hygeiaskiss · 8 months
congrats on living to see another day, being clean, and living through the whole day, i am very proud of you, my dear. <3
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
it gets better
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
it gets better
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
congrats on living to see another day, being clean, and living through the whole day, i am very proud of you, my dear. <3
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
healing takes time, my dear. take all the time you need.
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
To those who are relapsing right now,
It is all part of the recovery process, my dear, but don't let it hit you too hard.
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
To those who are relapsing right now,
It is all part of the recovery process, my dear, but don't let it hit you too hard.
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
Sometimes healing is when you choose to take a shower with a light hearted even when it’s cold outside. Sometimes healing is when you choose bright warm pastel colors to your journal instead of dark one. Sometimes, healing when you stop listening to a depressed-sad songs. Sometimes, healing is when you feel calm in your solitude, or didn’t talk for hours. And sometimes healing is all the little things we do or incidentally happened during our routines. We have our own ways to cope. We have our own time to heal ourselves from something that we didn’t ask for to happened. Healing is our journey. Healing is this life we live in. Just be patient with yourself. Be patient with your own healing journey. Healing is not a competition.
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
There are two types of people in this world.
If you are having problems with your friends and you or they believe that "they cannot understand you," or you often see those reasons for ending their friendship that "they just had our differences" then I am right here to help you.
I believe that there are 2 kinds or types of people in this world, those who can definitely understand you and those who can't, honestly I just kind of realized this when my closest best friends and I decided to end our friendship. (more like they ended though) I was flabbergasted when they started throwing names like "manipulator, gaslighter, etc..." Those kinds of stuff at me, and tbh, I was scared I thought for a hot minute "What if I was really like that?"
But then I realized that I wasn't because of course, first of all, I never had negative intentions during our friendship, and as far as I know, I've never really done anything or tried anything that would hurt them, I kept on asking my friends (all of my friends were befriended prior to them, and I was just as close to them as to those best friends of mine) and all of them said that I wasn't and was never, and I also though about my elementary best friends still being my best friends until now, so how was I a manipulator or a gaslighter?
But I really reflected cuz if people actually called me a manipulator or gaslighter, then there really is a scary chance that I was one, but I tried and tried, searching up what it was and stuff, but really no, because I am an honest and truthful person and if I did something wrong I would admit it, and a lot of people around me, knows this.
During those days of reflection, I realized that there really are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who truly understand you and don't.
Those ex-friends told me or admitted that they really didn't like or understand my humor, just as much as my other friends loved it, although my humor was harmless, maybe it was just too much in their books since they were the quiet, reserved types, while I was one of the loud and bigger crowds, they also told me that they think I don't understand them fully, but I also realized that they really didn't understand me as well as a person, emotionally.
I also do know for a fact that I am pretty reckless and do crazy stuff accidentally and not on purpose and most people love it and those who are confused or don't really understand my personality on a deeper level are concerned about it, those ex-friends are examples of those who were concerned about which, mind you, is just a deeper part of my personality and me.
Their reasons for distancing from me were also all about my personality, including the humor one I talked about above, they just took or thought some stuff I've said was too far, and even my friends called their word for it as "sensitive," but of course, even if what they've said were a little too far, I just respected because it's their opinion of me, they were good friends from the start, but we just didn't understand each other in a deeper, spiritual type level.
I believe that me and those ex-friends were really just not compatible as friends, especially on a deeper level, what they were looking for were friends who were also like them, quiet, reserved, etc, since truthfully, in the end, our personalities clashed, and they just threw whatever negative words they could say about me in the end, but I can't change what they think and I'm just gonna leave it at that.
They also weren't really open in telling the negative parts of me and used "You already said it before that you'll change, I don't really believe you have the capacity to change" as an excuse, I was kind of looking for friends who are able to be vocal about the negative aspects of me and help one another grow as an individual, and these people were not the kind of people who are like that.
I believe that growth and change take time, you can't just drastically wake up the next day and be like "Hey! I've changed now :)" just to please your friends, babes, you are beautiful yourself, you are valid, you are loved, if you are going through this right now, especially if you are being called "manipulator, gaslighter" by "friends" for reasons you don't know or you believe or many people believe that you aren't one, then please, those friends are not the ones who truly understand you, and whether or not you like it, you need to leave them for the sake of your own mental health, that's all! :)
(i am so sorry if my starting blog is so long if ever, i would love for some reqs, just remember you are important <3)
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
There are two types of people in this world.
If you are having problems with your friends and you or they believe that "they cannot understand you," or you often see those reasons for ending their friendship that "they just had our differences" then I am right here to help you.
I believe that there are 2 kinds or types of people in this world, those who can definitely understand you and those who can't, honestly I just kind of realized this when my closest best friends and I decided to end our friendship. (more like they ended though) I was flabbergasted when they started throwing names like "manipulator, gaslighter, etc..." Those kinds of stuff at me, and tbh, I was scared I thought for a hot minute "What if I was really like that?"
But then I realized that I wasn't because of course, first of all, I never had negative intentions during our friendship, and as far as I know, I've never really done anything or tried anything that would hurt them, I kept on asking my friends (all of my friends were befriended prior to them, and I was just as close to them as to those best friends of mine) and all of them said that I wasn't and was never, and I also though about my elementary best friends still being my best friends until now, so how was I a manipulator or a gaslighter?
But I really reflected cuz if people actually called me a manipulator or gaslighter, then there really is a scary chance that I was one, but I tried and tried, searching up what it was and stuff, but really no, because I am an honest and truthful person and if I did something wrong I would admit it, and a lot of people around me, knows this.
During those days of reflection, I realized that there really are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who truly understand you and don't.
Those ex-friends told me or admitted that they really didn't like or understand my humor, just as much as my other friends loved it, although my humor was harmless, maybe it was just too much in their books since they were the quiet, reserved types, while I was one of the loud and bigger crowds, they also told me that they think I don't understand them fully, but I also realized that they really didn't understand me as well as a person, emotionally.
I also do know for a fact that I am pretty reckless and do crazy stuff accidentally and not on purpose and most people love it and those who are confused or don't really understand my personality on a deeper level are concerned about it, those ex-friends are examples of those who were concerned about which, mind you, is just a deeper part of my personality and me.
Their reasons for distancing from me were also all about my personality, including the humor one I talked about above, they just took or thought some stuff I've said was too far, and even my friends called their word for it as "sensitive," but, of course, just like a normal human being I had made a lot of mistakes as a person and friend, especially when I was friends with them, I have done a lot of painful mistakes and they even told me that they had apologized for some, like a lot, and I have a lot of my shortcomings as a friend but of course, even if what they've said were a little farfetched, I just respected because it's their opinion of me, they were good friends and I really really loved them as best friends from the start, but we just didn't understand each other in a deeper, spiritual type level.
I believe that me and those ex-friends were really just not compatible as friends, especially on a deeper level, what they were looking for were friends who were also like them, quiet, reserved, etc, since truthfully, in the end, our personalities clashed, and they just threw whatever negative words they could say about me in the end, but I can't change what they think and I'm just gonna leave it at that.
They also weren't really open in telling the negative parts of me and used "You already said it before that you'll change, I don't really believe you have the capacity to change" as an excuse, I was kind of looking for friends who are able to be vocal about the negative aspects of me and help one another grow as an individual, and these people were not the kind of people who are like that. At that time I didn't understand what personal space was and just really always talked to them, eventually they grew even colder, that's when I realized these friends weren't really for me since they wouldn't really be vocal about their personal space as well.
I believe that growth and change take time, you can't just drastically wake up the next day and be like "Hey! I've changed now :)" just to please your friends, babes, you are beautiful yourself, you are valid, you are loved, if you are going through this right now, especially if you are being called "manipulator, gaslighter" by "friends" for reasons you don't know or you believe or many people believe that you aren't one, then please, those friends are not the ones who truly understand you, and whether or not you like it, you need to leave them for the sake of your own mental health, that's all! :)
(i am so sorry if my starting blog is so long if ever, i would love for some reqs, just remember you are important <3)
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
This Tumblr account's purpose is to help others struggling and dealing with certain problems and their mental health. I shall try my best with my experiences in my not-so-but-kind-of crazy life, stay tuned!
Feel free to inbox me as well, although I may not be the best in comforting haha but I will try my best to advice, I might also open an email just for it.
(The image below is so me tbh....)
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hygeiaskiss · 8 months
This Tumblr account's purpose is to help others struggling and dealing with certain problems and their mental health. I shall try my best with my experiences in my not-so-but-kind-of crazy life, stay tuned!
Feel free to inbox me as well, although I may not be the best in comforting haha but I will try my best to advice, I might also open an email just for it.
(The image below is so me tbh....)
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