guozluvz · 2 years
i’m back and guess what? i’m into dom jimin now 😮‍💨😮‍💨 i will try to write again soon!! :)
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guozluvz · 3 years
The Boyz Weekend // vmin ff
! kinda nsfw / just for fun !
author - It was Bulletproof’s (their group name) rest day so they decided to chill at jimin’s condo. The group is consist of 7 members, Namjoon (leader), Seokjin (oldest-vocalist), Yoongi (main rapper), Hoseok (lead dancer), Jimin (main dancer), Taehyung (main singer), and Jungkook (lead singer). Hoseok decided to meet each other since he’s bored and he misses the members and jimin offerd his condo to stay on.
[ Saturday, 12:09 PM ]
pov : Bulletproof’s Group Chat
Joon (sexy brain) : Happy Weekend Guys! it’s our rest day today, sooo get some rest and get ready for another active week :) 
justin seagull : yeaaaahhhhhhh time for overnight gaming !!!
JDOPE : .... no
justin seagull : eh???
JDOPE : come on it’s our rest day can’t we enjoy the weekend with each other
justin seagull : no?
*Jimin joined the chat
rock bison : let’s go!! @ my place!
JDOPE : idk ‘bout u guys but im going
*Jin and Tae joined the chat
vante : I’m on my way! 
rock bison : <333
el mariajin : we are on our way 
justin seagull : “we”? who are u with???? *insert smirking emoji
Joon (sexy brain) : wdym? you’re with us and you’re sitting at the backseat tho *insert skull emoji
justin seagull : whatever just drive
rock bison : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
*time skip ...
- As expected, Taehyung was the first one to get to Jimin’s condo followed by Hoseok and minutes later Namjoon together with Jin and Jungkook arrived
*10 minutes before 1PM
- The boys were just chatting with each other and then there was a knock on the door
Jimin : finallyyy
*Jimin opened the door
Jungkook : wow, hyung we thought you weren’t coming
Yoongi : I wasn’t supposed to, but hobi forced me to 
*He said kinda annoyed
Seokjin : come in, Yoongi
- Seconds later and they began getting their seats and making their selves comfortable on the living room
Hoseok : oh Yoongi don’t tell me ur sleeping
*He said annoyed at Yoongi whos lying on the couch
Yoongi : why not?
Jungkook : well duh we’re having fun here
Yoongi : well, isn’t sleeping fun??
Namjoon : reading is fun too
Jungkook : nahhh, let’s play hyungs!!
Seokjin : wait, what was the plan exactly?
Taehyung : nothing, just meet and have fun together, thats it.
Jimin : right.
*Yoongi and Namjoon went on their phones but Namjoon is still listening to them
Jungkook : LETS! PLAY! HYUNGS! 
Hoseok : let’s play just dance!!!
Seokjin : it’s weekend and you want to make yourself tired
Hoseok : come on, its just a game
Jungkook : don’t mind him hyung (hoseok), he’s just old that’s why he doesn’t like your recommendation ㅋㅋㅋ
Seokjin : YAH you little brat ! whatever I’ll just cook 
*He went on the kitchen and started thinking what to cook for them
Hoseok : ...okay, so, just dance?
Jungkook : um actually I’m not in a mood dancing today.....
Jimin : me neither, but it’s okay hyung you can proceed  
- They discussed what to play for a long time and finally they have decided what to play. Hoseok stayed with playing Just Dance, while the maknae line started playing COD mobile as Taehyung requested, Yoongi fell asleep and Namjoon went to Jin on the kitchen
Namjoon : hey bub, how are you doing?
Seokjin : oh bub, I’m almost done here, do you need something?
Namjoon : none, I was just checking on you *smiles
Seokjin : oh okay *smiles back
*Namjoon went back on the living room
- Namjin has been dating for 5 years now, their band debuted 7 years ago and they were doing well and they confessed at each other on their group’s 2nd Year on the Kpop Industry. The other couples in the group are Vmin and Sope, Sope has been together for 5 years too. Vmin was late for a year because of Namjin’s assurance, Namjin didn’t want them (Vmin) to be official yet that time because they were too young and they thought that they may not be serious or be ready to be in a relationship. But, in good hands, they saw that Vmin really loves each other and since they were good friends since their college days
*time skip to 8:30PM. 
-The boys had finished eating and dealing with the dishes, and they rested for a while to digest what they ate. Sooner they prepared for their movie night as Hopekook’s request. As they were preparing, yoongi got 7 bottle of beers from Jimin’s fridge and Jin followed by bringing some chips as their snacks
Seokjin : oooh Jiminie, you have a lot of beers stocked huh? do you have problems and drink alone?? *He said concerned to Jimin
Jimin : ah no hyung, I just love drinking mostly on rainy days so I bought stocks in advance, you know... *He replied trying to stop Jin being concerned
Hoseok : It’s been rainy last week, so, were you drinking the whole week?
*Jimin looked at Hoseok shocked at his words, he got shocked because Taehyung doesn’t want Jimin to drink everyday because it’s not good for their health. It’s not that he’s guilty, he doesn’t want seeing his boyfriend worried to much
Jimin : WHAT?! of course not ! It’s not good to drink everyday you know..
Hoseok : ㅋㅋ chill, I know I know.. I just thought you drank the whole week because it was rainy the whole week (last week)
Jungkook : okay enough with the talking, the movie is about to start 
*Jungkook ended the topic as Yoongi gave everyone their beverages
- As time passes, they had finished the movie as they also finished drinking their beers. Hoseok started a topic that made the members stay at Jimin’s condo longer, as they were continuing Hoseok’s topic Yoongi went back to the kitchen to get more beers 
Taehyung : Hey hyung, can you get one for me too?
Yoongi : sure
Seokjin : Make sure you’ll be able to get back home, Kim Taehyung
Taehyung : I can control myself hyung 
*He said as he smiled at Jin 
Jimin : you’ll get drunk baby, don’t drive home okay? it’s not safe.. 
*He said concernedly as he whispered to Tae 
Taehyung : I’ll control myself baby, don’t think too much okay?
*He said as he kissed Jimin’s head, Jimin smiled at his boyfriend’s action
Namjoon : Get one for all of us hyung
Seokjin : what??? 
Hoseok : come on hyung, it’s weekend anyways.. let’s have fun !
Seokjin : how are yall going home?? how??
Yoongi : calm down... We’re adults now, we can control ourselves..
Seokjin : how about kook huh? how if something happens to you? JEON?? 
*He asked as he looked at kook
*Yoongi replied getting annoyed by Jin’s noise
Hoseok : GUYS ENOUGH, Yoongi stop answering that way.. Jin hyung has a point
Jungkook : But hyung you can bring me home right? 
*kook said teasingly asking Jin
Seokjin : YAH! be thankful that I care for you
Jungkook : *laughs* But no thanks, I wont drink hyung
Seokjin : well, better!
Namjoon : hey, bub, don’t think too much.. let us have fun okay? I’ll help you when they get drunk 
*He told Jin whispering
Seokjin : okay but, how? 
Namjoon : hmm? 
*He hummed confused at Jin’s response
Seokjin : you know you’re a big mess when you’re drunk, right? 
Namjoon : oh haha 
- After arguing with each other Jin, Jungkook and Jimin were the only ones that didn’t take another can and they continued the topic that Hoseok started a while ago. An hour has passed and some members are confirmed drunk, their topic has ended and they started fixing the living room.. Hoseok and Namjoon was drunk while Yoongi is used to it so he can control himself, in the other hand, Taehyung doesn’t drink that much so he was kinda lost ㅋㅋ
Seokjin : now, what did I told yall?!
Taehyung : *chuckles* it was good hyung! 
*He said while he was on the floor with his head lying on the sofa
Seokjin : now how are we gonna deal with this weirdos?!
*The rest was talking about bringing the drunk members home then it became silent ..
- The silence was suddenly cutted off by Namjoon saying random things loudly which made Jimin burst out of laughter while Yoonjin was embarrassed
Seokjin : *annoyed by the noise* OKAY WE’RE GOING HOME, well its been a day Jiminie, thanks for letting us spend the weekend at your place 
*Jin said while letting Namjoon stand
Yoongi : yeah... I wanna sleep too 
*He responded as he also picked up Hoseok
Jimin : You don’t have to thank hyung, you guys can come anytime..
Seokjin : btw before we leave, how are you gonna deal with that? 
*He asked pointing at Taehyung whos still on the floor
Jimin : *chuckles* don’t worry about it hyung, I’ll take care of him
*He replied assuring Jin
Seokjin : okay good, goodbye and goodnight Jimin..
Jimin : yeah, bye hyungs!
Yoongi : bye...
*They said goodbye as Namjoon and Hoseok was on Yoonjin’s arms while going out of Jimin’s unit, Jimin closed the door after they passed his unit
- After closing and locking the door, Jimin picked up Taehyung and put him on his bed.. He was going back to the living room to double check some things on the living room when suddenly a hand stopped him
Jimin : *looked back* yes baby ? do you need something?
Taehyung : mmm.....
*Taehyung groaned while trying to say something
Jimin : what do you need baby?
Taehyung : I need you 
*Jimin blushed at tae’s words with it’s deep voice
Jimin : T-tae?
Taehyung : hm?
Jimin : oh, you’re fully awake but you’re drunk
Taehyung : I don’t feel like sleeping now
*He replied as he sits on the bed leaning on the headboard
Jimin : then what do you wanna-
*He was cutted of by Taehyung
Taehyung : I want you, baby I need you
*Jimin went on top of him
Jimin : I need you more...... inside me
*He said teasing Tae as he smirks
- Taehyung’s face slightly turned red and they kiss lustfully, while they were kissing Jimin started unbuckling his lover’s belt and the other was hard by its action, while unbuckling Jimin felt that the other was already hard
Jimin : are you excited? 
*Jimin asked teasingly as he unbuckled himself
- Taehyung responded by continuing the kiss until they were fully naked, He was so attracted to Jimin’s sexy body that even with the other members he couldn’t control himself getting too close to him. Taehyung laid them on the bed which made him on top of Jimin then they made another passionate kiss, minutes has passed and Jimin noticed that his boyfriend was teasing him by kissing him for a long time so he teased back my moaning which made the other wanna enter him already
Taehyung : ah, wow
Jimin : you thought I can’t tease back, hm? 
*He said proudly while smirking
Taehyung : shall I?
Jimin : slowly, it might hurt
Taehyung : mm 
*He hummed as a okay then he started by entering his fingers trying not to hurt Jimin, Jimin moaned by the action and tightly scrunched the covers
- After helping Jimin get used to his fingers he positioned them and prepared for the next actions
Taehyung : I’m coming, ready?
Jimin : mm ready
*He said as he covered his face with a pillow
Taehyung : *sighed* ah, almost forgot this isn’t soundproof.. but I wanna see your pretty face, bite this instead
*Taehyung gave Jimin his hand telling him to bite it, Jimin followed
- Taehyung slowly pushed his cock trying not to hurt Jimin, His cock was too big which made Jimin moan and bite his hand hard. Taehyung groaned more because of the pain
Jimin : *moan* so big-
- After adjusting Taehyung went really hard trying to get into Jimin, they went so hard that his teeth lose grip on Taehyung’s hand and moaned so loud that they forgot about the not soundproofed walls, Jimin gripped on the other’s back while Tae was gripped on the covers that Jimin was between. Time has passed and Taehyung already went inside Jimin, He can see Taehyung’s love coming out of him and the other laid beside him
Taehyung : are you okay?
*he asked as he turned to look on Jimin and caressed its cheek
Jimin : I feel so good, with your love, its so sweet.
*he replied as he looked back and smiled, Taehyung smiled back
- Minutes has passed and Taehyung stand up to clean both of them, Jimin tried to stand but his legs were weak which made him almost fell but Taehyung catched him quickly
Taehyung : rest there baby, I’ll do it myself
- Taehyung carried Jimin and brought him to the bathroom and started cleaning them, he got pajamas for him and Jimin and laid them on the bed as they finished wearing it. They saw their cum on the bed so Taehyung wiped it out and changed the covers quickly because they’re tired
Taehyung : goodnight baby
Jimin : goodnight baby, thank you for everything
Taehyung : thank you for trusting me, i love you
Jimin : i love you so much baby
*They kissed and fell asleep
[ Sunday, 11:00PM ]
- Taehyung woke up receiving a text notification from their group chat,
“JDOPE : hey, don’t forget we have a weekend practice later!”
Taehyung : FUCK!
*Taehyung cursed in shock remembering what happened last night, Jimin woke up by Tae’s noise
Jimin : baby you scared me! what happened?!
Taehyung : sorry baby, but, we have a weekend practice
*He answered with his face still shocked
Jimin : oh shit
*He cursed as he realized his condition
Taehyung : uh.. I’ll tell them you can’t come
Jimin : wait! we can’t tell them that we did it
Taehyung : I know, let’s just say you’re sick
Jimin : how if they wont believe us 
Taehyung : let’s try first 
- He replied at the gc saying “Hyung, Jimin can’t come to our practice today”
[ group chat ]
JDOPE : why not? is he with you?
vante : because he’s sick..
*Namjin joined the chat
Joon (sexy brain) : how? did he ate something that made him sick?
vante : no, and yes i’m with him
el mariajin : what happened? should we come?
vante : he said he’s okay hyung, and i’ll take care of him
el mariajin : okay, but tell us whats his sickness at least
*Behind the phone
Taehyung : should we tell them?
Jimin : NO
Taehyung : what will i reply then?!
Jimin : um.. whatever, just tell them my legs hurts
[ group chat ]
vante : his legs hurts...
Joon (sexy brain) : .....did something happened last night?
- behind the phone vmin’s eyes widened 
Jimin : shit shit shit!
Taehyung : u-uh w-what now?!
[ group chat ] 
vante : wdym????
Joon (sexy brain) : come on don’t act like you don’t know it
Joon (sexy brain) : also that’s not what i meant, i mean like did Jimin fall or something?? ya’ll dirty minded
el mariajin : your words are making it look like you were asking dirty stuff
JDOPE : but even if he meant that Taehyung wont do it, right?
- vmin’s eyes widened again and looked at each other
[ behind the phone ] 
Taehyung : baby, should we just tell the truth?
Jimin : i’m scared baby, hyungs will get mad
Taehyung : i know, but it happened and you’re not even pregnant
Jimin : of course im not yet, but the day will come
Taehyung : we’ll take care of it, don’t think too much okay?
Jimin : m okay 
*Jimin cuddled to Taehyung whos nervous to tell the truth
Taehyung : i’ll tell them now..
Jimin : mm
*He hummed in response
[ group chat ]
vante : hyungs...
el mariajin : are you okay? you keep on replying late, is Jimin’s condition not good?
Joon (sexy brain) : if there’s a problem just inform us quickly, we’ll help
vante : thank you hyungs, but..
el mariajin : but what?
vante : we did it hyung
Joon (sexy brain) : WHAT?!
el mariajin : EXCUSE ME-
JDOPE : i guess i was wrong...
Joon (sexy brain) : how? when???
vante : last night
el mariajin : but you were drunk?????
vante : i was but i remember doing it
*Yoongi joined the chat
AGUST D : whats with the noise here
JDOPE : read back, honey
AGUST D : can you just tell me
vante : Jimin can’t come to our weekend practice because we did it and because of that he can’t stand straight
AGUST D : huh? whats wrong about me giving more beers? you and Jimin did what??
JDOPE : oh honey how could you not understand
Joon (sexy brain) : they did THAT thing
AGUST D : if yall told me exactly what “THAT” thing is then i would understand
el mariajin : they had a make out last night
AGUST D : ......
JDOPE : ikr
Joon (sexy brain) : okay enough with his topic guys, we still have to practice. Taehyung you better come here to practice and talk with me
el mariajin : you mean with us
Joon (sexy brain) : gather at 12:50, on studio
vante : okay hyung
- They finished chatting and Taehyung prepared for their practice, he’s nervous to face the members but he had no choice. Jimin helped Taehyung by picking his clothes to wear
Jimin : hey, are you okay? im sorry
Taehyung : what? baby don’t be sorry, and i’m just nervous
Jimin : keep safe going there, i love you baby
Taehyung : i love you so much, bye baby
Jimin : bye!
- The members except for Jimin already gathered on the studio, Namjin went close to Taehyung as they saw him enter inside the studio. Seokjin was about to say a word but they were distracted by a voice
Jungkook : ah, hyungs! let’s warm up before the practice!
- Jungkook knew about the thing about what happened at vmin, he just didn’t replied because Jin doesn’t want him to join those kind of topics. Yes, his age is legal to know those kind of topics but Jin just wants him to be safe from his words and actions
Namjoon : mm, let’s talk after the practice
- They practiced for an hour and after that Namjoon came back to Taehyung right away, Seokjin followed as he saw him going to Tae
Taehyung : can we talk about it outside? some staffs are here
Namjoon : sure
*Namjoon agreed as Taehyung went to the door leading them out the room, as they went outside and found the spot to talk about what happened Seokjin finally spoke without distraction
Seokjin : so, back to the topic, how did you do it if you were drunk?
Taehyung : i was drunk but i also felt i wasn’t
Namjoon : why did you do it last night?
Taehyung : because.. i-i was drunk?
Seokjin : i mean like, you can do it but you should’ve used protection
Taehyung : we were already on the bed and Jimin was only on my mind that time, and i ran out of it
Seokjin : if you ran out of it then why did you do it then?!
Taehyung : i told you hyung, i was drunkkkk
Namjoon : we have to inform our manager about this before something happens next
Taehyung : yes hyung
Seokjin : but how if Jimin got pregnant?
Namjoon : people don’t get pregnant quickly, as i know it also depends on how often you do it, but don’t even think of doing a second round!
Taehyung : okaaaay
Seokjin : how long did you take doing it?
Taehyung : i don’t know, i even forgot the protection so how do you expect me knowing how long we did it?!
Seokjin : okay, but Jimin still have to do test after after a few months
Namjoon : yes, we have to be sure
*Namjoon agreed as sope went outside to find them and join their topic
Hoseok : so what have you talked about?
Namjoon : we knew everything and were telling it to the manager before it becomes worse
Yoongi : let me ask, you loss protection didn’t you?
Seokjin : exactly
Hoseok : make sure you check on Jimin’s condition everyday
Namjoon : also search for the symptoms, so that if Jimin does anything you’ll know why, but don’t worry we’ll help you 
Taehyung : thank you so much hyungs
Yoongi : if you need protections, you can count on me
Seokjin : what the heck-
Namjoon : also, guide him as he walks so he can recover quickly
Taehyung : yes hyungs
*After the topic Jungkook came out of the room and went to his hyungs
Jungkook : what the hell are yall doing here?! you left me inside alone with the staffs!
Hoseok : haha did you thought we left you?
Jungkook : but you did!
Yoongi : can’t we just join their conversation outside?
*Jungkook pout and scrunched his eyebrows as he was annoyed by Yoongi which made Yoongi laugh a bit
Taehyung : i shall go back to Jimin now
Namjoon : okay, practice is even done we all can go home now
- They fixed their things and selves as they went on their homes and Taehyung went back on Jimin’s condo, while Taehyung was driving he remembered that he didn’t made breakfast and Jimin and stand well
Taehyung : OH SHIT!
- Taehyung increased his speed to check on Jimin because he’s concerned that Jimin is very hungry by now, as he reached the parking of the condo he didn’t hesitate to take the stairs to go in the room quickly, as Taehyung reached the room he opened he door with the keys and went on Jimin
Taehyung : JIMIN? BABY?
*He said as he took of his shoes and closing the door
Jimin : baby? are you okay???
Taehyung : fuck, baby i’m very sorry i forgot to make you breakfast
Jimin : its okay baby! when you went on the studio i fell asleep and i just woke up 20 minutes ago, calm down baby
Taehyung : okay i’ll make you food now
*He said as he pecked Jimin’s lips and went on the kitchen quickly to make breakfast, he cooked ham & egg bread for Jimin and give it to him right away. While Jimin was eating he asked about what happened at the studio
Jimin : baby, where’s your food?
Taehyung : we had some food on the studio so don’t worry about me baby
Jimin : okay but, speaking of the studio, what happened?
Taehyung : they asked me more about last night and i told them everything
Jimin : what did they say about it?
Taehyung : they said i should search for pregnancy symptoms and they’ll help me and i should guide you
Jimin : aw our hyungs are so sweet, i thought they’re mad
Taehyung : i mean, they were shock but still helped. Oh, and yeah, Namjoon hyung said we have to inform the manager soon before something happens more
Jimin : sure baby
- At Monday, vmin with Namjoon finally informed the manager about what happened to them last Saturday, They were so nervous but it faded when the manager said that they’re happy for vmin and they’ll support them whatever happens. Months has passed and Jimin started having symptoms
[ 7;00AM ]
- vmin was still asleep but Jimin’s sleep was distracted by having a weird feeling, as he woke up he went on the bathroom and vomited on the toilet. Taehyung felt that Jimin stood up the bed and heard vomiting sounds which made him awake
Taehyung : baby?
*He called as he went on the bathroom
Taehyung : BABY! what happened to you?!
Jimin : i don’t know i was sleeping but i had a weird feeling which made me vomit
*Jimin replied as Taehyung stood him up and wiped his mouth
- As he was wiping Jimin’s mouth he remembered the symptoms that Namjoon sent him and saw “nausea with or without vomiting”
[ Taehyung’s mind ]
: okay calm down we’re still not sure, we have to check if he’ll feel some more of the symptoms
- Days has passed and Jimin already felt a lot of the symptoms, he peed every hour/minute, he had headaches, he craves a lot and he gets tired
[ group chat ]
*Jimin isn’t in a mood to use his phone nowadays so Tae chats the members on their gc 
vante : hyungs
Joon (sexy brain) : is there a problem?
vante : no, but i think he’s pregnant
el mariajin : congrats! but have you taken a test?
vante : not yet but he had most of the symptoms
*sope joined the chat
JDOPE : wow! you should go to the doctors Taehyung-ssi!
AGUST D : is that why he isn’t online for a long time now
el mariajin : yeah we noticed it too
vante : oh, he said he isn’t in a mood to use his phone and he only wants to eat nowadays
Joon (sexy brain) : haha i see, do you want us to help you bring him to the doctor?
vante : i would love too, but i want to surprise you hyungs
el mariajin : sure! no worries
vante : thanks hyungs, should i bring him now?
AGUST D : it depends on you
JDOPE : but its better to bring him now Taehyung-ssi
el mariajin : keep safe driving there
vante : okay hyungs, thank you :)
- After chatting with the hyungs, vmin went to the hospital to check about Jimin’s condition, it was confirmed that he was 1 week pregnant, they both looked on each other’s eyes happily. They went back after having the results
[ group chat ]
vante : everyone!!!
Joon (sexy brain) : yeah??
el mariajin : what happened?
vante : it’s confirmed! he’s pregnant!!
*sope and Jungkook joined the chat
justin seagull : congrats Taehyung-ssi!
JDOPE : wow!!! congrats Taehyung-ssi!!
AGUST D : congrats, how old is he pregnant tho?
vante : 1 week!
AGUST D : wow! congrats
el mariajin : congrats Taehyung-ah!!
Joon (sexy brain) : wow, 1 week already
vante : ikr!!
justin seagull : i bet Jiminie is crying now
vante : you mean we are
el mariajin : aww we’re so happy for you both!
Joon (sexy brain) : yeah we are! 
vante : thank you so much for helping and not leaving us hyungs!
el mariajin : of course, teamwork ya know!
Joon (sexy brain) : yes, we’ll always be here to help one another because we are bulletproof
AGUST D : this is not so me but i agree, whatever happens we are just here to help and support
vante : thank you so much guys! it mean a lot to us
- After talking with the hyungs, Taehyung looked at Jimin whos just looking at him the whole time at the bed, they both were crying since they were driving back home. Taehyung caressed Jimin’s cheek and Jimin did the same, they both kissed while crying. Times has passed and they’re expecting a baby boy! They finally had the strength to share everyone about their expecting baby and the fans were happy about it which gave them more strength, the Bulletproof’s career turned out better even if the two are home but they still have the time to meet up. While the baby was growing on Jimin’s tummy they left the condo because Taehyung finally got their own home! as the baby was growing healthy and their group is becoming successful step by step, they become a strong and happy family.
- end -
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guozluvz · 3 years
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