getbehindthewheel · 6 years
I’ve been thinking about this for days.
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they forgot travis.
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getbehindthewheel · 6 years
This is honestly all I care about.
“We’ve always struggled with finding a quick way of communicating why #TheZoneCast is worth listening to. Hopefully, this trailer for the Balance arc does the trick. Thanks for sharing it with everyone on Earth.”
Enjoy!   And check out the list of trailer credits here! https://taztrailer.tumblr.com/post/170107763441/taz-balance-animated-trailer-credits
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
I think you’ll find we do.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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Nice maths Bandcamp.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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Concerned at how well Netflix knows me.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
I love this, because if you send a picture of your dick to someone, you’re giving them both the power to fuck up your life, and the reason to!
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A brilliant way to respond to dick pics (x)
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
Honestly what’s better, Aang is BB-8 or Han is GranGran?!
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Someone pointed out that Kylo Ren is basically space Zuko. I started drawing parallels, fell down the trash chute, and here we are now.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
This post is beautiful, and I would like to submit The Earth Is Lumpy for your consideration.
We need to have a nomination for “Stupidest thing Tumblr.com has ever believed” and just move into an official Top 10 List.
For my nominations, I’m putting up:
If you eat a chocolate bar a very specific way, you will break physics and get infinite chocolate.
It is impossible that you spelled “Berenstain Bears” wrong and is, instead, more likely that the universe fractured into separate, overlapping realities in the last 20 years.
I can’t decide which is more beautiful. It’s why we need a vote.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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Glossing over how weird it is to choose your reaction to Buzzfeed articles out of the above selection, I want to know if the last three are region-specific because they seem particularly British.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
“This is a song about a professional wrestler named Ox Baker, master of the heart punch. You get hit with a heart punch you could possibly die, that’s the word on the street about Ox Baker! If he hits you with that heart punch you could land in the hospital or the grave. That’s a hell of a thing to have happen to you, if you just went in, maybe trying to wrestle scientifically. Like a goddamn good-guy, baby-face, going in there, to wrestle, you know, doing like the holds and the moves, and Ox Baker comes around and he’s six-foot-four and he has a handle bar moustache and he’ll punch you straight in the goddamn heart as soon as look at you! That’s the thing about Ox, is that you’re there to score a victory, you know, and to gain glory for yourself and for your family name. Ox Baker has a t-shirt that says ‘I Like to Hurt People.’ So you guys have different ideologies, one of you has this ideology of like good and evil and probably Courtly Love and all kinds of other things. Ox’s ideology is primitive and dark and springs from the rocks underneath us and we can’t even understand it because we graduated from it a long time ago. But Ox is very interesting, in these darker, more primitive, base, earthen ideas, but he doesn’t express it that way, he expresses it by punching you in the goddamn heart! So it’s probably going to be hard times for you when you get into it with Ox cause he doesn’t really care. You care, Ox doesn’t care. The guy who doesn’t care has a big advantage! In life, generally speaking. He has a disadvantage, as far as like feeling at home with the world; but a big advantage over you! This is a song that imagines that Ox Baker has been taken away somehow and dumped because they wanted to get rid of him, because they don’t understand his philosophy, right? But Ox will come back, that’s really, that’s my message. That’s why I’m in this business in the first place, to let everybody know that Ox is coming back. He will come again, in a sort of glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end!
This is called ‘Ox Baker Triumphant’
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
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Living on the edge.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
This show.
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getbehindthewheel · 8 years
I mean clearly Akon has not provided 600 million Africans with electricity. 
He’s opened an academy for people to train in solar power tech / maintenance etc. Which is great, well done Akon, but come on.
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getbehindthewheel · 9 years
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Hey! My cousin just released her first book! You can download it for free on Kindle over the next few days.
US - http://amzn.to/1VD1Fux UK - http://amzn.to/1OXpby7
I’m just about to start it but I am assured there is magic. Would really appreciate people giving it a download - really helps to get the book noticed in the first week or so. :)
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