momwithadhd · 1 year
I’m married to a verbally abusive narcissist who belittles me and tells me my adhd is an excuse. I want to leave its just not a reality for me. But I see through the lies and hurt now. I will remain on top.
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momwithadhd · 1 year
You may say her head is in the clouds
She is a forgetful mess
Just trying to fit in, too afraid to break free, afraid of being seen,
But on the off chance she feels safe, she will tell you her life story and more.
You may say her head is in the clouds
She is easily distracted and won’t concentrate easily.
A bounce in her step, twirling her hair as she makes decisions with no second thought.
Giggling and fidgeting as she travels through life. No control, no limits to what can happen.
You may say her head is in the clouds.
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momwithadhd · 1 year
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momwithadhd · 1 year
Tumblr media
An edit I made
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momwithadhd · 1 year
Ive always wondered whats normal for ADHD and being on meds and whats a side effect that shouldn’t be there. I never know whats a normal feeling.
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momwithadhd · 1 year
Little ADHD Things:
Things that are annoying—
Not being able to sleep
Knowing that RSD is stupid but not being able to fix it!
Being called childish
Picking at your skin
Appetite loss & trouble maintaining a healthy weight 
Having 2 songs stuck in your head at the same time 
Being bored is literally painful 
Trouble enjoying movies
Cavities & poor oral hygiene 
Having to remember to take your meds that help you remember things (?? ADHD is so ironic?)
Feeling fundamentally different from others
Having to think out loud in public
Not knowing when to ask for help because everything’s always hard
Forgetting about the people you love
Lack of good ADHD representation in media
Things that are amazing!—
Special interests!!!!
Being able to break stigmas! 
Unique outlook on life! 
The awesome nd community! 
Finding nts who support you! 
Being curious about everything! 
Being good with kids or animals! 
Being more accepting of people who are “different”!
Forgetting about the money in your pocket!
Having a vivid imagination! 
Awesome Wikipedia sprees!
Living at a time when some doctors know ADHD is real!
Being able to hear the same funny story again because you forgot what happened!
Being different because different is amazing!!!!
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