musingsofmissanon · 7 years
5/1/17- They’re Dating
I am writing this technically the day after... I found at like almost midnight on April 30th but it is now 7:49 and I have yet to sleep. 
So I have two friends. They have a 6 year age gap between them. One just turned 18 like last month and the other is like 24. They just met in like November of 2016. One is a little slither of a thing and the other is fairly average. The girl i will call C and the guy I will call T. 
Our friend group has been speculating that they had a thing going on from the beginning. Like I kid you not, she started calling him Oppa by the second time they had met. But I wrote it off as a “she watches hella k dramas and prob just wants to call the guy Oppa” kinda thing. I mean he let her so what can I say? I also didn’t like him at the time and didn’t think too much about it.
Anyway, they hit it off right away and we learn that he is the nicest to her. This guy who is normally a right asshole is nice to her, a girl he just met a few months ago. I was like whatever, she’s friendly and develops fast friendships, plus she is literally like four foot and is the youngest in our friends group, so we all babied her to an extent. I didn’t think too much of it.
Later, as the months progressed I just assumed that they had moved into a normal Oppa/Dongsaeng relationship and that because she was 17 and away from home, he made an extra attempt to be nice to her. 
How wrong was I. After a couple of months, it twas brought to my attention that two other girls in the group fancied him, that was unanimously agreed on. However, there was argumentation about the particular girl in question. No one knew whether C liked T or if was just a “he’s nice to me” type thing that she played into. Most of us saw her a super innocent. 
There was like one girl in the group that insisted that C had a thing for T and vice versa. 
Looking at it now, the ending seems obvious but you gotta understand T. T is a guy who has an Oppa complex, once he decides he likes you alright, he’s nice to you and goes out of his way to do older brother type shit, even if he’s talking shit while doing it....
Therefore, I continued not to think too much of it. 
Our group soon began to call the other girls who fancied him Tots and C was added to the list as Head Tot. 
During parties and other social events we as a group could no longer deny that something was odd with C and T. However, upon asking them individually, they denied anything. 
One of the tots who I will call E received some of the benefits that C received so that further my delusion. But the difference in E and C is that E and T occurred organically where E and T’s Oppa/Dongsaeng relationship did not. 
Anywhoo an example of the special privilages would be:
- Him calling you ‘Nae Dongsaeng’
- Trips the store in his car
- Him buying you stuff
- He wasn’t gonna be an ass to you
- He does not things in general that he doesn’t do for anyone else
- Checking after your well-being
- Generally showing care that he doesn’t give to everyone
- He also lets you ride in the front seat (I learned that one the hard way even though we had been friends longer than he and E, but that’s another story.) 
However, C got special treatment. He would start attending parties because had to make sure his “Dongsaeng” were okay(read Dongsaeng as C). He started showing up at functions that C happened to be at, functions he normally would not attend. He and her would isolate themselves and sit alone to chat, of course that never lasted long because the other Tots would flock to him and her like bees to honey( I mean literally at parties, T and C would go to the backroom and the other two Tots would realize they were gone and set our to find them). He would always make sure she ended up in his car when we would go places as a group. He would as about her if she was not present. 
The tots also do not know that almost all of the friend group calls them tots.
I do feel like at this point I should mention that I liked him in the beginning stages of our friendship. It was very much not reciprocated and I also very much hid it. I got over it eventually the more I got to know him and not the idea of him. I do thing that was due in part at least to my loneliness... 
So by the time things are getting heated with the Tots, I was over him. 
We also had a scare in between the Tot formation and the C and T predicament where another one of our friends whom I will call M discovered that she also liked T. 
That too was due to various reasons that she soon came to realize after she confessed to T and got rejected. But that’s a whole other story...
Anyway, there came a point where we realized that the Tot situation had gotten out of hand and that Head Tot(C) and T definitely had something going on....
We are all in a club and some of us are officers and junior officers. I am an officer, T is an officer, and the other tot who is neither C nor E is an officer. I will call her S. 
E is a junior officer, C is a junior officer, and M is a junior officer. 
There are other officers and junior officers but are not necessary to mention right now. 
 We as officers decided that it would be a good idea to go on a Korean style MT. So rented a cabin in the woods for a night and went to have a good time. It did not completely go as planned but it was okay. 
So,we only had 2 rooms. Our plan was to put the two guys in the room and Rock, Paper, Scissors or the other room or sleep all together in the living room.
That plan was foiled by our president and her husband who took one of the rooms without asking anyone. We couldn’t say anything we were doing things Korean style so age has final say anyway...
So there’s one room left right and we assume that it’s gonna go to T because he’s a guy.  
We pass most of the night in relative peace but then the others all start drinking and T ends up in his feels because of the alcohol. 
He’s highkey filial and all about the age hierarchy and respect. He apparently had somehow convinced himself that he had wronged the president and her husband in some kind of way and kept apologizing, they kept insisting it was okay and kept apologizing. 
I don’t really know because I was in the living room at the time but when I came back in the kitchen, he had moved to the couch between the living room and the kitchen. He was there with his head down looking like he was crying. 
I don’t do tears so I looked at him, I looked at other one of our mutual friends and she shook her head as she patted him on the back and I kept it moving to the kitchen, only to turn around and go back into the living room. 
She was trying to get him to come to his senses and out of whatever caused him to be that way but he wouldn’t. Her main fear was that the Tots would catch wind and start coddling him and make the situation infinitely worse that it was. 
Not surprisingly, Head Tot (C) came through and started the coddling. Noticing that C was missing, the other Tots set out, true to their formation. It wasn’t long before they were all standing around him and making a scene. He eventually got up and went outside.
The guy just wanted fresh air but C couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to follow him. 
By this point we all know the history of C and T and we know that the were outside the cabin sitting on a bench together. Upon nosy inspection we found out that T was laying with his head in C’s lap. 
Most of us were like just leave them be. But the Tots couldn’t just let Head Tot win like that so they kept coming up with ideas to go outside.
“Maybe he needs Water”
“Maybe they need a blanket”
I was like if they need a blanket they’ll bring their asses inside, giving them one will make them stay. They don’t listen. 
So T and C stayed outside for a good hour. 
When they finally came in it was under the careful supervision of the Tots. They laid him in bed and made sure that he had a bucket to puke in and everything. He eventually went to sleep. 
Later on that night, Drunk E was asked by the Tot Facilitator whom I will call Ti, if she wanted to sleep with T and C. E was like “yeah I want to sleep with my Oppa!” and got put in the bed with T and C(who I did not know was there at the time).
That next morning, all three woke up and no one else was awake. So C and T went back to sleep without E all cuddled up. C’s head tucked under T’s chin, face to face. I have receipts. 
It was them that we realized it was happening and there was highkey no way to stop it. They continued to deny it though so what could we say?
We left the cabin and they continued with their friendship like none of that had ever happened. So, foolishly, I thought it was an isolated incident based on the emotions at the time. 
Nothing weird had been happening since then.
Fast forward like 2 months and it’s the day after many friends went to the club. There was a pregame that C and T attended but left together. Our friend K rode with them back home and had mentioned that K said she wanted to stay the night at C’s place and T like ‘why’ and C was like “I’m tired, I just wanna go to sleep.” So K was like okay and went home.
Next day, it’s after the club and one of our friends named I texts one of the groups chats in Kakao and is like “I just saw T leaving C’s room on my way to the shower”. 
We all freaked, but lowkey expected it but having it actually happen is wild, like I was shook af. 
A mess happened where I proceeded to ask T what he was doing at C’s place and he made it difficult talking about he would tell me later. 
Long story short, he comes in at almost midnight and I’m asking him if he gonna tell me the answer to my question. 
He trying to be all mysterious.
I was like “It’s weird that were just hanging around C’s dorm like that.”
He responds with a mumbled, “Is it weird to go see my girlfriend?”
I was Shookt(yes the t is on purpose). 
He was so casual..
We already knew it was probably a thing...
But like, knowing it’s official...
I shouldn’t really care considering that I already basically knew what was going on but...
0 notes