#<- more analysis but yolo
keeperofmemory · 7 months
sorting the moving (무빙) parents into the sortinghatchats system - a quick character analysis
(if you’re new to this theory, your primary house is about why you do things, while your secondary house is about how you do things. you can take the quiz here — it’s fun!) 
[!!! spoilers below !!!]
jang juwon: [hufflepuff primary / gryffindor secondary + hufflepuff model]
“boss, was it about money in the end?”  “what else would it be? being a gangster is a job. (…) aren’t we all here to make money?" “no. i did it to protect our boys"
juwon, juwon, juwon, steel-skinned, soft-hearted monster of a man, who uses 존댓말 and doesn’t see jihee any differently because she is a person like any other, who’s in a gang for the sole purpose of protecting his boys. jang juwon is a hufflepuff primary because he treats people fairly and he belongs, he does not own. hufflepuff primaries value community, and bond to groups, rather than solely individuals, which you can see in his mentality regarding his gang. they’re his people, like he is theirs. they are together, and they are home, what do you mean you aren't here for nothing else but each other? 
of course, the ones he considers his end up betraying him, and he loses his way. (his hufflepuff primary burns, if you will. it is now safer to be alone.) where does he go when he has no home anymore? he does not know. but he finds jihee, and for the first time it feels like he knows where to go. (it does not solve everything, not really, but it is close enough.) 
in the end, he feels the most at home when he is part of team. and when the NIS is shut down and he is put inside walls in front of a screen that never listens, and a keyboard too small for his clumsy fingers, he feels lost again. this is not people, this is cold, lifeless walls, none of them he can run through. the team of superpowered people he later gets put in doesn’t feel exactly right, not really, but he is using what he is good at to help people, and that is the closest he can get to that feeling.
his secondary is a gryffindor; he runs into walls until the walls break, for it is the only way he’s ever known to get through things. (gryff secondaries meet their problems by charging at them, by responding directly to situations.) he has only ever chosen the easiest way, after all, and for a man whose body doesn’t break, simply running into things was the obvious easiest way. why change, why think, when he can simply push through and get through it anyway?
(he does model a hufflepuff secondary, once it's only him and his daughter. he does it for her, gives up everything to build her a better life. it's about doing the work, about showing up. it's odd jobs but honest jobs, moving constantly but still putting in the effort to show steadiness and consistency, to give his daughter a home despite the possibility of the NIS finding them at any moment.)
hwang jihee: [slytherin primary + gryffindor model / gryffindor secondary]
jihee is a healthy slytherin primary if i’ve ever seen one. she advocates for herself, (and she has to, doesn't she? or else nobody else will. not in the line of work she is,) puts herself and her dignity first despite it all. she does have a sense of justice (“that car hit and ran? did it hit you? do you want me to chase it?”) but it doesn’t eat her whole ("but if we find the culprit we split the money:)”) — it’s a nice gryff primary model she likes being in when her slytherin loyalties are not threatened.
juwon is the first person to see her fully as a person, and not a coffee lady. it softens her up immediately. — it doesn't make her fall for him, of course, nor does it get him into her circle. (if it did, she wouldn’t be a slytherin primary). she is a smart girl who advocates for herself, after all. but once he does, he does not leave. she will run into a mob of gangsters and disregard the police for him, will tell him to put himself first, even if it means having a more difficult life for both of them. because putting yourself, and the people that are yours, first, is what matters in the end.
she has a gryffindor secondary she shares with her husband. she can hold her tongue and be perfectly polite, but in the end her problems will be met head on. what other house would throw itself in 100+ mobsters without a plan? she said to hell with it, she’ll figure it out on the way.
gryff secondaries’ honesty is part of their personality and morality — jihee has seen the men play the sappy part only for their own selfish gain, and hates it deeply within her core. once she sees juwon isn’t pretending to be anyone but himself (he is also a gryffindor secondary after all) —  a simple man who reads books on stories where men are bloody but loved, who is willing to buy a ticket to simply share conversations with her  — she finally lets him in, slowly but surely. (her slytherin recognizes that he is also someone the world has shunned for who he is, for the labels they have stuck on him, and she embraces him warmly. he is hers now. and she is his.)
their kid is a gryff/gryff btw . she houseshares with her bf’s dad n i think that’s rlly cute . (her bf houseshares with her dad so . soulmates or whatever)
lee mihyun [gryffindor primary / ravenclaw secondary]
lee mihyun lee mihyun lee mihyun, who uses her powers like she uses her gun, carrying them around and doing the maintenance of each part every night. some would call it overdoing it, but she calls it a habit, calls it being prepared. (and amidst the very real danger that looms above her, can you blame her?) they're all tools she has on her, and years of training have taught her when to use which to get out of a situation with the upper hand. she's a ravenclaw secondary, the house that collects knowledge, tools or skills and then picks them up in times of need. she scouts for danger daily on social media, assesses the situation from a vantage point to collect intel; and yes, she's an agent, at this point it's probably second nature. but this is where she's most comfortable, pulling out from her pocket the information she gathered and the problem-solving systems she’s built whenever she gets tossed into danger.
lee mihyun’s specific brand of claw secondary has her being an adaptable problem solver — understandable, considering her tool set includes her heightened senses (six: her five senses and her common sense) and her gun (make that seven), as well as her general training as a black op agent. however, ravenclaw secondary tools are task-specific. sure, she can take out several enemy agents on her own with nothing but a gun and the strap of her handbag, but have her son bring a new pretty friend home and you’ll have her like a deer in headlights. (...the NIS did not prepare her for this)
her primary is a gryffindor, and it’s what makes her turn away from being an agent even after everything that’s on the line. it doesn’t matter, that she’s running away from the most powerful government agency, not if it’s the right thing to do. (it tires her, after losing her husband and having to do it all on her own. but she doesn't burn, not fully —she can't, not with her son still by her side.) now gryff primaries believe in trusting yourself and your gut, in doing so even if the whole world (or several hundred government agents) is against you. at the end of the day, the most important things is staying true to what’s inside of you. 
so in that fateful moment when the mission was clear, the orders indisputable, she turned away from her organization, her boss, her colleagues, to do what she felt was right. gun in her hand, she said to hell with consequences, i have to stay true to what i believe in — these people are enemies, but they are people and what we’re doing right now is wrong. (from afar, her future husband will see her act upon everything he had been feeling until then, will see a braver reflection of his own gryff primary, and he will fall in love.) 
kim dooshik [gryffindor primary/gryffindor secondary]
kim dooshik is a bit harder to sort; we really don’t see him as much as we could have. he has a gryffindor primary he shares with his wife; their whole story is about finding someone who believes in the same thing they do, stuck in an organization that tells them otherwise. he can look hufflepuff, in the way he values people and fairness — but the core of gryff primaries is about trusting your beliefs and doing your best to live by them. it’s about the bravery to pursue them, even if it leads him to a life of being chased, and captured, and tortured (…literally). 
he has a gryffindor secondary to go with it. that time he tried to diffuse the bomb on a civilian plane under no orders but his own? no orders, no plans, just him flying and trying to save people? very gryff/gryff of him. he also shares a lion secondary with his partner and they play off each other very well. (dooshik casually just letting juwon fall several hundred miles from the sky into where the enemies are and letting him figure it out… #justgryffsecondarybrosthingz)
sure, sure, one could argue for a ravenclaw secondary — but i think that’s just him being an agent. of course he would train and strategize. of course he would have backup plans. but at the end of the day, the method he falls back on is his charging, making it up as he goes. most of all, it’s his blunt honesty, his genuineness that we see shine in his actions. (even in the way he pursues mihyun — not a single disingenuous bone in his body) 
at the end of the day, he’ll rush into a problem when he believes it is right, no matter the consequences. he’ll fly into the enemy’s hands to protect his family, spend years imprisoned in a cave not faltering in his beliefs. a gryff/gryff through and through. 
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jenyifer · 8 months
Boston Home Analysis
So we know a lot from this outside shot of Bostons home. And I’m gonna talk about it cause I’m “not one of those normal girls” 🤮 I also high key want to get this screenshot on canvas and hang it in my house.
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I’ll go least unhinged to probably just in my mind
1. The table and chairs on top of the extension to the house are the same ones from the roof top confession scene from ep 10.
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I had speculated we had missed a scene and that happened on the roof of YOLO maybe Sand called Nick telling him Boston was on the roof being depressed. But now we know that’s at Bostons house. How did the events of last week really go then? I’m more confused and concerned. Let’s talk so Nick didn’t give Boston an answer at the shop then. HOWEVER because Boston had sought nick out. Nick thought about what had happened in the shop and came to the conclusion Boston was in a cry for help situation. That night Nick walks over to Bostons debating if he will go in or not and sees Boston on the roof. Nick gets in past the gate and up a ladder maybe? To get to Boston’s roof to comfort him? Nick needs an award or something. I mean I know he and Boston got to make love but damn that was fucking brave imagine if Boston had rejected him. Boston could have called the cops.
2. Because I’m always resisting watching Not Me I realized Bostons home is a reused set from Not Me. It’s the bar Gram and Eugene meet up at I believe. Delulu talking here but set in same universe things. Maybe Bostons dad converted the bar into Bostons home because he didn’t want to be running a bar out of the back of his house as a politician. Also it gave Ton extra space. Soooo can someone use this as an excuse to write BostonNickYok fic plz and thank you
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3. Okay time for my head canon. I believe that the addition to the house was originally a sunroom for Boston’s mother who loved plants. The house doesn’t meld together. We see how the part where Bostons dad lives is very rich gold marble and Bostons apartment is green and concrete seems to be separated his dad doesn’t know what Boston is up to. Also it would make sense that the addition would have a separate entrance incase Bostons dad wants to rent it out eventually or if it was originally a garage. But Maybe it’s because Boston’s parents didn’t meld well his dad tried to buy her staying by building this hobby addition only for her to leave. When she left Boston missed her terribly and moved into her hobby area making it his own but still loving plants etc. we can see him getting distracted taking photos of the plants at the hostel so maybe it’s a habit he got from his mom. Bostons dad doesn’t go into the addition because it reminds him of his wife especially since Boston has decorated it with photos of New York and his other hobbies just highlighting how much Boston’s dad doesn’t know his son. It hurts my heart thinking of Boston trying to cling to this space to remember his mom who abandoned him. Probably is why he’s extremely cautious to make long term connections in general. Boston will leave first so they can’t leave him.
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ranchthoughts · 10 months
Inspired by a few people who have done this hi @wen-kexing-apologist and @justafriend-ql (and because I love organization):
Ranch's Thoughts
(aka, a meta roundup)
Meta 2023 Wrapped
GMMTV Multiverse
In which I attempt to untangle all the various universes in which GMMTV shows are set. An ongoing battle, so stay tuned for updates. My GMMTV multiverse posts can be found here, and my kissing chart posts can be found here.
Old Masterpost
Latest: The Multiverse so far, reorganized
Original GMMTV Multiverse Map post
Latest GMMTV Multiverse map
Kissing Multiverse: version 1, version 2, version 3
Latest Kissing Multiverse
ATOTS X Bad Buddy Our Skyy 2
Thinking about Snow White being the engineering play: parts 1, 2, and 3
Bad Buddy
Thinking about Bad Buddy and the (un)intentionality of seme/uke dynamics
Thoughts on genre, tropes, Bad Buddy, and My School President (aka, my Bad Buddy and MSP trope subversion thesis)
Wai as a faen fatale: a defense (in conversation with @chickenstrangers)
An analysis of the Baseball Mom shirt, Bad Buddy episode 5
Thinking of Pat and Pran, and genre awareness
Thinking about Bad Buddy, and prequels, and tragedies
An impassioned defense of the episode 5 rooftop kiss, aka the Rooftop Kiss and Dichotomies
Thinking about Pran's "Pat, you've got to stop doing this to me" (in conversation with @dudeyuri)
Pat, Pran, and pursuit (in conversation with @dudeyuri)
Thinking about Pat, Pran, and competition (in conversation with @dimplesandfierceeyes)
My School President
Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and coming out
More thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and coming out
Thoughts on Tinn, music, Gun, and his mother
The Good Place and MSP: Pacing and Narrative Structure
Thinking about MSP and how it shows us that imagination and theory are not the same as real life
MSP and the relief of a sweet show
Thoughts on genre, tropes, Bad Buddy, and My School President (aka, my Bad Buddy and MSP trope subversion thesis)
Thoughts on the MSP ep.11 Chinzhilla fight scene
The Eighth Sense
The Eighth Sense and hazy cinematography
The Eighth Sense and missing pieces
The Eclipse
The Eclipse, repression, and self-knowledge
He's Coming to Me
"If you know how it's going to end, why start anything" as explored in HCTM and Bad Buddy (in conversation with @waitmyturtles)
Kieta Hatsukoi
Thinking about Aoki and Ida and how differently they think (in conversation with @chickenstrangers)
I Told Sunset About You
Conversations in ITSAY that are about more than they seem: Teh and Oh-aew floating
ITSAY is about: noses, backs, knees, and chests
Only Friends
Going to collect some of the OF ephemerality/voyeurism/control/trust, etc. posts I have written here for my own easier reference
Thoughts on ephemerality, permanence, YOLO, and photography post Ep. 2 (additions on photography by @chickenstrangers and @lurkingshan)
Where we are headed post Ep. 3 (with surveillance and voyeurism additions by @lurkingshan, @waitmyturtles and @slayerkitty)
Photography and audio/video in the series, as of Ep. 3
Boston's Manipulations - a study of two scenes in Ep. 3
Manipulate, Mansplain, Manwhore, Manslaughter: Ray confronting Boston, ep. 6
The Mundanity of Meanness
My series cataloguing moments of ephemerality/permanence/YOLO/photography/voyeurism/control/hypocrisy/accountability etc. in Only Friends: ep. 3, ep. 4, ep. 5, ep. 6, ep. 7, ep. 8, ep. 9, ep. 10, ep. 11, ep. 12
and then of course the collection of everyone's thoughts, which got updated weekly.
3 Will Be Free
Opposing Triads
Between Us
Thoughts on Win's rock shirt
Signs, symbols, icons, indexes, genre, and BL
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icharchivist · 1 year
you ever get a compliment so specific on your field of study that all you can do is cry
I haven’t really kept up to date with my life on here bc things have been messy but this year i’ve been trying to finish up my uni diploma, which i had left in pause for years because health issues, esp mental health, just made it impossible for me. One of the class i still had to pass was English Literature analysis for this semester, because of a mix of “i can’t process all of those texts” and the fact it was an oral analysis presentation and my social anxiety had kicked up so badly those past few years that any physical presentation led me to such mental states crumbling that i just mostly didn’t manage to finish it up.
the oral was today, i’ve been stressed for weeks about it, i didn’t read half of the recommended texts, i don’t remember half of the lessons i did participate in, and i was so panicked i couldn’t bring myself to study at all, those past few weeks have kinda been a stressful nightmare on that point
I still managed to push myself to go to the exam (major upgrades on the last time i tried to pass it), despite an awful night and the fact i have constant dizzy spells these days (probably bc of stress)
turns out not only i was getting interrogated on the subset of the class that i didn’t vibe with at all/am not at ease at all, but i fell on a text we studied in class when i was sick, and therefore, it was legit my first time seeing the poem at all.
so i go in, lacking all sort of confidence, thinking to myself i mostly just need to show i was here and i’ll still validate the year with that. I try to yolo an interpretation of the poem as i can.
Only so that at the end of the presentation the teacher tells me it was incredible, that this interpretation was really good, and when i mentioned i was really uncomfortable because i actually didn’t know the text at all, she told me it’s even MORE impressive that this is what i came up on my own in 30 minutes. She then asked me if i was pursuing further degree in literature because i “clearly have a gift” for analysis and was disappointed when i said no because she said i would really bring something to the field.
i was panicked for weeks over all of that and now i got this compliment and i cannot process it properly, i’ve been crying for the past half hour or so
I genuinely lack so much confidence in my analysis in general (despite trying to hold up the appearance that i’m actually super confident, promise! any confidence you see on this blog is me lying through my teeth) so being told that by a professional on the field is just. oh god. 
anyway idk if i’ll manage to process more brainpower for today but for now i’ll just stay in a state of limbo a moment over the most specific compliment i could get on something i genuinely care about to start with.
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grlgoddess · 1 year
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I posted 11,782 times in 2022
That's 3,630 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
11,776 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,535 of my posts in 2022
#cats - 276 posts
#dracula - 252 posts
#spn - 147 posts
#goncharov - 124 posts
#pokemon - 88 posts
#dw - 71 posts
#the witcher - 61 posts
#leverage - 60 posts
#ofmd - 59 posts
#sanctuary - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#but... you like your guys ranting to you about tesseracts or literary analysis or whatever nerd bullshit. good for you.
My Top Posts in 2022:
🔮 💀 💕 🥰 🔮
- the good wizard
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
hi yes i did encounter a random episode of sanctuary and have now redescended into hell, yolo, no regrets, etc
1 note - Posted June 11, 2022
🦀 time for crab 🦀
today i summoned 10 crabs and they all fell in love with me. i love them too.
🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙 🦀💙
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
🦀 time for crab 🦀
today i summoned 10 crabs! i became friends with one 🌼 of them. one fell in love with me 💙
group picture!!!
🦀💙 🦀🌼 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the problem with doctor who these days is we need companions who think the doctor sucks and low key wish he'd fall off a cliff, and are too busy trying to smash to care about the wonders of the universe.
also everyone is constantly gaslighting a teenager
3 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bhushans · 29 days
A Brighter Future for Autism Care: Global Liposuction Market
The global liposuction market according to a recent analysis by Future industry Insights, the industry is anticipated to expand rapidly between 2022 and 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%. This upward trajectory is expected to drive the market value up to an estimated US$ 9.1 billion by 2032.
Increasing prevalence of obesity and unwanted body fat across the globe is driving the demand in the market. Growth in the market is also attributed to rising adoption of new technical measures and minimally invasive procedures with advancements in control systems.
Like rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, liposuction operations are becoming more and more popular across all age groups. As a result, the surge in obese populations in several regions has paved the way for technologically advanced surgical procedures that are to be commercialized
Preview Next-Level Insights Sample : https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14850
Power-assisted liposuction and laser-guided liposuction are gaining importance because of faster recovery, reduced time for the hospital stay, and enhanced patient outcomes. The development of the liposuction market is also underpinned by increasing popularity of cosmetic surgeries with enhanced features, adoption of minimally invasive surgeries, and prevalence of stubborn fat accumulation in several body parts.
In February 2021, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons published the top countries which perform, and are at best in surgeries. The list included South Korea which is a prime hub for liposuction, nose jobs, and blepharoplasty. The U.S. is said to be popular in liposuction procedures, while Columbia has also displayed growth in the number of cosmetic surgical procedures.
Key Takeaways:
· Power-assisted liposuction accounted for 41.5% market value share in 2021 and is expected to display a CAGR growth of 8.5% over the forecast period.
· By anatomy, the abdomen segment led the market with around 31.0% of share in 2021. The procedures for fat reduction of the abdomen have displayed positive clinical outcomes when performed using advanced liposuction procedures.
· Plastic surgery & cosmetic clinics as end-users held a higher share in the liposuction market by a value of 62.7% in 2021.
· Latin America is slated to be a leading region with a value share of 30.6% at the end of the forecast period on the back of growing medical tourism and availability of cost-effective cosmetic surgical procedures
“With rising adoption of minimally invasive liposuction procedures and prevalence of obesity across the globe, the market is expected to witness growth at an exponential rate over the forecast period,” says an analyst of Future Market Insights.
Competitive Landscape:
Prominent liposuction producers are concentrating on expanding geographically in order to increase their revenue and increase the size of their sales footprint in developing nations through the purchase of regional competitors.
Important players create and develop tools and methods to help with liposuction treatments and carry out the OT in an economical manner. To guarantee improved treatment outcomes, these devices provide therapy success monitoring in addition to secretion control during the operations.
Manufacturers employ several methods such as strategic growth, new launches, alliances, and research sponsorship to enhance product sales and establish their market position.
Hologic, Inc., opened its innovation centre in Aix-en-Provence, France in March 2022. The new commercial office facility aims to support Hologic’s interventional, ultrasound and 4surgical solutions across the spectrum of breast health care.
YOLO Medical Inc., in June 2017, announced their flagship device “CURVE” received FDA market clearance as an innovative body contouring laser system.
Key Companies Profiled:
SOLTA MEDICAL (Bausch Health Companies, Inc.)
Cynosure Inc
Sciton Inc.
Wells Johnsons Co
YOLO Medical
Apyx Medical
Alma Lasers
InMode Ltd
Genesis Biosystems
Hologic Inc.
AbbVie Inc.
Sciton Inc.
Cynosure Inc.
Human Med AG
VCA Laser Technology Co. Ltd.
Key Market Segments:
By Procedure Type:
Manual Liposuction
Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction
Power-Assisted Liposuction
Laser-Guided Liposuction
By Anatomy:
Upper arms
Calves and ankles
Chest and back
Hips and thighs
Chin and neck
By End-User:
Hospital Setting
Ambulatory Surgical Centres
Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Clinics
By Region:
North America
Latin America
South Asia
East Asia
The Middle East and Africa (MEA)
0 notes
jcmarchi · 7 months
Is Traditional Machine Learning Still Relevant?
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/is-traditional-machine-learning-still-relevant/
Is Traditional Machine Learning Still Relevant?
In recent years, Generative AI has shown promising results in solving complex AI tasks. Modern AI models like ChatGPT, Bard, LLaMA, DALL-E.3, and SAM have showcased remarkable capabilities in solving multidisciplinary problems like visual question answering, segmentation, reasoning, and content generation.
Moreover, Multimodal AI techniques have emerged, capable of processing multiple data modalities, i.e., text, images, audio, and videos simultaneously. With these advancements, it’s natural to wonder: Are we approaching the end of traditional machine learning (ML)?
In this article, we’ll look at the state of the traditional machine learning landscape concerning modern generative AI innovations.
What is Traditional Machine Learning? – What are its Limitations?
Traditional machine learning is a broad term that covers a wide variety of algorithms primarily driven by statistics. The two main types of traditional ML algorithms are supervised and unsupervised. These algorithms are designed to develop models from structured datasets.
Standard traditional machine learning algorithms include:
Regression algorithms such as linear, lasso, and ridge.
K-means Clustering.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Support Vector Machines (SVM).
Tree-based algorithms like decision trees and random forest.
Boosting models such as gradient boosting and XGBoost.
Limitations of Traditional Machine Learning
Traditional ML has the following limitations:
Limited Scalability: These models often need help to scale with large and diverse datasets.
Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering: Traditional ML requires extensive preprocessing to transform datasets as per model requirements. Also, feature engineering can be time-consuming and requires multiple iterations to capture complex relationships between data features.
High-Dimensional and Unstructured Data: Traditional ML struggles with complex data types like images, audio, videos, and documents.
Adaptability to Unseen Data: These models may not adapt well to real-world data that wasn’t part of their training data.
Neural Network: Moving from Machine Learning to Deep Learning & Beyond
Neural network (NN) models are far more complicated than traditional Machine Learning models. The simplest NN – Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) consists of several neurons connected together to understand information and perform tasks, similar to how a human brain functions.
Advances in neural network techniques have formed the basis for transitioning from machine learning to deep learning. For instance, NN used for computer vision tasks (object detection and image segmentation) are called convolutional neural networks (CNNs), such as AlexNet, ResNet, and YOLO.
Today, generative AI technology is taking neural network techniques one step further, allowing it to excel in various AI domains. For instance, neural networks used for natural language processing tasks (like text summarization, question answering, and translation) are known as transformers. Prominent transformer models include BERT, GPT-4, and T5. These models are creating an impact on industries ranging from healthcare, retail, marketing, finance, etc.
Do We Still Need Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms?
While neural networks and their modern variants like transformers have received much attention, traditional ML methods remain crucial. Let us look at why they are still relevant.
1. Simpler Data Requirements
Neural networks demand large datasets for training, whereas ML models can achieve significant results with smaller and simpler datasets. Thus, ML is favored over deep learning for smaller structured datasets and vice versa.
2. Simplicity and Interpretability
Traditional machine learning models are built on top of simpler statistical and probability models. For example, a best-fit line in linear regression establishes the input-output relationship using the least squares method, a statistical operation.
Similarly, decision trees make use of probabilistic principles for classifying data. The use of such principles offers interpretability and makes it easier for AI practitioners to understand the workings of ML algorithms.
Modern NN architectures like transformer and diffusion models (typically used for image generation like Stable Diffusion or Midjourney) have a complex multi-layered network structure. Understanding such networks requires an understanding of advanced mathematical concepts. That’s why they are also referred to as ‘Black Boxes.’
3. Resource Efficiency
Modern neural networks like Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on clusters of expensive GPUs per their computational requirements. For example, GPT4 was reportedly trained on 25000 Nvidia GPUs for 90 to 100 days.
However, expensive hardware and lengthy training time are not feasible for every practitioner or AI team. On the other hand, the computational efficiency of traditional machine learning algorithms allows practitioners to achieve meaningful results even with constrained resources.
4. Not All Problems Need Deep Learning
Deep Learning is not the absolute solution for all problems. Certain scenarios exist where ML outperforms deep learning.
For instance, in medical diagnosis and prognosis with limited data, an ML algorithm for anomaly detection like REMED delivers better results than deep learning. Similarly, traditional machine learning is significant in scenarios with low computational capacity as a flexible and efficient solution.
Primarily, the selection of the best model for any problem depends on the needs of the organization or practitioner and the nature of the problem at hand.
Machine Learning in 2023
Image Generated Using Leonardo AI
In 2023, traditional machine learning continues to evolve and is competing with deep learning and generative AI. It has several uses in the industry, particularly when dealing with structured datasets.
For instance, many Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies deal with bulks of tabular data relying on ML algorithms for critical tasks like personalized product recommendations, price optimization, inventory management, and supply chain optimization.
Further, many vision and language models are still based on traditional techniques, offering solutions in hybrid approaches and emerging applications. For example, a recent study titled “Do We Really Need Deep Learning Models for Time Series Forecasting?” has discussed how gradient-boosting regression trees (GBRTs) are more efficient for time series forecasting than deep neural networks.
ML’s interpretability remains highly valuable with techniques like SHAP (Shapley Additive Explanations) and LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations). These techniques explain complex ML models and provide insights about their predictions, thus helping ML practitioners understand their models even better.
Finally, traditional machine learning remains a robust solution for diverse industries addressing scalability, data complexity, and resource constraints. These algorithms are irreplaceable for data analysis and predictive modeling and will continue to be a part of a data scientist’s arsenal.
If topics like this intrigue you, explore Unite AI for further insights.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
Tether has addressed confusion over whether it has changed its terms of service (ToS) in Singapore. The company was responding to the CEO of Cake who claimed Tether was restricting its onboarding standards. The controversy started with Dr. Julian Hosp, the CEO of Cake DeFi, sharing a screenshot of an email from Tether. The email mentioned that the company had changed its onboarding standards and would not allow corporates controlled by another entity, directors, or shareholders residing in Singapore to use its services. Tether CTO Calls out FUD However, Tether’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Paolo Ardoino, posted on X, clearing up the confusion regarding Tether’s terms of service for Singapore firms. He wrote: “Before spreading FUD it would be great if you guys did take a look at webarchive… This is Jan 2022…. And if you open the link below: Last updated: May 12, 2020… Again, take a moment to search and verify information before YOLO posting.” The screenshot shows Singapore has been one of the prohibited jurisdictions for Tether since 2020. Source: X (Twitter) Indeed, the web archives from the official website of Tether show that Singapore has already been a prohibited jurisdiction since 2020. And the development is not a recent change to Tether’s terms of service. Bake is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that promises stable yields on crypto investments. Dr. Hosp further wrote on X that they could not redeem USDT into USD due to the change from Tether’s side. Click here to learn more about the top 7 High-Yield Liquid Stalking Platforms for 2023. A screenshot of an email from Tether shared by Bake CEO. Source: X (Twitter) The confusion led the community to fear the developments were due to a massive money laundering bust in Singapore. On Sept. 21, Reuters reported that Singapore police seized crypto worth S$38 million (approx. $27.8 million) during anti-money laundering raids. Also, Singapore’s new President, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, is known for his anti-crypto stance. Hence, it stoked fearful sentiment further. The reports about Tether’s change in terms of service may have been FUD. However, the company has been criticized recently for resuming lending services after promising to cut down the loans in 2023. Click here to learn how to choose a cryptocurrency lending platform in 2023. Do you have anything to say about Tether’s terms of service, USDT, or anything else? Write to us or join the discussion on our Telegram channel. You can also catch us on TikTok, Facebook, or X (Twitter). Bitcoin (BTC) analysis, click here. Source
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viral-web · 9 months
[ad_1] Computer vision provides robots with a sense of sight, allowing them to “see” and explore their surroundings. Deep learning and machine learning techniques allow for this to be done. Technology advancement and the digital revolution cannot exist without this potent technology, which the industry is rapidly adopting. The foundation of computer vision is the instruction of computers to comprehend and interpret pixel-level pictures. In terms of technology, machines retrieve visual information, analyze it, and interpret the outcomes using complex software algorithms. What is the Role of Computer Vision in AI? Computer vision is the process of understanding pictures and movies as they appear in digital representations. In Machine Learning (ML) and AI, computer vision trains the model to recognize specific patterns and store information in its artificial memory, which may subsequently be used to forecast outcomes in real-world scenarios. Several areas are adopting computer vision as an applied subject. It plays a crucial role in aiding machines to recognize many sorts of items in their natural surroundings, from machine learning to AI research. Computer vision is the sole technology that allows AI-enabled devices an advantage to function effectively, from basic household duties to distinguishing human faces, detecting objects in autonomous cars, and engaging in combat with enemies. The use of computer vision in artificial intelligence is expanding into new sectors, including manufacturing, robotics, agriculture, autonomous flying (such as drones), healthcare, and retail. 6 Key Applications of Computer Vision in AI Computer vision is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that deals with visual data analysis. One of the most significant uses of AI nowadays is computer vision due to the growing accessibility of powerful computing resources, expansive datasets, and sophisticated algorithms. Here are six applications of computer vision in AI: Object detection and Facial recognition: One of the most popular uses of computer vision is object identification and facial recognition. The objective is to locate and recognize items in photos or movies. Object detection and recognition are helpful in various industries, including robotics, self-driving cars, and security. You Only Look Once (YOLO) is one of the most well-known methods for object detection and recognition that makes use of deep neural networks to identify items in real-time. Medical image analysis, a rapidly expanding discipline, analyzes medical pictures like X-rays, MRI scans, and CT scans using computer vision algorithms. Diseases may be identified, therapies can be planned, and patient progress can be tracked using medical image analysis. For instance, medical image processing can spot malignant tumors in X-rays and abnormalities in the brain in MRI scans. Autonomous vehicles are those that can operate and operate themselves without a driver. These cars depend on computer vision since it enables them to perceive and comprehend their surroundings. Road signs, obstructions, other cars, and people can be detected and identified using computer vision algorithms. Transportation, delivery, and agriculture are just a few of the applications for autonomous vehicles. Through the use of AR technology, digital data can be superimposed on the physical world. Since it will make it possible to place and track digital objects in real-time, computer vision is a crucial component of augmented reality. Gaming, advertising, and education are just a few of the many applications of augmented reality. For instance, augmented reality can insert virtual characters into a real-world setting or overlay digital data onto a museum exhibit.
Computer vision algorithms can be used to detect unusual behavior, recognize individuals, and track movements. Computer vision is frequently used in video surveillance, which uses cameras to record and examine behavior in a space. Numerous uses for video surveillance exist, such as traffic monitoring, safety, and security. Gesture recognition is a technique that allows computers to comprehend and react to human actions. Algorithms for computer vision can be used to decipher hand gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Numerous industries, including robotics, healthcare, and gaming, use gesture recognition. For instance, without using a keyboard or mouse, gesture recognition can control a robot or run a computer. Wrap Up In conclusion, computer vision is a rapidly evolving field with many important AI applications. Medical image analysis, a rapidly expanding discipline, analyzes medical pictures like X-rays, MRI scans, and CT scans using computer vision algorithms. Diseases may be identified, therapies can be planned, and patient progress can be tracked using medical image analysis. For instance, medical image processing can spot malignant tumors in X-rays and abnormalities in the brain in MRI scans. For more technology-related updates, visit www.onpassive.com. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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kevin-roozrokh · 1 year
Unraveling the Differences: ChatGPT, DALL·E, Google’s PALM2 AI, and Google BARD AI | Guide to Popular AI APIs
Exploring AI Tools: A Comprehensive Guide https://medium.com/@kroozrokh/unraveling-the-differences-chatgpt-dall-e-googles-palm2-ai-and-google-bard-ai-guide-to-567535ef0e57
Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, enabling innovative applications and solutions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the differences between ChatGPT, DALL-E, Google BARD AI, and Google’s Palm2 AI. We’ll also explore popular AI tools such as OpenCV, spaCy, NLTK, CoreNLP, YOLO, TensorFlow, DeepSpeech, Tacotron 2, and Apache Mahout. Additionally, we’ll highlight companies that have developed applications using these AI tools.
Understanding ChatGPT, DALL-E, Google BARD AI, and Google’s Palm2 AI: 1. ChatGPT: ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced language model based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It can generate human-like text responses given a prompt. ChatGPT excels in natural language understanding and has been trained on a vast corpus of text data.
2. DALL-E: DALL-E, also developed by OpenAI, is a groundbreaking AI model that generates unique and creative images from textual descriptions. It combines elements of GPT and generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce visually stunning and conceptually novel images.
3. Google BARD AI: Google BARD AI (Basic AI for Research and Development) is an AI platform developed by Google. It offers a suite of tools and services for researchers and developers, allowing them to build and deploy AI models with ease. It provides access to pre-trained models, tools for data preprocessing, and scalable infrastructure for training and inference.
4. Google’s Palm2 AI: Google’s Palm2 AI is an AI model developed by Google that focuses on multimodal learning, combining text and image understanding. It leverages advanced techniques like self-supervised learning to achieve state-of-the-art performance in various tasks, such as image classification and text understanding.
Exploring Popular AI Tools: 1. OpenCV: OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a widely-used open-source library for computer vision tasks. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and functions for image and video processing, object detection, facial recognition, and more.
2. spaCy: spaCy is a popular natural language processing (NLP) library. It offers efficient text processing capabilities, including tokenization, named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing. spaCy is known for its ease of use and performance.
3. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): NLTK is a Python library that provides a wide range of tools and resources for NLP. It includes functionalities for text classification, sentiment analysis, stemming, tokenization, and more. NLTK is often used for research and educational purposes.
4. CoreNLP: CoreNLP is a Java-based NLP library developed by Stanford University. It provides robust and accurate NLP capabilities, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and coreference resolution.
5. YOLO (You Only Look Once): YOLO is an object detection algorithm that stands for “You Only Look Once.” It is known for its real-time object detection capabilities, allowing for efficient and accurate detection of objects in images and videos.
6. TensorFlow: TensorFlow is a powerful and widely-used open-source framework for machine learning. It provides a flexible platform for building and deploying various AI models, including deep neural networks, for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and more.
7. DeepSpeech: DeepSpeech is an open-source automatic speech recognition (ASR) system developed by Mozilla. It uses deep learning techniques to convert spoken language into written text, enabling
applications like transcription services, voice assistants, and more.
8. Tacotron 2: Tacotron 2 is an AI model for generating human-like speech from text input. It leverages deep learning techniques to synthesize natural-sounding speech, making it useful for applications like text-to-speech systems and voice assistants.
9. Apache Mahout: Apache Mahout is a scalable machine learning library built on top of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark. It provides various algorithms and tools for clustering, classification, and recommendation systems, making it suitable for large-scale data processing.
Exploring Companies and Their AI Tool Applications: While it is beyond the scope of this blog post to provide an exhaustive list, here are some notable companies that have created applications using AI tools:
1. OpenCV: Companies like Microsoft, Intel, and Adobe have integrated OpenCV into their software and products for computer vision tasks.
2. spaCy: Leading companies like Explosion AI, Rasa, and IBM Watson have utilized spaCy for NLP-related projects and services.
3. TensorFlow: Google, Airbnb, Uber, and many other companies have employed TensorFlow for a wide range of machine learning tasks.
4. DeepSpeech: Mozilla has utilized DeepSpeech in their Common Voice project, which aims to create open datasets for speech recognition research.
5. Tacotron 2: Companies like NVIDIA, Baidu, and OpenAI have used Tacotron 2 for generating high-quality synthetic speech.
6. Apache Mahout: Major companies such as Amazon, LinkedIn, and Twitter have leveraged Apache Mahout for developing recommendation systems and large-scale data analysis.
Conclusion: AI tools play a pivotal role in various domains, empowering developers and researchers to build cutting-edge applications. In this blog post, we explored the differences between ChatGPT, DALL-E, Google BARD AI, and Google’s Palm2 AI. We also discussed popular AI tools like OpenCV, spaCy, NLTK, CoreNLP, YOLO, TensorFlow, DeepSpeech, Tacotron 2, and Apache Mahout. Furthermore, we highlighted some companies that have successfully incorporated these AI tools into their applications, showcasing the widespread adoption and impact of AI in the industry.
Written by Kevin K. Roozrokh Follow me on the socials: https://linktr.ee/kevin_roozrokh Portfolio: https://KevinRoozrokh.github.io Hire me on Upwork: https://upwork.com/freelancers/~01cb1ed2c221f3efd6?viewMode=1
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Global Medical Aesthetics Market Trends, Size, Top Leaders, Future Scope and Outlook 2029
Global Medical Aesthetics Market: size was valued at USD 10.41 Bn. in 2021 and the total Medical Aesthetics revenue is expected to grow by 10.7% from 2022 to 2029, reaching nearly USD 23.48 Bn.
Global Medical Aesthetics Market Overview:
The goal of this research is to provide an overview of the Global Medical Aesthetics Market as well as detailed market segmentation based on connection type, end-use, and geography. The study contains critical information on the market positions of the leading Global Medical Aesthetics players, as well as noteworthy industry trends and opportunities.
The analysis also focuses on the Global Medical Aesthetics market's key top industry players, providing information such as company biographies, product pictures and specifications, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue, and contact information. This study examines the Global Medical Aesthetics Market Trends, Volume, and Value at the Global, Regional, and Company Levels. This report analyses the entire Global Medical Aesthetics Market Size from a global perspective by analyzing historical data and prospects.
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Global Medical Aesthetics Market Dynamic:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technique of emulating human intellect using computers. These processes include "data acquisition" and "information manipulation," as well as "reasoning," which is the use of rules to arrive at a set of findings and self-improvement. This technology is being utilized in a variety of sectors, including traffic management systems. According to the BBC, artificial intelligence can eradicate traffic congestion. Artificial intelligence should not be employed only because it is trendy; rather, it should be used to help the creation of a better and more intelligent society. Almost every industrialized country is currently using or attempting to deploy artificial intelligence in its traffic control systems to avoid accidents.
Global Medical Aesthetics Market Segmentation:
By Product, the cosmetic implants segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period. Cosmetic implants are devices or tissues that are implanted within or on the body's surface. Many implants are prostheses that are designed to replace lost bodily components. Other implants are used to provide medication, monitor physiological activities, or support organs and tissues. Skin, bone, and other bodily tissues are used to make certain implants. Others are constructed of metal, plastic, ceramic, or a variety of other materials.
The development of technologically improved implants e.g. form-stable anatomically shaped silicone gel breast implants and hyaluronic acid face filler is expected to boost the market growth. Key factors expected to drive the market growth include the increasing prevalence of target diseases, increased acceptability of bio-implants, and the availability of well-defined regulatory requirements in developed economies. For example, Allergan was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to commercialize NATRELLE INSPIRA SoftTouch breast implants. This is anticipated to improve the cosmetic implant segment growth.
Global Medical Aesthetics Market Key Players:
• Anika Therapeutics, Inc. • Merz Aesthetics, Inc. • Medytox, Inc. • Sientra, Inc. • Sinclair Pharma PLC • Solta Medical • Cutera, Inc. • 3M • ADIN Dental Implant Systems • Fotona D.O.O. • Galderma S.A • Syneron Medical, Ltd. • ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. • Mentor Worldwide LLC • PhotoMedex, Inc. • Solta Medical, Inc. • Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. • Dentsply Sirona Inc. • YOLO Medical • Photomedex • NDI Dental Implants • TRI Dental Implants • Deka Laser Technologies • Allergan plc • Cynosure Inc. • El.En. S.p.A. • Etoile • GymnaUniphy N.V. • Tecno Gamma
Inorganic growth techniques noted in the sector included acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations. With growing demand, industry participants in the Global Medical Aesthetics market are projected to benefit from excellent future growth opportunities. The following are a few companies participating in the worldwide Global Medical Aesthetics industry.
Ask your queries regarding report Link @ https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/29882
Regional Analysis:
The research also includes a comprehensive PESTLE analysis for each of the five areas, namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa, and South America, after examining the political, economic, social, and technological variables influencing the Global Medical Aesthetics market in these regions.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Global Medical Aesthetics Market:
As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, customer behavior has transformed throughout all sectors of society. Industries, on the other hand, will need to adjust their strategies to account for altering market supplies. This study gives an outline of the COVID-19's impact on the Global Medical Aesthetics market and will help you build your business in compliance with the new industry standards.
Key Questions Answered in the Global Medical Aesthetics Market Report are:
What will be the CAGR of the Global Medical Aesthetics market during the forecast period?
Which segment emerged as the leading segment in the Global Medical Aesthetics market?
Which are the prominent players in the Global Medical Aesthetics market?
What will be the Global Medical Aesthetics market size by 2027?
Which company held the largest share in the Global Medical Aesthetics market?
About Maximize Market Research:
Maximize Market Research, a global market research firm with a dedicated team of professionals and data has carried out extensive research on the Transportation management system market. Maximize Market Research provides syndicated and custom B2B and B2C business and market research on 12,000 high-growth emerging technologies, opportunities, and threats to companies in the chemical, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and communications, internet of things, food and beverage, aerospace and defense, and other manufacturing sectors. Maximize Market Research is well-positioned to analyze and forecast market size while also taking into consideration the competitive landscape of the sectors.
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
we make jokes about zuko being cis on this blog but in all seriousness, i really think that headcanoning canonverse zuko as transmasc does such a disservice to his character development. like it took him so much work to unlearn the fire nation's gender essentialist values and grow to accept & embrace his femininity and gayness....... and you're telling me that the fire nation doesn't even have those gender essentialist values, to the extent that ozai would allow his son to transition as a young child???????
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Of The Water and the Sunshine: A Fanmix
I guess this is my contribution to Zutara Month: making a fanmix for the wonderful “Arranged marriage Zuko of the Water Tribe” AU @lizanthium thought up somewhere in her beautiful brain. Under the cut so I can add things as they come to me, because by no means am I done here.
Homesick – Sleeping at Last
Call it survival Call it the freedom of wills; Where breath is borrowed Our compass needle stands still Cry wolf, cry mercy Cry the name of the one you were raised to believe; Cry hard, cry yourself to sleep, cry a storm of tears If it helps you breathe
Comes and Goes In Waves (2013 Remake) – Greg Laswell
This one's for believing If only for its sake Come on friends get up now Love is to be made
Hope – Tim Fain and Sleeping At Last
There is hope in our eyes When we truly see each other Like the light of countless stars We are not afraid of the dark 'Cause there is hope in our hearts And every single beat, we feel it To the ends of the earth Our echo carries on
Linked specifically to this pic. Bright and Early – Sleeping At Last
But why couldn't I have been safe from the start? Soundly asleep The warmth of blankets Makes me nervous I'd rather catch a cold Like sparks in matches Blink, you'll miss it The future's up in smoke
Linked to the first panel of this pic.
Walls – Gracie Schram
I’m stepping out from behind my shadow Bringing to the light what was unknown All my friendly fears Have kept me company for so long I’ve kept this distance, dear But I’m feeling like it’s all wrong Times I’ve been hidden, things I’ve been forbidden   Once step closer, one step in After all I’m learning to let my walls fall
Grow As We Go – Ben Platt
You won't be the only one I am unfinished, I've got so much left to learn I don't know how this river runs But I'd like the company through every twist and turn Who said it's true That the growing only happens on your own? They don't know me and you You don't ever have to leave If to change is what you need You can change right next to me When you're high, I'll take the lows You can ebb and I can flow And we'll take it slow And grow as we go
 Fallen – Gert Taberner
Tell me things you've never said out loud Just try and go there if you can Show me the parts of you you're not that proud of I want to know, I'm just a man I'll have you know that I have good and bad days Come on now love, don't be naive Lay out our cards and you'll see all my mistakes Well, I don't mind while you're with me When have I fallen? Am I crawling on my knees? Here I'm calling In the hope that you'll see me
 Lay You Down – Matt Corby
And, oh, it's holding me down To let you inside, now It's calling out, it's calling me And I follow the hour And I will love your way And I love your way To let you inside, now And all along the way I'll find you, I'll find you
 Song to the Siren – Rose Betts
Well, I'm as puzzled as a newborn child I'm as riddled as the tide Should I stand amid the breakers Or should I lie with death my bride? Hear me sing Swim to me Swim to me, let me enfold you Here I am, here I am Waiting to hold you
 Safe and Sound – The Civil Wars and Taylor Swift
Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold onto this lullaby even when the music’s gone
Set to around the time of this pic, when they’re in the Fire Nation and being back around his father and sister is making Zuko much more nervous (and protective of Katara).
Currents – Sleeping at Last
In this sea of change, understanding is our shore I disappear with no control The current is strong, my arms are weak But you are the branch within my reach
The Rip – The Brinks
And the only thing that I was told Always say the way you're feeling If the sea of hope is calm Just surrender to your being I'm all around you And if the dark is blinding I'm all around you We'll run forever with the lightning
 Gravity – Vienna Teng
So don't turn away now I am turning in revolution. These are the scars that silence carved on me. Hey love, I am a constant satellite of your blazing sun. My love, I obey your law of gravity. This is the fate you've carved on me
For ~Meta Reasons TM~ I link this specifically to this pic.
First Day of My Life – Bright Eyes
Yours was the first face that I saw I think I was blind before I met you And I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been But I know where I want to go And so I thought I'd let you know Yeah, these things take forever, I especially am slow But I realized that I need you And I wondered if I could come home
Joy – Iron and Wine
Deep inside the heart of this troubled man There's an itty bitty boy tugging hard at your hand Born bitter as a lemon but you must understand That you've been bringing me joy And I'll only lie when you don't want the truth I'm only frightened ‘cause you finally gave me something to lose And it's as loud as a thunderclap and you hear it, too But you've been bringing me joy
Linked specifically to this pic.
Light – Sleeping at Last
I'll give you everything I have I'll teach you everything I know I promise I'll do better I will always hold you close But I will learn to let you go I promise I'll do better
Love and Some Verses – Iron and Wine
Love to say this to your face: “I’ll love you only.” Love and some verses you hear Say what you can't say Love to say this in your ear "I'll love you that way."
Not linked to a specific pic (yet?) but the first two lines absolutely have the vibes of Katara kissing Zuko’s scar. I don’t make the rules.
Words – Gregory Alan Isakov
So I’ll send you my words From the corners of my room And though I write them by the light of day Please read them by the light of the moon
Absolutely linked directly to this pic.
Salt and the Sea – Gregory Alan Isakov
And the words you could say That would always keep me near Is stay…stay I belong with the salt and the sea and the stones Save them all for me.
I'm On My Way – Rich Price
If I lift my head From the bed of stars, the ocean wide If I call your name out Would you carry me on inside If I close my eyes Let me put my face in the hot sand Could you raise your voice up Feeling that hope Together with mine, yeah But I'm on my way Yes I'm on my way
If I Die, I Love You - Jason Lancaster
And there has always been something about coming home How every mile closer wherever he'd roam He could hear all the sounds in his ears making sense And feel as the weight from his heart started lifting
Ocean Song – Ben Howard
Oh I'm going to the ocean no, no ,no Answer some of these questions that have been dragging me down All this time Over mountains, mountains of black and white, white Til I know, know what I've found here Til I know, know what I've found here Oh darling won't you wait for me? Darling won't you be there standing there at the shore? Cause I'll be coming home, coming home soon Coming home, darling I'll be coming home to you
An unnecessary side note: the father in this narrative is Iroh, because Ozai wouldn’t be that kind nor that poetically vague. Linked specifically to this pic.
Promise – Ben Howard
And meet me there Bundles of flowers We'll wade through the hours of cold Winter shall howl at the walls Tearing down doors of time Shelter as we go And promise me this You'll wait for me only Scared of the lonely arms Surface, far below these birds And maybe, just maybe, I'll come home
Linked specifically to this pic.
 Little Wonders – Rob Thomas
Let it go Let it roll right off your shoulder Don't you know The hardest part is over Let it in Let your clarity define you In the end We will only just remember how it feels
We’re Still Here – Sleeping at Last
Through the static, Through the ashes We were brave. Through the perils Of endless narrow escapes, We’re still here. We’re still here.
 What Would I Do Without You - Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors
So you got the morning, I got midnight You are patient, I'm always on time Oh, what would I do without you? You got your sunshine, I got rain clouds You got hope, I got my doubts So, what would I do without you?
Because I have thought far too much about this song in the context of this AU, have my thoughts: verse 1, verse 3, “chorus” 2 and lines 2 of verses 5 and 6 are from Zuko’s POV. Verse 2, “chorus” 1, verse 4 and the first lines of verses 5 and 6 are Katara’s POV.
Life – Sleeping at Last
She drew her first breath I learned what love meant And my heart reconciled all the darkness and light inside my chest As her hands held tight And her eyes met mine I saw the future unfold in silver and gold And I'm already proud Beautiful like your mother You are grace You are light The better version of our past From the start of life
Specifically linked to this pic.
 Daughter – Sleeping at Last
If only you knew The sunlight shines a little brighter The weight of the world's a little lighter The stars lean in a little closer All because of you
Specifically linked to this pic.
 BONUS: Surround You – Echosmith
Wherever you are Whenever you need me Just crawl in my arms Oh and I'll hold you beside me I want my love to surround you
Not a song particularly linked to this AU or even ZK with any real meta, but I love this song and I like thinking about it and the bottom panel of this pic together so. (This pic still makes me the most feral of all okay.)
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donniemines · 3 years
c!jack is really awesome and i love watching his pov but i don’t actively root for him, and i feel like thats because his motives are just so? misguided? like it isnt tommy’s fault that techno and dream are trigger happy and it isnt tommy’s fault that wilbur’s mental state declined to the point of blowing up lmanburg, or that dream wanted to toy with him and is power hungry, or that techno is an anarchist.
and tommy didn’t sacrifice nations and friends for the discs? in fact he gave up the discs multiple times, like to gain lmanburg’s independence, and when he told tubbo to give dream the disc right before doomsday, dream had both the discs in his possession and still blew up lmanburg.
like obviously tommy is not flawless. jack has valid reasons to dislike tommy! killing jack in the nether during exile and generally dismissing jack as weaker than himself and constantly causing jack to lose everything (intentional or otherwise) are not good things. but i just dont think that warrants jack trying to kill him, especially considering that his other reasons for hating tommy are just not...true?
and all this doesnt mean c!jack is a bad character, in fact i think he’s an amazing character and he’s stuck in a cycle of wanting to get revenge bc he’s been hurt, i just want to be able to cheer for his vengeful acts a little but i just cant bring myself to, yknow?
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guccifloralsuits · 4 years
Rossi or Gideon? You have me rewatching the series and I’m interested in your take 😂
Gideon > Rossi. Period. Hear me out though:
he’s a better character. He’s not a more likable one, but he IS a more interesting one, objectively. What makes Gideon BETTER is that his relationship dynamics are unique w/ each character. A few examples:
W/Spencer, he’s almost paternal. It goes beyond work. He’s the one actively pushing Spencer to get out of his comfort zone. This dynamic needs little elaboration
W/Elle, he’s also a mentor to but in an almost opposite way. It’s a pretty strictly a professional mentorship and she’s the one who is more active in this, asking about the footpath & past cases.
W/Derek, while it’s a superior-subordinate relationship, Derek’s closer to equal footing than Reid or Elle (think: how he’s blowing off steam complaining to Derek about that asshole in “Empty Planet.” He would NOT have done that to Elle or Reid. Derek also questions Gideon’s capacity to lead right back (which Elle, Reid, Garcia, and JJ don’t do)
Gideon wildly under-appreciated Garcia, but this seemed pretty intentional as a way to set up later relationship growth. You see this start to play out w/him not knowing her name S1 to him reaching for her shoulder in comfort while they watched reid in revelations. I think they fully intended to continue to grow this relationship as the series went on. We didn’t get to see it, but it was very clearly the intended path if Mandy hadn’t left abruptly (& bc he did—for a valid reason too—I’m willing to give Gideon some slack here).
He’s about equal to Hotch, if not (slightly) in a lower position, ESPECIALLY w/Hotch monitoring his mental state after the Boston Bomber. Hotch goes to Gideon for advice, but also worries for him
Basically, if u switched a “Gideon-Derek scene” w/a “Gideon-Spencer scene” & kept the lines, the scene just. wouldn’t work. this is bc of how unique the dynamics are. In contrast, Rossi acts like the “cool grandpa” to all, often even Hotch (or at least a dad to the unit chief). This makes his interactions pretty similar w/everyone. His dynamic w/ JJ is....almost the exact same as his dynamic w/Prentiss, or Morgan, or Reid. It’s not as interesting to watch.
ALSO: Gideon...wasn’t Reids dad. I get that the relationship could veer that way but like. he wasn’t Reid’s dad. He was a man clearly traumatized who needed to leave for his own sanity. He WAS NOT obligated to put Reid’s needs before his own, bc he was not Reid’s dad!!! I don’t fault Gideon for putting his mental stability first, just like I wouldn’t fault ANYONE in my life for doing that. also I can’t get over that racist story Rossi told Morgan in That one episode in like s6 or 7 (u know the 1 rip). anyways thnks 4 coming 2 my ted talk
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ghostlypawn · 4 years
im just gonna babble about riley n cairo okay? okay. its mostly from cairos perspective. its 3am this could be garbage mama idk.
we all know that cairo and riley knew eachother since they were babies and grew up together,, like the spent every minute they could with eachother. as time went on they began to drift yet still call eachother friends simply because they dont have anyone else. they know everything about eachother from their favourite colour to deep secrets about their insecurities. their lives revolve around eachother so much that they dont know what life would be like without the other. they began to drift a lot when riley got on the cheerteam as a freshman,, riley for once has a interest that cairo didnt and she liked it. cairo however didnt; she felt scared and angry due to the unknown of the future, she relied so much on riley and now all her time was spent cheerleading which left cai alone. she made ‘friends’ with others but could never fill the hole that riley left; those friends led her to parties where she would get drunk to forget riley for a few hours. she would over-use socials to almost prove to herself that she did have friends other than riley and she could survive without her. she still remained friends with riley during the school day (they sat next to eachother in every non-designated seat class) but would find herself getting angry when riley had to practise at lunch/after school ultimately leaving her alone). sometimes people would make fun of rileys commitment to cheer which led to fights in the hallways after someone made a snide comment about her bow (though she’d never tell riley the actual reason for the fights). 
riley saw this change in cairo and ultimately felt bad for her, this was the girl who had helped her through middle school breakdowns and her first freshman year break-up which led to riley asking cairo to join the team. when riley proposed it to cairo she couldnt help but breakdown. she thought riley had started to forget about her. she felt stupid for wanting riley to be such a big part of her life but she truly doesnt know how to be without her, nonetheless she vowed to herself that she would try to become her own person. riley said that she’d always be by cairo’s side. as the years went on riley kept her focus on training to be captain whilst cairo kept up her social presence which ultimately led to her being crowned prom princess. she didnt enjoy cheerleading but kept to it to keep riley in her life. riley started to rely less and less on cairo which cairo noticed when riley didnt have a complete breakdown over the viral stunt (she was upset and disgruntled but not the the extent that cairo expected from her). she wasnt sure if it was because riley had become happier in life and didnt need help or it was because she didnt trust her but cairo reciprocated the action by bottling up her feelings instead of sharing them with riley. 
when riley became captain, cairo found out by a social media post. what she didnt expect was riley asking for cairos help preparing for the sleepover; cairo thought that mayb the old riley had come back now that she’d gotten what she wanted: to be captain. cairo obviously said yes and went to her house with the mentality of ‘act like it was before as if nothing happened and we remained close throughout the years’. she starts to feel happy and pokes fun at the viral video bc she thinks riley isnt overly bothered about it and she feels like her old self. its only when everyone arrives and riley gives her welcome speech that she realises this isnt gonna be like old times and riley is gonna be the kinda cheer-focused captain go-getter she turned into over the years. she, however, tries to make this fun for everyone (aka truth or dare) but riley is not about that and just wants to get on with the cheering. cairo spends all night trying to cater to rileys needs (finding annleigh, getting the pizza, being the first to put her phone away etc.) but riley doesnt notice or seem to care. in fact the only time riley doesnt talk about cheer is when shes talking about eva; which we know cairo isnt the happiest about,, she just wants riley to appreciate her like she does eva. i think at this point we start to truly notice cairos urge for a friendship with meaning because she begins to obsess over kate/chess (”trouble in paradise” she quips knowing full well its her and riley who’s having trouble). enter mattie covered in blood: cairo notices riley’s warning signs to her freakout so she follows her out. this is when cairo verbally mentions that she doesnt like the way riley treats her to which riley brushes her off because at this point she has no feelings for cairo and is only keeping her around because she has no one else. the defense scene is the last attempt and cairo holding onto the shred of their friendship hoping that if she can do this then she’s still of worth to riley and worth her time (and obviously it works,, kinda)
we know that cairo tried to contact her after that night to which riley straight up ignored her. she just wanted to know if riley was coping well and if they were going to rely on eachother during this hard time. she never knew how riley was dealing bc she ignored her but at least she knew she was in this alone. this was when she began to overthink that night, all the possible scenarios that couldve played out and all the culprits. she came up with many possible answers but the feeling in her gut was telling her it was the one she least wanted it to be. none of her previous ‘friends’ like her anymore after that night and dont want to be involved with the girl who was apart of the murder squad. when she finds out evas on the team her first thought is that this is truly the end of her friendship and shes going to be replaced by eva. but when she sees the state rileys in her heart cant help but feel bad for the girl knowing shes not in the best state of mind. and we see her try to comfort her throughout phoenix. (“you dont have a relationship with chess, kate” she cries subconciously knowing that, although very different circumstances, her relationship with riley is also dead and gone). at this point she only had herself to look out for so she gets super defensive when kate says shes going to the police and kinda threatened eva. then we get to the scene where cairo suggests that riley wouldve been blamed and rileys first instinct is to go no they wouldve blamed you; cairo sounds so hurt when she says this bc this is the moment she realises that riley has zero trust in her and riley has changed and outgrown their friendship. she cant even fathom the girl who she helped all throughout the years and the girl who helped her would blame her without reasonable suspicion. she tries to work out why riley is just letting this slide bc it just Doesnt make sense to her and the perfectionist captain riley she knew. for a short moment her thoughts go flying and before she knows it shes accusing everyone and everyone because it CANT be riley it just CANT. but when riley begins to breakdown she just knows that her gut feeling was right and it tears her apart to think that if theyd stayed closer friends this couldve been prevented,, if perhaps cairo still relied on riley then she would realise that cairo was there for her too but it doesnt matter bc its too late for that so she doesnt what she knows best and tries to deesculate rileys breakdown. she hates to admit that she misses riley sometimes and is scared that she will forever but she still goes on one day at a time becoming a better person than she couldve been if riley had still been in her life.
bonus: i like to think that due to their closeness they did harbour some romantic feelings during their middle school years however they didnt actually realise they were in love it was just what they knew/thought all friendships were like that. it wasnt until high school when they would think back on those memories that they realised perhaps there was something there but it doesnt matter now because theyve became too seperated for it to be anything.
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