Is there any pictures with the Slytherins?
there are many pictures in the works right now (once i figure out why tumblr is being so mean to the gifs i upload), and this is a problem i’ve been running into quite a bit when i consider which point of the marauders generation to put on this blog. in my mind, it’s an actual scrapbook kept by remus lupin, which wouldn’t correlate with pictures of that generation’s slytherins. however, i’m planning on expanding the pictures to include more people from other houses. 
thanks so much for the question!! xx
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James and Sirius, 1976
‘I won’t stay long, I don’t want to burden you-’
‘You stay as long as you like, hear me?’
‘I can’t-’
‘We’re lucky to have you here, Sirius, and we want you to stay as long as you need. I want you to stay as long as you need.’’
Taken by Mrs. Potter, because the moment she gained a second son was one she didn’t want to forget
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Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon, 1979
‘You look incredibly lovely tonight.’
‘Well, I’m not covered in blood, which is a welcome change.’
‘I’d ask you for a dance if you were drenched in it.’
Taken by Dorcas, who had been coerced into being Lily and James’ wedding photographer with promises of an open bar and a night to forget. Thankfully, she wasn’t the only one who took advantage of those opportunities. 
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Remus Lupin, 1974
‘So you can...’
‘Come with you, yeah. We’ll be right there, the whole time.’
‘But what if I-?’
‘Don’t be daft, Moony. You could never hurt us, we’re manly men who can protect ourselves.’
Taken by James Potter, because if anything was going to show him that the months of hard work becoming animagi were worth it, this look was.
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quick note!
ok so i’d like to thank everyone for your support and requests, and one of the ones i’ve gotten a lot is remus. so, in order to get more remus themed pictures on this blog, i’ve decided to recast my characters and give the character of remus to andrew garfield (yes, i’m going to go to the mainstream casting). so, he is no longer james and now he is remus. this means i’ll be more active because more gifs are available to me! yay!
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Sirius and Harry, 1980 ‘And when Christmas comes, Santa’s gonna come round with presents and he’s going to steal all of your cookies and give your mummy and daddy nothing but coal because they’re terrible and you love me ten times more than you love them-’ ‘Pads, please hold off on Harry until he learns how to joke back.’ ‘I’m not telling him jokes. Everything I tell this kid is the hard truth. Nothing but facts.’ Taken by Lily Evans and framed for Sirius’ Christmas present (along with a lump of coal, of course)
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Lily Evans, 1978
‘I think I’m in love with you.’
‘I know.’
‘You’ve been in love with me since fourth year, Potter. Just because I’m falling doesn’t mean I haven’t forgotten all the singing valentines and fireworks displays.’
‘Those were impressive, you have to admit- you’re falling for me?’
Taken by James before the big date, because she looked beautiful and he didn’t want that moment to end.
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please message me with any requests! i’d love them as i’m sort of tapped out on inspiration and you guys are so cool so
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Sirius, 1975
'Moony, you've got to see this.'
'Where'd you get Sirius' baby pictures? And how on earth have you not charmed them all over school yet?'
'Oi, you two, give them here!'
Taken by Remus Lupin (this picture remains the only one not confiscated after Sirius succeeded in tackling James because 'I look good in that first bit, the part where I'm on the bed')
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Lily, 1979
'I need a drink.'
'Why in the world d'you-?'
'I'm nineteen, I've just said I'll get married, there's a war on, and I want a bloody drink!'
'Is the ring pretty?'
Taken by Marlene McKinnon, because even this kind of engagement was supposed to go in the scrapbook. The rest of the pictures from that night weren't that family friendly. 
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Marlene, 1981
'The fucker got away, and you're really here taking pictures of the person who tried to stop him writhing around on the ground? Get the hell out of here, you- hey, Marls, you okay?'
'Oh, yeah, I'm great. Just, you know, broke four ribs and my wrist.'
'That wanker was taking pictures.'
'This is my good angle.'
Taken by a reporter, confiscated by James. Saved because he thought it was a rather 'good angle.' 
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Sirius, 1981
'Oh look, Marls, it's snowing. Your favorite time of the year, and I wish you could see it. Does it snow, where you are?'
Taken by Lily, because she knew that, when this war was over, she wanted to look back and be able to see the whole thing. 
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Lily, 1977
'Thanks for slumming it into the muggle neighborhoods, Marls. Glad I could teach you how to have a proper sleepover.'
'What have you got there?'
'Makeover kit. I told you, a proper sleepover! Now, how are we going to use these press on nails...'
Taken by Marlene McKinnon, because any time Lily wore her onesie was one for the albums. 
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Sirius Black, 1978
'Wizards usually smoke pipes, you know.'
'Just one more way to make sure my parents hate me more than the muggles that live next door, mate.'
Taken by James, slipped under the door of Number 12 Grimmauld Place later that year just to show Sirius' worthless parents the magnificence of what they were missing. 
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marauders-scrapbooks · 10 years
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marauders-scrapbooks · 10 years
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James Potter, 1978
'You're home! Oh, you're bloody...'
Taken by Lily to send to all her friends in a fit of pride, because her boyfriend had survived his first Order mission and she was going to brag about it.
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marauders-scrapbooks · 10 years
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 Lily Evans, 1979
'Hello, Sirius, nice of you to show up.'
'I'm only here for the pudding.'
'You dog. Come in, before you freeze your tail off.'
Taken by Remus, because his family always kept detailed photo albums of Christmas so they could remember the good times, and he couldn't think of any better times to remember.  
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