#//posting old art to keep this account alive ;w;
theredbros · 1 year
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🌟We're the Mario Brothers, and plumbing's our game🌟
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gigglecoffin · 11 months
sims tag game! ☆
tytytyt @crsentfairy <3 mwah!!
1.) What’s your favourite sims death? burnt alive because its simple and its dramatic
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? hmmmm mix, but i guess with my sims more alpha leaning
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? ummmmm no wtf? i literally didnt even know that was a thing.
4.) Do you use move objects? ofc duh
5.) Favorite mod? AUGHHH multiple cas columns, how can anyone paly with only two columns like?!?!?!-
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? pretty sure it was cats & dogs
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? i guess LIV bc they are like living \? :D
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? dont even, i have too many
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i gotta choose Jordan, Phoenix and Ronan!!!!!! jor and pho have been w me FOREVVVVER!!!! and im not just gonna choose a rando one of the freak sims ive made.... (except for Ronan i love him sm)
9.) Have you made a simself? i sure have!!! i gotta budate it though bc im probably gonna have blonde streaks in my hair for a while.
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself? neat, art lover, and clumsy
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color? probobly like the dark brown or the new low saturation black
12.) Favorite EA hair? awwww bruh idk off the top of my head the sulani mohawk caus it pretty hot
13.) Favorite life stage? young adult
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? honestly i dont do either. i guess for the overall journey i enjoy gameplay!!
15.) Are you a CC creator? mhm!
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? YUP YOU KNOW WHO U ARE!!!(✩ ์ ᴗ ์✩)
17.) What’s your favorite game? welllll sims... specifically sims two, and recently ive just been conjoined to my switch playing animal crossing. but i also love the re games, and also the supermassive games
18.) Do you have any sims merch? LMAO no
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims? wish i did but i couldnt video edit to save my life
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? hmmm..... well (23-22-21-20-19-18) id say im doing great now
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21.) What’s your Origin ID? just rottenmothboy my old url... but i have some old sims on the gallery
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator? well... l love all of them keep making great cc!!!
FOREVER (devilsfang & vampirepill) luv and miss u guys <3
and many many more <3
23.) How long have you had a simblr? well this account has been active until i think sept 2019? but i started posting in early 2021
24.) How do you edit your pictures? i use krita!! because whose got ps money? not me
25.) What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? ooooo real. city living. i just love apartments
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? i honestly dont care becuas i dont buy them anymore
i literally tag anyone who sees this
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nabrizoya · 3 years
RoW Theories and Things I Want to See
with RoW literally a few weeks away, here’s some theories your way. 
this is Really long. like, really very long; mind you. 
Nikolai might become a disabled character.
It’s just the vibes. If we can take reference from the Too Clever Fox story, there’s a line that says “...and his [Koja’s] fur never quite sat right the same...”, which might hint at it (mostly bc i don’t want him to die). Also if this is indeed possible, it can be used to address ableism if it exists in this universe, especially since Nikolai is someone in the highest position of power. 
Zoya will experiment the shit out of powers. 
Idk why the synopsis says that using her powers might be a great deal, which tbf will be because she is truly the most most powerful atm; but Zoya wouldn’t mind taking the step outside of the old norms and bend the orders until they serve their purpose. That’s the entire goal rly.
But all along, she will consciously keep herself mindful to not hunger or discharge her power in a way that may cause harm. She knows the tyranny of the Darkling and the ways he employed. She knows better. 
More character depth to Zoya. 
Given the excerpts, the book does seem to explore Zoya’s infinite grief. And of course her Suli heritage, which a great part of the fandom consistently wants to shadow what with the talk “white features/ part Ravkan” bs. 
But there’s more. I hope RoW will show Zoya’s dilemma (that was alr hinted in KoS) she has with the power she holds, the responsibility she has with having that power + using it in the way that will not be detrimental to her and the country. It will be a great way to portray her self-awareness and doubt and insecurity. She is a good leader, that much is told in text but not shown. There’s character development from the end of R&R until KoS that makes her evolve from a what she was then to the capable and mature 22 year old she is in KoS. 
Of course all of their capabilities will come to light in RoW but I think Zoya and the agency to her as a character will play an integral part. More so because Zoya is to be the conduit to reversing the current Grisha orders, which runs in parallel with the fact that she needs to go back, go back to the roots of her Grisha knowledge and roots of her i.e. her unending grief and trauma. 
She will need to forgive herself while also dealing with the guilt and anger she may have caused due to her position and power. All of this while dealing with her own complex and contrasting emotions due to her own trauma.
Nikolai is held for treason. 
The word of allying with The Darkling may be out and that is enough reason for the entire country to turn against him. The secret about the monster causes issues more than enough already, and this will plunge the country into deep political turmoil and threats to security. So RoW will be more politically driven. That said...
There’s no overt war. 
By this I mean that there will not be war on the battlefield, both armies or more charging at each others’ enemies and such. Ravka cannot afford one either. The excerpts have already proved that. There will be skirmishes akin to a war scenario, but a complete battle like the last battle in R&R? Like a final battle? That’s not going to be there, I think… What I’m assuming might happen is that the Fjerda and Ravka will take a possible Cold War route, if it isn’t already the case they’re already dealing with atm. 
Ravka’s monarchy will collapse. 
It may become a democracy or any other form of public or majority vote. But the monarchy (as well a possible dictatorship, esp with the Darkling returned) will be eliminated. ...Or so I hope, since it has been alluded to in KoS. 
But that poses many problems. With no one line for the throne, let alone with a crime so dark like a blot on Nikolai’s skill (of taking the Darkling’s help), it is possible that Ravka will shun it, right alongside being torn about it because Nikolai has been, for the best of his ability, a good King. All of this in line with the Resistance rising in West Ravka. 
This ties in with the court matters, especially if I want to hold the further points I make true. The resolution to acquit Nikolai of his charges requires a testification forth a jury which will then make a decision about his motives and future. 
Zoya as the Interim Head. 
After all of this, Zoya’s point about Ravka not accepting a Grisha Queen will be true after all, because there will be no monarchy to welcome such an arrangement. 
But Ravka will need a good and trustworthy leader despite Grisha powers and Zoya is the best person to take care of that. The comment “...becoming a steady leader...” and the “Welcome home, Commander,” were there in KoS for a reason (and this is what I think it will link to). 
That being said, there’s more nuance to this than my summary. Zoya is a character of colour. That—in addition to the already existing threats, objections and possible question of capability in the position—ill play into how she will be able to discharge her responsibility. It’s not going to be convenient.
EDIT: taken from a reblog/addition to the og post:
A smoother/more structured transition
Once after the monarchy collapses and a leader must be chosen, it will not be Nikolai. Nor will it be Zoya, though she might serve as an interim head. What I assume might be possible is that someone older is chosen, someone older and loyal and with the proof of knowledge and service to the country. Possibly by majority vote or elected by a council.
Instead of the sudden change, this can be a smoother (if that can even be said about such a major political scenario change) or more structured. I also say this because a. if Nikolai is indeed charged (and later acquitted), firstly his political career will already hold a blot if the word about using the Darkling as a resource is out and secondly, he’s way too young to serve as the leader (by modern standards, sure, but like, the required age will be set while drafting the constitution? currently its 35+).
Instead, the current cast can become representatives (which Zoya would already be, (mostly the head of the) international committee that safeguards the Grisha all over the world) and the Triumvirate will be dissolved. (it should be, tbh)
And hey, b. after all of this, they can and kind of need to take a step back. Nikolai and Zoya will be able to truly explore their relationship, given how Nikolai mentions how he wouldn’t marry unless he’d have had the chance to court someone and marry someone he barely knows nor knows him. For Zoya’s part, she does know Nikolai but surely probably not the extent of openness that a healthy relationship has, and on Nikolai’s part, he admits he barely knows her beyond as a General except for just little things about her.
They could be able to realize and work on their feelings while alongside being involved with the workings of the country and the constitution.
“One day you will overstep and I will not be so forgiving.” 
Need I say more? Something that Zoya does will cost her Nikolai’s goodwill and we know Zoya knows her practicality and the extent to which she will unapologetically move if there is threat to the country and its King. She will do what was right and required. 
A major part of that line ties in with Magnus Opjer and I think with the confidence in the versatility of her powers, Zoya might as well move w/o any word to the Triumvirate to eliminate the most direct threat to the throne. This will bring splits in Nikolai and Zoya’s relationship. 
How this tension between them will be resolved without compromising either of their values, without playing into fandom stereotypes and others must be carefully handled. All of this while showing the best of their dynamicity, practicality and priority as they carefully pull out just those weak sticks of the jenga without putting the whole country into trouble. And with a war in plain sight, they’d know better than pointlessly argue and would rather see how the two of them are wrong. This ordeal will bring out just how condensed power is in the current scenario, imo. 
Importance on the way women have shaped history. 
Something that KoS has already set precedence for. Zoya being a PoC, Nina taking into account of the sufferings of women she comes across and the consistent ‘Who will remember them?’ will be elaborated on further. As for how it is done and how well it is done, that remains to be seen. 
Baghra is alive but maybe not thriving bc she’s stuck in the Ice Court. 
They entered a chamber where an old woman sat with her hands chained, flanked by guards. Her eyes were vacant. As each prisoner approached, the woman gripped his or her wrist.
A human amplifier. [...] But the Fjerdans used them for a different purpose – to make sure no Grisha breached their walls without being identified.
Kaz watched Nina approach. He could see her trembling as she held out her arm. The woman clamped her fingers around Nina’s wrist. Her eyelids stuttered briefly. Then she dropped Nina’s hand and waved her along.
Had she known and not cared? Or had the paraffin they’d used to encase Nina’s forearms worked?
- Chapter 22. Kaz; Part 4: Trick to Falling, Six of Crows.
Nina will be the one to free her and together they might wage a war from Djerholm together.
This gets even more interesting because we know the anguish and scorn that Baghra feels for her son at the same time; she understands the wrongness that he used to seek and will continue to. Zoya does take Baghra’s name at the Fold when she mourns and rages over how people forget the destruction and most importantly, forget the women. Baghra could be the symbol of the stag as the art piece depicts, or will be shown with relation to the Darkling’s powers.
As for how she will play into the story, perhaps she will be the one to help reverse and find the roots of the orders, in the sense that changes the perception of the Grisha powers for the Grisha as well as the common folk of Ravka. She is the only other person other than Juris and the Darkling to have the age of eras together, knowing Ilya Morozova, and she will be instrumental in giving Ravka an advantage over Fjerda. Either that or she will help in scrubbing the prejudices of Fjerda slowly away with whatever powers she has left. Or both. 
Alina will reappear, but will not contribute to the plot significantly.
Zoya understands that the truth she knows about the Darkling is very minimal not enough to end him for once and for all. It makes sense that she will probably consult Alina for it. So, Malina appearance, possibly at the orphanage. Alina will not directly contribute to this war, but she will play a critical role in defeating the Darkling.
Besides, Alina —and Baghra— are the only ones who know that there has only ever been two Darklings. Zoya did sense, multiple times during KoS, that the Darkling is damn old. Yuri mentions it. And while it is not outright specified, the fact that Zoya thinks that she realizes just how ancient Lizabetha is in context of meeting the Darkling is enough proof for her to seek more information about the age and the older skill of the Darkling. 
And I think it goes without saying that I want to hope that the Darkling and Alina will not meet. Pls, she’s had enough. 
Lada is the lost, other friend that Zoya refuses to bury. 
“She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend.”
Liliyana is dead, we know. But there’s no other mention of Lada except for the “wondering what happened to the pug faced girl.” Lada is possibly a part of the group of women and a Grisha returning to Ravka from Fjerda, exploited by the parem. She might die being unable to withhold the sheer torment of the parem induction, which will devastate Zoya because Lada was also the closest she’s had to a family with Liliyana. 
Either that or Lada is already dead or dies some other way, and Zoya cannot bring herself bear the grief of losing her. 
Cameos: Inej and Jesper. 
The most likely of the crows to appear in RoW are Inej and Jesper and they’ll play equally important roles in the plotline. Here’s a breakdown of why:
Inej has taken the responsibility of becoming a slave hunter, and it makes sense for Inej to make an appearance in the book, given that there’s going to be a ship taking the Grisha from Fjerda to Ravka. 
The women aboard are vulnerable and require immediate attention, which Inej will immediately zero in on. She will have enough reason to suspect both Leoni and Adrik on the ship, especially when the jurda parem is still a secret. Leoni and Adrik cannot give that information away because they don’t trust Inej (and have no reason to either). Inej won’t trust them either, not until she understands that the reason why the women are being taken to Ravka and for what reasons. 
Which gives her excellent reason to step in, try to analyze the situation and help the women accordingly.
Here’s an exciting thought though. Once after the entire misunderstanding is overcome and Inej understands (esp. if Nina is brought into the conversation and security and secrecy of the conversation is ensured), there may be discussion about how the Grisha might find a safer space in Ravka.
Inej’s appearance might also extend to playing a pivotal role in giving Zoya the confidence to seek her heritage and where she hails from, to embrace the part of her past and forgive herself and others for her mistakes. 
Grisha finding a safer space in Ravka will mean that Inej can pitch Jesper’s case for him to Zoya. Being the highest authority who takes cares of the responsibilities of the Grisha, Zoya will be the best person to talk about this with. 
And so, here comes Jesper. 
For one, I wish Jesper and Leoni interact, talk and just bond like the iconic siblings they would be. <3 But more than that, Jesper plays very integral to the plot for more reasons.
Jesper’s arc will parallel Zoya’s. Both of them are new to their powers in their own individual sense; Zoya is trying to use her new powers in a way that hasn’t been done before, thereby breaking the Grisha orders of powers and Jesper (assuming he has decided that he might want to learn and embrace his Grisha powers) is learning them afresh. 
This journey of them trying to embrace, learn and relearn and reject older norms and experiment really work in tandem.
That will lead us to a further (plot) theories. 
Ties with Novyi Zem 
As of the KoS end, Ravka has no support from anyone atm. Sure the Kerch will provide funds but Ravka has no real allies. Here’s where Novyi Zem and Jesper come in. 
We know Novyi Zem is a new country and also that it is the second safest country for the Grisha in the universe. As of KoS, their agreements are not renewed and they would be since between Kerch and Novyi Zem, Ravka was forced to pick Kerch. Yet Ravka needs their help in acquiring jurda for the antidote. 
So here’s the deal: Ravka will get their jurda but at many conditions that the Novyi Zem will impose on Ravka to not let exploitation get in the way. 
The conditions imposed could be (these are just some at the top of my head but I hope there are more to ensure the safety and security of the Zemeni, in Novyi Zem and in Ravka too) : 
Naval support from Ravka
We know of the Zemeni ships and ofc Nikolai has been hard at work trying to develop plans to use the sea to its fullest advantage. While the news of the izmars’ya isn’t public, Zemeni can place a condition for technical aid from Ravka since Ravka does have the technical knowledge it can dispatch as a condition.
A Grisha School in Novyi Zem
Think about it. Ravka, despite being the safest place for the Grisha, still isn’t entirely safe. Not all Grisha become soldiers in Ravka, they have a choice to abstain but those who are training are still recruited a honed for purpose alike preparing for war, especially the teens and preteens from the time of the Civil War. The training does take a lot of time. Ravka intends to make a home first and then service, but at the moment, while the Grisha are provided safety, it’s not assured in the best sense. Both the facts about a home and service are in precarious positions atm.
TL;DR: Ravka isn’t entirely safe for Grisha therefore the Grisha themselves too are not + Ravka is war torn. 
So what happens? 
One of the conditions as the next best country that serves as home to the Grisha, Novyi Zem may put forth the prospect of building a Little Palace like institution for the Grisha in Novyi Zem. It sounds morally wrong in the sense that the Grisha there will also be trained for war, but the war will end and soon, the Grisha will not be subject to serve for something but engage in economic activities as anybody else with the progression of time.
All of this won’t happen immediately either; learning their powers, honing it in the way that is unocnventional from what it had been pre-RoW and that transition + the building of the establishment in Novyi Zem and laying foundation for the  transnational panel or committee for Grisha that Zoya talks about will all take so much time. 
A few Grisha representatives from Novyi Zem can learn at the Little Palace and by the time the construction of the institution is done in Novyi Zem, these Grisha, along with other willing Grisha who either want to return to the country they were born in (like Leoni) or are offered to teach in a different country can do so too. 
There will be stricter terms so as to not ensure exploitation and possible colonization in these nations. 
Zoya mentions in one of her chapters that eventually there will be a need for the a  transnational panel or committee for Grisha. Jesper can Zoya can make it possible, adding in other countries to the panel slowly as the war recedes. 
Kaz and Wylan? 
Least likely to make an appearance, in my opinion. I think they’ll be mentioned plenty of times or brought up once and given great importance for how they can help in the side plot. 
Shu Support: 
This is more a hope than an actually theory dfbkdhjadfh but Makhi might have to step down from the throne because Ehri will take the place; either as a Queen (no...) or she might oversee the process of strengthening Shu Han and finding a leader (if she doesn’t want to become one herself). 
Ehri is capable, more than capable despite the little we know of her from the last chapter in KoS. All I hope is for an understanding and friendship between Nikolai and Ehri (and the subsequent cancelling of the marriage duH) for this to happen. She has little interest in statecraft but with the time she might spend with Nikolai, she might change her views. Even if not then she still gets the happy ending she deserves with Mayu (which is canon at this point rly).
Emotional Development or Breakdowns
Okay but I really, really, really hope we get to see all the three protagonists lose their shit and deal with their trauma, seek help or trying to stop isolating themselves or anything else they do to cope? Nina, Zoya and Nikolai, all of them cry, all of them get to completely lose it, let themselves be human and healthily cope and learn to rely on the people they trust the most. Like the sheer power and potential to show the myriad of ways to deal with grief, sadness, stress and more and make use of the trio’s backgrounds to show healthy and diverse ways of helping themselves, by letting themselves and others help them is just *combusts* Incredible! 
That being said, can I also ask for moments of fear and desolation from the side characters too? Impending war isn’t small business, it will take its toll on people, and all these reactions just cement their fears and what they value the most so. pls. Humanizing them rly. 
The Saving Each Other 
As much as I mostly kinda hate this trope, there are traces in the KoS that Zoya might be the one to end Nikolai’s affliction. On the other hand, there is talk of Nikolai helping Zoya control her powers which seems counterintuitive when you consider that Zoya knows that there is a line that she must never cross and that she is very, very careful about it and will continue to be. 
They can instead be the ones who motivate each other in times of distress as they always do (as shown with how Nikolai tries to gain control over his monster during the burning thorn ritual in KoS, allowing himself the vulnerability but also knowing that giving up will be unforgivable to both himself and Zoya as well) but I seriously do not wish for each other to be the ones directly ending one another's misery. Or perhaps this is just a fear imo that Leigh wouldn’t even take the route of (in which case, thank fuck).
Stab Stab Stab 
Zoya gets the chance to kill the Darkling with the rest of her friends. After all, Darkling does call them all his old friends. Just Julius Caeser him all the way and put a bow tie on the book. *chef’s kiss* Everybody deserves a second chance... at ending a tyrant when it fails the first time. 
So far, this is it. Rule of Wolves is in less than a few weeks and im- asdfghjkl. not Ready. i’m more Worried than Ready.
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floraone · 4 years
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So, September is coming up, and with it smutember, and we’re doing it again! (At least I hope you’re with me, lol).
Just like last year, it runs alongside to the official daily word prompts on the official smutember blog: Smutember is an event that runs all throughout September for all fandoms. The following is meant as an addition, not a replacement. If you want to do daily prompts, please use the official words prompts (linked above). However, since daily prompts can be a bit intimidating (especially for a fandom corner that’s 25+ years old like ours and people in it have busy lives), as the resident smut advocate in our fandom, I again customized an alternative that can still incorporate the official themes.
Just like last year, down below you have a list of TROPE AND THEME PROMPTS. They’re a remix of sorts of last year’s tropes, with some you’ve seen before and some new ones, meant to spark a variety of ideas. The idea is that with these you can post once (or twice) per week instead of daily.
Be it for fanart or fanfic or any other sort of fanwork, tropes can be combined, (and they can be combined with the daily themes too), whatever floats your boat. Also, specifically: This event isn’t Usamamo-centric only. I will reblog any Sailor Moon content of any pairing as long as it follows the rules! (See below)
The aim of this event is to create sex-positive content together that celebrates a healthy depiction of consentual sexuality. Erotic fanfiction is a beautiful art, especially in a fandom of ours so largely cultivated by women and for women, as well as a strong inclusive focus on queer and gender-queer content and their creators!
What’s new: I’m taking a page out of the mini-bang’s impressive book, and when smutember is over, I will compile all entries that followed the rules into an online-only e-zine! This also means that art that may be too explicit for tumblr can still be included in the e-zine!
Here are the weekly trope challenges:
Reinvent a trope!
WEEK 1 (September 1st - 7th): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Reunion Sex 🍋 Sex Fails 🍋 Second Chance Sex 🍋 You Talk In Your Sleep 🍋 Unresolved Sexual Tension 🍋 New Old Flame 🍋 Go Seduce My Archnemesis 🍋 Bedsharing 🍋 Sex with the Ex/Break-Up Sex 🍋 In Public 
WEEK 2 (September 8th - 14th): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Make-Up Sex 🍋 Battle Couple 🍋 Mission Sex 🍋 Work-Out Sex 🍋 Accidental Pervert 🍋 Bathing/Shower 🍋 Pool/Onsen 🍋 Sexual Fantasies 🍋 Blind Date 🍋 Aroused By Your____ (pick a feature) 
WEEK 3 (September 15th - 21st): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Established Relationship 🍋 “Thank God We’re Alive” 🍋 Caught In The Act 🍋 First Times 🍋 Introduction By Hook-Up 🍋 Pining 🍋 Locked In Together In A Small Space/ Trapped Together 🍋 Huddling For Warmth 🍋 Socially Distanced Sex 🍋 Stupid Sexy Friend 🍋 Caught In The Rain 🍋 Living Food Platter/Eating Off You 🍋 Shunga
WEEK 4 (September 22nd - 30th): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Mutual Masturbation 🍋 Awkward/Clumsy Sex 🍋 Oh Crap There’s Fanfic Of Us 🍋 Talking In Bed 🍋 Fidelity Test 🍋 Fake-NOT-Dating 🍋 Mindlink 🍋 Sex Games 🍋 Tinder 🍋 Blackout/Quarantine/Disaster Warning/Weathering The Storm
1. Rating: These fics don’t necessarily need to be M or, in the case of Ao3, E- rated. Obviously, they are very, very welcome to be explicit for this event, but you can also go T-rated and stay in lime or ‘blacked out’-territory if you’re uncomfortable with writing explicit scenes! Both is perfectly and absolutely welcome! This of course also goes for fanart - your fanart may depict sexy scenes, but does NOT have to be explicit! (It can, though! Be aware that for tumblr’s guidelines, when sharing your art first, you may have to clip your images as a sort of preview. The original can then be sent to me privately to include into the e-zine!) 2. Minimum Age of Characters: Since this is a community event, if you do go explicit M rated material: age them up where necessary! So that everyone can be comfortable writing and reading these, let them be 18 at the minimum if they’re going to openly and explicitly wohoo. (16-17 is the global average age of consent worldwide, and also the average age for first sex among girls in many western countries. However, since most fanfic readers are located in the US, where the age of consent is 18, we’re going with 18 so that everyone can be comfortable reading!) If you go for canon fics at a time they are below this age, where you do not want to age up (say you’re going for an episode fix!) please stay in T territory for this event. 3. Off limits: Depictions of sexual acts that contain harmful, violent and non-consenting behaviour with non-consenting individuals (or those that aren’t able to consent, for instance because of their age, or state of mind among else!). If it doesn’t fly by law or the ICD in real life, please refrain from depicting it in the context of this event. This means that dubcon and noncon will not be reblogged for the event, so that people can be safely consuming the content without being triggered. All content will be screened in this regard, and I may contact you regarding trigger warnings. This is not at all to censor content, or that this content is in any form less valid (as long as it is properly tagged and not including characters that aren’t of age), but simply to ensure a safe environment for everyone reading. 4. Tag your triggers. Except the aforementioned limitation of harmful content, nothing is off limits. Explore your kinks! But if you write something that might be offensive to your readers, please tag it. This is ALSO a good way for your readers to find exactly what they ARE looking for! On Ao3 this can be done directly on the fic tags, for FF fics and fic links you can do it here on Tumblr via the fic post tags or in ANs. This is in consideration of your readers. 5. You can obviously post art for this event too. All previous rules apply here, as well. Unfortunately, Tumblr is now against tasteful nudity. That doesn’t mean you can’t link to a deviant art or similar account though, should you want to. And, since this year will include an e-zine at the end of it, all art will still be included fully in it. Here too, please tag your triggers. If you still want to post art on Tumblr, choose a T rated image - clip them where needed, or keep them (semi-)clothed, show us a heated kiss, etc! (Obviously we would love ALL the art and the nude body is a beautiful, wonderful thing, but obviously Tumblr doesn’t agree with us anymore!) 6. Have fun! Celebrate sexuality in an open, sex-positive way with us, try to be unapologetic about your likes while you write this, and appreciate the beauty that comes in the form of content with a largely female-gazing creator-base and audience! Smut in fanfiction has been beautifully put as the subjectification of sexuality (as opposed to  objectification). So let’s celebrate this art form together! 7. Reviews: No one is forced to review. It can be uncomfortable to review a fic that contains sexual acts for any number of always valid reasons. Keep in mind, however, that much like a Burlesque dancer on stage, putting out sexual content can also be very intimidating to an author, and nothing is more discouraging than silence when baring yourself to an audience like this. That being said: Both Ao3 and FF have the option to review in anon mode. That means you have the option to remain anonymous while cheering the author on all the same. Just like the Burlesque dancer, your resident smut authors prefer to go on stage to loud cheering - it makes it all less awkward for them, and feels a little more like a big celebration!
If you’re unsure what sex positivity entails and want to read up, I wrote a post about it here.
This event is not supposed to cause harm. This means that I will screen all content before I reblog it here, and include it in the e-zine. So that everyone of age can feel safe reading the fanworks in the event, dubcon and noncon will not be reblogged and included in the e-zine, and accurate tagging and content warning will be watched. This does NOT MEAN that you cannot post this material: your own desire to write it and someone else’s desire to explicitly read this material are valid. I do not entitle myself to censor. It just means it will not be reblogged and shared through the event so that everyone may feel safe to read to the best of my ability. (But, of course, remember that I, too, might be biased, and not discover subtle forms of it, either. We’re all, in the end, a product of our upbringing and society, and I cannot be completely unbiased.)
During the event, I will be posting all Sailor Moon Smutember contributions in this format on my blog if you @ me to the post.
The official hashtag for the event is #smutember2020 hosted by the official smutember blog. Using it helps people find the content who search for it as well as those who wish to block it!
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Ave exitium
So, last night I started horrendously crying because it finally hit me with what I lost and since this is a "safe" space to confess things maybe I would feel better if I just got everything out.
Res wasn't just a bunch of pixels to me. It was a home. It was another identity, a support unit, and my creative outlet.
A home.
I had first gotten into Res when I was possibly around 12-13. My home life was extremely chaotic with my parents working on getting a divorce so I found comfort in Res, and I ended up meeting some really cool people that were the reason why I stayed after I turned 20+ years old (I am 26 now). Res was where I could exist without the bullying endured at school and the abuse my dad would put me through. Eventually, coming home and logging on into Res and talking to my friends was what I looked forward to. It was just, my own little virtual corner.
An identity.
In real life I had to be me, but on Res I could be anyone. Granted, my identity changed a lot and when I was younger I lied about things because my home life absolutely sucked and lying about things made myself feel better (I was 12, give me a break) but eventually I just settled on "Shini." And I came to like Shini. At work, I had to be Ashley (a name I hate) but on there I was Shini. And I became someone. I'd have a terrible day and come into the Shoutbox just to see my close friends respond with "Shini <3" and just seeing that was enough to make me smile. My friends loved, spoiled and supported me so much. There are people on there that loved me to death, and I felt the same for them. Just having my friends accept and aknowledge me as who I chose to be when I wasn't getting that in my real life made me feel..kinda happy. Kinda like I belonged somewhere. And for someone that has struggled with mental health all their life things felt good for once.
A support unit.
Trying to be an artist is one of the biggest hurdles I've ever faced, and all my life my father had spent every day telling me I wasn't one, but the support, the people that I found out loved seeing my artwork, and the compliments I would get when I would excitedly post a new piece in the Shoutbox, that was so great. It made me smile so much. And I loved drawing for people. Thank you to everyone that has commissioned me. I hope you really like your artwork. I'm glad I got so much attention but now I'm sad you guys can't see me grow. I had several pieces I was really excited to show off but oh well, guess that's done now.
A creative outlet.
I'm pretty sure I've stated multiple times that Res was how I got rid of stress and exercised my creativity. My names. My sweet children. The reason why it was like pulling teeth to get me to sale a name was because they all were given a character. I loved them all so much, but now they're gone. And I had some very well loved designs that many artists on Res have drawn [Michael the Dark Souls inspired Omni, Martyr the arrow impaled Liyure that cries gold, Saw my Iluvu modeled after the puppet]. I put so much though into my characters and even sunk close to $800+ in real money for art of them. They weren't just trophies, they were expressions of my creativity. What sucks even more is that I was working on a huge painting of Martyr and Saga for their profiles and now it's just painful to even look at them.
Because they're gone.
My support unit is gone. My friends are gone. My childhood is gone. All of my characters are gone. All of their art is gone. I never got any warning of anything so it's not like I had time to save all of the art I bought.
And this whole thing, this massive, uncalled for clusterfuck that shows a lack of leadership and care for your loyal members, has made me feel so terrible. Like Hell, I also feel abused and gaslighted. And even worse I don't appreciate the jokes being made about my mental health when it is a legitimate serious issue I struggle with (talk to any of my friends on Discord, some days I can't even get out of bed due to my depression). And I don't appreciate being called a toxic person. If anything, this situation has drawn the toxicity out of me because, frankly, I am pissed and I am hurt. We're not getting our accounts back when they shouldn't have been taken in the first place and we're also untrustworthy? It's fairly clear that you do not care about your users. You hired someone that wants to joke about alcoholism and mental health as development.
I don't want anything to do with Res. I contemplated coming back but if I did Dan would just snag my kids when my account was cleared. And that's cool, but let me just say: they are not for you and I hope if you grab one that you are told they are not for you. My kids and their characters will always be mine and I hope you know that. You're insatiably greedy, but I hope that just this once, the guilt eats you alive. I hope you are tormented.
This will be my last post here. I wish my friends the best of luck. If you manage to get one of my kids please treat them well. If you were close to me on site you have my permission to message me on my account for my Discord to keep in touch. I love all of you guys and I hope that maybe, just maybe, in the future Res becomes a safe place. My only regret is that I was banned before I could come back on Res full time because I was going to apply for Staff because I actually give a shit about the site and its userbase.
Be kind to others. Respect yourselves and nature.
- Shini/Ash 💞
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burningfreeze · 4 years
Answer me - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, e9? 40 : )
okay. OKAY. I’m doing it. This will be my about.
1. who’s your celebrity crush?
Currently? Tobias Menzies I think.................. yeah. Yeah........ 
2. are you single or taken?
I’m singleee
3. rant. just do it
Is America ever going to wake up? How many more people have to die because of your dumbass gun laws and racist ideology?? Do you like living in fear? Do you like innocent people getting killed? What’s the deal??? Bruh moment
4. do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?
It depends on the context. If you want to analyze a given text of culture, evaluate it: yes, most definitely, “death of the author” is the way to go. If you want to decide whether to support an artist or not - why would you support someone hurtful to other people?
5. how many accounts do you have?
Just this one at the moment.
6. how many pairs of shoes do you have?
Oh jeez. Lemme think............... I think 10.
7. opinion on @obskurodziciel
Asshole XDDDDDDD But one I appreciate. I guess a properly functioning, healthy body needs an asshole.
8. how many accounts do you follow?
37 at the moment.
9. favorite brand of clothing?
My mom’s ancient brandless clothes I dig from the depths of her wardrobe at 3 AM.
10. name a dog
Already did, and her name is Salma and I lov her.
11. what unusual talent do you have?
Crazy mimic muscles that let me make crazy faces. And a powerful forehead. 
12. what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard?
That somebody masturbated loudly in one of the uni toilet stalls. Like moaning n shit XDDD
13. ever prank called a store?
Nnnnnope. I don’t like pranking people ;-;
14. what’s your coffee order?
Flat white or latte. Regular milk. Just one spoon of sugar.
15. what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
Idk... but some number of people have asked me on how did I look like with long hair. TERRIBLE, next question
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
Hm. Probably the Owl Cave symbol from Twin Peaks on the inside of my wrist.
17. google the top song from the year you were born
Billboard says it was Too Close by Next. Yeah, I don’t know it either.
18. rant about your favorite musician
Hm. It’s hard to choose just one fave...... But I wish SOAD would finally fcking get their shit together, apologize to each other (I’m looking at you, Serj & Daron), and start writing new stuff together. They were so good when working together!!! Why do you have to be such drama queens! You’re friends goddammit!
19. what’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
My high school PE teacher. And I hate doing sports. He was just great at finding everybody’s strengths and limits and worked with everyone individually, and he’s a genuinely nice person. Shoutout to Zibi Żuk...... ur cool!!
20. describe your blog in 3-5 words
The Terror keeps me alive.
21. what’s a conspiracy you believe in?
That Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer.
22. if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
Either Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds or Rammstein. And if you’re talking about a specific concert in history... that would be Queen at Rainbow ‘74.
23. if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
Either smoking or picking at my face
24. can you dance? sing?
If you give me 4 beers and patiently wait until I drink them, I will perform the whole musical of your choice, but I cannot comment on the quality of my performances.
25. what’s something you can’t stop buying?
Cigarettes and art supplies
26. crowds or small groups?
Ummmm small groups I guess but I have nothing against being in a crowd of people
27. how long before a trip do you pack?
The night before, at 2 AM, going “ahhhhh shit it’s tomorrow”
28. what celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10?
Kyle MacLachlan (idk if I can call him a celebrity but yes) for his relentless positivity and genuine kindness.
29. what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?
Hm. Maybe..... no pain no gain? I don’t like the idea that you have to suffer to achieve anything. You’re gonna achieve pain. Basically. And general dissatisfaction.
30. if you had to dye your hair an unnatural color right now, what would you choose?
Not a fan of colorful hair on me but I’d choose flamingo pink.
31. you can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?
My maroon trackpants to my grey track pants.
32. how old do you get mistaken for?
I guess I don’t have a problem with that...?
33. what do you think about a lot
Beer, the sea, and James Fitzjames’ elegant profile.
34. do you like your hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?
I’m pretty ok with Gryffindor.
35. what does home mean to you?
Warmth, safety, people you love, and pets.
36. what do you think you’d be arrested for?
I am a Good Christian Child leave me alone
37. have you ever been called down to the principals office?
Noooo. Like I said. A Good Child indeed.
38. post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
Tumblr media
39. describe your aesthetic
devilcore + Neo from Matrix + hawaiian shirts and heart-shaped glasses.
40. answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation
POKAŻ MI TO W TEKŚCIE!!! gdzie jest motyw DĄS MAKABR
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ohcxssidy · 5 years
Tumblr media
HI babies i’m kristin and i’m so excited to be BACK bc i love veritas w my whole entire heart and?????? wow. i’m sick and got sent home early from work because of it so i’m a tired binch but i’m here and ready 2 party. i meant to have an insta graphic and playlist done but,,,,,, yikes. so maybe i’ll post those later. if you’d like to plot (or keep with the old plots we had for old members) give this a LIKE or give me a message on here or discord!!!!
stats page // connections page // pinterest board
the basics!
full name: cassidy turner skeleton: the influencer age: 21 major: musical theatre clubs: theatre, campus media (photographer), campus radio job: waitress at giovanni’s
the rest
tw: mentions of death, depression, alcohol
sO cassidy is the oldest of five kiddos. she’s got a twin brother that she’s older than by ten minutes, a half brother (13), and two half sisters (15 and 11)
cass and her twin brother were born in ashmont, ct to rebecca turner and an unknown man (to the twins anyway). their mom always claims it was a fling. he was a musician, and he had left before she found out she was pregnant.
so here you have a 20 year old suddenly now raising twins on her own. she actually did pretty well for the most part and raised her kids to be gr8
cassidy doesn’t ever TRY to be bitter abt it but sometimes it just,,,, happens??? and she hates herself for it bc he didn’t know but how do u leave a pregnant lady on her own idk
when the twins were four, their mom met a  man and eventually married him!! they had three kids over the next few years, which now upped the kiddo count to 5 and they were one big happy family!!!
tbh cass saw him as her father, since he was around from when she was really young, and he was a big part of her life growing up
around this time she met daisey and the two became fast friends!! they spent basically every day together throughout their childhood (more on that later)
but THEN, tragedy struck (bc why would i let my muses be happy who do u think i am)
when cassidy was 15, her step father unexpectedly passed away, and the family was left without any direction. they didn’t have a lot of money to begin with, but now one income to feed six people was not an easy task.
with the combination of grieving, money stress, and probably fear,  her mother fell into a deep depression, finding a coping mechanism through booze. she lost her job along the way, and slowly the money that was left was fading fast.
cass and her twin brother basically took that as a sign that they needed to take responsibility to keep their family alive, so they immediately took up any jobs they could find, just to keep money coming in.
most of their paychecks went into a bank account that would help the kids get by, since their mother didn’t do much of anything to help anymore.
this situation really tore up cassidy’s relationship with her mom, and most of what she feels is resentment and anger towards her mother, even though her brother doesn’t have that same opinion.
around this same time, her friendship with daisey started to fall apart, quicker than she would have imagined. it was a natural drift, coming apart due to daisey’s increasing popularity and cassidy’s lackthereof. nothing was malicious, which made it even tougher. she still misses that friendship sometimes, despite what others say about the girl.
throughout high school, cassidy worked her hardest to get high grades, because she knew that without a scholarship she wouldn’t be able to afford college otherwise.
she hardly got anything below an A, was involved in everything club that she could, and graduated as the salutatorian. she worked hard enough to receive enough scholarship money to cover most of her cost in school.
she’s currently in her final year as a musical theatre major!!!! she’s a nerd abt it too don’t open up a conversation about theatre unless u wanna lose a few hours
(here’s where i start pulling things directly from  my app so they’re getting longer)
cassidy has been involved in so many creative arts let me tell u. she discovered her first love in theatre at seven years old, which was soon followed by singing and dance lessons within the year. throughout the next decade, her love for the performing and the visual arts only grew over time, and some new passions were also discovered.
she also found that she had a talent in photography and writing when she was in high school after a friend convinced her to sign up for the yearbook. what started as just a way to gain another credit and add to her college applications turned into a passion that she would continuously want to pursue. it wouldn’t be her career, but she’d always find a way to keep doing it.
because of these passions, it was no surprise that cassidy would take to social media as another creative outlet. what started out as just posting videos from theatre performances on youtube began to grow into something more, and before she knew it, she was a recognizable name on the platform. she hadn’t planned on becoming an internet personality, but  now that she has, she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
cassidy has been actively posting videos on youtube for about three years now (essentially since starting college), and her channel currently has about 120 thousand subscribers. her channel mainly focuses on theatre related content, vlogs, advice, and a handful of videos related to bullet journaling and challenges.
a lil hc- cass’ channel is basically a  mix of katherine steele and jenna marbles
she also has a pretty strong following on instagram, so she’s all abt aesthetics and making her page always look neat and pretty
cassidy can be described as a walking advice column disguised as a mom friend. she is incredibly warm and welcoming, (which can even be seen in the clothes she chooses to wear), and she always has a kind word or smile to give anyone that crosses her path on a day to day basis.
she has been known in the past to strike up a conversation with a stranger, just because she liked their shirt, or they share the same coffee order. if someone comes up to her on the street needing advice, she’ll give it to them in a heartbeat, even it’s a simple “dump him”. she’d probably give you the shirt off her back if you asked her nicely (pls ask nicely)
she doesn’t like to make a habit of sharing some of the deep dark past things that were mentioned earlier, mainly because of how many of her classmates come from money. because of this, she’s never truly felt like she fit in amongst the wealthy community that attends and surrounds the university. she’s always trying to fit in with her peers, but nothing ever seems to be enough.
ever since the news of daisey’s disappearance, cassidy has truly been at a loss for words, or even thoughts. for almost fifteen years of her life, there had hardly been a day where cassidy  wouldn’t see daisey’s face, even in passing between classes after their friendship ended. since then, she still looks for her as she walks around campus, as if the whole thing was a dream, and daisey rutherford is still around and running st. etienne university.
okAY now its time for some lil fun facts and hcs!!
stans john mulaney don’t @ me
cries all the time bc a bitch is fuLL of emotions lskfjsldk. soft commercial? tears. she’s happy? crying. she saw a dog on the street?? grab the tissues. she’s a mess
her style varies but she always keeps a jacket or sweatshirt in her bag bc she’s cold a lot but also comfort™
started working in campus radio her freshman year just to try it out but now she rlly loves it!!!!!
has been in a ton of shows throughout her childhood. if you feel like looking at a mild shitpost i made for her, check out cassidy’s theatre resume (which is normal until the bottom)
honestly? just wants to give everyone hugs
this is so long im tired the end
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cygnuswheel · 5 years
no one’s here and no one’s going to save you. this is a nightmare waiting to happen, isn’t it? but he can’t wake up any more than he already has. everything’s spinning. it’s hopeless.
oscar sits in a bathroom, post volume 6.
( note: this was inspired by @flame-cat‘s recent comic that they posted on their art blog! i had a lot of thoughts about it and wanted to see where i’d go with one particular spin of mine. please make sure to check out their work!! )
oscar. oscar.
oscar, listen to me.
it’s a haze. the rush and the hurt and the panic can only lead to hyperventilation, to discomfort and to a hollowed spite. the air comes in and out, but he isn’t breathing. it’s like he’s drowning in his own presence.
what did this mean? how could he let this happen now, when everything was hinging tomorrow going perfectly? this isn’t the time for this. it was never the time for this, for the tears and the loathing and the absolute feeling of disgust. his thoughts are racing, trying so hard to come to some sort of conclusion, some way to feel better. yet, every time he tells himself to calm down, that his thoughts don’t matter and that this whole thing doesn’t matter, it comes back. a plague that sticks in his chest and summons forth a pain that sits in his torso, soaked by the sobs and heaves and chattering teeth. 
it’s all useless. why even try this at all? the relic, the plan, the whole fate of the world-- why, none of it really seemed to be all that important anymore, but, at the same time, it’s the biggest thing that he’ll ever be a part of in his entire life. it matters. it doesn’t matter. everything matters. everything matters but you. how would he be able to contribute to this, to any of this? his job was to be a vessel, a messenger of higher thought and information that the team relied on, but everything’s been so out of order lately. the information is lies. the promises are lies. the bonds he formed with everyone was a lie. he’s nothing without this great and powerful curse placed upon him. he’s just a boy. a fourteen year old boy that doesn’t know how to do anything. and he would never know how to do anything.
the word grips him like a hand placed firmly upon the shoulder. oscar’s eyes are wide, lips pulled back to show a sorrowful grimace, a face full of tears. his chest feels like it’s going to burst from the pause. he looks from one side to the other, nothing. the bathroom is empty other than himself, light dimly illuminating his strife as the rest of the party slept, surely anxious enough that they didn’t need any of the shit that he could dump on them. it wasn’t worth it for them, surely. he was barely going to be around in the long run anyway. there’s no need to bond with some pathetic creature that didn’t have much time left in the world anyway. and it’s not like he was any fun to be around either, with misery wrapping around him like a homespun cape--
you’re not a miserable person to be around, oscar.
there it is again. the boy squeaks in surprise, voice cracking in a startled motion as he curls further into himself, breathing ragged and wetness beginning to soak into the cloth of his knees. really? right now? his throat is rubbed raw and even the very labor of getting a wheeze out feels like absolute agony, so verbal communication here doesn’t seem like an option that he can take right now. still, his thoughts are loud and clear, defensive and bitter and oh so sorry: what the fuck. what the fuck. what do you want?
... you already know, don’t you? a sigh escape’s ozpin’s lips, presence light and shy, clearly a bit sheepish at the fact that he was around at all. after that grand disappearing act ( something that everyone else labeled as unfair abandonment, though oscar has a slightly different opinion on that matter ), it’s only natural that the wizard is reluctant to be around. to be here for you, something that i had previously failed at quite spectacularly. oscar scoffs. right. that must be it. what a joke. it was already obvious to him, clear as day. they were bound together, linked by an unfortunate rope of fate that put one of the most powerful men on the planet with some pathetic weakling that can’t even do his job without getting cold feet--
oscar, please. it’s a pressing, imploring tone, edging out to something that could possibly be described as sad. ( it still feels euphoric. it’s an addicting sort of validation that only draws in guilt. he doesn’t deserve any of this if he’s practically begging for it through the use of a panic attack. how deplorable. ) ozpin continues on, quiet yet firm: you’ve done more than what anyone could have ever asked you to do. never mind the addition of your age or life circumstances-- this, to any human being, would have had them meet their breaking point much, much earlier than you.
you’ve been strong. liar. more than i could have ever expected from you. stop. stop. i’ve been alive for far too long to not be able to recognize your efforts. you’ve been overworking yourself. but he’s not, he’s really not. it wasn’t true. if he was, then--
‘ then why is everything i’m doing never enough? ‘
his breath hitches. oscar is forced to stare at the wall tiling, the vague image of a warped reflection looking all too brown and black. discomfort dancing from one organ to the next, he tries to imagine dark greens, soft silvers. it’s a warmth that he’s desperate to have. some guidance. some way to keep going forward so he can ignore this ugly mess inside of his chest. inside his mind, he feels from ozpin a sensation that could only be described as a forlorn look gazing down at him, unsure but all too familiar. what would be enough, oscar? tell me.
the question leaves the boy a strange sense of winded, eyebrows knitting together as the frown remains on his face. he sniffles, bare hand coming up to rub at his eyes, hiccuping as he forces out words, something to regain control of the conversation, to regain footing on his very own uncertainty. “ i-i-- i would have been able to, i don’t know, fix this easier. i would have been able to tell them what they could do so they d-didn’t have to risk their lives like this. i would have been strong enough to be able to lead them to wherever the lamp needed to go. “ it sounds ridiculous. he knows it is, but it keeps spilling out, as if someone had forcefully broken open his dam. “ i would h-have been able to tell him that you were gone, and that it was j-just me. “ ( while the pain has disappeared, he will never, ever forget the sensation of having his back shoved against that wall, fury in the blond’s eyes and the reach that oz had made during it. ruby had yelled at him, made him stop in his tracks. oscar hadn’t been able to do anything. anything at all. ) “ i-i would have known what to do-- “
i didn’t know what to do, oscar. ozpin interrupts, clearly not wanting to hear anything more from the boy at the moment. his presence is heavier now, closer to the surface and beside the child. vague instructions and sprinklings of hope. ha ha. it would be unfair of me to think that you would know either. another sigh. this time, it’s both of them in sync. oscar feels his heart rate begin to settle more and more. it still hurts. i left you. after all the measures i had taken to control you. a pause. ... both physically and mentally. 
i never stopped to think anything about praise and encouragement past our shared duty. i never celebrated you for who you were, simply a means to an end by my own action. but that was fine, oscar thinks, incredulous at the statement. it’s fine, because he won’t exist in time, so ozpin could do whatever he wanted, right? right? the wizard frowns. of course not. do you really think i’m above being held accountable for my actions? should miss xiao long and everyone else not been furious with me?
oscar pauses, swallowing a hard lump that had begun to grow in his throat during the conversation that he had neglected to pay any mind to earlier. he can’t say that. he can’t say that because he felt the very same anger right in the beginning, when he had dragged himself out of the depths of his mind and stopped ozpin from taking back the relic. he was angry because it was wrong. he was angry because he thought they were fighting for a justice that deserved honesty. he understood why his cheek had been sore for days after qrow had rushed ahead to give oz a strong right hook. they had been betrayed. 
you had been betrayed.
after i had insisted that you could trust me. it’s a wan, self-loathing sound that echoes through oscar’s mind. he isn’t used to this. this overt display of... well, anything human. it had stopped after the ex-headmaster had run away. his crying had been a phenomenon that oscar had not completely grown to accept as normal yet. whether or not i’m proud of my actions doesn’t excuse what i’ve done to everyone. you especially, oscar.
please don’t try to hold a burden that no single person should bear. oscar closes his eyes. please don’t ignore how much you’re hurting. he’s shaking. there’s tears again, reintroduced. please don’t make the same mistakes i did. 
“ i-i don’t know what else to do. “ the boy chokes out, no longer hyperventilating but so, so sad. he’s holding the cracking pieces of his spirit and begging for direction. “ there’s so much to do, w-we don’t have time for this. “
i do, oz says. i have more than enough ‘time for this’, oscar. especially after everything. a puzzled quirk of the child’s brow. i...
... i want you to be able to grow on your own, oscar. what a kind, gentle voice. my interruptions do little to help you with your autonomy. i’m enough of an overbearing presence already without the whole subject of possession. a sniff from the smaller one. i understand that it feels both too early and too late, with the complications i’ve thrown into the mix, but... you deserve to be able to mature into your own self. 
so please don’t ignore your own feelings, the entity pleads, and in that moment, oscar, more than anything, just wants to hug the other and not let go. it’s overwhelming. to be honest, i’d be insulted if you decided to go down the path of being as foolish as me. he feels a tingling in his arm, not too forceful but still a bit leading. he follows the sensation and, in a strange movement, ends up rubbing his own hair. a confused look. i can’t manage much more at the moment without being disrespectful, ozpin answers, letting the smallest suggestions of a smile begin to hint at his voice. but i’ve always been a good listener, if you ever need an ear from the local curse in your mind. 
something bubbles in him. oscar doesn’t know what until midway of it happening-- a chuckle. it doesn’t sound the most delicate, as his throat had recently been assaulted by his own dread, but it’s so much sweeter compared to all the previous panicked babble and anxiety coming from his own mouth. the corners of them are beginning to upturn into the smallest grin. “ o-okay. i’ll try. “
i’m yours for the rest of the night and always after, mister pine.
“ ... alright. “ 
in the unspoken recesses of his thoughts, he makes a promise, a tiny thing, but nevertheless dear and precious beyond anything else.
‘ i’ll try. ‘
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coffeebased · 5 years
It’s been a whole year since I posted last. Part of me wants to apologise for being gone so long, but mostly I’m just glad that I’m here.
Instead of doing a GIANT 2018 READING POST, I’m going to chop it up into three posts:
Favourite Books Read in 2018
2018 Reading Data and Goal-setting for 2019
2013-2018 Reading Data Trends
I was going to do a bigass one like I usually do but it just felt so daunting. Probably because I read 256 books in 2018 and it was pretty tempting to just close that Excel sheet and move on to an empty one for 2019. But what is the point of an unexamined life, anyway?
So this post is basically a listicle with summaries grabbed from Goodreads, as well as the complete list of the books I read in 2018. I really enjoyed all these books immensely and they’re all in my personal canon now.
My Top 10 Reads for 2018:
The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson
The first great adventure story in the Western canon, The Odyssey is a poem about violence and the aftermath of war; about wealth, poverty, and power; about marriage and family; about travelers, hospitality, and the yearning for home.In this fresh, authoritative version—the first English translation of The Odyssey by a woman—this stirring tale of shipwrecks, monsters, and magic comes alive in an entirely new way. Written in iambic pentameter verse and a vivid, contemporary idiom, this engrossing translation matches the number of lines in the Greek original, thus striding at Homer’s sprightly pace and singing with a voice that echoes Homer’s music.
Circe by Madeline Miller
In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child—not powerful, like her father, nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power—the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur, Daedalus and his doomed son Icarus, the murderous Medea, and, of course, wily Odysseus.But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians. To protect what she loves most, Circe must summon all her strength and choose, once and for all, whether she belongs with the gods she is born from, or the mortals she has come to love.
3. The World of the Five Gods by Lois McMaster Bujold
A man broken in body and spirit, Cazaril, has returned to the noble household he once served as page, and is named, to his great surprise, as the secretary-tutor to the beautiful, strong-willed sister of the impetuous boy who is next in line to rule.
It is an assignment Cazaril dreads, for it will ultimately lead him to the place he fears most, the royal court of Cardegoss, where the powerful enemies, who once placed him in chains, now occupy lofty positions. In addition to the traitorous intrigues of villains, Cazaril and the Royesse Iselle, are faced with a sinister curse that hangs like a sword over the entire blighted House of Chalion and all who stand in their circle. Only by employing the darkest, most forbidden of magics, can Cazaril hope to protect his royal charge—an act that will mark the loyal, damaged servant as a tool of the miraculous, and trap him, flesh and soul, in a maze of demonic paradox, damnation, and death
4. Noli Me Tangere by Jose Rizal, Translated by Harold Augenbraum
In more than a century since its appearance, José Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere has become widely known as the great novel of the Philippines. A passionate love story set against the ugly political backdrop of repression, torture, and murder, “The Noli,” as it is called in the Philippines, was the first major artistic manifestation of Asian resistance to European colonialism, and Rizal became a guiding conscience—and martyr—for the revolution that would subsequently rise up in the Spanish province.
5. America is Not The Heart by Elaine Castillo
Three generations of women from one immigrant family trying to reconcile the home they left behind with the life they’re building in America.
How many lives can one person lead in a single lifetime? When Hero de Vera arrives in America, disowned by her parents in the Philippines, she’s already on her third. Her uncle, Pol, who has offered her a fresh start and a place to stay in the Bay Area, knows not to ask about her past. And his younger wife, Paz, has learned enough about the might and secrecy of the De Vera family to keep her head down. Only their daughter Roni asks Hero why her hands seem to constantly ache.
Illuminating the violent political history of the Philippines in the 1980s and 1990s and the insular immigrant communities that spring up in the suburban United States with an uncanny ear for the unspoken intimacies and pain that get buried by the duties of everyday life and family ritual, Castillo delivers a powerful, increasingly relevant novel about the promise of the American dream and the unshakable power of the past. In a voice as immediate and startling as those of Junot Diaz and NoViolet Bulawayo, America Is Not the Heart is a sprawling, soulful telenovela of a debut novel. With exuberance, muscularity, and tenderness, here is a family saga; an origin story; a romance; a narrative of two nations and the people who leave home to grasp at another, sometimes turning back.
6. The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century by Kirk W. Johnson
A rollicking true-crime adventure and a thought-provoking exploration of the human drive to possess natural beauty for readers of The Stranger in the Woods, The Lost City of Z, and The Orchid Thief.
On a cool June evening in 2009, after performing a concert at London’s Royal Academy of Music, twenty-year-old American flautist Edwin Rist boarded a train for a suburban outpost of the British Museum of Natural History. Home to one of the largest ornithological collections in the world, the Tring museum was full of rare bird specimens whose gorgeous feathers were worth staggering amounts of money to the men who shared Edwin’s obsession: the Victorian art of salmon fly-tying. Once inside the museum, the champion fly-tier grabbed hundreds of bird skins–some collected 150 years earlier by a contemporary of Darwin’s, Alfred Russel Wallace, who’d risked everything to gather them–and escaped into the darkness.
Two years later, Kirk Wallace Johnson was waist high in a river in northern New Mexico when his fly-fishing guide told him about the heist. He was soon consumed by the strange case of the feather thief. What would possess a person to steal dead birds? Had Edwin paid the price for his crime? What became of the missing skins? In his search for answers, Johnson was catapulted into a years-long, worldwide investigation. The gripping story of a bizarre and shocking crime, and one man’s relentless pursuit of justice, The Feather Thief is also a fascinating exploration of obsession, and man’s destructive instinct to harvest the beauty of nature.
7. Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
An unforgettable memoir in the tradition of The Glass Castle about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University
Tara Westover was 17 the first time she set foot in a classroom. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, she prepared for the end of the world by stockpiling home-canned peaches and sleeping with her “head-for-the-hills bag”. In the summer she stewed herbs for her mother, a midwife and healer, and in the winter she salvaged in her father’s junkyard.
Her father forbade hospitals, so Tara never saw a doctor or nurse. Gashes and concussions, even burns from explosions, were all treated at home with herbalism. The family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education and no one to intervene when one of Tara’s older brothers became violent.
Then, lacking any formal education, Tara began to educate herself. She taught herself enough mathematics and grammar to be admitted to Brigham Young University, where she studied history, learning for the first time about important world events like the Holocaust and the civil rights movement. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge. Only then would she wonder if she’d traveled too far, if there was still a way home.
Educated is an account of the struggle for self-invention. It is a tale of fierce family loyalty and of the grief that comes with severing the closest of ties. With the acute insight that distinguishes all great writers, Westover has crafted a universal coming-of-age story that gets to the heart of what an education is and what it offers: the perspective to see one’s life through new eyes and the will to change it.
8. The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 7 and 8 by Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans, André Lima Araújo, Matt Wilson, Kris Anka, Jen Bartel
In the past: awful stuff. In the present: awful stuff. But, increasingly, answers.
Modernist poets trapped in an Agatha Christie Murder Mystery. The Romantics gathering in Lake Geneva to resurrect the dead. What really happened during the fall of Rome. The Lucifer who was a nun, hearing Ananke’s Black Death confession. As we approach the end, we start to see the full picture. Also includes the delights of the WicDiv Christmas Annual and the Comedy special.
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9. Mister Miracle by Tom King and Mitch Gerads
Mister Miracle is magical, dark, intimate and unlike anything you’ve read before.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist who ever lived. So great, he escaped Granny Goodness’ gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a new life on Earth with his wife, Big Barda. Using the stage alter ego of Mister Miracle, he has made quite a career for himself showing off his acrobatic escape techniques. He even caught the attention of the Justice League, who has counted him among its ranks.
You might say Scott Free has everything–so why isn’t it enough? Mister Miracle has mastered every illusion, achieved every stunt, pulled off every trick–except one. He has never escaped death. Is it even possible? Our hero is going to have to kill himself if he wants to find out.
10. The Band, #1–2
Clay Cooper and his band were once the best of the best — the meanest, dirtiest, most feared crew of mercenaries this side of the Heartwyld.
Their glory days long past, the mercs have grown apart and grown old, fat, drunk – or a combination of the three. Then an ex-bandmate turns up at Clay’s door with a plea for help. His daughter Rose is trapped in a city besieged by an enemy one hundred thousand strong and hungry for blood. Rescuing Rose is the kind of mission that only the very brave or the very stupid would sign up for.
It’s time to get the band back together for one last tour across the Wyld.
PHEW. Did you guys read any of those books? Did you like them? Hit me up!
The books I read in 2018:
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Okay, thank you for reading. Keep a weather eye out for the next post, hopefully very soon.
My Ten Favourite Books from 2018 It's been a whole year since I posted last. Part of me wants to apologise for being gone so long, but mostly I'm just glad that I'm here.
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randomchick29 · 6 years
50 Facts About Me (THANK YOU FOR 50 FOLLOWS!)
So... as promised in this post, I’m doing 50 facts about me because 50?! people followed me and my crazy masa obsessed cat mom ass. Thanks for enjoying my messed up commentary/rambles! Great, now I’m starting to sound like a youtuber that just wants money lmao sorry. Enough mushy stuff, and onto ze list!
Possible trigger warning: I’ll try to keep this as positive as I can, but there may be some things that can trigger some people (including but not limited to mental health, abuse/bullying, eating disorders etc.) If you are not comfortable with those topics, don’t read this.
1. My real name is Robin (middle name starts with Y and my last name starts with G)
2. I live in AZ
3. I LOVE FOOD. Part of the reason why I love masa and luka tbh... But seriously, food is great.
4. My fav foods are crab, ham, and burgers. See why I can’t become vegetarian 😂
5. I HATE onions with a passion.
6. My fav animals are owls, cats, hedgehogs, snakes, and whale sharks.
7. I have two dogs and used to have a cat (extremely long story short: My cat is in the “care” of an abusive psycho that isn’t allowed near me so I can’t see her ever again :/ but my sisters can) I still love Lucky (my cat) to death. She’s a sweet kitty (most of the time) and I miss her so much ❤️
8. My dogs are named Tucker and Bella. They’re both miniature schnauzers and they’re crazy. Tucker is a sweetheart, but he DOESNT. STOP. BARKING. He has a bit of a jealousy issue. When Bella gets attention, he starts barking and/or pushes her away from the human 😂 He hates when his people hug. He will jump on them and bark and growl. He also has stuffed animals that he LOVES. He uses them as pillows and carries them around. Bella is a lazy piggy ass. All she does is sleep and eat (like me haha). Half the time she’s too lazy to get up and go outside, and only responds when there’s food (once again, just like me 😅) They absolutely love each other though. Tucker licks her and grooms her and Bella follows him around and it’s just the cutest thing.
9. My lucky number is 9 because my birthday is 9/29 and my adoption day is 9/9 (see what I did there hehe get it? fact 9 is about my lucky number 9? no? okay...)
10. I’m adopted from an orphanage in (Eastern?) China
11. I have 2 sisters. They’re both in college but everyone who sees us on the street thinks I’m the oldest because I’m taller and curvier. One is 21 (but everyone thinks she’s like 16) and the other is 19 (people think she’s like 10 😂) No, none of us are blood related.
12. I’m 5’ nothing...
13. I’ve always been heavy for my height and age. I was and still am judged because of how much I eat and weigh. Because of this, I had an eating disorder in 4th grade and have always hated myself and envied my sisters for their tiny asian bodies.
14. I used to do tennis, dance, and swimming. I haven’t done any sports since then.
15. I can play 3 instruments, and tried many others. I played piano for 10 years, violin for 2, and French horn for 6 months.
16. I am EXTREMELY double jointed in my fingers
17. I have a fused tooth
18. My fingers bend back at the first knuckle way farther than most people’s
19. My hair is REALLY long and grows really fast. It goes to around my hip/tailbone area as of now.
20. My shoe size is a 7
21. My fav colors are red and green
22. My first fictional crush was Link. I was 8 at the time. We’re still going strong 7 years later.
23. Only a few months ago did someone top (wink wonk) Link: MASAAAA
24. My first otome was Shall We Date? Love Tangle after I saw an ad for it on trivia crack. My first route was Ryan. My fav is Nolan.
25. I still love MM, but I don’t have the time OR space on my phone to play (SORRY ZENNY)
26. I got in huge trouble when I was 10 coz I made a bunch of accounts that my mom didn’t approve of. I made an email, twitter, pottermore, quizilla (I miss that site smh), etc. And I did it MULTIPLE times. After she took the computer from me, she found out my DS had internet too. I didn’t have my DS for a long time. She would give it back after a while, and ID GO ONTO THE INTERNET AND YOUTUBE EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I got my DS back on Christmas in 7th grade coz I got games for it and she trusted me enough (and I had a phone by then so yay trust...?)
27. ...the twitter accounts still exist... I’ve looked back at them and I wanna kms holy crap it was bad. Lesson: 10 year olds shouldn’t be on twitter.
28. I love Harry Potter and The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series). My fav HP book is Order of the Phoenix, and my fav IC book is Eldest.
29. My fav Zelda is a tie between Skyward Sword and Wind Waker
30. My fav Pokémon are Garchomp, Shaymin, and Breloom
31. We used to have so many games and systems. We had like 100-200 games, 2 gamecubes, 3 GBA’s, 4 DS’, 2 wii’s, and prob more 😂 We got only $150 from gamestop.
32. My fav youtubers are Chuggaaconroy, Rachel & Jun, and Glam & Gore.
33. I learned about sex through fanfiction (specifically, The Lemon of Zelda (pretty sure it’s been deleted tho coz I can’t find it))😂 I never got The Talk.
34. I may have looked at yaoi at school before...
35. I’m pansexual
36. Biggest turnoffs are arrogance, possessiveness, and bad hygiene.
37. Biggest turn ons are good chesticles and sense of humor.
38. I’ve had ONE bf and I dumped him after a day coz he wouldn’t stop calling me and I was scared of my mom. The thing is, we both liked each other for a LONG time and to my friend I was like “Yo ask who he likes” coz he was acting all sus and SHE TOLD HIM I TOLD HER TO ASK HIM and he’s like YA I LIKE ROBIN and I’m like WTF IS WRONG W YOU to my friend. Then he told me in class and it was really cute and I accepted. Then broke up w him OVER TEXT not even 24 hours later 😂 Dumb 7th grade ass
39. I’ve always been bullied because of how awkward and weird and annoying I am
40. My fav anime is Ouran
41. The only thing keeping me alive in freshman year (this past school year) was otome. Specifically Masa. My mind: What would Masa do without his kitten? Who would he chase through Azuchi? Who would be the pretty pillow/futon when he’s drunk? Damn, I love this man agh
42. I can reach my back much better than most people. I don’t need a back scratcher because I can reach my whole back.
43. I’m obsessed with makeup and nails, and used to love music, reading, and art.
44. My real baes are Huang Jing Xiang (fellow Chinese SPOTTED!) and Kato Kazuki
45. I sweat A LOT. I have to have a STRONG fan coz ac isn’t enough to keep me from sweating too much. And I live in AZ, so it’s even worse...
46. I still sleep with my baby blanket. I put it over my pillow coz it’s so soft (and I don’t have any other blankets)
47. My fav movie is Heathers (WELL FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW)
48. I have HORRIBLE eyesight but I don’t like wearing my glasses coz the arms give me a headache and I don’t like them period
49. I love bad puns too much (I would make one here, but I don’t wanna be PUNished) 😂
50. I’ve gotten caught drawing... and writing... some NSFW things at bad times...
AAAAND DAS IT! Sorry it was more negative than I thought it would be, but I’m a really boring person with a boring life filled with drama and... That makes no sense does it. A boring life doesn’t have drama... I’m dumb. Should’ve stopped at DASSIT. Ok, I’m actually stopping lmao baiii 😊
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picchar · 6 years
hey, this is very random, but i just found your blog again after following you back in late 2014-mid 2016, hahah... my old blog got deleted by accident, and for some reason, i wasn’t able to find your account again till now. i just felt really compelled to tell you that i’m so glad you’re still active, and your art has still been improving exponentially! i hope you keep your passion for art alive, and continue to grow as an artist! :-)
Hi! Thank you so much! I’ve actually been feeling stagnant lately so hearing that is very uplifting ;w; And sorry it took a while for me to reply. I’m not as active as around the time you followed originally, but I still post every now and then. 
I’m more active on Twitter (mostly random thoughts and sketches). 
Thank you again and hope you have a wonderful day! owo/
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williambrooms · 7 years
1-100 unusual asks, please
Thank you or the ask and I'm sorry that I took so to reply. This will have to be on two posts, apparently, but I will get them all!1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Pandora because it's the only one that I've ever tried, lol.2. Is your room messy or clean?Messy. I really want it to be clean, but it seems like I never have time.3. What color are your eyes?Hazel.4. Do you like your name? Why?Eeeeeeeeh, depends on which name we're talking about. I hate my birth name with a passion, but I like my real one. As for why... it should be pretty obvious. XD5. What is your relationship status? I hate people who say "it's complicated," but it is. I recently had to cut things off with someone that I wasn't quite dating because it became obvious that she was going to cause my death and, in the process of that, discovered that I might still have feelings for a close friend who helped me through everything while the not quite girlfriend had all of my other friends helping tear into me about what a monster I was for not being happy 24/7.6. Describe your personality in 3 words or less.Hopeless, lonely romantic.7. What color hair do you have?Purple at the moment. I was planning on green next, but... then things changed. I might go blue next. 8. What kind of car do you drive? color?2008 olive green Honda Element.9. Where do you shop?Craft stores, mostly.10. How would you describe your style?Whatever fits, honestly. I'm not picky at all about clothing. 11. Favorite social media accountDespite everything that happened on there, it's still Facebook. 12. What size bed do you have? A queen. I dream of the day that I can have one of those massive, California King beds...13. Any siblings?I have a sister, but she's in an urn, so I don't know if she counts for this question. 14. If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Right now it would be Colorado. There's a beautiful woman out there eager to take me in, love me, and help me transition. She's a saint and I can't wait for her to finish school!15. Favorite snapchat filter? I don't use snapchat. 16. Favorite makeup brand(s)Don't use make-up, lol. 17. How many times a week do you shower?Be prepared to be grossed out. Usually about twice a week. Sometimes only once or not at all. 18. Favorite tv show?Snapped. I love listening to the stories of what pushed people to murder. 19. Shoe size?10, sometimes 10.5, it depends on the brand.20. How tall are you?*sighs* A little over six feet...21. Sandals or sneakers? Sneaker all the way! I HATE sandals or any other open toed shoe. 22. Do you go to the gym? I tried for a while, but I think I'm going to cancel my membership and drop the idea. I'm just wasting money.23. Describe your dream dateSnuggling and watching our favourite movies and TV shows together.24. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?$21, if you don't count the secret 20s that I stash for emergencies only. 25. What color socks are you wearing? One is red with penguins, the other is white with snowmen.26. How many pillows do you sleep with?Oh geez... a lot, lol. I think about... seven...?27. Do you have a job? What do you do? I do have a job, I work for a credit card company. I decide if companies lose money for their mistakes or not. I LOVE my job. 28. How many friends do you have? Because of how many picked my last ex over me... three... the number used to be way higher and I'm not entirely sure I want to fully count two of those people, but... I guess she was more likable than I was. 29. What's the worst thing you have ever done? Believed that people who knew me for over four years might care if I'm alive or dead...30. What's your favorite candle scent? I remember one called "Midnight Moon" that was really incredible, but I don't know who made it and I haven't seen in since that one candle.31. 3 favorite boy namesThaddeus, William, and Alexander.32. 3 favorite girl namesLynda, Genevieve, and Alexandria.33. Favorite actor? Adam Driver.34. Favorite actress? Meryl Streep.35. Who is your celebrity crush?Adam Driver. He's such a big, sweet, cutie!!36. Favorite movie?Changes often, but at the moment is "This is Where I Leave you."37. Do you read a lot? What's your favorite book?I don't read as much as I used too. Most of what I read now is slash fanfiction, but I could never pick a favourite in that. It's all so good...38. Money or brains? Uuuuuh... in a partner I would want brains because people with brains can usually find money or would be able to support me without it. For myself... I like the brains that I have, I want money.39. Do you have a nickname? What is it? I have a lot of nicknames, lol. My favorite is probably Teddy.40. How many times have you been to the hospital?I don't even know, Man. More times than I would ever want to count. 41. Top 10 favorite songsThis changes a lot, so I'll just give you the top ten most played songs on my iPod. Remedy by Jason Mraz, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, Mr. Brightside by The Killers, Little House by The Fray, Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects, Over My Head by The Fray, Strange Disease by Prozzak, How to Save A Life by The Fray, and For Reasons Unknown by The Killers.42. Do you take any medications daily? Just biotin for now, which is actually a vitamin.43. What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)My skin is somehow oily and dry at the same time. It's fascinating. 44. What is your biggest fear? That I'll never be loved and my existence on the planet is pointless. I know you're not supposed to determine your worth by relationships and such, but... I'm always afraid that no one actually cares about me and the people that I love are only pretending to like me out of pity. 45. How many kids do you want? None. I don't even want kids near me. Ever. 46. What's your go to hair style?However my hair feels like falling that morning. I'm too lazy for actual styling.47. What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I live in a big house because my mother owns the big house. If I picked a house, it would be a little one with a big garden.48. Who is your role model?I don't really have one. I just want to be myself without the fear of being rejected.49. What was the last compliment you received?My friend Lynda called me cute~ *purrs* She does that a lot when we start talking about living together and me getting to snuggle her.50. What was the last text you sent?"Ah, okay. ^ w ^ I figured people were kidnapping the almost birthday girl again~" 51. How old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?I don't remember, I just know that I was still young and most of my classmates still believed for a long time afterwards. I really wish my dad hadn't told me...52. What is your dream car? The car that I have. EV is my baby and I love her.53. Opinion on smoking?People wanting to kill themselves is none of my business unless they ask for help, but I don't hang out with smokers because I can't breathe around them.54. Do you go to college? I want an education and to seek out better jobs, but I want to have my body corrected first, which will be VERY expensive.55. What is your dream job?Professional house pet.56. Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural. I don't like being near other people.57. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?Always. It's not even good for my hair most of the time, I just like taking advantage of it. 58. Do you have freckles? Yes, but they're very faint.59. Do you smile for pictures?I don't let people take my picture. The few pictures that have been taken of me are destroyed if I get hold of them. 60. How many pictures do you have on your phone? Oh sweet Satan, probably a thousand... I save every Creek picture that I see and anything that could be used for role-play starters.61. Have you ever peed in the woods? Only once. I nearly peed on another person because it was late at night and I was half asleep. 62. Do you still watch cartoons? Whenever I can, yes. I love cartoons! 63. Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?McDonald's has my favorite nuggets of all time, though whether they're chicken or not is... debatable at best. 64. Favorite dipping sauce? Either BBQ or honey mustard, depends on my mood.65. What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants and whatever shirt I had on that day. 66. Have you ever won a spelling bee?Kind of? It was just a little classroom game, but I won. 67. What are your hobbies?Writing, role-playing, and casual games. 68. Can you draw? Eh... Kind of. I was a pretty good artist when I was younger, but I haven't drawn much since my high school art class. I did really poorly in it...69. Do you play an instrument?I can kind of play the piano, but not very well.70. What was the last concert you saw?I think it was all the way back when 5FDP was in town, lol.71. Tea or coffee?Coffee. Coffee all the way.72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Dunkin. Much cheaper and better pastries. 73. Do you want to get married?Eh... I want to be with someone for the rest of my life, but I don't see a point in getting married unless it's for taxes or healthcare. I might marry my friend when I go live with her, though... a job like hers should give good health insurance... 74. What is your crush’s first and last initial?LP75. Are you going to change your last name when you get married? Nope. One legal name change is enough for me. 76. What color looks best on you? Either purple or green. I'm not sure which because no one has ever told me. 77. Do you miss anyone right now? Well... I kind of miss Sarah. I know she didn't really love me, you don't rip someone apart like that when you love them, but now that I'm feeling better I constantly see cute things that I would have tagged her in, but I can't anymore. She's done with me and it's over... I keep having to remind myself of that...78. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?Closed and locked. Ever since my mother made a comment about checking on me at night, I make sure no one can get in. 79. Do you believe in ghosts?Yep. I've even encountered ghosts before.80. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people tell me that I'm not fat. Morbidly obese counts as fat and I HATE being lied to. 81. Last person you calledI avoid phone calls like a plague. It's been a LONG time. I think the last call was my hairdresser...
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The LA (Takeout) Dinner & A Movie Guide added to Google Docs
The LA (Takeout) Dinner & A Movie Guide
Dinner and a movie is a timeless combination. And while you can’t exactly head to a theater, you don’t really have to - there’s plenty to watch at home, and even more to order for delivery or takeout (how’s that for optimism?). So we’re here to make sure you’re doing dinner and a movie right. Below, you’ll find our picks for great delivery, and which classic movie you should pair it with. We’ll be updating regularly, but for now, here are 30 combinations to keep your quarantine nights feeling fun, and hopefully, just a bit more normal.
Oh, and hey, we went ahead and started a Letterboxd account (tbh, we’re not really sure what to do with it). But if you’d like to see what we’ve been watching lately, give us a follow!
   Featured In The LA Socially Distant Summer Guide Everything you need to enjoy some semblance of summer. THE SPOTS  Jakob Layman The Old Place $ $ $ $ American ,  Steaks  in  Malibu $$$$ 29983 Mulholland Hwy
Movie Pairing: The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford (HBO Max)
“What kind of restaurant pairs best with a two-hour-and-forty-minute, semi-transcendental art-house Western starring Brad Pitt? The Old Place, of course - mainly because this sepia-toned saloon and steakhouse up in the Santa Monica Mountains feels like the kind of place where you’d find Jesse James drinking at the bar. During the late 1800s (when James was still alive and kicking), it was a general store and post office. In the 1970s (when Pitt was a teenager), it became a hangout for outlaw actors like Steve McQueen. And now, after a lengthy closure during the pandemic, it’s open for outdoor dining and takeout, too. Not only are their huge, oak-grilled steaks fantastic, but the drive up to Cornell is as breathtaking as the cinematography in the film - shout out to Roger Deakins - and, on occasion, it can also take two hours and forty minutes to get there.” - JM
 Kuya Lord $ $ $ $ Filipino  in  La Canada Flintridge $$$$ 4526 La Granada Way
Movie Pairing: The Cabin In The Woods (Hulu)
“I want to say that Cabin In The Woods is one of the most underrated horror movies of the last decade, but that wouldn’t be fair - it’s not really a horror movie. It’s a horror-comedy-sci-fi-camp-thriller-think-piece and a true roller coaster of emotions from start to finish. And the only way you’re going to get through it is with some comfort food - the kind you can only get at Kuya Lord. The Filipino pop-up is run by a former Bestia sous-chef out of his house in La Canada-Flintridge, with a rotating menu that includes everything from blue prawns to Filipino-style BBQ chicken to the best pancit we’ve ever eaten in LA. Trust us, you’ll need all three when the giant hand comes out of the ground at the end. Sh*t, did I give too much away?” - BC
 Holly Liss Button Mash $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Fusion  in  Echo Park $$$$ 1391 W Sunset Blvd
Movie Pairing: The King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters (Prime)
“The best documentaries are the ones that turn an extremely specific subject - like gamers questing after a high score - into a story about human nature. That’s exactly why I love King Of Kong, a 2007 doc about two gamers obsessed with Donkey Kong. To go with this strange and incredible film, you’re going to want takeout from Button Mash, which is food meant to be eaten while watching people set high scores in their Echo Park arcade. Trust us when we say their fried tofu balls, tangy chicken wings, and dan dan noodles taste just as good at home as they do next to a pinball machine.” - BK
 Gold Land BBQ $ $ $ $ BBQ  in  Culver City $$$$ 12430 Washington Blvd.
Movie Pairing: Miss Juneteenth (Prime)
“Nothing moves me to instant, body-wracking tears quite like seeing a mother/daughter relationship on screen. And while there are plenty of reasons why that might be, this is neither the time, nor place to unpack that (it’s Tuesdays at 7pm). So let’s just stick to Miss Juneteenth. Part coming-of-age story, half slice-of-life drama, this tender film explores the intersections of motherhood, poverty, and the all-too-real “This is your dream, not mine” movie trope. Plus, the lead character works in a BBQ restaurant, so in addition to becoming painfully aware of how long it’s been since you’ve talked to your mom, you’ll also be pretty hungry. Place an order at Gold Land and get The Rambler - this giant sampler of house-smoked tri-tip, roasted chicken, sliced linguica, and Southern sides is so hearty and comforting, it’s essentially the food version of a maternal embrace. Oh, and call your mom back.” -KH
 Tacos 1986 $ $ $ $ Tacos  in  Downtown LA $$$$ 609 S. Spring St.
Movie Pairing: Have A Good Trip: Adventures In Psychedelics (Netflix)
“This new Netflix sorta-doc is basically just Party Legends with a bigger budget, as a bunch of celebs (Sarah Silverman, A$AP Rocky, Sting, etc.) narrate animated versions of their greatest psychedelic experiences. Is it good? Not really, though if you enjoy the occasional spontaneous flashback, I can’t recommend it enough. And since a whole lot of the film deals with mushrooms, do yourself a favor and order Tacos 1986’s hongos tacos. Served on a handmade corn tortilla, the mushrooms are perfectly sauteed and seasoned, then doused in a tangy salsa ranchera I’d chug a gallon of. Are they psychedelic? No, but they are available for takeout and delivery, the latter of which might come in handy if the thought of leaving your couch terrifies you.” - JM
 Brent's Deli $ $ $ $ American ,  Deli ,  Eastern European  in  Northridge $$$$ 19565 Parthenia St
Movie Pairing: Italianamerican (The Criterion Collection)
“Whenever I need a quick, easy, straight-to-the-system jolt of comfort, I turn to two things: Italianamerican and Brent’s Deli. The first follows a (then) 32-year-old Martin Scorsese as he interviews his parents about everything from post-war Italy to the family’s famous meatball recipe. And while it’s fun to see his childhood home (and to watch him squirm while his mother chastises him), what’s really great is his parents’ banter - relentless, borderline-mocking, and always full of love, it’s obvious that these two have spent a very full life together. Pair this with the pastrami Reuben sandwich from Brent’s Deli (which is served on rye and can be made with curly fries), and you’ve got a one-way-ticket to serotonin town. Both their Westlake and Northridge locations are available for takeout and delivery, call (805) 557-1882 or (818) 886-5679, or find them on various delivery platforms.” -KH
 Casa Vega $ $ $ $ Mexican  in  Sherman Oaks $$$$ 13301 Ventura Blvd
Movie Pairing: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (Starz)
“Two iconic LA Mexican restaurants are featured heavily in the last act of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. El Coyote, the spot on Beverly where Sharon Tate had her last meal, and Casa Vega, where Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth (Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt) have a meal the same night. One where they get absolutely hammered. So I suggest ordering an enchilada house platter to go along with the half-gallon margarita you order. It’s $30, which is roughly eight servings. I’d also suggest sharing if you want to remember the ending of the movie, which you certainly do.” - BK
 APL $ $ $ $ Steaks  in  Hollywood $$$$ 1680 Vine St
Movie Pairing: There Will Be Blood (Netflix)
“There’s no better main course for a true Daniel Plainview-style dinner than a big piece of beef from APL. This Hollywood steakhouse is certainly fancy enough for any self-respecting oil man, and they’ve got NY strip steaks and BBQ platters for takeout - not to mention brisket, fried chicken, and Cornish game hen. Whether you choose to eat them with a napkin draped over your head is entirely up to you.” - JM
 Cassell's Hamburgers $ $ $ $ American ,  Burgers  in  Koreatown $$$$ 3600 W 6th St
Movie Pairing: Camp (Prime)
“If you grew up going to theater camp like I did, Camp was a cultural tentpole and ‘Here’s Where I Stand’ is still a song you scream-sing regularly in the shower. If you weren’t a theater kid, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about. Either way, this is a movie you need to be watching. For one, it boasts a 16-year-old Anna Kendrick literally poisoning another girl to get the lead role in the musical, but most importantly, it’s the perfect excuse to order Cassell’s. The classic Koreatown diner serves some of our favorite burgers and shakes in town, and that’s exactly what you should be eating while soaking in the simple, childhood nostalgia of summer camp.” - BC
Say Cheese $$$$ 2800 Hyperion Ave
Movie Pairing: Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (Prime)
“While the ’80s had The Blues Brothers and the ’90s had Wayne’s World, my generation’s troupe of Lorne Michaels-affiliated white boys is The Lonely Island. And although their careers are filled with important, hyperintellectual work like ‘J*zz In My Pants’ and ‘Threw It On The Ground,’ my favorite is Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, a 2016 mockumentary starring Andy Samberg as an annoying, slightly jacked ‘Justin Bieber type.’ It’s both completely stupid and Mensa-level genius, and when I want to experience that same high-low combination, I turn to my ‘college special’ - freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano over Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli. For the cheese, my go-to spot is Say Cheese in Silver Lake, because of their friendly, non-pretentious staff, and their wide selection of specialty cheeses (which they will let you sample). For the can of le chef, I just go to the grocery store.” - KH
 Melrose Umbrella Co $ $ $ $ West Hollywood $$$$ 7465 Melrose Ave
Movie Pairing: Punch-Drunk Love (Hulu)
“Before Uncut Gems, there was Punch-Drunk Love, the excellent Paul Thomas Anderson movie that showed what Adam Sandler was capable of when he decided to, you know, act. It’s only 95 minutes long, but filled with relentless, slowly ratcheting tension (plus romance and the occasional physical altercation). So to-go cocktails from Melrose Umbrella Co. are the ideal accompaniment. My favorites are their traditional mai tai, or the Ring Of Fire - a perfect balance of mezcal, aged cachaca, Aperol, lime, habañero, and ginger. Like Sandler’s character, these tiki-style drinks are sweet, boozy, and likely to knock me out.” - BK
 Papa Cristo's Catering & Greek Taverna $ $ $ $ Greek  in  Koreatown ,  Westlake $$$$ 2771 W Pico Blvd
Movie Pairing: Mamma Mia! (Hulu)
“Is this pairing a bit on-the-nose? Of course it is. But I also watched Mamma Mia! four times in a row on a turbulence-filled flight to Asia last year, and I regret absolutely nothing. Besides, now you have the perfect excuse to call up Papa Cristo’s. The classic Greek deli/market on Pico makes my favorite Greek food in LA, and their entire menu (plus some meal kits) are available for delivery. I love their saganaki, spanakopita, and Greek yogurt and honey, but frankly, you can’t go wrong with anything. So just do what I do and over-order - you’ll need the leftovers for your fourth viewing anyway.” - BC
Lu Din Gee (Duck House) $$$$ 501 S Atlantic Blvd
Movie Pairing: The Last Black Man in San Francisco (Prime)
“There are so many reasons to love The Last Black Man in San Francisco - the incredible cinematography, the ways it weaves in complex issues like gentrification and displacement without being heavy-handed, Danny Glover. Plus, it’s a two-hour love-letter to the San Francisco I know and love. One of my favorite memories from when I lived there was when I’d walk to Irving St. with my boyfriend at the time, and we’d order all the char siu, bao, and duck we could carry, then pick it all apart with our hands while watching French bulldogs celebrate their birthday in Golden Gate Park (this absolutely a real anecdote). And while we can’t do that anymore, you can still order whole Peking ducks from Lu Din Gee, a Taiwanese restaurant in Monterey Park that specializes in Beijing-style birds, inexplicably. Call (626) 284-3227 to set up a delivery or takeout.” - KH
 Spoon & Pork $ $ $ $ Filipino  in  Silver Lake $$$$ 3131 Sunset Blvd
Movie Pairing: At Eternity’s Gate (Hulu)
“Artists tend to be a bit obsessive - we’ve learned that in a lot of movies, but especially in At Eternity’s Gate, a beautiful film about the end of Vincent Van Gogh’s life. Willem Dafoe plays Van Gogh in an appropriately strange, perfectionistic way. Watching his performance, I was reminded of Spoon & Pork’s tremendous Filipino food - they’re obsessive when it comes to perfecting pork. That’s clearest when I eat the patita, their slow-cooked, deep-fried pork shank that’s doused in chili garlic, and is equal parts crispy, salty, and moist every time. There’s something beautiful about perfection - and you’ll know it when you taste that patita.” - BK
 Masa of Echo Park Bakery & Cafe $ $ $ $ Pizza ,  Italian  in  Echo Park $$$$ 1800 W Sunset Blvd
Movie Pairing: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Netflix)
“As a Chicagoland native, I know that few movies are dearer to the people of The Windy City than Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. So lean into that fact and order delivery from Masa while you watch. The family-owned restaurant in Echo Park is run by Illinois natives and their buttery, perfectly constructed deep-dish pizza is proof. I tend to go for The Traditional (sweet sausage and mushroom), because that’s what I grew up eating, but you can’t really go wrong with any of the pies. Just be sure to throw in a manchego salad and bread pudding as well. Then sit back, embrace your food coma, and gaze in stunned amazement at how well this film holds up.” - BC
 Destroyer $ $ $ $ American  in  Culver City $$$$ 3578 Hayden Ave
Movie Pairing: Blade Runner (Netflix)
“Despite the fact that Blade Runner is set in ‘Los Angeles, November 2019,’ we still don’t have flying cars or replicants (unless you count the Kardashians). And while you could mourn society’s decided lack of technological progress, I’ve got a better idea: An order from Destroyer, the futuristic Culver City spot that actually feels like it could be in Ridley Scott’s film. They’re open for outdoor dining, delivery, and pick-up from 9am-5pm (and have an online marketplace of goods and sundries, too), which means you can enjoy dishes like raw oatmeal with a vanilla disk or rice porridge with chicken while you attempt to figure out if Deckard was a robot or not.” - JM
 Clark Street Bread $ $ $ $ Cafe/Bakery  in  Downtown LA $$$$ 317 S Broadway
Movie Paring: Portrait Of A Lady On Fire (Hulu)
“Portrait Of A Lady On Fire is a cinematic masterpiece. I cried while watching it the first time in theaters (remember when we could do that?), and I cried again while watching it the other night, all alone in my apartment. I also found myself wondering, ‘Why was that scene of her eating the bread so damn satisfying?’ The closest I’ve gotten to experiencing that uncomplicated bliss is at Clark Street Bakery. Their takeaway counter is open for pick-up and delivery, and has everything you need for watching a French love story, like buttery kouign-amann pastries, rows of crusty bread loaves, and most importantly, their Nordic breakfast plate - a massive platter that comes with a sourdough roll, Comté cheese, ham, butter, jam, and a hardboiled egg.” - KH
 Marvin $ $ $ $ American  in  Beverly Grove $$$$ 8114 Beverly Blvd
Movie Pairing: The Favourite (Hulu)
“The Favourite is all about satisfying appetites. The ones in the movie are a bit more illicit than truffles and butter (although Olivia Colman’s Queen Anne does have a soft spot for rich desserts), but Marvin’s fantastic French-ish food makes me feel like an indulgent 18th century royal. Their delivery dinners have recently included fettucini with black truffles, beef bourguignon pot pie, and rigatoni Bolognese. Be sure to order a few bottles of Burgundy, so you can get appropriately as drunk as the three fantastic leads in the film. For menus and ordering info, check out their Instagram.” - BK
 Wally's Beverly Hills $ $ $ $ Wine Bar  in  Beverly Hills $$$$ 447 N. Canon Drive
Movie Pairing: The First Wives Club (Netflix)
“Don’t fact-check me on this, but I’m pretty sure there’s a law saying you can’t watch The First Wives Club without drinking your weight in wine in the process. So, make sure you secure a delivery from Wally’s. The Beverly Hills wine bar has one of the largest (and best) wine stocks in the city, plus solid snacks like flatbreads, truffle popcorn, and charcuterie boards to keep from getting too drunk. Not that Goldie, Bette, and Diane would judge you for it - I just want to make sure you make it to the end for the dance number.” - BC
 Fish King Seafood $ $ $ $ Japanese ,  Seafood ,  Hawaiian  in  Glendale $$$$ 722 N Glendale Ave
Movie Pairing: Moana (Disney+)
“I’ve been feeling increasingly like Moana lately, trapped on an island (my house), not allowed to leave. Unlike this Disney heroine, I’m not going to get in a boat to find Dwayne Johnson and defeat an angry Polynesian god. But like her - I assume, since she was on a boat for a while - I want to eat some extremely fresh fish during this movie. Fish King, the Hawaiian-ish spot in Glendale, is the ideal place for it. In addition to serving Hawaiian-style poke, they’ve also got a great fried fish sandwich, grilled fish plates involving everything from bonito to mahi mahi, and clam chowder, all available for takeout and delivery. For more info, call (818) 244-2161.” - BK
 Steep $$$$ 970 N Broadway
Movie Pairing: Get Out (Prime)
“Yes, the takeaway from Get Out is that being a person of color in America oftentimes feels like being in a horror movie. I get that. I think it’s genius. I would have given Jordan Peele the Best Original Screenplay Oscar a second time if I could. So when Catherine Keener sends Daniel Kaluuya to the Sunken Place with a cup of tea, the correct response probably isn’t “When was the last time I had a good cup?” But if you’re like me, place an order at Steep. This modern tea house in Chinatown serves a variety of loose-leaf teas like green tangerine pu-erh, shan lin xi oolong, and spring snail green tea, as well as pre-made versions of their blacks, greens, and oolongs for those who don’t have a strainer. If you’re hungry, they also have Taiwanese dishes to go, like braised pork rice with a marinated egg and pork butter with beef broth. Order directly from their website for takeout.” - KH
 All Time $ $ $ $ American  in  Los Feliz $$$$ 2040 Hillhurst Ave
Movie Pairing: Midsommar (Prime)
“It might not include any psychedelic mushrooms, and it definitely doesn’t include a bear, but if you’re looking to recreate the bacchanal brutality of Midsommar, a Market Box from All Time is the way to go. The contents change often, but you can expect bright and bountiful amounts of fresh fruits and veggies, all of which would look great in your May Queen crown. They’ve also got baked goods (perfect for you to hide a pubic hair in, thus completing your love spell) and deluxe 12-bottle wine kits, which cost $1,500. And while that might seem like a lot, remember, your village only celebrates this festival once every 90 years.” - JM
 MiniBar $ $ $ $ Hollywood $$$$ 6141 Franklin Ave
Movie Pairing: A Simple Favor (Hulu)
“If the original trailer featuring seven different scenes involving martinis wasn’t a big enough hint for you, I’ll spell it out - A Simple Favor is essentially a community PSA for the iconic cocktail, and as viewers, it’s imperative we play our part. Sure, you could attempt to make a bad version at home, but what fun is that when MiniBar’s “Rolling Booze Mobile” can bring one to you? The answer is no fun, especially considering the tiny bar in Franklin Village makes one of our favorite versions in town. Check their Instagram for their latest location.” - BC
 Broad Street Oyster Co. $ $ $ $ American ,  Seafood  in  Malibu $$$$ 23359 Pacific Coast Hwy
Movie Pairing: Moonrise Kingdom (Prime)
“I grew up in a coastal New England town that looks suspiciously like the one in Moonrise Kingdom, and eating at Broad Street Oyster feels a bit like going home for me. The hot lobster roll should be your order here, along with some fantastic popcorn shrimp, oysters, and the Beach Burger. Plus, I’m pretty sure the restaurant was decorated with discarded set pieces from the movie. Broad Street is available for pick-up and delivery. Check out their Instagram for more information.” - BK
Azay $ $ $ $ Japanese ,  French  in  Little Tokyo $$$$ 226 E 1st St
Movie Pairing: Tampopo (iTunes)
“Heartwarming, absurdist, and filled with food shots that rival Chef’s Table, Tampopo just might be one of the greatest films ever made about food. And while it would have been easy to pick any one of LA’s great ramen spots to pair with a viewing, I’d choose to watch it while eating one of the many home-style Japanese dishes from Azay, like a breakfast set made with broiled fish, bowls of unagi, or their daily bento box. Or try the omurice, a simple staple that’s featured in one of my favorite scenes, where a gooey, runny omelet is folded over a bed of fried rice then drizzled in ketchup - which, surprisingly, is only the second-best scene in this movie that involves an egg. Check their Instagram, call (213) 628-3431, or email [email protected] to place a takeout order.” - KH
 Osteria La Buca $ $ $ $ Italian  in  Hancock Park ,  Hollywood ,  Larchmont $$$$ 5210 Melrose Ave
Movie Pairing: Goodfellas (Netflix)
“Interested in constantly reminding your younger brother to ‘Keep an eye on the sauce’ while you alternately attempt to unload some unlicensed handguns, snort drugs, and dodge a DEA helicopter? Osteria La Buca’s new All Day Menu is for you. They’ve got family-style portions of spaghetti pomodoro, rigatoni Bolognese, and chicken parm that’ll feed up to six, plus house sauces and pastas, all available for takeout or delivery. Even if you don’t have an evening of illegal activities planned, an order from Osteria is still a great idea - and if you blast Harry Nilsson’s ‘Jump Into The Fire’ while you’re picking up your food, you’ll literally be a Goodfella.” - JM
 Birdie G’s $ $ $ $ American  in  Santa Monica $$$$ 2421 Michigan Ave
Movie Pairing: Christmas Vacation (Hulu)
“A Christmas movie? In the spring? Welcome to life in the quarantine, baby. Though the original Vacation is probably the best of the series, Christmas Vacation boasts a cornucopia of iconic moments that defined my childhood: A cat getting electrocuted, a rabid squirrel terrorizing the house, and Cousin Eddie kindly telling the neighbors that ‘The sh*tter’s full.’ And there isn’t a better way to watch this masterpiece than with a holiday meal of your own from Birdie G’s. The Santa Monica comfort food spot has a delivery menu filled with everything from matzo ball soup to noodle kugel to whole chicken in a tropical sauce - the latter of which pairs poetically with the Griswold’s incinerated turkey.” - BC
Highland Park Brewery $ $ $ $ Highland Park $$$$ 5127 York Blvd
Movie Pairing: The World’s End (Prime)
“Every time I see this movie about a fantastically epic pub crawl, it makes me want to crack a beer. Or, as the plot gets crazier and crazier, like 17 of them. Fortunately, Highland Park Brewery has their beer pick-up system down pat, and even delivers to most areas of the Eastside - check out their Instagram for more details. So I highly recommend stocking up on some insanely fresh beer (I went last week and got some four-packs that had literally been canned that day) - go for the Hello, LA (a clear, pine-forward West Coast IPA) and the America’s Preference, a crisp, dry, extremely drinkable pils.” - BK
 Gigi's Bakery & Cafe $ $ $ $ Cafe/Bakery ,  Cuban  in  Historic Filipinotown $$$$ 2200 W Temple St
Movie Pairing: The Devil Wears Prada (Prime)
“Maybe it’s the excessively appetizing frying sounds the foley artist scrounged up, or the ‘$8 worth of Jarlsberg’ he claims it contains, but when Andy’s ‘chef’ boyfriend (I use quotations here because he has an awful lot of free time at night for someone who claims to be in the restaurant industry) whips up a grilled cheese for her in their New York apartment, two things become abundantly clear: I’ve never made a grilled cheese like that in my entire life, and I need to be eating one, like, right now. But Gigi’s can actually do you one better - not only does this Cuban bakery sell one of the most perfectly pressed Cubanos known to man, but they also serve a variety of pastries like pastelitos de guayaba queso (guava cheese strudels) and their famous potato ball - all of which are still available to-go. Find more info on their website.” - KH
 Dudley Market $ $ $ $ American ,  Seafood  in  Venice $$$$ 9 Dudley Ave
Movie Pairing: The Lighthouse (iTunes)
“If you’ve got a roommate, chances are, you’re already feeling like Robert Pattinson in The Lighthouse, so you might as well lean into it and order dinner from Dudley Market in Venice. Open for outdoor dining and pick-up, they put their fishing boat to good use, and every day they’re offering fresh-caught fish, not to mention favorites like their pork and clam toast and The Dudley Burger. Unfortunately, Dudley doesn’t sell lobster, which means no one will get to shout ‘You’re fond of me lobster!’ before invoking Neptune’s fury.” - JM
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/los-angeles/guides/dinner-and-a-movie-delivery-la Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created August 28, 2020 at 12:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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itsalmostover42 · 4 years
Flux Review
Flux Review! What's inside Flux by Billy Darr, Justin Opay & Dipanjan Goswami? In a nutshell, Flux is a 6-in-1 savings account Traffic software, that lets you create balance videos for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, WhatsApp and TikTok It includes the software, a video training program and a genuine vivaciousness battle Study. We every know that liven up video on social media and "stories" are abandoned getting bigger. It all started later than Snap chat and after that from that narrowing on, every single further social media platform released their credit of "stories". What's incredible very nearly Flux is that you can generate traffic from 6 exchange social media platforms from one area - you can even use the same videos, which means more traffic and less work!
Flux review - I personally think that conscious video is the well ahead for anyone making keep online, or exasperating to generate traffic for whatever else upon social media... why? Because people love the incorporation and they love to interact bearing in mind people who they follow. How else are they going to have this kind of entrance to their "Guru" - send email or depart a comment? Nothing else compares!
Just recognize a look and compare any alive video on YouTube and the amount of explanation on it vs any unknown video (even a thriving one) - that's how you disturb people, create determined they endure proceed and actually get what you want them to attain - all it is. Of course social media is amazing because you can use the traffic to sell stuff in any recess - no thing how small.
We tried accomplish a live video upon our last launch (Insta Boss) and we made 10x the usual amount of sales, comparing to just launching the product, next we always did. behind you go "Live" you never go encourage to the old-fashioned ways of generating traffic. The and no-one else downside is that every social media platform is a bit alternative subsequently it comes to their video format - interchange size etc.
That's where Flux comes into take action - all you have to complete is judge upon what you're promoting, and the software takes care of the flaming - breathing streaming, upon every 6 platforms, tally links, the right video format etc. Your lonesome job is to partner occurring your accounts bearing in mind and figure out what you want to create child support on... and again, it can be whatever ;)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wvwecbwBqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDAQge0-OuM https://artflair.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/05/18/164044 https://artofimarketing.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/flux-review-demo-3797-bonus/ http://theptcpromethod.blogspot.com/2020/05/flux-review.html https://twitter.com/artflairblog/status/1262287494206435335 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009074692442562/permalink/3494826450534028/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1564483110475032/permalink/2659334664323199/ https://www.reddit.com/user/IMArtFlair/comments/glx2p3/flux_review_demo3797_bonus_flux_by_billy_darr/ https://www.reddit.com/user/IMArtFlair/comments/glx2vz/flux_review_demo_3797_bonus_flux_by_billy_darr/ https://artofimarketing.tumblr.com/post/618437458424659968/flux-review-demo-3797-bonus-flux-by-billy-darr https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686373348649 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686373348655 https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/466896686373348650 https://vk.com/wall526840437_672 https://vk.com/id526840437?w=wall526840437_674%2Fall https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6668054736618455041/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/art-of-marketing-612a8aa3_flux-review-demo-3797-bonus-flux-by-activity-6668055090726752256-Qsyy
If you're enjoying this Flux review and desire to learn more roughly Flux, check out my in sharpness video review above!
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Seven Exciting Parts Of Attending Do You Paint The Background First With Watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
If like so abounding of us you acquisition yourself at home with a lot of time on your hands, accede application that time to agreement with altered art affidavit and book some of your admired images from your adamantine drives.
How to Use Watercolor Pencils: 14 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow Life – do you paint the background first with watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Well folks, it’s been a amplitude aback I aftermost begin myself autograph and abuse do we acquisition ourselves in a abolitionist situation. I’m based in Seattle and like so abounding added places about the country and the world, we are beneath a calm adjustment and the angle for the approaching is complicated to say the least. I’ll be the aboriginal to accept that during this time of attempt I’ve been all but advantageous as things assume to abatement apart, about like anybody abroad who feels they’re in acute straits, I’m alive to get aback on track. What added way to do that than address a new allotment about article I actually affliction about, printed artwork.
As I’m painting a portrait, I often create my background first .. | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Today we’re attractive at the Aquarelle Rag 240 cardboard from Canson Infinity. It’s a accurate to anatomy watercolor cardboard agnate to what you ability account application in an art chic at school. This agency a matte presentation complete with a concrete apparent arrangement that I’ve consistently been fatigued to. Available in boxes of twenty-five bedding or three inch rolls, you can accept from either the 240gsm or the best 310gsm (pictured actuality is the 240gsm).
Right off the bat, the aggregate of a matte apparent and a acutely arresting arrangement are two things that I’ve consistently begin adorable for book work. I’ll say anon that I adore this cardboard actually a lot; the archetypal watercolor arrangement is visually adorable and both looks and feels like a acceptable average art cardboard (as one would appropriately apprehend from annihilation labeling itself watercolor). I would acclaim this cardboard for images area a aerial amount of adverse is beneath important or if one is attractive for a painterly vibe to emphasis the absolute affection of a accustomed image.
Hero Arts 14th Anniversary Blog Hop w/ Gina K. Designs – The Daily .. | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
If replicating a painting is article that you’ve attempted with your photography, again this cardboard is account some experimentation. Bokehlicious macro images of flowers? Hell yes, those would attending amazing on a cardboard like this. Beautifully bendable attributes portraits with a attenuate blush palette? Yes, absolutely. Annihilation abstruse that could accept bodies allurement if it’s a photo or a painting? Definitely account a go. Do you accept scans of paintings, drawings, or old blur photos? Yeah, that could be appealing awesome. If anytime there was a time to agreement with altered shots and altered papers, it would absolutely be now.
How to Paint Spring Trees (With images) | Spring art projects, Art .. | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
If you you’re at home with time to additional and the agency to do so, now is the time to try new things. Attending into sample cardboard packs from altered
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Painting trees and leaves with watercolor : On either side of the .. | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Paint Your Background First – BRING OUT YOUR CREATIVITY – do you paint the background first with watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Painting Tips and Techniques: How to Paint a Background – do you paint the background first with watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
In every painting I always create a background first… filling in .. | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Do you paint the background first or last? Which is easiest if you .. | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Paint Your Background First When Doing Acrylics – do you paint the background first with watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
Background First Painting – do you paint the background first with watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
What to Paint first?! Backgrounds – debi riley – do you paint the background first with watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor?
The post Seven Exciting Parts Of Attending Do You Paint The Background First With Watercolor? | do you paint the background first with watercolor? appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/seven-exciting-parts-of-attending-do-you-paint-the-background-first-with-watercolor-do-you-paint-the-background-first-with-watercolor/
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