modsatan-writes · 4 years
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*stares back*
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
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Here's my entry for the #Obeymetitlescreencontest! I'm not an illustrator but I tried my best ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ I usually never do full illustration bgs, composition or more than one character per artwork so this was definitely the most challenging piece I created.
You know I wouldn't miss this chance to get my alt demon forms in the game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I think fighting my wrist pains and sleep was worth it ( ;∀;)? ...but I'm so tired & hungry.
Before I sleep-
1 week -figuring out my remaining alt demon forms and strategic composition
1 week - clean lineart that I didn't use ( ;∀;)
1 week - rendering
Cats are cosplaying devil cat. But most importantly, the main cat in the foreground -- its paw is where the "Tap" button is
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Also, let me tell you a story about those stray strawberries. Ah and I made a devil doiley. but yes, I tossed the strawberry to the side for future food, but later realized it's on the same layer as the platter. I didn't want to edit, so I tossed another strawberry friend for him LOL 😂
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
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Been listening to Levi’s character song preview...I love it! 🥺 it gives me nostalgia... when I was playing my DS during grade school... 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
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As requested, Belphie ♥
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
I'm (temporarily) closing the ask box!
It will only be a matter of two/three days and I'll re-open it, I just want to make sure to finish the requests I already have before accepting new ones!
- Mod Satan
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
The amount of love I'm getting from you guys is insane.
Even though I take my time with the requests, I read them all as soon as I can, and let me tell you that you're angels, all of you, and I love you. Thank you so so much for caring about what I write, every single comment of appreciation makes my day. I smile every single time. Thank you.
- Mod Satan
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Could I get a matchup please? 5'6 girl w/ fluffy blondish-brown hair & brown eyes. I love reading, writing (especially short stories & poetry), video games, sleeping, baking, & cooking. MBTI: INFP. Words friends have used to describe me are: quiet (foremost trait), funny, hardworking, creative, artistic, chill, respectful, kind sweet, loyal, enthusiastic about interests, & positive. I also have depression & anxiety. Love language is phys touch (playing w my hair/massages are my favs) Thank you!
You're welcome, honey!
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to always read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Beelzebub
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I think Beel would love to have a quiet person by his side – I've already mentioned this in another match-up, but Beelzebub prefers more intimate conversations over huge groups or crowded places. He doesn't mind them really, he's just not fond of them.
You have a lot of the traits he finds attractive in a person – I mean, you're kind, loyal, respectful, sweet and positive! He couldn't ask for anything more than that.
Also, you can bake and cook!
You two could definetly try to cook something really good together – try. Please prevent Beelzebub from eating the ingredients.
He gets really sad when he finds out you struggle with depression and anxiety – you're his love, of course he wants you to always live your best life.
Since you show your love with physical touch, he will keep you near him as much as he can – he wants to show his love for you too!
Your platonic match is: Asmodeus
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He laid his eyes on your fluffy hair and it was over for you.
He loves, I mean, really loves to play with your hair – he will also try to style them and braid them every now and then.
"You look really cute in this hairstyle, Y/N! Let me style your hair more often, pretty please?"
Also, he's really good at giving massages – if you ask him to give you one, he'll gladly oblige.
You can return the favour, of course.
Also, Asmodeus thinks that your sweet and positive facade is really adorable and he kind of hates when he notices that you're sad or anxious.
If you let him do that and if you're comfortable with it, he will hug you tightly and keep you close to his chest to calm you down a little bit.
"Listen to my heartbeat, Y/N. Isn't it relaxing?"
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Hi! Can i have a Matchup? I'm a scorpio and 19 year old female, hobbies: are drawing, reading mystery novel and collecting various types of cat plushi!, favorite food: sweet foods such as strawberry chees cake, and donuts. I really like cats and hope one day I can raise them. trait: I am often said to be someone who is optimistic and innocent by my friends, yes, although honestly what they think of me is not true, I am a vengeful person and also very manipulative, but of course that a secret
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Hi dear! I know I'm late, I'm really sorry about that, but have faith, all of you! I'll catch up.
I hope you'll like your match-up!
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to always read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Satan
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Okay, so, this relationship would most certainly be a tough one – a double-edged sword.
Let's start with the positive things – you and Satan have a lot in common. You both like literature and cats and these are things you can bond over.
I mean, imagine secretly taking care of a stray kitten you two have found near the House of Lamentation – of course, Lucifer knew nothing about this.
He is a wise man and he is very observant – he just knows you don't like to be protected, even if you didn't tell him, and he'll try to be less protective of you, but sometimes the feeling is stronger than him.
These things said, why do I think your relationship could be tough?
First of all, he doesn't like to be manipulated – no-one likes that, of course, but Satan will get really angry if he finds out. And we know that when Satan gets angry he becomes really destructive. So, please, don't use that card on him, because he will eventually figure out what's going on.
Also, you're both vangeful and oh boy isn't this alarming – do I really need to tell you why?
Now, back to the happy stuff – all things considered, I think Satan could really understand you. He totally gets the struggle with family members (Lucifer *cough*) and he's really willing to help. He's really good at giving advice.
He will support you in your college studies, always, and he will help you when he can.
Your platonic match is: Beelzebub
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He's attracted by your optimistic and innocent facade, not gonna lie.
Beel is a kind demon, though, and he will love you unconditionally in any case, really.
He likes to take you out – he'll show you his favourite places and he'll buy your favourite cake or donut.
He's a little more oblivious than Satan – if you don't tell him that you don't like to be treated like a little sister, he won't stop being protective. And even if you tell him, he will never completly stop, but of course he tries his best.
It's just, he's finally found someone he really cares about. He doesn't want you to be a second Lilith.
Please don't manipulate him – he would be angry, of course, but he would never act on that. He's just...too hurt.
He will try to give you advice on how to cope with your mother – he really tries. His family is not the most harmonious one either, but he's definetly the calmer one out of all of his brothers and could give really good advice.
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
hii!! could you write something cute about mc having to ask levi to beat a game level for them? tysm!
aaaaa this is such an adorable request! as tough as levi is to pin down, i really enjoyed writing this! ^^
You rap your knuckles on the door, the sound echoing faintly in the empty corridor. A few moments pass as you wait for a response. Surely he’s in there. Where else can he be at this time in the afternoon?
Before you can knock again, a muffled voice from the other side of the door calls out. “What’s the secret phrase?”
You huff. Secret phrase, secret schmrase. “Levi, it’s me. Open up.”
“Bzzz. Wrong. That’s not it.”
“Levi, come on—”
The door unlocks and swings open. Leviathan stands there, sporting dark circles and a scowl. “Should’ve known that wouldn’t work on you. It barely did the first time.” He turns on his heel and walks back to his gaming setup, saying over his shoulder, “Make it quick. I was in the middle of my new game.”
You don’t bat an eyelash at his greeting, following after him instead. He’s always crabbier than usual after a new release, operating on no sleep and whatever the Devildom equivalent of Red Bull is. “I…kinda need your help with this level I’m on.”
Leviathan sprawls into his chair, before blinking up at you. “Level?”
You hesitate, then reveal the item you’ve been clutching. A handheld game console.
Continua a leggere
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
I'm laughing way too hard at this.
- Mod Satan
from my insta
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Good evening my sweet pumpkin pie, after reading those first match-ups of yours I really couldn't keep myself from asking one too, when you'll have time of course! Btw, I totally loved them. So, I'll go with the nick Arthemisia just cause I don't wanna use my real one, age is 22, heterosexual, maybe a slight biromantic, and I'm an INFP-T.
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Hi lovely! I really hope you'll like your match-up. I laughed so hard writing this for you, you damn Gryffindor.
P.s. I love you too! ❤️
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to always read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Leviathan
I gave my husband to you girl, treat him with the respect he deserves.
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I wrote this in another match-up, but I think it works well for you too – Levi has his own fantasy world in his mind and he loves that, but no-one seems to understand him. He desperately wants to be validated, with all of his passions and all of his interests. And here you are, just a little bit like him. And he loves that.
He loves music just as much as you do – it's his safe place, exactly like his room is. He listens to anisongs a lot, but I think he wouldn't mind something different every now and then. But just beacuse you are his normie.
So, what does that mean? Imagine spending the night in his room, dancing to the songs you both like (he's a little shy at the beginning, but wait until his favourite song comes up. He will be a new man).
Loves to make cute videos of you two awkwardly dancing – he will never post them, he just keeps them on his phone and watches them when he needs to smile a little. Not because he's also jealous, absolutely not.
Date nights consist in playing videogames and watching animes – he gets a little mad when he loses against you, but at the same time he's really proud? Is that even possible?
He sadly gets the feeling of not knowing what to do with his life. He has a very bad opinion about himself. Hopefully you two could help eachother a little bit?
One night, he brought you to the planetarium because he knows you like the stars and he wanted you to see them way better – don't let his brothers know about this, though, or he will never hear the end of it.
Since you love animals so much, he will let you meet Henry.
Dear Lord the amount of love I feel for this man is insane, sorry.
Your platonic match is: Beelzebub
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Okay, this one is a little more difficult to explain because it's just a feeling that I personally have.
First of all, you both are too pure for this world – you're kind and I think that's the kind of person Beel is attracted to.
When you feel sad, he will try to cook your favourite dishes to cheer you up.
"Sorry, Misia, I ate a little bit of it on my way here. It's really good."
As a matter of fact, he almost cleaned the whole plate – ALMOST.
He promises he will ask Belphegor to help him the next time he'll try to cook for you – just to make sure he doesn't eat the whole thing in the process.
He's the number one fan of your drawings right after me of course.
Also, he likes to hear you play the guitar and sing – your voice is just so sweet he forgets his hunger for a little bit.
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Hi, Mod Satan here!
I just wanted to thank every single person who sent me a request, I really appreciate that! I'm also getting a lot of love. Your compliments melt my heart, really. Thank you so so much, I'm so happy you like my writing.
I currently have 9 pending requests. I'll try to be as fast as possible, I swear, but work and college are stressing me a little.
Have a nice day, y'all, and stay safe!
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Um, hi! I was wondering if I could have a Obey me matchup? If it’s not too much trouble. I’m an asexual female, my star sign is Taurus and my MBTI type is INFP-T. And I am also a Hufflepuff! From what people have told me, they say my personality is very kind, sweet, caring, but they also say that I am a bit naive and gullible. And at first glance, I am very shy, but once you get to know me and we become close, I can be bubbly, fun, and silly. I am very stubborn and I tend to be very passionate about things that are important to me. But I also hate confrontation, I don’t like being yelled at and tend to try and be the peacemaker of everything. I would rather hide than start a fight. My friends also say that I give really good advice and that I am kind of the mom of the group, always worrying about others. But they also say that I am the baby of the group because of my innocence. I am also a huge introvert, I would much rather be home than out partying. But I do love to shop, even though I am cheap. I can be extremely lazy at times, but if I am passionate about something I become very hardworking and determined. Even though I am asexual, I am a huge romantic and I tend to love affection, like holding hands, cuddling, forehead kisses, etc. I am very self-deprecating, I talk really bad about myself and it’s also the ways I make jokes.My hobbies are painting my nails, reading and writing, swimming, and playing basketball. I dislike people who are mean to others for no good reason, and I also hate being in complete darkness. My love language is probably Quality Time and Words of Affirmation. And I think that is it. I am so sorry that this is so long. But thank you for doing this and I appreciate the fact that you’re doing this for people. Thank you again and I really hope you have a great day!
Aspec girls team up! Thank you so much for your request honey and have a really nice day. I hope you'll like the match up.
P.s. Also, you are an angel and this Slytherin would love to adopt you.
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to always read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Mammon
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I'm not gonna lie, at the beginning Mammon tried to take advantage of your innocence – you learned very quickly to never let your possessions unsupervised in his immediate proximity.
That being said, once he falls for you he immediately stops doing that – it's not very gentlemanly of him and, ehi, he's trying to be the best for you, even though he says that he won't ever change for a human.
You and Mammon are very much alike in a couple of things – he tries to avoid conflict as much as possible (even though he gives his brothers a million of reasons to be mad at him, this boy), exactly like you do. I think the two of you could be a very balanced couple who sorts things out in a peaceful way (we love a non-toxic relationship).
Also, the amount of silly things you could do together? Unbelievable. You two end up dying of laughter every single time.
Even though he acts like a tsundere about it, he loves the affection you give him. Holding hands? Yes, please. Cuddling? Of course. Forehead kisses? PLEASE.
He needs your Words of Affirmation – he gets insulted by his brothers on a daily basis, please remind him that he's worthy of love and appreciation.
He doesn't really understand your other interests, but he would definetly play basketball with you every now and then.
Honestly, I just think you two are a perfect match and I ship it.
He once heard you make a self-deprecating joke and he went berserk on you – not in a violent way, of course. He's just worried.
"Oi, stop sayin' those things about yourself, will ya?! You don't want to make The Great Mammon mad!"
He never gets mad at you, he's just stubborn.
Your platonic match is: Asmodeus
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First of all, this man finds your innocence kind of adorable – you're just so cute and naive!
Also, shopping? Painting your nails? He's your man.
He can and he will buy you anything you want when you're short on money, just beacuse he likes how those clothes (shirt, dress, sweater – you name it!) look on you.
He would love to have the chance to paint your nails – he can come up with the cutest and most colorful designs.
Words of Affirmation work very well on him too. Do I really need to tell you why?
If you want to cuddle with him, he'll be more than happy to oblige – physical contact is his way to show affection (of course, he would never get sexual with you).
Even though you're not a party animal like him, your bubbly and fun personality definetly make up for it!
He will tease you to make you shy – he kind of loves it, you're adorable.
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
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@astro-mystics thank you so much for your request, I hope you'll have a lovely day too!
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to always read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Belphegor
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The main reason I chose Belphegor is that you too seem to be kindred spirits – he likes your quietness, but you being sassy and witty? Masterpiece. Sign him the fuck up.
Don't be too sassy with him though – he likes that, even when your dry remarks are directed to him, but don't force your hand too much or you'll be in serious trouble.
The type of boyfriend that, when you say something self-deprecating, answers with: "Ah ah, me too".
Does that mean that he likes it when you do that? Absolutely not.
Kind of a hypocrite because he uses self-deprecating humor a lot too, but absolutely despises it once he understands that your remarks are serious and not a joke.
"Do you really think this things about yourself, Y/N?"
He loves that you are really short – makes it easier to cuddle use you as his personal pillow.
Your platonic match is: Satan
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You write mystery novels? Congratulations, you now are Satan's favourite person.
Seriously though, he was immediatly attracted by this talent of yours.
If you let him, he will read everything you write and give you his honest opinion.
Likes to brew you coffee every now and then – sometimes, he even draws you a cat (or other things you like) with latte. He's a master at latte art after all.
He tries to keep you in check with your studies – he knows that you are a procrastinator, so he will try to organize little study sessions to make sure you don't forget to study or do your homeworks.
That being said, your arrogance triggers him sometimes – that's the main reason you too will end up fighting every now and then.
Being the stubborn demon he is, he will give you the silent treatment for a day or two – he looks like a very wise man, but in this situations he acts like a little kid.
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a matchup? :) I’m a straight female. I enjoy science and math, but i like reading as well. I’m a perfectionist, and have a tendency to be overly ambitious. I’m pretty extroverted but I have a lot of social anxiety and need alone time as well, so I love staying in and watching movies and reading instead of going out. I enjoy smaller, more intimate conversations instead of huge groups. I also have a tough time receiving compliments and affection, but I have no problem giving it.
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Hi darling! Thank you so much for the compliments, really. Hope you enjoy your match-up!
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Beelzebub
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Okay so, the main reason I picked Beelzebub is he would definetly understand when you need your alone time – he's worried about you, of course, but he knows it's just a matter of time.
Either way, he can and he will check on you – he will bring you your favourite food (he tries not to eat it on the way to your room) and, if you want him to stay, he will be more than happy to oblige.
He loves to spend time with you and Belphie – I don't think he would like huge groups, too. Just you, your twin and himself is a perfect situation for him.
Date nights are spent watching movies – with lots of food.
He doesn't really understand your interest in math and science, but he thinks that's really cool and he definetly supports you – you're so clever!
He's very affectionate with you, but he will respect your boundaries – he will never do something you're not comfortable with.
You make him feel so loved and appreciated.
Your platonic match is: Leviathan
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Okay, all jokes apart, we all know too well that he likes staying in his room – and what does that mean? Movie night, of course.
If you're not an otaku already, he will definetly suggest a lot of anime series for you to watch. In exchange, he will give a try to your normie movies. At the end, he loves them.
He doesn't really understand how you can be so extroverted, but he sure can understand the feeling of wanting to be alone for a while and he respects that.
He doesn't really know how to handle huge groups – he can't even handle one person, sometimes. So, more intimate conversations are a must for him.
He's a complete mess in both giving and receiving affection (poor bean is trying his best, okay?), but give him some time and he will eventually warm up a bit. He just needs time to adjust to your normie tactics.
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
Hey!! I was wondering how the demon bros would react to seeing mc's stretch marks for the first time? I am a lil chubb and would love some fluff!! If you don't do all of them maybe just mammon, beel, satan and belphie? Thank you 😁
The brothers see MC's stretch marks for the first time
I loved this ask so much. Thank you for your request!
- Mod Satan
tw: none, just fluffiness.
Requests are currently OPEN. Please read the rules before sending in an ask.
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As your lover, he has already accepted every single part of you – even the ones you hate. And he loves them.
Your stretch marks are not an exception.
He smiles and caresses your skin with his gloved hand, following your stretch marks.
If you're insecure about them, he will immediatly scold you – not in an angry way, of course. He just wants you to understand how beautiful you are.
"My love, there's no need to be insecure. You are breathtaking."
He adores your being in every possible way. Even though he acts like he doesn't care out of pride in front of his brothers, he's probably the one who loves you the most.
And he shows that, even though he doesn't mean to.
When he sees your stretch marks for the first time, he actually doesn't pay much attention to them – not because he doesn't care, but because, to him, they're just another beautiful characteristic of your body.
It will take time for him to notice that you're insecure about them (if you are) – but when he does, oh boy. You're in for a ride.
"Oi, look at me, will ya? I'm your man and you are my human. That should clear things up, don't ya think?"
Please love yourself as much as he loves you.
Honestly, he doesn't even care about your stretch marks. He loves your body just the way it is – even though he violently blushes every single time he thinks about telling you.
At first, he couldn't even look at you. Not because you're not beautiful! I mean, he thinks you're stunning and that's the point. How could someone like you love a gross otaku like him?
He struggles with self-love too – he is definetly the one who can understand your insecurity.
Loves to make you sit on his lap while he games – he will hug you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder while his eyes are focused on the screen.
He's a gentleman.
Being the observant man he is, he immediately notices them, but never points them out – the last thing he wants to do is trigger you.
If you show confidence, though, he will absolutely love it – you're perfect just the way you are. You deserve to feel confident.
He wants you to feel confident.
He's just so proud of you, but he won't ever tell you – he will show you with his actions.
Oh, this man.
He leaves a lot, a lot of kisses on your stretch marks – he just can't help it!
Loves to rest his head on your chest, belly or thighs – he could even let you play with his hair, just don't mess them up!
The King of self-esteem – you're not confident in the way your body looks? Congratulations, you've just triggered Asmodeus. He won't let you go untill you learn to love yourself.
"Darling, you're just as beautiful as I am! Why can't you see it? "
Stretch marks? We love and accept them in this house.
They're not flaws. Don't even think about it.
Seriously though, this boy will do everything in his power to make you understand that you are loved.
This man just loves to constantly keep you in his arms – he loves the way your body feels against his. Now he won't let you go!
Gives the best bear hugs.
This man doesn't even notice them at the beginning – he's that clueless.
When he does, though, he just doesn't care – should he have any particular opinion on your stretch marks?
In any case, he doesn't have an opinion – they're just there and that's fine.
Loves to feel his body against his as much as his twin does.
Just let him rest his head on your chest while he naps – you now have a smiling Belphie.
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modsatan-writes · 4 years
And now I'm dead. Thank you so much. It's so important to me.
- Mod Satan
May I request a match-up?
Hi! The preferred name i'd go by is Devora, bisexual, demigirl. I'm an Aquarius, apparently a ENFP-T personality type. I am loyal, caring and sometimes even protective of the ones I love, usually independent and always trying to be a responsible and reasonable-mature person. I struggle with confidence and self worth issues (writing anything positive about myself is a challenge). I am an absolute ambivert, shy around people of higher authority or importance but very open around people I care about or feel close to. Also very affection starved, daily hugs are a must. Cuddles are a dream. I don't care about appearances at all, and care about being healthy and for everyone to be in their best state. (Sorta struggle to do it for myself though, neglecting whatever health Issues I might have) Also rather minimalistic, not the biggest wardrobe. I have glasses and I myself am a bit of a short chub with a boy haircut. My way of exercising is longs walks, I listen to music alot which I end up daydreaming about. My mind is constantly thinking about a thousand things at once and I struggle to focus at times. Also a bit of a workaholic who can't really relax. I hold a strong love for animals, especially cats and reptiles (own a cat and a leopard gecko). I hold a massive sense of love any type of fiction/creative media. Movies, theatre, books, anime, video games, you name it! Though I do also love myself am occasional documentary about history or something. I hold a love for food, I love cooking but for the life of me can't bake, I do tend to be a bit picky at times and have a fuzzy appetite which can be problematic, add it with my workaholic tendencies and I tend to forget to eat or sleep - memory can also often be a bit iffy at times.
What I really want to do is become a writer, writer/creator for books, movies, tv shows, maybe even video games! I struggle with escapism sometimes and because of that I hold a massive fantasy world in my head, and it's constantly expanding nonstop.
Art is a small hobby on the side, as just another way of expressing the things I'd want to write about.
I struggle with fidgeting and little stims of mine. I'd say I'm a very understanding and open-minded person, always trying to see both sides of a conflict and trying to solve things through communication. I also hold a strong sense of patience but can have an occasional temper if you really do go that low - I also can be rather curious, another one of my dreams is to travel the world, to see new places, meet new people and be introduced to all types of culture (One of the places I'm most interested in is Japan, England is also a place I really wanna visit one day). I'm always thrilled to meet someone from a different backround and to listen to what they have to say.
Also I come from Estonia, English ain't my first language either, and I'm constantly aiming for learning more languages - I do often struggle with my identity aswell.
Also struggle with family issues, not gonna go into that, but just gonna say I've lacked a connected and loving family for a majority of my life, which just makes me more likely to get attached to someone. Can be very emotional and talkative at times (I'm the type who quickly cries during movies hahah)
Ps. I love the work you do, and I hope you the best! ✨
You sure can, sweety! You say you struggle with writing positive things about yourself, but honestly there's nothing not to love! Sweety, you're so cool and creative it's insane. Also, thanks for the love!
- Mod Satan
tw: none.
Requests are currently OPEN. Remember to always read the rules before sending in an ask.
Your romantic match is: Satan
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Oh boy I have a lot to say about this one.
Well, what can I say? He literally loves how much of a creative person you are. He's silently impressed by your skills.
He will absolutely encourage you to follow your dream and become a writer – we know he is a massive bookworm and, well, his loved one writing? Magnificent. Stunning.
He can and he will read everything you write. Books? Scripts? Songs? You name it.
Also, a lot of your hobbies are the same as his – you bet he will lend you his favourite books and occasionally read for you before going to sleep. He would love to accompany you to theatre and watch movies with you (he's there to wipe your tears).
You want to visit England? Leave it to him.
He needs your patience – as the Avatar of Wrath, he loses his temper pretty quickly. But if you're by his side, maybe he won't be that destructive. Teach him how to communicate and convey his emotions in a non-violent way.
You're his voice of reason.
He's not that good with affection at the beginning – he doesn't dislike it, but he's a bit awkward (he just doesn't know how to react). Give him time, though, and he will eventually become more affectionate. Not fond of PDA though, so everything will be done in private.
He will constantly check on you. Did you have lunch? Did you sleep enough?
He will tease the hell out of you in your shy moments.
You said you have a cat? Now your cat is his cat too.
Your platonic match is: Leviathan
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I think you and Levi are really kindred spirits – just like you, he has his very own fantasy world in his mind and he likes to live in it. He would love to share his ideas with you and, of course, he would listen to you, too!
Definetly the friend you can binge-watch anime and play videogames with. Satan doesn't like that because he keeps you awake at night and you need to sleep.
He calls you a normie when he notices you're crying for a sad anime scene. He's crying to.
Honestly, the boy is just so happy he found someone he can talk to about his interests – his brothers never take him seriously and he doesn't really have a lot irl friends. It's refreshing for him.
Please go visit Japan with him. Please.
He buys you figures of your favourite anime characters for your birthday.
I think he's a very good listener, actually – when you struggle with your family or anything else really, just text him and he'll be on his way in mere seconds.
He created a playlist to cheer you up (most of the songs are his favourite openings and endings from animes he loves).
He will definetly ask you to cosplay with him the characters of an anime you watched together.
He fell in love with your gecko. He's almost as cute as Henry.
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