spacealligator · 5 hours
when you write where do you keep your fics prior to posting them? i read a thing about authors having their google documents locked recently even if they were personal if they flagged down mature content so i’ve been trying to figure out alternatives for keeping my writing but not losing all of my careful formatting in the process ):
wait really? but that’s where i keep them! i used to have them locally saved in my computer in word, but i changed because i like writing on my phone sometimes
damn i hope this doesn't happen to me, I have no backups at all, actually, I'm now on my way to do some backups, sorry I can't help youu
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spacealligator · 1 day
people I'd like to promote a fic I helped beta for a internet friend, here's the link:
it's a naruto x madoka magica crossover, in which the madoka magica girls are born in Naruto and interact with characters of Naruto, I loved their idea, if you enjoy both fandoms, give it a shot!
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spacealligator · 2 days
reblog to save a life
Websites I use for my Naruto writing
i'm on spring break atm, that means free time, plus i am sick in bed, meaning double freetime. it was @andohmyloveiliedtoyou who asked me for more writing resources, this one will definitely be a smaller/listicle type one but i figured it might help nonetheless.
Japanese Girl Names (with meaning) Japanese Boy Names (with meaning) Japanese Unisex Names For your OCs and side characters
Family tree creator In case you want to plan/map out things
Height comparison Lets you compare heights of people (w different bodytypes) and objects
Ryo to Dollar/Euro calculator Helps you get a better understanding of the prices in the shinobi world
How to draw in the shippuden artstyle A post by yours truly, where I talk about characteristics of the shippuden art style
Timeline maker Because honestly, the timeline in Naruto is a mess Ultimate Naruto Timeline Someone's attempt to turn the current timeline of Naruto into one coherent thing
A deviantart collection of the Naruto model sheets This is just a collection, not the original artists since they're unfortunately rarely credited
Genetic trait calculator If you suck at maths like I do. Works for eyecolors, dimples, etc. unfortunately only three eye colors.
Exploring the Politics of Naruto Part I Exploring the Politics of Naruto Part II Videos from the channel "The Based Indonesian Show" about the political system of Naruto The Big Five Ninja Nations explained A video by "TheProfessorBurg" about the big five and parallels to the real world A Naruto World Map Made by the Naruto rp community, I used this one for my worldbuilding headcanons
Writers, Artists, Creatives, feel free to add more!
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spacealligator · 2 days
kakashi: violence is never the answer
obito: yeah, it's the question, and the answer is yes
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spacealligator · 3 days
ships i consume -> narusasu, itafushi
ships that consume me -> their parents: obikaka, satosugu
There are ships you consume. And then there are ships that consume you in a never-ending abyss of complete brainrot.
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spacealligator · 3 days
Anime characters be like:
Tumblr media
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spacealligator · 4 days
it's ok that Hinata chose to be a stay at home mom, the problem is that the narrative/the author didn't gave her any options to choose from
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spacealligator · 5 days
Kakashi: Gai? I have a question.
Gai: Yes?
Kakashi: What is it called when you don’t want to punch anyone? Like, if I’m sitting in one spot and it’s not too hot and not too cold and I have good food in my stomach and everything went right today? What’s that called?
Gai: … Are you saying you’re happy?
Kakashi: Huh; is THAT what happiness feels like? I’ve read about it so many times but never imagined I’d experience it for myself. What do I do now?
Gai: You relax and enjoy it, rival!
Kakashi: … Relax?
Gai: Yes.
Kakashi: And … and enjoy being happy?
Gai: That’s the idea!
Kakashi, sweating: This is terrifying. Please do something.
Gai: Kakashi, what do you —
*Naruto comes running up*
Naruto: Oi, Sensei! I … kinda did something you might get mad about, dattebayo. Sakura said I should confess before —
Kakashi: *lets out a sigh of relief and embraces Naruto* Oh thank Kami.
Naruto: But … but I haven’t even told you what I did?
Kakashi: Doesn’t matter. Good boy, Naruto!
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spacealligator · 6 days
Why y'all pair Geto and Gojo? They're both men it doesn't make sense at all. They are just friends. Respectfully l know people have different views, but why can't men just be friends?
when people say "why can't men just be friends" they seem to think they're making some kind of outstandingly intellectual point. i'm not only going to explain why that is blatantly untrue, but also why this claim imprisons gojo and geto in the very cage you seem so desperate to free them from.
in making this claim, you've created a binary with "friends" at one end and a (presumably romantic) "pair" at the other. you understand the two locations to be diametrically opposed, at opposite poles in a fixed landscape.
queerness, as you understand it, is attached to the "romance" pole within your binary, and heterosexuality is fixed to the "friends" pole. these poles are antithetical to you— either they're friends, or they're lovers. the binary only permits one or the other.
to you, queerness is a a consumptive vacuum that subsumes everything "good" about gojo and geto's relationship. you understand gayness to be the antithesis of heterosexuality; you relegate personhood and agency to the latter whilst deriding the former, resisting what you perceive to be the deliberate action of Turning Them Gay.
this deliberate twisting of their characters then makes them not gojo and geto anymore but two men in love, voiding the intricacies and complexities of their relationship and reducing their dynamic to a one-dimensional romance because that's all you understand queerness to be. either they're regarded as friends and they remain people (retaining their personhood) or they're queered, abandoning their identities because now their only identity is gay.
in attempting to defend them from being queered, you think you're saving them from subsumption by the label. in your mind, you're preserving their nuance and complexity because you seek to protect them from being whittled down from unique individuals into gay-shaped men, who now exist relationally to each other along one axis: romance. to you, there's gojo and geto, the characters you know and love, who are then twisted from their "original form" into being queer.
in seeking to free them from your understanding of queerness, you reify the very structure that you think you're dismantling. you attempt to defend their agency and personhood but you achieve exactly the opposite: you forge their identity on your own terms, pigeonholing them into fixed categories because of your own limited understanding of what it means to be queer.
in constructing queerness oppositionally to heterosexuality, you flatten their characters and push them into a prison of your own making. relegating them to heterosexuality does to them exactly what you're afraid of will happen if they're deemed queer: they become one-dimensional, actively stripped of the agency, dignity, nuance and complexity that you so righteously seek to defend. people cannot be Turned Gay because they are not straight by default; gojo and geto's characters are not being twisted into unoriginality—they are gojo and geto, and they are queer. it is one and the same.
gojo and geto are enemies, and soulmates, and partners, and friends, and lovers, and so much more. what draws people to their connection is that it transcends the binaries of friendship and romance that you so eagerly defend. in pushing for them to be regarded as "just friends" you flatten their characters, imprisoning them in the very cage that you think you're saving them from by rejecting the label of queer.
queerness is not a reductionist subversion of heterosexuality— it constitutes dimensions and layers to identities and relationships, not all of them romantic. queerness goes beyond the static conception within your binary; it is dynamic, complex, agentic and relates to more than merely sexual orientation. in rejecting queerness, you actualize the one-dimensional characterization you so fear through stripping away the integral complexities of their characters that can only be understood through a queered lens. queerness does not reduce— it is constitutive.
gojo and geto are not merely straight or gay, according to your limited understanding. they transcend the binary in which you've imprisoned them, queered in more ways than one. queerness does not take away from the parts of their relationship that make them unique; it is what makes them unique. gojo and geto's connection remains profound, not in spite of their queerness, but because of it.
and to address your comment about how "they're both men"— men have been queer for centuries, regardless of time or place. pick up a fucking book. (or just take a good, hard look at the jjk manga).
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spacealligator · 6 days
people I'm new to tumblr but i'd like to participate in naruto fandom events, though i've only seen Kakashi week for 2024 so far, any other recommendations?
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spacealligator · 6 days
I've been reading ABO for a long time now but never saw a mating ritual idea quite like in this fic, in here the omegas are just as strong as the alphas because they have to be able to choose their partners
If an alpha want an omega, they have to openly challenge them, the omega can accept it or not, and then they fight, and for the bond to happen the alpha have to beat the omega and bite them in the neck
seriously I loved this so much, I might really use this idea in one of my fics, anyways if you're a RinHaru shipper give it a go! I'm more of a HaruRin shipper myself, but I liked it a lot! It's very smutty and sweet
(Free! RinxHaru, one shot, explicit sexual content, ao3)
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spacealligator · 7 days
an au where Obito is working as an intern in his uncle Madara’s company, but he doesn’t want to be there but he’s under pressure from his family to go into the family business so he feels trapped
and every evening he trudges home wearing his uncomfortable collar and tie with his mind numbed from stuff he has absolutely no interest in and one day to break up the tedium he takes a different route home and he passes this small pet shop and he glances into the wide windows and sees Kakashi Hatake, a former classmate of Obito’s
and Obito never said anything but he always had a huge crush on Kakashi but Kakashi barely seemed to know Obito existed and Obito starts taking this way home every day so he can walk as slow as possible and “casually” stare at Kakashi through the windows
until one day he can’t help himself and he goes in and he asks Kakashi to help him pick out cat food and Kakashi spends a long time showing him different brands and Obito keeps asking him questions to keep him near because he’s so handsome and he smells SO GOOD that it’s unbelievable
and every day after that he goes back to ask Kakashi’s help on picking something else; one day it’s a collar, the next a litter box, and the next, toys. but here’s the thing: Obito doesn’t HAVE a cat. in fact he’s allergic to most breeds.
but he couldn’t think of any other excuse to keep going into the shop to talk to Kakashi.
so one day he decides to stop with the facade and takes every single thing he bought from Kakashi back to the store, and tells him the truth, and he insists that he doesn’t want his money back but asks Kakashi to donate or give the items to actual cat owners and he turns to leave thinking that Kakashi must believe he’s a damn lying psychopath but Kakashi stops him and says he knew all along Obito didn’t have a cat because in 10th grade in Speech class everyone had to give a three minute talk on their least favorite animal and Obito spent his three minutes talking about how much cats made him sneeze
and Obito can’t believe Kakashi would remember that and Kakashi kinda blushes and confesses that he really liked Obito back then but was too shy to do anything about it and Obito blushes and tells him the same thing, then takes a chance and invites him out to dinner, and Kakashi accepts and closes up the shop early, and Obito asks him if he’ll get in trouble with his boss
But Kakashi says I AM the boss I own the place, and he explains he inherited it from his father when he died, and he tells Obito how much he loves it, and he knows he’ll never make a ton of money from it but he thinks it’s more important to spend your life doing what you love
and this hits home with Obito and it mentally starts him on the long path to quitting his family’s company and pursuing an education and subsequent career in being a pastry chef, which is where his true passion lies
well, with that AND his new boyfriend.
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spacealligator · 7 days
obikaka and kakaobi shippers, anyone know fics that are like, Kakashi helping Obito to "train" to ask Rin out but they end up together instead? any ratings, any AUs or not, anything, just give me awkward teenagers being awkward
please drop a comment and help a girlie in need
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spacealligator · 7 days
Okay, here is a random opinion that will get me hate.
If Sakura was a man chasing after Sasuke, and Sasuke was a woman, guess who will get all the hate? Fem Sasuke. And i will forever die on this.
Meanwhile male Sakura will be all hyped up, and named as a hero, and would get comments like.
"It's always the nice guys bro 😔" shit like that.
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spacealligator · 8 days
Team 8 x Team 10 Interactions?
i'm over here thinking that team 8 and team 10 should be super friends and close because they both followed their senseis' love story, first the matchmaking, the awkward flirting, then they get together, the teasing, then after Asuma dies they have to help Kurenai through the grief and raise Mirai too
some silly ideas:
before they started dating, I bet that Kurenai would plan a lot of team lunches on the same barbecue Asuma takes Choji and the rest of the kids, just so she could coincidentally run into him and they would sit all the kids together to have lunch
team 8 and 10 genins had a recurring bet bet of when their senseis would get together, they were the og Asuma x Kurenai shippers. Ino started it and rallied the others, Hinata didn't join because she thought it was wrong to bet on people's love lives, Shikamaru won obviously
team 10 would groan every time Asuma talked about Kurenai, but when Kurenai talked about Asuma team 8 would listen patiently because Hinata asked Kiba and Shino to be nice
before Asuma's death Ino and Hinata would talk about things that would look good on their wedding to Kurenai "Ne Kurenai- sensei, have you thought about the flowers yet? We can help with that at the Yamanaka shop!" "Have you chosen the wedding kimono? the hyugas have great seamstresses" so on and so forth
after Mirai's birth, they would have an organized schedule of who babysits Mirai when, for Kurenai to keep going on missions
Hinata and Choji bonding over the good food should feed the soul mentality and that Mirai needs a proper diet, and Choji would love Hinata's cooking
Ino poking fun at Hinata's crush on naruto
Ino yelling at Kiba that he can't give Mirai a bath the same way he washes Akamaru
Ino being afraid of Shino's bugs and he being super gloomy about it
Hinata is caught on Ino's gossip updates, she doesn't even know half the people Ino talks about but she sits there and listens to be polite
at some point after the many sessions of gossip, Hinata too becomes invested in random people's life like it's a soap opera
Shikamaru and Shino together on babysitting duty sitting on the couch doing nothing and saying nothing and calling it bro time
Shikamaru having babysitting duty with Hinata and being shocked with the fact that women can be not violent (a fact he regularly forgets because of his mother, Ino and Temari)
Choji tries to give chips to Akamaru and Kiba fucking loses it because dogs' stomachs are super sensitive and how could he not know that?! Kiba would be cleaning dog diarrhea for a week now!
Shikamaru and Kiba interactions are basically Shikamaru and Naruto interactions
Shikamaru plays shogi with Shino to pass time, and thinks he's pretty good
He also likes to play Shogi with Hinata, even though she's not as good as Shino. She doesn't find it as fun, since Shogi is something she learned because of her family, it's just one of those traditions that a big clan heiress should know, but she's too polite to say no and indulges him a couple of times
Shino's bugs finds the secret stashes of candy that Choji has around Kurenai's place and eat it all and Choji cries and Shino feels guilty and gets super gloomy
Kurenai comes back from mission and it's Kiba's turn to watch Mirai and the apartment was trashed by Akamaru and Kiba is trying to clean it before she arrives. She just sighes and go take a bath pretending she didn't see anything
Choji would spoil Mirai with a bunch of unhealthy snacks and then when anybody else from team 8 or 10 had to babysit her, she wouldn't eat anything healthy and they would get super worried
Ino and Hinata playing dolls with Mirai, dressing her up in cute baby clothes and braiding her hair and stuff
Shikamaru smoking indoors and the others complaining about it, saying it stinks and it's bad for Mirai, but secretly Kurenai misses the smell of second hand smoking
when Kurenai has both teams over her place it gets crowded and loud so she needs to put Mirai under a small genjutsu for her to be able to sleep with all the yelling
anymore ideas?
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spacealligator · 8 days
tsunade *punching through at least 2 of kakuzu's hearts*: and this is for my money asshole!
kakuzu: I thought you were avenging senju hashirama?
tsunade: what grampa has to do with you stealing my money, dickhead?
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spacealligator · 9 days
okay, but these strong Unresolved Sexual Tension vibes from the whole Kamui battle. like. using taijutsu just for fun? using genjutsu on him long enough to make him angry, but immediately agreeing to stop it when he asked??? being nostalgic for your previous fights and recreating one of them? hiding in your personal "you and me" dimension in the middle of the war?? stealing his hand for a hand signs and acting like you stole his kiss? stealing his heart in the most traumatizing way possible? everything is way too personal to just take that seal off. go get a room
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