isanim · 4 months
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via @ymqwbleyer on twitter
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isanim · 5 months
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Check out daddy's glowing reviews on Yelp ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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isanim · 5 months
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Two dads😭
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isanim · 5 years
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💛💚💙❤💛💖💜 💛💚💙❤💛💖💜
June 15th - Draw any drag queen
Super drags 💖
 I like a lot super drags ,is actually a big step for latinoamerican animation ,the characters are really likeable and their problems are real  ,is so important for brazilian lgbt+ people now with the politics in brazil
But when it premiered in english it started a ...
controversy with the series:
1- some say that the characters are stereotypes and it is not good for the LGBT + community
Yes the characters are stereotypes but is a comedy series
2-the humor is too hard and repulsive
Heres a thing that i would like to explain ,yes there were jokes that go too far ,but most of them are fine ,cause latino america has a very agressive humor ,when you watch some latinoamerican show it will be very hard jokes ,even in the kids shows (example villanos (mexico) or golpea duro hara (chile) theres is blood ,double sense jokes ,even swear words (but is the definition u.s.a has cause here saying demonios /infierno (hell) estupido (stupid) maldito ( damned) (etc) are not swears )
So if you think some jokes are really too far maybe dont watch it or do it in BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE (ORIGINAL) or LATINO AMERICAN SPAÑISH there will be more contex
3- horrible representation who did this dosent know anything
ALL of the people who made super drags are part of the community
Even the voices actors who are drag queens
Original :
Pabllo vittar drag queen and singer is goldiva
Silvetty Montilla drag queen is Vedete Champagne
In the english dub theres :
Trixie Mattel
Ginger Minj
 Willam Belli
4-english dub dont do justice
Even with all of these talented drag queens it wasent the same as the original ,the jokes were changed and worst it erased one of the most important part of safira/ralph  character their love for ANIME ,here in latam we still refer as people who love anime as an otaku (even when is know it meaning ) and the community here is huge brazil and mexico being the first places ,so ralph represent that, even safira desing takes elements of it (the wand  ,miku hair ,the references ) so erasing that part of the character was a really bad move
But theres something more important
 the politics in brazil since the election of its president bolsonaro has worsened every time more for lgbt + people
The president of brazil is racist homophobe who actually have change the laws in brazil to NOT protect lgbt people
He has say :
"I would not be able to love a homosexual son, I'm not going to be a hypocrite here, I'd rather have a son of mine die in an accident than to appear with a mustachioed man out there" (2011, interview with a magazine).
"The thinnest Afro-descendant there weighed seven arrobas (old unit of measure) They do not do anything, I do not think they even serve to pro create " (2017, after visiting a "quilombo", a redoubt where people of African descent live, and comparing them with  cows).
"I'm not going to fight or discriminate, but if I see two men kissing in the street I'm going to hit them" (2002, in an interview).
"The poor only has a use in our country: to vote, the voter's card in his hand is a donkey diploma in his pocket, he serves to vote for the government that is there, it only serves for that and nothing else."
"The mistake of the dictatorship was to torture and not to kill" (2016, during an interview on a Brazilian radio). He was talking about latino american ditatorships in the 80s where my granfather was tortured
"I do not take the risk because my children were very well educated" (2011, in an interview on TV, when questioned about how his reaction would be if one of his children fell in love with a black woman).
And this is the most important reason super drags IS IMPORTANT EVEN IF IS NOT PERFECT  it gives strength and hope to a lot in the country when this awful men is making laws that why we supported
Goldiva and scarlet faced the same problems with their family even when goldiva grew up rich and scarlet in a fabela
Ralph being discriminate by his father and thrown out of the house
Lemon having low seftautoestime
Hope you like💖
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isanim · 5 years
I haven’t seen it said, so I’ll say it.
If you look at it from a certain perspective, Diamond Days (and in a way–all of SU) is a metaphor for transphobia and dead naming.
Steven has spent his life being compared to Rose. Rose is gone. It’s Steven now. Everyone remembers and misses Rose, but his family loves Steven.
When Blue speaks to Yellow, she says, “She prefers to go by Steven now.” And all of the diamonds refer to him as “she/her/Pink.”
When White (substitute a trans/homophobic grandma if you will) demands him to Look like Pink again, he snaps. “SHE’S GONE!”
White tells him that he’s deceived himself and that Pink is still in there. She’s not. When Steven sees that it is–in fact–HIM inside of his gem, he is so overjoyed.
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Idk. Just like all of the misgendering and deadnaming in this season got to me. It made me understand the trans community in a way that I’ve tried and failed to do myself.
However, as Steven himself sang,
“I don’t need you to respect me, I respect me. I don’t need you to love me, I love me. I just need you to know-You could know me if you changed your mind.”
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isanim · 5 years
People! It’s finally here! Me and my teams graduation movie, Ur Aska! 🌸
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isanim · 5 years
Hey all! Took a brief break last week from working on Anny to do this short shot for a dragonball re-animate that a guy I know is doing. It was fun to work on some looser animation. 
If you wanna be a part of the reanimate that’s going on, check out the facebook/tumblr pages below! http://sevenreanimate.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/sevenreanimate
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isanim · 5 years
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I’ve learned my lesson: I shall never again plan to have a 14 second shot.
This rough sequence is only a part of the entire shot which from start to cleanup has taken me nearly a month. It’s only fitting that it’s the final piece of animation in the last scene of Act 1. Drawing the in-betweens was dulling my brain.
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isanim · 5 years
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This is quite literally the last piece of animation I get to make of Anny in the first act. I haven’t had many opportunities to do full body walking animation of her so this was super, super fun to figure out. Had a lot of fun posing her.
Check out the Anny Vigil Facebook page!
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isanim · 5 years
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Just some Soriel-ish comics i did in between commissions because me likey . X//D
i like to think that Toriel invites Papyrus and Sans to live with her and Frisk..(kind of based on the official Q and A thing from some time ago; Toriel mentions what she packs for Papyrus’ lunch.. so it could be they are in the same house.. is just what i like to think lol)…
Bonus down the line ;u;—–
Continuar lendo
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isanim · 5 years
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when you die they come to collect your soul and use it to fuel their power
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isanim · 5 years
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isanim · 5 years
Me: “I love this person’s work.”
Random person replying to my online comment: “Yeah, did you know *insert artist who’s known for making kid friendly content* used to draw porn of *insert any show, video game, or other fandom*?”
Me: …So?
Seriously, that sort of comment doesn’t work on me, because I think it’s narrowed-minded to judge someone’s current work based on if they used to draw porn of anything. Hell, even if they still like to draw adult content, it’s their fucking business, and they shouldn’t be chained to drawing just G rated content.
It’s based on this idea that if you just draw SFW stuff, then you can’t or shouldn’t draw NSFW stuff.
Bullshit. Grow the fuck up, people.
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isanim · 5 years
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isanim · 5 years
Thank you to the Steven Universe community for saying such positive things about this scene, we thought you might like to see the pencil test. These are the shots from “Change Your Mind” that I animated and that Kendra @bcakesbaxter tied down. Thank you Rebecca for letting us be a part of your beautiful show. Thanks to our Drew @poseidonsbitch for scanning it all.
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isanim · 5 years
This is NOT the end of Steven Universe!
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isanim · 5 years
This is so cute
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The Fun Gang’s all here again! The question is…where is here?
So yup, new part for Paper Trail here! I wanted to get up this part before KH3 eats my face and soul next week, so here we go! Next part will be along at a future time!
- Paper Trail -
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