happylifetaketwo · 4 years
My Two Cents
Since Sunday, after the half-time show we have all seen multiple comments about what took place. I don’t really have an opinion on the performance, but I do have an opinion about the reaction to the performance.
I am sure my opinion will not be popular, but I also have never really been one to care about what others think of me. So here goes.
Now I am not debating whether it is moral or…
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happylifetaketwo · 4 years
You Don't have to Try So Hard
You Don’t have to Try So Hard
Several days in a row this song has been on my Pandora and on the radio. I have heard it many times in the past but the last few days it has been speaking to me.
As a woman, there is so much pressure to be perfect. We feel the need to make sure the world knows we have it all put together in the perfect package. Every hair in place,…
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happylifetaketwo · 4 years
Push Yourself, Take Chances, Be the Best Version of You.
Push Yourself, Take Chances, Be the Best Version of You.
It has been a while since I written in my blog. It seems life becomes much busier toward the end of the year.
I was driving my son to school this morning, and the sun was just popping up over the horizon. It was brilliant orange this morning. I love when the sun rises. It is so captivating. I can’t help but gaze longingly toward the horizon. It is a brand-new day, and the first day of the week.…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
My Bucket List - Things I want to do Before I die
My Bucket List – Things I want to do Before I die
In the Year’s past I have created a Bucket List for the whole year. I realized that the reason I was doing this was to find more meaning to my life. I was trying to find my joy, my happiness. But through the past few years I have realized that doing all of these things can’t make me happy or bring back my joy. The joy is within myself. Just because I marked something off my list that year did not…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
I am Thankful for......
I am Thankful for……
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It has been a while since I written a blog post. This time of year, life becomes so busy. It is hard to even have to time to stop and take a breath sometimes. I was sitting here thinking about life. That my friend, is a deep subject. It is November. It is hard to believe a year has almost passed yet again.
One month out of the year we tend to contemplate on thankfulness more than any other month…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
You are not alone - It is Okay to NOT be Okay. The day I almost ended it all.
You are not alone – It is Okay to NOT be Okay. The day I almost ended it all.
A few days ago, a young man in a town close to me, committed suicide. I am having a hard time keeping it off my mind, because it brings me back to the time I felt the same way. I don’t know this young man, nor do I know the family. But it makes me wonder if there were signs. Did he say anything? Did he act depressed, despondent, or withdrawn? Could the family tell what he was thinking? 
I texted…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
Don't Try to Change - Be Who You Were Meant To Be
Don’t Try to Change – Be Who You Were Meant To Be
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If you know me, then you know I am a person you will likely not forget.
I am loud.
You can hear my laugh from a mile away.
I speak my mind, and usually spout off the first thing that pops into my head.
I dance to every song that comes on.
I sing so loud in my car I am certain the car in front of me can hear the lyrics.
I love with my whole heart, but also can be a first class “Queen Bee” at…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
Life is Messy
I have not posted on my blog for a while. I have been trying to figure things out. It has been a rough few months. I have been battling over things in my mind and went back to therapy for a little bit, and feel I am better than I was before, but still have a long way to go.
A few weeks back, we had a special speaker at church. He was quite an inspiration to me. He confirmed several…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
2019 Summer Bucket List (with my Son)
My son and I updated our summer bucket list. Summer is not officially over but school has started so it is pretty much over in my book. We didn’t complete everything but we almost did. We had a great summer. Hope you enjoy seeing all the adventures of our summer.
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
Enlighten My Darkness
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I often feel I am on this exhausting, never-ending merry go round. Constantly going around and round and up and down. Never stopping. I know with life we have ups and we have downs but mine seem to be so dramatic you would think I would end up with whip lash.
I have spoken very openly about my depression and the battle of my mind. I am in the middle of one of my “down” moments. I am not even…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
2019 Summer Bucket List (with my Son)
2019 Summer Bucket List (with my Son)
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My 8 year old son decided to not go to Summer School. He needed a break, he said. So, we decided to make the most of summer that we possible could, since I still work. But, I think we can still fit some fun things in this summer.
So here is our Summer Bucket List. We will see how much we get done.
Camp in the Front Yard
Make home-made Ice cream
Star Gaze in the yard
Run through the Sprinklers
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
Wrestling With Our Faith
Wrestling With Our Faith
I have not written in my blog for a little bit. I honestly have had a lot on my mind but was not sure I wanted to share. I have said many times in the past that I claim to be an open book. But this time, I questioned myself if I wanted to share or not.
You see, I have been a professed Christian my whole 41 years of life. I never questioned if I should go to church or not. I never doubted God was…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
IF I COULD GO BACK IN TIME - the day that changed us all
IF I COULD GO BACK IN TIME – the day that changed us all
27 years have passed since the Lindhurst school shooting . Hard to believe it has been that long because it seems to fresh in my mind. RIP . Mr. Brens, Jason, Judy, and Beamon.
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
2019 Bucket List
Updated my bucket list this morning . Got a few more things checked off.
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
Devils Den State Park, AR - Butterfield Trail 15 miles - We Survived
Devils Den State Park, AR – Butterfield Trail 15 miles – We Survived
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I wanted to do a backpacking hike, so I added it to my bucket list. I convinced my family to do go with me and surprisingly, they all agreed. We went this last weekend and even though it was the roughest two days I think I have ever endured, I had a blast. We went Saturday and Sunday and camped 7 miles in, as rustic has I have ever camped. That first day was mostly up hill and I honestly thought…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
God Provides a Way
God Provides a Way
God always provides a way when He needs you to do something for Him
If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I am pretty much an open book. I will speak about most anything including my faults or problems. The other day, I discovered something about myself that I had no idea was an issue. I have lots of issues but this one was sort of a “what the heck?” kind of…
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happylifetaketwo · 5 years
Are You Satisfied With What You Have?
Are You Satisfied With What You Have?
I am often unsatisfied with how life turns out. So many things are just unfair in my eyes. Situations happen in our lives and we wonder why it happens to me, but it never happens to anyone else. Of course, that is not true. Everyone has their share of problems or disappointments. But I still convince myself that mine are a bit worse than other people.
Since before Christmas of 2018, I have had…
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