If Weird AL Yankovic ever dies, his tribute concert should be all of the original singers (obviously the ones that are still alive) of songs he has parodied singing HIS version of THEIR songs
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Would a horse in heat be a "unicorn"? Because it's "horny"?
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Fun fact: I just realized that the way your mouth waters when you smell or eat sour candies, is the same way it waters when you're going to vomit.
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There was one time I was going into Walmart (mind you, it was a few years ago, before covid) and there was someone outside with a petition or something. I take care of my mother and at the time I was pushing her in her wheelchair when this man starts off by saying something to the effect of "you must be her sister!" To my mom. Then he turned to me and shook my hand and talked to my mom some more (not letting go of my hand). Basically he was hardcore hitting on me using my mom as a gateway. It was SUPER awkward and it was the first time I had ever been hit on so blatantly. It didn't help that I was wearing a Hershey Kisses shirt that had "KISSES" written on it in big bold letters. I think I was 16.
Then there was another time a few weeks after that when another guy asked for my number at Walmart. He was with a group raising money for veterans. But the thing is, he asked my mom if it was alright if him and I exchanged numbers. She said it was alright, and I felt like I couldn't decline after she said that. Fun times.
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