#/ and ofc don't feel obligated !
I did re listen to the episode where the rogue card reveal happens with Lark in s1 and I gotta say my man Henry kinda whiffed it with that interaction pretty bad.
Oof yeah that whole scene is a rough one on all sides, I do recall feeling a blend of immense pity for Henry but also some level of frustration with him when I first listened to that part! In his defense, it was a very difficult thing to have dropped on him (all the more so given the timing of it all), but I do feel in retrospect that that scene does almost set the stage for how he deals with the twins for the rest of the season after that- being so concerned with repairing his relationship with Lark that he fails to respect Lark's need for space and simultaneously misses Sparrow's calls and need for attention, not to mention inadvertently pushing Sparrow (further) into a mediating position. LIKE THIS BIT MADE ME SOOOOO SAD HENRY I'M BEGGING YOU TO TALK WITH SPARROW ABOUT *HIS* FEELINGS PLEASE-
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Aha, anyways. [I lean over in my seat] You have me intrigued anon. These are my immediate (and not particularly developed if verbose) thoughts but I'm very curious as to your own and why, in your opinion, this scene might be a miss on Henry's end. Have you something to add on the Lark side of things, I wonder? In any case, the floor is yours if you wish to elaborate!
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hamletkin · 2 months
‼️my username as songs I listen to on a somewhat regular basis‼️
i was tagged by the wonderful @nintendo-killed-atari
K - (The) Key to Life on Earth by Declan McKenna
A - All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
R - Rapture by Declan McKenna
I - I'm So Bored by Sarah and the Sundays
S - See No Evil by The Way to Egress
N - No Instructions by The Happy Fits
E - Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles
M - Mercy Down by Shayfer James
I - It's Always Sunny With You by {Parentheses}
K - Kill! Kill! Kill! by The Pierces
tagging: @dabnerkrillex @hanksthompson @trefkorr @crippledpastrycryptid @what-in-crustacean @gabriel-shutterson @alltheverses @herebehunters
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dapperceature · 3 months
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@findmeabowlofundertale he was juggling by the cliff again...
I decided this would a be a hilarious way to meet lol
Pretend they're speaking in Cooper black in the last one, it's the o of other font they can speak, but they actually have an alright understanding of a few ciphers! They're mom also spoke a cipher (runes of the dragon, a badass name for the head of the guard) and had notes on techniques for understanding different ciphers, different one had different techniques and with nothing else to do, Ink read and practiced them cuz why not? They have a bit more confidence in their font since they were around ten when monsters went underground, and their mom was also very confident mostly to spite the jerks who made fun of her
I like to imagine she and Gaster were friends :)
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astarab1aze · 3 months
get to know me meme !
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1. favorite colors: purple, teal, really just the whole cool color spectrum (but still purple, mainly)
2. favorite flavors: sweet annnnnnd salty! spicy, too. i'm a very big fan of sweet drinks like boba and sweet tea, though i drink water almost exclusively these days, but gimme a potato chip dipped in chocolate, and gimme hot cheetos with lime--
3. favorite genres: horror, fantasy, romance, and smut are all my bread and butter (even if a suck booty at them (horror))
4. favorite music: i will listen to anything if it sounds good to me, specifically, but for the most part...according to my spotify, i'm into 'dark trap', every genre of metal ever, and indie -gestures-
5. favorite movies: uhhhhh just one? just a small handful? ububu too few-- i like lots of movies. spirited away, howl's moving castle, thankskilling, the labyrinth, lotr, mr deeds, big daddy, i have no taste--
6. favorite series: lotr, guardians of the flame, black jewels, jjk, mha, warrior's been good, warrior cats (look ok), kaguya-sama, classroom of the elite, dmc, star ocean, futurama, what we do in the shadows, true blood, shadowhunters, lots of stuff!
7. last song: hellslide by siiickbrain
8. last series: warrior. it's a netflix show but it's really good
9. last movie: i was just sobbing through my 98347593485th rewatch of howl's moving castle
10. currently reading: huehuehue. manhwa.
11. currently watching: true blood and wwdits - they feed my brain with the silly supernatural bs i need to run this blog--
12. currently working on: being normalTM
tagged by: @fangier <3 thanks bb tagging: um...um. unu @elysiumtouched , @azurescaled , @elysian-noctuary , @gloryundimmed , @gyofukuki , @lured-into-wonderland , @nvrcmplt (tell us your secrets tala) , @ofoccultism , @origami-assassin , @rotblooms , @strywoven , @villain-he , @vulpesse - and anyone else that'd like!
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paradoxpig · 4 months
That being said, I need some Hellaverse on my dash. So if you post a lot of Hazbin or Helluva, like this post so I can drop a follow plz <3
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unholy-fabray · 4 months
just saw someone say they hate Blaine because he kissed Rachel during spin the bottle which, according to this person, implied that Blaine couldn't like Kurt?? like they were personally offended by this?
that's a very strange, misplaced bit of biphobia my guy.....
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howthesleeplesswander · 11 months
surprise starter for @greedbent because Baizhu saw my other muses bothering his "secret" crush and refused to be left out 😤
"I have a prediction. Would you like to hear it?" Changsheng's voice floated into the front room of the pharmacy from somewhere up in the rafters. She hadn't shown herself once since he'd begun work that morning; Baizhu had assumed she'd been with Qiqi or Gui.
"Well, don't leave me in suspense," the doctor replied airily. Faced with a break in patients for the afternoon, Baizhu had begun filling prescriptions. Even while conversing, practiced hands moved of their own accord: one adding leaves and petals from the trays of mint and qingxin beside him to a large medicinal cauldron, while the other worked the milky substance within beneath a starsilver pestle.
Naturally though, Changsheng did exactly that. He'd nearly forgotten she'd said anything by the time she divulged her 'prediction.' "Sssomething tellsss me that today isss about to get interesssting."
Baizhu hummed, attention fixed on his work. "Oh? What makes you say that?"
Her answering snicker came from directly above him. He paused as Changsheng dropped onto his shoulders so he wouldn't spill anything. "You'll sssee sssoon enough," was all she said as she adjusted her coils, and the doctor shook his head fondly. With her affinity for the vague and riddled, sometimes Baizhu wondered if his companion wasn't some long-lost adeptus in disguise.
Minutes passed with only the scrape of the pestle along the cauldron's base to fill the silence. Then footsteps sounded on the stairs leading up to the pharmacy—but there was something...unique about them. Not just a rhythmic tap-tap of shoes on pavement, but with an additional tone layered in unison. Metal on stone. Tap-tapclink.
That could only mean...
Ah. Well, in all fairness, Changsheng was rarely wrong about these things.
Baizhu didn't look up until the steps arrived in the entryway. To anyone else, the sight of a man clad in all black, gazing into their shop with such intent, sharp eyes may be cause for alarm. But Baizhu simply smiled, hands pausing to give his newfound visitor his undivided attention.
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"Why, Kaz, what a pleasant surprise. How nice to see you." Likely not a sentiment heard often, but it was entirely sincere. He pointedly ignored Changsheng's muttered 'I told you' that tickled his ear. "Is there something I can do for you? Oh—unless you're here for your 'prescription'?"
The code word was second-nature despite there being no one else in the pharmacy to overhear. With a grin so pleasant adorning his features, the doctor certainly appeared to be speaking of a legitimately prescribed medication, rather than the special-ordered poison that currently sat fermenting on his kitchen counter. "It's nearly finished, but I'm afraid it needs another hour or so to infuse for maximum...potency." There was a dark edge to the chuckle that rolled in his chest. "We must be sure it's strong enough to take care of the problem, mustn't we?"
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notetaeker · 10 months
Rules: tag 10 people you wanna get to know better
thank you @iwillsurvivecollege for the tag! Icb I'm only seeing it now D: sorry
favorite color: blue 💙💙
relationship status: Sick and Tired™️ of being asked by aunties when I'm getting married T_T so this q makes me feel v attacked for no reason
last thing you googled: simple full sleeve maxi dress sewing pattern free 💀
song stuck in your head: The Best of Pearls (slowed + reverb 😭)
last song you listened to: Waterfall - B.I 💯💯
dream trip: turkey, which I've heard is owned by cats 🐈
anything you want right now: nice, cool weather D: The summer is rlly summering huh
tagging @nuuralshams, @frenchiepal, @chemblrish, @yughostlavia, @khadija-studies, @starrystvdy, @stargazerbibi, @cece412
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Happy Deep Thoughts Thursday! I'm bored and thought this would be fun.
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ladye-zelda · 3 months
Wow, I have not been on in quite a while lol (taken a long-overdue break)
I know it's late but, anyone want to send in some asks?
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artichow · 1 year
This is a gentle reminder to every tumblr user to please reblog the art you like
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yutaleks · 4 months
I'm kinda mad gege didn't give us Grandaddy Naobito tied up and oiled up (can't believe I'm typing this sentence..) but at least we survived leaks night!! If gege publishes an illustration of any old crusty Zen'in man tied up in lingerie with a side of humiliation I promise I will forgive him for killing everyone (maybe..). Think about it gege!! It's a valid offer!!
By the way, yes!! My account is this fancy geriatric retirement home where everyone has viagra in their bedside table drawer. Me and sexy nurse Kenjaku do shifts dressed in skimpy nurse halloween costumes and make out in the storage closet when no one is looking for us AND when there's people dying. Sometimes I even call Shoko (my wife) with the excuse of a professional consultation and then let her commit medical malpractice on the old men. It's very fun!!
Also, where is bootyhole anon! Bootyhole anon, we need you to complete the anon committee ...
Hope your day is going well, Aleks!!
(geriatric anon)
we need to hit up that fanartist who did that old man yaoi we need more !! gege reads BL so I know this man can be convinced...
I love kenjaku and shoko committing crimes <3 is the geriatric club only for old jjk men or do you have old faves from other anime?
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Questioning sucks. I used the wiki fandom for gender and queerness as a whole to help and once I used a sexuality from Pinterest which didn’t really work out and nobody knew what it was and it was just annoying but now I don’t question and I’m happy for now
it absolutely can suck. I'm glad you're happy now though!
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yaraaflor · 1 year
soooo someone sent me an ask saying that they didn't get the appeal of peter/felicia and asking if i could explain? like in a genuine nice way. and i started typing out a whole answer and then briefly saved it as a draft and then. somehow lost it rip. fuck tumblr. so i'm gonna try to recreate my answer but it got long lol sorry
so i gotta preface this by saying, i'm not a felicia expert, i like her a lot but there's plenty of her stuff i haven't read. and also i am a petermj truther at heart, i think they're soulmates lol. i don't necessarily see peter and felicia as a like an endgame, happily-ever-after kind of couple. but i do enjoy peterfelicia, and also feliciamj and peterfeliciamj, my ideal throuple lol.
but for peterfelicia: i mean for me i do think they just have good chemistry, which i find hard to put into words. but i can't lie i also think a big part of the appeal is their circumstances, like peter as a superhero and felicia as a cat burglar/criminal. it gives them a whole enemies to lovers vibe, except for a bit more lighthearted bc they're both fun people and felicia doesn't like. actually try to harm people. and i like how that kind of keeps them at odds with each other, but also they really click in other ways. they're both fun and humorous and genuinely have some shared values. they're def not perfect as a couple and have issues but they do enjoy each other, like it's not just based on physical attraction, and on occasions where they have to work together, as a couple or not, i think they work well bc they get each other's motives and know each other's moves.
but also, i just like felicia as a character? like once she broke away from just spider-man stories and started appearing in other marvel stuff and getting her own story arcs, she really developed and became a complex, loveable character. she's flirty and fun, she's a bit selfish, she has a kind of rough background, she can be bitter and mean when hurt, but she's not cruel and she does help people sometimes. she's been around since the 70s so she has a long history i can't totally keep track of but she has bounced between being a criminal and an anti-hero a lot, without losing her core values. she has a good heart but she still enjoys the rush of stealing and doesn't feel super guilty about it. tbh felicia does read as just the marvel ripoff as catwoman in a lot of ways, but honestly i kind of like her better, i think she has a lot of layers. which helps me like peterfelicia, bc i think when both characters are well-developed, it makes their romantic relationship more compelling and believable. and i also think felicia and peter bring out interesting sides of each other, she makes him a bit more playful, he reminds her she can do good things. even when they're not a couple or even flirting they have a strong relationship.
(also i kind of got the vibe that this ask was in response to my petergwen critical post, which has been gaining some traction recently, and i want to reiterate i have nothing against petergwen, i think they're fine. i just think peterfelicia have a bit more complexity that makes them interesting- again, partially bc peter and gwen weren't a couple for that long before her death, and after that, their whole relationship is marred by tragedy and guilt. whereas peter and felicia have decades of history, they've been on-off a few times, they've seen each other through some rough periods, they've worked together platonically and even connected as civilians. they were never like a totally solid couple the way peter and mj were for many years, but that also makes them interesting, bc it's a different sort of relationship dynamic that we see for peter.)
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pinkierre · 1 year
Ayy. Tagged by @meecamille to post the last few lines i've written.
Lorenzo is the least bit shocked when Charles tells him, slightly nervous, that he and Pierre had finally stopped fighting the pull between them, and had given in to each other.
Tagging whoever wants to do this & @softiecharlie @duquesademiel @river-ocean @vicsy @wolfiemcwolferson @effervescentdragon @car-bo-hydrate @welightitup @leclerctops 
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levil0vesyou · 7 months
Brb gonna build a parasocial relationship with the anon who won't text me back
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