ivyluvsyouu 9 days
饾懆 饾拠饾拞饾挊 饾挅饾拺饾拝饾拏饾挄饾拞饾挃<饾煈
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ivyluvsyouu 10 days
thoughts on the type of person the anemo boys would fall for? <3 (if you're really in the mood for writing and have nothing else to do, could you add Cyno to them? I'm particularly interested in his type too but really no pressure! It's fine if you don't want to do this request at all<3)
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I can see him falling for a musical s/o. Someone who plays instruments and someone who just loves music. Someone who he can play the lyre for and someone who will play music for him too. Personality wise I see him falling for someone who's similar to him. Energetic, carefree and talkative. He doesn't develop feelings for people very easily, so you two are friends for a while before he starts to fall for you.
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I can see him falling for someone who is the exact opposite of his personality. Someone who's energetic and talkative and someone who's positive about everything. Your personality gives him a lot of hope and helps him through a lot even if you don't know it or if he doesn't outright say it. I can't see him falling in love with a mortal either. He wouldn't want to fall in love with a mortal because he knows that he would outlive you and he doesn't want to ever have to lose you so I feel like because of that he wouldn't fall for a mortal so I feel like his s/o would have to be an adeptus
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I feel like Kazuha is the type of person to get overwhelmed easily with loud/talkative people so I think he would prefer a s/o who is quiet and only really gets talkative around people they're close to like he does. I also can't see him with a s/o that stays in one place. You definitely have to be willing to join him in his wandering and his traveling. He's a very clingy person once he's in a relationship so he wouldn't be able to have a s/o who doesn't travel with him.
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He just wants someone who will accept him for who he is and someone who will listen and someone who will stay with him. He doesn't catch feelings easily and it takes a lot to win his trust so I can't see him falling for just anybody. It takes a long time for you to earn his trust and it means the world to him that you stayed for that long and that's why I can see him falling for a friend or someone he's known for a while. Relationships are kind of a sore subject for him due to all the people he's lost so he just needs someone that's patient with him.
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I can see him with a s/o that's extremely confident and headstrong and doesn't really care what other people think, someone calm and collected, Him and his s/o would be very similar personality wise, and I think he needs a s/o who will put up with his tricks and his sense of humor.
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Someone who laughs at his jokes
He falls for someone who his exact opposite. Someone who is clingy, talkative and cheerful. But someone who is serious and strong when they need to be. Your cheerful personality really helps him whenever he's feeling burnt out or stressed from work your bright and cheerful personality just makes him feel better. But he also admires how you can be strong and protective when you need to be and while he loves you and how sweet you can be he has a strong admiration for you.
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ivyluvsyouu 14 days
telling Gaming, XIao, Kazuha, Cyno and Itto that you're pregnant?
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饾懆/饾拸: 饾挃饾拹 饾挃饾拹饾挀饾挀饾挌 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拲饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拹饾拠 饾拺饾拹饾挃饾挄饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拕饾拞饾拸饾挄饾拲饾挌, 饾懗饾拪饾拠饾拞 饾拤饾拏饾挃 饾拑饾拞饾拞饾拸 饾拏 饾拲饾拪饾挄饾挄饾拲饾拞 饾拤饾拞饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拕 饾拑饾挅饾挄 饾拪'饾拵 饾拑饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾拪'饾拵 饾挊饾拹饾挀饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拹饾拸 饾挀饾拞饾拻饾挅饾拞饾挃饾挄饾挃!!
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He was eating his lunch when you told him, and he nearly choked on his food. "You're what?!" he said in between coughing. "I'm pregnant..." you said again. He put his fork down and got up and ran over to hug you. "This is wonderful news!!" He said, He was so excited he didn't know what to do with himself. "Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl!? I wonder what the baby will look like...What do you think they'll be like!?" He said excitedly. You laughed at how excited he was and pulled him into another hug. "I don't know Gaming; we'll just have to wait and see..." you said happily.
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Xiao had just gotten home from patrolling the city and it was late at night. You asked if you could talk to him, he nodded and sat down on the bed with you. "Xiao I'm pregnant." you said. Xiao looked at you, he was absolutely dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say. He had never imagined having a relationship until he met you. And he certainly never imagined having children. For a moment you didn't know if he was happy or not and you gave him a worried look which seemed to snap him back into reality. He pulled you into his arms and rested his chin on your shoulder. "I'm happy..." He reassured you. While he was happy, he was also scared at the same time, He knew you would be an amazing mother, but he didn't think he would be a good father and you knew that Xiao was scared. You could tell by the expression on his face. "You'll do just fine, Xiao" you reassured him.
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You and Kazuha were relaxing at a hot spring in Inazuma. It was kind of late so you two were the only ones there and you were laying on his shoulder while he was telling you about how his day went. When he finished, he kissed your cheek and asked, "How was your day, My love?" You smiled and responded. "It was good. I found out that I'm pregnant earlier today." You said waiting for his reaction. He was looking up at the sun setting while you talked and when he heard that you were pregnant, he quickly turned his head and looked at you in shock. "Did I hear that right?" He asked and you nodded. He smiled and hugged you tightly. "This is wonderful news, dear." He said as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck for a moment. Once he pulled away you looked at him and you realized he was tearing up a little bit, "Oh, Kazuha don't cry..." you said wiping a tear from his cheek away. "There not sad tears my love..." He said pulling you into another hug.
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You asked Cyno if he wanted to go on a walk for a little while and he happily accepted your offer and in the middle of the walk, you told him that you had something to tell him. "Cyno, I'm pregnant" he stopped walking and turned to you. "Really?" he said, you nodded, and he smiled and hugged you tightly. He was so excited to meet the baby and he was so excited to be a father. "You have no idea how excited and happy I am." He said as he kissed you. "Now, let's get you home, it's late and I'm sure all this walking is making you tired."
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You found out you were pregnant when Itto was out with his gang. He wasn't supposed to be home for hours and you couldn't wait that long, so you went to go get him. Itto looked up from what he was doing, and a big toothy grin appeared on his face when he saw you walking towards him. "Hey babe!! whatcha doing here??" He said, getting up and running over to kiss you. "Itto, I need to talk to you..." You said, you seemed pretty serious so the grin on his face dropped and he nodded. You pulled him away from his gang for a moment and you looked up at him. "I'm pregnant" you said. He had a dumbfounded look on his face for a few seconds, then that big toothy grin appeared again, and he picked you up and twirled you around in his arms. "This is great babe!!" He said as put you down and kissed you. He took you by your hand and led you back to his gang. "Guess what guys!! Y/n's pregnant!!!" He said happily. Itto's gang congratulated the both of you and you all spent the rest of the afternoon together and around 7pm the rest of the gang went home and once you and Itto were alone together Itto turned you and smiled at you. "Cmon babe we should head home, I'm getting tired." he said as he took your hand in his.
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ivyluvsyouu 22 days
Omg omg I love it! Thank youuuu for writing the Disney Princess reader:333 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
thank you sm!! i'm glad you like it!<33
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ivyluvsyouu 22 days
Hiii can i request Furina, Nilou,Tighnari (and Wanderer) with an s/o that is like a Disney Princess, like when they sing Music came out of nowhere, animal talking to them, it's like watching a musical play right infront of them, but seriously where is the music coming from?? I think it would be funny to see their reaction :3
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She absolutely adores everything about you. How elegant you are, your beautiful voice when you sing and how everyone else even animals seem to love talking to you. Whenever she's feeling down, she'll ask you to sing for her, something about hearing your voice just calms her down. One night you two were in bed cuddling, about to go to sleep and you were singing to her. Her arms were wrapped around you, and it was like music started playing out of nowhere when you started to sing. Her eyes shot open, and she looked around "what was that??" she asked. You stopped singing and gave her a confused look. "What was what?" you responded. She shook her head "Nothing..goodnight" she said closing her eyes.
The first time she saw animals talking to you she thought it was the coolest thing ever. you both were on a walk and a bird landed on your shoulder and you just started talking to it like it was a normal thing and it chirped back at you, when it chirped back you responded and started having a conversation with the bird. "Y/n are you feeling, okay?" she asked putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah!! I can understand the bird" you explained. "Ohhhh woah!! can you teach me how to understand animals??"
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She's so mesmerized by everything you do. Your voice, how elegant you are, how animals talk to you everything about you is so beautiful to her and she lets you know it all the time. "You have such a beautiful voice Y/n" she said to you as she listened to you sing to her. She loves how kind and compassionate you are, you're always willing to help someone and it's something she looks up to you for.
You both are very similar in a lot of ways you two will sing together sometimes when you two are alone together and she loves dancing with you. Dancing with you is one of her favorite things to do with you. However, it surprised her when she found out that animals can talk to you. "Y/n that sure is a unique ability..."
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He's so interested in your ability to talk to animals literally nothing else phases him. He asks you all the time to help him with his research whenever he's working with animals. "Y/n, can you tell me what that bird said?"
He loves how compassionate you are. You're always willing to help somebody and he absolutely adores that about you. You have so many stories from times that you've helped people, and he could listen to you tell those stories for hours.
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He's working hard to be a better person and you've helped him so much and he's grateful to you for that even if he doesn't say it or express it. He loves how kind you and he really admires you. He loves your singing voice it's one of his favorite things about you. A lot of times when he's stressed, he'll ask if you can sing to him. "Y/n can you sing to me...? It's been a rough day."
He loves how caring you are and how gentle you are. He remembers the first time he heard you talking to animals he was laying in your lap one morning while you were eating breakfast outside. A bird landed on his chest, He swatted it away and you laughed softly. "The birds mad you swatted it away, dear" you said softly. He looked up at you, he was a bit confused, but he shrugged it off. He realized after some time that you can communicate with animals, and he finds it very interesting, and he asks you about it a lot. "Hey y/n..? why was that dog barking what was it saying??"
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ivyluvsyouu 23 days
Heyy... So this is kinda awkward, but just wanna ask if you got my Disney Princess reader request, Sometimes when I request it got interested delete or didn't go through, Or maybe it wasn't interesting and I was declined. It's okay if You decline though, just wanna ask the status :)
yes i did get it!:) i'm working on it rn and it should be the next one to come out
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ivyluvsyouu 23 days
Omg how about kazuha X fem!reader who accidentally got drunk and kazuha taking care of her????
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It was Beidou's birthday and the whole Crux fleet was celebrating including you and Kazuha. You had gotten a bit carried away with the drinking and Kazuha was starting to notice how drunk you were. He put his glass down and came up to you. You were talking to a few of your friends, you were stumbling around and slurring your words while talking to them. "Darling, I'm getting tired can we go to our quarters?" He asked. You smiled at him and nodded as you stumbled back with him to your quarters, Kazuha had an arm around you while you both walked back to make sure you didn't fall over.
Once you both were inside your quarters on the Crux, Kazuha got you some water while you changed into something to sleep in. "Dear, I have some water for you." He said climbing into bed with you and handing you the water. You felt him pull you into a tight embrace as you took a sip of your water. He laid his chin on your shoulder. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "I think I drank too much..." you mumbled. He frowned and kissed your cheek and took the glass from you once you finished your water.
He placed the glass on the nightstand and then he turned his attention back to you. "Get some rest dear, I'll make you some breakfast in the morning." He said as he lifted his chin from your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. You laid on his chest and closed your eyes and fell asleep. Kazuha sighed and kissed the top of your head. "Goodnight my love.." he said before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
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ivyluvsyouu 25 days
How are Kazuha, Xiao, Cyno, Furina and whoever else you want to add when there drunk? Like how do they act and what are they like
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I think Kazuha is very affectionate and clingy when he's drunk...
"Y/nnn..my head hurts..." He complained as he laid his head on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and kissed his forehead. "You shouldn't have drunk so much, Kazuha..." you said softly as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder. You both were on the crux and the whole crew had drunk quite a bit, but Kazuha got a little carried away. You looked around at the crew and looked at Beidou who you had been talking to before Kazuha came over to you. "I think we should head to bed" you said to Beidou as you put your glass down and helped Kazuha into your quarters. Once you two were alone Kazuha wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into the crook of your neck. He placed gentle kisses on your neck as he did this. "You're so beautiful..." he said slurring his words. You smiled "thank you Kazuha but I think it's time for bed" you said softly. He nodded and laid down on the bed and pulled you closer to him before falling asleep.
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Xiao doesn't drink a lot but when he does, I think he gets really sleepy and groggy....
It was your birthday, and everyone was drinking including your boyfriend Xiao, Xiao didn't drink a lot he doesn't like the feeling of being drunk it makes him feel vulnerable and especially when he's with you he doesn't want to seem weak or vulnerable, so he just avoids drinking. But tonight, he decided to have one drink and one drink led to two and then two led to three. He came up behind you and whispered in your ear "Y/n.. Can we go home?" he said sluggishly. He looked like he was about to fall over. You nodded and took his hand so he could lean on you for support. Once you got home, he changed into something to sleep in and just crashed down into bed. You had gotten some water for him and by the time you got to the bedroom he was already fast asleep.
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I think Cyno gets really clumsy when he's drunk....
You and Cyno were at Tighnari's birthday party and Cyno had quite a bit to drink, and he was all over the place. He was knocking drinks over he was stumbling everywhere he was talking really loudly but you couldn't understand what he was saying. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and he stumbled over to you. "Y/n..! Hi how are you...?" He said slurring his words. You smiled and laughed at your boyfriend's state. "I'm fine... are you okay?" you asked. He nodded quickly and raised his arms up, knocking a drink off the counter in the process. "I'm great!!" He said with a big smile on his face not even noticing he had knocked the drink over. You laughed and nodded "I think it's time for us to go home, Cyno"
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(饾懓 饾拤饾拏饾挆饾拞饾拸'饾挄 饾拠饾拪饾拸饾拪饾挃饾拤饾拞饾拝 饾拤饾拞饾挀 饾拏饾挀饾拕饾拤饾拹饾拸 饾拻饾挅饾拞饾挃饾挄 饾挌饾拞饾挄 饾挃饾拹 饾懓 饾拏饾拺饾拹饾拲饾拹饾拡饾拪饾挍饾拞 饾拪饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾拪饾挃饾拸'饾挄 饾拏饾拕饾拕饾挅饾挀饾拏饾挄饾拞 饾懓 饾拝饾拹饾拸'饾挄 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾拵饾挅饾拕饾拤 饾拏饾拑饾拹饾挅饾挄 饾拤饾拞饾挀!!)
Furina is like herself when she's drunk but 10x more talkative and energetic....
There was an event happening in Fontaine and of course that meant their archon would be there. And of course she brought her beloved s/o with her. You left her side for a moment to go off with your friends for a little while and you came back and saw your girlfriend, who was obviously very drunk showing off to her people with her power and amazing things she had done in the past. She saw you out of the corner of her eye and she turned and smiled at you. "Behold, Citizens of Fontaine my beautiful beloved s/o!!" She said drunkenly as she stumbled over to you. She gave you a big hug and kissed your cheek. "Furina.." you said sheepishly as she pulled you over to the crowd of people. She made the people of Fontaine clap for you for like five minutes straight before you whispered in her ear. "Furina, I think it's time for us to go home."
饾懟饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拰 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拵 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拝饾拪饾拸饾拡!! 饾懗饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拞饾拲饾挃饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拲饾拪饾拰饾拞 饾挄饾拹 饾挃饾拞饾拞
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
Do you write Female characters?
Yes i do!
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
Can I request Cyno, Xiao with an s/o that looks like a normal girl but really she's strong. Which is weird because She doesn't have any visible muscles or never seen her in combat, that's because it's a her family thing, her bloodline have natural strength and reflex. So he doesn't need to worry when she go out alone :) it's like mikasa or something
饾懞饾挄饾挀饾拹饾拸饾拡 饾挃/饾拹
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At first, he didn't believe it when he heard that his s/o had taken out an entire hoard of treasure hoarders by herself. He rushed to you and frantically searched you for injuries. "Are you okay!? Where are you hurt?!" He asked frantically. You insisted that you weren't hurt and that you were a lot stronger than he thought. You didn't fight a lot, you only fought when you had to and today was one of those times. A hoard of treasure hoarders had attacked the village and Cyno wasn't there to help so dealt with it yourself.
You explained to him that you were a lot stronger than he thought and that all your family was that way. He nodded and sighed in relief. "Thank archons, I thought something had happened to you." He said pulling you into a tight hug. After he finds out about your strength, he feels a lot better and doesn't worry about you doing commissions on your own. You didn't like fighting and you didn't even have a vision, so you didn't do commissions a lot but when you did, it was a lot easier for him to not worry about you.
He doesn't stop worrying about you going on commissions by yourself completely. Your still his s/o and he's always going to worry about you going on commissions especially when you don't have a vision and he's seen himself how dangerous commissions can be sometimes. So even though you are strong, and he knows that he still checks on you every time you come home from a commission to make sure you're not hurt.
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It doesn't matter how strong you are you could be an archon it doesn't matter. Xiao's still going to worry about his beloved s/o and he's still going to offer to accompany you on commissions so he can protect you and be there for you if something happens. He trusts you and he knows your strong but he just can't take a chance with something happening to you. He's been alone for thousands of years and now that he's finally found someone, he's terrified of something happening to you.
It's only when you end up saving him from getting hit that he starts to understand how strong you are. You both were walking home one night together; he was ranting about something that happened earlier that day and he wasn't paying attention and a group of fatui agents came out of nowhere and went straight for Xiao before he could react.
You were able to fight the fatui agents off and Xiao ran up to you and checked you for injuries. "Did you get hit?!" He asked worriedly as he pulled you into a hug and held you tightly. "Yes, Xiao I'm fine" you said giving him a kiss on the cheek trying to calm him down. After that night he realized that you were as strong as you said you were, and he started to calm down a bit. He would still offer to come with you on commissions, but he wouldn't worry as much if you went on your own.
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
Hello!! I'm sending this as an anonymous because I'm shy, so can I request a kazuha x fairy reader thing? They were childhood friends, they ran away from inazuma tg, yk? But they have a huge argument and they both go their separate ways, they don't see eachother for months and months, until the reader gets in trouble and he saves her, blah, blah, blah, yk??
饾懓 饾拵饾拪饾挃饾挃饾拞饾拝 饾挌饾拹饾挅
饾懓'饾拵 饾拸饾拹饾挄 饾挃饾挅饾挀饾拞 饾拪饾拠 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄饾拞饾拝 饾拏 饾挀饾拹饾拵饾拏饾拸饾挄饾拪饾拕 饾拞饾拸饾拝饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挄饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾拹饾挀 饾拸饾拹饾挄 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾拪饾挄 饾拝饾拹饾拞饾挃饾拸'饾挄 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拲饾拲饾挌 饾拤饾拏饾挆饾拞 饾拏 饾挀饾拹饾拵饾拏饾拸饾挄饾拪饾拕 饾拞饾拸饾拝饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拑饾挅饾挄 饾懖饾拏饾挍饾挅饾拤饾拏 饾拝饾拹饾拞饾挃 饾拤饾拏饾挆饾拞 饾拠饾拞饾拞饾拲饾拪饾拸饾拡饾挃 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拝饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拪饾拠 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾挄饾拹 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拡饾拞 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拲饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊<饾煈!
(饾懟饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾拪饾挃 饾挃饾拞饾挄 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾拸 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾挆饾拪饾挃饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾拤饾挅饾拸饾挄 饾拝饾拞饾拕饾挀饾拞饾拞 饾拪饾挃 饾拡饾拹饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拹饾拸 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾懖饾拏饾挍饾挅饾拤饾拏 饾拪饾挃 饾挃饾挄饾拪饾拲饾拲 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄饾拞饾拝 饾拪饾拸 饾懓饾拸饾拏饾挍饾挅饾拵饾拏)
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Kazuha wished he could take it all back. The things he had said to you that night kept him up at night and he couldn't believe the things he said to you had come out of his mouth. It was a dumb argument; He didn't even remember what it was about all he could remember was the awful things you and him had said to each other. He wanted nothing more than to tell you how sorry he was, how much he loved you and how he would never talk to you like that again. But when he woke up the morning after the argument your stuff and you were gone, you had left.
He decided it was best not to come looking for you and let you come back on your own once you calmed down. But you never did. Months went by and Kazuha saw no sign of you, and it was driving him crazy. He had always had feelings for you ever since the two of you were kids and seeing you and being with you 24/7 was normal for him and without you there his days felt incomplete. Six months went by without you when he was informed one day he had to return to Inazuma for something.
He snuck into Inazuma and tried to hide his identity as best as he could. He was handling the business he came there to do when he heard a few civilians talking about how someone with a vision had been captured and they were getting executed later that day. Kazuha didn't pay much attention at first since unfortunately it was a normal thing in Inazuma. But then he heard your name mentioned and he asked the villagers "The person who was captured, what was there name again?" Kazuha asked the civilians. "Y/n, I believe that's what their name is." the civilian responded.
Kazuha knew he had to do something and quickly. He had escaped from Inazuma before, so he knew where the Shogun kept the people who had visions and he found you. "Y/n, we have to go." He said as he grabbed your hand, and he ran out with you. You took his hand and ran out with him. You didn't care about how you were mad at him you just wanted to get out of there. Once you guys you were somewhere safe Kazuha turned around to look at you. "Are you alright?" He asked holding your hand and massaging your knuckles gently.
You nodded "I'm fine" you said smiling. You weren't even mad anymore. You had missed him just as much as he missed you. You hugged him tightly. He hugged you back and buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I missed you."
饾懗饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾挄饾拹 饾挃饾拞饾拞 饾拸饾拞饾挋饾挄!<饾煈
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
I want to request but first I must ask,
Do you have any rules?
饾懓 饾拝饾拹饾拸'饾挄 饾拤饾拏饾挆饾拞 饾拵饾拏饾拸饾挌 饾挀饾挅饾拲饾拞饾挃 饾拫饾挅饾挃饾挄 饾拸饾拹 饾拸饾挃饾拠饾挊 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拰饾拪饾拝饾挃 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾拸饾拹 饾拸饾拹饾拸饾拕饾拹饾拸 饾挃饾挄饾挅饾拠饾拠! 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拰 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拵 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾拏饾挃饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡<饾煈
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
饾懗饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拞饾拲饾挃饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拲饾拪饾拰饾拞 饾挄饾拹 饾挃饾拞饾拞!<饾煈饾煈
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饾懟饾拏饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拕饾拏饾挀饾拞 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾拵
饾懙饾拹饾挄 饾挃饾拏饾挌饾拪饾拸饾拡 "饾懓 饾拲饾拹饾挆饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅" 饾拑饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拏饾挃 饾拏 饾拺饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拰
饾懢饾拤饾拹 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾拠饾拏饾拲饾拲 饾拠饾拹饾挀?
饾懟饾拏饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拕饾拏饾挀饾拞 饾拹饾拠 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾拵
饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾挃/饾拹 饾拝饾拪饾拞饾挃
饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾挃/饾拹 饾拝饾拪饾拞饾挃
饾懙饾拹饾挄 饾挃饾拏饾挌饾拪饾拸饾拡 "饾懓 饾拲饾拹饾挆饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅" 饾拑饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拏饾挃 饾拏 饾拺饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拰
饾懟饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾挃/饾拹 饾拝饾拪饾拞饾挃
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饾懘饾拞饾拞饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾拪饾挀 饾拑饾拏饾拑饾挌 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拠饾拪饾挀饾挃饾挄 饾挄饾拪饾拵饾拞
饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
饾懟饾拤饾拞饾挀饾拞 饾挃/饾拹 饾拝饾拪饾拞饾挃
饾懐饾拹饾挊 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾拏饾挀饾拞 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾拸 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌'饾挀饾拞 饾拝饾挀饾挅饾拸饾拰
饾懢饾拤饾拹 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挌 饾拠饾拏饾拲饾拲 饾拠饾拹饾挀?
饾懟饾拞饾拲饾拲饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾拵 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾挌饾拹饾挅'饾挀饾拞 饾拺饾挀饾拞饾拡饾拸饾拏饾拸饾挄
饾懘饾拞饾拞饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾拪饾挀 饾拑饾拏饾拑饾挌 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拠饾拪饾挀饾挃饾挄 饾挄饾拪饾拵饾拞
饾懙饾拹饾挄 饾挃饾拏饾挌饾拪饾拸饾拡 "饾懓 饾拲饾拹饾挆饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅" 饾拑饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拏饾挃 饾拏 饾拺饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拰
饾懏饾拏饾拵饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拑饾拠 饾拤饾拞饾拏饾拝饾拕饾拏饾拸饾拹饾拸饾挃
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饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
饾懐饾挅 饾挄饾拏饾拹
饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拪饾拹饾拸 饾挄饾拹 饾拏饾拝饾拞饾拺饾挄饾拪 饾挃/饾拹
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饾懙饾拹饾挄 饾挃饾拏饾挌饾拪饾拸饾拡 "饾懓 饾拲饾拹饾挆饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅" 饾拑饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拏饾挃 饾拏 饾拺饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拰
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饾懙饾拹饾挄 饾挃饾拏饾挌饾拪饾拸饾拡 "饾懓 饾拲饾拹饾挆饾拞 饾挌饾拹饾挅" 饾拑饾拏饾拕饾拰 饾拏饾挃 饾拏 饾拺饾挀饾拏饾拸饾拰
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
love how pretty your blog is!! Had the cutest idea with Venti, Kaeya, and character you wish for hcs. Imagine finding them at a party really tired from drinking and partying haha. And just being there for them. Taking them home, making them eat something and drink water, giving them pain medicine. Just love knowing how these boys would react to being kindly taken care of <3 Hope you have a nice day :))
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He had been at the tavern all night and around 11pm you finally decided to go and get him. He was drunkenly playing his lyre in the tavern and when he saw you, he lit up "Y/nnn!!! come here let me play you a song~!!" He said slurring his words. "No Venti, it's time to go home" you said sternly. His smile dropped "Noo I don't wannaaa~!!" he protested but after a bit of back and forth he finally agreed to go home.
Once you got home, he got into something to sleep in, and you make him some dinner and got him some water and brought it to him in bed. You laid next to him, and he laid on your shoulder as he ate his food. He was starting to sober up by now and after he finished his food, he looked up at you. "Thank you, y/n" he said as he moved his head from your shoulder to your lap. He fell asleep and slept the rest of the night on your lap.
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You were at a party with Kaeya and the rest of the knights. You weren't sober but you could tell that Kaeya was overdoing it and he had way too much to drink. You said goodbye to Jean and went over to Kaeya. "Babe, I think we should go" you said placing your hand on his shoulder. He nodded and didn't protest, He felt like shit after drinking so much so he was ready to go home too. You got him some water as soon as you both got home. He drank his glass of water as he got comfortable in bed. "Y/nn come here~" he said opening his arms for you. Once you got in bed, he immediately wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your chest. You massaged his scalp softly and just laid there with him for a little while in silence. You then looked up and saw that he had already fallen asleep. You smiled and closed your eyes and fell asleep as well.
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You had already gone to bed in Kazuha's quarters in the crux. It was Beidou's birthday, and you had been celebrating with the rest of the crew but around 10pm you got tired, and you kissed Kazuha softly. "I'm going to go to bed, don't stay out here too late, okay?" You said softly. "Goodnight, my love, I'll be to bed in an hour or so, sweet dreams darling" he said. However, an hour later he told the rest of the crew he should head to bed and the crew convinced him to stay a bit longer.
He stumbled into his quarters where you were sleeping around 1am. He drunkenly changed his clothes into something to sleep in, trying to be as quiet as he could so he wouldn't wake you. But when he got into bed you woke up and saw him getting into bed. "Kazuha what time is it?" you asked as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. "I don't know..." He said drunkenly. You could tell in his voice how drunk he was. You got up and got him some water.
As he drank his water you sat on the bed next to him and just talked to him for a little while. Once he was done with his water he laid down on your lap and shut his eyes and sighed in comfort as he felt you massaging his scalp. You got a hairbrush off the dresser and brushed his hair softly. "Night y/n... love you.." He said as he dozed off in your lap. "I love you too, Kazuha"
饾懟饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拰 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拵 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挀饾拞饾拏饾拝饾拪饾拸饾拡! 饾懗饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄 饾挄饾拹 饾挃饾拞饾拞 饾拸饾拞饾挋饾挄!<饾煈
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ivyluvsyouu 1 month
Gaming, Kazuha and Xiao seeing there child for the first time?
饾懘饾拞饾拞饾挄饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挄饾拤饾拞饾拪饾挀 饾拑饾拏饾拑饾挌 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拠饾拪饾挀饾挃饾挄 饾挄饾拪饾拵饾拞 <饾煈
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Gaming's leg bounced nervously as he waited for the doctor to let him come and see you. After waiting for what felt like years the doctor came into the waiting room. "You can see her now-" Gaming barely let the doctor talk before racing past him to your room. He took a breath and calmed down before he opened the door and all his worries and anxiety just melted away when he walked into your room. You were bouncing your newborn son in your arms as you looked up at him. "Gaming, come here" you said softly. He walked over to the side of your bed and kissed your forehead softly. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. You nodded and looked down at the baby. "Do you want to hold him?" You asked. He nodded and gently took the baby from your arms. He fought back tears as he saw the baby for the first time. "He's perfect..." Gaming said softly as he kissed the baby's forehead.
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When the doctor told him it was okay for him to see you know he immediately rushed to your bedside and looked down at you and your newborn daughter. He spent the majority of your pregnancy worrying about him becoming a father. He didn't think he would be a good father and he never imagined himself having children until he met you. But when he saw you holding your daughter, he just knew everything would work out somehow. He smiled and kissed you gently. "How are you feeling?" was the first thing he said. As eager as he was to hold the baby, he wanted to make sure you were alright and healthy. "I'm okay, I just need some rest" you said tiredly. He nodded "then let me take her, you get some rest" he said as he kissed you. You nodded and let Xiao take the baby. You closed your eyes and fell asleep within seconds. He looked down at the baby and he smiled and cradled the baby close to his chest. He was so overwhelmed by so many different emotions he just used this moment to hold his daughter while you rested.
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He held your hand tightly as the doctor went to go wash your newborn daughter off. Kazuha kissed you softly "You did great, dear." He said softly. The doctor gently handed the baby back to you and you and Kazuha both looked down and both of your eyes welled with tears. "She's so beautiful" Kazuha said as he rested his chin on the top of your head. He had spent so much of his life running away from things and memories but when he met you, he felt like finally felt at home with someone. And bringing a child into this world just made him feel even more at peace and at home with you and that day he made a promise to himself to protect you and your daughter no matter what.
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ivyluvsyouu 2 months
anyways, wanted to request Liyue characters (any of your choice) and an Adepti reader and their reactions on that. Also I really like your writing, keep up the good work!
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饾懓'饾拵 饾挃饾拹饾挀饾挀饾挌 饾拪饾拠 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾拝饾拹饾拸'饾挄 饾挃饾拞饾拞 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀 饾拠饾挀饾拹饾拵 饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拏饾拸饾挄饾拞饾拝!! 饾懓饾拠 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挊饾拹饾挅饾拲饾拝 饾拲饾拪饾拰饾拞 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拹饾挄饾拤饾拞饾挀 饾懗饾拪饾挌饾挅饾拞 饾拕饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾拞饾挀饾挃 饾拲饾拞饾挄 饾拵饾拞 饾拰饾拸饾拹饾挊<饾煈!
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Baizhu finds you quite interesting. You told him about your adeptus powers pretty early on into your relationship and he finds it extremely intriguing. He asks a lot of questions about your powers and about your life before him. He knows that adepti don't die from old age, so he asks about the past a lot since your thousands of years old. He asks for you to try his medicines that he makes sometimes to see if they will have an effect on you. "Darling, can you try this one?"
He doesn't ask all the time because he doesn't want you to think that he's using you because he isn't. He just finds your history and your powers extremely interesting, and he wants to be able to understand you more. So, if it seems like he's using you for his research he's not doing that he just wants to be able to understand his beloved s/o more.
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She's heard of the adeti before, and she's even met a few before but she doesn't fully understand everything about them. So, when you confessed to being an adeptus she didn't really know what to do. It's not like she was mad, or she loved you any less she just didn't know what to do to understand you or how your powers worked. You had hidden it from her for a while because you were nervous about how she would react and when you told her she made sure you knew that she didn't love you any less and that she wasn't upset. "It's okay, I understand why you would hide something like that" she said wrapping her arms around you.
She asks Ganyu about it since she knows Ganyu is an adeptus as well. Ganyu gave her some brief history on adepti and how they're powers work and their history. She always tries to learn more and more about you and your powers and she's always trying to educate herself on adepti so she listens to everything Ganyu tells her.
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She already knows that you're and adeptus since she's an adeptus So, it's not really anything out of the ordinary for her. If anything, she prefers her s/o to be an adeptus since it's easier for her to relate to another adeptus. She loves being able to talk to you about things mortals wouldn't understand. She finds most of the other adepti hard to talk to so her s/o being an adeptus really helps her. "It's so easy to talk to you, y/n"
You two had been friends for hundreds of years before you two got into a relationship and Ganyu had feelings for you for hundreds of years before you two got together so getting into a relationship with you was one of the best things that has ever happened to her.
饾懐饾挅 饾挄饾拏饾拹
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"Ooohh cool so you're like super strong right? I know Mr Xiao is an adeptus so you're like him?? Woahh you're so great y/n, I'm so lucky to have you as my s/o" she said smiling at you. When you admitted you were an adeptus all she could think of was how cool it was and how much more she admired you. She takes such pride in you being an adeptus she just tells people about it mid conversation. "Oh, my s/o? there super strong and there an adeptus!! How cool is that?!"
She always tries to learn more about adepti and your history and how your powers work. "So, y/n, I have to ask, have you ever met any of the archons?? What are they like??" she's so curious about everything, she'll join you on commissions just to see how your powers work.
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"Hm? You're an adeptus? Oh, I know darling I could tell" she said softly as she looked up from her work. She knew everything about Liyue, Including the Adepti and who they are and their history so she could tell that you're an adeptus. And honestly, she doesn't care. As long as your safe and cared for she doesn't care about you being an adeptus.
She knows about adepti powers and the history of the adepti and everything so she's not really curious about how your powers work. If you want to rant to her or vent to her about how stressful being an adeptus can be she will listen and give you as much as advice as she can.
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She was raised by adepti so she already knew who you were and when you two developed feelings for each other and eventually got into a relationship she knew that you were and adeptus and how important you were to the people of Liyue. Most people address her as an adeptus but at the end of the day Shenhe is a mortal, so she always tries to understand you more. She has a pretty good understanding of your powers, but she always tries to learn more.
She looks up to you a lot and is proud to say that her s/o is an adeptus. She knows how hard you work to protect Liyue so she always tries to be as supportive as possible. She does get worried sometimes that you might get hurt, but she has to tell herself that your strong and that you'll be okay.
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Like Ganyu, He prefers to have a s/o whose an adeptus. Honestly, I can't see him falling for a mortal I can only see him falling for another adeptus. He finds it easier to communicate with you because you understand things mortals wouldn't. He knows being in a relationship with him is difficult but you being an adeptus helps a lot.
He knows how different each adeptus is, so he always asks questions about how your powers work. You both had known of each other for thousands of years, but you had never really spoken much but when you did, he fell for you instantly and he spent a few hundred years thinking of ways he could confess to you. And it took him another hundred years to find the confidence to build up the confidence to confess but once he did you both knew that you two would spend the rest of eternity with each other.
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ivyluvsyouu 2 months
NEW BLOG OMGGG HIIII. Your theme is so 鉁ㄢ湪
May i request hcs of reader not saying "i love you too" back as a prank? I'm not sure of your character limit, so feel free to add or remove from the list - ayato, albedo, venti, gaming, alhaitham.
Just wondering, do you have a masterlist? If so, could you send the link? Also, do you mind spam likes and rb?
饾拤饾拞饾拲饾拲饾拹 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拰 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾挃饾拵 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾挌饾拹饾挅饾挀 饾挀饾拞饾拻饾挅饾拞饾挃饾挄!! 饾懓 饾拝饾拹饾拸'饾挄 饾拤饾拏饾挆饾拞 饾拏 饾拵饾拏饾挃饾挄饾拞饾挀饾拲饾拪饾挃饾挄 饾拏饾挄 饾挄饾拤饾拞 饾拵饾拹饾拵饾拞饾拸饾挄 饾拑饾挅饾挄 饾拪饾挄'饾挃 饾挃饾拹饾拵饾拞饾挄饾拤饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拪'饾拵 饾挊饾拹饾挀饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拹饾拸! 饾拏饾拲饾挃饾拹 饾拸饾拹 饾懓 饾拝饾拹 饾拸饾拹饾挄 饾拵饾拪饾拸饾拝 饾挃饾拺饾拏饾拵 饾拲饾拪饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡 饾拹饾挀 饾挀饾拑 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拰 饾挌饾拹饾挅 饾拠饾拹饾挀 饾拏饾挃饾拰饾拪饾拸饾拡!
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He notices the first time you do this. He was about to leave for a work trip when you decided to play this prank on him. "I love you, darling" He said kissing you goodbye and you just smiled at him "Bye, Ayato" you said happily. "Dear, I said I love you." He said as you went back to what you were doing. "I heard you" you said happily working. He gave you a confused look "Can you say it back please?" he said coming up behind you. He hugged you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. He kissed your cheek and looked into your eyes. You rolled your eyes and sighed; He had figured out what you were doing. "I love you too Ayato" you said smiling at him.
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You came to visit Albedo at dragonspine and you had stayed a few hours, but you had to go back to the city since it was going to get dark soon. "Be safe y/n, I love you" he said, his nose buried in his work. "Bye Albedo" you said as you kissed him on the cheek and left. He didn't think about it till later that night when he was thinking about you. He realized you hadn't said "I love you" back.
You came back to visit him the next morning and when you got there, he greeted you with a hug and a kiss. "I love you y/n" he said. You smiled and sat down on the couch in his office. He frowned and looked at you. "Are you upset with me?" he said sitting down next to you. You shook your head "Why would I be mad at you?" you said. "You haven't said I love you back" he said giving you a confused look. You felt terrible and you couldn't keep it up anymore and you admitted to pranking him. He sighed and kissed your cheek "You're strange y/n" he said before getting back up and going back to work.
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You and Venti were having a relaxing evening at home when you decided to mess with him a little bit. You both were cuddling when he kissed the top of your head "I love you" he whispered as he rested his cheek on the top of your head. You just sighed and nuzzled into the pillow.
Venti closed his eyes and expected to hear a response but after a few seconds of not hearing a response he opened one eye and looked down at you "Y/n I said I love you" he said. "I heard you, Venti" you responded trying not to laugh or break character. "Can you say it back please" He said. You just nuzzled into the pillow trying to keep a straight face.
He sighed and rolled over and started pouting "hmph!" he said crossing his arms. You couldn't hold your laugh anymore and when you started laughing, he rolled back over "What's so funny!?" he said in a frustrated tone. You explained to him that you were just messing with him, and he rolled his eyes "Yeah i knew you were joking!!" he said rolling his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you again.
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He's so busy running errands for people all the time it honestly takes him a day or two before he notices. He was thinking about you on his walk home one night and he realized the last few times he had said "I love you" you hadn't said it back. When he got home, he went upstairs where you were working on something.
"Hi y/n, I'm home!" he said running upstairs and sitting down next to you. You turned to him and smiled "Welcome home" you said as you kissed him on the cheek. "I love you y/n" he said as he wrapped his arm around you. You felt bad for not saying it back especially since had just gotten home but you wanted to see how long it would take for him to notice.
You just kept working. He frowned and pulled you closer to him "Did you hear me?" he asked. You nodded "Yes, I heard you" you said as you kept writing. You couldn't look him in the eyes because you knew that you'd feel too bad, and you'd cave. "Do you not love me back?" He asked worriedly. You looked up from your papers and shook your head "Nonono, Gaming I was just messing with you!" you said "Messing with me?" he said giving you a confused look. You explained that you were just joking, and he laughed and kissed your cheek. "Okay, you got me" he said gently.
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He figured it out pretty quickly. He had to go on a commission early that morning and before he left, he went to go say goodbye to you. "I'll be back soon, I love you." You nodded and looked at him "Okay, be safe" you said as you smiled at him. He turned around and looked at you "I said I love you y/n" he repeated. He could see you breaking character a little bit and trying not to laugh. He just smiled and kissed the top of your head "I'll be home soon" he said before ruffling your hair and walking out the door.
thank you sm for reading!!! requests are always open!!
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