madie-miller · 3 years
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@shannonjolley3 @duskyrapunzel @godjango 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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madie-miller · 3 years
What do I want to be when I grow up?
When we’re asked as young children what we want to be when we grow up, the results vary. Some might say a pop star, a police officer, an actor or actress, a professional athlete, an artist, and some even say they want to become President of the United States. These career goals change all of the time as people grow up and develop their own personal thoughts, feelings, and goals. I know mine definitely have.
When I was in kindergarten, my goal was to become a professional soccer player for the United States women’s soccer team. Around middle school, that goal changed after I found a passion for writing, and it turned into wanting to become an author. In freshman year of high school, I fell in love with journalism and decided I wanted to become a journalist for a magazine. I realized around junior year that the news industry is filled with bias and corruption, and my fire for that career was put out. By my senior year of high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do anymore or who I wanted to be. I had thought about becoming a teacher, yet I knew deep down that it wasn’t what I was meant to do. As I am sitting here writing this as a sophomore in college, I can tell you that I still have no idea what I want to do as a career. 
So, with that being said, there’s only one real question: if you aren’t sure what you want to be in the future, what do you do? 
Do you continue to work at your retail job that can only get you so far? Do you continue to try and find new careers and see which one peaks your interest? Do you settle for a career that you don’t necessarily know if you love? Right now I have one goal in life, and that is to find a career that I know I will love forever. I want to wake up every day and be excited to work, not dread it. I want to love what I do, not hate it five or ten years down the road. 
The future has always terrified me for reasons like this. I am absolutely terrified to commit to a career that I am not 100% sure of, because what happens if I end up hating it after I spent all of that time training for it? 
I’m grateful to have a supportive family and boyfriend who help me out along the way, and I know that with their guidance and my goals, I’ll eventually find something I know I’ll love. It may take me a year to figure out or five years, but eventually it’ll happen.
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madie-miller · 3 years
My Craziest Dog Sitting Story
When I was sixteen years old, I started dog-sitting for my family when they left on vacations. Eventually they told their friends, and I started to dog sit for them too. I actually enjoyed dog-sitting so much that when I turned eighteen, I put a profile on Rover (an app where people can hire dog-sitters).
Before this pandemic hit, I was booked back-to-back with dog sitting jobs from March of 2020 up until September of 2020. However once the pandemic hit and the world was put at a halt, all of my dog-sitting jobs understandably went away. When I was stuck in my room during the statewide quarantine, I reminisced about my dog-sitting days. I missed seeing all of my different doggy clients and even their owners. I missed the cuddles from the dogs, especially the ones that liked to lay directly on me because they have no idea what personal space is. I missed seeing all of the different personalities of these dogs, and learning about them.
While I was missing the dogs, I also thought about the craziest times I've had with them. I've had to chase a dog around a house because he stole ONE of my only clean socks. He didn't steal both of them, just one, and it was the middle of winter so I really needed that sock. I've watched a duo of boxers, a brother and sister, and the brother was deaf, which made it an interesting time. One of the craziest stories of my dog-sitting days would have to be the time I was locked out of someone's house.
Let's start at the beginning: when the owners left the house, they told me to use the garage to get in and out of the house. They left a key, but said it was practically useless since it only worked on one lock for the door. That being said, they just wanted me to use the garage door opener.
This incident happened during my college soccer season, and I had been gone for a few hours for a soccer game. It was kind of cold that day, around 40 degrees out, and I was wearing my soccer uniform (shorts, socks, and short sleeve shirt) with just a sweatshirt. I figured I'd be fine until I got back inside, right? Wrong.
The moment I pulled into the driveway it seemed off. The garage door opener in my car didn't seem to be working, but I just thought that maybe it needed new batteries. I parked my car and got out to punch in the code on the garage door itself-- that wasn't working either. Lights were on in the house so the power was on, yet the garage door wouldn't open no matter how many times I tried.
I called the owners who were five hours away to ask if anyone around may have a spare key considering I didn't grab the one they left (the one they basically named as useless), and they said there was no one around.
They called their elderly neighbor down the street, and he came over to help. We decided to change the batteries to see if that would work-- it didn't. Everything we tried to do didn't work, leaving me locked out of the house, and the poor dog continued to bark at me from the inside.
I called the owners back who then called a locksmith, and it took the locksmith a little over an hour to show. He tried for thirty minutes to pick the lock on the door, but it wouldn't budge. He told me that we might have to cut the lock off the door, and I just kept thinking about how much money I was going to owe these owners once they came home!
Before he did that, he decided to call his son-in-law to come out and attempt to unlock it. It took him another hour to show, and he ended up picking the lock in less than a minute. I remember letting out the biggest sigh of relief because they didn't have to drill the lock, and I finally got to go inside to see the poor dog. The poor dog barked the entire time, and I was extremely worried that I stressed her out. Turns out she just wanted dinner and to snuggle on the couch.
I was worried that the owners were going to be upset, but they actually kept apologizing to me for the garage breaking. I lucked out dog-sitting for such great people.
This story is probably one of my craziest dog-sitting stories, yet I wouldn't change these experiences for anything.
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madie-miller · 4 years
Remember that Justin Bieber is human too.
Belieber (noun)
- Someone who is a huge fan of Justin Bieber. 
To say that I am just a fan is an understatement: I label myself as a Belieber. From his first album My World (2009) to his most recent one Changes (2020), I’ve never strayed. 
When Justin Bieber was discovered at the age of 13 on YouTube by Scooter Braun, his life was changed forever. From that point, he didn’t have a normal childhood. His childhood was spent on tours, meet and greets, running from paparazzi, and having to worry about who his real friends are. He even faced ridiculous accusations that he was the father of one of his fans' kids (which is fake, by the way). Justin Bieber was on top of the charts for years with all of his past hits. He was on every talk show and awards show, and he won many musical awards. He met extremely popular musicians and celebrities, and collaborated with many. That isn’t the typical lifestyle of a teenager, yet he had the chance to live his dream and he took it.
Justin Bieber was on top of the world, until he wasn’t anymore. He went from being one of the most adored pop-stars, to being the one that everyone hated. He made mistakes. Many of these mistakes are ones that teenagers typically make. But because he is a teenage pop-star, he was attacked and judged harshly for everything. No matter what he did, it ended up in the media, and his image was shot down.
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Justin Bieber ended up owning up to his mistakes, yet that never ended up being enough for people. To me, people don’t seem to remember that he’s a teenager, and teenagers do not tend to make the best decisions. The kid even went on a Comedy Central Roast to let a bunch of celebrities roast his whole career, yet that never seemed to be enough.
Justin Bieber ended up going MIA for awhile, popping up here and there to release a song or feature in one. What many didn’t end up realizing is that the kid was depressed and struggled with drug-use. People also fail to realize that he isn’t the only childhood celebrity star to struggle with fame. Michael Jackson, Demi Lovato, Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus, and more all struggled with similar circumstances.
It seems as though Justin Bieber is now living a healthier and happier life. He married Hailey Bieber, released a new album, and has released documentaries regarding the hardest moments in his life. Along with this, he has released a new song Lonely (2020) that tells the world exactly how hard it was to grow up under the spotlight. 
When I watched that video, it completely broke my heart to learn how he felt. Imagine yourself growing up in the spotlight, not knowing who to trust, and know that every move in your life is being judged. How well would you handle that? How well would you handle fame? Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how we get back up that matters. Justin Bieber hit rock bottom, but completely turned his life around, and he did it his way. 
People fail to realize that celebrities are human. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but maybe they’ll hate him a little less after seeing this.
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madie-miller · 4 years
Here for Good: Keeping Local Businesses Alive
When COVID-19 shut down the country, everyone struggled to stay afloat-- especially local businesses. To help with their struggles, the Rockford Art Deli held a campaign called Here for Good. This campaign had local businesses submit a t-shirt design, and then the Rockford Art Deli took it from there. For every t-shirt that was sold, the Rockford Art Deli gave back a portion of the money to the local business that is associated with the t-shirt. This campaign was started in hopes to keep local businesses alive, and the campaign truly did help.
I was inspired by how the Rockford Art Deli did as much as they could to keep the community together, and I plan to write my feature story on the Here for Good campaign. For this feature story, I plan to interview Jarrod Hennis (the owner of Rockford Art Deli), Emily Sotakoun (the social media director of Rockford Art Deli), and I also plan to interview owners of local businesses that were positively impacted by this campaign. 
When writing this story, I’d like to first draw in the readers with the statistics: how many shirts they sold, how much money they raised for the businesses, and how many businesses were in the campaign. 
I would then like to go into the creating process for the campaign, and the amount of work that was put in to make this possible. 
After all of the statistics and background information, I’d like to go into specific businesses that were impacted greatly by this campaign. Ideally, I’d like to focus on about three different types of businesses. Many restaurants, hair places, coffee shops, shops, and more were involved in this campaign. I’d like to get different viewpoints on the different types of businesses that were involved. 
Towards the end, I’d like to get a statement from the owner pof Rockford Art Deli about why they chose to do this, what prompted it in the first place, and future plans to continue to help locals. 
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madie-miller · 4 years
The Worst Day of My Life.
Let me tell you about the worst day of my life, but we’re going to start at the beginning: fourth grade.
Once the school-bell rang at 2:30 p.m., my best friend Allyson and I ran out of school and to my father's car. She planned to come over and hang out with me. The minute we got home, Allyson begged to go swing on my swing-set. She finally convinced me, and we ran out the door. As usual, I jumped off my back porch onto the grass. Keep in mind that my porch is a whole two feet high.
I have jumped off my back porch hundreds of times. But this time, I caught my foot between some stones in the grass and heard a crack as my ankle twisted. I was in shock, and hopped over to the swing set on one foot. I’ve sprained my ankle multiple times, so I thought it was that and decided to wait a few minutes. Boy, was I wrong.
I sat on the ground for what felt like forever, my foot throbbing. I couldn’t decide whether to go get my dad or to walk it off. Me being the hard-headed person I am, decided to walk it off-- except I couldn’t. I immediately fell because it felt like knives were stabbing my foot. Clearly, I knew something was wrong. This wasn’t any sprained ankle, and I hopped on one foot to the back door to find my dad. 
The minute I found him, he knew this wasn’t a typical sprained ankle like the ones I’d get in soccer. He pulled off my sock, and we saw a bone sticking out of the side of my left foot. Clearly we knew we needed to go see someone, but we had to wait for my best friend's mom to come pick her up… except her mom wouldn’t answer the phone. 
Allyson and I sat on the couch for probably an hour or two before her mother realized what was going on. After her mother picked her up, we were getting ready to go to the emergency room when my grandma called-- my grandpa was having a stroke. She needed us, and at the time, that was clearly more important than my broken foot. 
We first went to my grandparents house, and I couldn’t get out of the car. My father went inside for a little bit before he came back out. I remember watching him walk next to my grandpa who was on a stretcher. My dad then came back to the car and we headed to a completely different hospital with them. Just a side note, I couldn’t receive care from this hospital unless it was absolutely necessary. Our insurance didn’t cover it. 
We finally arrived at the hospital and my father carried me inside. We waited in the room for what felt like forever before they brought us back. I remember hopping into the room and seeing my grandpa on a ventilator, eyes closed, and he looked absolutely lifeless. We stayed with my grandma for hours, trying to be of any help that we could. Obviously I wasn’t much help with a bummed foot, but I was stubborn and didn’t want to leave. Eventually we left late at 10:00 p.m. and met my mother at the other hospital. Another side note, she is also a nurse there, which is why our insurance is best if it’s used there. 
It felt like we waited for hours in the waiting room, but we probably only waited about an hour. Eventually I was called back where they took x-rays, and we played the waiting game again. It took another hour for a doctor to come and tell me that I broke my fifth metatarsal, which stuck me in a boot for 12 weeks. I was finally discharged around midnight, and we finally went home to sleep. 
That day was an extremely long and painful day, both mentally and physically. After hurting yourself and seeing a loved one hurt, it’s hard to balance the two. You want to focus all of your attention on your loved ones instead of caring for yourself. 
My foot eventually healed, but my grandpa didn’t. That stroke put him in a coma for two weeks before he passed. It’s hard to lose a loved one, especially when you feel like there wasn’t much you could do to help. But I coped with it, and still think about it to this day. That day was the worst day of my life.
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madie-miller · 4 years
The Last Time I Saw You Alive.
The last time I saw you alive, you and I were sound asleep on our bed when I woke to glass shattering. My eyes sprung open, my body tensed up. I shook you, “Jack, Jack wake up.” You hummed, half asleep. I shook you again, your eyes opened, “What?”
“Jack, there’s someone in the house.”
You shot right up out of bed and quickly grabbed the bat next to the table, “Where? What did you hear?” 
“Jack, I-I don’t know,” I stammered.  “I heard glass shatter. It’s just me and you, someone has to be in the house.” You nodded, grabbed my hand, pulled me towards the closet, and gently pushed me inside, “Stay here, do not come out until I come to get you. Understand?” “Jack, Jack no. You can’t go by yourself. Please just hide with me, call 9-1-1,” I quietly pleaded.
“Baby, I’ll be right back. I promise. Stay here,” you said as you shut the closet door. I held my breath as I heard you open up the bedroom door and walk down the hallway. 
I pat my pockets for my phone, only to realize that it’s sitting on my bedside table. I slowly take a deep breath, open up the closet door, and step out. The minute I reach for my phone, I hear more glass shatter. I freeze and don’t move a muscle. I stand and wait to hear anymore, but it’s quiet. I quickly grabbed the phone, shut myself back in the closet, and dialed 9-1-1.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
I held my breath for a minute, scared to speak and alert anyone. 
“Hello? Are you there? This is 9-1-1, what is your emergency?”
I hesitated before I spoke, “Please come to 715 Westbrook Lane. Someone broke into our house,” then I hung up the phone. 
I began to hear feet pounding on the floor downstairs, like someone was running. All of a sudden I heard shouting.
“Hey-hey-hey-- get out of my house! The cops will be here soon, you’ll be surrounded,” yelled Jack.
Then I heard more footsteps, but it’s hard to know what’s actually going on behind closed doors. Next thing I know, I hear sirens in the distance and they’re coming right for us. A little glimmer of hope popped up in my mind. I thought to myself that everything will be okay.
I froze in my spot. Was that a gunshot? Sirens are getting closer, I still try to keep hope alive. They wouldn’t have shot him, right?
Wrong. Jack broke his promise, he never came to get me from the closet. That night was the last time I saw you, my husband, alive.
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madie-miller · 4 years
As a hard-core fan, here’s my top 5 song choices for Ed Sheeran (And yes, it was difficult) :
Ed Sheeran is a freaking musical genius, and that’s saying it lightly. 
If you don’t know who Ed Sheeran is, I’d say you’re living under a rock. The ginger singer-songwriter from the UK is well known for his song-writing abilities, as well as his collaborations with other well-known artists. This man is, hands-down, my favorite artist of all time. 
I have attended two of his concerts, and all I’ve been wishing for is another tour. I swear I fall in love with this man and his music more every time I go to a concert. He doesn’t need all of the back-up dancers and singers that other artists use-- it’s just him and his guitar, and I love that. He lights up the room, gets the party going, and he creates the best musical mash-ups with his songs to keep his concerts cohesive.
Since I can’t see this man in concert anytime soon, here are my top five favorite jams from him:
1. Perfect (2017)
I can never get enough of this beautiful song. The minute this came out, I told my mom that I wanted this to be my wedding song, and I still feel the same way three years later. Apparently my brother had the same thoughts-- him and my sister-in-law made this their wedding song after I showed it to them.
2. BLOW (with Chris Stapleton & Bruno Mars) (2019)
I love a good rock song, and this is one of those head-bopping songs (if you get what I mean). Ed Sheeran, Chris Stapleton, and Bruno Mars came together to create this masterpiece, and I’d like to say (in my opinion) that it’s one of the best rock songs I’ve ever heard.
3. Dive (2017)
The best time to play this song is when I’m driving home late at night, windows down, and music blaring so I can just sit there and vibe with it-- that’s truly the best time to listen. Thanks to the millions of times that I’ve listened to this song, I know every. single. word. Between Ed Sheeran’s vocals, the beat, and the guitar solos... I never get sick of the song.
4. You Need Me, I Don’t Need You (2011)
This song is totally a “screw you, I’m doing better than you” diss-song and I love those. They’re always kind of surprising, and it’s like you’re almost proud of them for telling whoever it is off. Pay no attention to your haters, just focus on you and your achievements.
5. Antisocial (with Travis Scott) (2019)
I don’t know what draws me to this song so much, but I can never get enough of it. It has a darker-theme than some of his other songs, but something about the beat and the tone of this song just makes me want to dance. It’s also my go-to workout song, especially when I need a song to almost pump me up-- yet that song has a completely different meaning.
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madie-miller · 4 years
@xobrooklynne, thank you for being someone for girls to look up to.
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Thanks to the years of body shaming and photo shopping on social media and other platforms, loving yourself for who you are can be one of the most difficult things to do. While more body types are being celebrated, we still face social media trolls that like to drag people down.
@xobrooklynne on TikTok has always used her social media platform to promote body positivity, as well as remind people that everyone is different and to continue to love yourselves. A new trend recently started on TikTok where girls of all body types joined a chain of videos, and they danced in crop tops. The point of these videos was to show women everywhere that any girl can wear a crop top, no matter what their body type is. Because this is a body positivity trend, of course xobrooklynne had to jump in-- and she slayed it.
When @xobrooklynne hopped onto the trend, there were internet trolls that bullied not only her, but anyone who joined this trend about wearing a crop top. Instead of letting those comments get her down, she decided to get back at them. For every hate comment she saw, she posted another video of her dancing in a crop top, showing them that their words don’t hurt her.
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In every video @xobrooklynne creates, she wears her crown high and is an absolute queen. She shows girls that she can wear anything and still feel beautiful, so why shouldn’t they?
To answer that question, many girls do not feel comfortable in their bodies due to the unrealistic body types that are portrayed in the media, photo shopping, internet trolls, and so on. These stereotypes are slowly being broken, and @xobrooklynne is one of the many positive body influencers that is attempting to break those stereotypes and negative reputations.
So, @xobrooklynne, thank you for being who you are. Thank you for showing girls everywhere that their bodies are normal, not damaged, and that they shouldn’t feel bad about who they are. You are one of the lights in this world, and one of the most influential people that are going to break these stereotypes for good some day. Although I have never met you, I look up to you. I am one of the girls that has struggled with accepting who they are, but after finding your page, you have made me realize that I am beautiful.
Thank you, @xobrooklynne, for being the girl that everyone can look up.
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madie-miller · 4 years
This is the funniest video clip on the internet.
When I came across this video clip on TikTok a couple of weeks ago, I laughed so hard. It’s one of those laughs that makes your stomach hurt and your eyes water. It’s one of those video clips that you can watch over and over and laugh harder each time. It’s also something that you can easily recreate yourself.
I bet you’re wondering if I recreated it and I’m here to tell you that I did, but that is one video that will be kept in my “locked” gallery. That angle totally made me have a double chin. 
There’s one question that I have: how the heck did this guy discover this?
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madie-miller · 4 years
Why the heck am I going to college?
I constantly ask myself the same question, “Why the heck am I going to college?”
Am I attending college for me? Am I doing it because I think it’ll make my parents happy? Am I going to study something I love? Am I going because I actually want to?
To answer this question– yes, I am attending college because I actually want to. However, I am afraid that I’m going to be wasting my money. I’ve met so many people, including family members, that don’t even use their college degree. My aunt studied fashion merchandising and works for Motorola, my brother studied sociology and is now a paramedic, and my other brother studied communications, but he now works for Sunnyside Dispensary– I like to call him a “professional weed dealer.” I think it’s hilarious, but him? Not so much. All of them feel like they completely wasted their college degrees and wasted money… yet it was extremely difficult for them to find something within their major, and in the end, they ended up going with different careers.
Honestly, choosing what I want to do for the rest of my life is terrifying. For the longest time my dream job was to become a journalist and major in journalism, but then I have met many people who take this route, and have heard that it’s an extremely time consuming job that isn’t always worth it.
I am terrified of not choosing the right major, or the right career. I am terrified of spending thousands and thousands of dollars on a major that I might not use, or end up loving like I thought I would. Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is a huge decision, and I want to make the right one.
So, to answer the question, I am going to college because I want to… but am I terrified of making the wrong choice for my career? Extremely– but I am going to take it one step at a time, and really try to make the right choice.  
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madie-miller · 8 years
or they start jumping wildly around
I love when dogs are mildly excited and u start encouraging them like “what is it?!” and their tail goes from a level five to level eighty.
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madie-miller · 8 years
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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madie-miller · 8 years
I wanted to immortalize the best moment in gravity falls on my blog
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madie-miller · 9 years
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madie-miller · 9 years
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madie-miller · 9 years
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