poemnic-tarot · 2 months
The Next 3 months Forecast - Timeless PAC Reading⛅️🍎
(Disclaimer: This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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This is a Timeless PAC Reading, it will apply to whatever time you are reading this.
⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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Pile 1🫧❄️
Energy check : The frog
"Treat yourself like how you want your parent to treat you"
Pile 1 you might feel a bit conflicted between to keep going or stopping or resting for a while. It is conflicting to you because you feel quite burdensome, like you have a lot of things to do and on your plate.You may have a conscious or unconscious high expectation of yourself to get everything done, even-though you don't really feel like it at all. You might feel depleted and in need of a break and it is vital that you do so. We cannot run with an empty fuel or even if we do we won't go far either.
It is time to nourish yourself with self care activities that you might have been putting off. Put down worries and stress for a while and if resting make you feel guilty, it is also the perfect time to examine on the reason why that is. Rest is your birth right, no need to earned it.
Pile 1 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
❄️🫧1st Month - 5 of swords🫧❄️
"Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another" - Toni Morrison
The Artist greatest tortured has alway been the process of creation. It is when we have no idea if what we are currently working on will turn out like we hope for/or expected. That is how life is, a process, a work in progress. Remember that there is no destination to reach. It is indeed the journey that we must focus on.If things are up in the air right now and nothing has been decide yet, it is only because we ourself haven't make that decision. And deciding what to do is part of the process, instead of attaching fear, insecurity, nervousness, certainly uncertainty, around the process of not knowing yet. We can rewrite the story by changing it to anticipation, into excitement and entertaining what life have to offer you. Your life story is yours and you can change the genres at anytime.Is this life a tragedy?, a mystery?, a love story?, an adventure or just a slice of life. Whatever it is, you decide. By changing our perspective we changed our story suddenly.
And there is power in choosing, in giving yourself choices. God like power equivalent. There's a lot of fears attach to giving ourself choices that's why not a lot of people do it. "I don't have a choice" is a common phrase because it is easier to have everything up to fate. This is the time/opportunity to ask yourself what you want your fate to look like?. Freewill is on your side and whatever you decided, that is your fate. We do not know our fate by searching. We know our purpose by already done the deed then we decided that THIS is what we want to do. I want to do this, I choose this =your fate. Fate follow your decision. How many times/area in our life where we can 100 percent said that we choose this ourself?.
We are finally free from the unconscious drive, now it is time to live with intention. And that might feel uncomfortable and even hard but trusting in yourself is key. They say knowing is half the battle, so know thy self. Getting to know who you really are, what you really want to do will help you navigate this time easier.The most important thing is, you don't need to figure out the outcome of your decision or how it's going to turn out. All you need to make sure is that do you want to do this?.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 14. Ask for help
'What do you really need? be willing to accept support. There is so much support available to you. You only need to ask for help and you will receive it. Let go of fear and pride as they do not benefit you nor give you what you desire.'
Signs: 555, 1414, fishes, island, blue, water, Pisces, Aquarius
Songs: Is it love by Loreen
You'll find me in the echo of the dark Workin' on the riddle of your heart Lost you in a maze, now let me out Is it love? Is it love? Is it love?
Poem: Will You Fight? by @cant-find-my-name There's no beauty in this pain if incarnation exists I wish to never feel it again Life too hurt to live I have nothing else left to give Put me out of my mystery I demand to be free All these trials and tribulations You think you won't get over them But you did before So what's another one? But they go on and on You realised it won't be done The hardship are endless I have been giving my best That's the circle of life Will you give up now Or will you continue to fight?
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🎐✨2nd Month - The fool ✨🎐
"It's okay that you're not who you thought you would be".
This is the time for experiment, for adventures, of discovering who you decided to be. We are alway learning about ourself so don't be surprise when a new side popped up. Be curious. What identity/story /belief are we so attach to or that we keep telling ourself?. I'm not the type to do that, or I cannot do this because I am not XYZ enough. How about we see ourself as a blank canvas for a change and that the empty space is not to be fear but to be fills with infinite possibilities. To achieve or want something new, firstly we must also become someone we never been before. For example, if you want to be a healthy person who is fit, then become someone who frequent the gym or do workouts. It mean tuning our frequency to match the vibrations of our desire outcome. For the little things and the big ones.
This world is our playground, this world is our oyster, and we are an avatar whose here to learn and have fun and become as many things as possible. Non attachment is key towards outcome, identity or how the story will unfolds. We do not know what will happen but one thing we know for sure is that every new day is a new lesson to learn from.
Embodies the energy of creation/ take inspiration from around you. Everything you go through or witness have a connection towards you one way or the other. Any ideas/creative projects that suddenly strike you is no coincidence, it find you deliberately. Every things that has been created was an idea once and if there's one that has found you, do not be afraid to answer the call. Be curious.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: Have faith. Trust your faith in this situation.
"When we honestly believe things will work out, our faith will confidently see us through. It can be challenging to move forward when you aren't sure what the outcome will be. Stay present with whatever is in front of you right now. You may have doubts or fear when you take a step forward or make a decision, but faith gives you the courage to continue"
Signs: daisy, dandelion, Sun, tiger, Golden butterfly, golden wings, crocodile, balloon, 33, yellow
Song: Coming back for you by Fireboy DML
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see
Poem: Who You Can Be by @cant-find-my-name
When you stop holding tight To who you thought you were And instead be open to new
Possibilities of you Then you'll see Who you truly are Or can become Weak foundation must be undone Old identity forgotten Mind full of limitations Cannot attract abundance Because you are not open To receive them It's time to wake up and see See the possible version Of Who You Can Be
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🍭🍡3rd month - 2 of wands🍡🍭
"Every next level of your life will demand a different you".
Pile 1, in this time the way forward is open for you. Keep your momentum. You are unstoppable. Your energy is unstoppable. You are a force to be reckon with, take action towards your visions. If you have vision/ideas, a dream reality, this is the time to take action towards it. The need for movement is not from doubt or fears. From now on, 'I want to act with love' and you might learn that the decisions and action after that will be different than the way you operate before. Because when you operate from love, there's a certain confident, an inner knowing and an unshakable faith that everything is going to be alright. Because it has alway been that way.
Everything in this universe is right, nothing is wrong. When you realise that, whatever action you take, will alway be the right one. You will be able to clearly see the Success in your ventures as you move forward. The picture you painted in your head is coming together in real life. This reality is unfolding in a way that you alway know to be true. In a way, deep inside you know that this universe has alway favour you. Everything is working for you, it is time to accept this truth and work for ourself.
There will be a lot of energy within us this month, use this wisely to propel our goals forward, in any area of our life.
Richard L. Evans Quote: “Your direction is more important than your speed.”
When you finally pick a direction walk towards it with head held high. You choosing your own path/way is already success in itself.
Stars Dragons Oracle quote - Find your light and follow it home - until you realised that with every step you are already there.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 24. Focus on love. Look for the good in everyone.
"Focusing on the love will change and heal any negativity that is there.How you perceive a situation has a lot to do with how you feel about them."
Signs: Letter JJ, orange, sunset, Dragons, lantern, 2423,
Songs: Rise by League of Legends, Mako, and The Word Alive
Higher and higher you chase it It's deep in your bones, go and take it This is your moment, now is your time, so Prove yourself and RISE, RISE Make 'em remember you RISE Push through hell and RISE, RISE They will remember you RISE
Poem: Confident by @cant-find-my-name
So this is what confident feels like It's no longer undefined It's no longer random burst Unexpected, at the mercy of when it Will emerge Now I can call on it Anytime At the tip of of my fingers At the top of my tongue My body oozes of confident Trust in oneself is the definition To give it my all To not hesitate or keep myself small With my inner strength With all my might I will stand tall In the front line and face it all
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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Pile 2🌦🌕
Energy check : The wolf
"I understand if the wound is greater than an apology can cure"
Pile 2 You might be dealing with disappointment right now. If something or someone has turn out differently then you expected, this is an opportunity to let go. We think we might have a great idea of someone and if that person deviate from our view of them, life might suddenly does not make sense. That someone can also be yourself. If things or person actions does not make sense to you, we can only ask ourself if we align with their actions or not. We can't control people but we can control how we response to them. We human are a unique individual but we are not that different from each other. WE all have the same fundamental needs, the need to belong, the need to be loved, the need to fulfils our own desires, the need for stability/security.
What motive/base intention drive you?, and people close to you. The base alway determine the action. And what kind of action are you okay/align with to fulfils that particular need of yours. And what actions simply doesn't.
For you, the end doesn't justify the means. Even if the intention is good but the action to fulfil that needs is hurting you in some way either from others or even yourself, it is okay to acknowledge that that is not the way you want to proceed. Understanding what you can or cannot tolerate is key.
Pile 2 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
✉️🪄1st month - 7 of pentacles🪄✉️
"You can try again tomorrow"
Pile 2 You have infinite chances.You might be questioning where is your reward for all the hard work you did?.The real question is, how can I become the things I want?. People might not realise it but even with the desires for material goals or material obtainment is to fulfil a certain need/emotion within us. For example, stable income for the feeling of security, a physical home to fulfils the feeling of belonging. We do not need to wait until obtaining those things to feel that particular emotions. We can cultivate a sense of security within us now. If you seek abundance, embody it, become it because you are what you attract.
We must ask ourself why we made importance certain goals in our life. And if our efforts did not show case in obtaining that goals, do we lose something in the process?. There is never a lost in trying and if you have try, you have already gain. Wisdom, lessons, getting to know another side of yourself. Different situations bring out a different you, different outcome bring out a different you. It ask you what do you truly value?, your hard work or the result of it?. Aren't both equally important?. So why do we disregard one when the ending is not what we expected?. If the same way hasn't work for you before, why not try a different way?. What are we trying to achieve here?. Who are we becoming in the process while we pursue our goals? do we feel lighter or heavier?. You have work hard to become who you are today, but strip away the obvious, who are you really?. What is your soul like?. Do you know what your soul feel like?. If the situation seem like it isn't working for you, it time to take back your power and make it work for you.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 33. Appreciate this moment. Every situation is an opportunity to grow and find love.
"Challenging circumstances rarely make sense at the time. It is important to face what is happening so you can learn the lessons. Ask the angels to show you what is important in this moment."
Signs: 333, Conch shell, seashells, angels, archangel Ariel, Yellow
Song: Thank God I Do by Lauren Daigle
I've started breathing The weight is lifted here With You, it's easy My head is finally clear There's nothing missing When You are by my side I took the long road But now I realize I'm home with You, I'm home
Poem: Why isn't That Me? by @cant-find-my-name
I look up at the sky And saw people fly My immediate thought was Why isn't that me? What else do I need to feel more free? To feel happy What is the formula for greatness? And why don't I have it? My confident is all but a grand Emulation What do I lack that they don't? How can they spread their wings without care And why don't I dare Going for it too? Is it hard work or talent Or is it bravery or passion? Both which I can't find within me So if I want to be up there too I have to find the success recipe I need to solve this inner Mystery
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🍓🫧2nd month - King of pentacles🫧🍓
"Because we can't see what's ahead, you have to trust that dots will somehow connect in your future"
Pile 2 This is the month to build a strong foundation on what you valued, what you truly believe in. We managed to get this far but we know we can go much farther. This life is a journey and in a way you have "made it". The trust you have in yourself never lead you astray. Your faith in your visions, instinct, your own path will alway lead you home. In a way, you were never lost, you alway know where you are heading to.
This has been a long journey for you but it is a worthwhile one. You have achieved so much, time to acknowledge THAT. You know who you are, you are stable inside yourself, you trust your path like never before. And it is these differences in you that will transformed your outer reality. As above so below, as within so with out. You can clearly see in front of you now, no obstruction, no confusion. You alway know that there's no need to rush, it is not the destination but the journey that is the most exhilarating and satisfying.The fulfilment is in the way there, life is a never ending journey and you cannot wait to invent a new path for yourself to embark on.
Slow and steady win the race. and you know that wherever it is you're suppose to go, you are never late. You are alway on time. And having fun, taking in the view, smelling the roses, on your way there is what define your experiences more than the destination.Life become fulfilling to you now as you seek more experience that feeds you rather than deplete you.
"I don't want to feel better, I want to know better. I should have known that God is not in the meal but in the sharing of the meal. I should have told you that holiness resides in needing each other, in acts of survival made generous."
Julian K. Jarboe ( I saw this post in tumblr and was call to put it here)
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 28. The union of Hearts. A love connection defies explanation.
"It is important to recognise the significance love has in your life. Shift your attention to the essentials in your relationships. Celebrate the wealth of love present in your life. This card is prompting you to redirect your awareness from your goals and desired outcomes, onto your relationships."
Signs: 111, 88, 28, constellation, Centaurus, open fields, Black knight, shield
Song: At All Costs by Ariana DeBose and Chris Pine
If happiness was a tangible thing It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring I'd think it untrue And people search for a wonder like you All of their lives You still amaze me after all this time
Poem: This is Truly Tragic by @poemnic-tarot
Have I been worried about the result? Anxious about the outcome? And in the in between time Missed all the fun? Mind, what a tragedy This is truly tragic I've only lived for fleeting moments That in the big Picture Doesn't contribute to anything Now I get it, I will try not to live in stress Of course I have my worries But now I know when To let it rest
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❄️💫3rd Month - 7 of swords💫❄️
"One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels"
Pile 2 in this month you might feel quite independent. It is encourage you to go your own path. Solitute or spending time by yourself might be what you needed. No need to be agreeable with people if you have a different opinion. You learn more by listening, especially listening to what's not being said. If there is a revelation or a certain truth or even a shift in perspective revealing themselves this time we can take our time to come to term with it. No need to react right away, or identify with it. We can observe the behaviours of other to determine if it align with us. Feeling differently than what we should feel doesn't mean we are wrong or that we should conform. Accepting our individuality is key, our uniqueness is what will set us free.
If something is crumbling down let it fall. You cannot save a fake foundation. You know the truth will alway come out, and the truth is never meant to hurt you, but only to set you free. Free from flock mentality or the matrix. When you have seen you cannot unseen. And how ever you feel about it is up to you and yours alone no need to hold back on our feeling or frustration, or anger.
Original path mean designing your own blueprint. If this world seem fake to you suddenly, know that your mind, your belief is what makes your reality. Your belief will set your path, do you believe in freedom?. Because it become yours when you believe in it. You are not trap here, you are on a solo journey. Hang in there, discard the need for things to make sense. YOUR REASON can be different from other people that's why you are leading a different life than other people. You are the truth that this world need, if this world is filled with illusion, you are the real gold among plastic. A truth seeker, a truth speaker. Observe the truth, find it, become it.
Signs: 777, snow, white, crescent moon, Hummingbird, morning glory, sea, blue flowers, lava, magma, a record player
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 31. Love makes the difference. love helps heal past hurts and provides a sense of security and self - worth.
"Love is strong and can endure anything. if you trust love everything else will fall into place.When there are challenges, it is important to keep your heart open."
Song: Hummingbird by James Blake and Metro Boomin
And hummingbird I know that's our time (that's our time) But stay on Stay on, stay on with me And hummingbird I can never unsee What you've shown me Stay on, stay on with me
Poem: Four Of Wands by @cant-find-my-name
With hopeful seed You planted your needs And wish them well Hoping they grow To abundance more For you to sell But What are flowers? And what are weed? Which shall you keep? Which is which? You cannot tell In Four Of Wands You have built But slowly, reality seeps in Like stained water, dripping into your ideal dreams Your house must sustain Strong concrete standing Firm foundation as storm rolled in It won't be blown apart As you will make sure That you're not building a house of cards
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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🌸⚡️Pile 3⚡️🌸
Energy check: The Lion
"This moment will just be another story someday"
"You can try again tomorrow"
Pile 3, you might be feeling sad or nostalgic lately. But there's no specific situation to cause this particular emotion.You might be feeling like you have outgrown your environment and people around you. You feel like you cannot relate to your usual people, things, or even hobby. What you used to vibe with, there isn't the same connection there anymore. You feel like the same things, people , places just doesn't do it for you anymore.
This is because you have gone through a massive transformation. You have ascended spiritually, at first internally, then the outer reality will let you know that it's time to go. You feel like the same thing does not satisfied you anymore. In a way, your soul is seeking something new, a new adventure, a new challenge. You are ready for the next level. You will slowly transition to new things naturally as the same old routine, hobby, places you used to frequent will not quench that thirst of yours.
Yes, it's okay to feel sad, even grieving the past, but also you can celebrate. You made it Pile 3, you have mastered your growth. A new chapter is awaiting you. In fact, you are already on your way there, the feeling of dissatisfaction is the first clue.
Song: The Hills by Rachel
Have you ever noticed That your house don't feel like home? (Home, home) In a room that you've outgrown Scrubbing at the writing on the walls (walls, walls) Everybody's been there So you try your best to leave (leave, leave) I was told the grass is greener But it's just a fantasy, it seems
Pile 3 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
🍏✨1st month - 7 of pentacles✨🍏
"Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forget the flower at his feet."
Pile 3, this is the month of appreciation. You do not need to look far to feel satisfied. We can concentrate on what we don't have yet, who we want to be with, where we want go. Those empty spaces are not a representation of how worthy you are or not. You are worthy as you are, with or without what you seek. Put in effort and focus on what you actually vibe with. Ask yourself what you rather be doing. Work smarter not harder. You know you can do it when you decide to. Trust that whatever you put efforts in it will grow. Just like how you did yourself. Energy flow where attention goes.
You witness the result in yourself, when you poured into your self you notice how much you grow. Everything in life is like a plant, a tree, or a flower. Everything we want to build need focus, attention, efforts and energy, as well as the right environment and nutrient. Whether that is people, project, work or habits. Adjust accordingly, what do you need the most right now. To feel better physically?, rest, to grow a business? consistency. We know what everything need in order to become the beautiful flower we know it would. Give yourself three things this month Pile 3, Time, Patient and faith. When you apply this to your self or the things you want, you have everything. You reap what you sow, anything you focus on and put energy in will eventually grow. No matter how slow, the flower will inevitably bloomed.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 30. True Love. this love is once in a life time.
"Unconditional love is easier said than done. maintaining the love in a relationship takes more than good intentions. Positive intentions are a solid first step, but it is better to learn how to nurture your relationship each day."
Signs: 144, 72, 11, letter T, Pig, white snake, fireworks, better late than never, guitar, Elf, Ocean waves, sparrow
Song: On The Ground by Rosé
I worked my whole life Just to get right, just to be like "Look at me, I'm never coming down" I worked my whole life Just to get high, just to realize Everything I need is on the Everything I need is on the ground
Poem: Skills and Hard Work by @cant-find-my-name
Take up the skills and Devoured it Eat it up for breakfast The component you have it The natural talent and hard work Two plus two equals Our passionate love It's not hard at all It's who I am My habit is practice Putting formulas together For my benefit I want to conquered the world Then so be it If I can't make bread from scratch Then Victory? Forget about it
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🐇🌙2nd Month - The Tower🌙🐇
"Biggest lesson: Don't ever think it can't happen to you."
"Remember how far you've come instead of how far you've to go"
Pile 3, in this month you must remember that everything is going according to plan. It might not seem so but we have to accept that we are not all knowing. All we can focus on is trust in the process. Notice how every time we ask/pray for something we get the opposite?. For example, you wish for true authentic love, the universe will reveal where that is not present.Maybe even magnify it to you where true love isn't.A big red arrow pointing to show you that what you pray for is alway there, but we must transformed it into exactly what we ask for.
Keep calm and continue what you're doing. If the ground you're standing on is crumbling, let it fall. You asked for this.There's a quote that goes something like this"people witness The violent it take to change but no one knows the violent it takes to stay the same" Choose your hard. Nothing is wrong. Everything is right within this universe. What you're witnessing is transformation. The cocoon is transforming into a butterfly. But in between that, how violent, chaotic is the change?. Transformation is not pretty, it might even look like destruction. No matter what's it look like this month, remember that the transformation is alway in your favour.Keep that in mind. When the planet moves, it move in your favour, it moves for your greatest good. The process of transformation is not for the feint of heart, it require trust and calmness and the ability to breathe as illusion breaks.
'Demolish the fortress of yourself so that your truth may flow free from the ruins.' explanation of the Tower card from Tarot of Stars eternal.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 15.Practice Compassion. See things from a fresh perspective. Love and compassion always bring positive outcomes.
Signs: Red, purple, Mars, Fire signs, blue tit, blue feather, blue crystal cluster, forget me not, blue rose
Song: We Are The Champions by Queen
I've taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before The human race And I ain't gonna lose
Poem: Peace Will Find You Somehow by @cant-find-my-name
If you're scare of things going wrong Then, you're scare of living Cause life will almost alway goes wrong Darling, Your lesson here is to learn To be okay with chaos Cause it will happen Or happening There is no stopping Peace cannot be found when all is all Peace can be found now Even in the midst of War During bloodshed and Violence All around If you take a deep breath Plant both feet on the ground Even then Peace will find you somehowQuote from Pinterest:
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☘️🌾3rd Month - 6 of cups🌾🍀
Pile 3, this is an intense time for you. Where you feel everything so deeply, you might notice that every senses is intensify.Your taste buds, scent of smell, especially your emotions. When you're happy it's so high and when you're low it's so low. This might feel like a rollercoaster time period. Pleasure and pain goes hand in hand, you could say one cannot exist without the other. But we do not have to be at the mercy of pleasure or pains. They do not or should not define our life experiences. Everything in this UNIVERSE is neutral. You are the one defining your experience as pleasure or pain or even both. It's doesn't have to be either or, it can be either and.
What experiences do you categorise as painful and which are defined to you as pleasurable?. It possible to have both in one day, if you define today as painful you have already limited it capacity. To define is limit. Remember you can have both in one, if this day start as not so good, the rest can change to better. You are the one who define your experience not the other way around.
You can either see the experiences you had as a mistake, or a lesson to learn or grows from. There is no mistake or accident in this universe, everyone you meet or everything you've been through is to shape you to who you are. Ask yourself who you want to become, and see every experience after that as a lessons to help you transform into that person. Reconnect to joy not pain.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 3.Back to what you love. Re-evaluate your desires.
"You are meant to live a life of happiness. Bliss, love, relationship and wealth are your fate. you can change your mind at any time and do something you have always longed to. when you do something you love, you reconnect to your bliss."
Signs: 33, scorpion, dove, Video games, Playground, tree roots, 66
Song: You say by Lauren Daigle
I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know Ooh-oh You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing You say I am strong when I think I am weak And you say I am held when I am falling short And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours And I believe (I) Oh, I believe (I) What You say of me (I) I believe
Poem: Turn It Around by @cant-find-my-name
Turn it around You have it the ability Trust it you do Turn Negative into Positive If that is too much Turn it neutral Nothing is against you It is all a projection Or your bias assumption As well as Misplace subjection In the grand schemes of things You are fine, you are doing alright Maybe you expect too much, Maybe you were expecting fireworks and parade To indicate Victory But small wins count The fact that you are here today Is proof enough for you to seeQuote from Pinterest:
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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🫑Pile 4🐁🌽
Energy check - The Bear, Whale
"Getting no message is also a message" Pile 4 you just ended a big cycle recently and it was tiring. It was a long arduous journey. You might feel like you just run a marathon or the equivalent. Maybe in the outer reality it seem like you haven't done much but, energetically, you have just transmuted a big, big cycle. Well done. Great job.
When you decided that you deserve something better, instead of keeping yourself small, you want to not only survive but thrive. The inner work come first. And the inner work was the hardest part.You passed the hardest part, take a rest and give your self a pat on the back. You might think there's still things you want to do to build to try and you will.Look how far you have come. But we must acknowledge all that we did first before we can move on.
You have an inner knowing inside you that you want to follow, you know your purpose and you are eager to start. Preparation is key. Just like before running a marathon you must first train your stamina, your body, have a consistent routine, adjust habit accordingly, and whatever else you need in order to start your race and move forward in that direction.What small little foundation that need to be done in order for you to run a marathon? to start running?.
Song: Rise by Katy perry
I won't just survive Oh, you will see me thrive Can't write my story I'm beyond the archetype I won't just conform No matter how you shake my core 'Cause my roots, they run deep, oh
Pile 4 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
🍥🪶1st month - The fool🪶🍥
Pile 4, this is a big month for you. This is where your journey start. You might feel magic in the air. Literal electric charge in the atmosphere. Luck is on your side. This is a favourable time for you to embark on the path that you alway dream of. Everyone have that thing on their mind, secret desires or wishes that seem impossible every time we think about it ( for example, moving to another country, change job) Do you have something like that in your heart?. This month is when we face it, surrender to it calling. We are finally answering and asking our desires what does it want us to do?. Give me the first step and I'll take it.Start your preparation to stay ready (for example, moving to another country, research the visa, law, and documentation etc,) What else should we do except follow our soul?.
Fear, doubts, is a natural part of life but they will be taking a backseat while you are literally flowing, walking on air, walking on water as you call it. Your intuition is quite strong and it's important to let it lead you at this time. Nothing have to make sense. We don't have to know everything, just the next step is enough. We don't have to know where we're going, that's part of the fun. You had ended a big cycle recently and if you were wondering, when will the next one start?because it starting to feel stale in the old chapter.
This is the time of a new chapter for you and it might seem like everything is up in the air, but that usually how everything start. Let the positive energy and the dawn enveloped you. Feel the sun on your skin and bask in your New world.Every new path is a path back home and home is where your heart is.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 3. Back to what you love. Evaluate your desires.
"You can change what you are doing at any time. You do not have to feel stuck. Go back to what you know and, more importantly to what you love."
Signs: Pink, Green,1010. Dove, golden energy, roses, sun
Song: The Last Of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy
I was just an only child of the universe And then I found you And then I found you You are the sun and I am just the planets Spinning around you Spinning around you You were too good to be true Gold plated But what's inside you But what's inside you I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do As much as I do, yeah
Poem: Divine’s Call by @cant-find-my-name
Heavy rain calls for Lightning
But it’s hard to predict when the strike
Will come
You hardly would miss the Rumblings
The electric energy as charged as the sun
You know we will intervene
For the greatest good of all
It’s time to step out into this world
Instead of keeping yourself
You know you can conquered earth
Ocean, Heavens
You did it many times before
And each time
Your name will never be mistaken
As nothing but
The Divine’s Call
Quote from Pinterest:
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🌸🌕2nd month - 7 of Cups🌕🌸
“It was never a question of biology of nature or nurture. I know now that we heal up through being loved and through loving others”
Pile 4, Watch out for this month. There might be a lot of distraction. A lot of people or even tasks that might asked for your attention and it is important to be extra discerning this month. For we might find that the month has passed by and you might feel like you haven't got anything you want done.Things that you resonate with. If you want to finish a project, a book, a new hobbies/skills be mindful of how much time and energy you're putting in. Because if you find that the progress is slow, we must be realistic and ask ourself did we poured that much energy in it? if not then we might want to do more of it.
There might be a lot of options coming to you this month but the most important thing to keep in mind is, to choose the option that is the most rejuvenating, healing, the option that pour into you or return your energy. Whether that is people, project, jobs, friends, events etc. There is only one rule for you, do I feel drained or rejuvenate with this?. What would a person who love themselves do? Ask yourself this question again and again no matter what situation you are in, because the answer to it is the clarity you're looking for to avoid confusion. If you feeling extra muddy and blurry on your choices this month, do not make any important decision. Give your self time and patient and never pressure yourself to quickly choose, Because you have time alway.
If anything or anyone doesn't give you time and pressure you to choose quickly or threaten that it will be gone, whether it is a job, person etc. Do we want to associate with something that does not give us time to think about it? because what meant for you will never pass you by. Pile 4, what is yours will only wait for you.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 15. Practice compassion. see things from a fresh perspective.
"Walking in someone else's shoes can bring us to a tender understanding that may always bring positive outcomes."
Signs: blue tit, crystal Geode, squirrel, Wind chimes, ocean waves
Song: LIMBO by Keshi
I've just been goin' through motions, back and forth like a ocean I am a fraud, I am the shit, hoping that nobody notice Bang chest in the morning, head down in the night Drink less if I wanted, strike up with a light And square up, I'm the mightiest Myself in the fight, hurt twice, but I tried it No advice for this shit, might die for this shit Do I feel alive, feel alive, feel alive?
Poem: Blue Or Red? by @cant-find-my-name
Feeling lost but I know I am guided I don't hold the map I followed the stars The constellations showed me the path Only I can see I choose to go my own way And the journey is lonely And vicious Many times, I've thought to maybe Stop And let the conventional normalcy Control me Like everyone else Being different made you a target Everyone chooses Blue But I said Red Now they can all see My choice in all it's glory They all went for ordinary But I decided to create my own Fate
Quote from Pinterest:
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🎏🪄3rd Month - Ace of Wands🪄🎏
"You don't notice your progress in life because you are always raising the bar"
Pile 4, Fist of all for this month please recognised that you have done a lot, You have come so far and this need to be recognised especially this month, by you. You might feel inspired to start a new project, new hobby or even a new chapter in life. One of the reason might be because you have clear out a lot of old energy, whether that is old relationship, friendship, past wounds, etc. You did so much to be at a place of non attachment. A blank/clean slate, you might feel like nothing is holding you back anymore, you might find that it's easier to go for or do the things you've alway wanted. And you are right. You can use this fearless/bold energy to birth that creative project, or book that ticket of yours. Whatever it is follow your courage and inspired action for it will lead you to the answer you might not know you seek.
In the past you might have asked yourself what am I doing this for?, why do I keep going? or why am I fighting so hard for my dream? These might be your question in the past that will be reveal to you this month. You will know why you chose what you've chosen. This is what you were seeking without knowing. This is what you were waiting for, your signs, your signal, your path. And when you encounter it you will not miss it or mistaken it for anything. Whether that is a person, a career, a life purpose, or even where you will live. And this meeting will set fire to your soul and ignited your passion once more. Which will propel you towards a new, long, but promising future/chapter. Please look out for it but do not seek it, it will find you especially when you feel inspired to act suddenly. Let your soul take the lead this month and watch it surprise you. Watch out for an important person, partnership, soul family this month, wink wink.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 27 Spiritual Connection. A relationship has a connection that goes beyond this lifetime.
"Everything happens for a reason. Some people come into your life to help you learn a lesson and they will make a real impact on your life. Whether it be with a lover, a primary partner or in a relationship for growth, a spiritual connection is important to you now."
Signs: Wands, Red, green, 444, 27, Saturn, crown chakra, Purple
Song: Taylor Swift - Begin Again
And you throw your head back laughing Like a little kid I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, 'cause He never did I've been spending the last eight months Thinking all love ever does Is break and burn, and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Poem: Song Bird by @cant-find-my-name
Song Bird you grew your wings
And strengthen your voice
Now your words glided ears
Like gentle melody
Of glowing river and easy breeze
The beat rhyme with the rhythm of the hearts
Everyone will hear your songs
But they might not understand it right away
And that's okay
No need to adjust the tune or
Filter it down
No need to be scare if
You are too loud
This volcanic sound
Will echoes around
And reaches the vibration
To the ones
That needed to know and get your lyrics
They would not question it
So Songbird
Sing your song
And speak your words
Every creatures will sing along
Quote from Pinterest:
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
Thank you so much for reading!! 🧿See you soon!🧊
Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my Original poetry or Follow my IG PoemNic🍤
Check out my YouTube channel for more Pick A Card - PoemNic-Tarot🍧
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poemnic-tarot · 4 months
Who Are You In Your Friends Group? (Haikyuu! edition!!) 🧡🖤
(Disclaimer: This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
🖤 🧃 🍅 🧡 You Are Loved 🧡 🍅 🧃 🖤
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🖤 🧃 🍅 🧡 You Are Loved 🧡 🍅 🧃 🖤
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Tarot Representation - 7 of Swords💛
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🖤 🧃 🍅 🧡 You Are Loved 🧡 🍅 🧃 🖤
Thank you so much for reading!! 🧿
It took me months to finished this it might be the longest one I ever did. Combinding anime with spiritually so I would appreciate it so much if you could donate or give some feedback🥰
Anyone excited for the upcoming Haikyuu! movie?
And what anime should I do next?
Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my Original poetry or Follow my IG PoemNic🪲
Check out my YouTube channel for more Pick A Card - PoemNic-Tarot
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poemnic-tarot · 10 months
What types of Villain would you be?🏹
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(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
(Art design in Canva)
Of course being a villain alway equal bad ending.Let see what will be your down fall as a villain?. And please remember, this reading is only for entertainment purposes only. Thank you.
💎 🏹 🤍 🦋 🖤 You Are Loved 🖤 🦋 🤍 🏹 💎
Pile 1 🍙
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"A small price to pay for salvation." - Thanos
"There Is No Good And Evil. There Is Only Power And Those Too Weak To Seek It." - Voldemort
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not"
Pile 1, Your Villain era is that you want to take over the world, literally. The good part is that you have a limitless mindset. You believe in the impossible, as in, people would normally goes, taking over the world?that's impossible.
But Pile 1, you would go, "watch me."
You are confident in what you can do/achieved. Maybe to the point of whatever it take. The end justified the mean kind of villain.
You would be the villain that would do anything in their power, sacrifice everything they loved to achieve their goal. What do I have to get in order for me to achieve my goals?.I will bring it. Quite determined, even ruthless, you would make a formidable foe Pile 1. Because as previously mentioned, you have no limit. You don't know what that is. No limit can equate no weakness, no soft spot. You are so confident that you will win or eventually get what you want, so sure to the point of arrogant. And maybe you did accomplished your goal, but what's the price?. At what cost?.
However, your willpower and strong belief is admirable. That's why you would be a leader. I believe most type of Villains are a leader in some way, but, where are you leading them is the important part. You would be one that have loyal followers, even admirer. If you use those strong qualities for the greater good then you can literally create miracles and save a lot of life, instead of destroying them.
But no Pile 1, your type of villain is that you want to take over the world, maybe even conquered the whole universe. This possessiveness trait to owned thing to owned resources, to control the outcome or people goes against the natural law of the universe. You would be the type of villain that won't mind breaking the law of the universe, in fact, you would be excited to. Because you are so confident in your ability to do so, to win, that the more challenges the better. To make it more interesting more of a worthwhile journey for you. You would sacrifice everything to achieved your goal, even your own life. Who would win against that?
Because you are not afraid to lose, no pain no gain. To go towards your goal with everything you got. And you got a lot Pile 1, power, resources, followers, determination. Pile 1, you are a leader of villains, a natural leader with clear purpose and direction. Like the Avenger endgame, it would take a whole army of heroes to defeat you. However, your downfall will alway be your arrogant. Your egotistical sureness that you would alway win is the very thing that death throes you.
Song: Light and Shadow by Hiroyuki Sawanno
How does it feel? Got no one on your side It isn't how It is really meant to be
As light and shadow The sun and the moon Torn between love and hate I've gotta get it somehow Gaining by losing always haunt us To our dying day, stuck in the haze How did it ever come to this?
💎 🏹 🤍 🦋 🖤 You Are Loved 🖤 🦋 🤍 🏹 💎
Pile 2💎
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“The last time I saw [Michael] alive, in jail, he told me to forgive,” she said.
“And what did he get for that? Where is the justice in that? What is the point of that?” - Kathleen (The last of us)
"I Thought, Maybe You Could Love Me Like You Used To, Even Though I'm Different. But You Changed Too, So, Here's To The New Us." - Jinx
"It okay that you're not who you thought you would be"
Pile 2, you are a type of Villain that definitely didn't start as one. Or accidental villain or one forged because of circumstances. E.g. Kathleen or Jinx. Quite a complicated villain. One that suddenly found themselves as a villain. You were just living your life choosing choices that you are definitely not proud of but can't undo them. What can you do right?. You would minimised your actions or your choices/deeds in the name of job/duty or survival instinct. Action that would definitely deemed as immoral. Like you wouldn't mind stabbing your friend in the back to get that promotion. Or you wouldn't mind taking job that are ambiguous or in a grey area because it pay well. You got to eat right?. It’s a man eat man world. And a job is just a job in your eyes, no matter what that is. There aren't that many choices in how you can live. You are trying to convinced yourself that it's not your fault, it's how the world is. There are no such things as good people or bad people, they aren't real in this kind of fuck up world. If a job require you to harm innocent people, it was just a job. Fullfilling your job request is considered good right?. A good employee. And you gotta get that pay.
More specifically, Kathleen might not be a villain, she found her self as the leader of a resistance. She was just a citizen in this fuck up world. I don't think villain exist in that kind of world. You could say,she's a survivor and her motivation was her love for her brother. But was it really love when she disregard his wish for her to forgive the people that got him killed?. More of, her motivation was her love for revenge. More like if she's can admit that to her self. How can you forgive people when you can't even forgive the world you're living in?. She didn't care that she wanted revenged. (If you didn't watch the last of us I apologised)But Kathleen is the best example of this energy.
The type of Villain you are Pile 2 is a justified one, in your eyes.You’re just giving back what has been given to you. “A brother for a brother”.Every choice you made might not be for the greater good of everyone, but that doesn't matter, as long as you get what you want. Pile 2, you are a man/woman with a mission. You have a job to do, a task to finished, a revenge to avenged, you are not a bad guy you are just doing what people made you do. You have a priority and you will see to it. The type of Villain you are Pile 2 is that you don't really care about the title, or how people would see you or what anyone think really. Because you just want to get what you want, is that selfish?, doesn't matter. And forgiveness?, that word does not exist in your dictionary. You wouldn't take the thing that you have to do personally, it's just a job,but, if the circumstance is reversed. If you were at the end of that job, Pile 2, you are a type of villain that hold grudges. Never letting go of it for a long, long, long, time. You would personally see what has been done to you, return to that person, in fact, you'll volunteer for that job. This screamed hypocrisy but again, you don't care.Hypocrisy would be your down fall as a villain Pile 2.
Song: Guns for Hire by Woodkid
Hold the dice, your turn to roll Before they fall through your fingers Not a good night to lose control Right as the earth is unraveling You play with your blocks until they break And these walls come tumbling down Oh, they're tumbling down
You're out of time, make your move Live or die while the fuse is lit and there's no turning back
Kiss your perfect day goodbye Because the world is on fire Tuck your innocence goodnight You sold your friends like guns for hire Go play with your blocks And now you'll pay when these walls come tumbling down Oh, they're tumbling down
💎 🏹 🤍 🦋 🖤 You Are Loved 🖤 🦋 🤍 🏹 💎
Pile 3🎉
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“Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are... I will gladly do so.”
In *song* form! - Tamatoa
 “Here in town there’s only she, who is beautiful as me, so I’m making plans to woo and marry Belle!” - Gaston
"Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flower at his feet"
Pile 3 what type of villain you would be is one word, greedy. You don't know what enough means. Maybe it stem from jealously, envied, low self esteem or a lack mentality. Or you might just care a lot about what people think of you. What you have and what you don't have. Example, you would changed your phone or your car to the latest one to keep up with the trend. How you come across to people is very important to you, although just more in a surface level way, like what you are wearing, the brand, your outer look etc.
You might not be the big bad, grand villain that's threathened the world peace but, you are definitely a villain in your own life. For example, you would buy a brand new expensive bag because everybody have one even though you definitely can't afford it, leading to accumulating debts for yourself or your family. Heading towards bankruptcy or poverty. Just because you simply must have this brand name bag or that new car or that plastic surgery. Your inability to stop being greedy, specifically towards materialism will be your downfall.
It's not enough that you want more but Pile 3, your type of villain would be considered extremely frugal. Hoarded resources, not willing to share. You would be the type to look down on essential worker like waiter and treat them lesser than. Definitely not tipping and treat them like shit. A villain in someone else life, you put so much weight on social status and class and job titles, maybe even your whole worth on external things/validation, that is why you will never feel enough and will continue to keep on chasing shiny things. There's a blackhole on your chest that would consumed everything in it path like a vacuum. A type to married for money, a definition of gold digger. A villain on our society. A Karen to see a manager. A manager high on power trip. An evil stepmother.
What is your point of causing a commotion?a havoc?of making a scene, of complaining?. No point really. No point at all, just doing it for attention, and trying to avoid your own inability to tolerate yourself. How nothing is ever fulfilling for you. How no one around you should be in a better position than you, or else, jealously will be awaken and comparison and competition will start. You must be the best, the centre of attention, the prettiest. A narcissist, unpleasant to be around and lack self awareness, as your only focus is on how great you are and should be and nothing else matter. Your greed for shining things will be your downfall Pile 2.
Song: Shiny by Jemaine Clement
Did your granny say listen to your heart Be who you are on the inside I need three words to tear her argument apart Your granny lied I'd rather be
Shiny Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck Scrub the deck and make it look
Shiny I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck Just a sec
Don't you know Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb They chase anything that glitters (beginners)
💎 🏹 🤍 🦋 🖤 You Are Loved 🖤 🦋 🤍 🏹 💎
Pile 4🪐
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“I have created a new Earth Empire, and I will continue to lead it into the future myself, bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people.” -Kuvira
"So it's just business then, 'ey?"
"When, Mr. Butcher, in history has it ever been about anything different?"- Stan Edgar
"Don't wander away from yourself to get close to someone else"
What type of Villain would you be?Pile 4, is that you remind me of a government. An institution that suppose to work for the people but instead they are actually working against you, but not in an obvious way at all. A policain, a president, A person in a position of power. a judge that should represent Justice and fairness and morality. The head of an organisation But we all know that is not the case at all.
In fact, it is quite deep, intricate and dark. The type of villain you are, are ones that’s not for the people at all but, ironically you tried so hard to not let that fact slip or go public. You would tried extremely hard to promote yourself as the opposite of who you really are. The type of villain you are is the type to step on the oppressed to rise. Exploited the lesser and vulnerable to go higher up. Fly to the top at any cost. Because position and power is what you seek the most. No one can accused you that you did not aim high enough in life or that you're settling. In fact, you want to be in the highest position there is, sometime not in an obvious way. Think of a king and his adviser, normal people would expect the king to be the one with all the power, in reality, it is the Adviser that are moving all the strings. The one behind the scene that have the most say. You are the one actually in power but still maintained a facade that you're not, even though you got the king on the palm of your hands. And the only one to persuade the king to do what you bid. Think Capricorn energy the, the Devil energy in tarot.
You have a quiet presence, not too obvious or too overbearing for a villain, seemingly reserve, even conservative, bland. Even your desire for power isn't personal, but that what makes you a formidable foe and terrifying. Again think of a big organisation, like the government and the corruption, the hunger for power, the exploitation. The type of villain you are doesn't have their priority straight, but would call yourself a saviour in a straight face.
You do value your reputation that why you will fight hard to maintained it and umm, covered shit up. Promote an image that couldn't be furthest form the truth, think of a polician. In a way, there's a part of you that really believed you are doing it for the people, keeping the order and peace, protecting them from harm. However, you are blinded by what you are trying to do. How can you saved the civilian from harm when the harm is you?. The definition of harm is you Pile 4. Because there are already Divine order in this world, but it seem that concept has deluded you Pile 4. As your type of villain, you would try to govern that Divine order or messed with it. You could do something you're not suppose to, like a forbidden irreversible spell. Your cold attitude towards the people that actually gave you that power, your rigid rules, and your inability to see where the power actually come from in the first place (spoiler it's in the people that you had oppressed and step on) will be your down fall Pile 4.
Song: Villain by K/DA
In control That's how I like it And I'm never letting go, nah Never had a soul So you ain't taking anything from me When you go, nah
I'll stay so deep inside your brain And take you somewhere far away
Time to roll the dice You know I'm the type Type to risk my life Not afraid to die Type to make you cry Type to put a price All up on your head Do just what I said
💎 🏹 🤍 🦋 🖤 You Are Loved 🖤 🦋 🤍 🏹 💎
Thank you so much for being here!Let me know what you think!. If you want more reading like this vote below!.🧿🌝🍊
☀️Check out my IG - PoemNic
☀️Check out another of my tumblr account for original poetry - @cant-find-my-name
☀️Check out my Youtube for more PAC reading - PoemNic-Tarot
104 notes · View notes
poemnic-tarot · 10 months
Intuitive Channeled Messages For You
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(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonated. For entertainment purposes only)
These are short messages I channeled without card, just intuitively. Please let me know what you think, I’d love to know!.
( Art designed on Canva )
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 1 🧸
"You begin to get what life is all about. Every incidents, now you realised, was not a coincidence.It was meticulously planned for you to get here. Where you are today. Every road lead you here where you can see it all from an objective point of view. And you get it, you finally got it. You would not be confused no more, you trust the universe unconditionally. You will go where they lead you. There are fears of course and doubts and hesitation, but they would never stop you from vibrating in a high frequency, a vibration of love and compassion.
You used to be scare, all the time. Scare of life, of people in it, of all your choices, was it the right choice?, did i made the wrong one?.Why is everyone against me, why is the world against me?. Now you realised, it was just all karmic, it was designed specifically for you. So you could learn your lesson and move up. Ascend and become who you are today. Wise, at peace and more trusting than ever. Trusting of life, situation and most importantly, yourself and your choices. What you went through got you here today and you will be forever grateful. To the Divine,to yourself and your soul, for leading you home finally.
Poem: Sorrow To Joy by @cant-find-my-name
This big transition came through
A revelation
Firstly, we changed our beliefs
Reevaluate our wants and our needs
What makes us happy?
Who values we are following
Who we are without the things we do
Strip away all the unnecessary
Let go of pointless worries
To truly turn joyful
First, we shifted our energy
In this new me, being joyful
Is very easy
Song : Coming Back For You by Fireboy DML
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see I'm coming back for you
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 2🛍️
“I can still recall what happened vividly. The memories would never leave me. In a way, it shaped who I am. I identified with what I went through. All of it, the good and the not so good. I appreciates all the good times, all the good people. I wish them well and I know they would do the same for me. I am on a new journey. Honestly, I have no idea where I am going, where am I headed to?.It seem not that important to find out, I figure I'll just start step by step into the unknown. I’m willing to, in a way, I was waiting for this moment. Hoping for it in fact.
It seem I had shaded my old skin. Despited remembering everything that happened. I want to changed. I want to rebuild, I want to become something else. It not because I hated my old self or anything, in fact. It's the opposite. I love my old self very much, but I think it’s just time. Time for me to discover a new side of me that’s different. That the world have never seen before. I am excited, nervous but not scare at all. Which I'm thankful for, I want it to be a fun journey, learning about myself, who will I become. I love every versions of me, the old and I'm already sure that I will also love the new. I guess it's my new purpose in life, get to know thyself again and I'm looking forward to meet me.
Poem : Shooting Stars by @cant-find-my-name
My eyes Shined
They reflected the distance light
I’ve never pray so hard in my life
Wishing for a living dream
Wishing to know
What does all the pain mean?
Trying to find the reason
The universe put me here
And I can’t -
Find the reason
Even as stars shimmered
And shoot down
It is me that has been earth bound,
I can’t go back
I can’t go home
The limit is getting too loud
Going aimless
Wandering about
Maybe it is time for me to discover
Reach deep within me to know
How far did I come from?
And how far can I go?
Song: I'm Still Here by John Rzeznik (Treasure Planet)
I am a question to the world Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway, you don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be
And what do you think you'd understand? I'm a boy, no, I'm a man You can't take me and throw me away And how can you learn what's never shown? Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me 'cause I'm not here
And I want a moment to be real Wanna touch things I don't feel Wanna hold on and feel I belong
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 3🍑
“It's the people that loved you for who you are that helped you made it. They were a voice telling you not to give up, even when you wanted to. Even when there was no more reasons to go on, you think of the people who loved you. And in a way, their love for you saved you, when your own love wasn’t enough.
But you are still not out of the wood yet, but you're not scare of it no more. You are not scare to be alone anymore. People are your strength and there's experiences of that, but they are also your weakness. The world is more complicated and more than one dimensional and frankly, it's giving you a headache. You just want to live a simple life, a minimalist, no complication, alone in a forest surrounded by nature. You want your wood to turn into a forest. And build a cozy cottage to refuge there when the real world is too much. But most of your life, it's a graveyard of regret and it's full of shadows that you rather ignore. However, no more of that you finally decided. You pray for life to get better, for yourself to get better and in a way, you did not see a way out of it alive.
But in those darkness, you saw light and that light has led you to where the sun shined through. You can see better days," the monsters turned out to be just tree". There are better days, healthier ways to live. And in a way, you want to find that out for yourself. There are alway balance in life, you must remember one thing. When there's darkness, there is also light. When you encounter one the other will also find you. When you experienced one side, don't be scare to face the other. That is how you learn, that you will alway be okay.
Poem: Invisible Force by @cant-find-my-name
Something is choking me
The invisible force
Stronger than what's real
Maybe the scariest thing
Are what we're all thinking
Not necessary the truth
Or what happened
But what could have been,
It's scary to see
What isn't there
The affect is real
But the enemy aren't here
Song: This is me trying by Taylor Swift
I've been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway
I just wanted you to know That this is me trying I just wanted you to know That this is me trying
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 4🍇
"Peace will find you, no need to seek it. It's there for you to tap into it, anytime, anyplace. No need to acquired more to get it. The misconception that you need this or that in order to feel whole. It a misconception, you only need one thing child. And that is yourself. If you have yourself, all of you, the dark and light part of you, the side you loved and admired and the side that make you look away. All parts of you deserve recognition. They are you and yours alone, so we got to honour them. Every part of you love you and want your attention and want you to acknowledge them. Let us finally do that. Let us look into the mirror and see ourselves finally.
We are a pure soul, there is nothing wrong with us, no matter what people implied. We are not broken, we are whole. Your soul is intact, it is there for you to go back and connect to it. Your soul is waiting for you to answer its calling. You heard it but you ignore it because life get in the way, but, if you're trying to find that fulfilment. That feeling of, aww there it is the thing I'm look for?, as annoying as it is, it is that part of you that you wouldn't dare look at.
Poem: Surrendering by @cant-find-my-name
Surrendering my sorrows
Surrendering to my flaws
If there is no Perfection
I would be perfect
Nitpicking my visions
Aiming for the best
Left behind a broken body
And an anxiety ridden mind,
Right path don't do that
Peace is not a compromise
Tis a birth right
Just like how everyone will die,
Getting my soul back
Revived my forgotten joy
Everyday supposed to be precious
Not wishing for it to stop
Song : Back To Beautiful by Sofia Carson
They say You're not good enough, you're not brave enough You should cover up your body Tell me, watch my weight Gotta paint my face Or else no one's gonna want me
Why do we say this to ourselves? And even worse to each other? Why do we say this to ourselves? Ooh
We gotta, get back to beautiful Gotta, get back to beautiful All these words, starting wars Over who can hurt who more Gotta, get back to beautiful
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 5🍰
"Something is changing, you can feel it. More internally rather than externally. But it's changing all the same. But you're not scare or excited. You are just neutral about it. But there is that part of you that goes, Finally. Because lately, nothing evokes your interest.The desires you had once feel ill fitted. When you realised that nothing really matter, not in a depressing way, but more of a freeing way, You accepted that as truth. You are not satisfied in life, yes, but seeking more things will not do either. You don't want more per say, but there's something missing that you don't know how to put into words. The missing piece might not be tangible, might just be intangible things that you can't hold onto. Which way should you headed towards when your inner compass is kind of confused.
Forward is the way, you will never be lost, as long as you keep moving forwards and not stop. We will not rush either. When we are in a confusing state, we must take our time and experienced our moment fully so that there won't be a lapse in our memory. Memory is a tricky thing, if you think too far into the future or the past as you experiencing the present, then your present becomes filled with memories from the future or the past. So the present moment will never exist. Be careful of letting moments passed you by, it is alright to not know why you are feeling this way. It is alright to be confused or sad or even unsatisfied. It is alright to be in that state in your present because whatever you are feeling at the moment, the present will eventually become a past.”
Poem: Renewal by @cant-find-my-name
There is hope in this world
In words that you said,
Even though it's a lie
You tell yourself it'll be okay
Maybe not now
Definitely not right now
But hopefully someday
You begin to notice the yellow
In dandelions,
How it shine like gold
In certain light.
Now you finally see
The colourful sky
How many shades of it
Changed with time.
How every poem you write
Begins to rhyme
And you know there's a reason for all this
Every little bit of it
So whatever happened
Do not resist
For you shall learn to embrace it
Song : Take A Chance by Flume
So you feel all your powers unfold
Stretching our big wings while the white is turning gold So tell your story baby, don't give up, just let it all go out You're quiet wishing for something now
Will you be the one to take a chance? Have demands, spill your heart Will you be the one to take a stand Make the girls dance Spill your thoughts Will you be the one to take a chance? Have demands, spill your heart Will you be the one to take a stand Make the girls dance Spill your thoughts, will you?
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
Pile 6🌙
"The unlimited possibility you seek is there for you to tapped into. Your believed is everything, so be careful what or who you believe in. Miracles exist, just look into a mirror and witness one. Look into your own eyes and wondered who that soul is. For it is you, but there so much you don't know about yourself, yet. Instead of feeling bad about that, we should feel excited. For it is a privilege to know thyself. Know your limit and your unlimited possibilities. How many grains of sand on the beach, that is how much your potentials lies. What you can achieved in life is up to how much you are opened to recieved.
My dear, you are magnificent, I wish you can see yourself through my eyes. How you hold on to life, wise beyond your years. Give it everything you got, no matter what that is, is such a human trait even gods envied. Every difficulties you go through know that those got nothing on your willpower to get through them. You are a strong little human, whose hope is bigger then the universe.You believe in the better, better days, better life, better energy for this earth. And your hope/light is what is keeping this planet alive. Keep believing in your power, because you are powerful. And loved by many.
Poem: Home Coming by @cant-find-my-name
My Divine Mother gentle touch
She taught me so much
By being nurtured we grow
By being loved we thrive
By being connected
We become part of the Divine
I know you look at yourself
And see a scare child
Darling, that's quite alright
Cause you are protected, alway
All the flaws should be
There's no need for harsh judgment
Gentleness to ourselves is what
We should aim for
Realise what's important
Now look at yourself one more time
And see the true core
Song: Hummingbird by Metro Boomin & James Blake 
Hummingbird, summer sun, has it brought my life back? Hangin' in the balance, have you brought the light back? And how long's the night shift? She's sure I get away with Realizin' she might be all I need in this life
When I saw a cold snap, I wasn't with the season Attack was on the airport and outside there was a season In here paper walls are pushing back on you like Eventually you push through, the moment that you realize
And hummingbird, I know that's our time (That's our time) But stay on, stay on, stay on with me And hummingbird, I can never unsee What you've shown me, stay on, stay on with me
🍰 🌸 🍬 💫 🍉 You Are Loved 🍉 💫 🍬 🌸 🍰
🍑Thank you for reading! I would love to know what you think. See you soon!!!🧿
🍏Check out more of my Original Poetry at @cant-find-my-name or my IG Poemnic
🍉Check out my YouTube Channel for more Pick-A-Card Reading : Poemnic -Tarot
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poemnic-tarot · 11 months
What Types of Beauty Are You?
(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
Pile 1 -2
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Pile 3 -4
⭐️ 🎐 🤍 🌙 You Are Loved 🌙 🎐 🤍 ⭐️
Pile 1🪐
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Collage: Just to give you an idea of your beauty type energy
Characters : Erwin Smith (regardless of gender focusing more on the quality of the character)
Colour Palette : Carmine and Royal blue
Animal : Buck
Flower : Iris
Key words: Decisive, Leadership, Firm and Responsible
(your one is shorter than the rest I apologize for that, or your beauty just cannot be describes in words)
"Treat yourself like how you want your parent to treat you"
Pile 1, your Beauty is in your self preservation. How mentally strong you are. How focused and concentrated you are on your goals and what you want. You have an air of Authority, Serenity, no-nonsense type. Regal in your stance literally and metaphorically.
Your Beauty shine most when you make a decision. When you made a difficult decision, it was a difficult decision because the ones for the highest good of all usually are. The one where leaders need to make and it's delicate because there's so much at stake, because there are so much to lose if you made the wrong decision. But you do it anyway with confidence and stood by it, no matter the outcome. You are not afraid of accountability and that’s the most beautiful aspect about you.
You are beautiful in your work ethic, hard working personality and discerning quality. No one is as cut throat as you Pile 1. There will be no bullshit in your present. Not even from yourself. And that's scary to people but they can't helped but admired that.It’s really inspiring to be able to stand up for yourself and others.
You are a beauty that screamed Self-love and Protection. You will alway stand up for injustice, for yourself or others. Protect what's precious to you at all cost. No one shall cross the line at your presence, and the line is called boundary and respect. And they won't cross that line Pile 1, you will make sure of it. The affect you have on people is beauty it self. They would willingly bow down and let you give them your verdict. You treat other fairly, because you cultivated that within first.
You are beautiful when you wielded your mighty sword and declared that "no lies shall surpass". Your beauty has been witnessed in Kings/Queens, Rulers of kingdom, leaders of clans. And your beauty lies in how you exercise your personal power (authority) as a protective shield for those vulnerable, or a wise advice for those who are lost. Your mind is the most beautiful part of you. Your peace of mind is your most precious valuable. How you treat yourself/others, see the world, and accept reality for what they are. Seeking the truth at the cost of comfortability, strong enough to forgive and focused on the things that are more important. Your beauty itself, Pile 1, has rules multiple kingdoms and make it thrived.
Poems: Magician by @cant-find-my-name
You're golden, you're golden
Feather tethered of a phoenix wings
Glowing aura of rainbow light
Shining from within,
When death take charge
To meet new life begins
Where Angel are willing to commit the biggest
Your pomegranate cloak
Royal mantle
A flower crown
To the power title
You were born to lead
To herd the sheeps
With your natural wands
Where illusion reigns
You are what the Destiny in need
Song: Butterflies by Kacey Musgraves
Now you're liftin' me up, 'stead of holdin' me down Stealin' my heart, 'stead of stealin' my crown Untangled all the strings 'round my wings that were tied I didn't know him and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies
Kiss full of color, makes me wonder where you've always been I was hiding in doubt 'til you brought me out of my chrysalis
And I came out new All because of you
⭐️ 🎐 🤍 🌙 You Are Loved 🌙 🎐 🤍 ⭐️
Pile 2🍉
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Collage: Just to give you an idea of your beauty type energy
Characters : Moana (regardless of gender focusing more on the quality of the character)
Colour Palette : Aztec Gold and Turquoise
Animal : Blue whale
Flower : Plumeria
Key words: Revolutionary, Unique, Brave, Bold
"I haven't met all of me yet"
Pile 2, your Beauty lies in your Acceptance. Your acceptance of your Root, your origin, people’s origin, where you came from and honouring your family lineage, instead of running from it. You accept this aspect of you and still seeking to changed some part for the better. Pile 2 you know that in order to changed anything, first we must accept it for what it is.
Your Beauty lies in how you ended your ancestry karma, specifically, in the feminine side. How you single handedly overcome generations after generation of pain, lost, oppressions and grief. It all ended with you. Your beauty lies in how you are convicted to see the end of this karmic cycles that ran amog your families lines for ages. ‘It been long enough’ you said, 'I will end this with me’ you declared. And it will end.
Pile 2, Your ancestors see your beauty, it's radiated from your soul and they want to thank you for your hard work. Your beauty shine in how you go against the grains, stood up against toxic traditions, toxic family dynamic patterns. You vowed, no more, and has changed and will continue to changed your family line for the better. Pile 2, Your don't know how beautiful and Brave that is, how beautiful and brave you are.
It wasn't without sacrificed and suffering on your part. Pile 2, you knew exactly what it has cost you to break generation of pain and you still went for it. It wasn't easy, in fact, it was the most difficult thing anyone can do in this lifetime. That is why it took you several lifetimes to accomplished your goals. It took you several lifetimes to do this, that how much you are dedicated to your loved ones, and that is beauty in it self.
That is how beautiful you are pile 2. You never give up, you stood your ground and stand up for what's important to you. Your values, your love, gentleness, UNCONDITIONAL love. You are grounded in what needed to be done, whereas a lot of people would ignored or even play into the toxic dynamics pattern, because they don't want to be outcasted. Pile 2, your beauty lies in your authenticity, true connection base on unconditional love, mutual respect and healthy boundaries and harmony. In a way, these are your deepest values and what you want to bring forth in all of your connections. Pile 2, you will never stand for conflict, resentment, and more pain. You will do anything within your power and take it upon yourself to clear that dense, negative energy from your life. You are the one who is brave enough to stand up to the toxic structures and question, why do we want to continue hurting others and ourselves?, what can we do to bring more harmony and peace into each other lives?.
Pile 2, you go on to do all those things in a gentle, loving manner with compassion and understanding. You don't come in like a wrecking ball and wreck it all down. Just because we want to build a new root/tower, doesn't mean we need to do it in the most destructive way. No, Pile 2 your beauty lies in your patient, how you would take down the tower piece by loving piece. Understand each brick and why it was there and does it align with your values?. If not, then, we removed it. Your beauty lies in how you alchemised pain into renewal. You would do it no matter how long it takes, no matter how many lifetimes. That's how beautiful your soul is pile 2.
You know what you are doing is important pile 2, and it is. Your love and dedication towards your family (alive ones and the ones before that) is the most beautiful things about you. How you honour them, understand them, and how you want to heal yourself (and indirectly heals them too, cause you understood generational karma)
The type of Beauty you are Pile 2 is witnessed in how your beautiful heart can changed your lineage line towards prosperity, abundance in every sense, towards true harmony and more love. You would alway rise above, like the Phoenix from the ashes, you would rise up again and again to finish what you started.
Poem: Guiding Light by @cant-find-my-name
Walk with me
Take my hand
I'll guide you to where I am
Passing hidden memories
The illusion that drown out the
I'll replay it back to you
And showed you the
Objective truth
So walk with me
It wasn't how it was
And still could be
What it could have been
Not to late to see
And opened up your heart
It's not too late to be vulnerable
It's the right time to start
Song: I'm still here by Jim Theme
And how can the world want me to change? They're the ones that stay the same They don't know me 'cause I'm not here
And you see the things they never see All you wanted I could be Now you know me and I'm not afraid And I wanna tell you who I am Can you help me be a man? They can't break me as long as I know who I am
(An animation called Treasure Planet I highly recommend you watch it Pile 2 and give this song a listen to as well)
⭐️ 🎐 🤍 🌙 You Are Loved 🌙 🎐 🤍 ⭐️
Pile 3🌺
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Collage: Just to give you an idea of your beauty type energy
Characters : Mulan (regardless of gender focusing more on the quality of the character)
Colour Palette : Emerald and Chinese Ink
Animal : Dragon fly or a dragon
Flower : Purple lotus
Key words: Masculinity, Reliability, Stable, Protector
“It’s okay that you’re not who you thought you would be”
Pile 3, your beauty lies in your inner stability. It lies in how you know yourself, sure of who you are, what you stand for, your moral your values, your integrity. You are a steady pillar for people to relied on. When all is lost and no one know what's going on, Pile 3, you would step up and tell people what to focus on and why they need to keep going. Not in a domineering way but in an inspirational way. You are the guardian, the protector,the reliable father energy that most of us never have.
Your beauty can be seen in this metaphor scenes, An immense storm passed by and on it way it uprooted every trees, everything in it path got destroyed except for one. And that one tree is you pile 3. This tree stood tall and grounded, the root is too deep to be carry away with the wind, no matter how strong that wind is. That is your beauty Pile 3, you are an immovable force, a high wall that no one dare to breach.
Because behind that impenetrable wall is what you are protecting. Whatever that is, your dreams/goals, family, values, moral, inner child, the list goes on. Pile 3, you would protect it at all cost. Your beauty lies in how you know what to protect, you would stand guard at the front line with your fearlessness and your skills, no one shall defeat or shake you. Whether it is the outside circumstance beyond your control, the situation you find yourself in, the people who doesn't have your best interest. In fact, Pile 3, you often find you in a 'dangerous' situation'. Dangerous meaning situations, people, places that often would threatens what's important to you, whether it your moral, values, goals and dreams, telling you to settle, and tempting you to go against your value, your integrity. Trying to change who you are, trying to take what is yours. Tempting you to stray from your path or your goals. E.g. baiting you to drink alcohol when they know you don't drink. Not respecting your values. Something like this, the list goes on, people just want to try to break you pile 3, for what ever reason.
Your beauty lies in how you stand firm and stood your ground. Society, even your family? would point a finger at you to tell you ,’this is who you are’ but pile 3, you are so beautiful in how you don't just accept that, you would go, no, that is not who I am, that just the person you want me to be, which is not me. This is me and go on to show them who you are. People want to paint you as a fool but deep down Pile 3, you are a king/Queen and you know that.
You are beautiful in your healthy masculine energy (regardless of gender). You are a go getter, an achiever, you will find a way to get to where you want to go in life, no matter the weather. But one thing you will never do is compromising your moral/values/integrity. Because you know that those things make you who you are at the core. And pile 3, you know that if you lose those things, in a way, you have lost yourself. That is why it is very important to you not to compromise your core values. e.g. not cutting corners just to get ahead. A decision on something like this in a way, will changed who you are forever.
What is more beautiful about you is that Pile 3, you are not perfect by any means and you embraced that, nor are you so strict in life that it become dull. Your beauty lies in how you understand yourself more than most pile 3, and embrace your shortcoming. You accepted things or situations that you can't control, and let it be. Even though you have such a stable beauty/energy, it is not rigid by any means. Your beauty lies in when you know what you can compromise on and what you would never do. No one can stop you when you decided to do something Pile 3, and they shouldn't try either or else. They will find themselves unaware that suddenly, they had become one of your supporter and admirers. You just have that affect on people Pile,3 that is the type of beauty you are.
Poem: Strength @cant-find-my-name
They couldn't have been more wrong
They underestimated my strength
They thought I wasn't strong
But as hurricane came hurling in
And storm blown passed
Everything got destroyed
Everything crushed, in it path
However, when all was dark
And everyone was down
The only person remains was I
The one they thought won't last
I had stood my ground
Song: Radio by Lana Del Rey
Not even they can stop me now Boy, I'll be flying overhead Their heavy words can't bring me down Boy, I've been raised from the dead
No one even knows how hard life was I don't even think about it now because I finally found you Oh, sing it to me
⭐️ 🎐 🤍 🌙 You Are Loved 🌙 🎐 🤍 ⭐️
Pile 4🌈
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Collage: Just to give you an idea of your beauty type energy
Characters : Aladdin (regardless of gender focusing more on the quality of the character)
Colour Palette : Aubergine and orange
Animal : Horse
Flower : Hibiscus
Key words: Free spirit, Generous, Self-focus, Expansive
"You deserve someone who is terrified to lose you"
Pile 4, your Beauty lies in how, there are no terrains you won't explore, there are no wisdom/knowledge you would not seek. And there are no topics you would not learn, there are no stone on this earth (or even outside of it) you would not upturn.
Your beauty lies in your hunger for life, for true freedom, freedom of mind and spirit, hunger for adventures and exploration, for knowledge. You should know Pile 4, that you bring so much to the table. Sometime or most times, it's not as obvious what you bring but the people with a higher perspective would be able to comprehend how much it is that you bring. It is a blessing alone Pile 4, just to be in your presence, your energy field. Your beauty lies in your energy, that is what you bring to the table Pile 4, and no one can compared. You have so much to offer to the world, the people around you, people who come into contact with you and get to know you, their life is changed forever.
You are so generous, so kind, so unconditional loving. You see every living being as an equal and accept people for what they are, but you don't limit them to who they can be. Just like how you see yourself, Pile 4, you can see so many possibilities, infinite possibilities. There are so many new things to discover, so many places to travel, so many people to meet and get to know, so many new culture to learn from and new scenery to see. You love these things Pile 4, different food, culture, languages. The world have much to offer you, in terms of who you can be and where you can go (infinite possibilities). And Pile 4, you cannot wait to explore them all. You are limitless and you know that pile 4, that is what make you so beautiful.
You don't settle for normality or the ordinary, the conventional, the stifling of routine. You don't look down on them or anything, it just not compatible with you. You crave excitement in your life and you took it upon yourself to create it.
Your beauty lies in how you listen to your intuition and instinct. You go where it tell you to go, where you are called. You don't question it, you listened, to your heart, your desires, your spirit teams, your soul. That's harder to do then people think because sometimes there so much resistance in the 3D that will go against your intuition. And we can perceived ourselves as stuck to one place, one life, one place forever. But Pile 4, you know better, your beauty lies in how you helped people feel unstuck in life.You helped them expand their world view, you somehow able to show them the world through your eyes, and the infinite possibilities you see. ( I'm getting A whole new world by which you are Aladdin and the people you met is Jasmine) You are brave enough to go into the unknown, explore the places where people are not even dare to step into(physically and metaphorically). They might be scare or think that they are not worthy to go where they want to be, but Pile 4, your beauty knows no bound. You are inherently worthy, as a living being, you go by this philosophy, that is why anywhere you go or any room you step into, you rest in the knowledge that you belonged. Pile 4, you see everyone as an equal no matter the status, hierarchy, or ranks. Because you see people as a soul, into their soul, we are all just a soul.
Your beauty lies in how you see the world as your playground to play in. The world is your oyster might be your catch phrase. Your spirit is free, even when the world is shit sometimes, you can count on yourself to rise above it. Your enthusiasm for life is so strong it's contagious. That how beautiful you are, never dimmed your light or your energy. Your energy alone can raise the frequency of a room. Remember that.
Poems: STARS by @cant-find-my-name
We all have dreams
Trying to reach the stars
But as we traveled
The ugly realisation
That the stars is too far
Not yet, I cannot see
The Divine plan for me
But I must believe
In myself
My own heart
My unwritten destiny
Songs : Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
I am unwritten Can't read my mind I'm undefined I'm just beginning The pen's in my hand Ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
⭐️ 🎐 🤍 🌙 You Are Loved 🌙 🎐 🤍 ⭐️
Thank you for reading! I would love to know what you think. Thank you so much see you soon!!!🧿
🥐Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my original poetry
🐚Check out my Tarot YouTube video : PoemNic-Tarot
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204 notes · View notes
poemnic-tarot · 11 months
Pick a Poem To See Your Messages!🐋
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(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫 You Are Loved 🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫
Pile 1⚡️ - Where am I tonight? by @cant-find-my-name
Where am I tonight?
Although I search for myself
Long and Hard
Still, I could not find
Who was I looking for?
Who am I?,
When I shine spotlight on it
It seem difficult to define,
'To define is to limit"
Then, I must not be
Who I thought I would be
But hopefully, whoever I will become Would still be me
And maybe that person
May be the person I was looking for,
Eventually, I will reconcile the me now
And the Me
I wish to be
This poem is about looking for yourself. Sometime, you don't even notice that you are not who you thought you are. In this 3D world, there are a lot of projections from people, whether that would be from families, friends, school or organisations. That would have definitely distorted yourself image. An image of yourself, you thought you are this type of person, value this thing until one day, you realised that was not you at all. When you finally have time to get to know yourself, a lot of your initial impression of yourself changed. I could never do that, I would never do this. That's definitely not me. Example, I'm not the type to dance to a cover song and post it online. I will never see myself sing publicly for millions to see.I would never dye my hair blue, etc. But when you uncovered yourself bit by bit, possibilities are endless. Things you would never thought that you would do, you find yourself seeing the possibilities for the first time. Trying to reconcile a part of you that you have no idea who she/he/they is/are. One part said, 'I could never start my own business’ the other part would go, ‘let's try it!.’ Whatever I want to be?, successful, brave, hard- working, relax, blue hair?, that's who I'm going to be.
The Messages
There's a natural progression to your self evolution. You might not notice but you have grow a lot Pile one. Steadily, becoming someone you alway admire. Now you're standing in that position or could be in that position. Example, you saw a singer on stage doing an amazing job and she really inspire you and you want to be like her one day. Well, one day is here or will be here shortly. Give yourself some credit, you grew up beautifully despite going through horrid events after events. Heartbreak after heartbreak. You bloomed purely, and will continue to do so. One minute you're a child and the next you are a teenager and a young adult. And next an adult. Life moves fast but you did not waste time. You used it to your advantage. Time did not used you. Maybe who you are chasing to become, has alway been there all along.
"What if we already are, who we been dying to become" this quote is from the song you got, Four by Sleeping at Last.
Have more faith and trust in yourself. You are progressing naturally, beautifully, unfolding.
Quote- "Because we can't see what's ahead, you have to trust that the dots will connect in your future."
Trust that the person you need in any situation will appear. Appear almost alway, it's you. You are that person.
Affirmation : "I give myself permission to be alone, connect with myself and appreciate my solitude"
Signs: 77, 678, VII, baby breath, Mirror
Song : Four by Sleeping At Last
What if we already are Who we've been dying to become In certain light, I can plainly see A reflection of magnificence Hidden in you Maybe even in me
🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫 You Are Loved 🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫
Pile 2🍊 - “Life Lesson” by @cant-find-my-name
Human aren't perfect
The lesson wasn't learn
So let try again
And learn it one more time,
You'll get infinite chances
Who to say enough is enough?
Except you of course, remember
You have all the say
You are the Authority of your life
No one should drive it
You must make your own decisions
And live by it
Or else, resentment will come
If you give your life control
By someone
This poem is about learning the same lessons twice, thrice or even fourth times. Doesn't matter as long as we are still trying to learn. As long as we are alive and growing. As long as it take to learn the lesson of life. As long as you don't give up on life. Chances are infinite, if only you give it to yourself. People tend to give limited/ restricted timeline to their life for whatever reason. Example, I should have marry before turning 30 or I'm 39 why aren't my goals and dream coming true?. The one to accept those as truth is you and only you. You have to make your own choice. This poem talked about making decision for you, no one else. Or else when you have to live a life by that decision, you may find yourself hating the person you made it for. Example, I made a decision to go to college and did medicine, not because I want to but I did it for my parent. That mean the lesson has not been learn and you are living a life not for you. And there will come a day, the choices will come again, and it will be up to you to make the decision. Will you continue the same path, the same pattern or will you choose yourself for once?. This is the idea where the poem is based on.
The Messages:
It's okay to start again. The new ideas or project or business plan that you are considering, Go for it. It is alright to begin anew, leave behind what didn't work out because it was just an experienced. We shouldn't judge an outcome from our experienced whether they are successful ones or not so successful. Because all of them are equally ours and all of them were necessary to teach us what we needed to learned at that time. Time for a new outlook, you are afraid to be disappointed like before but you are not the same person as you were. If your goals is abundance, isn't it better to try every ways we can towards it?. Give it its rightful justice by trying many different paths towards it. Trying just one path or one way and called it quit, seem inconclusive.
It is time to start again, with experienced, so we can heal what didn't work out, so we can become more secure in our decision. So we can trust our decision again. We can alway trust our decision, even when it lead us where we didn't want to go. But it will alway lead us where we needed to be. Expand our usual path and see if we can get to our goal a different way. Get yourself to a place where, 'it's okay if it happened and it's okay if it doesn't happen'. The outcome doesn't affect my sense of self. Don't give up on your dreams even if it doesn't work, this time. It just mean you are giving another chance to do it again, differently.
Affirmations: "I am brave enough to do what I need to do. I believe in myself. I can do it."
"I am strong enough and will be okay with the outcome"
Signs: 34, SWORDS, Ginger, Ranunculus, snail
Song: AM I DREAMING by Lil NAS x Miley Cyrus
Every song Every dream filled with hell from beyond As I'm sinkin', I relive the story Every try Every breakthrough and every cry As I'm sinkin', I relive the story
🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫 You Are Loved 🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫
Pile 3🍉 - “Let It Go / Dandelion” by @cant-find-my-name
Let it go, Dandelion with the wind
Don't let the failures
Tattooed on your skin
Cause nothing is ever worth your
Even if it is war
Even if it didn't work out
Now you know
You deserve so much more,
Rejection isn't a destination
It is part of this journey
Giving in doesn't mean giving up
The most important lesson in life is
Knowing when
Enough is enough
This poem is about accepting 'failures' or things that didn't work out, such as a relationship, a goals, a destination. We all have things that we planned or things that we expected it to be. Like I entered into a business partnership and I expected it to be going well. It is important to focus on the positive side of thing but when it didn't work out like how you hope, which it will alway happened, can you accept it?. Most people find it easy to accept success but find it difficult to accept failures. Which is understandable, however, that won't do because success and failures goes hand in hands and things that didn't work out is part of life or should be part of normal life not an end all be all situation.
This poem is also about giving up. Not in a ‘give up on life' kind of energy buy more of surrendering the outcome to the Divine. If and when you tried your best and it didn't go your way or even when it did, the outcome you want doesn’t serve you anymore. It is alright to give up, it is alright to quit. To change our mind. To change our mind is not alway equating failure. It just mean the things we're going for is no longer in alignment with us anymore. Such as, changing your major halfway through college, changed career path, your goals, your values, your style, etc. These things within us are ever changing. This poem summarisation is that things are ever changing and that it is OKAY. We need to know when enough is enough, with ourself, our goals, our life.
The Messages:
Keep going as you are. Do not stop. Keep your momentum because you will get to where you are headed. Even if it by fears or desperation or anxiety. Still, take your step by step. Concentrated on the positive, what worked out for you not what didn't. You will have a choice to make in regards to your stability and security. In a way, that is what you're going towards. A place where you can make a choice. To be able to choose is a privilege. To be able to choose is empowering. A position where a limited mindset could never be in. 'There's no choice or it is how it is', you know that's not true. That's limited mindset. You alway know that everyone have a choice, they just choose not to have one and blame external circumstances. But when you're in your power and honour yourself, the most empowering choice would be, choosing yourself. Most won't do it, because it's too much to take. But despite your hesitant Pile 3, you are asked to choose yourself and keep going. Start choosing yourself and never stop, because one day, you will reach that inner security you're alway craving. It isn't in any external things, money, status, groups, but within us, there's a voice that have never been heard because we never listen. But once you do, they are not stopping you Pile 3, whoever you're looking for to guide the way, that person is YOU. Repeat the affirmation to yourself Pile 3, "you are not a failure. You are talented, capable, strong and are going places."
Affirmation: "I am capable, I am talented, I am a gift"
Signs : 248, 24, Horses, Twin, Baby, Greek Goddess, Red Rose
Song: You're on your own, kids by Taylor Swift
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this I hosted parties and starved my body Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
The jokes weren't funny, I took the money My friends from home don't know what to say I looked around in a blood-soaked gown And I saw something they can't take away
'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets Take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid
🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫 You Are Loved 🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫
Pile 4⭐️- ‘Safe Blanket’ by @cant-find-my-name
The world seem to be against
But you whispered in my ears
'That's not true, why don't you look closely'
Stop telling yourself lies
The sky only bring you calm
The trees evokes your peace
The stars shared your longing,
Curious eyes filled with
The world is here for you
If only you let yourself be
And let yourself see
The Meaning :
This poem is about not being negatively bias because human tends to do that. We tend to look for the flaws first, for things that didn't work out. For things that we don't have, for things that's wrong. It's natural to do that but again, Negatively bias brain. Because in reality, it is not as bad as it seem. This poem is to act as a reminder that the Universe is working for me, not against me. There are tree, ocean, sky, beautiful nature all around. As long as you live on this earth and respect it, it will do the same. You are not targeted, you are not the only one feeling pain, no one is out to get you. The tree will only give you peace if only you let it. We must opened our eyes and our heart to truly appreciate earth's beauty. Our first Mother will alway be Mother Earth, Mother Gaia and we are her children. Mother earth is our home and where ever you go , there are nature, and where there are nature, then that is also your home. This poem remind us that we belonged in nature, within this earth. If when ever you feel unsafe, ungrounded, alway look for the tree, go towards nature because she is alway there for you.
The Messages:
Success is yours Pile4 , what ever success means to you. It is your birthright to shine in this world. Victory in life is your birthright. So rest, let the worries, the what's if? the doubts go. Let it flow down the drain and let us bath in this world divinity. Let the world carries you towards where you aim to go, to your destination. Anything you wish for will be aided by the Universe.You know Pile 4, that you are very lucky, very privilege in this life. You are in a position people would envied. People see you and goes 'that person got the best end of the stick in life’. And acknowledge that but in a way, it's because you alway believed that the Universe is working for you and never against you. You rest assured that The Universe alway have your back. And when you believe in something like that, there's nothing in life you can't do. You don't limit yourself to what you can or cannot do. You don't limit yourself to what you can or cannot have. To who you can and cannot be. “The world is against me...." is just an excuse and a lie.This poem helped you see that you got the biggest allied at your side. So go through life knowing you are loved and supported. Cause you are. Go through life rest in the knowing that you are okay or you alway will be okay and you are not alone on your journey.
Affirmation: "I release limiting beliefs and empowered myself to achieve more."
Signs: 77, leaves, horse, Yellow house, Gold
Songs: The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
Tell me once again I could have been anyone, anyone else Before you made the choice for me My feet knew the path We walked in the dark, in the dark I never gave a single thought to where it might lead
🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫 You Are Loved 🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫
Thank you so much for reading!. Please let me know what you think. See you soon!
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☀️Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my original poetry
🍉Check out my YouTube channel for more Pick-A-Card!! : PoemNic-Tarot
🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫 You Are Loved 🐋 🦢 ☁️ 🫧 💫
69 notes · View notes
poemnic-tarot · 11 months
🌗 Master List 🌒
Here are a list of my Pick-A-card topics
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Total Works: 11
Pick-A-Cards Topics
What Messages does the Universe have for you?
Reassurance From The Universe
What does your Higher-Self want to say to You?
Channeled Messages From Your Soulmate Higher self
Light & Shadow. What part of yourself you cannot see?
Pick a Poem to see Your Messages!
What types of Beauty are you?
Intuitive Channeled Messages for You
What types of Villains are you?
Who Are You In Your Friends Group? - Haikyuu! Edition
Timeless Prediction, the next 3 Months (Paid Reading Option)
🌿 🌱 🍁 🌾 ✨ 🌙 You Are Loved 🌙 ✨ 🌾 🍁 🌱 🌿
If you love my pick a card reading and want a personal reading specifically just for you. I have created a Paid Reading💸 section below. I intended to do more topic in the future but I just want to start with the simple monthly predictions. This is quite a challenge for me and it is something I've never done before, so if you are interested I would kindly ask you to please be patient with me. Thank you so much!🦋
If you are interested and would like to support me, I am so grateful for you!. Thank you in advance!!🍓🥰 and watch out for more later!
💸🍀Paid Reading🍀💸
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🍀Options Available:
The next 4 month forecast - see the post for the exact lay out. Layout : Plus one specific question of your choice for each month
2.Coming soon
🍀How To Apply:
Optional : use below as draft if you want
Dear PoemNic
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I would like to request a personal reading on (1.the next 4 months forecast) please and thank you.
My 4 specific questions for each month are: .....................
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My Tarot reading is only to be use for guidance and entertainment purposes only. Energy is alway shifting and changing. These predictions are only to be use as a guidelines for your life, not an end all be all. Please used with personal discernment.🧿
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You must be 21 years or older to order a request
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🌙 🌕 🪲 ☀️ 🍃 You Are Loved 🌙 🌕 🪲 ☀️ 🍃 🌙
Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my Original poetry or Follow my IG PoemNic🪲
Check out my YouTube channel for more Pick A Card - PoemNic-Tarot
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🌙 🌕 🪲 ☀️ 🍃 You Are Loved 🌙 🌕 🪲 ☀️ 🍃 🌙
21 notes · View notes
poemnic-tarot · 1 year
Light & Shadow. What part of yourself you cannot see?
1 -2
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(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
Pile 1🪲
Light: Buffalo, Son of Pentacle. “I haven't met all of me yet"
"It was never a question of biology of nature or nurture. I know now that we healed up through being loved and through loving others"
Light side that you don't see about yourself Pile 1, is that you are a slow and steady win the race kind of person. This trait is very admirable because whereas a lot of people would have get impatient and give up. You slow and steadily and patiently work toward what you want. Your trust in yourself and where you can go is unmatched. Your faith in your abilities, skills and the Divine is quite rare and extremely admirable.
You know deep within your heart that in order to grow a flower you must tend to it consistently, diligently and with love and care. We grow more beautiful where we are loved. You know that in order to be successful in your ventures (whether it's career, hobbies or relationships) it does need hard work, consistently and most importantly, faith in your own ability to make it work. And you have it, you have this faith in yourself that you might not realised.
You are also a very loyal person whether to people you considered your people or even to a particular place, or brand. You are a person who does not give up easily (especially in relationship). When someone need a reassurance or help solving a problem, they would definitely come to you Pile 1, because whether you know it or not a lot of people think of you first when they come across an impossible challenge. They would go "oh Pile 1 can definitely do it". This is not in a "I'm going to used Pile 1 to solve my problem for me" kind of way, but in a more, admirable for your skill, talent and your ability to overcome any impossible challenges. However, there is no obligation for you to help someone if you do not want to. But this is what your light side want to say to you that you have not been noticing.
"We are hard to kill, hard to defeat, our faith in the heaven and ourselves is unrivalled. We alway get what we want eventually and people trust us completely and they are right to because any challenges coming our way will be inevitably defeated. So trust in our ability to walk through mud and dark forest."
"I trust myself to go through hell because I trust myself to get out"
The word to describe your light side is Persistent. Which means it will never die. And that’s really scary to be honest. Persistently shining no matter what come at it.
Poems : Revaluation by @cant-find-my-name
There’s alway going to be a losing battle
It’s an inevitable encounter
But that doesn’t mean you should
Lose hope,
Failure doesn’t alway mean the end
As long as you’re breathing
You can still follow
The string of rope
That has alway been tied to you
And your fated destination…..
Song: The Rumbling by SiM
Shadow : Fire ant, 7 of swords. “This moment will just be another story someday"
Where there's light, there will alway be a shadow. One cannot exist without the other. Pile 1, your shadow side that you cannot see is that you tend to not be as discerning as you could have been about what you're getting into or committed to. You are a very committed person, hard to give up when you're decided to do something, but that also means, you can get stuck on a situation or promises that you can't fulfil. Or can fulfil but at your own expense and that can indicate a poor discernment on whether what you are committing to is worth it or not. Whether what you're committing to is a person, a job, or even a hobbies, a brand etc, bring you nothing but drama, headaches, negativity, gossips, overall not good energy.You might have to ask yourself, 'why do I feel like I need to be loyal to these kind of people, places, brands, etc?'. When all you get in return is anything but peace.
Your shadow self urges you to be very discern on who you share your secret or even your goals with because they might not have the best intention. Even if you think there's no harm in sharing them, or because you're very passionate and excited to share your ideas.Your shadow urges you to protect them for a while, unless, rumours will spreads and your name will be at the centre. Not in a good way. Your shadow have a tendency to overshare and spreads informations that you, yourself are still unsure about. You might think it's fine, no big deal but your words are quite powerful and people tend to listen to you and take your words seriously, so please be extra careful on what you are saying about other people and about yourself. Because weirdly, people tend to remember what you said to them or about them distinctly.
Poem: You wish by @cant-find-my-name
…….. You hated my wings
You aimed and try
To shoot it down
Too many times
But miss and then
It hit
And we both were surprised
To find a phoenix
Rising from ashes
Once again, the dead did not collect
However much
You Wish
Songs : Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
Book : Focus by Daniel Goldman
🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡
Pile 2🌻
Light : Dragon, 4 of Pentacles. “And when tomorrow comes, you'll call it today. Time remains an illusory play."
Pile 2, What you did not see about your light side is that, you are quite a powerful person, specifically a powerful manifestor. I get a feeling that there's nothing you cannot manifest. As well as, you are extremely intuitive, even psychic. You can sense and see illusions, and things ordinary person would not be able to even comprehend. You have quite a skill and a good grasp of concept of realms and dimensions, and you are not even just powerful here in the 3D, but it seems you are quite active in many places/realms/realities/dimensions. Your light is strong, wide spreads. You see all, no lies or illusion can go passed you. It would be hard to fool or scam you Pile 2.
Your light side that you cannot see, yet, is that it can create something from nothing. Entrepreneurial vibes, build something up from the ground, from your own will power alone. And you have scarily good instinct Pile 2. Your success, in the materials world come from your own ideas and intuition. Never underestimate what you feel, even without proof, because almost, alway, you were right. It would be hard to play or even attack you Pile 2, not even just in the 3D, but also you are extremely aware in all realms/realities/dream realms, etc. One word to describe your light side is "Omnipotent",see all. Trust what you see or feels because that's your light speaking to you.
You also have extremely good self-control. It's hard to budge you from your goal, on what you decided to go for. Example, when you say you're not going to drink for a month, you won't. No amount of temptation or cajoling would break you down. Even when you attended a party full of alcohol. You still did not lose self control. This is one of the light side that you might not realised is within you Pile 2. Your light side is very protected of you, whether you know it or not, nothing can get pass you.
Poem : Hidden strength by @cant-find-my-name
My heart is brave but my mind is not
How can I make my intrusive thoughts
Red flag, red light, demonise
Why do I think that everyone is a devil in disguise
Why can’t I believe in goodness
Kind heart, My angels, my spirit guides
I need more trust in me
I don’t want to be stuck
With my shadow for what seem like Eternity,
Kindness, kind heart, innocent,
That was all I am
Why can’t I see that I’m strong?
Strong enough to banish what doesn’t
Song: Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves
Shadow side : Horse, 2 of Swords, “To tell the different between the absence of treatment opposed to the evidence of mistreatment"
"You don't notice your progress in life because you are alway raising the bar"
Pile 2, a shadow side that you did not see is that you tend to be extremely hard on yourself. Expect yourself to alway be doing something, anything. Achieving things, finishing one goal and what's next?. Alway planning the next steps ahead without taking the time to reflect and truly think on why you need to fulfil that particular goal so bad. This shadow trait love to watch you go way past your limit. Push yourself over the edge for something that doesn't fulfil you truly. Maybe reevaluate your priory, examine your list/tasks that you deemed important and see if self-care, relaxation is on that list. Because it is important for you to be doing nothing, to have fun doing absolutely nothing. It would be quite dangerous for you to be so concentrated on the material world, because it is a black hole where when one has fallen down, it's nearly impossible to come back up. Your shadow trait want you to questioned and reflect on, what do you consider to be 'true wealth'?.
Pile 2, sometimes you go too far, do almost anything to achieve your goals and watch out for that. When you found yourself compromising your integrity and personal values to get what you want. Then it's really time to reevaluate your priority.
Poem: Plateau Fever by @cant-find-my-name
Can you promise me something?
Let me be happy, give me my peace
As I learned my lesson
Nothing was taken
But nothing was given either
And I’m here flowing
Stuck in this Plateau Fever
Never dream of betterness
Thought it was impossible
A star too far to grab
Now my mindset is shifting
Now I believe in the better
I know goodness
They do last
Song : My Little Love by Adele
Book : Circe by Madeline Miller
🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡
Pile 3🪁
Light : Lamb, Son of Pentacles. "And there will be nights when your life will fall apart and no one will notice the morning you spent putting it back together"
(Quite similar to Pile 1, might want to check it out)
Pile 3, Light side of yourself you cannot see is that you are a very honest person. Trust worthy and have a strong integrity. People can/ tend to trust you with their delicate secret, such as, their credit card number, affairs etc. That is how trust worthy you are. You are also a grounded person, lots of earth energy. People feel safe and protected around you pile 3, like you have their back and are extremely reliable, especially in an emergency. They know to trust you to tell them the truth, tell them like how it is, even if it's not pleasant to do so. "Truth is a gift", and your light side is like a gift to the people. Precious, special, delicate but not fragile.
You are also very determined and patient. Slow and steady win the race kind of person. You are a type to bring support, lift people up and contribute in a big way into people lives, not adding drama, troubles or headaches. Life is easier for people, with you in their life Pile 3. You are very patient and consistent in every area of your life, work, friendship, hobbies, etc. People know what to expect from you and that is a good thing because this light trait of yours make people feel a sense of stability, predictability, and reliability. You have this consistency in your character which make people trust quite easily. "I know pile 3 will come prepare, or Pile 3 will alway have my back."
Your light side or maybe physical vessel might seem delicate but people would be shocked with how much you can endured or how much you had gone through pile 3.People would never guess that you had such a hard time because you come across as someone who have everything in order and there is nothing that is wrong in your life. But that just how you come across, even in your energy, but that is not necessary the truth. The truth is Pile 3, you went to shit, hell and back and able to make it look easy and effortless. Just another day in the office. But if people were to be in your position they would be shocked in how much you have to carried on your shoulders (traumas wise), and surprised by how light you still are, despite what you went through?. It's a mystery to the people and a testament to your strength.
Your light side is strong Pile 3, but in a way that's unexpected. You are strong in your honesty, vulnerability, your conviction and your ability to stand your ground. Your light side can get you through any bad situations and come out on top, come out still you, every time.(Pure) Because whereas most people would give up, you continue to step forward, step by step, consistently, no matter the weathers. That is why people trust you so much because they know you will alway show up no matter what, for them, for yourself, for justice.
Poem : The Truth Doesn’t Sell by @cant-find-my-name
No sooner or later
You’d notice an elephant in the
Living room
The clouds obscuring the
Plants growing between concrete
Your silence spreads
Like deadly diseases……
(See full poem at @cant-find-my-name )
Song: Back to You by Flower Face
Shadow: High Priestess/Octopus. "When you love what you have, you have everything"
Pile 3
You got a major arcana (High Priestess) as your shadow self. This means that you got a major part of your self hidden in the shadow that you haven't been brought to light, yet. This side of you have an extremely strong intuition but you tend to ignore it. This side of you seem to questioned the intangible, the magic, the sprit side of thing. The things that cannot be proven, which means it's not real right?. Sometime the truth is in the feeling Pile 3,no need to touch it, cause you can't touch emotions but emotions are very real even though it's not tangible. This shadow side find it hard to trust in the unknown. You can trust hard work, day to day, the result from it, but a miracle that strike like lightning and made no sense and come from no where?, No way!. This shadow side of yours find it hard to have faith in the Divine. It is so attached and stuck in the 3D. Maybe too focused on what you can see, and ignore the sighs from your very strong, very real intuition, where you have to closed your eyes to see. Not everything that you think you need is in the 3D will bring that sense of security you are alway chasing.This shadow trait of yours, Pile 3, would have you work extra hard, extra diligent to get that promotion, that car, that house because you think you need it in order to feel secure and safe in this world. But true security comes from within, it come from connection within ourselves first and foremost and the connection between you and the source/Divine.That is the true security where it will truly make you feel safe in this world, the ability to trust one’s own intuition and something bigger than us.
Whenever you feel the need to chase that achievement in order to feel secure, sit still and connect with your own intuition because it would tell you to stop looking externally. It would tell you that you are enough as you are. You are the person you can love 100%.Your shadow self want you to trust in something bigger than yourself more.
Poem: Guiding light by @cant-find-my-name
Walk with me
Take my hand
I’ll guide you to where I am
Passing hidden memories
The illusion that drown out the
I’ll replace it back to you
And show you the Objective truth….
(See full poem at @cant-find-my-name )
Song : Two by sleeping at last
Book : Wisdom of insecurity by Alan Watts
🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡
Pile 4🥨
Light: Crocodile/Ace of Pentacles."People liked to focus on the things they couldn't have"
Pile 4, your light side is very patient, wise and observant. You have great inner discernment and wisdom to know what actually really matter. What is truly important. You know where to focus on to achieve your goals or to even be in a fulfilment/peaceful state in life. You know what to focus on in your life, which is the positive side of life. You take your time before you rush into things. Impulsiveness is not in your vocabulary. You need to observe and gather important information in order to make your move on anywhere or anything, whether that is a project, relationships. You might be good in investment, or a start up because you have the characteristic for it. Example, where people would focus on the profit, fame, status of entrepreneurialship. However, your light side know what to focus on, which is what is truly most important in life, the service, how can your business serve your community. How can we be of service to this earth, the humanity?.These are the big question your light side have an eyes for. You can see the whole picture, while most people only focused on themselves and what they can gain. Pile 4, you would make a stable, consistent leader. It's hard for you to succumb to instant gratification, you would be surprise how much you can hold back more than average on instant gratification,when you know the wait is worth it.Example, you won't buy a cheap furniture right now and saved and invested in a good quality ones where it will last you longer. Your ability to wait to strike when the timing is right is a strength you might not notice about your self because it just comes naturally to you, and Pile 4, when you strike at something, you never miss.
Poem: Kindness win by @cant-find-my-name
How kind of you to smile when you rather
How kind of you to say ‘sorry’ first
How kind of you to notice unhappiness
In someone
How kind of you to hold the door
Every little gestures count
The impact life changing sometime
And you may never notice
How kind you are or the choices you made
Were kind……..
Song : come back home by BTS
Shadow: Horse/Justice."What suffering is behind your anger?"
Pile 4, your shadow side that you might not see is that you have more choices than you think. There might have been a limited mindset or limited viewpoint that you have.You might be unconsciously believed that your choice is limited. Your shadow side believes, that true freedom doesn't really exist. There has to be sacrifice, alway. There is no such things as true freedom. This side of yours feel limited, caged in, like you have to choose this or that and one is right and one is wrong, so you better choose the right one. Pile 4, the world is not black or white. There are truly no right or wrong choice for you to make, just one where it would benefit you or benefit others. Some choice might be right and seems wrong and vice versa, and some choices can be both. It's not neither or, it either and. I think this side of your feel that it has been making choices/ choosing a path that might have been benefiting others more than yourself, to the point of imbalance. Where it cannot helped but feel resentment towards others even though it was your own choice to do so. Example, I want to go for that promotion but since this co-worker of mine also want to, I choose not to and give it to them instead because they need it more?, something like that. And this side of yours that really want to go for that promotion wondered why can't we strive for it?, for our goals?, for ourselves.
Why do we have to make a choice benefiting others but not us?, what about us?. Why we need to hold back our momentum because of others?. Your shadow want you to run free, especially with your choices, express your wants and needs more. Want to dye your hair red?, go for it, no need to think if that person will approve of it or not. It is not their decision to make but yours. Go for what you aim for without the need to see if everyone is okay with it or not. You will find your buried anger/resentment will be abated after you acknowledge this shadow trait of yours, notice when you tend to hold back even to your own detriment, example, not confessing your feeling for A because you know B likes A, so you would give your way to B. Say it for yourself, do it for you. And F other people for once.
Poem: Show me by @cant-find-my-name
Surely, I must be sick
On the verge of death
The longing so deep
So agonising
Yearning for a miracle to exist
Or else, all my ability to feel
Will simply perish
I’ve lived on this earth
For far too long
To not be falling in love
Or be loved in return……
Song : Signs of the time by Harry Styles
Book : Atomic Habits by James Clear
🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡 ⭐️ ☀️ 🖤 🦋 🧡
Thank you so much for reading!. If this resonate please leave a tip if you like. See you soon!
Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my original poetry
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poemnic-tarot · 1 year
Channeled Message from Your Soulmate’s Higher Self
(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
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🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 1🌠 “Twin flames”
“I want to acknowledge your mastery of your own emotions. I love that you’ve learned not to control or shame your emotion but accept them for what they are. Your inner strength really shine through and it wasn’t easy so I want to congratulate you on that hard earned achievement, my love. Now your emotion can’t hold you back anymore from taking action. They do not dictate what you can or cannot do because frankly, there is nothing you can’t achieve in this world. You can basically manifest anything.
You are very intuitive and even psychic when we first met and I noticed that about you. I was surprised by how much you were able to pick up on. My feeling particularly because I was not that expressive. You’ve showed me how to balance between true inspired action and just doing things for the sake of doing it. It was hard for me to give something up or abandoned things I’ve started, even when I know it was passed due to do so. Leaving things,letting go of attachment is hard for me. I am the type to keep on reading a book or watching a movie till the end even when I am dead bored of them. There’s no reason for me to continue but there wasn’t a reason for me to leave either. So I’m stuck I guess, I’m very good at getting myself stuck, in the middle, hanging in- between staying or going. But you told me you found that endearing for some reason and gently took my hand and guide me out of my self- imposed prison. You have helped me heal my wound of abandonment, maybe that’s why it was hard to say goodbye to things and leave them, even though they do not serve me anymore.
I admire your sense of adventure, you are the most expressive person I’ve ever met. Even if you don’t know that about yourself. I feel quite a strong kinship with you, like this is not our first rodeo on this earth. Perhaps, we often have more adventures in our dreams, I know I do dreamt of you quite often. I just want to let you know that I love you, I love who are and who you were and who you are trying to become. Every versions of you amazed me cause your true strength alway shines through every time and I will alway recognised your bright essence anywhere.”
Your Soul Family
Signs: Rose, Lion/big cats, 111, Infinity, Pine trees,Crescent Moon
Love Quotes: "In the end, we all just want someone that chooses us over everyone else under any circumstances."
Song: I See the Light from Tangle
“….And at last I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
Love Poem verse : Twin flames by @cant-find-my-name
…I recognised negative traits needed
To be discard,
When we met, I think I’ve found myself
The missing piece, part of my soul
Ah, you’re my Twin flames
When I met you I know
We’re one and the same
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 2🍄 If Magic Was Real
"I hope you are taking time to fully sit in your emotions and grieve. It is okay to express your emotion, in fact, it is crucial if you need to cry or break down or just lose it emotionally. Give yourself that permission to do so. You might think that it's strong of you to keep it together for the sake of others or yourself. That it is so mature of you to do so but darling, there need to be a balance. You need to heal but you won't be able to heal if you won't let yourself feel all of your sadness. If you need to cry, cry it out I will be here with you. You are not alone in your sorrows. I would like to give this song to you, maybe it would help "Chiquitita by Cher". It seem you have broken a feather but don't worry, we will try to patch it up together.
I want to tell you that a renewal is coming to you. It was a hard chapter that you just experienced and I hate seeing you pretending to be fine. But your sad eyes is not fooling anyone. It is okay to be sad,to be angry, to let it all out ( in a healthy way not in a self destructive way please). I admired you for holding it together for this long, but more than anything, I want you to let go. Be vulnerable with yourself, I think that is the most beautiful thing. Witness the spectrum of human emotions, it is beautiful. It is time to rest in your nest for awhile until you’re able to fly again. Take all the time that you need, grieve all that there is, broken relationships, friendships, nostalgia. Whatever it is, I am alway there. Listen to music because I love sending you messages through these songs, it has really helped me through my hard time. So I’m hoping music could be a little comfort to you at this time. Take some time for yourself love, cause you definitely need it. Trust me that the sun will rise once more, and all that happened will just been a hard learned lesson and you’ve definitely learn a lot from it.
I know that the real you is not a sad person. You are the most vibrant, radiant, happiest soul I know. And sadness doesn’t suit you one bit, as well as pretending to be happy. You shine best when you are true to your feeling. Winter is over and I cannot wait to welcome you back into the season of spring.”
Your Soulmate
Signs: Black feathers, birds, 55, Tears drop
Love Quote : “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
Song : Chiquitita by Cher
Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I’m a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I’m the one you must rely on
You were alway sure of yourself
Now, I see you’ve broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together
Love Poem verse: If Magic Was Real by @cant-find-my-name
.. The world seem kind
When you’re around
To believe again
Is easy
When you’re with me
If Magic is real
It is where you’ll be
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 3🫧 I’ll Never Forget
“You’re working so hard and so am I. We’re trying to do our own work, slowly building strong foundation for the future. Maybe out of fears than anything. This anxiety to keep on going, to do better and better, to improve, constantly striving for a better future. I get it, I feel it too, however, if we keep on going like this eventually our life forces will run out. And physically we can become ill and I really don’t want that for you. So I’m here to let you know that you can slow down, what you feared will not come true. Your deep, dark fears will not come alive. If you think you can’t stop because you think that the fears you feel will transpire. No, it will not, you’ve work hard enough. Outwardly and internally, I’ve watched you tried and tried and alway striving to do better. To be better, but honey, you are already enough for me. You alway will be, regardless of what you did or what you didn’t do or what you will do. I will alway believe that your existence alone is enough for me. To sooth my soul, to lift my spirit up. You don’t have to do anything for me, I am happy just to be with you, to exist with you, to be by your side and bath in your lovely presence
I know you have struggled from a lack mentality, I don’t know if you notice that about yourself. And that is nothing to be ashamed of , I‘m struggling with it too. I understand how you feel, no matter how much you have or how much you do, you just feel it’s never enough. True abundance come from the inside. And you are already enough with the proof that your heart beats for you, the blood flowing in your vein is proof that we meant to exist here as we are. No more, no less.
Please rest assured love, and take a break once in a while. Do something that’s not related to work. I want you to practice winding down, practice letting go and relaxing. No one ever teach us how to truly relax and it is a skill, it doesn’t come naturally to us and we can help each other relax. We can practice together, practice just existing without shame or guilt, or a pit in our stomach that things will go wrong if you don’t do anything. I want you to learned to have fun because when we’re together, it’ll become a skill that will help our relationship a lot. I want to have fun together with you and for you to tell me all about your adventures, your travels and your crazy journey. I can’t wait to just sit down and be with you. Take a vacation with you and have the time of our lives. You are my vacation home.”
Love from,
Your Honey bear
Signs : 88, Roses, Games, Festival, Spider, Designer brand
Love Quote : “I know from that first moment we met. It was not love at first sight exactly but familiarity. Like ‘oh hello’, it’s you. It’s going to be you.”
Song : Voyage by Kep1er
“The sound of waves surging in
Far beyond the horizon
Between the clouds, we going high
Follow me in my way
When the gentle breeze blows
Close your eyes and feel it
We arrived to an unfamiliar island
slowly open your eyes
Love Poem verse: I’ll Never Forget by @cant-find-my-name
Loneliness is a disease
But I think you’ve just cure me,
You make me so happy
I don’t recognise myself,
You warmed my hand
Around your coffee mug
And asked if I’m alright
Your voice sounded worried
And there’s concern sincerity’s in
Your eyes.
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Pile 4🌙Each Night
“Good evening, I hope to meet you again in our dream. I know you dreamed of me and questioned it. Believe in yourself my little star. Your dream is not lying to you. It is alright to hope, to wish, to believe in the impossible. Please don’t think that it’s ridiculous or childish to believe in true love, in soulmate and fairy tales. Because you’re not wrong to hope. Your soulmate exist and you know that but your fears trying to convince you otherwise. I am your soulmate and my message to you is to believe in me. I want to validate your feeling, your extraordinary senses. Your wish in that little star?, I heard it, the universe heard it too and we listen. To all of your wishes and it was not ridiculous of you to wish for love, true love. It is not unrealistic, or rose colour glasses. It is just something that you know you deserve and want to feel. We do not shame or guilt ourself for asking for more love.
I am alway with you, in your dream, in your waking life, in our past lives. That is why you can feel my presence so strongly. It is not just from your imagination. I want to assured you that, it is real. I am as real as the bark of a tree. I can feel you too but truthfully, my 3D self is not as intuitive as you. I tend to brush things off when they don’t make sense, so please don’t be like me.Things doesn’t need to make sense now,it will eventually come together. Unfolding naturally, beautifully. I know you see my signs everywhere and is questioning reality. You are not going mad, just a head up from me. We will meet soon, in a way that you won’t believe. I won’t either but we both know that we wish for this desperately. Earth has been achingly lonely for me. And knowing you exist have helped alleviate the ache a bit. I want you to take your time with life, don’t rush cause when we come together, we can continue this journey together in an even pace,step by step.
Signs : North Star, Dove, Diamond shape, Cocoon of a butterfly, 8910, 2020
Love Quotes: “He loves you very much” she said, but more than that, he cares for you. Sometimes love is not as important as truly caring for the other person.
Song : Surefire by John Legend
“Let me breath you in ‘till gravity bends
And we fall through the hole in the light
Make this our kingdom
Somewhere where good love conquers and not
Love Poem verse : Each Night by @cant-find-my-name
Oh distance shore
I beg of you
Please no more,
Please don’t keep us apart
I can’t take it
This is destroying my heart,
We are one and it’s time to be
Together again
Next to each other
Hand in Hand
Feel you touch my skin
Smell your scent
I breathe you in………
🧚🏻‍♀️ 💕 🍀 🌷 🌸 You are Loved 🌸 🌷 🍀 💕 🧚🏻‍♀️
Thank you so much for reading!. If this resonate please leave a tip if you like. See you soon!
Check out more of my original poems at @cant-find-my-name .
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poemnic-tarot · 1 year
What does your Higher Self want to say to you?
(Disclaimer : This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
⚜️ 🕯 🪲 🕸 You Are Loved 🕸 🪲 🕯 ⚜️
Pile One Pile Two
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Pile Three Pile Four
⚜️ 🕯 🪲 🕸 You Are Loved 🕸 🪲 🕯 ⚜️
🎨Pile on🎨
Lily Ponds
Quotes: “See?, we are right. We will alway be okay.”
“With the lost of identity, you now have an unlimited way of acquiring a new one.”
“You have been strong, I know you’re trying so hard to hold on and it’s working. You tried so hard to do the right thing, everyday things and it’s taking everything of you to just breathe. But I’m here to say, you’re doing an amazing job love. And I’m proud of you. I’m proud of how you hold on and alway choose the higher road. The road to healing and in choosing your choice, you will alway come out on top.
We are alway with you, your strength and determination is admired across realms. Being strong enough to let go of attachment take immense inner strength. You could say, get to know your inner demons and learned how they tick and you did it. You did that. And by you doing the work, we are at a better place. So I want to thank you,and I can’t wait to show you who we have become. We got strong but in a different way. Your hope got us to where I am the happiest person in the world. Don’t you alway wanted a pet? But never trust yourself and your capabilities enough to get one??Well, guess what, we did it. We did everything we thought we couldn’t because of what’s holding us back. We did it all because you’re doing the work now and it paid off. I’m reaping all your hard work, if you’re thinking that what you’re doing will not amount to anything. Let me tell you, you’re dead wrong. Keep going dude and hold on to hope and let go of things that’s keeping you Chained. Time to get on a Pegasus and fly and when we decide enough is enough and it’s time to heal. Nothing can stop us.”
How can Pile one love themselves more?
Whispers of Love Card - no. 18 : Embrace your emotions. Allow your feeling to surface and be accepted.
Poem verse- The Devil by @cant-find-my-name
“The Devil broke rank
And step up to me,
It said take my hand
And let it all free
The madness, the resentment,
The rage
Show them what you’re made off
Let it uncage”
Song - Dynasties and Dystopia by Bren Joy, Denzel Curry & Glenda Proby
“I might, just might kick your butt, go run amok then
paint my nails
Never learned to raise my hand, was too busy raising
Everything I know I am, you should go and save
Thought you had my number, huh?
Congratulations, you played yourself”
Signs - Pegasus, Monkey, 11, Pillars of Creation
Movie Recommendation: Princess Mononoke
⚜️ 🕯 🪲 🕸 You Are Loved 🕸 🪲 🕯 ⚜️
🕷Pile Two🕷
Quotes : “Your perception may be affected by your emotions”
“What blocks you from feeling a sense of wholeness each and everyday of your life?”
“Hello, how are you?. Not doing great isn’t it?. You’re thinking about something, something that you just can’t figure out. Are you feeling stuck?. It’s okay, I’m just here to let you know that you can get out of that. It’s not end all be all. Let start fresh, if it isn’t working, why keep going right?. Let try again, let do it all again. Yes, it is a drastic decision to do it all over again but, you’re not starting from nothing. You are starting from experience. This time it will be different because you gained a different perspective and lessons from the previous experience. Let look at it from a different angle yeah?. You alway see a square but let me tell you, you’re right, it is a square. But, time to see a cube now, we’re going beyond level surface. We are diving deeper into things, especially your emotions. Why are you feeling stuck?Stale?, like a piece of bread that’s out for too long. Why does life feel the same?, day after day. Nothing different, nothing change, nothing happening?. Well, your feeling is valid and it is true from where you’re looking, but we both know that no days are ever the same. And that’s the objective truth.
You can make the day different, so different, so drastically different from all other days with just one act. Start something you never did before, like a new hobby or hobbies. Don’t you alway want to try out a new hobby anyway?, volunteer? Doing charity work?. Well, do it, cause I guarantee you from then on, things will never look the same again. I’m here with you, alway. I have witnessed your frustration, know how deep your claustrophobic of the same routine, how deep the fear of it runs. I understand. But good new!, dear, we managed to get ourselves out, out of the metaphorical cage. Believe in the impossible because I’m here to tell you, impossible? I don’t know her. Once I see the solution, the answer has never been clearer. Sleep on it to see one.”
From me,
Your one and only
How can Pile two love themselves more?
Whispers of Love card: no. 15 - Practice Compassion. See things from a fresh perspective.
Poem : Young Love by @cant-find-my-name
Young Love - How I had miss it
Young love did not come to visit
Maybe I was too damaged
Maybe I thought it was too bothersome
Maybe because there wasn’t anyone,
Such life altering crush on a person
Did not befall me
I did not go towards being
Romantically incline,
My youth was full of angst and painful
It would have been more fun
If, and when I was young
I had fell in love with someone
Song: Our Love by Curtis Harding ft. Jasmine Sullivan
���And after all. (After all)
The rain will fall on us two
But I’ll keep movin’on
Proud and strong with you, with you”
Signs : Oak Tree, Blue tit, Blue, Yellow, 104, Feathers
Movie Recommendation : The Sea Beast (animation in Netflix)
⚜️ 🕯 🪲 🕸 You Are Loved 🕸 🪲 🕯 ⚜️
🧚‍♂️Pile Three🧚‍♂️
Quotes : “You don’t notice your progress in life because you are alway raising the bar”
“Just because you can take it doesn’t mean you have to. Suffering is not a superpower.”
“Congratulations!, we did it!!. We alway knew we could do it but to have it confirm in the 3D?, take that life. Every daydreams, all the creations in our head, come alive. FINALLY. I am so proud of you, us, to be able to come this far. It hasn’t been easy my love. But look at us now. Finding our true love, our true passion, finding our path, finally. We nearly give up and give in, listen to all those distractions and the ‘you should you this’ and the ‘you should do that’, infringing on our imagination. Gatekeeping our dreams, I would like to say to those people, “fuck off” politely because no one can stop us when we literally see our dream come alive. We did sacrifice so much just to get here so I would like you to compensate. Take back what you need to. The journey was hard, so now it’s fun time!. Work hard play hard you know?. I know there’s still so much to do and a war to win but, we won this battle. So why not celebrate and bath in all the glory. This is just one in a thousand projects that we can achieve. Once we found our true passion, not even ourselves can stop us.
I love you so much, you need to take care of yourself more. True victory is when you are healthy to enjoy everything that you’ve won. Don’t ever stop dreaming, your imagination is what got you here winning, don’t hide it. Everything beautiful you can think of, can and will come true. Your dreams is coming alive.”
- Love, me
How can Pile 3 love themselves more?
Whispers of love card: No.30 - True Love. This love is once in a lifetime.
Poem verse : A Paradigm Shift by @cant-find-my-name
What you couldn’t see in the past
You can see it now don’t you?
The patterns, repeating like a circle
Life is a vicious cycle
Yet, still new pain formed
On top of old ones that still buried
Beneath it all,
I can see a door
Opening for the first time
But what does it take for me to walk through it?
Songs: Day’n’ Nite by Kid Cudi
“Day and Night (what, what)
I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind
I look for peace but see I don’t attain
What I need for keeps this silly game we play, play
Now look at this
Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me
I try to run but see I’m not that fast
I think I‘m first but surely finish last, last”
Signs: Sparrows, Fireworks, A kiss, Dragon, Peacock
Movie Recommendation: Purple Heart
⚜️ 🕯 🪲 🕸 You Are Loved 🕸 🪲 🕯 ⚜️
🐹Pile 4🐹
Quotes : “You are confident, after all we are one.”
“See?,we are right. We will alway be okay.”
“Sup, guess what?. You’re right, listen to your intuition. There’s a saying, fear is loud but intuition whisper. However, for us, our intuition is screaming. Trust it, whatever you have in mind, it’s coming. The ultimate love you’re seeking? It’s coming. Well, It’s already came to me so trust me when I said, it’s coming to you. Even that beautiful groups of friends you alway wanted to have. Now we have that. Finally right? So many good things are coming for you, be prepare or don’t, either way it’s on it way.
You are loveable, you are amazing and you deserve better. You deserve better people around you and deep down you know that and is waiting for that. So guess what? they’re coming. And you deserve it all love. Every beautiful relationship you’re yearning for. Be confident in that you are worth it all. Everything will work out, no more being alone, cry alone, fear alone, live alone. This life is not meant to be lonely for us. The great love you harboured will be return. Forgive all the ones that did not know how to return your love, or how to give it back to you. They don’t matter anymore. Forgiveness will ease the burning anger in your heart. No point spending your energy on people that are not willing to do it back. We have somewhere else to be, it’s including You & Me. But only for a little while and then, Boom!. Soul family.”
- Kind regards
How can Pile 4 love themselves more?
Whisper of love card : No.29 - Forgiveness.Nothing is gained by holding onto past disappointment.
Poem: Safe Blanket by @cant-find-my-name
“The world seem to be against me
But you whispered in my ear
‘That’s not true, why don’t you look closely’
Stop telling yourself lies
The sky only bring you calm
The trees evoked your peace
The river set you free
The stars shared your longing,
Curious eyes filled with
The world is here for you
If only you let yourself be
And let yourself see”
Song: Nirvana Girl by Sorn (ft. Yeeun)
“I, I’m on my way to be
Nirvana girl, a newer better me
Out of this world, enlightened and free
Nirvana girl, that’s what I’m gonna be
Kinda think it’s crazy how I used to be intimidated
Kinda waiting for someone to
Save me from my indecision
Oh my god, when I should’ve saved myself”
Signs: Candle, Masks, Krystal, Violin, 222, Book, Horse
Movie recommendation: Marriage Story
⚜️ 🕯 🪲 🕸 You Are Loved 🕸 🪲 🕯 ⚜️
Thank you so much!. See you soon!
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poemnic-tarot · 2 years
Reassurance from The Universe, for those of you who need it
(Disclaimer : this is a general reading please only take what’s resonate)
🏹 ✉️ 🦊 🐇 You are loved 🐇 🦊 ✉️ 🏹
Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3 Pile 4
🏹 ✉️ 🦊 🐇 You are loved 🐇 🦊 ✉️ 🏹
Pile 1🎐
Card : You are limitless. You can do anything you choose.
Pile 1, the universe want to reassure you that you are safe and that it is also safe for you to let out your inner child. What you think may be too childish or weird to express in this world, the universe is saying that it is not. It is okay for you to be yourself, fully and freely. Express your authenticity without restraint. Your fear may be relate to when the last time you did this as a child or in the past, you were ridiculed, condemned, or judged. And that may have traumatised you. So you are scare to truly be yourself. But the universe is here to assure you that, you don’t have to be scare anymore.
As well as, when you do that there will be a new discoveries you’ll find. Perhaps a part of you that you did not know. If we spent most of our life keeping one part hidden, then there’s a high chance the rest of us that we haven’t explore or discover yet had also been ignored. And this new side of you that you will be discovering is limitless. There’s no limit as to who you can be. As Oscar Wild once said, “to define is to limit”. You do not need to label this new identity of yours. Think of yourself as an adjective instead of a noun if you’re having a hard time committing to one identity, then simply don’t. Example, you are not just a painter you see, you are everything you can be and think of. You are painting, you are writing, you are creating, you are cooking, you are learning, and so on.
When you let out a part of you that you have been suppressing (maybe since childhood) you will realised your potential and rediscover hidden talents and wisdom and answers that you have alway seek for. All the answer is within you all along. For those of you who create art, bringing those repressed part of you to light can help inspired you and your creativities, if you are having an artist block the solutions lies in the part of you that you’re hiding.
If you can let your true self shine, then you can literally do anything. The Universe just want to tell you that it is safe to be you and express your needs, show your hobbies, opinions or just simply, it is safe for you to exist. It is safe for you to be here in this world as who you are. When tides will be turning if and when you express your true feeling.
Let your inner child out, they want to be heard and explore the world. I know that it is difficult and take a lot of courage to show the world your truest self without the fears of criticism or judgement or comments. But the Universe want to reassure you again that it is worth it and truly nothing bad will come from this, only freedom and love and true acceptance, from yourself and others. True acceptance can only come from others when you have truly already accepted yourself. You are unique Pile 1, and the world need more of that, you will be doing the world a service to simply be yourself.
Affirmations : I am safe and trust others to allow me to express myself truthfully (throat chakra)
I have the strength and energy to do what needs to be done. I have the courage to do it
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless stated otherwise)
Wonders of Art (usually I only write a verse of my poem but I am call to write down the whole poem for you)
Our Art relates to our past
We created pieces inspired by the
Of once who we used to be,
All the pain, and loss
Turned into melodies
And sound of songs,
When we transformed all that lingering
And string it to sing along,
The canvas of colour
Reflect the emotions
We wish to convey
When we have been led astray
Art and poetries brought us back
And in passion
We are here to stay,
Never the one to trust intuition
Ignorant of instinct, did not know
How much inner strength
Would have bring this wondrous creation’
- Wipawee @cant-find-my-name
Song: Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney
‘You might need time to think it over
But I’m just fine moving forward
I’ll ease your mind if you give me the chance
I will never make you cry, c’mon let’s try’
Signs : Unicorn, Swans, Peacock feathers
🏹 ✉️ 🦊 🐇 You are loved 🐇 🦊 ✉️ 🏹
Pile 2🍬
Cards : Focus on Love. Look for the good in everyone
Embrace your emotions. Allow your feelings to
surface and be accepted
Pile 2, the Universe want to reassure you that it is okay to love, or love again. The strong emotion that you are so afraid of that is holding you back from taking a leap of faith, the universe is asking you to ask yourself why do you feel the need to hold back?. This is a crucial point in your life in regards to love (not necessarily have to be only romantic love) something about love in general scare the fxxx out of you. Is it the fear of commitment? Are you afraid to be happy? Or do you think you are under deserving of love that you are getting, or that you fear you do not feel the same love to a particular person as you once did?. Whichever scenario apply to you, but the general theme is love. The universe is assuring you that those emotions of yours are not to be scare of. How you perceive a situation has a lot to do with how you feel about it. Your feelings can alert you to the truth of a situation. And the truth is not as scary as you think. The truth will free you.
Specific message for some, the Universe want to reassure you that you have made the right choice in regards to your romantic partner, or even to your friends or business partner. Do not fall into self sabotaging tendencies to find faults in that relationship to use it as an excuse to end it, because you’re afraid that it’s too perfect to be true. It is not too perfect to be true, it is true.
Please do not be scare to express your love to the ones you love. If they truly love you, they will feel honour to be on the receiving end of your love. Because you love people deeply Pile 2, and that kind of love scare you because you’re afraid that people will not reciprocate your feelings. The Universe is reassuring you that, there is no need to hold back your love. Example, if you want to confess your love to someone, your crush perhaps, do it. There is no greater regrets than the love that have never been express.If you love them truly you will respect their decision in regard to your action. It is time for you to see love in a new, healthier light, not something to be ashamed or scare of. Associate the emotions of love with more positive energy. Love is patient, love is kind, love feels divine.
Don’t hold back your affection or vice verse, if the one you love is being affectionate towards you and you feel uncomfortable because you’re not used to it, express that feelings. Thanks them because expressing loving gestures take immense courage, and you know that don’t you Pile 2?.Tell them that you appreciate their efforts and it’s helping you towards learning how to be more comfortable with receiving love.
Another specific message for some, if you think your partner doesn’t love you because they do not show it, please express this thought of yours to them, your needs and fears, open up. Tell them what it is that you need from them to feel more loved in this relationship, e.g. more praise, touch, etc. And see what’s happen. Do not come to a conclusion without expressing your needs first. And vice verse, ask your partner or friends what you can do to make them feel more loved?.
Do not hold back your affection, do not hold back your love. Whether from expressing it or receiving it because the universe is reassuring you that it is okay to feel all of your emotions. Even the ones that you perceive to be negative. This is a crucial time of your life Pile 2, when you decide not to hold back your love anymore whether to your friends or partner or family members, you will experience love like you never before. It will change your life for the better. The universe love you, unconditionally. You can love too, freely,cause love is abundance and limitless and a source of energy that will transform your whole being.It is okay for you to love and be loved , cause you are made from love. The universe created you with love. You are so Loved.
Affirmations: I release self sabotaging behaviours
I give my self permission to be alone,
connect with myself and appreciate my solitude
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless stated otherwise
And we feel safe in each other arms
I know you would protect me from
Cause Lover
I would do the same
- Wipawee @cant-find-my-name
Song : Perfect by Ed Sheeran
“We are still kids but we’re so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we’ll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I’ll be your man
I see my future in your eyes”
Signs : Dragon, Gold, 1010, Wheel of fortune
🏹 ✉️ 🦊 🐇 You are loved 🐇 🦊 ✉️ 🏹
Pile 3🥀
Card : Slow down.Pause and allow things to unfold.
My Pile 3, the Universe want to reassure you that, it is okay to slow down. Nothing bad will happen or things will not fall apart like you fear if and when you slow down. You are radiating an addictive energy to doing things, even if it isn’t productive or needed at all, a bit toxic masculinity vibe, grinding culture perhaps. You just need to do something because you’re afraid that if you slow down or god forbid enjoy yourself, things will crumble. Pile 3, your fears is ruling you because the reality is not as bad as it seem. Nothing that’s true and stable will crumble, if it did crumble, then it wasn’t stable in the first place.
Fear not, the Universe want to assure you that you can stop, step back, slow down and relax. And just be for awhile without doing anything. Nothing at all, and that includes thinking about doing the thing when you’re supposed to be doing nothing. You deserve rest, you need it, please be kind to yourself and give yourself what you need. If you think you don’t deserve rest, still rest anyway because what most people do not realise is that, rest and relaxation is as essential as eating and sleeping. People think they can’t function without eating or sleeping?, that is also true for resting and relaxation. You can do way more after you rested as opposed to continuing working continuously without stopping. Guess which one is more productive, if you are a person who value true productivity, then rest. Meditate,go for a walk in nature, take a nap , disconnect from technology, do these things instead to rejuvenate your soul because frankly Pile 3, You need rest more than anything else you think you need to do.
You think you can’t take a rest because you want to know the outcome of the situation or the outcome of that hard work you put in. Let go of that need to control. There’s no need to know exactly how things would unfold or turn out. Maybe reflect on why you can’t just let things be, even yourself, why can’t you just let yourself be?. Why do you feel the need to obsessed over everything. Are you scare that the outcome will hurt you if you don’t control it or that things will go wrong if you don’t keep an eye on it 24/7?.If you are a Virgo, watch out for a shadow attribute of Virgo.
The Universe want to remind you that you are depriving yourself of joy and pleasure of the moment. If you use all your energy to commands things to go exactly like you planned for, then where’s the energy left to actually enjoy the experience?. The true purpose of what you’re doing is to actually enjoy what you’re doing. If you associate doing things as a task or a chore, especially towards your hobbies ( which is what you should only do if you truly enjoy them BTW) , then truly you need to take a step back and ask you yourself why you are doing it in the first place. This might be the reason why you don’t enjoy what you used to anymore. The association you have with it changed.
Everything in your life is in divine order. There’s no need for you to go and order and reorder it, when it already is. Because that is not what’s important, remember what is truly important. Slowing down will allow you to appreciate what is in front of you, not what you are hurrying towards and miss the fun in the present. If you truly do not feel safe enough to let go of controls, ask Archangel Michael to assist you in the art of letting go. Ask him to protect you as you let yourself become vulnerable and surrendering to life and what will be, will simply be.If you ask for help in the first place, try not to be too arrogant to receive it.
The Universe want you to make time for reflection and solitude/meditation. It is utmost importance you do that to feel less like you’re running on a trade mill and going nowhere. Please be gentle and kind to yourself as you adjust to a new pace of life. If you’re used to running all the time because it is easier to keep going then to stop, but sometimes if you don’t stop, in the long run, the fall will be more brutal. And the universe do not want that for you. The universe want to reassure you that you can stop right now, go take a break as long as you need, because whatever it is you’re doing, it will still be here and will not become worse like you fear. Take time to breathe and let yourself just be.
Affirmations: I am kind to myself and other
I deserve to have fun and enjoy my life. Joy is my birthright
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless stated otherwise)
You are so Loved (see the full version at @cant-find-my-name)
Where you are is beautiful
You are here and it’s beautiful
The whole world at your feet,
All you can conquer
No expectations to meet.
- Wipawee
Song : Goodbye by Ramsey
“I can hear the sound of a heartbeat
Before it calls out
Won’t ever leave my memory
Of bloodshed all around
And I can see a tear on my father’s face
Before it falls out of my enemy
How could I have ever let you down?”
Signs - 99, Candle, Tuna, Aqua
🏹 ✉️ 🦊 🐇 You are loved 🐇 🦊 ✉️ 🏹
Pile 4🥂
Card: Listen with Your heart.You are listening but need to hear with a loving heart.
My Pile 4, The Universe want to reassure you that what you decide to begin anew, whether it is a project, a new life, a new lifestyle, a new job or job position, a new relationship, or even a new outlook in life, it will become successful. Not only that, it will even exceed your expectations. Do not be afraid of disappointment because you think this is a new territory for you or it’s scary cause it’s something you’re new at , because if you listen to your heart closely, your heart is actually so excited by this new prospect. Follow your heart lead.
The Universe want to reassure you again that your hard work is being pay off. Even if you’re thinking that you didn’t work that hard or do anything, this is not only referring to the conventional hard work you are probably thinking off. For examples, You might have had work hard as being a better person, work hard to improve your lifestyle, a more positive outlook in life, working hard on your self confidence, or on your boundaries, shadow work, etc. Whatever it is, you will be rewarded for all your hard work. This will renew your soul and zest for life, prepare to get lit up 🔥 Pile 4 (in a good way). When there are offering coming in for you and if your soul call to it, please take it. Whether that is an idea, or an invitations, or a promotion. Take it and you won’t regret it, in fact, you will have a great time and it might even lead you towards your idea of success/satisfaction.
The Universe want to reassure you that you are taken care off, materially, financially and spiritually. All your needs will be met. Think of what you need the most right now and Pile 4, your wish will be granted. Timeframe depends on what you’re asking for. ‘No need to worry you are taken care of’. So, listen to your heart for once. Go and enjoy yourself, have fun.Your happiness is within you and you have all the tools to make yourself happy, light up with joy, right now.No need to wait for an external events to come and bring it to you.
For those of you who never do what their heart want/wish because of duty and responsibilities, well the Universe want to assure you that, it is time. Time to listen to your heart because it will guide you towards success and what you wish for. When you listen to your heart, it will never led you astray, instead, might even lead you to where you didn’t even know you needed to go. Pile 4, it is alright to follow your heart this time.
Specific message, if you’re heart is telling you to buy something for a while but you haven’t because it’s too expensive, or because you convince yourself you don’t need it, please buy it Pile 4. Your heart want what your heart want,whether that is a trip, a luxury item, or a business class on a long flight etc. Buy it, there will be more where that came from.
Also please never judge what your heart want or desire. Sometime we shamed it plea consciously or unconsciously because it has been done to us by other people when we express our heart desires. Example, if your heart yearned for a beautiful house but your mind goes ‘in this economy?’,or when you express to your friends you want a pink car and they called you childish etc. These invalidation might not be done with bad intentions but regardless, your heart don’t know that. All it feels is immediate rejection to it wishes. The heart want what it want, and listening to it without judgement is a small step towards obtaining that wish. You deserve everything that make you happy and make your heart soar Pile 4, Everything.Whether that is recognition, materials things, a romantic interest etc. The Universe want to tell you that enjoy it,celebrate it, bath in it, because you deserve every happiness that’s about to come your way Pile 4.
Affirmations: I have everything I need to be happy right now
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless stated otherwise)
If my heart is now the Authority of my life
How would it look like?
I think the word indulgence come to mind
But whereas before that brought up shame
Aren’t indulgent what you’re supposed to
Aim for in life?
- Wipawee @cant-find-my-name
Song : Venus by Sleeping At Last
“The night sky once rule my imagination
Now I turn the dials with careful calculation
After a while, I thought I’d never find you
I convince myself that I would never find you
When suddenly I saw you.”
Signs : Seashells, Dolphins, horse, a baby, 11, 191
🏹 ✉️ 🦊 🐇 You are loved 🐇 🦊 ✉️ 🏹
Thank you so much for reading, until next time!!
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poemnic-tarot · 2 years
What messages does the universe have for you?
(Disclaimer : this is a general reading please only take what’s resonate)
Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3 Pile 4
🎐 🪞 🐇 ❄️ You Are Loved 🎐 🪞 🐇 ❄️
Pile 1 🐞
Quote - “It’s okay that you’re not who your parent thought you would be.”
The universe is going to give you something tangible, like an opportunity for gain. Maybe it’s one where you’re hoping or expecting. Or one where you have no idea. But I’m leaning toward the former, like acceptance?, an opportunity? And it feel like not a lot of people know about this. Like it’s between you and the universe. Not even your parent know about this, maybe especially your parent don’t know or you don’t want them to know?. Like, ‘I’m applying for an art school and didn’t tell my parent cause they would be against it.” Something along this line. And most likely, you will get what you’re hoping for or will accept the offer/opportunity with enthusiasm, with passion/excitement (E.g. you got offer to go on a trip aboard) Like, yes, yes, yes! I’m going for it so excited!. Jumping up and down in excitement type of offering.
Another scenario examples, approve visa for visiting country for vacation?, something like this and this will renewal your sense of hope. You will feel things again for those of you who haven’t feel anything for a while.
Maybe your parent will not be against your choice of school or not react as bad as you thought they would against whatever it is you got offered, and that give you hope. Whatever it is you will be supported in your choice, especially financially (like grant acceptance etc.) You will have the financials support you need when you accept/got this opportunity. Or have the financial support to do this opportunity. This is what the universe want to say to you Pile 1, Congratulations! You deserve this.
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless state otherwise)
Hard Truth
“Reach for the summit
Grab all the stars,
Clenched them in your fist
Scattered their pieces
To be blown away
With the breeze,
So this is the journey?
The time it took
might just killed half of me.”
- Wipawee
Song - This city holds my heart by Ghostly Kisses
Pile 2 🐈‍⬛
Quote - “He was learning quite quickly though that, omissions were sometimes more cruel than blatant lies.”
Pile 2, the universe is asking you to surrender to something. Maybe…..the truth?,the result?. Come to term with something. If you’re suspecting something, you are most likely to be right. For example, if you’re suspecting that someone is cheating on you, you are probably right (please take this message with caution and only if you resonate). Or if you’re suspecting that you are being unfair to yourself, you’re probably right. Or suspect that someone is not telling you the whole truth, E.g. from your company, your insurance company, etc. And on and on, with one common theme , You are probably right.
Or it could be reverse. You could be the one who is keeping something or holding some type of information back. You are not lying per say, but you are also omitting something. The universe is asking you to surrender to the truth, or ask yourself, why do you feel the need to keep it in when it’s something that need to be said.
Another example, your partner want to go to this place for vacation but you don’t want to and you won’t tell them that and kind of force yourself to go. Why?, what are you afraid they’ll say or do if you admit the truth to them?. This is something that need to be examine, the universe is saying, surrender to the truth cause the truth will alway come out.
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless state otherwise)
To Be Human
“Every time you cried
I am there by your side
I know you are sad sometimes
But little bear, it is alright
There’s no need to be shy
To show your emotions
It is perfectly normal
To show them.
Do not be embarrassed to be
Cause you are little one.”
- Wipawee
Song - The Cure by Lady Gaga
Pile 3 🧚🏼
Quote - “Relax, nothing is under control.”
Pile 3, the universe is asking you to defend something. Something precious to you, like your dream or could even be your reputation. It seem like you have to constantly fight for something. Not physically but something you do is constantly being attack, judge or scrutinised. For example, like if you’re pitching for a new TV show or book to your company but the higher up would constantly ask you questions or just picking it apart to find faults.
Or another scenario, you told someone you want to be a YouTuber and they would constantly go, ‘but how?, how are you going to do it?!, why? What’s it going to be about? Why are you doing that?’ Constant questions even you yourself haven’t figure it out yet. And the universe said you can’t control that. You can’t stop it, just surrender to the scrutiny, because what you’re doing /fighting for must be under a lot of scrutiny. And it must be important to you because the universe is asking you to defend it.
That is all you can do and that is enough. You can’t control what other will say in regard to what you’re doing or even in regards to you. But what you can control is how you respond to it.
Another example, you’re pitching a place you want to go for your family vacation, you made PowerPoint and everything and present it to your family. And even then your family still go, ‘why do you want to go there?! Literally after you just finished explaining with your PowerPoint.
Whatever it is, the universe is asking you to persevere because if it is that important to you, than fight for it cause you will eventually get it.
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless state otherwise)
Wilfully Blind
“I’m crying by myself
Wishing for anything else
It’s not that I’m ungrateful
It’s just I want to try something new
Repetition of patterns from people action
Are becoming unbearable……”
- Wipawee
Song - Blue Side by J-Hope from BTS
Pile 4 🌷
Quote - “Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often men forgets the flowers at his feet.” By Jeremy Bentham
Pile 4, the universe is saying you know what it is that you have to do. Or you know the choice that you need to make because frankly, it’s quite obvious. Or it will become obvious if you just stop and think or stop looking too far ahead and see what’s in front of you. There are many options indeed but there’s only just one for you and you know it. And when you choose it, you will fly, soar towards progress. Like the chariot you will run fully straight ahead. And if you’re afraid you have made the wrong choice, it will let you know. And it will also let you know if you have made the right choice.
There is no wrong or right choice in this world, I’m talking about the wrong or right choice for you. For example, there are five ice cream flavours. All of them are delicious and any choice is not wrong or right. But if you chose chocolate it will be the wrong choice for you cause you know you hate chocolate. You love strawberry so why choose chocolate right?. Doing that will be the wrong choice you took. The answer is obvious so if you did choose chocolate despite knowing that you’ll hate it, then there’s definitely a self sabotaging going on here. Notice it.The universe is saying please choose the choice you know you will like. 77 might be a significant number or sign for you.
Poem verse (All poems are written by me unless state otherwise)
Forgive yourself
“Have you have time to forgive yourself?
For this too must be dealt
With all the harboured regrets
And blame,
Forgive yourself about all that
So it won’t hurt you again”
- Wipawee
Song - Interesting by Kate Brunotts
🎐 🪞 🐇 ❄️ You Are Loved 🎐 🪞 🐇 ❄️
Thank you for reading, see you again!
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