maxinexstars · 7 days
Request by anon:Cupid x Female reader where the arrow hits her (just one arrow) and she falls in love with the reader
Cupid x femreader
Moodboard: @alrawabi-imagines
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somehow Cupid had accidentally hit herself with one of her arrows,and you ended up being the poor soul she saw first. Now she was completely and utterly in love with you. She stood up, giggling cutely and blushing
"Well, hi there, beautiful...~" it was clear that she was very much in love. Completely and utterly, in fact. You were the object of her obsession at that moment, the target of her affections. You didn't know what was going on with her,or why she was all over you for no reason.
"Hi Cupid" She giggled and approached you with a wide and adorable smile, her cheeks a lovely pink color. She reached up and put her hand on your cheek gently, smiling more in a flirtatious way.
"You're so gorgeous~"
"What's gotten into you?" You asked,she was behaving out of character. She was usually calm and composed,the person you'd go for good advice but now she was acting like a lovesick fool.
"Hmmm, what do you mean by that...?" She blinked with a slightly clueless and naive expression, before laughing lightly as if it was a joke. "I'm just happy to see you, that's all... You make me happy~" She giggled more, and continued to lean into the conversation, now closer than ever. Thankfully the bell rang and you headed to different classes. Except you didn't go to class,you snuck away to the library. Hoping you'd find an answer to what's happening with Cupid. You searched and searched through the various books that lay within the library, before finally stumbling across the correct section,one on love. Within that section, you discovered a book that detailed cupids such as Cupid herself. The 'symptoms' section detailed that a cupid, when hit with their own arrow, would go absolutely nuts for the first person they saw. You read further,the book gave the various symptoms, which you were already experiencing, and then suggested the various methods of coping with such a cupid, including; ignoring them,which could cause a dangerous reaction, including possible violence. Having them hit another arrow on another target,which would just make another person obsessed with the cupid or trying to woo them,which is what a cupid would expect from their love target. You knew you couldn't do any of that,so you searched for a way to break the spell. The book suggested that there was something of a loophole that only a few cupids knew about, and some did accidentally stumble across it. If their 'victim' was actually in love with them back, it could nullify the effect... Which means you had to fall in love with cupid. Or fake it. You were debating as you kept flipping through the book. The last page read 'A last resort to break the spell is to break the-' the rest of the page was torn. You sighed deeply, frustrated at how you couldn't finish reading the book that gave the last piece of information needed, but then, you had a lightbulb moment. If what the book said was true, then you technically didn't have to fall in love with her,you just had to get her to believe that
you already had those feelings. Or find out what you had to break. Maybe there'd be more information in her room. You were onto something there. Perhaps her room would yield some more information, if you were lucky. You had to be sure that no one would stumble across you leaving the library though, and so you left discreetly, glancing around to make sure the coast was clear. But when you got there the door was obviously locked,why hadn't you thought of that. You knew Cupid had the key and you had to trick her into opening it for you. You waited outside her classroom and eventually she came out. She didn't even notice you as she had her earphones in, bobbing her head to whatever tune she was listening to. She was so into it that she wasn't even aware of her surroundings, the poor girl being completely distracted. She made her way to her locker,you put your hands on either side of her,on the lockers. Trapping her between the lockers and you. She was startled at first, a small squeak escaping her mouth as she turned her head to look at whoever it was that had interrupted her music... Only for her cheeks to go pink when she saw that it was you, the person she was pining over.
"O-oh,Hi there~" She spoke softly, her eyes not leaving your own, a smile spreading across her mouth. You leaned in closer
"Hey,how about we take this to your room?. Just the two of us" The pink on her cheeks only grew more noticeable as her eyes widened slightly. Cupid was clearly embarrassed, yet utterly infatuated that you were flirting with her in such a way. A love spell or not, she'd love the idea as herself or anyone else. Cupid stuttered a little, but managed to respond.
"S-sure,if you want to" She mumbled softly, letting her guard down for you. You may just be able to pull this off.
"Lead the way,darling" you cringed at yourself,simultaneously feeling bad about doing this. Cupid blushed as her expression shifted from flustered to giddy. She took your hand and began to lead you over to her room, her cheeks still a noticeable pink. As you passed others, you could see some of them giving you an odd look, clearly wondering why the love cupid would be hanging out with you so suddenly. But, you paid them no mind, focusing solely on Cupid as she continued to guide you towards her room. Her broadcasting room was a beautiful open place,with her equipment set on a table,a bookshelf which you hoped would hold the answer. As you looked around you saw an empty case with a key hanging next to it,but it was empty. "What's that for?" Cupid turned towards you in confusion, before realizing what you were talking about. She smiled and gave a soft chuckle, before answering your question.
"Oh... It's where I store my bow. I always do that when I'm not working." Cupid explained,smiling. A chill ran down your spine,it was empty and her bow was nowhere in sight.
"Where is it now?" Cupid shrugged her shoulders, giggling cutely as she did so. She twirled around, before giving a twirl of her feet for some reason. Whatever had caused this, it certainly left her happy.
"Oh, I don't know. It's probably somewhere in-" Cupid paused and her voice trailed off when she noticed that the case was empty. A look of panic spread across her face as she turned to face you. "You don't think someone took my bow, do you?"
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of,we need to find it. But first there's something I need you to do for me" Cupid nodded her head frantically, clearly panicked as she worried about where her bow could possibly be. She looked at you with worry in her eyes, waiting for you to ask for what you wanted. She'd clearly do anything for you at that very moment.
"Okay... What do you want me to do..?" Cupid spoke softly, looking at you to await your instructions.
"Sit down and try to stay calm" She nodded her head, before she sat down on the ground, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, trying to calm herself to an extent. Although she was panicking a lot, she had to do something to stay calm,after all, you had asked her to.
"Okay, okay I'll try.I'll try to stay calm. Anything for you” Cupid spoke softly, looking up at you as she did so. You looked through the bookshelf,hoping you'd find the same book and you did. The last page was completely intact and read 'the final way to break the spell is to destroy the bow' you read further. It read, ‘If the spell is not nullified by their target being in love with them in the first place, or if their target denies the cupid's affection and refuses them, then the only option is to destroy the cupid's weapon, their bow. The bow itself is what gives cupids their power. Take that away from them, and they are no longer affected.’ This was the last resort to break the spell.
"We need to find your bow before whoever has it now causes trouble. Cupid nodded her head in agreement, panic in her eyes when she heard that someone else had her bow. She stood up, giving a nod to you in return.
"Yes,you're right, we have to go find it. Who knows what trouble they'll cause if they have that in their possession" Cupid spoke softly, clearly worried. As you ran through the school until you were stopped by Frankie
"Hey Y/N,I've been looking for you everywhere. I found a way to break the spell" she said,but there was something bigger now
“That's good but Cupid's bow is missing and we need to find it" Frankie reassured,revealing that she had taken the bow for safekeeping. The panic that was on Cupid's face lessened the moment Frankie said she had the bow. She let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders slouching slightly as she did so. She was clearly very glad that the bow was safe and no longer in the wrong hands.
"Well, thank the love Gods you have it,I was worried sick, thinking about if someone else got their hands on that thing,but at least we know it's safe now"
"Now we just need to smash it,so the spell will be broken" you said,reaching for the bow but Frankie pulled away.
"We still need to free Draculaura from Valentine and then we can break it," Frankie explained. Cupid's eyes widened a little as she heard that it needed to be destroyed, before she nodded her head slightly in understandment.
"But,how are you going to break them apart? I saw them together the other day.They're pretty attached at the hip."
"We use your arrows and make her fall for Clawd,come on let's go" Cupid's eyes widened slightly when she heard the plan, before she blushed and nodded her head in agreement. She knew how to work her arrows, how to make any monster fall in love using these babies. She reached into her quiver, pulling out an arrow and loading it into her bow.
"Okay, let's go then." After you saved Draculaura from Valentine,that left one thing. Freeing Cupid from her own spell,by smashing the bow. She seemed to snap out of it completely,but looked confused. The moment you smashed the bow, Cupid gasped and her eyes widened in surprise. She looked at the fragments of the bow before her, before she looked back at you in surprise.
"Wha... What has happened..?" Cupid's cheeks were still a light pink, but this was more out of confusion than affection. She really was confused about what the hell had happened in the last twenty four hours or so.
"It's a long story,maybe I could tell you over coffee?" Cupid blushed when you offered to explain this over coffee with her, biting her cheek slightly as she nodded her head in agreement. She was back to her usual, composed self, yet there were still lingering tinges of the cupid magic about her.
"Yea,that sounds nice.I'd like that."
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maxinexstars · 9 days
Monster high-masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 🌈=Fluff 💦=Smut 💀=Angst💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
Clawdeen wolf
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Cleo de nile
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Deuce Gorgon
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Clawd wolf
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Frankie stein
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Abbey Bominable
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Seth/pharaoh Ptolemy
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Catty noir
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Nefera de nile
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maxinexstars · 9 days
Request by anon:Could you do a Nefera fem reader where the reader is a werewolf and her father doesn't approve of them (maybe set during boo york)
Nefera x fem reader
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“Y/N,your turn,how'd you meet your girlfriend?” You were sitting with your friends and somehow got into talking about how some of them met their partners.
“Well I was walking down the street when I bumped into someone”
"Get off of me! Eww, don't you know who I am?" That was the first time you met Nefera,which led to no one believing you when you told them that you were dating. You had been with her for 3 years after managing to get through her rough bitchy exterior,she was sweet but only towards you. As you were talking Nefera grabbed your face and started kissing you "I missed you, babe" in between kisses. She sat next to you,asking you "What are you talking about?" You laughed
"Just explaining how we met” She laughed
"I remember that day. I thought you were just some lowlife trying to talk to me" Putting her arm around your shoulders as she leaned her head on yours. You playfully punched her arm,yet her comment somehow hurt. You did feel insecure against her,she was practically royalty and you were just a werewolf. Plus there was the fact that her father hated you,and thought you weren't good enough for her. "Hey, hey" Nefera gave you a serious look "What's wrong?" she started stroking your hair lovingly, sensing your discomfort
"Nothing,just worried about the upcoming full moon" You lied there was a full moon coming but you weren't worried about that. Your friends who you were telling the story to,had slipped away at some point but you didn't care right now.
"You know, babe, I don't care that you're a werewolf. You're still the best person I have ever met" She started kissing your neck "You don't think you're not good enough for me, do you?"
"No,just the moon thing"
"Well, once you turn, I'll still love you. I'll be right by your side the next morning, just you see"
"Aren't you heading to Boo York with your sister and father tomorrow?" She had been talking about this trip for the last 3 days,about some fancy gallery event.
"Oh, boo york! I almost forgot. My flight leaves tomorrow and I still haven't packed" She pulled away and grabbed your cheeks "Promise me you'll be careful tonight, alright? I don't want my favorite wolf getting hurt"
"I'll be fine,I promise. I'm gonna miss you" Nefera kissed you
"I'll miss you, too. But I'll call you every night before I go to bed. And I'll be back before you even notice." She gave you one last kiss "I have to head back to my place and finish packing. You,be careful!" You watched her walk off before you left. The rest of the night was difficult. You tossed and turned, and by the time you finally fell asleep, the moon was already high in the sky. It's light shining through your window awoke you. You stood up, feeling disoriented and confused. As you stumbled around in the dark you suddenly realized what was happening. Your vision began to blur and you tried to cry out, but all that came out was a low growl,you woke up the next day with mud on your face and small sticks in your hair. you slowly sat up, and looked around at the forest you had run through in your wolf form. You stumbled to your feet and quickly began to make your way back to your house when your cell phone began to ring. Quickly grabbing it, you saw that it was Nefera. Answering the phone, you held the phone up to your ear
"Hey babe, how's your morning?" you heard Nefera's calming, familiar voice on the other line, and suddenly everything feels less overwhelming
"It's better now"
"Aww, you know just what to say, don't you?" she said with a small chuckle "What are you up to right now, wolfy?"
"I'm on my way back home,I kinda wolfed out last night" You explained and her answer made you stop in your tracks.
"Then hurry up,I'm waiting for you," Nefera said.
"You heard me" The phone cut off and you realized that, although her words sounded demanding, her voice was laced with excitement. What was going on? You felt like you were practically flying back to your apartment, trying to make it home as fast as possible. The second you reached your complex you sprinted up to your floor and fumbled with your keys as you tried to unlock the door to your apartment. You could already smell her from miles away. As you opened the door, the full force of her scent hit you. It was intoxicating. You shut the door behind you and slowly walked into your living room. There she was, sitting at your coffee table.
"What are you doing here,I thought you were supposed to be on a flight in like an hour?" You asked,she smirked before saying
"I'm here to help you pack,because you're coming with me"
"Wait, what?" You were in utter disbelief "What about your father? He'd kill both of us if he found out I'm going with you"
"Don't worry, I'll figure something else out. Now,get cleaned up. I'll pack your stuff for you"
"Nefera,I shouldn't go with you. I mean fancy parties,gallery openings and high society isn't my thing. Just look at me,I-" You were still covered in dirt and with sticks in your hair,meanwhile she looked perfect.
"Hey, hey, look at me wolfy" Nefera cupped your face in her hands "You're my favorite, alright? I love every single messy, wolfy bit about you, got it?" She leaned in to kiss you, but suddenly pulled back and made a disgusted face "Ew, you have a leaf on your face. Why am I kissing a dirty dog?"
"Hey" you said annoyed.
"Don't 'Hey' me! Go take a shower, you're a mess" She began shoving you toward the restroom, and you suddenly realized that she was blushing a tiny bit. You quickly washed your hair and showered. Walking out to see that Nefera had already packed for you and prepared you and outfit. Your dress laid out in front of you as Nefera was digging through your jewelry. "Alright" Nefera grabbed the dress, and handed it to you "Change into this." The dress was gorgeous, a shimmery teal that hugged your body in all the right ways.You had forgotten that you even had it. You quickly changed. "You look so hot, babe" She put a few accessories on you and stepped back "There, perfect. Now we just have to fix your hair" You sat down and she fixed your hair. After a few minutes, your hair finally looked presentable. You couldn't believe how quickly she was able to transform you into such a different person "We have to go now, the limo's out front" You followed her out and as you were on your way to the airport you asked.
"Isn't your father gonna be angry that you brought me with you,I mean he already doesn't like me?"
"Yeah he'll probably be mad, but I don't care. He'll get over it" She gave a small scoff as she waved her hand dismissively "Now, let's talk about something more interesting. Do you know how to dance, wolfy?"
"You mean like a waltz?" She grinned at you .
"Yes, precisely. You'll have to dance with me at the ball, so I'm curious if you know how. Do you?" You felt embarrassed to admit
"A bit,but I'm not good" She began to giggle.
"That's cute. Don't worry, I'll teach you so you don't mess up the steps. Then, you'll be dancing with me without even looking down at your feet. Don't worry, it's fairly simple, I'll have you ballroom dancing in no time" A few hours later and you landed in Boo York. As you walked out of the airport, the cool Autumn breeze hit your face, sending a chill down your spine "Boo York" Nefera smiled at you "You ready for the time of your life, babe?"
"As long as you don't leave me by myself I'll be happy" She grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Don't you worry, I won't leave your side" You could see the city in the distance, lit up by a million colorful lights. You suddenly felt excitement mixed with nervousness.
"Before we get too far into the city there's something I want you to have" You gave her a whistle,one only werewolves could hear.
"What's this?" She eyed the whistle with curiosity, admiring its simplicity. You could see her mind running a million miles a minute, trying to figure out what it was for.
"It's a whistle only werewolves can hear,just in case we get separated" She looked at you, a mixture of surprise and appreciation in her eyes
"You know, most people wouldn't expect you to be this romantic." she gave you a soft smile and put the whistle around her necklace before throwing her arms around you "Thank you, wolfy"
"Now,what's first on the agenda?" You hugged her back briefly. She gently kissed your cheek and began walking, her arm still intertwined with yours
"First, we're checking into our hotel, then we're doing some shopping, and then finally we have the gallery event, which I am already completely ready for" She gave you a smirk before asking "Any objections?"
"None what's so ever"
"Perfect! Lets go" She grabbed your hand and began leading you towards her limo, talking about something or another, but you were too busy staring at the city with awe to understand what she was saying. You had never traveled before, let alone to a city so big. This was something that would stay with you forever and you wanted to enjoy every last bit of it. Although the lights and sounds were getting overwhelming. Your ears moved quickly to every sound,but it was starting to hurt slightly. Just as soon as things started to get too much, a soothing voice broke through the chaos in your head "Hey, babe, you alright?" Nefera was looking at you with slight concern lacing her sharp features "You seem a bit overwhelmed"
"There's just too much,but I'll be fine. How much longer until we get to our hotel?"
"Just a few minutes more" She gave a reassuring smile "You think you can hold out for that long?"
"Yeah,but we should move a bit faster"
"Alright, let's go" She increased her pace, and soon the hotel came into view. It was huge, easily one of the most extravagant hotels in the city. The valet took Nefera's keys and let the pair of you out, which you thanked him for. She grabbed your hand and pulled you into the lobby of the hotel, which was almost just as elegant as the outside. It was a bit quieter and you were able to relax a bit.
"Now, we should probably get to our room. We still have a lot to do." As you and Nefera waited at the elevator, you once again began to marvel at her features. Although you always thought she was gorgeous, there was something almost ethereal about the way she looked in the city lights. You wanted to kiss her then and there, but you managed to suppress the urge. You were still feeling as if your head would explode,you put your hand up to your forehead. She noticed that something was wrong and placed her hand on your forehead as well
"You're burning up. Are you sure you're alright?”
"I just need to lay down for a bit and I'll be fine"
"Why don't we skip the shopping? I'll stay with you in the room until you feel better" She gave you one last concerned look and pulled you into the elevator once the doors opened
"No,just give me a few minutes and I'll be fine. It can be a lot when your sense are heightened"
"Alright, if you say so" The elevator doors opened and the pair of you walked down to the hotel room, which was as lavish as the lobby. The second the door was closed, Nefera pushed you down on the couch and began placing her cold hands all over your forehead, attempting to break your fever with her ice-like skin
"This is the one time I'm grateful for your cold hands"
"Yeah, you better be grateful. It's the only reason your head isn't steaming right now" She kissed your forehead gently, her cold hand still pressed against your warm skin. "You need to be more thankful" She gave a small chuckle as her cold touch sent shivers down your spine. She began running her fingers through your hair, attempting to soothe you. She let out a chuckle and continued what she was doing, but soon her touch lingered and changed into kisses, which spread from your forehead and down to your collarbone. Suddenly there was the sound of knocking at the door which made her groan in disappointment before sighing "Wait here" She planted a kiss on your cheek before heading towards the door. You heard her talking to someone, but the sound of her voice was faint, and when you tried to listen harder your head began to spin. You heard the door shut, and you saw Nefera walking back, with a look of pure frustration on her face.
"Hey,what happened?" She let out a grunt, and sat down next to you before wrapping her arm around you
"That was my father, he wanted to call to see how the trip was going, and to see how I'm treating you" She gave a small scoff and then leaned her full weight on you. The two of you sat like that for a few seconds before she spoke again "My father really hates you, you know"
"Yeah,I figured that when he saw me the first time"
"It's stupid. He hates you for such ridiculous reasons. Like because you're a werewolf" She began tracing circles on your palm as she continued to talk "But I love that your a werewolf, and he just doesn't understand that"
"Well,you hated me when we first met" The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before she let out a small laugh.
"It's insane how much you've grown on me. It seems your wolfy charm is rubbing off on me"
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maxinexstars · 16 days
Requests are open-New fandoms
A/N: These fandoms are temporary I might keep them but for now they're temporary
Please read the guidelines before requesting
Alrawabi school for girls
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Monster high
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maxinexstars · 1 year
Scarlet Bug
Carmen sandiego x fem reader, Miraculous AU
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“What’s the plan?” Carmen agreed once again to steal for Vile in order to keep Zack and Ivy safe. Cleo wanted her to steal a few paintings from the louvre museum.
“Be careful Carmen Scarlet bug and Chat noir might see you.”
“Scarlet bug? You mean my old partner who left me for no reason.”
“Scarlet bug and Chat noir are paris’s superheroes,be careful they might capture you.”
“Capture me? Child’s play, I've got this under control," Carmen replied with a smirk. Cleo and Carmen planned out the heist, making sure that Zack and Ivy were kept safe from VILE's threats. As Carmen arrived at the Louvre museum, she was amazed by the security measures in place. as she made her way around the museum, admiring the artwork and looking for any weaknesses in the security, Chat Noir suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Stop right there, thief! I won't let you get away with stealing these precious artworks," Chat Noir said, as he drew out his staff. Carmen quickly evaluated her options, realizing that the superhero was determined to stop her. She knew that she needed to think fast.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Chat Noir. I've heard so much about you, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome in person," Carmen purred, hoping to distract Chat Noir with her charm. Chat Noir was taken back by her sudden change in attitude, but he still kept his guard up. "Don't try to sweet-talk your way out of this, I know your reputation," Chat Noir replied, trying to maintain his composure. Carmen kept up her act while Chat Noir was distracted, Carmen seized the opportunity to slip past him and made her way to the paintings.As she started to pull down the paintings, you suddenly appeared in front of her, ready to battle. "Stop right there, Carmen Sandiego. I won't let you get your hands on these priceless artwork,why are you still stealing stuff?"  Carmen knew that she had to keep her wits about you, so she came up with a plan. 
"Scarlet bug, wait! Please, hear me out. I'm not stealing these for my own sake. I'm doing this to save  lives of two innocent children," Carmen pleaded, hoping to gain your trust. But you on the other hand you had your doubts about her unlike Chat noir. You were trying to determine if she’s telling the truth. After a few tense moments, you decided to give Carmen a chance and hear her out. Carmen explained everything about VILE's threats and how she was forced to steal to protect Zack and Ivy.
You understood the gravity of the situation and offered to help Carmen catch the real culprit behind the threats. Together, you apprehended the VILE agents and ensured that Zack and Ivy were safe from harm.
“Promise me you’ll stop doing this now that Vile’s gone.”
“I promise.”
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maxinexstars · 1 year
Fem reader
A/N: Sorry I haven’t posted in a long time,but now I’m back so feel free to request.
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“Adrien Agreste,you’ve been an exemplary holder of the miraculous of the black cat. You’ve always used the power of destruction for the greater good,your mission is now over.”
“But Monarch-”
“Someone will succed you,this means you don’t need to hide  anything from the people you love,you can finally be yourself.” He handed over his ring to Plagg. “You’ll never forget me Adrien.”
“Plagg,what’s going on?”
“Y/N I need your help,I reclaimed the miraculous from Chat Noir and now I need to find a holder,”
“Did something happen to him?”
“Not really I reclaimed it from him so he can live his love story with his crush You once were a successful holder of the miraculous. So would you?”
“I accept.”
“Midnight? did something happen to Chat Noir?”
“He gave up his miraculous so I’ll be your new black cat.”
“Did something happen to him?”
“He’s fine there’s nothing to worry about.”
“I really think Chat Noir should rethink his decision about giving up his miraculous, Ladybug seemed really sad about it.” You handed Plagg the miraculous.
“I’ll let him know,but on one condition.”
“And that is?”
“If you have any camembert.”
“Luckliy I came prepared.” You handed him a piece of camembert.”
“It was an honor to be your kwami Y/N.”
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maxinexstars · 1 year
A/N: I decided to remake the masterlist from now on this is the main masterlist.
Code lyoko
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Carmen sandiego
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Miraculous ladybug
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Alrawabi school for girls (coming soon)
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Monster high
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133 notes · View notes
maxinexstars · 2 years
Creation dolls
Request by anon
request: Can I request a Momo Yaoyorozu x male reader where she like trains the reader since they have the same quirk. A smut story pls? Thank you!
A/N This one’s written without smut because I think it doesn’t suit the plot.
Momo Yaoyorozu x male reader
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You were so lucky to have met someone with the same quirk as you,you and Momo instantly became friends. She was a great teacher and an even better friend. She thought things you didn't even know were possible with your quirk. You didn't really like her costume because of how revealing it was,whenever she used her quirky,you'd look away. You didn't want her to think you were a perv.
 "Y/N are you alright?,your face is completely red"
 "I'm fine,just give me a second" You finally caught your breath before looking back at her,she was still standing there with her chest mostly exposed. You turned away again,your face even more red. 
"Maybe we should stop for today" 
"Great" You immediately bolted,not daring to look at her again. Upon entering the dorm everyone saw how red your face was,and immediately started asking questions. You pushed past them and locked yourself in your room. You were crushing on Momo for a while but didn't know how to tell her,plus if she rejected you it would make your training session really uncomfortable. You were laying in bed when you got an idea on how to tell her when your eyes caught the dolls,the ones Momo taught you how to make. You had made one of everyone in class,you could give her one of those with a note inside,since you knew you couldn't say it out loud. The next morning you were back to training as usual,but you hadn't noticed that you dropped the doll you were gonna give her. 
"All right,let's take a five minute break" 
"I'll go refill our water" You grabbed the water bottles and walked out,you saw Todoroki on his way into the gym. 
"Hey Y/N,is Yaoyorozu in the gym?" 
"Y/N did you make this one?" She asked as you handed her the bottle,holding up the doll. It had clearly been opened. 
"I did" 
"And the note?" 
"I wrote that" 
"Here" She handed you a different doll, one that looked like you,and you opened it to find a note. That simply said 'I love you too'
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Requests are open-My hero academia
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Please read my guidelines before requesting.
Shoto Todoroki
Denki Kaminari
Kyoka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Dabi/Toya Todoroki
Himiko Toga
Tomura Shigaraki
Hawks/Keigo Takami
Tenya Iida
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Tokoyami Fumikage
Shouta Aizawa/Eraser head
Tamaki Amajiki
Present mic/Hizashi Yamada
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum
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maxinexstars · 2 years
My hero academia-masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 🌈=Fluff 💦=Smut 💀=Angst💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
Shoto Todoroki
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“I’m sorry”💖 💀
Denki Kaminari
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Movie night 💖💦
Kyoka Jiro
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Momo Yaoyorozu
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Creation dolls 💙  🌈 
Dabi/Toya Todoroki
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Himiko Toga
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Tomura Shigaraki
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Hawks/Keigo Takami
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Night shift 💖💦🌈
Tenya Iida
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Tsuyu Asui
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Mina Ashido
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Tokoyami Fumikage
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Shouta Aizawa/Eraser head
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Tamaki Amajiki
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Present mic/Hizashi Yamada
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Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Night shift
Request by anon
Request: I have 2 prompts id like to request for Hawks (feel free to pick one or both or combine both!) - fem or gender neutral pronouns  1. Hawks comes home late at night to find reader asleep on the couch and their interaction to move her to bed, preferably a smut story 2. Fluff Hawks of him and reader attempting to make breakfast the next morning 
Hawks x femreader smut/fluff
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Don’t forget about tonight" 
"I would never" He laughed,giving you a kiss on the cheek. 'Did he really forget?' You had been waiting for several hours,you tried to call but he didn't pick up. You eventually fell asleep.
You woke up when you heard the door open. 
"Keigo?" You sat up and looked up at him,he was holding three bags. 
"Before you say anything,I'm sorry. I got busy with work and couldn't answer,but I picked up your favorites I hope that makes up for it" 
"I love you" 
"I love you too,come on I'll set these up,you can go wash up" He walked into the kitchen with you following behind. He started emptying the bags and putting everything away,you put your hands on his back. 
"What about you? Aren't you gonna wash up?" "Spill it out" 
"How about we take a shower" You got closer to whisper in his 
"Just let me put this stuff away before you seduce me" He laughed. 
“Join me when you’re done” You took off your shirt,throwing it somewhere on the floor making him look up at you. He smirked at you which gave you an idea,you took off your bra and threw it right in his face. “Come back here” You bolted and he quickly ran after you. He quickly caught up to you and pinned you to the wall. 
“You can’t get away that easily” He picked you and threw you over his shoulder. He tossed you onto the bed and kissed you as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His hands wandered up to your chest as you pushed your knee up between his legs. You sat up to pull his shirt off and threw it somewhere on the floor. Both of you were sitting on your knees,kissing as your hands moved to undo his belt. Before you knew it,you were on your back with one of your legs thrown over his shoulder. He suddenly stopped and moved closer to your face. He lightly kissed your cheek before pulling away,leaving you completely flustered. He grabbed your leg tighter as he pushed two fingers inside you. After a little bit he pulled his fingers out,replacing them with his cock. His thrusts were slow and deep,letting you scratch his back as you took all of him. 
“Say it again” 
“Louder” His thrusts got faster every time you said his name,you kept moaning his name and he quickly came. You were about to get up but he quickly pushed you down. “You don’t think I’m done,do you?”
Before you knew it you were both asleep, you didn’t notice until your alarm went off, you moved closer to him pulling him into a hug.
“Just a few more minutes?” You knew exactly what he wanted.
“You wanna cuddle don’t you?” You cuddled with him running your fingers in his hair until he fell asleep again. You got up to make him breakfast and thought of an idea to mess around with him.
“You left me.” He said while going into the kitchen when you were boiling some eggs. “Y/N are you serious?” He said while laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“I can’t believe you’d put boiling water on my secret love child.”
“Your what?” You laughed while hugging him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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maxinexstars · 2 years
“I’m sorry”
Request by anon
Request: Hi, I know this might be a bizarre request but can I request a Shoto x fem reader angst where the reader leaves her diary open and Shoto accidentally reads it. She wrote that she wrote some angsty stuff like she's been feeling depressed and everything, instead of confronting her he started treating her even better which made her sus that he read it, just to get revenge she wrote that she is suspecting him of cheating which he confronted her about. They got into a huge fight and it ended by him apologizing to someone for the first time. Thank you so much
Shoto todoroki x fem reader angst
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Shoto was taking forever in your room which made you wonder why. After a few minutes, he returned paying you attention more than ever.
“I’ll be right back.” You went into your room only to find your diary open on the page that you wrote that you’ve been not feeling well and depressed, Did he read it? You thought of a perfect idea for revenge, to write that you suspected him of cheating. To your surprise he confronted you.
“Really Y/N?”
“So now I’m cheating out of nowhere?”
“So you read it? I knew it, how could you do this do you not trust me?” You yelled at him.
“It was open and I couldn’t control myself, I felt bad for you Y/N.” you felt bad because you know he was only trying to help but you were still so mad at him.
“Shoto I’m sorry but that’s not an excuse and for the record, I only wrote it because I knew you read it the other day when you were paying me so much attention. You know what. Maybe you should leave.” He tried to hug you but you pushed him away. “If that’s what you want then I’ll leave.” He put on his shoes and grabbed his stuff. “I’m sorry Y/N.” Your heard him whisper before he was about to leave.
“Shoto wait, what did you say?”
“I’m sorry Y/N I was just worried about you.”
“Thanks for apologizing and I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Movie night
Request by anon
Request: Hey, can I please request a Denki x fem reader fluffy sleepover where they have a lot of fun and then it turns into smut?
Denki x fem reader smut
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It was winter break and most of the other students had gone home,but you decided to stay. Surprisingly you weren’t the only one,Denki stayed too. Which resulted in you having movie night almost every night,you’d always end up falling asleep on each other. Tonight it was his turn to pick the movie,he’d usually pick horror movies in the hope of scaring you,so you’d get closer to him. His plan backfired when you enjoyed them,he immediately told you about his plan and you just laughed. So you expected a horror movie for tonight,but he actually picked a romantic movie. You were fine but you could see that Denki wasn’t,he was blushing like mad. You wondered if he could get any more flustered,you stood up and he immediately asked.
“You want me to pause it?”
“No” Before he could ask anything else,you startled him,putting your arms around his neck.
“Y/N,what are you doing?” His was even more red,you pushed your face close against his,your lips barely away from his.
“If I kissed you right now,would you like it?”
“Yes” Before he could get another word in,you kissed him. His hands quickly moved to your waist and yours moved to his hair. You already feel his body shaking slightly,which made you pull away.
“I swear Kaminari if you shock me,I’ll never kiss you again” You tighten your grip on his hair,pulling his back slightly,to expose his neck.
“No,don’t stop,please” You kissed his neck,biting and leaving marks all over. “Let’s take it to my room”
“No,we’re going to my room”
"If I knew you'd look so cute begging,I would've done this way sooner" He was whimpering as you tighten your grip on his wrist. You kept bouncing up and down on his cock.
"Y/N" You made the mistake of letting go of his hands,and he immediately put them on your hips. His grip on your hips got so tight,you knew they were gonna bruise. His thrusts speed up and you could already see electricity buzzing around him.
"If you shock me I'll make you beg for hours,so don't you dare" You wrapped your hand around his throat,you slapped him lightly just to make sure he knew you were serious.
"Harder" Both of you froze,he just said it subconsciously without thinking. You did as he asked,the look of euphoria on his face made you wonder what he'd look like cuming. You bounced up and down,it didn't take long for him to start begging. "Please,Y/N can I please cum?"
"You've been somewhat good,so I'll let you" A few thrusts later,he came but that also meant you didn't. He was just trying to catch his breath before he looked up at you. "Aren't you forgetting something?" You asked, spreading your legs open,you could see a smirk on his face.
"No,I didn't"
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Believe me now?
Request by anon:Hey, can I get a Viperion x femreader where he gets jealous because the reader flirts to much with Chat noir which makes him feel like the reader doesn't like him but she does and confesses her feelings to him and then turns into smut? Thank you
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"See ya kitty cat" You waved goodbye to Chat noir,before turning back to Viperion. He wasn't looking at you,he hadn't been all day. "Viperion" You called out his name,making him look at you "Something bothering you?" 
"It's nothing. Let's start patrolling" He quickly jumped onto a different rooftop,you followed him.
 "It's not nothing" 
"Just stop, I don't wanna talk about this" You chased him around the rooftops,until you caught him. 
"What the hell's going on? Why are you mad at me?" You pinned him down,but he quickly flipped you over so he was on top. 
"I'm not mad at you,I just hate how he looks at you" 
"All of this was just because you're jealous" That somehow caught him off guard,enough to let you slip from his grip. "I'm not in love with Chat noir,I love you not him" 
"You love me?" 
"I wasn't planning on telling you like this,but it's true" You pulled him down towards you. "And I can prove it" You kissed him and rolled over,taking control. Running your hand down his chest,stopping at his nipples,pinching and rolling them between your fingers. You felt his hands on your shoulders,quickly pinning them over his head. “Who gave you permission to touch me?” You whispered into his ear,moving your hand down. “
Sorry” He managed to say in between moans. He jolted back when you grabbed his cock,he was already rock hard. Slowly moving your hand up and down,stroking his cock. “P-Please” 
“Please what? What do you want?” 
“Please fuck me,make me yours” He begged 
“You’re already mine” You pushed him inside of you,moving slowly at first. “You’re so tight” You pulled at his hair “
So good” He breathed out. Tightening your grip to speed up,pounding into him. He was moaning uncontrollably at this point. 
“Louder,I want all of Paris to know you’re mine”You commanded,getting closer to your climax. 
“Y/N I’m close”You bit down on his neck,going even faster.
 “Do it,cum for me” He moaned out as he came and you did the same. You scattered stray kisses across his back, “So do you believe me now?”
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Another hour
Request by anon: Hey, Can I get a William x reader where the reader is a student and has to share a room with William. Smut if you can. Thank you.
William x male reader
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When you were told you'd be sharing a room with William Dunbar you didn't really mind at all,it wasn't that weird considering you were both boys and you got a bit lonely in your own room. What you didn't expect is that he'd fall for you,you knew he was crazy about Yumi but with her being oblivious in love with Ulrich he started taking an interest in you. At first you didn't believe him,thinking that he'd just use you to get over her. But you did give him a chance to prove it,and you quickly realized how wrong you were. After that you become a couple,but decide to keep it a secret otherwise you'd be in separate rooms again. You'd sneak around during the daytime,but at night you could get away with things way easier. Still it was hard to keep quiet with how rough he was with you. 
"William,you have to slow down" 
"Not a chance,you just have to be quiet" He pushed you down,you covered your mouth so no one would hear. That was easy but got harder the closer you got to your climax. 
"William,I can't take it anymore" He put his hand over your mouth and moved faster until he came. 
"We still have an hour until the next class,are you thinking what I'm thinking" 
"Let's go" He grabbed your hand and ran back to your room. You slammed the door,wrapping your arms around him as you lifted him up onto the desk. Never once breaking the kiss,until you moved to kiss his neck instead. 
"Y/N" He tried to be quiet,you didn't usually do this during daytime because getting caught would be easier. But neither of you cared right now,all you cared about was hearing him say your name. 
"Hey Y/N,can I borrow your notes-" Suddenly Odd burst in without even knocking,leaving all of you just staring at each other. "I'll come back for those notes later" He quickly shut the door. 
"He's gonna tell everyone" You both ran out after him,and dragged him back to your room. "You can't tell anyone about this"
 "I wasn't" 
"Odd I'm serious,if anything gets out about us we'll tell the principal about Kiwi" He immediately started panicking,everyone knew how much he loved Kiwi. 
"You can't do that" 
"I won't tell if you don't,so keep your loud mouth shut" He agreed,and you gave him your notes before he left. 
"So should we?" 
"Just lock the door first"
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Thank you sis @domxmarvel
Dark room
Pairing: William dunbar x Female!Reader      
A/N: I wrote this one for my sister’s birthday,Happy birthday @ladylyoko25​
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Ever since the dark room opened up for students it became an infamous makeout spot. Students would go out and take photos as an excuse to use the room. Since you couldn’t do it in your rooms,especially since you were a day student you weren’t allowed in the rooms. It wasn’t like William cared about the rules,but you did,at least a little more than he did. Somehow your afternoon classes got canceled,leaving you with about three hours to kill. 
“Hey Y/N” William called out as you shoved your bag into your locker. 
“Hey” He kissed your cheek.
“I thought you would’ve gone home since you don’t have classes. I’m happy I managed to catch you before you left”
“Actually I was gonna stay,since you don’t have any classes either” You pulled out your camera from your locker before closing it “Do you wanna develop these photos?” That phrase had become a sort of code for all the students. He pulled something out of his pocket and held it up,it was the key to the dark room
“We should hurry”
“I don’t think we have to,most of our class has already gone home. And the others have three more hours before they’re let out”
Developing the photos took less time than you thought,which left you with more time to do anything you wanted. 
“These actually turned out really good,for being an excuse” He wrapped his arms around you,kissing your cheek as he pulled you away from the table and closer to him. You turned around to kiss him but second before your lips touched your phone rang,you groaned as you looked at your phone.
“You should probably pick up” You already knew what you were going to hear the second you picked up. 
“Xana alert,get to the factory” Yumi quickly said before she hung up. Before you could say anything to him she sent you a text ‘Bring Wiliam with you' 
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maxinexstars · 2 years
Luka x fem reader
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Of course Chameleon had to get re akumatized when you were hanging out with Luka.
“Sorry, I’ve got to take care of this.”
“No problem,take your time.” You gave him a kiss on his cheek before leaving. When you got there you saw that she transformed into chat noir. 
“Well,well look who decided to show up it’s over for you lady luck, cataclysm.” She cataclysmed you and you could barely stand up.
“Lady luck.” You heard Luka yelling before fully closing your eyes. He took you to an alley and put his hand on your cheek.
“Luka, I need your help, Tikki spots off.” You gave him your earrings.”Transform and deafeat Chameleon.”
“But, what about you?”
“I’ll be fine, I trust you Luka.” He put on the earrings and tikki showed up.
“Tikki spots on. You’ll feel better soon I promise.” He said giving you a kiss before leaving. “Not planning on using your cataclysm again I hope Chameleon.”
“You’re not Lady luck.”
“No I’m not but you can call me crimson.”
“Chameleon it will be eaiser to take the miraculous-” While she was distracted Crimson got hold of the akuma and came back to you.
“Thank you for trusting me Y/N.” He pulled you into a hug.
“You were the right choice Luka.”
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