ravenmione · 4 years
so i finished trc i got opal left tho. so please tag me in all kinds of post and get me involved in the fandom. I absolutely loved the books my only concern/question was that the others didn't question Noah's disappearance
who was gonna tell me about the dream trilogy?? i found out like a week ago at like 3am and ACTUALLY started sobbing. I got the book yesterday and im halfway through
started reading the raven boys (the raven cycle), i'm already obsessed and can't wait to finish the series so i can join the another fandom on tumblr.
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ravenmione · 4 years
Welcome to the trc fandom!!! And don’t search about trc on tumblr until you finish all books because you WILL get spoilers
thank you so much! i love it already, started two days ago, half way in. Don't worry, I'm restraining myself from searching lol.
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ravenmione · 4 years
started reading the raven boys (the raven cycle), i'm already obsessed and can't wait to finish the series so i can join the another fandom on tumblr.
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ravenmione · 4 years
Katara's like the darkest girl in the show and it really bothers me that she gets this insane level of criticism that others don't seem to get. The constant mocking of her mother's death, making it seem like Aang's trauma is above hers so therefore she shouldn't feel angry about her own, the downplaying of her good traits. How can anyone claim Katara's whiny when Sokka ALWAYS complained about meat and sleep? How can we say she has an attitude problem while ignoring Toph and Zuko's attitudes, especially Zuko's attitude towards his uncle? I mean no character is above critique, but in the case of Katara I feel like some points people make tie-in to colorism and sexism. The whole "I lost my mother" jokes got old VERY quickly. Not saying you can't make them, but they're just...unfunny now. Like the same things people hate Katara for I can guarantee you'll find those traits in another character in the show.
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ravenmione · 4 years
honestly, i hate this kind of writer's block, this is what i go through during every chapter
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ravenmione · 4 years
My favourite thing about Zuko joining the Gaang is how seamlessly he assumes the position of:
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parent,  forced to play bad cop, to keep the children on task.
And my absolute favourite (without missing a beat):
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Which is a pretty accurate approximation of daily conversations with a toddler.
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ravenmione · 4 years
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Aftermath has been updated!!
Chapter 11: The Episode
Draco rushed into the hospital wing with Granger in his arms; who was trying to escape his grasp. He stood in the large chamber with lots of beds with white sheets displayed on the sides. Moments later, Madam Pomfrey came out from her office, Draco had expected the matron to be alarmed, spotting the Gryffindor in his arms, however, she remained calm.
'Hurry place her on the bed, Mr Malfoy,' Pomfrey told him as she approached.
Rated: T - Chapters: 11 - Words: 30,020 - Status: In-Progress
Sorry, it took so long to update this time. I have a exam before I start my Junior year and I've been trying to focus on it. Also I've decided to start another HP fanfic, Draco x OC, however. Aftermath is my priority and I will only write the other one, when I have a lot of time and when I have writer's block from writing Aftermath. But thank you so much for all sweet reviews!
Tags:: @deanmorellisblog @fireismyelement97 @badwolfdarkjedi @florrama
send me an ask if you want to be tagged when I update!
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ravenmione · 4 years
Zutara and Dramione live in my brain rent-free and I’m perfectly okay with that.
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ravenmione · 4 years
So Zutara happens. Then what? War over, everyone else returns to their homes and loved ones while Aang wanders the world alone burying what's left of his culture before dying of depression next to Monk Gyatso's skeleton? Kataang's narrative purpose is to show that Aang can have belonging, bring back his people, have a life beyond being the Avatar. Without it, there's no happy ending. This could be avoided if they set up another romance for Aang after letting Katara go but they didnt.
Okay, so there is a lot to address here, and honestly, I had a hard time knowing where to begin because wow...
First of all, all I see here is how Aang feels. Why is it that whenever anyone discusses Kataang, it's all about Aang and his feelings? Even in the show, it's only ever really shown from his side and what he wants, not Katara. Does Katara have a say? Is katara's only purpose in life to be an airbending baby maker? Does Katara's very existence hinge other being Aang's girlfriend? What about how she feels? What about what she wants? What about her happiness? Or is Aang's happiness all that matters, and Katara should just deal with it?
Now for the culture argument. I want to point out that no genocide is ever really successful in wiping out an entire group of people. Air nomads are literally nomads meaning they move around a lot. It's in the name. This means that there are most definitely other airbenders out there hiding too afraid to come out until after the war is over. But, let's say we go with all the airbenders are dead narrative, then it makes even less sense for Kataang to happen because that means the entirety of the future of one nation depends on how many airbending babies Katara pops out. So this plan is stupid. But Aang is 12, so this plan might make sense in his brain. However, as he grows up, he would come to the obvious realization that if he wants to bring back the airbenders he needs to make a lot of babies with a lot of different women, so monogamy makes no sense and Katara would likely not be down for her boyfriend/husband "planting his seed" in every willing woman given that she's from the water tribes where family units are central to her culture.
Another thing Aang is 12, he'll survive not getting his first crush to date him. We all have at some point or another experienced heartbreak over someone who didn't like us back. We get sad for a bit and then move on. That's life. I also speak from experience as someone who was in a relatioship at 12 that no one should date at that age, and it is extremely unlikely you will end up together in the end. My relationship lasted a grand total of three months, and it is by far the dumbest decision I ever made. I was an idiot, he was an idiot, we were both idiots not ready for a relationship like all 12-year-olds are. So the idea that Aang and Katara would even last beyond a few months is ridiculous and unrealistic. In fact, the idea of me still being with that same person makes me visibly cringe because it was very unhealthy for a multitude of reasons I am still recovering from emotionally. If I was still with him, I would not be in the amazing relationship I am in now. Every relationship contains lessons that help us grow, and we keep with us when entering another relatioship. Sometimes we grow in relationships, and we realize we aren't right for each other, and that's okay. That's life. It goes on. That said, I know some people do get together at that young age and end up happily married. I know two people from my high school personally who got together at 14, got married a year after high school, and just had their first baby. But, the likelihood of that happening is extremely slim. On that note, relationships are hard work and require a certain amount of maturity. The maturity gap between Katara and Aang is vast, with Katara having the mental age of at least 25 and Aang still having the mental age of 12. It's unbalanced. 
Furthermore, the idea that Aang's happiness depends on Katara being with him means that his other relationships pale in comparison to his crush. It also makes him kind of pathetic if he's gonna end up "dying of depression next to Monk Gyatso's skeleton" You so eloquently put it if he doesn't get with Katara. Also, it makes the connections he has with the others in the gaang worthless, especially his friendship with Katara. Because that means Aang doesn't really care about being in Katara's life if it isn't in the way, he wants it. It makes their friendship conditional, with no value because there was always an ulterior motive, and in his mind, it was always just a means to an end. That just makes him a selfish dick.
The argument that Aang is alone without Katara is dumb. He has Toph, Sokka, Suki, Katara, and Zuko. Plus, I don't know if you know this, but you can make more friends than the ones you made in your teens. You don't just stop making friends after a certain age. You continue to meet people and form connections. And given how charismatic Aang is, he's gonna make a ton of more friends and have the opportunity to form new bonds, including romantic ones as well. Furthermore, as a 12-year-old, Aang should be allowed to expand his circle around the world because he is the Avatar, and he is going to need to make new friends because his main ones aren't always gonna be available. Moreover, the idea of Aang being alone without Katara implies that Aang will only ever have katara at his side and cut ties with everyone else and expect her to do the same.
The idea that to have a happy ending Aang must get into a romantic relationship makes no sense. What about Toph? She didn't have a romantic relationship in the end, and she was perfectly happy. Because she's 12 and knows life doesn't depend on being in a romantic relationship all of the time. Furthermore, on the topic of Toph, I would like to bring up another argument you made about Aang not developing other potential love interests because he does. Toph is one of them. In season 2, we are introduced to Toph by way of a vision that is pretty romantic and used as a common trope in both modern and ancient literature. We also see their compatibility in the way they are naturally with each other. Aang wants to be a kid and have fun. With Toph, he can do that. But, he also has someone who won't let him shirk his responsibilities when they matter most. They match and balance each other in their personalities, and we see some possible romantic development in both seasons 2 and 3. Another potential love interest we are introduced to is On Ji in season 3, episode 2, "The Headband," where we see her have an obvious crush on "Kuzon" (Aang.) But what's appealing about this pairing is that she doesn't know he's the Avatar, meaning she genuinely likes him for who he is without the glitz and glamour. Which I personally find adorable. Side note, I am aware that "the headband" is supposed to be a hallmark "kataang" episode. However, I would be remiss if I did not point out that this episode actually proves the "Katara doesn't treat/see Aang as a son" argument wrong. Because in that same episode, before the dance scene, Katara literally pretends to be Aang's pregnant mother.
Moreover, Aang is not without purpose outside of being the Avatar. The very notion is ridiculous. Yes, he has to rebuild his nation, he's a symbol of peace, but he is also a person who wants friends and a family, which he has found in the gaang. He also has the purpose of being a kid, which now he can be contingent on him meeting his obligations as the Avatar.
Lastly, I would like to reiterate that not only is Aang 12 and a child, the rest of the gaang are too. Granted, Aang is by far the least mature as he grew up in a time without war and has not had to a childhood with the effects of war the other members of the gaang have throughout their lives. But, in regards to Zutara, I personally do not see them getting together immediately after the war, they both have responsibilities to their respective nations. Katara, in rebuilding her tribe and Zuko in redefining the Fire Nation. Therefore, it would take years just to find some stability. But that doesn't mean they don't keep in touch. We know out of everyone in the gang, Zuko and Katara are closest to each other. They both share a bond with each other no one can match. You might be tempted to argue that Aang is closest to Katara and her best friend, but that is pretty debatable because both Aang and Katara have more positive interactions with other gaang members than they do with each other. For instance, if I had to choose out of everyone in the Gaang who Katara's best friend was, aside from Zuko, I would be tied between Toph and Suki. But, given Suki is not part of the gaang long enough to really expand on her relationships with the others beside Sokka, Toph would be my answer. That said, after the war, everyone would keep in touch with each other. They are all friends for life regardless of romantic relationships. Therefore, the gaang would most definitely be keeping in touch with each other, not just Zuko and Katara. But over the years as they grow, I can see Zuko and Katara growing closer and building on that strong foundation to form a strong and healthy romantic relatioship.
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ravenmione · 4 years
I don’t think Zuko is going to propose to Katara with a betrothal necklace because he knows what her mom’s necklace means to her and he’ll never try to compete with or replace that. Besides, the giving of a betrothal necklaces is a NWT custom that symbolically binds a woman to a man as if she is an object, prize, or possession.
(It’s also another issue I have against one comics panel which showed an AN sign on Katara’s necklace that implies she was already engaged. It’s like whoever’s involved in the comics didn’t think about the significance of Kya’s necklace and the meaning of betrothal necklaces in general.)
So instead, Zuko would propose to her either with a ring or a crown (shaped either like fire or the moon) that he would carve himself because he knows that carving a gift for your lover, particularly the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, is a custom native to the Water Tribes. For the significance: a ring is to be worn on the ring finger which, according to folklores, is known to be connected directly to the heart. Meanwhile, a crown’s place is on a person’s head (obviously) to symbolize the Crown chakra which allows one to love deeply and unconditionally.
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ravenmione · 4 years
Headcannon that, at some point, Zuko gets a pet turtle duck.
He names it Dragon, and calls it his favorite advisor (Sokka is absolutely mortified, he’s losing to a bird).
Dragon follows Zuko to every single meeting and will bite anyone who is rude to him, causing meetings to be a lot more civil from then on.
Occasionally, when somebody’s being especially stupid, he’ll consult with Dragon.
Zuko: What do you think?
Dragon: *quack*
Zuko: Right. Well, the duck thinks that’s stupid so we’re not going to do that.
(Also, he sometimes refers to it as The Dragon of the West, and Iroh is delighted)
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ravenmione · 4 years
cave of two lovers is the best atla episode because while we get the kataang development and smash hit of secret tunnel we also get iroh eating a poison flower and witness zukos incredible undercover skills and the beginning of his hair redemption. absolute killer episode
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ravenmione · 4 years
"I'll have you know that I'm quite productive"
— Ravenclaw, after overcoming their writer's block at 5am.
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ravenmione · 4 years
katara brushes zuko's hair every morning when they wake up and everynight before they go to sleep
he does the same for her
in the early stages of their relationship they were kinda shy around each other but changed as they became closer
zuko is a sucker for katara's cafuné
you don't have a word for it in english, but cafuné it's when someone runs their fingers through your hair, caressing your scalp
when zuko tells her about how he got his scar she doesn't really know what to say, so she just holds him for hours and hours
they talk, like really talk about it later and both are a crying mess
as fire lady, katara takes no one's shit
she participates on politics meatings and her ideas/plans are essencial to redeem the fire nation's actions against other nation
most of the time she is the one who is travelling around supervising the work being done by the fire nation in other places
zuko's the one who deals with bureaucratic shit like meeting representatives and politics and attending boring meetings (katara attends few of them, only when they have to do with important and interesting things)
when royalty™ life gets too much they go out as the blue spirit and the painted lady (they are unstoppable together)
when their duties turn out too be too much to handle they sneak into kitchen (they don't really have too because, you know, they own the palace) (but it's so much fun) and zuko cooks for them and they eat sitting on the floor
they alternate between who is the big spoon and who is the small spoon
zuko loves kissing katara's nose (and she loves too)
hakoda didn't like their relationship at first, but as he started to know zuko he started to understand why he did what he did
needless to say, hakoda became a father to zuko as well
they visit the south water tribe once a year
katara grew used to the fire nation heat, so she uses zuko like a human heating pad
toph, sokka and aang gave druken speeches at their marriage and it was the funniest shit ever
when katara gets pregnant zuko is afraid of being a bad dad, like his ozai was
the gaang and hakoda reasure him
katara isn't scared because she knows zuko will be the best dad in the whole world
when the baby is born zuko cries until he can't anymore
katara cries a lot too
both are just so fuxking happy and they both love their child so much that it hurts
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ravenmione · 5 years
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Nymphadora Tonks
‘My Head of House said I lacked certain necessary qualities. Like the ability to behave myself,’ said Tonks.
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ravenmione · 5 years
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Lucius Malfoy
The man who followed could only be Draco's father. He had the same pale, pointed face and identical, cold grey eyes.
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ravenmione · 5 years
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Fleur Delacour
Fleur Delacour, Harry noticed, was eyeing Bill with great interest over her mother's shoulder. Harry could tell she had no objection whatsoever to long hair or earrings with fangs on them.
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