kevinallenblog · 2 years
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Sacheen Littlefeather has passed away on October 2nd 2022. While people remember her for her acceptance speech on behalf of Marlon Brando, know that she also ended the media blackout of the Wounded Knee occupation, won an Emmy & co-founded the American Indian AIDS Institute of San Francisco.
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kevinallenblog · 2 years
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
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The more you look at this picture, the more anxious it becomes.
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
I keep thinking about how henry cavill had to taper off water for like three days before shooting any shirtless scene in the witcher and how chris evans pretty much did the same thing playing cap, and honestly hearing that full-on broke any sense of attraction I've ever had for that kind of definition on a guy. I'd had no idea that's what it takes, and if that's what it takes then that's not a thing for me. Drink some fucking water, jesus christ
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
I'm chuckling to myself at the comments so I don't publicly break down next to my veternarian mother instead.
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Full and finished short-story of the black cat. Please have a heart for black pets in general, animals do not deserve this kind of hostility. Please give credit when reposting, Thank you :)
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
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They can’t pay their workers a living wage but can give free gas to a whole city
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
I still think that my favorite urban legend/folklore fact is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi late at night not because it isn’t safe, but because taxi companies have had recurring problems of picking up ghosts in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the cab before reaching the destination and therefore stiffing the driver on the fare causing a loss for the company.
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
It’s decorative gourd season, motherfucker
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
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Kitchen Ghosts on Instagram / Tumblr
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
My ideal beginning to a Batman movie:
We start with a slow pan down to Gotham as Oracle narrates
“Ask your average person who Gotham’s most famous citizen is, and you’ll get the same response every time: Bruce Wayne. Everybody’s heard of Bruce Wayne. You’ve probably heard his name a million times before. But there are some things that the average citizen doesn’t know about him. See, to the people of Gotham, Bruce Wayne is a rich kid who never grew up. They think he’s a buffoon, an airhead, a moron. But the truth is…”
*Batman bursts out of a window, screaming, on fire*
*record scratch, freeze frame*
“…they aren’t entirely wrong about that.”
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
okay, controversial batman opinion time! it ruins the character for him to be a billionaire, and he’s only a billionaire because too many people think ‘billionaire’ just means ‘millionaire but cooler’. bruce wayne should just be a millionaire. 
a millionaire has enough money to buy a batcave, a fancy batmobile, a supercomputer, a bunch of esoteric custom-made tools and toys, a couple companies that make enough money to fund a playboy lifestyle and a bunch of high-tech vigilante superheroes. millionaires today, even with inflation, can commission the creation of pretty much any physical item short of their own spaceship, and some of them can even do that. 
a billionaire has enough money to own entire cities and write their own laws and do whatever the fuck they want basically all the time, anywhere. look at disney, tesla, amazon, nestle, walmart. these guys are playing on an almost inconceivable global scale and they are not your friend. these are lex luthor motherfuckers. 
the question keeps being asked, ‘if bruce wayne is so rich, it’s ridiculous that he’s using all that money to run around in a bat costume punching mentally ill people’, and that’s correct if he’s got money on a billionaire’s scale. it’s absurdly irresponsible to have the kind of power that could change how a nation operates, much less local government, and just play night time punch guy with it. batman is the bad guy there. 
but say batman’s ‘just’ a millionaire. he’s the heir of a couple old money families, he’s got a mansion and some land and a private jet, he’s in with the elite of gotham, he can put some pressure on the mayor and the city council and the police– but he’s still on a level with half a dozen other families who have their own millions to throw around, their own ambitions. he can’t actually fix gotham just by throwing money at it, because he will run out of money before all the other rich guys do. 
in this situation, batman does make sense for bruce wayne to invent: a secret guy no one can pin on wayne industries, who can run around taking on organized crime and supervillains at the same time, who isn’t beholden to the social or legal conventions that the superwealthy also flout to play their fucked up games with each other. batman can actually do what a single millionaire can’t. 
batman gets written by batman fanboys to be a power fantasy, but with great power comes great responsibility, etc. at a certain level of wealth his power far outstrips his purpose, and being batman is actually irresponsible for bruce wayne. a hero’s limitations make for better stories. stop writing batman as a billionaire, already. 
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
The Dover Boys is also important in animation history.  It was the first cartoon to employ “smear animation” where instead of fully animating each individual movement some of the animation cells are abstract blurs or smears so as to convey sudden and abrupt movement. It was a pretty important invoation in the history of animation as people more and more went away from the idea that cartoons had to convey “realistic” movement
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
October can’t come soon enough
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
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kevinallenblog · 3 years
if i was a pirate captain i would get a movie projector and play a movie on the big sails every friday night for my boys to kick back and enjoy some time off unless we were under attack
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