howtohogwarts · 3 years
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About the episode:
It’s been a while, but we are back!! :D Enjoy the new page! I tried to stay close to the original “style” but I think I might change up a few details as I improve with time :3 
All kinds of feedback is highly appreciated and reblogs helps the comic spread <3
If you want to be tagged in the episodes - so you wouldn’t miss any, send me a message or note or smthg and i’ll tag u in the upcoming ones :3 
@fangirl570 @abstract-turtle @gerards-parasite @ash-castle @themadmage @lady-sixx
Support me here:  Ko-fi
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
Hello, I'd love to be added to your tag list for new chapters!
I added you, thank you! <3 
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
Are you gonna have Slytherin stick with his belief on muggles from cannon or change them
Hi! :D
This is a tricky question, because I don’t really wanna spoil anything hehe. Let’s just say he still won’t like muggles and mudbloods, but I’m gonna add my own twist to the story behind his hate :D (And sorry for the verry late reply :’)
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
Umm... Could you plese tell me when is the new chapter?
Hello! ^^
I know you sent this ask like years ago and I’m sorry I wasn’t active, but the comic is coming back on 1st of February! I hope you’re still interested in it!
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
your salazar makes me so happy he's so gorgeous & he knows it
Dear Anon! 
Thank you for your compliment a lot! Sorry for the late reply!!
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
Heyy!! I know you sent this ask like years ago and I’m super sorry for the late reply, but thank you anyway!!
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
I love your art style!! The founders are all super cute and their anime faces are adorable!! I really like Salazar’s style!
I know you sent this ask like years ago, so I’m super late to answer, but thank you a lot!
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howtohogwarts · 3 years
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Hello everyone! 
I don’t know if any of my followers are still here/alive/use tumblr/like Harry Potter or not, but I have big news!! I decided to finally continue my comic, How to Hogwarts, after I brutally abandoned it a few years ago. :D
How to Hogwarts is coming back on 1st of February! And my plan is to upload one page per week, probably on Wednesdays. 
I always felt bad for not continuing it, because I have put massive amount of work into it (writing the story, making multiple designs, illustrations I never showed you guys), except for actually drawing the comic and uploading my works. So I always wanted to continue it, but mentally I wasn’t there yet.
What happened to me in the last few years? Why didn’t I continue it before? I don’t want to write a long ass apology novel about the reasons, because I don’t think you’re interested in it. Long story short: I discovered a few months ago, that I probably have ADHD (couldn’t checked it out because of Covid..). Which results in me having no concept of time :D For example, when I think I uploaded the last chapter a few weeks ago, but actually I realize it was 6 months ago. And then I realize I haven’t done anything in 6 months, so I get depressed. And voilá we have depression :D Also I finished university, finished graphic design school, started working full time and it was  A LOT OF CHANGE. It was really hard to get a grip on my life. HOWEVER a few months ago, when I read into ADHD, I went to a psychologist and I finally started to feel way better and motivated to work on my personal projects. So here we are! :D 
I hope some of you guys are still here and just as excited about this as I am! :D <3 
If you want to be tagged in the episodes - so you wouldn’t miss any, send me a message or note or something and i’ll tag you in the upcoming ones :3
@fangirl570 @abstract-turtle @gerards-parasite @ash-castle  
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howtohogwarts · 5 years
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Hey guys, sorry for being so inactive for so long Q_Q i'm not even sure how regularly i'll be able to post, because i got a full time job, but during the holidays i'll answer messages i got from you <3
Anyway have a wonderful holiday season!
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howtohogwarts · 6 years
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So I designed wands for the Hogwarts Founders :D I chose the woods according to their descriptions on Pottermore, I’ll quote a few sentences to show you why I chose those ^^ 
Helga Hufflepuff:
I wanted to give her some floral designed wand, a wand that’s very comfortable to hold. Chestnut wood: ‘The wand of chestnut is attracted to witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers.’ For the core I chose phoenix feather, because pottermore said about chestnut+dragon heartstring/unicorn hair combo wouldn’t fit her personality.
Salazar Slytherin:
For this wand my main idea was to make it very pointy and sharp for stabbing purposes and kinda edgy xD This wand was used by him before he made himself the famous Basilisk-fanged wand. Silver Lime wood: ‘The reasons for these wands’ desirability lay not only in their unusually handsome appearance, but also because they had a reputation for performing best for Seers and those skilled in Legilimency, mysterious arts both, which consequently gave the possessor of a silver lime wand considerable status.’ He was a legilimentor, so yeah.
Godric Gryffindor:
For him I wanted to make it very simple and natural, like a stick you just found. I know it’s not a big design, but I thought it would go well with his personality. English Oak wood:’ Wands of English oak demand partners of strength, courage and fidelity. Less well-known is the propensity for owners of English oak wands to have powerful intuition, and, often, an affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants..’ For the Griffin claw core I thought it would be funny xD
Rowena Ravenclaw:
For this one I wanted to give a very original and creative look, because I imagined Ravenclaw would definitely have such wand. Walnut Wood: ‘Highly intelligent witches and wizards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut wands are often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability.’ For the core I used a very unusual one, Sphinx hair, you know because of the riddles :D
Sorry for long post! <3 
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howtohogwarts · 6 years
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About the episode:
If you thought I was dead, you were right! But I’m emerging from the cemetery and back to some kind of a zombie-life xD Anyway here is a new page, which might not be funny at all, I’m sorry xD By the way I worked on a lot of stuff (for example the Founder’s wand designs) and I’ll upload them soooon :D 
If you want to be tagged in the episodes - so you wouldn’t miss any, send me a message or note or smthg and i’ll tag u in the upcoming ones :3 ( I heard that tumblr might steal the asks - if i don’t respond that is the reason, then please re-send the ask, because I will answer for sure!!! )
All kinds of feedback is highly appreciated and reblogs helps the comic spread <3
@fangirl570 @abstract-turtle @gerards-parasite @ash-castle @yayitsalice
Support me here:  Ko-fi
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howtohogwarts · 6 years
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About the episode:
Ahhh this is my new favouritve page \*w*/ it’s really hard to put all four of them into one page, so thats why i love this one xD btw i really like the name Bob, but i have no idea why xD
If you want to be tagged in the episodes - so you wouldn’t miss any, send me a message or note or smthg and i’ll tag u in the upcoming ones :3
All kinds of feedback is highly appreciated and reblogs helps the comic spread <3
@fangirl570 @abstract-turtle @gerards-parasite @ash-castle 
Support me here:  Ko-fi
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howtohogwarts · 6 years
Holy wow! Everything on your blog is amazing!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your art!
Thank you so much, i’m so happy!!
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howtohogwarts · 6 years
Hi I think your drawings are absolutely adorable!! Do tell- what are your thoughts on Salazar and Helga romance? I've had this ship stuck in my head all week and can't find any fan art! Either way, your blog is wonderful. Have a good day xx
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howtohogwarts · 6 years
Hey guys, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! \^w^/ 
I know this is not How to Hogwarts stuff, but since it’s Yule Ball time i thought i’m gonna reblog my old fanart :’D and to show that i’m still alive
I’m working on a lot of HtH stuff right now, i can’t wait to show you guys!!
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The Yule Ball ~~
aquarell, 20-30 hours i guess because i suck and i’m superslow
well yes, i kinda love Viktor Krum \°3°/ 
don’t read the tags
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howtohogwarts · 7 years
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About the episode:
*Ravenclaw runs off to the closest library*
R: Give me all your books about Occlumency!! NOW!! D:< 
Yeah Ravenclaw hasn’t meet anyone before who was good in legilimency, so she never learned occlumency, but now... :D Actually at first I wanted to make Hufflepuff a Legilimens (just for the lulz), but then i re-read the wiki articles about the founders and realised it was Slytherin who was a Legilimens xD However the real question is: Is Slytherin’s hair weird shit or kinda cool?? 
Oh yeah, if you want to be tagged in the episodes - so you wouldn’t miss any, send me a message or note or smthg and i’ll tag u in the upcoming ones :3
All kinds of feedback is highly appreciated and reblogs helps the comic spread <3
@fangirl570 @abstract-turtle
I made a Ko-fi thing, if you want to support my food expenses, don’t hold back xD <3 Ko-fi
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howtohogwarts · 7 years
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Thank you guys so much for 100 follows!! I’m very grateful for your support and  can’t wait to draw more for you!! ;3; <3 
Drawing made traditionally with Copic and Touch markers, a couple of hours. 
@fangirl570 @abstract-turtle
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