Since March 1st, so much has changed. You could say the world stopped. March was the slowest month I’ve experienced yet. The panic and anxiety and the uncertainty of the unknown was like no other. It still is. This virus has taken many lives globally and now here in the United States. This is just such a crazy time. I pray so much. I pray out loud. I pray, pray, pray for others. So many lives have changed. So many things have changed. And as I’ve heard, things will never be the same.
I am an American and I’m in utter disgust with my country. My country has failed so many. My country is just behind period. Its sad, it’s a crying shame and its my freedom of speech to say that we have all been let down by our country, its leaders and the power and abuse that comes with money. We are pathetic and I know without a shadow of a doubt, we are being laughed at and mocked in other countries. We look vulnerable and weak. Our president has failed us. We are failing.
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Its April 3rd, 2020.
Im still alive. Im still at home. Still breathing on my own. No ventilator.
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My reminders. This is my screensaver on my phone. To be continued!
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Cleaning Check List ✅
Kitchen (still deep cleaning)
I really have so much to do. But. Its getting ✅
Updating as I go!
Daily All Door Handles ✅
Daily Revolving Bathroom Uses ✅
Refrigerator ✅
Surfaces ✅
Window Seals ✅
Living Room
Continue revolving Wash Loads ✅
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Movies I have been watching during this crisis:
Across The Line
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Today I recieved a food box from the Salvation Army! Its really gonna help a lot. And I got many many good things. Thank you Sacramento Salvation Army! I really cannot afford much at this time. Let me list the items that I recieved!
One whole chicken. A fresh cabbage. Fresh carrots. Fresh parsley. Potatoes. Green Onions. Canned Soups. Canned Corn. Canned Green Beans. Unsweetened applesauce. Jar of Tomato Sauce. Canned tomato sauce. Egg noodles. Donuts. Bag of Rice. Box of elbow noodles. Orange Juice. Canned White Chicken. Raisins. And last but not least. A box of 30 trash bags.
All came from our local Winco, Raleys and Safeway! Im extremely thankful.
For anyone in need of food assistance. You will be able to get one box per week. Thats really gonna help those who havent much money for food items or those who have many to feed.
Thank You, Kindly!
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My CoronaVirus Prayer List!
(Will be updated...let me know if you would like to be added!)
Mother, Sister, Brother, Nephew, Neice
My roommate. His family.
My lover. His Family in Texas.
Those in the medical field.
All of our seniors.
All of their loved ones.
I pray for Seattle and every other state.
All those suffering whom I do not know.
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Easy Pasta! Day 2 Of My LockDown! Havent done much! Been sleeping alot!
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In February I had a bad cold. We will call it the flu. If you ask me it lasted 3weeks. I then had to be at an event on February 28th. I was afraid to go because that’s when I know I was already aware of corona in the air. Every since that event. I have tracked my whereabouts and will continue to. I know where I have been and who I have been around. I am fine. So far. But who knows. Ive had a few panic attacks. Im a woman. I’m nervous as hell. Everyone has something to say. Everyone knows so much. Nobody knew it was coming. Nobody knows what it is. Nobody can ease my unease. This shit is crazy but this begins my coronavirus journal! I pray you all will be okay. No matter who. If you wanna talk to me. You can. If you wanna laugh with me? You can. Only the strong survive. Keep me strong too. This shit is way outta wack.
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Panic & Fear has set in. In every aspect of life. This is out of control. I pray for everyone.
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