#;; & Aslan || conversations.
queenlucythevaliant · 6 months
harder than you think
i. When the Narnians stole Edmund away from beneath the Witch's blade, they told him he was safe. This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.
ii. They brought him to the Stone Table. It was night. Edmund doubted very much that he would find safety there, for he still recoiled at the name of Aslan. He slept fitfully and woke the next morning before the sun was up.
iii. A sliver of gold just beyond the tent flap captured his attention, there in the dark. Unaccountably, Edmund felt the urge to rise and go towards it.
iv. And there was Aslan, who was supposed to be fearsome, supposed to be dangerous, supposed to be powerful, and he was he was he was. Dimly, Edmund felt himself hitting the ground.
v. But then Aslan said, “Come, Son of Adam. Let us walk a while, and reason together.”
vi. And as they walked together, in the cool dewy grass of early morning, the Lion told Edmund everything that he had ever done.
vii. They were standing in front of the Table when the conversation turned. Aslan spoke a riddle of a house blasted into rubble which he would piece back together overnight. He spoke of flesh being pierced, blood being shed, and of rejected stones being used for new foundations. He spoke about water welling up forever, washing you clean of everything you ever did wrong, all the blood that you ever thought of shedding, everything you ever tried to steal, and a river that carries you home when you can't walk anymore and spits you out brand new when it reaches the sea.
viii. Edmund's head swam. Silently, he yearned for the wisdom to understand what he was being told; or, failing that, at least to remember it for as long as it took him to puzzle it out.
ix. And then, the Witch. Then, the battle. The thrones. A year passed, and winter came. In its time, it melted back to glorious spring.
x. “Edmund,” said Lucy one day. “There's something we need to tell you.” She and Susan were cloaked in springtime gossamer, like fairy queens in poems he only half remembered. They sat on the window seat in his study, holding hands white-knuckled: his two beloved sisters.
xi. “It's about Aslan,” Susan said. “And the White Witch, and how he made her renounce her claim on your blood. The night before Beruna, he went back to the Stone Table.”
xii. “He let her kill him,” Lucy cut in. “Instead of you. And then, because he hadn't done anything wrong, the Emperor's Deeper Magic brought him back to life.”
xiii. “We've been arguing all year about how much to tell you,” said Susan wryly. Then, a little gentler, “We don't want to hurt you, but we feel you ought to be told what he did for you.”
xiv. And Edmund, who had never forgotten what Aslan told him on that cool, dewy morning before the sun came up, shut his eyes and whispered, “I know.”
xv. I know, he said. I know that he died. I know that he did it for me. I know he lived again because I saw him the next day, and the next, and the next. I think I know what it means - or at least, I know the shape of it.
xvi. “Oh,” said Lucy. “We should have realized that he would have told you himself.”
xvii. “Yes. But please, tell me the story all the same.”
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belkiskaplan · 9 months
location : belkis' apartment with : @aslannadir
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"I hope you're good in the kitchen," she says, opening her door wide enough for him to enter. While waiting for Aslan to come over, Belkis' mind has drifted over to her older sister and how she hadn't heard a word from her since the party. Being a witness to the fight between her and Cam in the middle of the club, she wanted to do something nice for her. Anything to at least cheer her up.. even if it was something as subtle as baking a couple desserts. "We're making cupcakes."
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
And still the talk between Aslan and the White Witch went on.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" - C. S. Lewis
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missdawnandherdusk · 7 months
All Good Things to Those Who Wait
Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
There goes the last great American dynasty
Who knows if she never showed up, what could have been
There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen
She had a marvelous time ruinin' everything
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8
Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11  Chapter 12
The Chapter That Never Happened  Chapter 13
Chapter 14  Chapter 15
Summary: tying up some loose ends :)
A/n: *emerges from the void*
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Everything has an ending. The best stories, and the worst ones. Looking back at my story, there was no better ending I could have asked the stars for. I lost people I loved but I also stood for what I believed in and led an army to victory. No one would forget what had happened in those days. The days of the Great War. 
But what is life without tying up a few loose ends. You’ve come with me this far on this journey, and now as I look back, perhaps there are some things that you’d like to know. Some conversations you’d like to hear. Some people you’d like to meet or see again. So, here are those loose ends, tied together.
I stepped onto the porch of my childhood home. It was in the efforts to try and find my mother, and try to find some peace and meaning after the past years. Draco came with me, at my side. 
“She’s not here,” I sighed, knowing before we even stepped foot in the house that my mother wasn’t waiting for me. “And somehow that hurt’s more,” 
“She’ll come in her own time love,” Draco soothed. Maybe he was right, or maybe I’d always be searching for her in the stars like I looked for my father. 
Draco and I sat on the porch that night, watching the sun set and the fireflies come to life in the meadow that blanketed around us. 
“You cast a patronus,” Draco said as I laid my head on his shoulder, watching the wildflowers dance in the wind. 
“I know,” A smile touched my lips. 
“It was a dragon,”
“Yeah,” I took his hand into mine, thinking back to the first night Draco cast his own patronus with my father’s wand. How things had changed since then. “My mother always told me that one day I’d find my patronus and it would watch over me like my father,” 
He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. 
“I don’t think you need anyones protection,” The humor in his voice gave way to the smile that I couldn’t see. 
“It’s still nice to have someone beside me—to fight alongside me,” 
He was quiet a moment before airing his doubts. “Do you think that maybe…” I knew where he was going with the thought, because it had been chipping at the back of my mind. 
“Because they’re so different we’re not meant to be together?” I mused, finishing his worried thought. 
“Yeah,” He sighed.
“No,” I sat up, facing him. “I think they’re just right for us. I’ve thought about it—more than I should. But in reality… if we think about it, your lion,” 
“Aslan,” Draco’s fingers brushed over my locket. A smile crept to my lips and I nodded. 
“And the first task,” 
“The what?” I had caught him off guard, a beautiful sight to behold. 
“Our fourth year, that first task of the tournament.” Realization struck him. 
“Our patronus’ show the start of us—when we really first started to trust each other.” I took his hand back into mine. “They’re not so different after all,” 
He laughed without fear and kissed me softly, before pulling me closer. “The start of us,” Draco mused, and maybe he could see them like I could: a younger me standing there, skeptically looking at a younger Draco. Before the war, before the long nights, secret kiss, tears, laughter, love and loss. Two kids who took a chance. 
When the sun cleared the horizon and its final rays fading, Draco and I headed inside—to the empty house that still promised to protect me. 
There was a knock on the door. In the week that we had been here, no one had disturbed out haven. No one knew we were here.
Draco looked up from his book. I dislodged myself from the couch and his arms, and went to answer the door, on guard. I stared at the one standing before me, not knowing how to quite process it. 
“Hi, mum,” I whispered. 
Time stilled around us. Everything came rushing to the surface only to be stopped by my unparted lips. One thought escaped. 
“I did it,” my voice was barely audible. 
“I’m so proud of you,” 
Tears stung my eyes. After all was said and done relief flooded through me more than anger did. Perhaps it was the peace that blanketed the Wizarding world that calmed my hurt. 
“Mum,” My voice broke into tears. Amity wrapped around us as—after years—I got a hug from my mother. 
“I’m so sorry, honey,” She whispered, stroking my hair. “I’m so sorry,” 
I nodded into her shoulder, letting all of my bottled-up tears come out. All of the stresses from war and the nightmares that plagued me at night—my mother was still there to hold me tight. It didn’t matter that I was still hurting from wounds she inflicted, to know she was there, willing to hold me tight, and call me hers was enough. 
“Y/n, are you—” Draco came out and paused. I pulled away from my mother and looked at him. He gave me a soft smile and nodded, heading back into the house. 
“Is he upset with me?” My mother asked. I laughed hopelessly. 
“I don’t know,” I said, wiping away my tears. 
“Are you?” She asked. 
“I don’t know,” My voice softened. “There’s so much right now… so much to sort through…” 
“There is.” She didn’t deny it, and maybe it was comforting that someone outside of my peers acknowledged that I had been through a lot, and in turn that had caused a lot of heavy burdens on my heart and soul. 
My gaze drifted back to hers. 
“Do you wanna come in?” I asked. 
She shook her head. “That’s not what you want, nor need,” Reaching our she placed per hand on my arm, soothing me before I could argue. “I’ll be around if you need me, but until then, the house is for you—it always has been. Build a life,” She smiled and looked through the window—probably at where Draco was inevitably spying on us. “You’ve found a good one,” 
A smile touched my lips. 
“Thanks mum,” 
My mother inhaled sharply and nodded. “I’ll be off then,” Turning to go down the porch stairs, she paused. “He would be so proud of you,” 
Tears burned my eyes again, as I wrapped my arms around her, needing her to hold me just once more before I could let her go. Because in her arms was also the love of my father that was taken from me too soon by this war. A war that I saw an end to. And maybe in that moment, the war within me ended too. I wasn’t the daughter of a Death Eater and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. I was the daughter of Walt and Elizabeth. And that was enough
“Goodbye my love,” My mother said softly. “I’ll always be around.” 
“Bye mum,” I smiled as she wiped away my tears. “I love you,” 
“I love you too sweetheart,” 
I waved goodbye, and with a spell, she was gone. I turned to go inside. The door clicked softly behind me. 
“Professor McGonagall?” My brows pulled together. “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?” 
“This is a summons for you,” She held out a parchment, the usual stern look on her face was replaced with pity. 
I took the parchment and opened it, scanning the delicate print. My heart sank. 
“This is… this—“ I gaped. 
“I’m afraid so,” McGonagall sighed. “There was nothing I could do,” 
“Draco?” I called into the house. He was beside me in a moment. I handed him the parchment. “This is serious?” She nodded again. 
“I’m sorry my dear,” 
“A court summons? They’re putting her in trial!?” Draco demanded. 
“Kingsley is very set on it. And he is the new Minister,” 
“I saved the school! I helped defeat the Dark Lord! I—really!?” Tears pricked my eyes. 
“There’s got to be some mistake,” Draco insisted. “She’s not a Death Eater, she doesn’t even have the mark!” 
“I’m sure that the ministry will see that, but I’m afraid that I cannot do anything about the summons,” 
I scrubbed my face and sighed. “Thank you Professor. Can I invite you in for some tea?” 
“That’s very kind dear, but I’m afraid I must be on my way,” She bowed slightly then disaperated from the porch. 
I stood there a while, lost in my thoughts. Draco gave me a gentle squeeze and kissed the crown of my head before disappearing inside. My feet took me off the wood of the porch and into the softness of the grass. I sank to the ground beside a fence post. The sun began to set. My eyes watched the horizon. Millions of thoughts swirled around my mind with no discernible direction. 
Was there even a case for me to be innocent? Is this what everything I had worked for come to? To be seen as a criminal for holding a crumbling cause together? 
“Where is she?” Abby asked, helping Pansy through the fireplace. 
“Out front, watching the sunset,” Draco sighed, opening the front door. “She’s been out there a while,” 
“Can’t imagine why,” Pansy muttered. “They’re seriously putting her on trial?” 
“Yep,” Draco sighed. “All this time I thought I’d be the one, and yet…” 
“I’ll go talk to her,” Abby kissed Pansy’s cheek. “You guys get to work,” 
“Thank you, both,” Relief flooded Draco’s voice. 
Abby snagged an old afghan off the back of the armchair and went out through the small meadow. She draped the blanket around your shoulders and sat beside you in the grass. You laid your head on her shoulder. She could see the dried tear tracks on your cheeks. 
“How—how could they do this?” Your weak voice held deep betrayal. 
“I don’t know,” Abby answered honestly, taking your hand into hers. “But we’re not going to let them get away with it.” 
“I don’t—I can’t defend myself in court—I,” You dissolved into tears. “Haven’t I done enough?” 
“More than enough,” Abby affirmed. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna work it out—you’ll see,” 
“How?” You asked. 
“Well, you’ve gathered quite a few allies who owe you once or twice,” Abby pointed out. “And others who just love you anyway. Draco and Pansy are working on it now,” 
“We’re gonna build your case,” Abby promised. “And get you acquitted.”  
“They’re…” A sad laugh left your lips. You laid back on the grass. Abby knew you were searching for the first stars in twilight. 
“Don’t worry about a thing,” Abby smiled at you. “Just rest,” 
The days past and my trial date approached like a storm on the horizon—but whether it was just rain or a hurricane, I couldn’t tell. Draco assured me that it would all be okay—he tried to tell me about everything done to build my case, but I wasn’t interested. Grateful, thoroughly, but I knew that if I learned anything about it, I would pick it up myself and try to fix it and my weary heart couldn’t handle that and keep beating like it was supposed to. 
So, I dressed smartly and took Draco’s hand before we took the Floo to the Ministry. I kept my head low, and tears at bay. 
Though Draco, Abby and Pansy accompanied me into the court room, I had to sit alone for the trial. The distance was drowning. I sat in the hard wooden chair, facing malice and prejudices. Kingsley looked almost predatory, as if he could pin the entire war on my shoulders, casting the blame on me. 
I flinched as the charges were read against me. The list of dead was longer than I thought. I didn’t dwell on the days of the Battle of Hogwarts, nor the events that occurred. They haunted me in my dreams, make no mistake, but what was real and what was a nightmare I lost the ability to discern. 
Was that much blood really on my hands? 
My faith in myself began to waver. Maybe I did deserve to be locked up. A few years in Azkaban with dementors sucking my life force might make me forget what I had done. 
Surprise flickered on my face as I saw Remus Lupin stand to my defense as an attorney. It was the first time that I had actually taken note of who was in the room. There had to be at least thirty people all gathered behind Draco and Pansy that I could see—more filed out the door in the back. All faces of those I loved, I had fought beside, I had grown up with. 
The static in my ears tuned in and out of Lupin and Kingsley conversing. It wasn’t until their voices raised to shouting that the static was drowned out. My eyes flickered up from he thread in my hands. 
“She cast unforgivables! She killed! She’s dangerous!”
“Death Eaters who were threatening our lives! The lives of wizard kind everywhere! She stopped a genocide!” Remus shouted back, obviously frustrated. “She showed remarkable strength and courage in a time of great darkness, and you will not diminish that.” 
“They are unforgivables! We have laws for a reason!”
“If I may,” McGonagall stood and the entire room quieted. “That list of names that you read was a long list of Death Eaters who have either escaped from Azkaban, or are known Death Eaters and have killed before. Miss Y/n had very hard decisions to make. The ministry found itself incompetent for lack of a better word. She, along with her friends, engineered an army to face the Dark Lord. Over the years what she went through has turned her into who she is today. She fought along side the other heroes who stand before you. She will be counted among them. You would not punish an Auror for the same thing and you will not punish her.”
“But—” Kingsley was red in the face. 
“If you put her in jail, you put the rest of the rebellion too,” The voice that piped up from the crowd surprised me. It was Harry. He stood and all eyes went to him. “Without her, I never would have been able to defeat Voldemort. Dozens more would be dead. You send her to Azkaban… then you’ll send me too,” A hushed gasp filled the room. A small one escaped my own lips.
“Mr. Potter,” Kingsley tried to regain control of the room. 
“And me,” Abby spoke up. 
“And me,” Neville stood. 
Soon everyone around me was standing on my behalf. Pansy, Luna, Ginny, all of the Weasleys actually, Ernie, Hannah, Emme, Blaise, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fleur, Tonks, Remus, McGonagall, Moody, Sprout, Flitwick, and others I couldn’t see in the vast room. Kingsley faltered at the large defense behind me. 
“You send her then you send each one of us,” Harry spoke clearly. “I’m your stupid chosen one, even if she did something wrong, don’t I have clearance to pardon her or something?” 
A smile crossed my face. Intense silence stretched on consuming time and space until it was suffocating me. 
“Very well,” Kingsley sank back into his chair. “Y/n you have been cleared of all charges and sentencing. You are free to go,” 
Relief flooded through me as the room erupted in cheers. I met Draco’s eyes and he was smiling with pride. I collapsed back into that wooden chair in tears. There was a swarm of people around me, all making sure that I was alright, but they all parted for Draco to reach me. 
“Love?” He asked softly, kneeling before me. “I’m here,” He pulled me into his arms and we shared the embrace of lovers. As I exhaled, the weight of the world fell to the floor. 
I was free. 
I was acquitted. 
Now, I just had to find my innocence. 
“Draco?” It was a crisp autumn morning. He looked up from the newspaper. “I’ve been thinking,” 
He smiled and set down the paper, giving me his full attention. I almost wished he didn’t. 
“I… I know it’s been a long road here… and since we’ve met it’s kinda been hell.” A sad laugh left my lips. “There’s a whole world out there Draco,” My eyes flickered to the willow growing outside the kitchen window. 
“Yeah?” He prompted softly. 
“Don’t you want to go see it? Be young and reckless and not have to feel like—like you’re running an entire school?” I gestured. 
“I do,” He confessed softly. “We are still young Y/n, we have a long life ahead of us,” 
“…You still want it with me?” I felt as if the oxygen was being vacuumed from my lungs. “We were just kids when we met Draco. We went through a war together—and now it’s over. The war. You don’t have to stay here,” This house was just as haunted as I was.
“What—where is this coming from?” Draco stood, rounding the small breakfast table. “I want to be with you. I want to share my life with you,” He took my hands into his. “So, let’s go travel the world together—learn who we are outside of the war.” 
Hope sparked in my chest. “Really?” 
He laughed softly. “Oh my darling, you are one of my best friends, I’ll go anywhere with you,” His words lured me to melt into his warm embrace. We sat on the kitchen floor. He stroked my hair softly. 
“Just for a while,” I mumbled. “There’s so much we haven’t seen,” 
“I know,” The smile was evident in his voice. “And it’s going to be incredible—and we’re going to learn how to heal along the way,” I nodded into his shoulder. 
“I was thinking about maybe even living muggle for a little bit,” The confession was a weight from my shoulders. “I need space.” 
“Okay,” His soft agreeable caught me off guard. “I think it would be good for both of us actually. And maybe even fun,” 
I laughed softly as tears formed in my eyes. Leaning against him I watched the morning sun move across the wooden floor. 
“I love you,” I whispered softly. “And if you… if I’m not…”
“Hush,” it was a soft reprimand. “I think you’re right. We need time away from it all. To find who we are away from it all,” 
I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. 
“We’ll come back,” I promised. 
“I know we will,” Draco smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Knowing you, you’ll want to come back and help build a better system,” 
My cheeks flushed red. I hadn’t told anyone about my ideas to make Hogwarts better—to make the Ministry better, hell to even make Azkaban better. It was time for things to change. I smiled to myself. Maybe I was more rebellious than I thought. 
And yet, Draco knew—he knew all the little plans in my head that were hidden just for me. Being known felt like belonging—and I belonged with him. 
Traveling with Draco would always be saved in my memories until I died, and when it started to slip, it would be saved into a pensieve. I wouldn’t forget. 
We bought a muggle car and drove it until it felt right to stop. It wasn’t the famous places where we found ourselves, rather it was the forgotten places where we felt most at home. Where I could stand on a cliff edge and just scream and laugh and no one was around to hear me. Where Draco and I would sit at the edge of a river and send down leaves that held our biggest regrets, our losses, and our fears, learning to let go. Where we would sit in cafes and draw what we saw around us and enjoy pastries and tea. Where we could dance in the middle of a crowded room with other couples who didn’t know us from Adam. 
But that is a story for another time. 
For now, I’m sure you have a burning question that you’ve been waiting for me to answer. 
And yes. 
Draco did take me to go and see Phantom of the Opera in Paris like he promised. 
Oh, and we got married.
But, again, that is a story for another time. 
There is one last person I want you to meet before I close. 
My heart caught in my throat. 
“Draco?” I squeaked out, leaning against the bathroom counter. “Draco!” 
“What? Are you alright? What’s wrong?” He was frantic, looking for danger. 
“I’m… pregnant,” I whispered, looking at him in wonder. “Draco… I’m—“
“Holy harpies,” 
Realization flickered across his face as it rose into an elated expression of joy. A victorious laugh as he scooped me up and twirled me around our lavish bathroom, in our muggle flat in the suburbs of London. His joy was contagious as I giggled in his arms, holding onto him. He set me down, stroking my face softly. Then he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
Draco must have seen some fear linger in my stare. Some uncertainty that was well justified. 
“The war is over,” Draco reassured drawing me back into his arms. “They’ll be safe. We’ll make sure of it,” 
I nodded, curling my fingers into his sweater, my smile returning. 
“I’m gonna be a mum,” I laughed. 
“And you’re going to be absolutely brilliant.” He pressed a kiss to my lips. “Absolutely brilliant.” 
“And you’re gonna be a great dad,” Tears pricked my eyes. “God, I don’t know the first thing about being a parent,” A nervous giggle left my lips. 
“We’ll learn and figure it out,” He stroked my cheek softly, stealing another kiss. 
A thousand parenting books, a baby shower, and a few doctors appointments later, Draco and I were curled up on the couch in our flat as the fire crackled in the hearth. 
We had yet to settle on a name—to be fair we narrowed it down a lot, but with every new suggestion came a new round of anxiety that it wouldn’t be just right. It left me up at all hours thinking of it; so much so that Draco had to find a pregnancy safe sleeping potion so I could get proper rest. 
“Elizabeth?” Draco mused, after my mother. I pursed my lips. It had been a suggestion that circled around. 
“I’d like it as a middle name,” I decided, the thought had been mulling over in my mind. 
“Okay done,” He smiled, reaching over to stroke my stomach before resuming his massage of my sore feet. 
“Still need a first name.” I pondered, leaning my head against the back of the couch. “Narcissa?”
Draco snorted. “I’m not calling our daughter by my mothers name,” 
My heart fluttered when he said our daughter. 
“Well we need something,” 
“How about Lucy?” That was a new suggestion: one not voiced by either of us. 
“If that’s some way to get me to name her after your father I swear to Merlin—“
Draco burst out laughing shaking his head. 
“Godric, no. Ugh,” he chuckled. “No, love, Lucy as in the first one to find Narnia. Ya know, that book you read to me all those years ago. The current theme of our nursery?” 
“Oh,” my eyes widened at the thought, my heart softening. “Lucy,” I looked down, caressing my stomach when I felt something odd. Frowning I pressed my palm over the area. Draco caught my confusion and grew very concerned. 
“What? Is she alright? What wrong?” 
“Nothing,” I grinned. “She’s kicking—I think she likes her name,” I reached out for his hand and placed it in the same spot where mine resided as I felt her kick again. 
“Hello little Lucy,” Draco whispered softly. “I can’t wait to meet you,” 
Tears pricked my eyes as I watched him talk to her softly. And like every night, Draco got up and made me my tea that had Sleeping Draught in it—which he brewed specifically for me. It reminded me of our school days when he would spend class time brewing me anti-anxiety potions. It warmed my heart that his habit didn’t wane even with the years past.
That night my eyes fluttered open. I woke in the night, barely awake and ready to fall asleep again when I heard a soft voice. At first I thought Draco was trying to speak to me but I quickly realized that he was talking to someone else. 
“You’re going to be one of the greatest wizards to ever walk the earth,” he murmured softly. “You’ll be kind and smart like your mother. You’re going to love her so much. We already love you so much.” 
I let my eyes drift closed as a smile touched my lips. I resisted the urge to reach out and take Draco’s hand, in fear that he might become bashful about the situation. 
A small bundle of warmth rested on my chest, peacefully sleeping. My hand rose and cradled the small thing, tears pricking my eyes. My other hand was still clinging to Draco’s. 
 Lucy Elizabeth Malfoy. 
There were tears in Draco’s eyes as he reached out and with the softest touch caressed her tiny head. 
“She’s beautiful,” he murmured. “You did so well,” 
Exhausted, I let my eyes close, knowing that all was right with the world. Lucy would grow up in a world free from the threat of Voldemort and Draco would be by my side to protect her. We had already bled and fought and now we would make this new world we fought for, right for her. 
A new legacy. 
A new hope. 
more like this:
two by two
Beautifully Beastly
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awillowdryad · 1 year
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I've always been dying to know what it was that Aslan said to Edmund in this conversation. Guess it's one of those things we'll just never know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway I did this a little while ago but have been thinking of painting it again with brighter colours... maybe... then again I probably won't be bothered to. We'll see.
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strkie · 10 months
an understanding. peter pevensie x male, immortal, reader.
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peter meets you like a spark to a flame, smitten and happy with you more than he ever thought he would be with someone else. but he won’t be in narnia forever.
notes. i just rewatched all the narnia movies so. yeah. i love him.
details. no warnings. he/him pronouns. set in the end of the second movie.
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Peter first meets you on a natural, firefly night. The first thing he really, truly knows about you is the fact you don't pity him but rather you understand him on a level he never thought he would see again.
When Peter meets you, you know the legends of the High King better than anyone he's ever met. You don't talk outright about them to him at first, but the little things, the little details is what he picks up on when you sit down next to him on soft moss. The sky is littered with stars and the trees sleep, the castle is a ways behind you both. At first he thinks you're Telmarine, but that thought is quickly questioned. You have a way about yourself that speaks Narnia— the way your hair curls around your neck and how gentle your hands are, the soft glint in your eyes. You speak with confidence but in a hushed voice, as if you have been long accustomed to how everything is listening.
When he finally asks what you are, you laugh in endearment. Peter can't help but blush red at the sound of your laugh, the way it carries in the wind, and he is smitten.
"I just am." You answer him. "Immortal, is what I've heard others name me, but I don't care for a title."
"You can't die?" He asks impulsively again, curious. You only smile at him but this time it's sad, your eyes cast downwards and holding a certain weight to them. You hum in affirmative, and a comfortable quiet looms over the two of you.
"I was here before the White Witch, I was here during, I am here now and will be after." You say softly, sadly yet accepting.
Peter understands then, why you understand him better than others— You have seen civilizations burn and wither and have seen some just fade away. You have seen all the deaths, have seen the trees turn into a shell of what they once were just like all the other Narnians. You have seen wars and battles, have been in them, and kept going. You keep fighting, keep trying, and that's when you earn his respect in just your first conversation.
When the days pass, when that fateful night ends, Peter can't help but seek you out. You are... curious, and captivating in a way he can't explain.
It's surprisingly easy to find you, afterwards— he only asks one of the Centaurs and they lead you to the nearest Gryphon flock, where in the center you reside. You calmly talk to all of them while they listen, sometimes they reply but mostly quiet, letting you clean and pick their feathered necks and heads. You are gentle and kind, and when you see him you look surprised but happy. He only smiles back in greeting, sitting down on the grass with his back against one of the Gryphons, listening to you as you continue to tell a tale. At first the story is nothing special to those of Narnia, filled with adventure and fantasy, but as you get further in he realizes you are remembering and retelling. The memories range many emotions, but you always tell them fondly, stroking a Gryphon's head in your lap.
In the weeks that pass, Peter finds you talking about a lot of things like that. A lot of memories, a lot of wistful thoughts, and he's always surprised about how kind you are even when the memories are filled with bloodshed.
Eventually Aslan notices, although Peter is sure the lion has always known.
"I need to speak with you about Y/N." He says once, just a couple days before Peter is going back to England. Truthfully, Peter has been ignoring that fact since he met you, knowing you cannot come with, but something in Aslan's voice gives him unexplained hope.
"When you leave tomorrow," The lion starts, walking in the castle courtyard with Peter. "Y/N will follow, and you will take care of him just as I have."
Peter's chest bursts with excitement, with hope, but he still doesn't quite understand. "But he's Narnian?"
"Yes, and when he leaves he won't be. He has been here too long, too lonely, and I fear I may lose him if he doesn't leave." Aslan speaks honestly, deep voice vibrating. Peter listens intently, a thoughtful frown on his face.
"You want him happy." Peter says, understanding.
"Yes, and he will be with you." Aslan almost looks sad about the fact you will leave, and that's when Peter realizes the lion has known you as long as the thousands of years you've been alive, almost fatherly. Peter stops walking to turn fully to the lion with a determined eye.
"I promise I'll take care of him." He vows, a hand on Aslan's muzzle.
When the day arrives and it's time to leave, you aren't as sad as Peter would've thought. Depressed, yes, but not overly so. You hold his hand rightly as you both say goodbye to all the individuals you've befriended, your chest filled with hope for a new beginning with Peter, looking at the Narnian skies with a unexplainable emotion. You hug Aslan as tightly as you can, his mane and paws hugging you back, and it's time to go. You walk through the portal of trees, a fear overcoming you, but Peter holds your hand and you know you'll be alright.
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literary-illuminati · 2 months
2024 Book Review #14 – And Put Away Childish Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky
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This book I basically came across by chance. Or, well, not exactly chance, but I’d never even heard of it before until I checked what Tchaikovsky books my local library system had copies of and saw it. Which in a sense is a terrible way to come into this – it’s an incredibly dramatic swerve from any of Tchaikovsky’s other stuff that I’ve read – but coming in totally blind pretty much worked, I think. Genuinely very fun read.
The story follows Harry Bodie, a children’s TV presenter facing down middle age with a career that’s never really lived up to expectations. Somewhat desperately, he signs on to a tabloid-ish program about digging into the family tree, hoping to use the residual fame of his grandmother and her fairly famous and successful series of postwar children’s fantasy novels as a career boost. Instead he gets his face rubbed in the fact that his great-grandmother is only recorded as an indigent madwoman, and the famous author was born in a sanitarium. That the famous Underhill stories were, in fact, based in large part on delusions told as childhood fables and family histories.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, the stories turn out to be less delusional than previously reported. Bodie is in quick succession accosted by a faun, approached by a suspicious PI, and kidnapped by a surprisingly moneyed fan-club-cum-occult-coven. Soon enough he’s getting his first taste of Underhill first hand – or, at least, what’s left of it after a century and change of economizing and entropy.
I’m on record as being fairly dismissive about the whole category of ‘stories about stories’, and I guess I need to eat my words a bit because I actually really enjoyed this. To an extent that’s probably just because it doesn’t get too meta – storyland is a work of deliberate artifice, the stories themselves don’t shape the world or do magic, it just generally never tries to get too cute or didactic about it – but still. This is a book where the hero at one point describes his situation as ‘Five Nights at Aslan’s’ so there’s no real principled distinction for me to cut here. One of the main characters is literally a folklorist.
Though, it’s less about stories than one specific story in particular. The unremarkable schlub plucked out of their mundane life and told that they’re special, that they’re the hero or the true heir and possess some inherent numinous essence that makes them the most important person in the world. This is a terribly appealing story, and one Harry feels the lure of very keenly – he’s self-aware enough to say quite clearly that he goes back to the frozen, decaying world full of half-dead monsters less out of morality or rationality than simply because it was a place where he mattered, for good or ill.
It’s probably not reading too deeply into the book’s themes to note that the story is a lure in a fairly literal sense, or that the true heir is destined to ‘save’ the world by being hollowed out and possessed by those who came before them.
Of course as much as this is in conversation with Narnia et al, it owes at least as much to whole genre of ‘what is nostalgic children’s property, but fucked up?’ creepypasta. Fairyland is choked with fungal growths and creepy, staticy not-snow. The scampering, troublemaking faun is miserable and worn out with bad knees. The Best Of All Dogs is a rotting, terrifying hellhound. There’s even a titanic evil scary clown. Aesthetically the book owes far more to r/nosleep than Lewis Carroll.
Harry himself is an absolute delight as a main character. By which I mean he just sucks so bad, but in very mundane and endearing ways. Who among us can not relate on some level to a failing middle-aged actor who always made a point of not trading on his family name but is secretly pretty resentful it hasn’t helped him more? He refuses the call to adventure then decides his life’s kind of shit and he’d rather get stabbed to death by goblins, so he comes crawling back and begs for a second chance. He’s left a glowing magic sword that will defeat all enemies, but it’s stuck in the body of one of his kidnappers so he just runs screaming and it spends the rest of the book in an evidence locker somewhere. I love him.
I really have no idea to what degree it was intentional, but it also does rather muse me that – okay, you know the standard bit of feminist media analysis where male characters are the actors, while female characters are generally walking set decoration and plot devices? It really deeply amuses me that Harry spends the better part of the story as a magical blood bank getting led around or terrified and awaiting rescue, whereas Seitchman (our counterfeit PI/folklorist) repeatedly forces herself into things through obsessive research skills and a complete disregard for her own safety (and at one point an enthusiastic if unpracticed willingness to sword people). Though to be clear this was mostly amusing to me because it was absolutely never highlighted or commented upon.
This is probably the first book I’ve read that’s recent enough to be set during lockdown without really being a COVID novel, if that makes sense? You could set this the year before or the year after without really losing much, and it lacks the ‘this was written in quarantine’ vibe of a lot of books I read last year. But it definitely adds a sense of specificity and timeliness to it that I rather enjoyed.
So yeah, do not open it expecting anything like Children of Time, but good book!
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witchthewriter · 21 days
Hi, can I please ask for a character/personality profile for Queen Lucy the Valiant, please? (I know this is probably a weird request 😂) Thank you so much!!
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One of my favourite characters of all time, I even named my pet after her :'). I also adore Georgie Henley, she is so lovely (I follow her on instagram and she's too much, I love her!!!) ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧🩷˚˚₊˚🌸✧˚
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞: 𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑦 𝑃𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑒
𝑬𝑵𝑭𝑷 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑟 & 𝑉𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑦
Imaginative, energetic, and friendly, ENFPs are often the most endearing of fictional characters. ENFPs are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd.
Lucy is outgoing and sociable. She readily connects with others, both human and non-human, and is often the first to initiate conversations and form relationships. She enjoys being around people and is energized by social interactions.
Lucy is imaginative and perceptive, often relying on her intuition to guide her decisions. She possesses a deep sense of wonder and curiosity, which leads her to explore new realms and discover hidden truths about Narnia. She is drawn to the mystical and magical aspects of the world.
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅
Chaotic Good characters value personal freedom and independence, and Lucy demonstrates this through her adventurous spirit and willingness to explore new realms like Narnia. She often acts on her own accord, driven by her desire to do what she believes is right.
Chaotic Good characters tend to question authority when they believe it is unjust or oppressive. Lucy demonstrates this trait when she refuses to let others dictate her actions solely based on their position or power. She follows her instincts and stands up for what she believes is right, even if it means challenging authority figures.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒍
Upright: Innocence, freedom, spontaneity, free-spirit, new beginning Reversed: Stupidity, negligence, holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
The Fool card often represents a sense of childlike innocence and wonder, which aligns with Lucy's character. She enters the magical world of Narnia with a pure heart and an open mind, embracing the unknown and approaching her adventures with a sense of awe and curiosity.
The Fool is often depicted as taking a leap of faith, stepping into the unknown with trust and optimism. Lucy's unwavering belief in Narnia, Aslan, and the magic of the world embodies this sense of trust and faith. She follows her instincts and remains loyal despite doubts or skepticism from others.
Cancer individuals are known for their nurturing and empathetic nature. Lucy displays a deep sense of empathy and compassion towards others, often putting their needs before her own. She is deeply connected to her family and friends, valuing their well-being and emotional security.
Pisces individuals are known for their dreamy and imaginative nature. Lucy possesses a vivid imagination and a strong connection to the mystical and magical aspects of Narnia. She is highly intuitive and perceptive, often relying on her inner world and emotions to guide her decisions.
Sagittarius individuals are adventurous and optimistic. Lucy embodies a sense of adventure as she embraces the unknown and explores new realms. Her optimism and faith in Narnia and its inhabitants inspire those around her. She is open-minded and seeks knowledge and truth.
Individuals with Mercury in Gemini are known for their quick thinking, excellent communication skills, and curiosity. They are adaptable and versatile, able to express themselves in various ways.
Lucy demonstrates a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. She often asks questions, seeks answers, and actively engages in learning. This aligns with Mercury in Gemini's intellectual curiosity and desire to explore various subjects.
Lucy possesses a sharp mind and is able to think on her feet. She often comes up with clever solutions to problems and demonstrates quick thinking in challenging situations. Mercury in Gemini individuals are known for their mental agility and ability to process information rapidly.
Venus in Libra individuals are known for their harmonious and diplomatic nature, as well as their appreciation for beauty and balance in relationships.
Lucy values harmony and strives to maintain peaceful relationships. She is often the peacemaker among her siblings and seeks to resolve conflicts. Venus in Libra individuals are driven by a desire for balance and fairness in their relationships.
Lucy demonstrates a diplomatic approach in her interactions with others. She considers different perspectives and seeks compromises to maintain harmony. Venus in Libra individuals have a natural ability to navigate social situations and foster cooperation.
Lucy possesses an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics. She is enchanted by the wonder and magic of Narnia, from its landscapes to its creatures. Venus in Libra individuals have a refined taste and often have a keen eye for art, design, and all things visually pleasing.
Lucy displays bravery and fearlessness throughout her adventures in Narnia. She takes risks, stands up for what she believes in, and faces challenges head-on. Mars in Aries individuals have a pioneering spirit and are driven by a desire for new experiences.
Lucy exhibits a strong sense of self and is not afraid to assert herself when necessary. She takes charge of situations and is proactive in pursuing her goals. Mars in Aries individuals are independent and self-motivated, often taking the initiative to lead and take action.
Lucy demonstrates a protective nature toward her loved ones. She shows a willingness to fight for those she cares about and is fiercely loyal. Mars in Aries individuals are passionate defenders of their loved ones and can be quite protective of those they hold dear.
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electrictorch · 1 year
My boy
jealous!reader × edmund pevensie for @emotionallyattachedteen's request
You like boys. But you don't like other girls hovering around your boy.
During the last couple of years in Narnia, King Edmund the Just had grown so much -- he became stronger, wiser, more clever with words. When you first followed him and his siblings into the wardrobe, you also were a child yourself. You argued with Edmund, looked up to Susan, and even had a tiny crush on Peter.
But none of you were children anymore. You were all maturing. Now even Lucy was taller, growing in kindness, intelligence and beauty everyday. Your relationships were changing as well, and now you and Edmund had something. Or at least that's what you thought, before this princess stepped in.
She had long, auburn hair flowing over her shoulders as she laughed with so much grace that you had to focus on any other sound not to let her charm you. She had eyelashes long as hell, and a pretty face too pretty to be real. She sat next to Edmund the first dinner, and, had you not been crowned by Aslan, years ago, along with the Pevensies, you would have thought of yourself as unworthy of interfering in their conversation.
No fair, you thought. Now he won't look at me anymore.
After that night, you stuck your eyes on Edmund as if trying to tell if he was thinking about that princess or not. But the worst of all was the third night, when you hosted a humble dance in honor of your guests. She requested the first dance with him, and also had her second with the High King. When the third dance started and you saw her fleeting so gracefully around your boy, you couldn't take it anymore.
You ran to the nearest balcony to take some fresh air. Under the moonlight, the sea on the horizon, this was the perfect spot to cry all night long. But you had to eventually come back. You breathed in. Breathed out. Breath in. Breath out.
He is not your boy, you reminded yourself. He is a King. He has as much freedom as you do.
After a few tears, you heard footsteps approaching and dried your cheeks. Breath in. Breath out.
'y/n?' Edmund. Your boy, though he didn't seem to know it. 'Are you OK?'
You nodded. The breeze felt too cold on your face. The sea did not care for you -- it went back and forth as usual. That was how things should be, perhaps. You could not tame the waters even if you tried and cared so much for it. People could not belong to you until they gave themselves to you, like the seas to the moon above them.
'Why aren't you at the dance?'
'I... needed some fresh air.' He was getting closer, until he leaned on the railing, next to you, and turned to you. You had to look away. 'Why aren't you at the dance? You were having so much fun.'
He would not turn his face. 'I noticed you weren't there. Why did you run like that?'
Oh, he saw it.
Wait -- he saw it...
'I... needed some fresh air,' you insisted. He saw me leaving?
'Come on, y/n, I know you. You like parties and dances. You like having guests. You wouldn't run away from you duties.'
Oh, he sees it. You turned your head slightly to look at him. His dark hair shone under the moonlight -- squints of silver in accord to his crown and clothes. His eyes were persistent, reaching out to you, to learn what happened from your own eyes. His lips pressed in worry. Whether or not he wanted something with you, he seemed sincerely interested in hearing you.
'You were dancing with the princess,' you risked in a hushed voice. You thought of nothing else to say. Could you blame him? Could you get angry at him? You had no right to.
'Oh...' he let the thought sink in as you drew circles with your fingers on the railing. 'Is that what was bothering you? But...'
'Sorry,' you said, fearing you would say something that could make you sound even more ridiculous. 'I... I really need the fresh air. I don't want to steal you away from -- from our guests.'
'y/n,' he said. 'y/n, look at me.'
You slowly lifted your eyes to his. Now it was only the two of you, under the moonlight, on a balcony, over the sea. There were so many things you would have liked to tell him, but would it be of any use?
'y/n, may I have this dance?' He couldn't contain a smile.
Well, that was not what you were expecting. You released a small snuffle and accepted the hand he extended with a reverence. He put his other hand behind your waist. You rested your other hand on his shoulder. And you both danced under the moonlight, on a balcony, over the sea. He looked gorgeous. Breath in. Breath out.
'Edmund,' you dared to say. 'I'm sorry I was jealous. I, I just thought...' you hoped he would interrupt you, but he let you finish, his dark eyes patient and welcoming. '...I thought we had something. I like you, Edmund.'
He looked down and smiled, then up to you again. You thought you felt his grip tightening around your waist and on your hand as you two swung to your own rythm. His eyes shimmered. His lips curved. Breath in. Breath out.
'I like you too, y/n.'
You danced around a little more. Breath in, breath out.
'Does that mean we have something?' you asked.
'We do.' He smiled.
You thought of the waves below the balcony, trying to reach for the moon, giving themselves to it. 'Call me yours, then, if you let me call you my boy.'
'Your boy? I like the sound of that.'
You, too. The sound of the sea drowned the need for words. The moonlight rained down on your hearts, poured to each other, beating for the other, behind the silly smiles of you and your boy.
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jedimandalorian · 7 months
Ahsoka Episode 8 “The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord”: The Story, the Symbolism, and the Score Part One
As the episode begins, we hear sinister drumming, then a low rumbling as the cargo transfer to the Chimaera is completed. Thrawn orders the dispatch of two TIE fighters. Sinister music plays as Morgan receives the “gift of shadows.” As she makes her pledge to the sisterhood and the old ways, Morgan’s Theme (the Nightsister Theme) is heard. Morgan’s eyes glow green and then turn black as power is transferred to her by the Nightmothers. Morgan receives the Blade of Talzin, a reference to the sword used by Mother Talzin in The Clone Wars animated series.
Thrawn’s Theme plays triumphantly as the Ahsoka title card and the episode title appear onscreen: “The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord.” This title is an obvious reference to C. S. Lewis’ novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it isn’t the first reference to Lewis’ Narnia books in the Filoniverse. The World Between Worlds itself was inspired by Lewis’ “wood between the worlds” which allows passage across time and space to other worlds.
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The title of the episode does have a deeper meaning, but this may not be apparent until one has watched and fully understood what the episode is really about. The “Jedi” in the title is Ahsoka, who corresponds to Lewis’ Aslan, the magnificent golden lion who is the Christ-figure in the Narnia books, not unlike Tolkien’s Gandalf. The “Witch” in the title is Morgan Elsbeth and all of the evil that she and the White Witch of Narnia represent. The “Warlord” is Thrawn, who will travel between the galaxies just as the magic wardrobe in the Narnia books allowed passage between the worlds. Lewis’ novel is about many things, but at its core, it is a story about redemption. In the novel, young Edmund Pevensie, in his selfish desire for Turkish Delight, makes an a dangerous alliance with the White Witch and betrays his siblings to get what he wants. He later regrets this betrayal and repents of his selfishness. However Edmund’s debt must be paid. Instead of dying a traitor’s death, Aslan is sacrificed in Edmund’s place. The White Witch slays the Lion, but due to the Deep Magic from before the dawn of time, Aslan resurrects triumphantly and defeats the Witch.
Sabine Wren, whose all-to-human desire to be reunited with Ezra Bridger, led her to make an alliance with Baylan Skoll in episode 4 of the Ahsoka series. Sabine didn’t destroy the star-map because of her selfish desire to see Ezra again, and by making this choice, she set in motion the return of Thrawn and the possibility of another galactic war. By making this selfish but understandable choice, Sabine failed as a Jedi. As in Edmund’s story, Sabine is on a journey towards redemption for what she’s done.
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The next scene is of Ahsoka’s ship hovering low above the traveling Noti pods. Onboard the ship Huyang and Ezra bicker as Ezra constructs a new lightsaber for himself.
“Who taught you how to build a lightsaber anyway?” Huyang asks.
“Kanan Jarrus,” replies Sabine Wren from the doorway of the workshop. She smiles at Ezra.
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“He was my master,” Ezra says, his glance lingering upon Sabine for a moment. “He taught me everything I know.”
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Quiet music accompanies this conversation. When Huyang says that the relationship between master and apprentice is as challenging as it is meaningful, the camera pulls in closer to reveal Sabine’s expression, which shows sadness and even remorse.
A quiet rendition of Sabine’s Theme is heard as Ezra completes the construction of his new lightsaber. When Ezra asks “Hey Sabine, Ahsoka ever teach you how to…?” he turns to looks at her and sees that she is gone.
Ezra asks Huyang what happened between Sabine and Ahsoka. Huyang tells Ezra about the Purge of Mandalore, and that Ahsoka felt that if Sabine unlocked her potential at that time she would become dangerous.
Sabine exits the ship to talk with Ahsoka who is sitting atop the shuttle as it hovers. Soft strings accompany the conversation. Ahsoka’s Theme is heard, which is then followed by Sabine’s Theme played by cellos. Ahsoka knows what Sabine did but says that she will be there for her no matter what happens next. They discuss whether Sabine has kept up with her training.
“Being a Jedi isn’t about wielding a lightsaber,” Ahsoka explains. “Train your mind. Train your body. Trust in the Force.”
Ezra exits the ship, announcing that he just finished building his new lightsaber.
The music is much louder as two TIE fighters open fire upon them and the Noti caravan. Ahsoka’s ship takes a hit. Ahsoka and Ezra levitate it to save the Noti from being crushed. Sabine and Huyang attempt to pilot the damaged ship. On Sabine’s signal, Ezra and Ahsoka hurl the ship towards the two TIEs and the wings of the T-6 shuttle clip them, destroying both of their attackers. Ezra and Ahsoka run to the site of the crashed T-6.
“Got ‘em” Sabine says to them after exiting the smoking shuttle. She surveys the damage to the Noti pods. Ezra remarks that this will slow them down a bit, but Ahsoka responds “only if we let it.”
End of part one. To be continued! Let me know what you think of this analysis so far. It’s going to be a long one.
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belkiskaplan · 11 months
                             𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   [ ... ]  @aslannadir​ .
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“Things aren’t going to get .. you know, all weird, are they?” Belkis unable to stop the question from pouring out as her eyes rested on Aslan. Thoughts immediately going back to what happened between them. “It happened, but we can honestly pretend it didn’t. I don’t mind. We were drinking, the game went a little too far and that was it.” He was her friend and right now, the last thing she wanted was for something as simple as a kiss to mess up the friendship they had.
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minamorris1857 · 8 months
(Narnia, Dawn Treader spoilers alert!) One of the only complaints about the CoN I have is the lack of epilogue type of content in TVotDT. There’s just so much more that Lewis could’ve given us at the end. Things I wish he’d expanded on:
1. What happened to Caspian? Like, he obviously lives out his life in Narnia as king, but immediately after. What did Aslan say to him? Was there a conversation, or did Caspian turn to find himself alone completely? And did Aslan send him back to the ship magically? Or, the much more probable and heartbreaking option, did he row himself back completely alone? How miserable would that have been, to have gone with your brother and sister, this boy you are just getting to know and love, and one of your most devoted soldiers and friends, only to have gone back alone? The Pevensies are always having to leave, but what about Caspian getting left behind?
2. How did Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold respond to the change in their son? Are they horrified by the change in such a short time, indifferent, or pleased? It seems like they’re both super indulgent with their son, so are they okay with him becoming a Narnian, or does it disturb them how similar he now is to his cousins.
3. How did Peter (and maybe Susan) respond to Eustace going to Narnia. I’d like to think that Peter and Eustace are both nervous to see each other, but they just immediately click and Lucy is like “is this what it feels like to not be the favorite” and Edmund is like “screw you, but yes”.
4. Do Lucy and Edmund teach Eustace all about Narnia, or just kind of tell him as he asks? Like, do they sit down and just have a Narnia lesson with language, history, geography, etc., or does Eustace one day just ask questions like “wait there’s a Narnian language??” (Because you know he wouldn’t have been paying attention to background noises and everyone would’ve talked to him in English to be nice) or “wait wait wait the first king was a cabby??”
5. Does Eustace still like entomology and ask tons of questions about bugs and stuff in Narnia, or is he ashamed of himself and the frames of dead insects on his desk. (I know he wouldn’t kill any more bugs, but would he avoid the subject all the the time?)
6. What was Ed and Lucy leaving like? Did they make plans to see each other soon, were there a ton of tears and choked up hugs?
Idk, I love the book how it is, but I wish there was more shown on the new sibling/cousin dynamic between Ed, Lucy, and Eustace and how the whole trip affected everyone.
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I wonder if Edmund ever learned that the Turkish Delight the queen gave him was enchanted.
How long did he think it was his fault, his greed, his heart, that decided to betray his family?
Did he die thinking it was all his fault? Did he die with the thought that he had been selfish enough to turn on his family for a pastry?
How long did he have to live with that guilt, or did Aslan assuage him of that with the conversation they had after getting him back from the witch?
Did knowing it was enchanted even help? Or did the guilt still eat away at him?
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loneberry · 2 months
some notes on sufism
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The other day I went to the Harvard Divinity School Muslims iftar (the meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan), which was followed by a concert of Turkish music that is traditionally performed in Sufi lodges in Istambul. Before the music began, the professor I’ve been auditing Islamic literature classes with read some verses from Rumi’s Masnavi and offered a meditation on fasting through an interpretation of the lines: “If you have closed this mouth, another mouth is opened, which becomes an eater of the morsels of mysteries.” That is the nature of mystical knowledge—gnosis (or maʿrifa) is not understood intellectually, but tasted (dhawq). The closing of the bodily mouth is an opening of the spiritual mouth. He asked us to listen to the music with the inner heart.
I went with my friend S, who has been nudging me toward conversion. I’ve been allergic to religion most of my life because I’m not really much of a joiner. I distinctly remember being in (Catholic) Sunday School as a child and thinking to myself: This sounds fake to me. As in, made-up, irrational. The people who treated the fanciful stories like fact seemed like crackpots to me, even to my child-mind. I don’t think I ever believed in Santa either—I guess my disposition was innately skeptical; perhaps that contributed to my identification with anarchism from when I was 13 or 14. Yet at the same time, my feeling for the invisible, for the world of the dead, was always quite strong, even when it was unstitched from a belief system. As a kid I would wander the house alone at night, thinking I could hear my dead parakeet chirping from a shoebox in the garage.  
I hated Sunday School. While I was always good at school-school (at least when I was a child, before I became an incorrigible truant), I was terrible at Sunday School. Because it seemed like hocus-pocus to me, none of it stuck. My classmates had internalized all the stories I thought were outlandish. During mass I would think exclusively about donuts, the ones we would buy from the ladies who would sell them as a fundraiser. I’ve thought about returning to Catholicism, but sadly, after the post-1970s political realignment in the US, all the leftist Catholics (the Marxists who loathed the Vietnam War and exposed the FBI’s COINTELPRO) are gone. As much as I love reading Catholic mystics (St Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Angela of Foligno, Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Marguerite Porete, and others), Christian mysticism is more individualist than Islamic mysticism—asceticism and separation from the group is the way to commune with God, while Islamic mysticism is rooted in communal practices like sama (singing, dancing, reciting poetry, playing/listening to music) and dhikr (communal prayer for the remembrance of God). While Christian mysticism bears the imprint of the Neoplatonist trajectory of ascent, for Sufism, the trajectory is shaped like a paisley. After fana (annihilation of the ego/union with God/dying before you die), there is baqaa or subsistence, a return of sorts. 
I also much prefer the Islamic orientation to the created world than the Christian one, for in Islam, everything in creation can be understood as the breath or speech of God. The Hadith on which Sufi cosmology is based reads, “I was a hidden Treasure and Loved to be known, so I created the world that I might be known.” All of creation is a mirror to reflect God (this is why you must polish the rust from your heart, for the human heart can manifest all the names and qualities of God). In the Islamic mystical tradition there is an affirmation of the created world even though God and creation are not the same (as is the case in Pantheism). Everything has ontology. Nothing has ontology. The Sufi metaphysicians ask us to see with two eyes. The drop is not the ocean at the same time it cannot be separated from the ocean.
7 years ago I read Reza Aslan’s God: A Human History. After sampling the platter of world religions I joked to myself, Hmmm, if I had to pick the one I vibe with most, I guess it would be Sufism (Islamic mysticism). I didn’t know anything about Sufism other than the Rumi and Hafez poetry I read as a teenager, but the way Aslan described Ibn ‘Arabi’s concept of 'wahadat al-wujud' (or Unity of Being) reminded me of Spinozism. I guess what I’m trying to say is...I just think Sufi metaphysics is...right. Or, it speaks to how I tend to think about reality. It’s not something I can prove (that I don’t exist, while at the same time I am part of the ALL that is God), but it makes the most sense to me.
In the Sufi literature class, S jokes to me: “You’re the only non-Muslim in this class.” The same was probably true at the iftar + concert. S points to someone from the class: “The Maoist is a recent convert. This is their first time fasting for Ramadan.” “Is [our professor] fasting?” “Of course. I saw him at the iftar last night and talked to him about translation. I told him it’s ghastly to try to fit Persian verse into an English rhyme scheme. He agreed with me.” (We are clearly partisans of blank verse translations… yet so much of what’s out there has been poorly translated or not translated at all.) 
Much of the lyrics sung with the gorgeous music were verses written by the great Turkish-language Sufi poet and mystic Yunus Emre ("the Dante of Turkey," I whispered to S). S was ecstatic listening to the haunting ney (a kind of flute). We just so happened to be sitting in the same row as the professor. I tapped S and whispered that it looked like he was really enjoying the music. He was smiling with his eyes closed and swaying his head from side to side. He looked like he was having...a profound experience. This prof usually has what I guess you’d call ‘resting bitch face’ (which I always found funny because it runs counter to his sweet and gentle personality). But not at the concert. Pure bliss was painted on his face. It was then that it dawned on me that Sufism, for him, was probably something more than a scholarly interest. I thought about what it must have been like to discover something so beautiful and profound, and to know, in that moment, that your life will be changed forever—you might go off to Iran and devote your entire life to studying medieval texts. 
Of course this Ramadan I am thinking continuously about the genocide in Gaza, how an entire population is being starved to death by the sadistic leaders of Israel, how terrible it must be to be bombed and shot at during the holy month, or to break your fast with boiled grass and animal feed. I feel truly ashamed to come from a country that is complicit in this violence. I hope everyone continues to apply pressure to end this war—it feels hopeless now, but it is making a difference.
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maremartinelli · 2 months
KingCaspian X Pevensie!Reader
Summary: To which Y/n decides to stay in Narnia the second time and ends up meeting up with her brothers in the Dawn Treader.
Words: 1.5K+
Warnings: Mention of battle, golden age characters, marriage, mentions of pregnancy.
Author: Always saying that English is not my first language, I ask for forgiveness for any mistakes that may be made in writing. Just let me know, here Y/n has her romantic home which is Caspian, but I will portray more of the sibling relationship she has with Edmund and Lucy. (I'll write part 2 and 3, I'll let you know)
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Y/n Pevensie was a sweet, kind, cheerful and very understanding girl. He thought about himself and others, he cared about any detail that could be bothering his brothers, especially the two youngest.
She was the oldest of the five, Y/n was three years older than Peter and in her mind, she was responsible for her siblings when their parents weren't present. Of course, Peter always helped him with his younger brothers, they were very close.
And when they went to Narnia for the first time, the responsibility on Y/n grew even more. Well, you see, Edmund was being attracted by the White Witch, no one initially believed Lucy when she said she found a new world in the house's wardrobe and the fact that they were in a totally magical place with magical creatures didn't help either.
However, after the war ended, the five Pevensies became kings and queens of Narnia.
Queen Y/n, the warrior.
King Peter the Magnificent.
Queen Susan, the gentle.
King Edmund the Just
And Queen Lucy, the fearless.
Oh, it was a beautiful 15 years of reign for the five brothers, until one day it all ended in the blink of an eye.
It was a while before everything went back to normal and they adapted to the routine in England again.
Until the second call to Narnia happened.
Ah, that calling.
Everything changed for Y/n, this time she went to Narnia. The queen had met Prince Caspian, a gentlemanly, respectful, loving, kind and sweet man. Everything Y/n looked for in someone.
After the Beruna war took place, the Pevensie brothers spent a few weeks at the castle with the Prince until Peter decided it was time to return to England. Of course, in the meantime Caspian and Y/n's relationship grew, developed and matured. Even though they are young and 17/18 years old.
After much conversation and explanation from Aslan, Y/n decided that she would not return to England again. She felt that Narnia was truly her place and that her destiny was set there. In magical lands and with Caspian by your side.
The brothers' farewell to Y/n was very strong, no one knew if they would see their older sister again.
Hugs, confessions and endearing words were exchanged between them as Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy returned to London.
Now, 3 years after the brothers returned. Y/n was more than happy where she belonged.
She and Caspian had been married a year ago and things in Narnia were going from good to better. Peace reigned in the Narnian lands and there was nothing Y/n wanted more.
Obviously, she missed her brothers and asked Aslan so that at least once, she could see them.
And he answered!!
Y/n, Caspian and some of Narnia's strongest soldiers had left for a journey with the Dawn Treader. Caspian didn't really know what was right about this trip, but he knew he needed to do it.
The day had been dawning for a few hours, the sun was hot but the autumn wind made the sailors' bodies shiver.
Y/n was in the office below deck. She was organizing some papers she brought from Narnia so that as soon as she returned, she could tackle the next project.
A knock on the door is heard by the queen.
"Come in" she says and sees the door open, but doesn't see anyone enter. Well, until the creature jumps on your table. "Reep, what a scare!!" She laughs, placing her hand on her chest.
"I'm sorry, your majesty. I know I can't scare you," he bows in front of the woman and she laughs.
"Okay, Reep. Did you want to say something?" Y/n says pleasantly while looking at the mouse that was on her desk.
"Of course. Well, King Caspian is requesting your presence there on deck. It looks like we have views that came from the sea." He says smiling, already knowing who it was.
Y/n's eyes lit up at the phrase from her right-hand man and mouse friend. At the moment, she even wondered if it could be her brothers. But there was no doubt, she asked Aslan for almost 4 years to see her brothers again. She was a good queen and Aslan pushed to make it happen.
"By Aslan's mane!! Will it be my brothers?" Y/n throws the papers on the table and runs out of the office room and quickly goes upstairs.
"Your majesty, please!! Slow down!!" Reepicheep runs after the queen. "My legs are short"
When Y/n arrives at the top of the stairs, on the deck of the ship, she sees her husband ahead helping Lucy to balance herself and enter the Dawn Treader. A huge smile appears on the Warrior Queen's face before going to meet her sister.
"LUCYY!!" Y/n screams making the girl turn around quickly.
“Y/N!!” She responds and runs into her older sister's hug.
Lucy snuggles her head into her sister's neck while Y/n hugged her little sister tightly.
"I missed you so much" Lucy says while shedding some tears.
"You have no idea" Y/n wipes away a lone tear that falls and leaves her sister's embrace.
Lucy smiles at her and looks away to check on her sister. She frowns as she runs down her sister's body and a sweet smile appears on her face.
"Eds!!!" Y/n screams as Caspian helps his brother get to the ship.
“Y/N!?” He says surprised, but still happy.
The two brothers hug tightly and Ed inhales the sweet smell that his sister always had. It was a mix of watermelon and something sweeter that he could never identify.
Y/n and Edmund have always been more attached to each other. Of course, Y/n loved everyone equally and would do anything for them. But she felt that Ed had his own special way.
Just like Peter was attached to Lucy.
"I thought I would never see you again" Ed mumbles in a bitter voice, as he swallows the tears and leaves the hug.
"But hey, we're here!!" She kisses her brother's head and he smiles.
When she walks away, Edmund looks at his older sister and suddenly looks at Lucy. The youngest just nods her head, agreeing that she had also seen the same thing and they smile together.
With that, Caspian approaches the three and smiles.
"It's really good to see you here--" he says smiling until Eustace starts to mumble.
"Is that Eustace??" Y/n asks her brothers in horror.
Edmund just rolls his eyes and agrees.
"The idiot was with us right when we were called here"
"Lied?" He looks at Lucy and she smiles.
Eustace ends up fainting when a minotaur talks to him.
"Did I say something?"
S/n laugh.
"Don't worry, you didn't do anything. It's just that it's not common to have minotaurs in London" She explains and the minotaur nods, leaving them away.
"Come, Y/n and I have a lot to talk about with you" Caspian directs the Pevensies to the office and begins to tell them everything that happened when they were away.
While Caspian showed everything and told what they had done over the years, Lucy discreetly watched from the sidelines when Y/n would sometimes put her hand on her belly and caress it before taking it off.
"And how many years have passed there?" Y/n asks turning to Ed.
"1 year? And here?"
"3 years"
"At least it hasn't been 1000 years, like last time." he says and the rest smile.
"And then Caspian..." Lucy looks at the king and smiles. "Have you found a queen for yourself yet?"
Caspian approaches Y/n and puts his arm around her waist, while she smiles and rests her head on the king's chest.
"Not only did I find it, but I got married and we're expecting our first heir." He smiles and kisses his wife's head.
"It looks like I've become queen again" Y/n smiles and rubs her hand over her stomach.
Lucy and Edmund open their mouths in surprise and smile happily.
"I knew!!" Lucy screams happily and runs to Y/n to give her a hug. "Congratulations to you both" the girl smiles and looks at Caspian.
"Does that mean we'll be uncles?" Y/n nods at Edmund, who was standing in place absorbing all the news.
"Yes, Eds!! You will be uncles" She smiles and opens her arms, when her brother runs to her and hugs her tightly.
"Congratulations to you. You deserve every achievement" Ed smiles and shakes Caspian's hand, who was now his brother-in-law and his nephew's father.
"How old are you?" Lucy asks still excited.
“3 months” Y/n smiled.
Lucy smiles happily and looks at Edmund.
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Author: These days I couldn't sleep and I kind of created a theory. I'll say it as soon as I post part 3, so you understand!!!
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chaotic-banana-fish · 10 months
(I already posted this in my main account but thought it was a good idea to repost it here to get the blog going + it has some additions)
I love the possible significance of Ash's different names. He's named Aslan, which means dawn, by his mother, as a symbol for a bright and beautiful beginning, but then he changes it to Ash, which evokes images of death and endings. In the dawn the light is beautiful and soft, while Ash implies burning, perhaps even the burning of oneself.
When Ash reveals his name to be Aslan to Eiji along with its meaning he allows him to see that part of himself as well as allows himself to be that person for a while. With Eiji he doesn't need to burn or destroy, he can be a dawn, which is in a way a sort of rebirth. It's therefore, also symbolic that so many scenes between them occur at dawn or the sunset, as that's what Ash embodies when he's with him, like Max says "just a boy of 17 years". As he lets his guard down around Eiji and calls himself Aslan, he rises from the Ashes of his name like a Phoenix. I like to think this was also somewhat intentional given that his character was based on River *Phoenix*.
I also feel like this really ties into the symbolism of fire in banana fish as well, which in different instances serves as a medium for both destruction and rebirth. For example, Ash uses fire to burn Shorter's body along with the laboratory, and it also appears as a haunting image in the opening, with Ash staring directly into it. Fire however, is also what rids Ash of his past, as Max burns all photographs and evidence of it. His name is just like that as well, Ash implies destruction, yet also rebirth as a phoenix that can rise from the Ashes, perhaps also showcasing his capability for recovery, that despite what he might've thought he wasn't unsalvageable. This is also present in "RED" one of the outros, with the lyric "if I decide to burn (like ash) instead of fading out (like dawn)". Which once again shows the two sides of Ash and the way they're embodied in his names, as well as the idea that perhaps after all, he did have a choice, unlike the leopard from the story he tells Eiji. (Conversation which I may add, happens at dawn.)
Finally, in Garden of Light, Eiji puts up a picture of him in a gallery (it's one of him sat at the window, calm) and titles it "Dawn". Obviously this reflects the actual background of the picture, as well as his name in a subtle way. But with it he's also choosing to remember Ash for his gentleness and brightness rather than the burning violence his life ignited in him. Ash is remembered by who he really was, or rather who he should've been able to be. His real name however, Aslan, Eiji keeps for himself, a touch of light that only he'll ever know.
Aslan was a Dawn cut short, by a sun that came too soon, too cruel, now re-birthed and remembered, by the eyes that caught its light before it burned into Ash.
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