Nomu are Very Pressing Right Now, so there isn’t much he can do other than try and hurry the fuck up. Torino is kicking around because he could mostly, trying to get a glimpse of All Might’s kid in action, ends up having to kick villain ass. He's not that concerned until he remembers “OH SHIT TOSHI’S BOY”. When he finds Endeavour the man, a little panicked for Endeavour’s standards, yells at him to go to the address bc his son and intern are fighting the fucking hero killer.
Gran Doesn’t think he’s moved so fast since he kicked All for One in the face with Nana 25 odd years ago.
So Stain is kinda pissed bc suddenly he can’t see and someone is singing. He goes to stab Iida but,,, he ain't there anymore, and the singing is fading away. He figures “oh well, lemme get native” the singing changes to a different song. Very quickly he can see, but the singing boy, still singing is rocketing towards him and rapidly changing form.
Monster – dodie: Literally shifts Izuku into a monster. Stain suddenly realises that this is Songbird, talk of the underground, most wanted quirk by villains and quirk traffickers everywhere. This kid, target of villains everywhere, has put himself in their sights just to try and help people.
He thinks maybe Songbird might be one of the good ones.
Oh, an aside? People calling him Songbird sets off hella panic attacks because the only people who do that are people actively trying to kidnap him. And that’s what stain is calling him.
His monster form wavers and he tries to sing through tears and hitching breaths and Stain smiles because he's still curled around Native with his claws out.
Todoroki gets there first and helps defend Iida, Izuku is fighting to keep stain away from Native. The pros are on the way, Izuku is fading fast. Endeavour has been training them hard so he's exhausted and freaking the fuck out, while someone waves swords in his face.
Stain gets him, he loses the monster form. This doesn’t help Izuku’s panic, because now he can’t move and he’s felt this before along with grabbing hands, and dark vans and ropes around his wrists praying someone knew where he was going so someone might know to come for him when he doesn’t get home.
Todoroki sees that and he doesn’t know what to do. Izuku is panicking – the boy who seemed so put together and on top of things s falling apart at the seams. Iida feels horrible. He just wants to go to his friend he's never seen that distraught before.
Todoroki does the only thing he can think of. He sings.
He was never into music before, be after the sports festival he learnt Escapism -the song Izuku sang to him – and singing it back to him is the only thing he can think of doing.
It helps. It really helps, because if there was one thing that never happened when Izuku was taken – it was singing. He calms down just enough to breathe, which is all he needs to do.
The quirk wears off and Izuku throws himself at Stain, the words to Thunder by Imagine Dragons already pouring from his lips and electricity pouring from himself. If Stain touches him, he's toast, even if its via a sword. Izuku just has to avoid thrown weapons.
Izuku gets a hit, the quirk wears off Iida, who rushes in to stop Izuku from taking a throwing knife to the arm. The three of them knock out Stain just as the heroes skid into the alley. Izuku lets out a sob and crumples to the ground, Iida and Todoroki rushing over to him. They both honestly look like they’d bite anyone who got too close. Gran calls All Might who starts hightailing his way over there – Aizawa is also breaking a few traffic laws to reach his pack of injured kids.
They don’t get there in time. Shirigaki, furious that the hero killer went against him, orders Kurogiri to get Izuku. They take Iida and Todoroki for good measure. The heroes watch in horror as the children they were meant to protect vanish under their noses.
Headlines the next day: “UA sports festival finalists defeat Hero Killer – only to be taken by Villains seconds later.”
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proflongbttm · 5 years
Dating Neville Longbottom would include:
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During the summer you sometimes stay in his Gran's with him
Lots of plants in the house
His house looks like a small jungle
Every ledge and shelf has a plant of some sort
Having a small greenhouse and growing his own veg
Neville loves using it in cooking
This boy cooks
He isn't great with knives or cutting
So cookings a two people job
Well you cook and Neville spends half an hour looking for Trevor
But you put on music
And both of you start dancing and singing
And burnt the chicken because of ABBA's Dancing Queen
You showing him muggle culture
Like the music, sport, food
He really enjoys watching the food channel
And the Bake Off
Meri Beri is his bitch
Snuggling up on the coach if youre watching tv
He loves cuddling
He isn't very big on PDA
(Apart from hand holding and the occasional kiss on the cheek)
But once you two are alone its a different story
Now it took him a while to become comfortable
But once he did
Cuddle time™
Was all the time
Sleeping? Cuddles (but not all the time cause its get v warm v quickly)
Sitting on the sofa? Cuddles
Cooking? Arms around the stomach and a kiss on the cheek
If your sitting beside each other in class he will rest his hand on yours on the desk all the time
Reparo is used on a daily basis
Any silence is usually broken by
*SMASH* ".... Sorry"
Then you or Neville using magic to repair the fifth broken plate or glass of the week
But you love him
Even when you had to take a shard of porcelain from his foot
During school you help him with classes
You both have subjects you struggle with
and happily help where you can
You both spend a lot of time in the library
You helping him with potions and him helping you with herbology
For Christmas his gifts are very thoughtful
They're usually magical jewelry of some sort
Like the necklace with a loveheart on it that glows when you're happy, on the back is the date you first started dating
It always glows when Nevilles around
It makes him happy too
You usually get him a new plant or book about plants
You got him is mimbulus mimbletonia
He almost cried
He did
He cried
Quite a bit actually
"How did you know?! "
"Cause Nev, you love talking about them. "
".. Oh, sorry. "
Reminding him he doesnt need to apologize as often as he does
Also reminding him that you enjoy his rambles and tangents about plants, and things that happened to him through the day
Sitting around eating honeydukes on the astronomy tower at night time is your weekley date
Also taking care of him during the spring because hes got hay fever
Pretty badly too
You bring tissue everywhere in case he forgets
You go to the library to find potions to help him out
But you added to much rat whisker
So it made his nose bright red for two days
our felt so bad
But he said it was okay, he didn't mind the Rudolph look
Helping him build his self confidence up slowly
He was so insecure and had no self esteem
But that changed
After a lot of pep talking and crying
You stick up for him
But a lot of the time he can do it himself
You back him up though
Once Snape gave you a B- and Neville an F on a test
But you had the exact same awnsers
You brought it to Mcgonagall
(After Neville holding you back from Snapes office)
She got it fixed
And he got his B-
Much to his confusion
And Snapes dismay
Him giving you his jumpers and jackets when you are cold
Though he is no giant
Theyre still nice and cosy
And walking around in his socks if your feet hurt from your shoes
He has such comfy footwear
He gets you coffee or tea for breakfast when you come into the Great hall later then him
He has a note in his robes with how you like it
Every Mothers day, Fathers day and Chrismas you go to St. Mungos with him
Holding his clamy hands while his mother gifts him another sweet wrapper
Then afterwards going to a nearby muggle cafe and without talking have a coffee then go on a walk
You undersrand he doesnt feel like talking
So you stay by his side
When departing he hugs you tightly
And thanks you for being there with him
You just want him to have the ahpiness he deserves
He loves running his hands through your hair
"Its just so soft, its like silk"
"Thank Neville"
"I said that out loud?!? "
Even though you had been dating a while
He was very nervous to ask you to the yule ball
So you asked him
He went SO red
"Wait what? Me? Really? "
"No I meant Jimmy across the hall, yes of course I mean you"
Him getting teased by Seamus for practicing his dancing in the dorm
Then trying to kill Seamus for telling you
But you laugh it off
It was worth it
You both had a great day
That was your first kiss together
When he saw you in your outfit
He was in awe
He didn't move for about 20 seconds
You though he had been jinxed
But then he walked towards you
And kissed you
Then you were in shock
Both of you just stared at each other in loving panic for a while
Then smiled
And left to show Hogwarts who the cutest couple is
And the best dancers :)
You two are great
And he truly adores you
And you adore him
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jejesart · 4 years
Hi, I’m a new follower and I love your art. Could you say who your favourite Fire Emblem pairings are, plus any other pairings from other series?
awwww thank you!!!!! ho boy this is gonna be LONG ill put it under read more you better be prepared HAHA
ok so for fire emblem first!!!!! i’ll go per series (the ones ive played) to limit them lmao and also because im gonna ramble (im sorry i dont even know if you play all of them but im feeling talkative today just ignore the ones you dont know lol)
fe sov: berkut/rinea. the way he loves her…. and wants her to smile…….. and shes happy simply just being with him………. at least im thankful for feh since theyre together happily there. watch me as i +10 rinea!!!!
fe4 holy war: finn/lachesis. ok i only play fe4 halfway the first gen so i cant say much but i read the manga and it makes me ship finnchesis so much!!! he fills the hole left by eldigans death in her heart…….. and she enjoys his company so much he becomes someone very important to her i love slow-building love
fe6: roy/lilina. i havent finished this im stuck at one chapter and i dont feel playing it lmao but im weak for childhood friends!!!
fe7: imma cheat on this one THE FIRST ONE IS ELIWOOD/NINIAN THEY HAVE MY HEART AND SOUL. hes super gentle to her and theyre completely lovestruck with each other throughout the game i just…… cannot not ship them………….. the second one is kent/lyn because liege/knight pairing is my other weakness lmao. and their support!!!! lyn wants to be more than just his lady ugh their a support is so good
fe8: joshua/natasha. not much to elaborate here really but its love at first sight for him you cant change my mind
fea: HENRY/OLIVIA IS JUST. SO. GOOD. he shows his real emotions because of her!!!! without realising he falls so hard for her!!!! ALSO INIGO BEING HENRYS SON FITS SO MUCH not to mention hes the only one who looks good with white hair among the fea kids lol
fef: m!corrin/azura, since they share somewhat same backstories i think they find consoles in each other’s company. also idk if you play feh but theres this one version of corrin that shows up in young azura’s dream world, and his dialogues are very azura-centered, much more than his female counterpart, and they all say he just wants her to be happy im crying (esp remembering her fate in birthright and conquest :v)
fe3h: felix/annete theyre just!!! so cute!!!! felix cant stop thinking of her???? and super soft to her unlike to the others????? she unknowingly makes her way into his heart ughhhh. i also like cyril/lysithea a lot, i really cant choose between them.
feh: not a main game but alfonse has all my uwus so i have to say this…… i love alfonse/summoner!!!! alfonse refusing to get close to any hero but ending up getting super close to the summoner……… he trusts them so much!!!! seriously like 80% of alfonses dialogues are related to the summoner and lemme tell you i squeal every time he talks about them lol
moving on for other series i’ll do another list for the series that are on top of my mind!!!
kny: (you must have seen this coming) GIYUU/SHINOBU OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY. for shinobu, since she always dons kanae’s smiling mask, i think shinobu finds comfort in teasing giyuu since she can be a little bit like herself when doing that, like a small breather. for giyuu, since he isnt close with other pillars, i think he appreciates shinobu’s company, even though she keeps teasing him. THEY ALSO HAVE PARALLELS they lose their sisters and they hate their own circumstances (giyuu with him passing the final selection without doing anything and shinobu with her physique). and his shocked face when she [redacted]????? man i will forever be sad about that. and a side note i like tanjirou/kanao a lot! kanao defends aoi and the girls because she remembers tanjirous words. she legit cries because shes relieved tanjirou is alive. she even raises her voice to keep others quiet because she worries about him. tanjirou is a changing force in her life!!!!
gbf: gran/lyria. their lives are intertwined………… they literally cant live without each other………. and gran is so protective to lyria ugh i love that!!!! ALSO THE ANIME!!!!!!!! theres one original story episode about lyria almost dies because she hates her existence so much she wants to disappear but gran brings her back……………. not by his own actually but like he promises to always be there for her or something like that theyre just so cute. additionally i love lucio/djeeta a lot because lucio is sexy af HAHAHA BUT!!! you also have to look at this before you judge me
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fairy tail: natsu/lucy. theyre my comfort otp i think??? like i still lurk in their tags and search for their fanfics til now. i also sometimes reread their moments in manga because i love them that much. SHES HIS HOME GDI and natsu legit doesnt join a fight because hes super worried about lucy after her fathers death oh my god. my favourite moment is when natsu uses lucy fire its just so funny but describes their relationship so well!!!
ok i better stop here or else the post will never end HAHAHAHA its so long already im sorry if you read all of that
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iamgenderunbound · 4 years
So like, I wanna come out to a lot of my friends, and have them start using he/him pronouns for me, and maybe the new name but to do that I'd also need to come out to a lot of other people, like other kids in my major that I have a lot of classes with, and my professors. Plus then my dad and his girlfriend follow me on most of my social media, so if I changed those I would have to tell them too, which would mean I would need to tell my mom. And one of my cousins goes to my uni as well and though we never hang out, he and I have a lot of mutual friends so like then if he got wind of it then he might pass that along to my aunt and uncle and cousin, though I'm sure it'd be from a place of love and support. But then my uncle would tell my mom if she didnt already know and word would get to my grandma, and then to my other uncle who lives with her and he would tell the entire extended family cuz he likes to gossip. Am I missing anyone lol? My dad's side of the family is a different thing cuz as far as I can tell nobody really talks to each other anymore but I'd bet my dad's girlfriend would tell my gran and grandpa and then I'd have to confront that when my grandpa stops by on the weekends and all 3 of my living grandparents are pretty religious people, and I have no real idea of their views on LGBTQ people so I dunno what they'd think. Plus then if there's all the extended family that either won't find out from the grapevine or possibly will refuse to change what they call me so if I see them in the future I'll either have to break the news to them in person/correct them and experience their reaction/rejection first hand. Plus I think I've only heard of like one distant cousin that is gay, I dont even remember his name. Literally nobody else in my hundreds of relatives. Which I know means there are likely alot of closeted folks, or younger people that have come out but their parents have told them to keep it from the extended family.
But I dont want to send out like one big announcement to all of my family either, that feels to weird to do and I don't want that attention and I see most of those people once every other year at best so like I feel like there isnt really a point to even letting most of them know.
and it's so annoying and hard because I kind of just want to start with the few handful of people that I love and trust but I'm kind of in an all or nothing situation here. Plus I have no idea how I'd even come out/ask people to change what they call me cuz I have so much anxiety I feel like I can't do it in person but I also feel like I shouldn't just do it over text.
Also like what if I dont like it for some reason. What if he/him and James doesnt click from other people like it clicks in my head? And I'm still not even set on James either.
This is why I made this blog, cuz clearly I needed to let this stuff out somehow, but I dont really have anyone irl to talk to about it. I think maybe I'll come out to my sister soon, she'll be able to help me at least with some of this.
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toestalucia · 28 days
(person with oarlyegrande obsession) idk if ill end up talking about all the white day lines i noted for myself but i DO wanna talk about alliahs
Alliah: I suppose I'll keep working at it. Perhaps we'll be able to open a patisserie together one day. That was a joke, of course. The patisserie part, not the working at it part.
Alliah: What? You've been practicing too? To open our patisserie? I told you that was a joke. We can't just— Wait, I see… You're talking about once we grow old, aren't you? We'll have to step down at some point after all. After we leave everything to our successors and retire, we open a little patisserie together… Not a bad idea. But to think that you were planning that far ahead… I'll have to step up my game.
because these are sooooooo cute LOL i am not a alliah/captain person, and while gran doesnt have anything against her, the entire thing was way too political & way too forced + uh. they dont want the king role anyway, give it alliahs mom instead, they were fine forcibly accepting it & the kings eye due to all the circumstances around it but longterm...no way...............get them out of there (theres a topic in grans personal conflicted feelings against istavion & how true king led it, regardless of his reasons. since those reasons directly fkd up grans family like.....LOL dad mightve made sure gran wouldnt set out with revenge in their heart but theyre not about to be besties with tau'luk or anything
i do think gran pulling the wife-card whenever they want to get out of anything would be funny tho. sorry im engaged i have to leave. the white day login story where they asked about ppls ideal proposals but its gran going ya u meet her father and he says hand in marriage right now and u cant say no
BUT i do think its cute to see them talk about settling down etc LOL like to me personally thats a huuuuge thing for gran to consider, like i dont take ones like these superseriously, and if i do its more in a '(gran voice) haha wouldnt it be funny if-' because they DO like alliah, just not enough to make a political marriage work. even less so when its istavion. alliah and pholia u r great but if they get too involved with istavion like that they dont think they can face their own father confidently. not that i think dad'd hate it (baragona and walfrid are both luminary knights now which is SO funny)
i dont know i just think the lil part of retiring........opening a little shop........its cute........i think its rlyyyyyyyy cute......... + with how alliah talks about her dad & how her wind fate eps goes i T_T just very much like it when she talks about things like this casually. dual alliah pholia unit NOW
Alliah: (When I was in that man's room to clean it in preparation for (Captain)'s arrival... I felt lonely. And if I felt that way, about even a parent I hardly shared an emotional bond with... The thought of seeing (Captain) return to find no one left—no one but a political marriage partner—is too much to even bear. So... is this for my own sake, or that of others? Good luck detangling that one, me.)
LIKE THIS LINEEEE ALLIAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 'what reason have i to get so involved' buddy thats the person who didnt hesitate to jump off an island to save you, even at the cost of themself falling down the sky instead. i think theres something to unpack in there
i almost talked about cains fate eps again but u should read grand cain's intro fate its on repeat in my mind at all times. like. ? cain who stopped at the last second............'if only i had taken one more step'........my dude. (is obsessed with it cuz in his sr he's the one whos reckless and captains the one who runs after to protect him)
anyway i rly like wind alliahs fate eps actually. i like her laughing. i like the difference in how she was used to things with her dad vs how things are when captain&co are in that room.
Alliah: (The one who, with nothing to gain, risked everything to save my life... And—though it not be by choice, and in name only—joined my family... Despite it all, is here treating me like family, as naturally as the sun. And as my blood relatives have each disappeared, one after the other... So that's why. It's because this made me happy. Even if we are bound by not blood nor vows, I still want to be there for (Captain). If not as spouse, as partner; as family.)
;-; (rmbrd this is at a time when pholia is travelling on her own, tau'luk resigned the throne to captain, and she doesnt even rmbr her mom thanks to the otherworld....
like both her and the attendant laughing when captain lyria vyrn io goes 'seconds plssssss' makes me ssoooooooo happyyyyyyYYYY. the casualness in the crew.....the bonds.........the family.........i think its so lovely
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terryboot · 5 years
big ol fight with the fam this arvo
my trans cousin and his partner came over to my grandparents place for arvo drinks like they do normally. gran and pop dont fully understand the whole trans thing but theyre doing their best to try and theyre being accepting, like pop has sat down with them and had a conversation and said look the way you live is very different to anything ive heard of but if it makes sense to you then thats great and as long as your happy and all that sort of stuff.
but the thing with my cousin is that, even before she transitioned she was a fucking dickhead who likes to spout off about things she didnt fully understand just for shock value and that has not changed. every time they come over my cousin is looking for a fight basically and today was no different. firstly they both turned up dressed in their underwear and not much more, then my cousin decided to spout off saying what was the point in getting a job when they can live off the dole and do sex work on the side and make more money which his mum and my mum both told her to get a filter and not say that sort of thing in front of her grandparents. then she and her mum for some reason decided to go after my brother who is looking into becoming a cop and the they were both like ‘all cops are arseholes’ which like yeah some are but not all. and the thing is evrything my cousin said was very based in american stuff which is very different to queensland, australia. id wager our cops arent as bad as the usa, a few decades ago there was a big enquiery into corruption in the police force and since then things have improved. no one could remember the last time an innocent person was shot by a cop here (im p sure the last time was because the man rushed at the officer with a knife and it was a last resort thing), every time someone is accused of or suspended because of dirty dealings or bad behaviour the details are tweeted out and then when they’re reinstated its also tweeted because they keep as transparent as possible now. 
so anyway, of course mum stood up for my brother who wasnt even there and yes said some things she shouldnt have said (because her version of feminism is a previous generations version and shes still learning. shes come a long way from what she used to believe though, she gets the whole fluidity of gender and sexuality she just doesnt get why trans women call themselves women and she has some older views on sex work but she is learning.) and then my cousin threw a drink at my mum and called her a cunt and stormed off to the sounds of my grandmother telling her not to used that language. they came looking for a fight and every word out of my cousins mouth was designed to rile everyone up.
i just feel sorry for my other cousin who is living with her drug addict dead beat dad because her shithead of a mother wont fucking rent a house for one year while she finishes school. every one of her family members is a grade a moron and i am very glad to see she has an idea of what she wants to do after school and is driven to do something with herself unlike the rest of them. 
also ive now spent a solid 3 hours or so listening to mum go over the argument over and over and im ready to scream. ive never noticed how fucking much mum talks and omg can she just be quiet for a minute!! like today was hard because jo wsnt in cause she broke her hip and friday is my boss’ day off so i was alone at work essentially and its looking like that could very well be what my next couple of weeks are like because im not expecting jo to be back. god i could scream
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iiimber · 6 years
All might A-Z
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A= affection 
Toshinori is a very affectionate man; he tends to keep any displays for when he’s alone with you. He would love to show you off to the world– hold your hand or give you any and all kisses in public, but sadly, being a high profile hero prohibits him from doing that. So when you’re at home together, there’s hardly a moment when he’s not touching you. You’re either in his lap, you he has his arms wrapped around you in any position. It’s very comforting. 
B= best memory
He doesn’t like choosing, because there are so many memories that he cherishes. But if he had to, he would say it was your first date. He remembers being so nervous, and you hadn’t been any better– but he had been able to gather up enough confidence to ask to hold your hand. He’ll never forget how flushed your cheeks were, or the giant, pretty smile that overtook your features. To this day, he still tries to make you smile that big again.
C= cat or dog person
Honestly, All Might screams ‘dog person’ to me. He probably has a fondness for big breeds, often charmed by the ones who are too big to be lap dogs but act like one anyways. He doesn’t mind cats, and actually likes them quite a bit, but owning a cat would come after getting a dog to him. 
D= dreams
Toshinori had already fulfilled his dream of being a hero, but his more domestic one is to have a family. He’s a good man, and loves children, so it’s only natural to want some of his own. Sadly, he had always been so busy as #1 and the danger of being that high profile and having a kid was much too great…he hopes later on in life he’ll be able to, even if he has to adopt.
E= evenings
If he’s not working, then his evenings are very laid back. He’ll eat dinner and either watch a show or read. If you ever happen to be over, he actually likes play board or card games with you to pass time. If he doesn’t have work early the next morning, he’ll often ask if you’d like to go to dinner, and treat you at an expensive restaurant– before taking you home and falling asleep in each others arms.
F= first date
Your first date was very simple and low-key, but it still made him incredibly nervous. He thought it would be nice to take you out for breakfast on a day where it wasn’t so busy– taking you on a long walk through the park. He had been so scared to ask to hold your hand, but he was glad he did– no matter how little the gesture was. It was you that kissed him by a pond, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t red for the rest of the day.
G= giggle
In muscled form, Toshinori has a booming laugh– it’s loud and deep, definitely heroic and manly sounding. In regular form, he laughs with more of a soft chuckle, which is very cute and gentle. It doesn’t take a lot to make him laugh; he really could giggle at anything you say that’s supposed to be funny. He’s a pun man, and always gets a kick out of them, even if he’s the one saying them.
H= hugs
Oh boy does he love hugs, and man is he good at them. Toshinori hugs with his whole body, both arms squeezing you tightly enough where you feel protected, but soft enough that it never hurts. He never gives side hugs, always goes all the way– even with fans, but it’s of course less intimate than when he’s with you. His favorite way to hug is with you in his lap, arms around his neck while his are around your waist, holding you close.
I= instrument 
He’s never had time to really sit down and learn how to play one, no less keep up practice– but while his time in America he had learned how to play a few chords on an acoustic through David. He doesn’t remember much, but once he’s retired he’d like to get back into it, to give himself a hobby.
J= joy
A lot of things bring joy to Toshinoris life. Being a hero was one of them; saving people and gaining their love and trust was something he’s never give up, and it made all the hardships worth it. Midoriya and his heart of a true hero made his so proud and happy always, and that feeling seemed to grow each time he saw the boy improve. Having you in his life to love makes him calm and gleeful; you bring a domestic simplicity he’s always craved a bit; he’d never give that up.
K= kisses
Toshinori’s kisses are always passionate. He’s a passionate man, so his love has to be too. His lips are very soft, and they always feel just perfect against yours– holding you close and pecking yours softly when he leaves for the day, or a hand threading through your hair while he kisses you slow and heavy while pressed up against him on the sofa. They’re never too wet or overbearing, he knows how to move his lips just right.
L= love
Despite being handsome and well-liked, he’s very modest and a little shy when he likes someone. He’s a gentleman, but he tends to act more nice and soft towards you in particular; a clear sign he feels different. While he can be shy with his crush, he’s not above showing off a little too. During school, he’d always rise to the top of any fight or lesson– often turning to you with a smile to see if you noticed. He’s a bit like a puppy, it’s cute.
M= memory
His favorite personal memory would have to do with his master. He had never been incredibly close with his birth parents, so Nana had been a mother to him. He recalls one night after extensive and draining lesson, she invited him to her place for dinner. She cooked, stew that was hearty and thick, and talked to him for hours about his life outside of becoming the next OFA user, and what his dreams were. He’ll never forget the look of fondness on her face, or how intense her listening was. It made him wonder if she had consider him like a son.
N= no
By no fault of anyone else, Toshinori hates getting stuck. In his muscle form, he’s bulky and takes up a lot of space, so it’s hard to maneuver himself sometimes. Walking in the halls after school or trying to get to one destination on a busy sidewalk is hell in his muscle form, he’s too nice to push by and a little embarrassed to excuse his big self past anyone.
O= occupation
A given. Toshinori had always wanted to be a hero, so I imagine he was much like Midoriya growing up; not one to give into his fate of being quirkless, and always looking for a way that he would be able to achieve his dream. It all worked out, thankfully.
P= parent
Toshinori would be a fantastic father. He’s very caring and excitable, he’d be a fun and supportive dad. He had actually always wanted to someday have a child of his own, so if it were to ever happen he would absolutely shed tears. He’d be very hands-on during the pregnancy, no matter how tired he would be from hero work. He’d be secretive though, careful to not let any information on his child being his slip into public hands.
Q= questions
It’s not something he actively discusses since he doesn’t think about the topic too much, but he believes in aliens 100%! He finds it a little odd to think that we are alone in the universe (especially in the kind of world they live in, come on). Toshinori doesn’t partake in any religion, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t think there was a higher power up there.
R= romantic
He is so romantic in a relationship. He’s very busy in his hero life, but that never stops him from showing up on your doorstep after a patrol with flowers and dinner (no matter how tired he is). He says lots of fluffy things, mostly compliments that are so sweetly honest it could give you a cavity.
S= smile
In his line of work, the fact that he can save someone and hear their thanks never fails to make him smile. He loves that fact that people are willing to lean on him; put their trust into him. Toshinori was born to help people, and being able to live up to that makes everything worthwhile. In a romantic sense, being around you and just being is enough to make him smile. He feels most at peace when he is alone with you.
T= together
If he has the time to be, he can be very clingy. He’s an affectionate man, so if he’s able to he can lay with you wrapped in his arms all day. When the two of you share a free day, you never leave each others side. He’ll wake up with you in his arms, run around town holding your had, sit at home with an arm around your shoulder while you rest your head on his chest. Even while making dinner, you’re around each other. It’s very domestic and blissful.
U= unbearable 
After his accident, Toshinori begins to always look down on himself, and talk very negatively. It’s unbearable in the sense that you hate to see your joyful and beautiful man so self-deprecating. When he’s like this, he hates when you fret over him. He feels like he doesn’t deserve it, so he often pushes you away. He never snaps, but he’s cold and blunt; it’s hard for the both of you.
V= Videos
Toshinori isn’t the best photo/video taker, but god forbid if he doesn’t try. His album is full of pictures of you; whether it’s one you posed for, or one he took while you were doing mundane things. Any selfies of you two are a little blurry if he took them, otherwise he has all the ones you do. He’s not much of a video taker, but if the situation arises (a surprise for you, or if the two of you ever have kids) he tries.
W= wedding
The wedding was actually small; only your family and some of his + Gran Torino and Dave. Any news of it was kept from the public in fear of it being ruined, so it took place out of the city in a small but pretty church. It was truly one of the best days of his life, and he cried when you walked down the isle. Most of this pictures are hanging up in your shared home, and he loves to gaze at them when he feels off.
X= eXtra
Toshinori likes to read and write poetry. It started as a hobby when he was younger, a way to release any pent-up emotions; and continued on throughout his life. His vows to you had been a short yet sweet piece; flowing beautifully and smoothly to the point you had also cried. If he did not become a hero, he very well could have been a famous poet.
Y= yuck
He likes baked goods and any edible sweets, but artificial sweet smells are a no for him. They smell fake and much too strong, often giving him a headache if he’s around a candle or perfume for too long.
Z= zzzz
Toshinori sleeps heavy, but he doesn’t get the chance to very often. He works shifts and on-call, so he’s often interrupted from a deep sleep. If he’s able to, he can sleep for ten hours interrupted, and it’s incredibly hard to wake him when he’s that far gone.
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ariyadaivaris · 5 years
mustafa is usually the first person folks go to when they need help with something, or advice, or a pep talk. he’s pretty shy but he does what he can to help, he speaks very softly and makes hot chocolate and sips and listens. he listens while tony crosses his legs and gestures frustratedly and talks about how he doesn’t understand how he can still miss drew after everything he did and continues to do and how he keeps thinking if he just started talking to him again things would be okay but they WOULDN’T be really. 
he listens while kalisto sprawls out on the floor and talks about how he feels less like a person on 205 and more like an excuse for other people to do better, staring at the ceiling and mumbling that if he’d just kept the title when he was brought on maybe things could be different. if he’d proven he could protect 205 then maybe he wouldn’t be relegated to being a clown now, no matter how much he loves lince and gran and no matter how much fun it is. 
he listens when hideo hovers silently at his hotel room door and drops in and sits on the other bed without saying a word, and he bustles around finding a nice fruity tea blend (one he magpie’d from jack when they were still rooming together, he finished that original box a long time ago and the flavor isnt to mustafa’s liking as much, but he keeps getting it and smelling it and getting lost thinking) and quietly drinks with hideo until hideo blinks hard and says he never got to see pac when he got called up and he never got to say goodbye and mustafa gets it. 
mustafa is trustworthy. mustafa’s shaped in a way that feels like you can hold him and fit perfectly together in ways you didn’t know you needed, filling out holes in your heart you didn’t even realize were there. folks gravitate to him for help and it’s a heavy weight on him but its one he’s sworn to bear for the rest of the world, and so why not for his comrades, his friends, his FAMILY here as well? 
not everyone reaches out first though, and when they’re sitting alone in their car, or when they’re sleepless in the hotel lobby, it’s not mustafa who seeks them out. knocking on their window or sitting down next to them, tapping them on the shoulder at breakfast, it’s cedric. 
cedric doesn’t really care if folks want to pour their hearts out to him or not. he knows they probably won’t, he doesn’t expect them to, but he reaches out anyway, because he feels like someone should. kinda because if they come after him or anyone else then he’ll know he’s tried to help, but mostly because for everyone’s good and for their own, maybe they need someone to tell them that they’re being looked after. 
cedric knocks on drew’s window and takes the passenger seat when drew doesn’t answer and tosses him a water bottle. drew’s knuckles are white on the wheel and his luggage is still in the trunk and cedric asks him if he drove here alone? and drew says through gritted teeth that its not cedric’s business and cedric politely backs off and mentions that noam’s been talking to him and if drew asked, noam would probably love to see him and he misses drew a lot, and it’d be good for them both to not have to spend these hours alone, yeah? he leaves, but not without tidying up the coffee cups and receipts and crumpled notes and debris drew’s left in his car, too distraught to sort it out, and drew’s alone with more room to think and more on his mind. 
when gran is trailing on his own at breakfast, cedric shyly approaches him and its...awkward, for a bit. they haven’t talked in quite awhile. the last time they interacted was probably when cedric was panicking post-title loss and kicked the shit out of gran. things have changed and cedric doesn’t know how to fix them but he reaches out anyway, asks how gran’s been doing, and gran says Oh Just Fine and his eyes are distant and lost in thought, and cedric and gran just sit together for that hour. they don’t talk much, but they’re not alone for that hour, and that’s fine. cedric asks gran if he wants to meet up at the pc this weekend to work on training together, and gran hesitates before his eyes crinkle up and he says that would be fine. 
when people are lost or listless or alone cedric tries to check in with them and sometimes they snap back, sometimes they double down, sometimes they listen, but he keeps trying anyway. he walks back to his room and drops his bags on the bed and flops next to mustafa when he looks sad in that weird tragic heroic way he does and asks how he’s doing? and when mustafa half-smiles and says Oh, You Know, cedric sits back up and faces him and asks if he wants to talk about it, and mustafa thinks, and decides that he does, and for a bit its a weight he doesnt have to bear alone. and it’s something
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Grandparents Know Best
Warning- A judgmental  Mother.
Walking up hand in hand with Kozik, he was meeting your Mother, Grandmother and Grandad for the first time. "Y/N its okay, calm down Babe". He comforted  you. "I know, but what if they hate you or if my Gran desides she likes you and wants to run away with you"? You sighed. "That will never happen". "I love you and only you". Kozik kissed you. The two of you straightened your faces and you rang the door bell. The door slowly opened, there was your mother looking at you with her mouth open. "Hey Mom". You said shyly. "Hey Y/N, who's this". She cleared her throat. "This is Kozik, the guy I been seeing for awhile now". "Okay come on in". She lead you into the living room where your Grandparents sat talking. "Lovebug". Your Grandmother squealed. "Hello Gran". You kissed her cheek. "How you been Grandaddy". "Never better, since you walked in". He hugged you tightly. "Gran, Grandaddy, this is Kozik my boyfriend". You smiled. "Nice to meet you Ma'am, Sir".  Kozik shook their hands. 'You taking good care of our little Lovebug"? Grandad asked. "Yes SIr, she's my world". His soft smile made you blush. "Good, you better". "If not, my foot will be up your ass so fast you'd forget that an old guy is kicking it". Grandad said stern. "Yes, Sir". "So, how did you too meet". Gran gushed. "We met at a auto repair shop, he works there". "Ahh, so he's good with his hands". Gran smirked. You rolled your eyes, Kozik blushed. Your mother cleared her throat. "I need help in the kitchen, now". As you followed her, you heard you Grandad telling Kozik about his time in the Marines. "What do you need help with"? You asked as you washed your hands. "What do you know about him"? "I know everything about him". "Why". "He looks like a common criminal". "I cant believe you would bring a boy home that rides a motorcycle and that looks dirty". You scrunched up her nose. You scoffed. "I dont care what he looks like Mom". "He looks dirty because I told him we were coming here and didnt give him time to shower". "He is no good". "He will end up breaking your heart, then you will get your Granfather arrested". She pointed her finger at Kozik. "I cant believe you, judging him". "Dad was just like him, Gran and Grandaddy loved him". "Your Granparents are crazy just like you, they should have stopped me from marrying him". "He ruined our lifes". "No Mom, you ruined our lifes". "You had to have an affair with his friend, thats why Dad is in prison". "So its my fought that he killed him". She yelled "Yes, if you would have showed him any kind of love". "He wouldnt have been distant". You yelled back. 'That boy with end up being the death of you'. "So dont come crying to me when you've been kidnapped or even worse". Tears running down your face, your hand in a fist. "Y/N, everything okay". Kozik asked standing in the door way. "Yeah". You wiped away a tear. "Why dont you come in here Lovebug". Gran walked in grabbing your hand. Following her, Kozik still standing, starring at your mom. "I would never let anything happen to her". "You have me all wrong Ms. Y/L/N". Kozik walked off. "Lovebug, look at me". Your eyes met Grans. "She's just worried, why I dont know". "You have a good head on your shoulders, we raised you right". "We are so proud of the woman you have become". She took her thumb a wiped a tear from your cheek. "Thanks Gran, I understand her". "But she didnt have to judge him by his looks". "She's done that to me my whole life and I hate it". You cried out. "I know Sweetie I know". She hugged you, rocking you back in forth. "Should we leave". Kozik asked. "No, this happens often". Grandad said. "Her mother is just worried she will make the same mistake she did". "What mistake was that"? "Falling for a outlaw". "Oh". Kozik said speechless. "But it didnt happen, thats why I dont know why she gets like this". "He's a mechanic, yes he rides a Harley". "That doesnt mean hes a outlaw". "Y/N, we see the tattoos". "Also I've seen him around town with SAMCRO". Grandad laughed. "That I did not know". You sniffled. "We arent saying you cant date such a nice young man, but you have to know where she's coming from". "I do". "I love him, he's the best thing that has happen to me". "I was so lost when Dad went in, then I found him and hes made my life alot happier". You grabbed Koziks hand. "Then I say go for it Lovebug, do what makes you happy". "We love your Dad, we are starting to love Kozik and if you dont go for it your Gran over here is going to steal him away". Grandad laughed. "Sorry Gran, I'm taken". "By a beautiful, bright, amazingly brilliant woman". "My Old Lady". Kozik gently grabbed your face, kissing you softly. "Awwww, look Honey our baby is growing up". Gran cooed . "Yeah she is, I dont like it". Gran slapped his shoulder. "Aw soon we will be Great Grandparents". "AHHHH, Great Grandbabies". You screamed cheerfully. "I really dont like this, shes making me feel old". Grandad whined. "Your not old Grandaddy, your forever young". You whinked at him. "Gran, you need to calm down". "No babies". She huffed."Yet". You kissed Kozik. "I'm loving your Granparents". He kissed you back. "I knew you would". You smiled into the kiss.
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