The magic flowed through her like water. Like her own blood. She felt it coursing through her small veins so rapidly that she fell to the floor in a dizzy but determined heap. Shakily she stood back up, dusting the dirt off her dress. “It’s time.” Cato. He was to see her into the afterlife as soon as she let the magic go. Could she? Would she? The answer was a resounding yes. She let go and felt her body being ripped apart. She could hear the flesh being cut and ripped and mangled. Then everything went black...
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I go back and forth between my bio parents’ house and my adoptive parents’ house. My adoptive parents get me on weekends (my choice as I am an adult). I got a lizard named Taylor which my best friend/sister helped me pick out. Dean is still Dean. My room has now got a mini-fridge (mostly because my mom hates me waking her up when I get food at night) and all my food is up in my room. I created a space for my American Girl Doll’s clothing. I’ve been doing a shit load of chores and housework. My bedroom needs to be cleaned at least once a week or it gets to the point of turning into a 2-hour job. My makeup skills have gotten A LOT better even tho I have only been doing my eyebrows lately (coz I dyed my blonde hair black so my eyebrows have to match). OH YEAH. My adoptive mom dyed my hair black for me a few weeks ago. I absolutely LOVE it. Everyone was shocked that they liked it so much. They all thought it wouldn’t be a good color on me. They were wrong. I love my black hair. I have a man who loves me and puts in effort into the relationship ( @freeman-johnathan ) and I love him very much. He is mine. Nobody else can touch him. Hehe love you baby 😘
There are 2 Ferrets at my adoptive parents’ place and i like to call them ‘little noodles’ because to me that’s what they seem like. Noodles. They’re long and flexible like spaghetti. Very cute and don’t bite. They also have a black cat named Alice and a dog named Poochie. Very lovable. I actually just got back from grocery shopping with my adoptive parents.
Life is pretty good right now. I can say I’m happy.
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Hello My Loves
Christmas is only a month and a half away! Seems like just yesterday I was partying with friends over the summer. Oh how time flies.
So my question to you is: if you had one wish or one dream that you wanted to come true... what would it be? Send me an ask with your answer!
My one wish would be to end child cruelty, and my dream is to be a functioning adult without my mental health issues. (Heavy stuff I know)
Stay tuned for a book review soon here. Nearly halfway through ‘The Sealed Letter’ by ‘Emma Donoghue.
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Update on Clothing
Everything I own fits into my closet (clothes-wise anyways. I think I’m gonna do a purge of my whole room and get rid of everything just collecting dust. Even if it does have sentimental value. On we go..
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The superficial has taken ahold of me and kinda took me for a loop. I’ve noticed that I’ve been trying to look cute, feel sexy in my makeup, been very proud (ego-boost from my ex and his friend.) of how I look and take extra time to make sure everything is perfect. Some days (like today) I didn’t care what I wore as long as I was comfy and able too do my volunteer work. Anyways. I would LOVE to own all the pretty clothes I can have BUT. I also don’t want to be that spoiled rich girl who gets what she wants when she wants it. I work for my money right now even if it is at home. My parents pay for 99% of my stuff. Especially the last month or two coz I’ve had outstanding bills. (Which will be paid off by Nov. 15th!) idk. I think I’m gonna go through my closet and drawers tonight. This is what I’m working with lol
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Pastel pink? Hell yeah. It was VERY dark pink till I did 2 rounds of bleach to lighten it. I like it way better now than before.
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“Writing is something you do alone. It’s a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t wanna make eye contact while telling it.” — John Green
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Hey My People
This is my new blog. Originally from @lunalovegood1997
Hope you enjoy this blog as much as the other one! I’m gonna try to be active on here more and make sure to bank posts when I know I’ll be away.
I will be 23 in December, have a cat named Dean MacKenzie, I love all things art and writing, I read a lot... I love ‘Pride and Prejudice’ as well as Harry Potter (which I’ve loved since 2nd grade). I am a Christian and go to an Evangelical Free church. I go to bible study every Monday night and recently have been hanging out with a friend of mine before study every night to work on verse memorization. I have a fiancé and he is wonderful. I met him over the summer through his younger sister who I was friends with. If you get past the hard exterior, he’s really a big teddy bear. I still am living with my parents. They do a whole lot for me and I am so appreciative of them. I have a brother and sisters (one died in a car wreck) and I love them both dearly. My brother and I don’t get along most of the time but at the end of the day, we still love each other. My sister and I used to be close but have kinda drifted apart since she moved out over a year ago. Sad about that. I have a best friend/sister (so technically 3 sisters) who is absolutely amazing. She tells me what I need to hear; not what I want to hear. I am very grateful for her. I have a stuffed penguin collection and also a huge Garfield collection. Jim Davis’s autograph is framed and sitting on my display shelf. It’s one of my most prized possessions.
Alright this has gotten too long lol shoot me a follow! Thank you!
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Christmas won’t be Christmas without presents.
Jo March, Little Women
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Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times; if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Albums Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban
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