paraicelife · 1 year
What can happen if a pregnant woman doesn't get enough nutrients or has other health problems?
Eating well during pregnancy is easy. In fact, most women do not have to change their diet. However, some adjustments are indicated. They are described here.
Why eat well during pregnancy?
It is important to eat well during pregnancy because the pregnant woman's body provides the baby-to-be with all the elements it needs to develop properly: proteins, healthy fats, sugars, vitamins and minerals. The need for energy and nutrients is greater during pregnancy. Women who eat well during their pregnancy contribute to the good health of their unborn child.
Eating well is also very important for the woman herself. Women who eat well usually experience less fatigue and energy loss. They are healthier overall, which makes for a better pregnancy. They have less gestational diabetes, and better control of it if they have it.
They also gain the recommended weight more easily (without exceeding it) and, afterwards, they regain their pre-pregnancy weight with less difficulty. To learn more, consult our fact sheet on weight gain during pregnancy.
Tips for eating well during pregnancy
Here are the most important tips for meeting your nutritional needs and those of your unborn baby:
Eat three meals a day, respecting your hunger. Eat three meals a day, according to your hunger. Eat each meal according to the plate in Canada's Food Guide.
Have two or three snacks a day when you're hungry. A snack could be a piece of fruit, a small bowl of yogurt or applesauce, a glass of milk or a handful of almonds.
Eat a variety of foods from vegetables and fruit to whole grains and protein foods. Make sure you see different colors on your plate throughout the day.
Eat regularly. This way, you prevent energy slumps during the day because your blood sugar levels are more stable. Also, avoid long periods (more than 12 hours) without eating.
Avoid unnecessary deprivation and dieting. This can be harmful to your baby's development and can make you tired.
Avoid highly processed foods, which are usually too high in fat, sugar and salt.
Choose water when you are thirsty.
Follow precautionary measures to avoid foodborne infections, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. To learn more about these two infections, see our Pregnancy and Food Infections: Listeriosis and Toxoplasmosis fact sheet.
Should you eat for two during pregnancy?
For pregnant women, "eating for two" does not mean eating twice as much, but twice as well. It is true that calorie needs increase during pregnancy, but the difference is not huge. The most important thing is to pay attention to the quality of the food you eat. Variety and color should be on the menu.
Caloric needs are greater at the end of pregnancy than at the beginning. Caloric needs for a day increase from 0 to 100 calories during the first trimester, then to about 340 calories during the second trimester and 450 calories in the third trimester.
Because calorie needs increase so little at first, you may not feel the need to eat more for a few weeks. If this is the case, don't push yourself. The important thing is to eat a variety of foods, as fresh as possible.
On the other hand, the need for vitamins and minerals is very high, even in early pregnancy. In fact, "making a baby" requires at least 50 nutrients, such as iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamin B12. For this reason, it is important that you eat a quality diet.
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paraicelife · 1 year
Can you use Tylenol and Theraflu together when pregnant?
Taking acetaminophen, a drug sold under the brand name Tylenol, during the second half of a pregnancy could be dangerous for the fetus, according to preliminary studies. They show an increased risk of mild cognitive and reproductive problems.
"Acetaminophen use during pregnancy has increased since the FDA [US pharmaceutical regulatory authority] recommended avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs a year ago," says Shanna Swan, of the Icahn School of Medicine in New York. She spoke about this at a press conference of three of the 13 authors of the "consensus statement" published Thursday in the journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology. "We're mainly targeting women who don't think acetaminophen is a drug. When researchers ask women what medications they take during pregnancy, half don't think to mention over-the-counter acetaminophen. When brand names are specifically mentioned, such as Tylenol, twice as many women answer that they took a drug during pregnancy."
Endocrine disruptor
This alert comes after 10 years of results, especially in animals, showing the negative effects of acetaminophen during pregnancy, according to Anick Bérard, a specialist in the effect of drugs during pregnancy at the Sainte-Justine UHC. In animals, we see that acetaminophen is an endocrine disruptor, which interferes with the hormonal system," says the Montreal pharmacoepidemiologist. We have studies on humans, but it is very difficult to know what the real consumption is, as it is an over-the-counter drug. There is also the possibility that it is the problem for which acetaminophen is used that is the source of the increase in risk that we observe. Fever, for example, is a risk factor for fetal development. "Even with a very small increase in risk, you can have an impact on the population with a drug that is taken by the vast majority of people," explains Dr. Bérard.
How much?
During the Nature Reviews Endocrinology authors' press conference, David Kristensen of the University of Copenhagen noted that one of the human studies showed effects on the fetus after two weeks of regular acetaminophen use during pregnancy. But Dr. Berard notes that other studies seem to show an effect as early as 400 mg, or two regular tablets of acetaminophen. Should acetaminophen be avoided for a headache without fever during pregnancy? "In any case, you should really discuss it, for example with your pharmacist, because there are always risks associated with taking medication," stresses the Sainte-Justine UHC specialist.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Is it safe to eat pineapple while pregnant?
Eating pineapple is healthy and safe during pregnancy. Water, fibre and vitamin C are nutrients that satiate and protect the body.
Eating pineapple during pregnancy, as part of three to four daily portions of fruit, is healthy and recommended. You are not taking any risks and you are ingesting vitamins and minerals that will help you during your pregnancy.
In general, fruit such as oranges, mangoes, strawberries, bananas or pineapples compensate for the urge to eat sweets. The water, fibre and antioxidant properties make these foods an essential part of your diet.
However, in excess or if you are sensitive, pineapple can cause sensitivity in the tongue and lips. Bromelain and oxalic acid are responsible for this itch, an effect that is less pronounced when the fruit is ripe.
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Behind the myths, there is an enzyme: bromelain
Bromelain, which is at the root of the myths surrounding pineapple consumption, is concentrated in the rind. That is, in what is discarded when the plant is cut. It is true that the enzyme is also found inside the fruit, but it is mainly in the central cylinder, which is also disposable.
This enzyme, which is found exclusively in pineapple, breaks down the proteins in your tongue, converts them into amino acids and causes itching. This is because when you eat, the mucous membrane that covers your tongue and palate disappears.
When cooked or canned, the bromelain is reduced in quantity. So you can eat more pineapple. But nothing beats fresh fruit in good quantities.
Eating pineapple during pregnancy is not bad
In short, pineapple is a great ally for satisfying cravings and anxiety, as it satiates and speeds up metabolic processes, which promotes a better mood.
Interestingly, one study claims that pineapple acts as a sperm activator. So if you're thinking of getting pregnant, eating pineapple with your partner can be a great help.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Why is iron important for pregnant women?
The need for iron increases when you are pregnant. How can this phenomenon be explained and what can be done to better assimilate this trace element? Here are some answers.
During pregnancy, it is essential to check that you are not lacking in certain trace elements, such as iodine, copper and iron. This mineral is particularly important for the health of pregnant women.
In the blood, there are red blood cells that contain haemoglobin," explains Anh-Chi Ton, a midwife in Paris. Haemoglobin contains iron, which brings oxygen to the organs throughout the body. During pregnancy, the volume of blood increases. The pregnant woman therefore needs more iron for her organs to function properly.
Is iron also important during breastfeeding?
Yes, even if babies have stored iron reserves before birth, they need it very much, especially in the first few months of life. This trace element is very well transmitted and assimilated by breast milk.
According to the Anses (source 1), breastfeeding women also need 16 mg of iron per day. An iron deficiency in an infant can lead to sleep disorders or a loss of appetite.
Which foods are richest in iron?
Contrary to a popular belief that places spinach at the top of the list of foods containing the most iron, red meat (beef, horse, blood sausage, duck, etc.) and fish (sardines, tuna, mackerel) should be preferred first.
You should know that eggs contain iron that is not well assimilated by the body. It is said to be "non-heme". Otherwise, you can find iron in seafood, mainly clams and oysters.
As a reminder, you should not eat raw meat, fish or shellfish during pregnancy. They are allowed as long as they are well cooked.
Remember to sprinkle wheat germ on your salads or soups. Also use brewer's yeast for your homemade bread or pastry.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Is it safe to travel in a car or bus while pregnant? Here are some tips!
This is a question that many women ask themselves. No worries for most pregnant women
, but some extra preparation is necessary. Below we list the do's and don'ts so that you can enjoy your holiday with peace of mind.
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Travel in your second trimester
It is advisable to plan your trip during the second trimester of your pregnancy (14 - 27 weeks). By this time, your body will already be used to being pregnant and you will finally be rid of the unpleasant morning sickness. Air travel in the third trimester requires caution. From 36 weeks onward, airlines do not allow you to fly, so it is best to postpone your trip.
Discuss your travel plans
Discuss your travel plans with your GP or gynaecologist. Traveling is not a problem for most pregnant women, . Your doctor will inform you of any objections.
Do not take (travel) medication without consulting your doctor first.
Your doctor can also tell you which (distant) countries have the highest risk of infection.
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Be well prepared
It is important to be well prepared when traveling, especially if you are expecting a baby. Are you traveling by plane? Then book a seat with extra legroom (if possible not too far from the toilet). Take regular breaks to stretch your legs during a flight or a car journey to improve circulation. Drink and eat regularly.
If you want to travel by plane, check with the airline beforehand for specific rules. Some airlines ask for a medical certificate stating that there is no medical objection to flying from the 28th week of pregnancy.
Make sure you have enough rest periods during your holiday and avoid activities that are too risky (e.g. diving).
Inform your gynaecologist before you leave. He or she knows your personal situation and can also give you the best advice. Always take your medical information and the contact details of your gynaecologist with you. A well-informed woman is worth two!
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paraicelife · 2 years
Pregnancy Diary & Baby Tracker
Every expectant mother is preparing to give birth to her baby and, of course, she wants to know how her baby is growing, what's happening to her body and what other changes await her until the baby is born.
Download "Pregnancy Diary & Baby Tracker"
: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...
In this application you will find the detailed weekly #pregnancyapp calendar, which will allow you to easily access information about pregnancy and baby's development, changes in the pregnant woman's body, as well as tips on nutrition for #pregnantwomen . For each week of pregnancy, there are four pieces of information:
- The development of the baby,
- The mother's body,
- The mother's meals,
- Useful tips.
To use the pregnancy calendar and calculate the due date of your pregnancy, just enter the day of your last period and you will see the information about the duration of your gestation.
Best #pregnancy app for you help you to :
- Get information with the due date calculator
- Track your weight
- Track contractions and send results to a doctor
- Track your baby's kicks
- Record your pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, body changes, doctor's appointments)
- Get more information on pregnancy by weeks
- Share on Facebook, Email, Text and Twitter
- Get daily information about your pregnancy
- Track your pregnancy week by week
- Calculate the current week of pregnancy
- Calculate your due date (pregnancy date)
- Get information on the size of the baby and updates on its development each week
- Get information on changes in your body
- Manage your weight gain and belly growth goals with your BMI clinical guidelines.
The is why i want to share this with you maybe can help you to track your #pregnancy and also track your pregnancy week by week
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paraicelife · 2 years
How can we calculate a pregnancy due date?
At what week of pregnancy are you? If you don't know, find out how to determine it with our article!
Weeks of pregnancy and weeks of amenorrhea: what is the difference?
To estimate the progress of your pregnancy, there are two main methods: the calculation of the week of pregnancy or the calculation of the week of amenorrhea. By week of pregnancy, we mean "effective week of pregnancy": in other words, the calculation starts from the day of fertilization. On the other hand, the weeks of amenorrhea count the number of weeks without menstruation, i.e. since the day your last period began. From the article “how pregnancy is calculated”
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This difference between the two methods of calculation leads to a two-week difference in the result obtained. In total, a "normal" 9-month pregnancy is equivalent to 39 weeks of pregnancy or 41 weeks of amenorrhea. Practical data to determine your due date! Please note: doctors use the calculation in weeks of amenorrhea instead.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Do the stomach muscles ever come back after pregnancy?
Abdominal diastasis is a phenomenon feared by some pregnant women, but unfortunately quite common during pregnancy.
What is it? And above all, how to react when the abdominal muscles do not reposition themselves as they should after the delivery?
During pregnancy
, the body of the pregnant woman is subject to many changes. Some of them are, it is true, much more pleasant than others! Among the phenomena that mothers-to-be could do without: abdominal diastasis.
What is abdominal diastasis?
Also called diastasis of the rectus stomach muscles , abdominal diastasis is a separation between the right and left sides of the abdominal muscles, the rectus stomach muscles . The word "diastasis" comes from the ancient Greek and means "to separate".
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Pregnant women and young mothers are the most affected by this phenomenon because, during pregnancy, the uterus starts to exert pressure on the abdominal muscles, which then stretch to make room for the baby, and sometimes even to the point of separating. Pregnancy hormones may also be involved, as they also relax the abdominal muscles.
Who can be affected by diastasis of the rectus stomach muscles ?
Generally speaking, the women most affected by abdominal diastasis are those who have had a multiple pregnancy, or several pregnancies. But also considered "at risk" are those who gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, those who had a caesarean section, those who had very limited physical activity during their pregnancy
, or those who gave birth to a large or fat baby.
Finally, the age of the pregnant woman (from 35 years old) and hereditary predisposition can also play a role.”Do the stomach muscles ever come back after pregnancy?”
It should be noted that newborns, and especially prematurely born babies, can also have abdominal diastasis. In some cases, the rectus stomach muscles is not developed enough to be fused. This can also be the case for men or women who have gained a lot of weight.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Does gum disease cause tooth sensitivity during pregnancy?
Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that also affect the condition of the mouth and teeth. From the beginning of the pregnancy, a whole range of activity starts to take place: the placenta starts to secrete much more estrogen and progesterone than before the pregnancy.
During this period, small problems may become more important than in normal times.
Increased estrogen and progesterone levels can cause some discomfort:
Gingivitis is a common and benign disease when treated in time. However, it tends to worsen during pregnancy, showing redder and darker gums, despite good oral hygiene. Nearly a quarter of pregnant women have a form of gingivitis which, in this case, is called "gravid gingivitis". This often occurs when there is more plaque on the teeth than before the pregnancy;
Epulis is a small, red, round, benign growth that often bleeds. It usually takes up residence between two teeth;
The caries, during pregnancy, tends to get worse. It is often present at the same time as gingivitis;
Diffuse pain, never localized (dentinal hyperesthesia) felt by pregnant women. It can occur in the absence of caries or any other disease. In this case, it should disappear ten to fifteen days after its occurrence. However, if this pain persists, it reveals an attack on the pulp of one or more teeth; Follow your pregnancy week by week
Dental erosion is caused by the dissolution of mineralized tissues such as enamel, under the influence of acidic substances produced by the degradation of food debris. This erosion is most often located at the neck.
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paraicelife · 2 years
How do I get periods immediately in one hour to avoid pregnancy?
Whether you want to enjoy your vacation or dance without question at your cousin's wedding, you sometimes want to postpone your period...
But is it really possible to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy
is it possible to start your period early?
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No, as the gynecologist Dr. Callet clearly states, it is impossible to advance the date of your period... However, it is possible to delay it (but we will come back to this subject later)!
Indeed, some unscrupulous websites explain that eating lemon and/or a lot of vitamin C, ingesting plants or taking aspirin are all solutions to trigger your period more quickly...
However, none of these methods has been proven to work yet. Follow your pregnancy week by week
These methods are not necessarily risky (although you should not overdose on vitamin C and be careful with the maximum amount of aspirin) but it is likely that they will not affect the date of your period.
And yes, even if grandma's methods can help with period pains, choosing the date is another matter.
how to delay your period?
Are you planning to see a lover for the first time since confinement tomorrow, or are you planning to go to the beach next week and you definitely do NOT want to get your period?
The solution is quite simple, and can be adapted according to your usual contraception.
If you are on the pill, taking two packs in a row generally helps to avoid bleeding. In fact, some pills and hormonal contraceptives can stop your period if you never want to have it.
If you're not on the pill, or don't want to be on the pill, but really don't want to have a period on a certain date, you're not in trouble! Dr. Callet explains that you can ask a (supportive) doctor to prescribe progesterone, which can delay your period by a few days.
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paraicelife · 2 years
As a mother, what was the pettiest thing you got angry over during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, under the action of hormones, emotions are amplified.
The pregnant woman can go from laughter to tears in a short time. Nathalie Lancelin-Huin, a perinatal psychologist, helps us to better understand these mood swings and to tame them.
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Excitement, irritation, laughter, tears, joy, sadness... During pregnancy
, women are subjected to a veritable whirlwind of emotions that can lead to mood swings. These usually occur during the first trimester and vary in intensity from person to person.
Hormones highlight emotions
For example, some women who are usually sensitive may be more calm and collected than usual during their pregnancy. Others, on the other hand, are much more emotional. In all cases, these mood swings are involuntary.
The cause of all these agitations? The hormones. "The hormonal bath of pregnancy predisposes to a greater emotionality. This is manifested by mood swings as can be experienced at puberty, during menstrual cycles, menopause ... Hormones, in full action, highlight the emotions, "explains Nathalie Lancelin-Huin, psychologist specializing in perinatal and author of Pregnant, Journey to the heart of emotions, published by Horay.
Emotions resurface
This hormonal flow agitates the emotions and can bring back previous facts, sometimes badly digested. It must be said that pregnancy, if it brings a real physical upheaval, also leads to an upheaval from a psychological point of view.
The woman asks herself many questions. She thinks about the child she was, the childhood she had, the education she received, her relationship with her parents... Is she at peace with her past? She is also worried about the unknown. What tests are needed during the pregnancy
? Is her baby okay? How will the delivery go? Will she be a good mother?
More sensitive, she feels more worries, things that displease her. She may resent her partner for spending too much time at the gym in the evening, or regret the indifference of her friends towards her pregnancy...
The clichés convey the image of a pregnant woman who is more painful because of her mood swings. Nathalie Lancelin-Huin urges to get rid of this idea and recommends, instead of simply taking it easy, to collect these emotions. "It is as if the body is saying to the pregnant woman: 'Soothe your past, even the recent past, to prepare yourself for this new life and make yourself available for your baby.
This upheaval is necessary, it should not be guilt-inducing. It should be taken as an opportunity to find your balance, to be at peace with yourself and your history", confides the psychologist.
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paraicelife · 2 years
What are the consequences of not being vegan during pregnancy?
How can you reconcile your life as a mother-to-be with a vegan (or vegan) diet while taking care of your baby? We take stock with a nutritionist and a vegan dietician.
Vegetarian, vegan or vegan mom-to-be: what are the differences?
First of all, it is necessary to understand the great differences between these ways of eating. Vegetarians (also known as vegans) exclude meat and fish, but most often consume eggs and dairy products (the latter do not cause the death of animals).
Follow your pregnancy week by week
Vegans are more restrictive, eliminating all foods of animal origin (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and honey). Their diet is therefore exclusively vegetal: fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, seaweeds...
As for vegans, like vegans, they do not consume products from animal exploitation, but their commitment goes even further. More than a diet, it is a real way of life: they do not wear any clothing and/or accessories derived from animals (leather, wool, silk), boycott leisure activities featuring captive fauna (zoo, circuses, aquariums, elephant rides...), do not buy any beauty product having a link with an animal (mare's milk soap, snail slime cream)...
Beyond the debate, as for the philosophical/ecological convictions, remains the essential question of the food balance, in particular for the future vegan or vegetarian mothers. Indeed, pregnancy is a particular period during which nutritional needs are increased. Pregnant women, regardless of their diet, may therefore be more exposed to the risk of deficiencies. In the absence of conclusive scientific studies, many health professionals are very cautious, even reluctant, about following a vegan/vegetarian diet.
Being vegan and pregnant: is it really compatible?
This is the big question... and the debate is far from over! The reason: contradictory conclusions and few indisputable scientific studies. In 2009, the American Dietetic Association¹ assured that the practice of a balanced vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy did not present an increased risk of developing important undesirable effects on the health of the unborn child, nor major malformations in the newborn, provided however that possible deficiencies are detected in vegetarian or vegan pregnant women and that they are supplemented, if necessary, with vitamin B12, iron and zinc.
For its part, Santé Publique France recalls in its "pregnancy nutrition guide"², corrected in May 2016 and available online, that "when no animal products are consumed, there is a risk of serious deficiencies in vitamin B12 leading to severe anemia. Indeed, only animal products contain this vitamin. Even if they manage to diversify their diet sufficiently, people with a vegan or vegetarian diet must therefore, in conjunction with their doctor, dietician or pharmacist, receive a supplement in the form of medication or food supplements.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Can pregnant women get sick from fear or stress?
Pregnancy is a unique and exciting time! Like any adventure, it offers its share of difficult moments. Episodes of stress can occur.
What are the causes? What are the consequences? How to manage it? ParaiceLife, we give you all our advice to make your pregnancy as serene as possible.
Best pregnancy app for you help you to Get information with the due date calculator Track your baby's kicks Get more information on pregnancy by weeks
Being pregnant does not always mean being happy and serene. Sometimes stress can be a problem. If this happens to you, here's what you need to know:
Feeling stress in early pregnancy is normal
Stress becomes a problem when it recurs
During pregnancy, stress can cause stomach pain
Repeated stress increases the risk of premature delivery
The risk of miscarriage increases with a history of stress
Stress during pregnancy has an impact on the development of the baby
There are methods to reduce stress during pregnancy
Stress and pregnancy: what are the causes?
The stress of early pregnancy
The first trimester of pregnancy is often full of emotions. This is due to the increase in progesterone levels to ensure the proper development of the embryo. For the woman, this increase creates a mood disturbance that can cause stress but also irritability or sadness.
In addition, the announcement of a pregnancy means an important change in life. This can be frightening and stressful for many women. This one-time stress is a normal physiological reaction that is not dangerous.
Where the situation becomes more complicated is when the stress episodes are regular and severe.
Stressors during pregnancy
Various external factors can cause stress in pregnant women. Among the main ones are:
Fear of not being up to the task of being a mother
Difficult pregnancy symptoms
Thinking about the risk of pregnancy complications and illnesses
The increased risk of miscarriage during the first trimester
The multiple administrative steps to be taken
The various tests to be performed and the fact that you are regularly in medical offices
Waiting for the results of the tests performed to detect an abnormality
The apprehension of the reaction of her superior at work and of her colleagues
Anxiety in pregnant women
Anxiety is the feeling of being constantly and diffusely stressed. We are anxious when we are used to anticipating negative events.
Pregnancy can be a breeding ground for anxiety because of the many stressors it brings.
If you are anxious by nature, we recommend that you seek counseling early in your pregnancy. Severe anxiety can have consequences on the development of the future baby.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Do pregnancy symptoms affect everyone at the same time as their partner?
During pregnancy, it is normal to go through all kinds of emotions. Mood changes can be rapid and frequent. Some pregnant women experience major changes throughout their pregnancy, while others experience them only at the beginning. The experience of pregnancy is therefore unique to each woman in terms of emotions.
The effect of hormones on the pregnant woman
During pregnancy, your body produces a large amount of hormones that can affect your mood and emotions. Some women feel irritable, emotional, worried, angry or agitated.
Hormones can also make you feel more tired and distracted.
These mood swings are most common during the first 2 months of pregnancy, but may return a few months before delivery. Physiological changes can also cause increased stress. The challenge of adjusting to pregnancy can therefore lead to intense emotions.
Physical changes and emotions
Pregnant women may experience different feelings about their rapidly changing bodies. For example, they may feel pride in being visibly pregnant. This makes them feel special and fulfilled.
It is also normal to feel less comfortable with your body, especially in late pregnancy. Some pregnant women don't like to look in the mirror and react badly to comments about their height or weight.
Pregnancy can also limit the mother-to-be in her activities. For example, at the end of pregnancy, the growth of the belly can make certain daily activities more difficult, such as putting on shoes or taking public transportation. Some mothers also have to change their eating habits or their sleep schedule. These changes can be frustrating, so it's normal to be anxious to get back to your old body.
Finally, pregnancy can cause a variety of aches and discomforts. Some mothers will be concerned about how best to deal with them.
Ambivalent feelings about pregnancy
The announcement of a pregnancy, whether desired and planned or not, is always a shock.
The novelty of pregnancy can cause great joy for some women. As time goes on, the feeling of life growing in the womb is exciting for many. Hearing the baby's heartbeat and feeling it move also brings on powerful emotions. Some mothers feel that they are building a real bond with their baby. Pregnancy brings a great sense of accomplishment.
However, even though motherhood is usually considered a positive experience, it is normal to experience some negative emotions during this time. For example, some women may feel unsettled by the changes that pregnancy and the arrival of the baby will have on their lives. They wonder about the effects of the baby's arrival on their relationship.
Some women also experience ambivalence during the pregnancy, even though it was planned. This is a normal response to preparing for the new role of mother. It is normal to feel a sense of regret about one's past life that must be grieved.
It is therefore important that the mother-to-be have the opportunity to express her emotions without feeling judged. Talking with her spouse, friends or other pregnant women can allow the mother to see that she is not alone in experiencing these types of questions.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Is it safe to wear a copper bracelet while pregnant?
It has both therapeutic and aesthetic benefits. The copper bracelet is more than just a pretty accessory; it can also help you cure various ailments and add style to your daily ensemble. Yet, do all copper bracelets have the same therapeutic benefits?
Track your baby's growth with “Pregnancy & Baby Tracker App”
Where can you find a copper bracelet that is both beautiful and functional? Can you make it yourself, and if so, how? Is a magnetic copper bracelet better than an aimless one ?
How to take care of your copper bracelet ? All your concerns, all our answers! This concludes the information needed to understand the copper bracelet.
What exactly are the qualities of a copper bracelet?
Find out why taking care of your appearance and health by wearing a copper bracelet is a win-win situation...
A brief history of copper
In fact, the copper bracelet available at Ellen Bijoux has been worn by both men and women since prehistoric times. Historians place the age of copper, when this metal with a thousand uses was first discovered, at about 3000 B.C. But it was ancient Greece that gave copper its two noble initials.
Copper is often associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Its brilliance adorns the doors of temples, the furniture of middle-class houses and, above all, the neck, ears and fingers of women.
Hippocrates, the gold standard of ancient medicine, used copper to treat venous leg ulcers. The healing properties of copper were known to the ancient Indians and Aztecs at about the same time. It has long been known that copper not only improves things, but also improves health.
It has ornamental as well as medicinal qualities. And we have been reaping the benefits for centuries and centuries now.
What is the benefit of wearing a copper bracelet?
Here are some of the most compelling modern medical and scientific explanations why you would want to wear a copper bracelet:
Relieving joint pain is on the horizon. Arthritis and osteoarthritis, both of which involve inflammation of the joints, can greatly benefit from wearing a copper bracelet. This effect of copper has been scientifically confirmed, and is based on copper's role in the synthesis of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and overcoming a case of anemia.
Indeed, copper in the human body contributes to the formation of hemoglobin, which tends to decrease in the case of deficiency or anemia. Therefore, wearing a copper bracelet would be very helpful.
To fight osteoporosis and heal fractures. Copper is an essential trace element for bone strength and is also used in the production of collagen, which can be found in skeletal tissue (as well as in hair and skin). Copper's antioxidant properties can help prevent cells from aging prematurely.
As a result, diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease can be prevented.
The use of copper nutritional supplements is preferable to the use of copper jewelry. In fact, this second choice requires medical advice and more blood tests. In fact, just as too little copper can be harmful to the body, so can too much.
Wearing a copper bracelet is a great way to get your daily copper needs simply by having your skin in contact with the metal. You may see for yourself that a copper bracelet is now a real piece of jewelry in its own right by visiting our store. In addition to its therapeutic benefits, it also improves your appearance, making you more attractive.
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paraicelife · 2 years
Why does only the stomach skin darken during pregnancy?
When you are pregnant , it is common for a brown line to appear on your belly. Should we worry about it? We make the point on this phenomenon.
Pregnancy is a period of multiple upheavals for the body of the future mother. Between hormonal changes, digestive disorders or water retention, the reasons for appointments to the gynecologist are numerous.
Among all these little worries, the appearance of a brown spot, or brown line on the belly, can be surprising. The appearance of this brown line is frequent, but not systematic. What does this spot mean? Should we be worried? We make the point with Dr. Tiphaine Beillat, gynecologist.
Pregnant, why is there a line on the belly ? Should we be worried?
If during pregnancy, a brown line appears on the middle of your belly, it is first of all important not to worry, as Dr. Tiphaine Beillat explains: "This line that appears on the belly, from the pubis to the sternum, during pregnancy is called Linea nigra.
It is common and completely benign, so don't worry! It is due to an increase in the production of the melanotropic hormone, secreted by the placenta. Its brown color is related to melanin, the pigment that determines the color of our skin, but also our eyes and hair.
Linea nigra: when does this brown line appear on the lower abdomen (at the beginning or at the end of pregnancy)?
This brown line appearing on the belly during pregnancy is therefore not dangerous, but when exactly does it appear? It's hard to say, explains De Tiphaine Beillat: "The Linea nigra can appear at any time during pregnancy, as hormones are produced throughout the nine months.
However, depending on the skin color, this line will be more or less visible. In light-skinned pregnant women, this line will often be very little visible, while in darker-skinned people, the Linea nigra will be more pronounced.
Can this brown spot on the body remain after pregnancy? How can it be made less visible?
If this brown line appeared on your belly, after how long will it disappear? You have to wait a certain amount of time, summarizes Dr. Tiphaine Beillat: "The Linea nigra can persist throughout the pregnancy, or even afterwards. Some women keep this brown trace on the belly a few weeks after delivery, or even several months.
Rest assured, however, it will eventually fade and disappear completely. So how can you make this brown line as inconspicuous as possible for aesthetic reasons? "In order to make the line as dark as possible on the stomach, it is important to protect yourself as much as possible from sun exposure," explains Dr. Beillat. In the summer, don't hesitate to apply sunscreen (SPF 50+) to limit the risk of brown spots caused by exposure.
Black mark on the pregnant woman's belly: a sign of a girl or a boy?
Before ultrasound, all means were good to give an opinion on the sex of the future baby. Among the legends, the Linea occupied a place of choice. Thus, if the brown line went beyond the navel, it meant that the unborn child would be a girl.
If not, the baby would be a boy. If this prognosis is not based on anything scientific, it could be the basis of conversations in your family! With, at the key, a guarantee of immutable prognosis: a chance on two!
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paraicelife · 2 years
What is the difference between a tubal pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy?
In ectopic pregnancy, implantation occurs in a site other than the endometrial lining of the uterine cavity, i.e., in the fallopian tube, horn of the uterus, cervix, ovary, or abdominal or pelvic cavity. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be carried to term and eventually rupture or involute.
Early symptomatology includes pelvic pain, metrorrhagia, and tenderness to the vaginal touch, especially when the cervix is displaced.
Syncope or hemorrhagic shock may occur upon rupture. Diagnosis is based on beta-hCG measurement and pelvic ultrasound. Treatment consists of laparoscopic or open surgical resection or IM methotrexate injection.
The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is approximately 2/100 diagnosed pregnancies.
Etiology of ectopic pregnancy
Factors that particularly increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy include
Tubal lesions
A history of ectopic pregnancy (risk of recurrence 10-25%)
History of pelvic inflammatory disease (especially Chlamydia trachomatis)
Previous abdominal surgery especially on the fallopian tubes, including tubal ligation
Other specific risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include
Intrauterine device (IUD) contraception
Infertility due to tubal damage
History of induced abortion
Pregnancy is less likely to occur when an intrauterine device (IUD) is in place; however, about 5% of these pregnancies are ectopic.
Pathophysiology of ectopic pregnancy
The most common location of ectopic pregnancies is the fallopian tube, followed by the uterine horn. Cervical pregnancies, in a caesarean scar, the ovary, the abdomen or the interstitium of the fallopian tube are rare.
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Heterotopic pregnancies (both ectopic and intrauterine) occur in only 1/10,000 to 30,000 pregnancies, but may be more common among women who have used ovulation induction or assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization and gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT); in such cases, the reported rate of ectopic pregnancies is ≤ 1%.
The structure containing the fetus usually ruptures after 6 to 16 weeks. Rupture results in hemorrhage that may be progressive or rapid enough to cause hemorrhagic shock. Intraperitoneal blood irritates the peritoneum. The later the rupture, the more rapid the bleeding and the higher the mortality.
Symptomatology of ectopic pregnancy
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy vary and are often absent until rupture occurs. Most patients present with pelvic pain (sometimes in the form of cramping) and/or vaginal bleeding. There may or may not be a delay or absence of menstrual bleeding, and the patient may not know that she is pregnant.
Rupture may be heralded by sudden severe pain, followed by syncope or symptoms of hemorrhagic shock or peritonitis. Rapid hemorrhage is more likely in ruptured ectopic pregnancies.
Pain on mobilization of the cervix, unilateral or bilateral adnexal tenderness on vaginal touch, or an adnexal mass may be present. The uterus may be slightly enlarged (but less than expected from delayed menstruation).
Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
Quantitative serum human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit (beta-hCG)
Pelvic ultrasound
Sometimes laparoscopy
An ectopic pregnancy is suspected in any woman of childbearing age with pelvic pain, metrorrhagia, or unexplained syncope or hemorrhagic shock, regardless of contraceptive use, sexual intercourse, or delayed menses. The results of physical examinations (including pelvic touch) are neither sensitive nor specific.
A ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a surgical emergency because it causes maternal hemorrhage with a risk of death; prompt diagnosis is essential.
The first step is a urine pregnancy test, which is nearly 99% sensitive in diagnosing pregnancies (ectopic and others). When the urine beta-hCG test is negative and the clinical signs are not strongly suggestive of ectopic pregnancy, further testing is unnecessary unless the symptoms recur or worsen.
If the urine beta-hCG is positive or the clinical signs are strongly suggestive of ectopic pregnancy, a quantitative serum beta-hCG measurement and pelvic ultrasound are not indicated.
When the quantitative serum beta-hCG is < 5 mIU/mL, ectopic pregnancy is excluded. When ultrasound detects an intrauterine gestational sac, an ectopic pregnancy is highly unlikely except in the woman who has used assisted reproductive techniques (which increases the risk of heterotopic pregnancy); however, a cornual or intra-abdominal pregnancy may initially present as an intrauterine pregnancy.
Ultrasound images suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy (seen in 16 to 32%) of cases include complex masses (mixed solid and cystic masses), particularly in the adnexa, and fluid effusion from the cul-de-sac of Douglas.
If the serum beta-hCG is above a certain level (called the discriminatory zone), the ultrasound should detect a gestational sac in case of intrauterine pregnancy. This level is usually about 2000 mIU/mL. If the beta-hCG level is above the discriminatory zone and no intrauterine gestational sac is detected, an ectopic pregnancy is likely. The use of the transvaginal route or color Doppler can improve detection rates.
If the beta-hCG level is below the discriminatory zone and the ultrasound is negative, it may be an early intrauterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. If the initial clinical workup suggests an ectopic pregnancy (e.g., significant peritoneal irritation or hemorrhage), diagnostic laparoscopy may be necessary for confirmation.
When an ectopic pregnancy appears unlikely and the patient is stable, plasma beta-hCG levels can be monitored on an outpatient basis (typically every 2 days). Normally, the level doubles every 1.4 to 2.1 days until day 41; in an ectopic pregnancy (as in non-progressive pregnancies), levels may be lower than expected and do not double as rapidly.
If the beta-hCG level does not rise as expected or falls, the diagnosis of spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy should be considered.
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