#<<<and maybe theres twist 😌
crowlipso · 1 year
Hello, I love your Sebastian and Agatha's family pic. But I have a question about their children.
How are their academic performance? Are they all smart and skillful, like their parents, in their own ways?
Thank you so much! I made a little information about them! It's not much but hope you like it and answered your question✨
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rayroseu · 11 months
💚Mallevan/Levanoa Headcanons (1/?)
PART 01⬇️ PART 02
bcs im... cringe fluff appreciator😎✨ and my brain suddenly and randomly decided to be delulu on them 😭💥‼️
ALSO you. might see i draw them differently each time bcs these comics are actually my practice drafts for their fan design😂
... I'd like to imagine they're like a much more lovey dovey couple than a romantic MalleYuu fanfic--- 😌💕 ( plus its all the more reason why Gen. Lilia seemed to get tired by them lol)
Note that Levan is here is implied to be a dragon. (not crowley (for now) XD)
• • • Headcanon 1.
All the Draconias can basically spawn a flower garden when they are at the peak of their happiness. 🌹✨⚘
Each Draconia has different flowers that they can summon (maybe because they resonate a lot with its meaning?).
For example Malleus' flower was Wisteria, and its meaning is described on this post.
I like the thought of Malleus and Malenoa overreacting when they receive affection-- So, I'm just imagining that Malenoa once drowned Levan in a waterfall of roses once he received a "marriage proposal" from him‼️
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Why did I make Levan refer to Malenoa as Malle-chan? Well--- the gargoyles from the GloMas event referred to Malleus as Mare/Malle/Mal. Since that event seems to correlate to Briar Valley and Levan a lot, I'd like to imagine that Levan once gave Malenoa a nickname such as Malle-chan or something cute like that-- YOUKNOW LIKE HOW IN MALLEYUU THERES TSUNOTAROU--‼️🤭🤭🤭🤭✨✨✨
And, Levan seems to be twisted from Diablo (pet bird of Maleficent who got turned into a stone by one of the 3 fairies)
c: @/Ekala on yt
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This comic is also based on the scene where Gen. Lilia talked about how Levan cooked for Malenoa to cheer her up after she ate Lilia's horrible cooking---
I love how she referred to Levan as the only person she can rely on because you can relate it on the part where Malleus couldn't confide with anyone about his fear of losing Lilia--- SO!!! he went to visit Yuu—🥲💖
In that way, you can correlate it with Malleus viewing Yuu as "the only one he can depend on" as well 😭‼️💕
c: @/gasmask01 (yt) and @/081314 (tumblr)
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vaniliens · 2 months
Trans fairy tail characters go
- Levi. Most nonbinary person to nonbinary.
- being transmasc would fix erza I think. Or maybe just a he/him lesbian. Give erza testosterone she needs it
- as I said gajeel is nonbinary in a masc way. I don't this Metallica gave a single fuck about gender so gajeel didn't know what it was until he showed up in civilization. Uses he/him but could not care less. All pronouns kind of guy.
- Natsu is a similar but because igneel was a guy Natsu wanted to be to, and he wants to be just like his dad
- I feel like Fried (Freed? It's been like 4 years since the fairy tail hyperfixation) is bigender
- speaking of laxus' crew the knight guy with the souls. Agender. His name escapes me.
- gray is transmasc I make the rules. He and Lyon are both transmasc. They saw each other on galuna Island and mutually understood each other through their twisted siblingesque relationship that they were both men now but they all had bigger problems to content with
- I could see laxus as transfem. But so deeply in the closet it would be physically impossible for him to leave or externalize it. Because it's laxus
I hope you have a lovely day
THANK YOU FOR THESE HEAD CANONS I LOVE THESE SM??? TRANSFEM LAXUS WHOS SO DEEP IN THE CLOSET,,,, SO TRUE,,,, Transmasc Gray & Agender/NB Natsu my beloved headcanons too 😭😭‼️‼️ The dragon slayers would not know a thing about gender‼️‼️‼️‼️ And bickslow wouldnt care about gender either!!! Auauagh these are so good your mind is just 🎇🎇🎇
Here's a list of Everyone else i think might be trans too btw;
TRANSFEM/MASC / BIGENDER / NB LESBIAN JUVIA‼️‼️ I feel like she started E a little before Phantom Lord arc started but also, i feel like she could be transmasc but be as deep into the closet as Laxus is because of her heteronormative view 😭 Like her thinking shes definitely a woman because she "loves" Gray for being her savior (Cough. Its not a crush it was just admiration but she didnt know because- Cough. And she thought only women and men can be in love (Probably Bora's fault 🙄🙄🙄 but also she could've just read a lot of cishet love stories)) I imagine she'd only recognize how shes transmasc around the time she starts shipping Gray with Lyon when she thought "Oh gay people are fine actually" (& thus her lesbian / wlw awakening begins & she learns about how everyone else in the guild is queer & some trans) But i have no clue whether she recognizes it almost immediately or later on in her life once she detaches herself from Gray for once!!! SORRY FOR RAMBLING ABOUT THIS I have very complicated thoughts about Juvia & how shes been written & amatonormativity and stuff 😭🫶 shes a silly girl...
As ive mentioned before, Transfem Jellal 😌😌 I kinda only hc it because one of mutuals do too and i thought she was so right for that BUT ALSO!!! I feel like for Jellal he'd be too busy hating himself & trying to atone to realize or like. deal with it properly. "I could be a he/him transfem but im still a sinner so i dont have time to think about that rn" style!! Also maybe a few undertones of toxic masculinity seeping in (He has to be A Man and Man Up to face his punishments and to better himself or whatever)
Also Ultear & Meredy are trans too. but in what way you ask? I dunno,,,, they could be all be bigender and i wouldn't have bat an eye,,,,,,
TRANSFEM. BISCA. I like to think she found out she was transfem like pretty early on back when she was still living in Alvarez but kept herself closeted because she didnt have time to deal with it,,, until she moved to Fiore and went under her "Mulan Rouge" alias to start doing crime 👍 did her own DIY HRT until she joined FT when she finally had a legitimate source of income.
Maybe alzack is trans too that way they could be t4t 🫶
T4T Elfever my beloved. Theres just no way they're cishet im sorry. They're too manly and too womanly to be cis. No cis person could ever be as masc 24/7 as elfman and as femme 24/7 as evergreen. Also the way Elfman refers to her as a 'woman' even though he usually calls EVERYONE a 'man'???
Nonbinary / transfem lisanna my beloved <333 im leaning more into agender though because i truly dont think she cares about gender that much especially after she came back to earthland BUT AT THE SAME TIME I know how much she likes her skirts and dresses
Agender Zeref in the "I dont care" and "I dont have time for this" and the "I Hate myself too much" way / style BABEYYYYY!!! This guys too full of issues to care about his pronouns but even if he did he would not give himself the freedom to think about it too much. Cmon hes been living for 400 years and God told him personally that hes not allowed to enjoy life.
I think thats all for now 😭 I think the entire FT guild is queer in some way like c'mon the themes in the story and everything just kinda makes that obvious in a way whether or not Mashima intended it 😭😭😭 ANYWAYS, AGAIN!! THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!
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hoodie-buck · 1 year
Wip asks
I’ve had a little look and seen your answers, all very exciting but v interested in the chenford/Buddie one!
How’s the teen Buddie going what’s the plan theres? (Don’t think you’ve had an ask on that so sorry if you have 🥰)
hi love! 🥰
i think i made a mistake in posting that snippet because everyone seems to have fallen in love with it, so i’m actually gonna have to finish it now 😂
ok, so the teen buddie is my second oldest wip (right behind the step up au) it started from a buddie dream i had! i’m thinking of maybe turning it into a series of short stories or something—i haven’t looked it over in awhile so i still need to decide what to do with it, but here, have a snippet 😌
He was getting ready to call Buck when there were suddenly hands pressing to either side of his waist, Buck barreling right into him.
“Hey,” he said a little breathless. “You waiting for someone?”
Eddie huffed out a laugh as he turned to meet Buck, taking the other boy in. Buck had gone with tight buck jeans that had rips at the knees, his worn white converse over his feet, a white tee over his toned frame, and a baseball cap twisted backward over his head, unruly curls sticking out from it. It was the last one that did Eddie in.
“Just you.”
Buck’s smile in turn was a mile wide, those blues almost sparkling under the golden sunlight.
“So,” Eddie started, looking all around. “Where should we start?”
It was late afternoon, the sun still having a few hours until it set. Eddie’s curfew was midnight, Buck not having one. ‘My parents would actually have to notice I was gone to give me one.’
“How about the rides?” Buck suggested, already bouncing on his feet next to him.
Eddie easily agreed, the two heading in the direction of the ticket booth, Eddie getting them each a wristband.
“Eds I can pay for my own. You already bought me a ticket.”
Eddie shook his head, pushing his money toward the attendant. “Nope, I invited you so it’s my treat. If you wanna pay, then ask me out on a date.”
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jerry-hornes-foot · 2 years
could i request phone sex w steve? plus if he has a major praise kink thats even better 😌
Your wish is my command, sorry for the delay ! Love writing stories where Steve gets treated like a (slutty) princess
885 words
18+ only
Steve Harrington x Gender Neutral Reader
Tags: dom/sub; dom!reader; sub!steve; phone sex; praise kink; instructions; teasing; mutual masturbation; pet names; slut; pretty boy; explicit language; dirty talk
The phone cable twists anxiously between your fingers as you sit with bated breath, the receiver ringing out by your ear. Part of you starts to wonder if he'll pick up at all. Maybe he isn't even home. Just as you're on the brink of losing your bottle, the ringing stops abruptly.
The sound of Steve's voice melts away your anxieties like soft butter, and you mind clicks effortlessly back into the task at hand.
"What took you so long?" You hiss, letting the venom in your voice drip into the microphone.
"I'm sorry, I- let me make up for it."
The gentle whimper of Steve's voice thrills you. You run your tongue from one corner of your mouth to the other and bite down gently on your bottom lip as you purr,
"Do you want to be good for me, Steve?"
"That's what I like to hear. Well... If you're ready to behave, we can get started."
There is a frantic scuffle on the other end of the line as Steve, per your instructions, struggles to strip to his boxers as quickly as possible. There is a harsh rattling of plastic as he claws at the handset, desperate to hear your voice again. He wants so badly to please you, and you want so badly to reward him for it.
"Close your eyes, Steve. I want you to place your hand on your neck, trace your skin with your fingertips. Now, slowly, I want you to start to run your fingers down onto your chest. Very slowly. Focus on the sensation on your beautiful skin. Imagine my lips pressed against you. Imagine it's my fingers that are now grazing your stomach."
You can just make out a soft moan from the other end of the line.
"Keep your hand moving down. Over the fabric of your underwear, keep your touch nice and soft... Are you hard for me, Steve?"
"Mmmhh... yes..."
"I thought so. I bet your fingers feel so good. But it's not enough is it? You're just teasing yourself, like a good little slut."
Steve whines.
"You're doing so well, Steve. Tease a little more. Imagine it's me. Imagine I'm making you work to get fucked. Beg yourself for relief." You let your own hand run over your crotch, rubbing yourself gently through your jeans as you guide Steve. "Now, move your fingers down onto your thighs for me. I want you take your finger, and trace my name on your thigh."
Another whine spills from the receiver as Steve follows your instruction.
"You're mine, Harrington. Understand? You're all mine."
Steve sighs as you finally allow him to slip his hand down his underwear. Already his breathing is picking up, occasional grunts now the only sound from his end of the line.
"God I bet you look amazing right now." Cradling the phone against your shoulder you unfasten your jeans and slide your own hand into your underwear. "I love hearing you moan like that."
Steve moans again; this time you moan back.
"Do you hear what you're doing to me, Steve?" You whisper through another performative groan. "God you drive me fucking crazy."
Steve tries to answer but you can hear the words catching in his throat as he pumps his cock in his hand.
"You're so good at this, Steve, you know that? You've always been good with your hands. Mmph... really good. You want to cum for me, huh, pretty boy?"
Your hand moves swiftly under the fabric of your jeans and the sound of Steve's desperate whines echo in your ears and make your skin burn.
"Yes! Please I... I want to cum for you."
Steve's voice is trembling, you can almost taste the lust that's drenching his lips.
"Think you can hold off just a little while longer? You've got to give me a chance to catch up."
Theres a painful pause followed by a strained affirmative grunt from Steve.
"We're so close I know you can do it. Just slow down for me, okay? You're doing so well."
You're quiet for a few minutes, letting the empty space fill with a back and forth of groans and sighs and you and Steve simultaneously slide your fingers over your bodies. Each pleasured sound he makes sends a flush racing through your whole body. The sensation of your hand working over you starts to become too much, you're so close to the finish, and by the sounds of it Steve isn't far behind you.
"Ugh fuck. You're so good at this, Steve. You're about to make yourself cum aren't you?"
A breathy hum is all Steve can muster in response.
You can feel your stomach starting to tense as warmth rushes down into your limbs. The hot tingling is almost more than you can bear. You do your best to steady you're breathing.
"Jesus. You're going to make us both cum."
You barely manage to get the sentence out before the air is ripped from your lungs. Your head rolls back uncontrollably and the handset hangs limp in your hand. You can just make out the sound of Steve panting heavily on the other end of the line. Lifting the receiver back to your ear you hear Steve's breathless voice,
"Was that okay?"
"It was incredible."
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turtle-ly · 2 years
Not to have an insane idea based on fanart. But I feel like it’s almost like. More plausible for catra to defect than for Adora. Cuz like canonically catra hated the horde, and she knew they were evil, and shadow weaver abused her so openly and directly, like she hates it and stuff
But adora’s only reason to leave was just that she realized all of a sudden that they were evil, even tho she was their perfect soldier and completely obedient
Also. Hc that if Adora had asked catra to leave not because it’s the right thing to do, but bc she wants catra with her it would’ve worked and catra would’ve left the horde in like. Episode two.
None of this ^ was coherent lmao
lmao it makes sense but. 1. catra has A reason to stay and 2. adora has the opportunity to leave. catra loves her too much to leave the horde, and she doesnt know what's out there! SW got her to crave that twisted validation and the more she grows up, the possibility that she could see the world grows and maybe she would make a dash for it in later missions. but then adora leaves and yknow! Adora on the other hand got the truth about the horde while not being in contact with SW, thats the only way she could believe it and not go asking the soccerer with mind erasing ability (bad thing to do!)
and even if its hurt to think about, the fact that adora has never questioned the horde does lend strength to the mind erasing theory :(
lmao if she had asked catra with love then it def would have changed everything, but adora is unfortunately emotional repressed :/ and they both have the communication skill of a potato chip so.
i actually liked "adora and catra left the horde" fics! sorry if i just want the gorls to be happy 😌 theres also this one where catra left when she was young and got adopted by bow's dads (as it should be), leaving adora in the horde to later have her shera arc. still waiting for updates on that one <3
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