What’s your favourite line from good omens?
The invisible and unbreakable one that joins Crowley and Aziraphale.
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“All memory is individual, unreproducible—it dies with each person. What is called collective memory is not a remembering but a stipulating: that this is important, and this is the story about how it happened […].”
— Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others (via exhaled-spirals)
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if you dont want print media to die, buy physical copies of things. if you don’t want independent journalism to die, subscribe to a local newspaper. if you want more libraries and skate-parks and arcades, get a bunch of friends and call in the individual charge of your village or town or whatever and ask for one to be built and use the existing ones. if you want more native flora and fauna, start looking at the ones that already exist and how to preserve them. this is your world too. fight for it. get rid of the rot of passivity.
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Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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Something I’ve noticed recently in my various social media feeds* is a more explicit yet subtle way of criticizing public libraries by conservatives. I don’t mean the “stop the drag queen reading hour” posts. What I’ve been seeing is “libraries” included among things that are being criticized as liberal / communist (they are often used interchangeably) as well as places for conservatives to focus local actions. I guess controlling school boards wasn’t enough. It’s not an entirely new tactic (see my #librarian tag and scroll down a bit) but I’m seeing it more frequently and it makes me very nervous.**
* because I follow a broad range of topics and do my best to get some outside air into my internet bubble
** So of course I’m making sure I donate to my local library and use it. If we had a library committee I’d volunteer. I’m putting this in a footnote since it’s not the main point.
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One of my favorite thing I’ve learned about animals studies is that you should avoid using colorful leg bands when you’re banding birds because you can accidentally completely skew the data because female birds prefer males with colorful bands
Apparently if you put a red band on a male red wing blackbird his harem size can double
So like you can completely frick up the natural reproduction of a group of birds by giving a guy a bracelet so stylish that females CANNOT resist him
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What advice would you give 21 year old you?
Everything changes beyond absolute recognition
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A rare 1925 propaganda map of Beijing, issued by the ROC Mapping Office to commemorate the 15th year of the Beiyang Government
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what did i mean by this
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Life in an Autism World
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adult: what do you want to be when you grow up?
me: an old lady with a garden, soulmate, tons of animals, & a peaceful forest home
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So earlier today while standing around in a field talking to some friends after walking our dogs, my knee gave way to about 240 pounds of VERY enthusiastic puppers who weren’t paying attention and despite RICE all afternoon it still hurts like hell. Minimal swelling though. 🤞
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So the thing that has brought me joy (photography) for five years suddenly doesn’t. My photo blog queue ran out. I’ve got 200+ in drafts but it’s just the same old stuff from a different angle. Some of the drafts are more than five years old. I invested some money in a new camera and lenses and a course, but that’s not a good reason to continue. (Sunk cost fallacy). I’m ok with the money going down the drain. I just took a trip to a place I’ve never been before and it was beautiful but I can hardly be bothered to pick out some nice photos to share. Meh. I’m feeling very “what’s the point” right now. I used to walk, shoot, edit and post every day. I loved it. I miss it but I can’t find anywhere to walk in my new locale. Fuck suburbia and private property.
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being boring isn’t a bad thing. you don’t have to impress anyone. live simply. let go.
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Reading a book about slavery in the middle-ages, and as the author sorts through different source materials from different eras, I am starting to understand why so many completely fantastical accounts of "faraway lands" went without as much as a shrug. The world is such a weird place that you can either refuse to believe any of it or just go "yeah that might as well happen" and carry on with your day.
There was this 10th century arab traveller who wrote into an account that the fine trade furs come from a land where the night only lasts one hour in the summer and the sun doesn't rise at all in the winter, people use dogs to travel, and where children have white hair. I don't think I'd believe something like that either if I didn't live here.
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This is the second time in my voting history that I’ve participated in flipping a red seat in Alabama for Democrats (the previous time being my beloved Doug Jones) so it’s always funny to see people turn around and say voting doesn’t matter when I’ve seen it twice in the past ten years flip seats in what is supposed to be safe Republican country. Republicans are digging their own grave with their radicalization and it is making them lose (and with your help we can make them lose harder). Vote.
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