sprandr · 10 years
ATTENTION: We've Moved!
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Just to let our regular readers know that we've moved the main site over to an independent domain on Wordpress. You can find the new blog by visiting sequelsprequels.com.
We're still updating daily and posting as much movie sequel and prequel related news as is humanly possible, however we won't be posting to this Tumblr blog any more. Please pop over and visit, leave a comment, send us feedback, we'd greatly appreciated it.
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sprandr · 10 years
Listen To Godzilla Roar.
Here's a sneaky listen to how the re-booted beast will sound in Gareth Edwards' forthcoming movie.
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sprandr · 10 years
Jesse Eisenberg Will Be Lex Luther.
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Yep, I'm having trouble picturing this one too, but it's been confirmed that the Social Network actor will fit his head into a bald cap and fill the expensive shoes of Lex Luther for the Batman Vs Superman movie, which Zack Snyder will direct. Following the success of Man Of Steel Snyder has been somewhat reluctant to label this feature a sequel, but with Henry Cavill reprising his role as Superman it's hard to view this as anything else.
So far the cast is fleshing out as follows: Ben Affleck as Batman, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane will all return to their roles they played in Man Of Steel. Some fans, probably the same ones who choked on their party bag of Doritos following the Affleck casting news, have taken to their mayonnaise encrusted keyboards to voice their anger over Eisenberg's casting, but Snyder had this to say:
“Lex Luthor is often considered the most notorious of Superman’s rivals, his unsavory reputation preceding him since 1940. What’s great about Lex is that he exists beyond the confines of the stereotypical nefarious villain. He’s a complicated and sophisticated character whose intellect, wealth and prominence position him as one of the few mortals able to challenge the incredible might of Superman. Having Jesse in the role allows us to explore that interesting dynamic, and also take the character in some new and unexpected directions.”
And to think they could have had this guy or this guy.
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sprandr · 10 years
Muppets Most Wanted Trailer Won The Super Bowl.
For all the high energy sequel trailers featured throughout this year's Super Bowl there was only one clear winner and they didn't need to blow up a single city either.
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sprandr · 10 years
Transformers 4 Trailer Has Dinobots.
Yep, if the gigantic robot battles, city sized explosions and Mark Whalberg running and yelling in slo-mo wasn't enough, Michael Bay has gone and added Optimus Prime on top of a Dinobot.
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sprandr · 10 years
Extended Trailer For Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Looks like Marvel are in full steam ahead for their much touted Phase 2 of hero movies. Judging from the trailer it seems Cap has a full on head-to-head tussle with the Winter Soldier with help from The Falcon and Black Widow.
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sprandr · 10 years
SuperBowl Trailer for The Amazing Spiderman 2.
You don't really get a proper look at Paul Giamatti's character Rhino in this extended trailer but you get loads of story outline for Jamie Foxx's Electro.
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sprandr · 10 years
Trailer for Dead Snow 2.
I've not seen the original Dead Snow movie, I'm not a big fan of horror but after viewing this trailer I might just make an exception.
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sprandr · 11 years
Naked Gun Reboot With Ed Helms.
Sweet mother of pearl!
Hollywood is proudly crowing about how somebody in an expensive suit thought it would be a good idea to take a beloved comedy franchise and remake it for today's audience, with an actor who starred in all three Hangover movies. Excuse me a second.
Variety recently posted up this failure pile of information:
Detective Frank Drebin is coming back with Ed Helms on board to portray Leslie Nielsen’s character in Paramount’s reboot of “The Naked Gun” comedy franchise.
The studio has tapped the scripting team of Thomas Lennon and R. Ben Garant — best known for the “Night at the Museum” and “Reno 911″ franchises, to write the screenplay as a new spin on the Drebin character. 
Night of the f**king Museum? This idea positively reeks of Steve Martin's flaccid attempt to revive the Pink Panther franchise it didn't work because there was and will only ever be one Inspector Clouseau as there will only ever be one Frank Drebin. Somebody stop this madness. Stop it, I beg of you.
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sprandr · 11 years
Here's Your First Godzilla Trailer.
Just take a look at this official trailer from the Godzilla reboot due for release next year, it's glorious. The 'halo jump' scene at the beginning is accompanied by some extremely atmospheric and disturbing music not too disimilar from the music used in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey and then we have a sneek peek at Godzilla itself and the path of desturction it lays in it's wake.
Any Godzilla fan who was worried about this reboot might want to stop wringing their hands, first impressions look great.
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sprandr · 11 years
Disney Now Has The Rights To Future Indiana Jones Movies.
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Now that Disney have Lucasfilm firmly in their vaults it seems like the logical step, following their takeover of all things Star Wars, to announce that they now own the distribution rights, thanks to a negotiation with Paramount, over any new Indiana Jones movie(s).
Although Paramount retains the rights to the existing movies this announcement bodes well for fans of the adventuring franchise as Disney currently steams ahead with the highly anticipated new Star Wars movies, which means there could be some exciting developments in the pipeline for the whip wielding archaeologist in the not too distant future...as long as it doesn't include Elvis monkeys and nuke proof fridges. 
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sprandr · 11 years
Thornton Looks Out His Santa Suit Once More.
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Even though a director has yet to be confirmed it seems progress is being made on Bad Santa 2.
During a recent interview actor Billy Bob Thornton and star of the original movie explained that the script is nearing completion:
It’s been very hard trying to get the script right. We’ve been through three or four drafts but we’re getting real close. Then there’s the business dealings to sort out, all the stuff I don’t understand. But one way or another, the sequel will happen and the idea is to shoot it next year. We know we’ll never beat the first film but we’ll get as close as we can.
 [The Telegraph]
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sprandr · 11 years
Bourne 5 Gets A Release Date.
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Still feeling bloated and gassy after your viewing of The Bourne Legacy, well grab yourself some peppermint tea and get ready to clean yourself out for yet another helping of the spy franchise.
Following the success of the fourth Bourne movie, which replaced it's lead of Matt Damon with Jeremy Renner, Universal have now confirmed that Bourne 5 will be released on August 5th 2015 with Renner returning as Aaron Cross and director Justin Lin, (the director of three Fast & Furious movies), will be behind the camera.
Personally speaking I feel this is pretty much the death knell for the series and any hope fans had of Damon reprising his role as Jason Bourne are now pretty much buried. Also, taking nothing away from the talents of Lin, for me at least, his involvement looks like a definite further dilution of the once great franchise.
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sprandr · 11 years
Joe Carnahan Is Angry Over Death Wish Remake
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Let's get something clear I'm a massive fan of director Joe Carnahan, I love Narc, I'm an unashamed Smokin' Aces fan and I personally believe The Grey was one of the best films of last year. So the man can do no wrong in my eyes.
That being said Carnahan is taking some critical fire for an email he wrote to MGM's president of production, Jonathan Glickman. In it he expresses his displeasure, (which is putting it mildly), at being replaced as director on the Death Wish remake, which he also wrote the script for. Apparently the project is currently courting Bruce Willis for the lead which has also incensed Carnahan even further:
You had a potential Oscar-winning film with maybe the best script in Hollywood but because you're a coward and a dumb cunt you now have an untested second-time director and an arrogant, lazy, aging action star that will run that poor kid into the ground. Good luck, asshole. You're a spineless, gutless turd who doesn't belong in this business. Enjoy your run as a `studio head,' Glickman. It's going to be a short one.
Fuck you,
Joe Carnahan
I don't know about you but I've genuinely lost count of the times I've wished to replace 'Yours Sincerely' with 'Fuck you' when typing out an email. The man is obviously passionate about his craft and is clearly upset after putting in the hours over the project which, for whatever reason, he is now no longer involved. Let's just revisit some happier times with quite possibly the most intense opening scene of a movie ever made.
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sprandr · 11 years
Simon Pegg Has Signed On For MI 5.
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Woah nelly! Before you jump to conclusions, British actor Simon Pegg isn't leaving Hollywood and joining the UK's domestic counter terrorism security service the MI5, he is of course joining the cast of Mission Impossible 5. Christ that was close.
Following the recent confirmation that a fifth installment of the ultra successful franchise will now happen under the talented directorship of Christopher McQuarrie, (Jack Reacher, The Way Of The Gun), comes the news that Blighty's very own treasured geek Simon Pegg will reprise his role as the nervous technician.
Speaking to MTV recently he was asked if he was looking forward to returning to the role: "Yes, absolutely. I'm looking forward to that. I've already started eating one carrot a day in order to be in shape."
Mission Impossible 5 is slated for a Chrsitmas Day release on 2015.
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sprandr · 11 years
Trailer For The Raid 2.
Unlike most trailers these days this one for Gareth Evans' follow-up to his critically acclaimed 2011 movie The Raid: Redemption, doesn't give away plot spoilers.
In fact we haven't as clue as to what's going on here except that it's seasoned with violence and fast punching which is really all I want from movies today.
The Raid 2: Berendal is slated for a 2014 release.
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sprandr · 11 years
Jackman & Mangold Are Working On A Wolverine Sequel.
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Negotiations between FOX and director James Mangold, who previously directed the most recent Wolverine movie, are currently under way regarding a sequel, which Hugh Jackman has confirmed he's already on board for.
Fans of the property have a right to be excited at this news as The Wolverine packed quite a punch at the box office, one might say it shredded right through the box office with Adamantium claws just like the same Adamantium claws used in the film by Hugh Jackman...who also plays The Wolverine...Jesus that whole paragraph just fell flat on it's arse!
Apparently FOX is delighted with it's haul as its now become the second highest crossing X-Men film yet, making an impressive $413m worldwide. Expect further news about the intended sequel soon.
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