litquill · 1 year
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litquill · 1 year
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Today’s mood board. Source! - Preparing for exams
I love you! If you‘re interested in following my study day, follow my Instagram account!
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litquill · 1 year
03.04.23 |
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~ internal assessment on sangati [bama] on 05.04.23. preparation starts from today. i've gone through the text already. revision of class notes and personal note making is what i'm going for. also the abstract submission is done. yay!
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litquill · 1 year
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algebra is the most fun out of uh stats and geometry fight me but then again this is high school algebra
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litquill · 1 year
stem cells revision notes!
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litquill · 1 year
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Today was a wonderful day✨
I had an exam in the morning and it went way better than I expected🤍
After I went to a cafe and had a cake with a classmate and we also went thrifting🌞
I walked over 18k steps and had black bean noodles in the evening😍
Hope you had a great day as well!🧋
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litquill · 1 year
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Clinical rotations update :
Paediatrics ✅ ( can’t believe that I did and 8 weeks passed .. yet I’m gonna miss babies and paediatrics vibes)
Next : psychiatry ( I’m so excited for it )
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litquill · 1 year
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🕯️: nighttime writing, daytime outfits
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litquill · 1 year
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10.04.2023 [🙄]
🌿: 오늘도 나는 자휴를 꿈꾼다
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litquill · 1 year
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Hi friends,
It's been a very great Easter weekend! <3 I've been super productive and very calm! If you're interested in my day, feel free to go to Insta. Again, my Easter to-do list (had to add some things):
Studying 350 flashcards of Marketing (big goal haha, big goal)
Solving six mock exams in Statistics
Finishing my work for my Academic Writing module
Organizational Things
Handing in all of my documents for my semester abroad at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux, France)
Handing my in ERASMUS-documents for the program's scholarship
Handing in my application for BCG's APIRE Women's Workshop in Lisbon
Handing in my application for another scholarship
Preparing for therapy
Handing in my new contract for work
Donating to climate NGOs and animal rescue organizations
Contacting renowned climate scientists, asking them to give a talk at my university
Answering your questions
Writing a new post about how to avoid procrastination
I hope you are all very motivated! <3 I love you a lot!
Love, Sophia
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litquill · 1 year
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An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
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litquill · 1 year
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I’m working on my physics lab report here! Writing it up and adding the diagrams. I’m ngl, this is probably my least favourite part about physics. They take so long to write and the marking is always so pedantic. If I forget to write units in 1 place I’ll lose like 10% of the grade :( But I’m trying to stay productive and motivated nonetheless. Im proud of myself since I got almost half of it done today!
(April 10th 2023)
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litquill · 1 year
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11.04.2023 [🥹]
📋: 기사는 또 언제 쓰나..
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litquill · 1 year
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136 notes · View notes
litquill · 1 year
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Set specific, achievable goals for your study session: Set a clear goal for what you want to achieve in each study session. For example, "I want to complete the first three chapters of my textbook today."
Create a study schedule and stick to it: Develop a study schedule that works for you and stick to it. For example, "I will study for one hour every day after dinner."
Minimize distractions by finding a quiet place to study: Eliminate distractions that can interfere with your focus. For example, turning off your phone or finding a quiet place to study.
Take regular breaks to avoid burnout and increase focus: Take short breaks every hour or so to recharge and refocus. For example, taking a five-minute break to stretch or grab a snack.
Use active study techniques, such as summarizing, reciting, or creating flashcards: Use active techniques to engage with the material you're studying. For example, summarizing a chapter in your own words or creating flashcards to test your knowledge.
Get organized by using a planner or calendar to keep track of assignments and due dates: Keep track of your assignments and due dates to avoid procrastination. For example, using a planner or calendar to keep track of your deadlines.
Find a study group or accountability partner to keep you motivated: Join a study group or find a partner to keep you accountable and motivated. For example, joining a study group on campus or finding a study partner online.
Use mnemonic devices to help you remember information: Use memory aids, such as acronyms or visual images, to help you remember information. For example, using the acronym "ROY G BIV" to remember the colors of the rainbow.
Stay hydrated and take care of your physical health by eating well and exercising regularly: Take care of your physical health to improve your mental focus. For example, drinking plenty of water and going for a run before a study session.
Make use of study aids, such as textbooks, notes, or online resources: Use study aids to supplement your learning. For example, using a textbook or online resource to help you understand a difficult concept.
Use technology to your advantage, such as apps or online tools for studying: Use technology to enhance your studying. For example, using a study app to practice vocabulary words or online tools for organizing your notes.
Vary your study routine by changing your location or study technique: Change up your study routine to keep it fresh and engaging. For example, studying in a different location or using a different study technique, such as listening to an audiobook instead of reading.
Review your notes regularly to reinforce your learning: Review your notes frequently to help you retain information. For example, reviewing your notes after each class or at the end of each week.
Focus on understanding concepts rather than memorizing facts: Focus on understanding the material rather than memorizing facts. For example, understanding the concepts behind a mathematical formula rather than just memorizing the formula itself.
Test yourself regularly to identify areas that need improvement: Test yourself frequently to identify areas where you need improvement. For example, taking practice quizzes or tests to gauge your understanding.
Use positive self-talk to boost your confidence and motivation: Use positive self-talk to stay motivated and confident. For example, telling yourself "I can do this" when faced with a challenging task.
Avoid procrastination by breaking down large assignments into smaller tasks: Break down large assignments into smaller, manageable tasks to avoid procrastination. For example, breaking down a research paper into smaller tasks such as researching, outlining, and drafting.
Reward yourself after reaching a goal or completing a challenging assignment: When you complete a task or achieve a goal, reward yourself with something that you enjoy. This can help you stay motivated and make the studying process more enjoyable. For example, you could treat yourself to a favorite snack, take a break to watch an episode of your favorite TV show, or go for a walk outside.
Take care of your mental health by practicing self-care and seeking help if needed: Studying can be stressful, so it's important to take care of your mental health. This can include practicing self-care activities such as meditation, exercise, or spending time with friends and family. If you feel overwhelmed or need additional support, don't hesitate to seek help from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional.
Stay positive and motivated by focusing on your progress and accomplishments: Studying can be challenging, but it's important to focus on the progress you're making rather than getting discouraged by setbacks or mistakes. Celebrate small wins, such as completing a challenging assignment or understanding a difficult concept. For example, you could keep a study journal where you write down your accomplishments or take time at the end of each day to reflect on what you learned.
Source // Follow my Studygram for more motivation // Join our Discord Server // Follow my Tumblr
Write me a message if you need someone to talk to!
Love, Sophia <3
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litquill · 1 year
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Good morning friends,
I hope you are having an amazing day! I had very productive days while visiting my parents. It is 6 am now and I‘m heading back to work and uni. Even though I had to get up at 5 am, I‘m super motivated to work and study! ❤️ Wishing you a wonderful day! Follow on Insta to see more of my day! <3
My plan:
06:00 am - 08:45 am: Marketing flashcards
09:00 am - 05:00 pm: Work
05:30 pm - 10:00 pm: Statistics mock exams
Love, Sophia
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litquill · 1 year
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Went back on campus to study, again, even though it’s the mid semester break. I’m trying to catch up with the chemistry work that I neglected due to my physics test. I didn’t realise how much I had to do! Don’t fall behind, guys, catching up is such a pain. On another note, these are prob my fav pics that I’ve taken so far. Idk why, it just looks so nice
(April 12th 2023)
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