#/ hold on i'm sobbing over kaede again
astarab1aze · 3 months
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ibuki-loves-you · 2 years
You open? If so, can I ask for the protagonists catching the reader S@lfh*rm? I'm kinda in the mood for comfort. Its ok if you don't wanna do this!
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Hajime, Shuichi, and Kaede finding their S/O self harming
Warnings: Self harm, gender neutral
Mod Ibuki: Enjoy! Hope you're okay!
Hajime Hinata:
Hajime was beyond confused. He had zero idea what to do. He didn't know whether to run and get a first aid kit, hug you, or get someone more experienced.
He finally decided to give you a hug first. A tight, careful hug. He didn’t wanna hurt you anymore than you already were but he needed to know that you are there and alive and your heart is beating.
That was all he asked. Just why. When you told him, he lost it. He wasn’t angry but he raised his voice. He was just scared, so scared of losing you.
“That’s not true! Not remotely! Why would you think that!?”
When Hajime saw your reaction to his yelling he immediately toned it down and apologized, hugging you again and comforting you after his little outburst. This is what happens when he’s scared, and he knows he’s got to fix it. He feels bad because he lost it for a second when you least needed it.
After comforting you for a bit, he grabbed a first aid kit and began bandaging you up. Mikan taught everyone first aid basics, so he kinda knew what he was doing. Enough to patch you up and make sure your wounds are clean.
Afterwards, he got a blanket and wrapped you and him in it. On the bathroom floor. He wanted to talk. Almost like a therapy session. He wanted you to vent for as long as you needed to. Just get everything out, you know?
“I want you to know I love and care for you. I hate seeing you hurt and this broke me. I love you too much to stand by and watch you suffer. So please come to me from now on. I’m here for you.”
Shuichi Saihara:
Shuichi cried as soon as he saw you. He ran straight for you and held you, petting your hair and sobbing. He was always so sensitive to death and injury, seeing it on his lover made him instantly break down.
“B-Baby…why honey why.” “I-I’m hurting, Shu.” “I know baby, I’m s-so sorry.”
After a long hug he got a first aid kit and began wrapping your wounds, making sure they were clean and won’t get infected. Tears were still falling down his cheeks, one landing on the bandage. When he saw the tear stain, it made him start sobbing all over again. Luckily, he was almost done, so he finished quickly and hugged you close again.
Shuichi asked you to talk to him. Tell him everything you’ve been feeling. Why you did this, what led to it, etc. It was almost like an interview. He just cares so much, he needs to know everything that was going through your head so he can piece together how to help you.
Once you told him how you were really feeling, everything hit him hard. So that’s why you’ve been a bit off. Maybe if he said something this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe if he gave you a hug that day in the restaurant. Maybe if he-
No, he needs to stop overthinking. This is about you. You need him right now.
“Baby, I promise you. You aren’t a burden, or a negative person. You are the light of my life. You make me so happy. You make the world a brighter place for me. So please, hold on for me.”
Kaede Akamatsu:
Kaede froze. She needed to process what was going on in front of her. It didn’t hit her that you, her love, had hurt themselves purposely.
“My love…?”
Her voice was barely above a whisper. It was when you shakily lifted your arms for a hug that she snapped out of it and ran to hold you. She hummed and rocked you back and forth while you cried, calming you down.
Kaede didn’t wanna pull away, but she had to clean your wounds. She slowly backed up and reached for a first aid kit to begin patching you up. She didn’t know anything about first aid, so you and her watched a Youtube video on how to properly patch someone up while she followed along. When she finished, she wanted you to talk to her about what happened. What caused this pain?
“What happened, honey? Please tell me.”
While Kaede was rocking you, you were stumbling on your words and venting to her. But she understood. She caught what you were saying and the parts she didn’t, she didn’t ask for you to repeat. She knew this was hard enough as is, you didn’t need any more stress.
She was frowning into your shoulder when you finished. You really felt like that…? Kaede didn’t know what to say except positive things. About you. Your looks. Your shining personality. How wonderful you treated her.
“I promise you! You are amazing, baby! No really! You are! You’re my sunshineee, my only sunshineee, you make me happyyyy, when skies are greyyyy. Hehe, you’re a beautiful person lovey. I love you.
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 32: A new heart beats
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Words: 1.698 Warning: angst, mention of blood, manga spoiler
Chapter 31 -  The beginning of the picture book     | Masterlist
(y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour
“(y/n)!” he screams and runs quickly towards his love. Full of fear, he holds her in his arms and feels the blood on his hands as he holds her to the waist. “A doctor! We need a doctor!” he shouts as loudly as he can and presses (y/n) firmly, with tears in his eyes in his arms. Only now does he see a man with a gun and shaky hands standing in front of him, who is pushed to the ground by several passers-by. “This is how it feels to lose a loved one! She killed my wife and left my son and me behind!” The man roars with a furious voice. This is the husband of her first deceased patient... But he doesn’t waste another second on this man. Because he looks down at his wife, crying. “(y/n)...” There’s a dull, sad voice in her ears. It’s the one from Kiyoomi. She wants to open her eyes, move her mouth and tell him everything will be fine. But she won’t make it. She feels his warm body on hers. He warms her, because she is getting colder and colder. Her fingertips begin to tingle, and she notices how a numbness prevents her from reaching for Kiyoomis hand. She’s so cold... She’s tired... and she’s having a hard time breathing. “(y/n) my love... Open your eyes, please. Stay with me! Stay with us!” she hears the sobbing voice of her husband. Kiyoomi... Wakami, who heard the shot, comes out of the hospital with Kaede at a fast pace and runs towards Kiyoomi and (y/n). When Kaede sees his sister and all the blood on the floor, he gets sick. But he pulls himself together and wants to treat her as quickly as possible in order to save her and with good luck also the baby. “Kiyoomi! Give me (y/n) quickly! I have to get her into surgery!” Kaede calls to him and bends down to Kiyoomi. He takes (y/n) from his hands and promises to save them both. Quickly he rushes back to the hospital with Wakami and only Kiyoomi, mourning on the ground, remains. The man who shot (y/n) is still being held on the ground by the people and is being taken away by the police after only a short time. Kiyoomi, who remains on the spot for more than half an hour, now stands up to pick up the photos that (y/n) has dropped and put it in his pocket. If she hadn’t come here today... None of this would have happened. With shaky legs he goes to the hospital. He doesn’t care if he gets sick, he just wants to feel his beloved wife and their child in his arms. He would accept any virus, any disease. He just wants his family and future back. In front of the operating rooms, he sits down on a chair and looks down on his cell phone. On the phone is a photo of him and (y/n) cutting the first piece of the wedding cake together. Tears flow down his cheeks at the thought that he might never see her smile like that again. “(y/n) please... Kaede... Please don’t let her die...” He sobs bitterly and beats his cell phone against his forehead. The memory of the pregnancy comes to him. . “I’m home again!” In the evening, Kiyoomi calls into the house while he takes off his shoes and goes into the living room. But there’s no one in the living room. “I’m in the kitchen!” (y/n)’s warm voice sounds and Kiyoomi follows her voice with a smile. She’s about to cut the vegetables for a vegetable pan. “Hello my princess.” He greets her affectionately as he hugs her from behind and gives her a kiss on the hairline. “You’re home early today. Don’t you do extra training?” She asks a little surprised, otherwise he comes from training only after eight o'clock. “Our coach has his wedding day today and therefore finished the training earlier. Does it bother you that I’m here? Should I go again?” he asks quietly and distributes several kisses on her cheek. “No, I’m glad you’re here. Can you maybe take out the garbage and put some cutlery and dishes on the table? After all, I’m almost done with the vegetable pan and then we can eat right away.”, “Of course.” , he answers her quickly and gives her one last kiss on the cheek before he sets the table and ties up the garbage and takes it outside. But just before he throws the garbage into the trash can, a small object catches his eye. First Kiyoomi thinks (y/n) threw away a thermometer. But when you look closer, it’s something completely different that’s in the trash can. “Is this a pregnancy test?” he mumbles to himself. Still in disbelief, he opens the garbage bag and takes out the little test. Anyway he definitely has to wash his hands later. Clearing his throat he looks at the small plastic part. His hands are shaking and his pulse is up. Nervousness is strangely spreading in him. Two strips... “Great... What do two stripes mean...? Twins? Not pregnant? Pregnant?” he mumbles to himself again. He quickly throws away the garbage and goes into the house with the test. (y/n) has already put the food on the table and is just getting a bottle of water from the kitchen when she looks at Kiyoomi with two big question marks in his eyes. “Kiyoomi? Is everything all right?” she asks him concerned. “What... What does that mean?” The words come out of him quietly. “Kiyoomi... where... ah... this was supposed to be a surprise today...” she replied sulking. “This is a pregnancy test...” she continues. “I can see that myself. But what does that mean? Are we going to be parents? Are you... Are you really pregnant?” he still asks her in disbelief. Only a few months ago they had talked about how nice it would be if they had children. He was aware that his training and membership in the Japanese national team would not always allow him to be there, even if he would no longer play as a regular player. But he still wanted to be as good as possible for his wife and children. Experience their first words, first steps, first teeth and much more. He wanted to be there. To be a good father. And he was sure that with (y/n) at his side, he would definitely be a good father. That despite his absence, which would certainly come, they would make a wonderful family. Nodding, (y/n) looks at him. “Yeah... I... I’ve run several tests. They were all positive. We are going to have a baby.” She answers him joyfully but also somewhat unsettled. A baby... They’re actually having a baby... “(y/n)... we’re having a baby! We... We’re going to be parents... “ He mumbles joyfully to himself and does not notice how tears of joy come out of him and look down the path along his cheeks. (y/n) just wants to take a step on him but Kiyoomi is faster. Full of anticipation, he takes (y/n) firmly in his arms and starts to cry. “Kiyoomi... I can’t breathe.” He hears her voice, because her head is on his upper body. Apologetically, he leaves her alone and still looks at her stunned. “Do you want to be with the ultrasound next week? I had put it on your day off so that you can decide whether you want to come along or n-” She doesn’t manage to finish her sentence, because Kiyoomi interrupts her immediately. “Yes! Yes, I want to be there.” He answers her enthusiastically and takes her hands in his. He lovingly lifts her up to give her a few kisses. “We’re having a baby.” he whispers over and over again. “Come on, let’s eat first. Otherwise, the food will get cold. After that, we can talk about everything.” (y/n) chuckles joyfully and gives Kiyoomi a loving kiss. The day before the ultrasound, Kiyoomi couldn’t sleep at all. He was way too nervous. He moved back and forth in bed all the time and when they were finally there and the gynecologist started the examination, he ran up and down in the room completely nervous. “My good Sir... Please relax a bit. Sit next to your wife. Take a look at the monitor.” The doctor tries to calm him down. Even (y/n) tries to get him down somehow, but he’s just too nervous. “Yes... yes, yes.” he answers hastily and sits down like a clumsy toddler on the chair next to the lounger. But when he then looks at the monitor and for the first time hears the beating heart of their child and also sees how it moves, every nervousness falls away from him. Unconsciously, he reaches for (y/n)’s hand and presses it firmly, while he cannot let his eyes off the monitor. With the pressure on her hand, she looks down at Kiyoomi and puts her free hand on his. Through the touch, he leaves the monitor and looks at (y/n). “There... There’s our baby. Do you hear the heartbeats? It... It’s all real. That is really true. We are having a baby.” Loaded with joy, his eyes are filled with tears. He never thought he could ever become so emotional. He doesn’t usually cry. But now he can’t hold back his tears. Warmly he tilts his head down and looks at (y/n)’s belly. “I will protect you and Mom with everything I have. You two are my world. My queen and my princess or my prince.” He whispers to the belly and presses (y/n)’s hand firmly. - “Kiyoomi!” the voice of Osamu and those of his teammates gets him out of his thoughts.
Chapter 33 - When everything breaks, I believe in you.
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​ @suna-allie​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 31: The beginning of the picture book
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Words: 1.373 Warning: fluff, fluff, fluff, manga spoiler, angst
Chapter 30 -  A picture book future     | Masterlist (y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour (y/n) and Kiyoomi have been together for several years now. His career continues to run steeply. He now plays for the Japanese national team as an attacker. He still disgusts himself with bacteria, but in a healthy measure. He does a lot with his friends, greets people with a handshake. Although he goes every evening to shower thoroughly to wash off the bacteria, but that’s perfectly all right. (y/n) continues to be an incredibly good surgeon, with an extremely high rate of recovering healthy patients. Now the time had come when the two had actually talked about children. Because Kiyoomi was of the opinion to step back a little from volleyball and not to play as a regular player. Lost in her thoughts, (y/n) caresses her belly and looks at the photo in her treatment room of Kiyoomi and her. A beautiful white dress adorns her body and Kiyoomi lovingly kisses her ring finger, which is no longer empty, but is adorned by a beautiful ring. - “Kaede, Osamu? Can one of you help me with the roses?" Kiyoomi calls out to the two men who are with him in (y/n)'s and Kaede’s garden. “I’ll be right there!” Osamu calls to him and runs to the black-haired, visibly tense man. Together they distribute a lot of rose petals in the garden, which form a way back to a Hollywood swing. Kaede is in the process of decorating the Hollywood swing with a silk thread and then hanging photos of beautiful moments of the two and their friends with clips to which Kiyoomi has glued red and white rose petals. He also hangs a string of lights and decorates the swing with other roses and candles. “Where do you want to set up the ceiling tent and put the food?” Kiyoomi hears Kaedes voice, who is still busy hanging up the pictures. Kiyoomi stops distributing the rose petals on the floor and looks tensely at the clock. (y/n) comes home in half an hour and he completely forgot about the ceiling tent. “Don’t worry, Kiyoomi, I’ll get this done on my own, and then I’ll go to the kitchen and cook you something delicious and take it outside to where you want it. So you go over and assemble the tent out of blankets.” Osamu smiles at him friendly and tries to calm him down. He nods thankfully and goes over to Kaede and the Hollywood swing. Next to the swing, he wants to set up a tent made of blankets, because he knows that (y/n) and Kaede used to build caves out of blankets and that they had so much fun with them. He hangs several blankets over two trees with many branches and drops them on the ground like a big tent. Then he also decorates the tent with many roses, leaves, fairy lights and photos and makes the tent cozy from the inside with many pillows, roses and lights. In the middle of the tent, he lays down a large wooden board, where later the food for the two should come on and puts two champagne glasses and a chilled bottle of champagne next to it. “Kiyoomi! We’re done now!” Osamu and Kaede both shout to him. “You should get ready, too. (y/n) will be here in about five to ten minutes!” shouts Osamu to him. “Damn!” he hisses. He had totally lost track of time. He quickly goes out of the tent and looks over to Kaede, who holds his shirt and a suit to him. “Go and change quickly. Do you need help with the tie?” he asks now also visibly tense. He wants everything to work out and his sister to be happy. “Thank you, but I can do it alone.” he answers him hastily and disappears in the house to change his clothes. When he comes out again, Osamu comes out of the tent because he has placed the food there. Kaede pushes the big rose jam Kiyoomi into his hands and looks at him seriously. “Make our little girl happy, Kiyoomi.” he says calmly and then looks from Kiyoomi to Osamu, who nods in agreement with him. “Yes, make her happy, but I’m sure she’s more than happy with you.“ says Osamu, who puts his hand on Kiyoomis shoulder to calm him down. “Yes. I will. Thank you for your help.” thanks Kiyoomi and breathes deeply. “Well... and now leave before (y/n) comes.” When (y/n) comes home, she already sees several rose petals lying on the floor leading out to her garden. When she arrives outside, she stops completely puzzled. “Oh my...” It escapes her when she sees this beautiful picture with the roses and the candles in front of her. In the middle of it all stands Kiyoomi with a huge bouquet and a black suit. “Ki... yoomi?” she asks with glassy eyes. “(y/n) (l/n)..." he starts and walks up to her until he stands in front of her. “When I met you, I didn’t know how crazy you were gonna make me. Crazy about love. Your smile, your eyes, your kind amaze me every time. I still wonder how I got to meet such a wonderful, strong person like you and how I managed to make you love me. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve a person like you, but I want to do everything and I will do everything I can to keep you smiling. I want you to be happy by my side. Because you make me happy. Whether it’s the moments of two, cooking together, watching movies, showering or the moments with others, the meeting at Osamu every Saturday with our gang and your brother, the celebrations that thanks to you are now even fun or eat the ice cream together... You make me the happiest man on earth, and the only thing that would make me happier is seeing you standing next to me. In a white dress, a glow in your face. How you are led from your brother to me to the front of the altar and look with me into a new future. What I mean by that is (y/n)..." in his last words, he presses the bouquet of roses into her hands, gets down on his knees and takes a small box out of his pocket. “Will you, (y/n) (l/n), be my wife? That I can continue to love and honor?" It seems like an eternity until she gives him an answer. Overwhelmed by his words, (y/n) has to start crying. She doesn’t know what to say. Nodding, she tries to make him understand that she wants to see him very much as her husband at her side and now she also clearly manages to bring a loud “yes!" out of herself. Sobbing, she drops the bouquet of roses and jumps Kiyoomi around his neck. “Yes Kiyoomi! I want to marry you! I want to be your wife.” She confirms her vows again and gives him a loving kiss. - “Sakusa-sensei? I heard you were pregnant. Shouldn’t you be home? What are you doing here? This is too dangerous for you here with all the viruses.” Wakamis voice takes her from her wonderful memory. “Yes. I just wanted to pack some things before I go.” she answers Wakami with a smile and stands up to take home a small box of photos. “Good. Sakusa-sensei, you really should go. I don’t want you to get hurt. I’m sure your husband would kill me then. He’s waiting for you outside, by the way.” Laughing, (y/n) hugs her and walks out with her. “Come and visit us, Wakami.” she says goodbye to her and approaches Kiyoomi, who is already waiting for his wife with a warm smile. Joyfully she stretches out her arms and wants to hug Kiyoomi, but the embrace does not come. Because a loud bang can be heard. One shot... Even before (y/n) can hug her husband, she sinks to the ground and Kiyoomis blood freezes to ice.
Chapter 32 -  A new heart beats
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​ @suna-allie​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 33: When everything breaks, I believe in you.
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Words: 1.624     Warning: angst, manga spoiler
Chapter 32 -  A new heart beats     | Masterlist
(y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour
Kiyoomi had written to them that he was not coming to the training and what happened to (y/n). They look at him with fear and embrace their sad friend. “We’re here for you. Okay?” Atsumu calls to him and puts his hand on his shoulder. “Yeah, we’re here for you, no matter what happens.” Bokuto adds and sits down next to Kiyoomi in a chair. “Stop now! Everything will be fine!” cries Hinata, who does not want to see what has just happened. Osamu is the only one who says nothing. Because he feels most connected to Kiyoomi and (y/n). For him, the situation is not as difficult as for Kiyoomi, but he loves (y/n) too. He doesn’t want to see her die. And that Kaede of all people is operating on her... That must be terrible for him. He has the life of his sister and niece in his hands. Quietly he sits down on a chair and looks sadly over to Kiyoomi. Carefully he grabs his hand and presses it firmly. “Listen, Kiyoomi, we both know how strong (y/n) is, she’s gonna be fine, we just have to believe in her.” Osamu says with a serious voice and feels the pressure on his hand, which is created by Kiyoomis handshake. “Yes...” he whispers quietly, and again his tears flow. It takes several hours for Kaede to come out of the operating room and see Kiyoomi and his friends. He takes off his face mask and walks up to the people. “Kiyoomi? Look at me...” Keade orders him and waits for Kiyoomis sad red eyes to look at him. With a groaning sound he squats and looks up at Kiyoomi. “(y/n) is doing fine. She made it. It looked worse than it is. She will wake up in a few hours, and if all goes well, she will be out in a few days.” The relief is seen in his face and sobbing he takes Kaede in his arms. “Thank you! Thank you Kaede!” Kaede returns his embrace and paints circular movements on Kiyoomis back with his hand. “I promised you I would save her.” he whispered quietly. “But... what... what about our baby? What about our daughter?” asks Kiyoomi who now interrupts the embrace and looks critically at Kaede. “Kiyoomi... please relax a bit. She is all right too. That shot didn’t hurt her. We will, however, keep an eye on both in the next few days. But like I said, she’ll be able to go home with you in a few days. Promise me you’ll go home now, get some rest and come back. You need to rest.” He would rather stay here, waiting for (y/n) to wake up and stay with her. But he knows it would be unreasonable. So he nods a little absent-minded and leaves the hospital with his friends. “Shall we go with you home? I mean... This was not easy for you.” asks Hinata, who is worried about his friend. “No... I’d like to be alone with Osamu and then go home. Thank you all for being here...” he answers Hinata and looks into the circle. Nodding, his friends hug him and say goodbye to him, with the remark that he should call whenever he needs someone to talk or distract. “Why did you want to be alone with me?” Osamu asks him and picks up Kiyoomi, who is already heading for his house. “I know... that (y/n) is very important to you. That you love her. I appreciate that, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for her and for us. If (y/n) gets out of the hospital... And if we can finally hold our daughter in our arms... Do you want to be her godfather? I know you’ll love her as much as Kaede loves her. You’re one of the few people we’d both want to give our little sunshine to without hesitation. Because we trust you and we know that she’s in good hands with you if anything happens to us.” His voice is serious and so is his look. Osamu looks at him with big eyes. “Her godfather? Really? That... I’d be honored, Kiyoomi. I’d like to be her godfather.” In his words, his eyes begin to become glassy, and he has to refrain from crying. “You idiot...! Let’s go to my store together and drink to (y/n), your little princess and me as her godfather.” He sobs and hugs Kiyoomi. “Okay... okay! It's all right now. Let go of me.” Kiyoomi sighs and follows Osamu to his shop. While Osamu pours himself and Kiyoomi sake, his gaze remains on his friend. “Hey listen Kiyoomi... If you want, you can stay here. I can imagine that it’s not easy for you to be in that house by having your shared memories.” Kiyoomi nods and looks over to him. “Thank you. I may really come back to that.” Together they drink some sake, eat some Onigiris and talk about (y/n) until both fall asleep tired in Osamus apartment. - When Kiyoomi goes back to the hospital and enters (y/n)’s room, she is talking to Kaede. She seems to have just woken up because Kaede told her about everything that happened. Relief draws her face as he tells her that her baby is also fine. But one more time her eyes shine as she sees Kiyoomi enter the room. With a pack of Miya Onigiris, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a few clothes, he stands in the room door and warmly smiles at his wife. “I knew you’d make it, (y/n). Because I believe in you.” Are the first words that leave his mouth as he approaches (y/n) and Kaede and puts the flowers, food and clothes on the table next to (y/n). Carefully he takes her in his arms and gives her a long loving kiss. But the kiss becomes salty after only a few seconds, because Kiyoomi cannot hold back his tears again. “Kiyoomi... You don't have to cry. Everything is all right.” (y/n) tries to calm him down. “It’s not all good. I believed in you, but I was worried too. I should have protected you... No, I should have protected both of you. Instead, all I could do was just call a doctor and hold you in my arms. I should have been there for you.” he sobs. “Kiyoomi... please don't be like that. What else could you have done? You’re also here for me now. And Kaede said that all the hours I was in the operating room, you were there and you believed in me. You couldn’t have supported me better. You couldn’t have supported us better. You did a great job, Kiyoomi. Now look at me the way you’d look at me otherwise. You look like a pile of misery.” She grins at him. “I see that you are slowly coming back to your wonderfully loving nature.” Kiyoomi now also grins sarcastically. - Kiyoomi visits (y/n) in the next three days at any time he has the right to visit. He brings her flowers, something to eat from Osamus shop, reads books to her and talks to her belly where their little girl is in. He’s glad he didn’t lose her. Because he couldn’t bear to lose her. He loves her, and he always will. Because she’s his wife. Today she is to be released and full of anticipation but also afraid Kiyoomi is standing in front of the hospital. He looks around to see if there really is no one with a gun in the crowd. But all people are unsuspected. Still slightly exhausted, but with a happy smile, (y/n) steps out of the hospital together with Kaede, whose shift is also coming to an end. He lovingly embraces his wife and encloses her cheeks with his hands. “I love you, my princess. Let’s go home and be finally together.” His voice is still slightly sad, as he would have wanted to prevent all this. But (y/n)’s smile makes him stop thinking about his failure. “Let’s go home, darling.” She whispers softly and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips. “You know I’m still here, right?” interrupts Kaede them and looks at them sulking. Laughing, (y/n) beats her hand on Kaedes back and smiles. “Yes, my savior, we know that, of course you’re coming with us.” Arriving at home, Kiyoomi goes directly to their bedroom with (y/n) and makes her lie down again, as she should take care of herself. Anxiously he lays down beside her and holds her hand in his. “I love you, (y/n). Please promise me you’ll always stay with me. I was very afraid of losing you. Losing our baby... I don’t want to see you like this again.” His words are accompanied by his pain, and he notices how his eyes become glassy again. “Kiyoomi... everything is alright. Really. We are with you and we will always be with you, my beloved. Don't forget that. I love you too Kiyoomi.” Gently she gives him a kiss and takes him firmly into her arms. With her hand, which has just stroked his back, she walks through his curly hair and smiles at him. “I’ll always be at your side, Kiyoomi.” she whispers, and this time it is Kiyoomi who pulls her to himself and distributes several loving kisses on her cheek, hands and stomach.
Chapter 34 -  From nightmare to dream and picture book (END)
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​ @suna-allie​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​
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