sillylittletophatdude · 10 months
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So, shifters, do you tend to go to bed cuddling something? Well, I have good news! Today we're going to be making a shifting teddy bear.
You will need:
Teddy bear (can be found for $6-$12 on Amazon- USD as I assume mostly Americans will be viewing this)
Enough fabric for your herb choices (Purple works best, but any scrap fabric will do). I recommend x2 rectangles of the same size.
Sewing kit
Your choice of:
Mugwort leaves
Lavender buds
Basil leaves
Green Sage
Eculyptas leaves
Your choice of cleansing material.
Amethyst chips
Cleanse all your materials!
Take your fabric and fold it in half, then stitch two sides up, leaving one side open. Stitch well, then through the hole at the top, put your herbs in.
On top of your herbs, add the amethyst chips. Then sew the final side shut.
Take your second section of fabric and fold it over the first pocket and sew it shut. This is to reduce the risk of any herbs spilling out.
Cut a slit big enough to fit your herb pouch in your teddy bear. You may need to remove some filling.
Sew your teddy bear back up, and you're done!
I hope this teddy bear brings some sweet shifting. Stay witchy! xx
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wierd hex idea
ingredients :
a toilet
toilet paper
a red pen
write your intentions onto the toilet paper, straight up just pee, and then use the toilet paper.
(I remember hearing someone do this but with glitter, but I'm pretty sure it's not a good option for the environment so here ya go)
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witches of tumblr I need some help
I made a spell jar for a friend because they asked me for it, but when they tried to throw it away it reappeared in their closet. twice. I made sure to cleanse it and everything. Could I have just accidentally hexed them or is this something that happens alot?
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witches of tumblr I need some help
I made a spell jar for a friend because they asked me for it, but when they tried to throw it away it reappeared in their closet. twice. I made sure to cleanse it and everything. Could I have just accidentally hexed them or is this something that happens alot?
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Idk who needs to hear this
It's okay for ur practice to be taboo <3 It's okay for ur practice to be dark or gothic. It's okay for ur practice be different.
It's okay to be.. you in ur practice.
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Disclaimer: These general free readings are made in good faith for entertainment purpose.
Warnings: Lord... you all are really depressed... or my cards loves some sad themes...
Hello Siren, how are you? I know it took a long time for this reading to come out... But I need to organize a lot of things before reading the cards... I hope you like it!!
How to pick a pile
When you have different cards to choose from in pile 1,2,3… look at each of those cards. Wait until someone reminds you of a memory. Perhaps a character’s outfit resembles one of your own. It is this pile that has its message. What if they all remind me of something? Go for the one with the strongest memory, one might look like her earring but another might be the favorite candy you got from your grandma when you vacationed at her house. But what if none reminds me of something? Take a deep breath and wait a little longer, without charging yourself or creating worries. Relax, some will awaken some memory in you, I promise! .
Credits: Piles images: here.
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Pile 1 - Hello Kitty
It sounds like you've been through a rough patch lately, but you're determined to find new solutions and try things you've never done before. You're taking some brave chances and facing fears that would have held you back before. Good for you! It's important to keep moving forward so you don't get stuck in a rut.
Right now, your spirituality and faith are what's going to get you through. No material possessions can really help at this point, so keep holding on to what you believe in. I know it can be tough, and you might feel like giving up sometimes, but don't. You've got this!
It seems like some innocent choices you made in the past have led you here, but don't beat yourself up over it. We all make mistakes. The important thing is that you're taking responsibility and doing what you can to make things better.
The next few months might be challenging, and you may experience some heartbreak and loss. It's okay to feel shaken, but remember to turn to the things you know to be true. This is the start of a new beginning, and I know it might not be what you had in mind, but sometimes the best things come from unexpected places. You'll come out the other side a different person, with new dreams and goals. Even with all the challenges you'll face, I have a feeling your future self will be the happiest and most content yet. It's like you're seeing the beauty in the little things in life, and that's a wonderful thing. You're the rainbow after the storm!
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Pile 2 - My Melody
Hey, it looks like you've been through a lot lately - a breakup, leaving your job, and maybe even finishing or dropping a course. But now, you're feeling hopeful about the future and excited about the possibilities ahead. You're not sure what your next steps will be, but you're open to exploring what you can do with what you have and how it can lead to something great down the road. It's a liberating feeling to have some free time and space to figure things out.
It seems like you've been putting a lot of energy into your life and personal growth, and now it's time to take a step back and let things unfold. Maybe you're feeling like you've done all you can for now and it's time to wait and see what happens next.
Over the next few months, you might start to see the results of your choices, but they may not turn out exactly as you planned. It's okay to feel disappointed or frustrated, but try not to be too hard on yourself. You did your best, and sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to. Just remember that this is all part of the process, and even if it's not a perfect outcome, it's still progress.
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Pile 3 - Kuromi
I sense that you're feeling very down lately. It seems like you're constantly at odds with those around you, and that you're stuck in a rut with limited options. Your dreams for the future seem out of reach, and you're becoming increasingly disillusioned with reality. You might even be wondering if you're dealing with depression. If that's the case, I want to encourage you to seek help from a professional institution. There's no shame in asking for help, and it's important to prioritize your mental health.
It sounds like you've experienced a lot of loss, whether that's people or material possessions. The world crisis has affected us all in different ways, but it seems like it's been particularly hard on you. You may have found solace in spending more time on the internet or daydreaming, but ultimately, that won't bring you the happiness and fulfillment you crave.
Over the next three months, it's important that you take time to work through your emotional baggage. This will be a personal journey, but know that you're not alone. I'll be back soon to share some self-esteem lessons that I hope will help you. However, I want to stress that seeking help from a professional therapist should be your first priority. It's okay if you don't connect with the first one you see - keep searching until you find someone you trust.
It might be helpful to take some time to yourself, to retreat to a peaceful place where you can reflect on your life and what you want for your future. Don't be afraid to seek out new opportunities or to explore different paths. You have the power to create a better life for yourself, and I believe in you. Remember, hope is still alive - hold onto it and work towards a brighter future.
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Pile 4 - Pompompurin
You seem to be in a really good mood today! It's very likely that you've recently entered into a serious relationship, started a new job or course, or started pursuing a new sport. But for many, it's a new love that's got you feeling all giddy and full of excitement! You're in that exhilarating infatuation phase of a relationship, laughing and smiling more than usual, and feeling grateful that it happened even faster than you expected.
It's obvious that you've been dreaming of this moment for a while now - you went from waiting patiently for it to happen to texting all of your friends that "he texted me 'Hi' today."
Over the next 3 months, you might notice that the initial excitement starts to fade away. This is because your new commitment will gradually escalate, and you will come to understand that this is something real that needs investment and seriousness. Although your partner can be the best, you can't be childish and think that it's just all fun and games. You will communicate more, maybe have an argument or two in the process, to put your points of view and realize that you both are different. You will mature and question whether this is the right relationship for you, and whether what you want now is what you'll want in the future. You'll be faced with some tough decisions, and desires will take over everything else, but you'll have enough wisdom to understand everything that happened and come out stronger and wiser.
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Pile 5 - Cinnamoroll
Hey siren! It sounds like you might be feeling a bit confused right now and seeking some guidance. I totally understand - decision-making can be tough, especially when it feels like you have to leave something behind. It's important to remember that sometimes in life, we can't have it all and that making a choice means accepting the consequences that come with it.
It seems like you've been putting in a lot of hard work to get to where you are today, and now you're reaping the rewards all at once. It can definitely feel overwhelming, like when you plant too much in a farm game and all the crops grow on the same day, and it's the last day of the season! (If you got that reference, let me know in the comments, LOL!)
But the real question on your mind is whether or not you made the right choice. The good news is, you still have some time to figure things out over the next few months. No matter what you choose, though, you should be proud of your accomplishments and feel content with your achievements. Remember, the journey doesn't end here - you still have a lot of work ahead of you, but you know what you want and that's an important first step in achieving your goals.
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Pile 6 -Pochacco
You are surrounded by barriers, voluntary barriers that you have put up to protect yourself. Where you are is comfortable, and you are provided for, but at what cost? Where are your diversions, your growth? You are protected, but also trapped. You have everything you need, but what will you do with it? Are you afraid of things happening again? I do believe that you've been through a lot, that the world has been cruel to you for no reason. You were hurt, used, and discarded in your innocence, and where you are now, there's no way that can happen again.
You always had to be on the lookout, on a battlefield where you had to be always rational, always attentive because there was no one to help you, no relief. And finally, this relief has come, hasn't it? You're now in a world where you don't need barriers to survive because you're protected.
In the next 3 months, this will fall apart naturally, and you will be removed by hook or by crook from this world. You know it's not for you. You always had so much courage to face the world, hoping that these people were only fleeting and that you would find better companions in the future. Where are you now? Hidden where these companions cannot find you. So, yes, you're going to leave, and you're going to have to relearn how to live in that world you left behind and create new worlds for yourself too. I know you've learned a lot in this isolation, and it's time to put it into practice. Your life in the tower will come to an end, and you can start preparing to say a final goodbye to it. It's okay; it won't hurt you.
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I just thought of an ingredient for a baneful spell- dirty shoe water
Sometimes I forget that it's going to rain and wear my sneakers, and they end up very muddy and wet. I usually just wash them in the washing machine. Today was different, as I finnaly decided to do my first "real" hex.
I was thinking about things that would seem extremely disgusting and remembered that I hadn't washed my shoes. I decided to hand wash them and keep the dirty water for my hex!
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Neuro-Divergent Practitioners
Some tips for your craft
Meditation doesn't always require sitting still and silent. Try dancing meditation, drumming, rocking, or walking meditation.
Keep a book of chaos or little notebook on you to capture those ideas or thoughts you might forget later on.
You don't need to have everything you see in your grimoire, only study what you find useful and fun for your practice.
Keep rituals and spell work short and effective.
Try not to fixate on astrology alignments, moon cycles, or esoteric correspondences for spell work. They may help but they aren't essential.
While visualization and gnosis are great for spell work, the aren't always a viable option, don't feel like you need to do them.
Always write down what was done directly after spell work to prevent forgetting any details.
Taking breaks is okay, you don't need to be practicing all the time to be a practitioner.
Organize your tools and supplies in a way where they are easily visible and labeled if necessary.
Background noise or music during rituals perfectly okay.
If you tend to forget to blow out candles try switching to electric ones or a salt lamp, candles aren't required for workings.
Try making recipes for oils, teas, incense, etc. in bulk.
Keep calming tea or bath salts on hand for those difficult days.
Try using different colored pens or highlighters to organize information in your BOS/grimoire.
Try keeping recipe cards for food, oils, teas, incense, incantations, or even short rituals in a box at your altar for quick referencing.
Try sticking to offerings that won't easily spoil or wilt, like stones, candles, statues, oil, and incense.
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Do witchcraft for you.
Not for anyone else. Least of all strangers on the internet.
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I just thought of an ingredient for a baneful spell- dirty shoe water
Sometimes I forget that it's going to rain and wear my sneakers, and they end up very muddy and wet. I usually just wash them in the washing machine. Today was different, as I finnaly decided to do my first "real" hex.
I was thinking about things that would seem extremely disgusting and remembered that I hadn't washed my shoes. I decided to hand wash them and keep the dirty water for my hex!
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✨ Weekly Witchy Questions ✨
Here are a few questions to get your witchy brain juice flowing! Feel free to answer in the comments or in a reblog or use these questions in your personal witchy journal <:
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🕮 What's your goal for your craft this week?
🕮 Do you have a grimoire, book of shadows, or another form of journal/record of your craft?
🕮 If not, why?
🕮 If so, do you have a specific name for it?
🕮 What is your favorite thing to write in your journal?
🕮 What is your least favorite thing to write about in your journal?
🕮 What inspires you to write in your journal?
🕮 What is something you think you can do to write more?
🕮 For those who are regular writers in their journals; what tips do you have for others or for those just starting out?
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The wand I made in class yesterday in celebration of the spring equinox coming up. Thank you all for the crystal suggestions on my previous post! I went with lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue apatite, carnelian, labradorite, rose quartz, and green aventurine. ☘️
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Punch Nazis and anyone who defends them.
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✨Intuition Charm Bag✨
A mix of herbs and crystals to help enhance your intuition for; divination, dreamwork, shadow work, meditation, etc. and to provide protection.
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Tektite- Lucid Dreams, Extraterrestrial Communication, Astral Travel
Kyanite- Opens Communication With Higher Dimensions, Enhance Telepathy and Intuition
Selenite- Cleanse Your Aura, Surrounds You In Divine Light, Protection
Smoky Quartz- Protection, Grounding Energy
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Mugwort- Prophetic Dreams, Astral Projection, Divination
Chamomile- Relaxation, Promote Sleep
Rosemary- Protection
Lemongrass- Remove or Get Through Obstacles In Life, Developing Psychic Powers, Protection
Wormwood- Divination, Protection
Angelica Root-  Protection, Healing
Star Anise- Spirit Aid, Protection, Divination, Psychic Development
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Gather all your ingredients and find a place you won’t be bothered. Cleanse the area, place a protection, and proceed to add the items into a drawstring bag. (Some drawstring bags have holes large enough for certain herbs to fall out. If this happens just place the herbs in a small sealed bag for example a plastic food bag, tape it shut, and place it in the drawstring.) When you are done, hold the bag to your third eye and say:
With these herbs and crystals,
My intuition is woken from its slumber.
Connections to the other side grows stronger.
And hidden secrets start to unravel.
So mote it be.
Have your charm bag near you whenever you need an extra boost of intuition during spiritual practices and place it under your pillow before falling asleep for dreamwork.
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Harmless Jinxes
may your birdfeeder attract rodents
may you choose the grocery cart with a janky wheel
may your toilet bowl be extra echo-y
may the airlines scuff up your luggage
may you settle into bed all comfy and cozy, only to realize that you have to pee
may your credit card get briefly stuck in the chip reader when you have a long line behind you
may your coworkers point out how tired you look
may you get lipstick on your teeth
may you receive a backhanded compliment that replays in your head for the rest of the day
may your hot date have awful taste in movies/music
may all the produce in your fridge spoil before you get the chance to cook it
may your smoke detector go off while you're cooking
May your pillow never have a “cold” side when sleeping.
May you feel like a rock is stuck in your shoe when walking.
May you always drop your keys before unlocking any doors
May your shower only give you lukewarm water
May your razors always be slightly too dull when you want to shave.
may you receive spam calls often
May your winged eyeliner never be even
may your gravy be lumpy
may all your doorknobs be sticky
may you put down your hot tea/coffee and forget about it until it's too cold to properly enjoy.
may your antibacterial gel leave a sticky residue on your hands
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