I have never been good with goodbyes. They tear me apart and unfortunately life comes with many of them.
And the ones that break me the most are those who come with grief.
Today, I’m saying goodbye to my sweet baby cat, she was an old soul. I got to live and share thirteen years of my life with you, and you…you spent your entire life with us.
You arrived about two months into your life, with a mixed matched pattern of black, white and orange you filled our house with so much energy. Our home of two humans, and three cats expanded to a home of six, at that point we were just outnumbered but it was good.
You were the princess of the house, the older cats, Cali and Bala, would do as you said and your brother would just fight against you for attention.
I remember the first time you went to the garden and went from “this grass is so disgusting” to l love dirt and I’ll roll on it forever” and come back inside with dirt all over your body.
My sweet princess you were an odd one, I will always love how much you enjoyed belly rubs. How despite how much time I was away from home you’d always receive me and let me pet you and you’d flip around on the ground and purr.
I’ll be honest, right now I’m regretful for not being there for you. I’m sorry this illness took you. Im sorry you were in pain. I’m sorry for not hugging you enough times and gave you more of those belly robes that you loved. I’m sorry you were hurting. I’m sorry it took a long time for us to go back to you. I’m sorry.
The last couple of days a part of me was hopeful that you’d recover, because you have always been so strong. But this time, despite our vets doing the best care they could. It was time for you to say goodbye and rest.
I believe that there is something more beyond death. I hope you meet Cali and Bala in whatever afterlife there is. That you get the peace that your beautiful soul brought to us in all this thirteen years. I hope one day we all reunite.
I’ll miss you and I will forever hold you in my heart alongside of Cali and Bala.
My sweet princess Nenita, I love you.
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For some reason I’m back to the beginning,
Thinking about you, wondering if you’re ok
Running scenarios of what would i say if we met
Even if it was by accident
Somewhere nowhere near our homes
Where we could just talk
My pride says i wouldn’t cry, but deep down i know i would
Because the truth is the pain you left its still here
Yeah, its not as present as it used to be
But I can’t help wonder why…
Why you walked away
Part of me hopes you reach back…
But would you?
Would I?
I truly hate that we’re strangers
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onemoresleeplessnight · 7 months
It’s no longer about the friendships who are not there
It’s about the ones who are…
Who take the time
The ones that text you
Call you
It’s about not making the imposible to be noticed
Because they know you
They see you
They care
Because they’ll be there
It’s no longer about the absence
Because if they want, they’ll make time
Because you’re not an inconvenience
You’re valuable
You’re worth it
Because your friendship is worth cultivating
You’ll grow together
Celebrate the achievements
Support each other
They’ll be present
Because once you realize that those friends will go to the end of the world with you…
It will no longer matter nor hurt for those who are not there.
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onemoresleeplessnight · 9 months
It’s two am,
I’m in my bed, once again grieving
I just realized it’s going to be three years…
Three years
Since I last heard your voice
Since we all hugged you
Three years without your laugh, advices and love
I miss you grandpa
Once again I ache to show you how much I’ve achieved
To guide me
It seems like time hasn’t passed
Three years…
I want to thank you, because you always believed in me
And you wanted the best for me
And for that, thank you
I’m here not because you pushed me but you encourage me to dream big!
Because you always taught me to work hard and be kind
I’m the person I’m today, because you raised a strong human being who’s passionate about the world and learning about life
I’m here because you loved us with all of our quirks
Thank you
Yes, I miss you
But I love you even more, and I’ll keep making you proud.
With love,
Your granddaughter <3
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onemoresleeplessnight · 10 months
It’s been about four years since the last time we were all together
4 years
It’s crazy how time passes, how it feels so long and also like a blink of an eye.
It’s been 4 years of sleepless nights
Of trying to organize a FaceTime in 5 different time zones
Of not being able to contact someone
Or even just not feeling like replying from time to time.
It hasn’t been easy
Some nights I ache to go back to the days when we would just go out for coffee, surf on the weekends or just be together and hang out by the beach.
I miss seeing you
I miss us and how endless the summers felt
However, in this last couple of years I admire how far we’ve come.
We manage to maintain and most important grow this beautiful friendship.
It’s a blessing having you in my life
I’ll forever be grateful for you
I’ve dreamt of the day when we meet again
I’ll work hard to save and meet you once again
I know when that happens, I’ll cry and I’ll pinch myself hoping it won’t be a dream
And I can assure you that it won’t feel like time has passed, but we’re just meeting like old times but we the best versions of ourselves that we’ve become.
Until then, I love you
Thank you guys
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As time passes by, your absence feels more permanent.
I’m afraid to text you, I’m afraid to see if my thoughts are right.
Because if they’re right, I’ll know that in that moment it will be over.
Do I prefer living in unknown? To be oblivious?
Because I know it’s easier to deal with the pain of not knowing, rather than live with the truth.
That our friendship is lost.
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It sucks.
Having best friends who don’t really answer.
Sometimes I feel foolish because at times I’m the one who’s only reaching out.
It hurts because for me they mean everything and I feel like nothing.
And our friendship is beautiful because when we are together it’s like time hasn’t passed.
But when you don’t answer for weeks it feels like you just don’t care.
And that hurts. A lot.
Also when you tell you’re coming to my town you said “let’s plan something” and then you left me on seen. And we’ll…I’m confused.
I know we’re all doing different things and life is tricky but…idk maybe just a text to let me know what to expect.
Id prefer if you told that we can’t see each other because you’re going to be busy or even if you don’t want it’s better than silence!
Silence just hurts. And you’re killing me.
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Dear friend,
I hope you’re ok.
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Dear friend,
I miss you.
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Some artist find peace in poetry
Some in art
But you. My dear friend, you found it in music
You let your heart out with every note
The guitar become the rhythm of you passion
The beat of the drums of your emotions
And your voice…
Your voice becomes a hymn of your feelings and thoughts
It becomes a melody of your soul
Your art is what you live and feel with the fire of your heart, the emptiness of the sadness and the thunder of frustration.
Please let it all out.
Let everything out.
Make it yours! Claim it!
So we can one day sing along
To you. To your feelings.
To ours.
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Dear friend,
Damn…I understand that you asked for space. I understand that you need to heal. I understand you have feelings for me that I can’t reciprocate…
I will respect the time and space you ask, but to be honest…I’m afraid to lose you. Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen and lived through a pattern of friends leaving, of asking for this space and never hearing from them.
I might need to work on myself and try to figure out why it has been harder to have this break with you than with my partner. But I just can’t find the words to put it together.
I loved seeing you happy today, I loved seeing you smile and graduate from college. I loved being part of your life.
I don’t want to miss anything. I want to keep growing our friendship, because you matter to me. Perhaps it’s because friendships have been more present in my life than any other partner. Even my own parents marriage I can’t even remember.
Perhaps I do have a abandonment complex issue, I don’t know.
The only thing I know is that I don’t want to loose, please don’t go. Please don’t become one more friend I used to know. I beg you. Please don’t go.
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Well that’s on me, my bf gets drunk, he feels like shit, he already puked whatever he ate or whatever was in his stomach. He blames the Uber ride to his house for getting dizzy and now I’m sitting at the end of the bed tired af. Listening his complains, I try to help but obviously nothing helps so yeah. Happy Sunday.
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Well that’s on me for trying to watch a show that I like with my bf 🤡
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It makes me so mad how much I miss you
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What do you do when your world is collapsing?
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In exactly one month I’ll be beginning the final chapter of my college education, I’ll begin my thesis.
Produce a whole short film.
What do I want to talk about? My grandpa? My best friends? About anxiety and depression?
It’s insane, so many choices.
In one year I’ll have three months left until I graduate.
In one year and three months, I’ll be facing new decisions…do I want to stay in my home country? What about my boyfriend? Family? Work? Internship? Look for a job here o look for opportunities abroad? Travel to Europe?
It scares me as much as it makes me exited for all this new challenges.
It is a lot to handle and to plan. And most of the things I can’t decide because some, if not most of those decisions don’t depend on me, which scares me even more.
I don’t know…I don’t want to freak out but like…where is the panic button?
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I need air.
I’m suffocating
I need space
I need time to stop
I need to stop my mind, the endless thoughts and emotions.
I need to breath
It feels like I’m underwater trying to reach the surface and grasp a little bit more of air
But I’m sinking
I’m trying to be a good friend, a good daughter, girlfriend, student and also trying so hard to be me
But I don’t know me
I’m overwhelmed
I’m tired
I can’t stop, because things catch up on me and then everything becomes to heavy and paralyzing
and then I’m here…
Sinking into the depths gasping for air.
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