studywithmeliora · 4 years
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More language tips? Hell yes!
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Making study guides requires time and effort but they pay off in the end! Use these tips to get the best of your learning ✨
• organize your notes: first and foremost, use your syllabus guides and handouts to figure out what you should and shouldn’t include in your study guide!
• keep it simple: use any note-taking method, such as the Cornell Note-Taking Method, to keep your notes clean and easy to reference ⚡️
• start early: don’t wait till the last minute to start making your study guide. Doing a little bit every day is better than cramming right before a big exam 🕰
• include diagrams: using diagrams is a quick and easy way to make your notes fun and vibrant and it will help you understand the concept quicker than reading page after page 🔅
• write one your own words: doing this ensures that you are understanding what you’re learning and it helps you register the information in a way that’s understandable to you 🥇
• color code: color coding your notes by subject, level of difficulty or even by topic can help you understand what to revise and what not to revise. It’s an easy reference system that will help you save time! 💫
And that’s how you make a good study guide! ❄️
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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The website is now live!!!! I made you lovelies some FREE printables to use just in time for the school year! 💛
Visit studywithmeliora.com to download them!!!
studywithmeliora ✨
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Little things to do ✨
studywithmeliora 💛
(Gonna go take a nap now haha)
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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I’ve finallly started reading more during quarantine!!! What books are you guys reading? I’d love some recommendations 🥺
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Y’all if I get this exact study desk with those exact shelf and items and posters...I wouldn’t know how to behave 👀
What’s your ideal desk/workspace like? ✨
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Being productive DOES NOT mean working for uni or working at your job. Simply doing the things you love should count as being productive ✨
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
Ten Questions!
Thank you @a-midds for nominating me :) <3
1. how many pillows do you sleep with?
I absolutely love pillows so I currently sleep with three. However, I would love to have more pillows :)
2. what’s your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?
I absolutely love love loveee sweaters so I think my favorite would be a red sweater that my friend had gifted me!
3. what book are you currently reading?
I’m currently reading Atomic Habits by James Clear!
4. are you enjoying it?
Yes! The book is super insightful and I recommend it to everyone who’s looking to make productive lifestyle changes :)
5. what’s your favourite line from a song?
“but home is just a room full of my safest sounds” 
(If you know where this is from, I already love you!)
6. if your life was a movie, what would the name of the album of the soundtrack be?
Oooh tough one! I would probably end up naming it Flourish or something like that!
7. do you have/want any pets?
I currently don’t have any pets but I would like to get a cat in the future. I absolutely adore cats!
8. what’s your favourite food that has to be kept in the fridge?
Cheese! (Does that count??)
9. what’s your favourite type of rodent?
Probably a hamster haha. I remember when I was in around 5th or 6th grade, our entire class got a hamster and he was so cute. 
10. what’s your favourite colour?
My favorite color is probably black or blue. Honestly, it depends on the day!
I had so much fun answering these questions!!! I would like to nominate @peachblossomstudy @studyblr @studyquill @aestudier @clabujo to take part in this as well! Anyone else that might be interested can ofc take part too! (in fact, I encourage you guys to participate so I can get to know some of you a little better!!!)
My Questions:
1. what’s your favorite subject?
2. what’s your favorite song?
3. would you rather be able to teleport or read minds??
4. who’s your favorite studyblr on here?? (I need some more to follow haha)
5. do you like cats? why or why not?
6. do you have a studygram??? I’d love to follow you :)
7. what’s one (or two) thing(s) you struggle with as a student?
8. what’s your favorite movie?
9. what’s your favorite book? why? (yes I am looking for book recommendations too haha!)
10. what’s your favorite moment from your life? (optional ofc!)
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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100 Friends on Tumblr!!!
I’m so happy to hit my first milestone 💛
Thank you guys so much for your continued support. It really does keep me going ✨
studywithmeliora ❤️
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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In case you forgot, read more books!
(Maybe I should make this a sticker in the future????)
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
A part of a series!
Study Tips - Part One
(Out now)
I know this isn’t a movie but still
studywithmeliora ✨
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Two posts in one day???! Yes please 💛
Will you start a commonplace notebook?
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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I am obsessed with my new avatar!
Do you guys like it? 💛
studywithmeliora ✨
(P.S. Follow me on Instagram for more!)
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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This July’s book recommendations are here!!!
What’s your favorite book?📚
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Some note taking tips for all you lovely humans 🥺
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Some tips for visual learners 👀✨
studywithmeliora 💛
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studywithmeliora · 4 years
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Hey everyone!
This literally took so long to draw! Here are some tips for you all about how to make a good study plan! 💛
1. Goals ✨
Establishing short term and long term goals will help you get some perspective about what you should include in your plan and shouldn’t. For example, if your goal is to improve your score or GPA for this semester in a specific subject, this is a short term goal that’s super important for your study plan. However, having long term goals like graduating early etc. shouldn’t be a part of your study plan because they’ll distract you from what you should do. If you have a long term goal, you can always break it down into micro goals to help you achieve them faster!
2. Time 🕰
Not everyone has time to do everything and that’s okay. Figure out how much time you’re willing to spend on your goal or task and allot that much time without fail! If you have more than one goal, divide up your time by prioritizing your goals, allocating the most time to your most important goals.
3. Schedule 🗓
Now that you have all the information you need, it’s time to schedule your tasks and create a weekly or daily routine to help you make time for all your goals. Even your smallest goal deserves love 🥺
4. Balance ⚖️
You need to have a balanced approach to studying and creating a study plan that’ll make you work. If your entire study plan is cluttered with work, you’re more likely to ditch it altogether. Have breaks and make time for things you love other than just studying. I get that grades are important, but seriously, live your life the way you want. Grades can wait ✨
I hope these tips help!
studywithmeliora ✨
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