foodthatmovesme · 4 months
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
Jackfruit vs Durian - What's the difference?
This text was translated by Google (original source: https://pekdom.ru/produkty/4009-dzhekfrut-protiv-duriana-v-chem-raznica.html) Have you ever heard of jackfruit? What about durian? Although many people think that these two fruits are the same, they are actually different. Never again make the mistake of buying or eating one instead of the other.Here we will learn what jackfruit and durian have in common, as well as their differences and unique qualities!
What is jackfruit?
Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that grows in Asia, Africa and South America. Its scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus. It is the largest tree fruit in the world, sometimes weighing 35 kg or more.Unripe jackfruit is often used in vegetarian and vegan dishes because it pairs well with savory flavors. When ripe, jackfruit is very sweet and slightly spicy.The texture of jackfruit is dense and fibrous, almost like bananas or mangoes. Like other fruits, jackfruit is rich in nutrients, including fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, unlike other fruits, this food is relatively rich in protein, making it a great addition to meals and snacks. 
Jackfruit tacos are a quick and easy vegetarian dish.
Is jackfruit healthy?
Fruits are an integral part of the diet, especially because they contain many vitamins and minerals. However, some fruits contain more fiber than others, and some contain more sugar. Jackfruit falls somewhere in the middle when it comes to these two nutrients.
One cup of jackfruit contains about 2.6 grams of protein and 2.26 grams of fiber. This is a relatively good amount of protein for a fruit, considering that some fruits contain no protein at all. As for fiber, it may be higher than in guava or raspberries.On the other hand, jackfruit has very little fat, which makes it very healthy. One cup of this fruit will give you about 0.966 grams of fat. You can safely eat this fruit even if you suffer from high cholesterol or want to follow a low-fat diet.You should keep in mind that jackfruit contains 35 grams of carbohydrates per cup, which may be on the higher side. About 28.8 grams of this is sugar, which is naturally present in all fruits. However, this means that you should be careful when consuming this fruit if you are diabetic or want to control your blood glucose levels.For the most part, you'll also get plenty of vitamins and minerals. Jackfruit is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A. You can also get other B vitamins that many other fruits won't give you.As far as fruits go, jackfruit is a safe choice and is especially good for you if you are a vegetarian or vegan. This food is a fantastic meat substitute because of its texture and taste when cooked and ripe. It can also be eaten raw, but the taste is very different and very sweet.
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What is durian?
Durian is a tropical fruit that is mainly found in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. However, you can find durian in other countries as it is becoming popular in some dishes. The most important fact to remember about durian is that it has a very strong smell that some people find repulsive.
Despite its smell, durian is a very popular fruit in Southeast Asia, often available cooked or raw. Many people describe the smell of Durian as smelling like rotten eggs, dirty clothes and onions. Ripe durian is easy to eat because the skin splits and the flesh is easily accessible.
Durian can also reach up to 15kg in weight and size, making it a very large fruit. The appearance of this fruit is also very distinct as it is full of strong thorns. In terms of taste, some say that durian has a slightly salty and spicy taste, like cheese and garlic.
Is durian healthy?
Durian is one of those fruits that is considered healthy due to its high fiber and protein content. This fruit also contains many vitamins and minerals, making it a good addition to your diet.
Although many may not even notice this fruit due to its smell, durian may have health benefits.
One cup of durian contains about 3.57 grams of protein and 9.23 grams of fiber. It is very high in fiber, making this fruit extremely beneficial for heart and gut health. You can also eat it to increase your diet and make your bowel movements more regular.
However, it is important to note that one cup of durian contains 65.9 grams of carbohydrates, which is very high. Overall, this fruit may not be the safest choice for people with diabetes or blood glucose problems. To make it a better option, adding a protein source can also slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.
This fruit is also rich in other nutrients, especially some of the minerals we need most to live. One cup of durian contains about 1060 mg of potassium, 94.8 mg of phosphorus and 72.9 mg of magnesium. This food also contains calcium, iron, sodium, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A.
You should also know that durian can be a great option for savory dishes. If you're looking to add body, fiber, and some protein to a savory dish, durian can be a great choice. This fruit is often included in desserts, casseroles and smoothies.
Finally, adding durian to your diet can be a good way to keep you hydrated. If you have kidney problems or need to watch your potassium levels, you may want to limit the amount you eat. Overall, it is a relatively healthy fruit, although it is better when accompanied by a source of protein.
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Jackfruit vs Durian - Key Differences
The first difference between durian and jackfruit is size. Jackfruit is much larger and can reach over 45 kg. Durian, however, is smaller in size and the largest it can get weighs around 15 kg.
Another way to differentiate the two fruits is their appearance. Jackfruit is mostly oval in shape with small and soft spines. Durian has a round shape with very large and tough spines that give it its characteristic appearance.
Although both fruits have seeds inside, their flesh and color are not the same. Jackfruit is yellow inside and contains many seeds. The inside of the durian is more yellow-green and the seeds are divided into five different compartments.
Perhaps what most people consider to be the biggest difference is the smell between the two fruits. Ripe jackfruit smells very sweet, like bubble gum, due to the sugar present. However, durian smells very strongly and most people describe it as smelling like rotten eggs, onions and old clothes, due to the presence of volatile sulfur compounds.
Another important difference is the nutritional value of these products. Jackfruit contains high amounts of protein, calcium, iron, thiamine, B vitamins and vitamin C. Durian contains more protein, fiber and carbohydrates and is also extremely rich in potassium.
The effects of jackfruit and durian on the body are also different. Jackfruit is good for disease protection and hydration due to its vitamin C and mineral content, and is high in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Durian fruit contains insoluble fiber, good for treating diabetes and removing cholesterol.
Finally, the two fruits don't taste the same either. Jackfruit is very sweet when ripe and a little strong when ripe. Durian does not taste sweet, but rather spicy, with added cheese, eggs or garlic, and a chicken flavor if underripe.
What are the main differences between durian and jackfruit?
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What is healthier - Jackfruit or Durian?
Since jackfruit and durian share similarities such as origin and nutritional content, they are relatively healthy. For the most part, you can add them to your diet without causing any harm. However, it is recommended to check the carbohydrate content of any food you eat, especially if you have diabetes or heart disease.
If you need more fiber, as well as more protein and potassium, then durian is probably your best choice. However, this fruit also has a higher carbohydrate content, which may be counterproductive to consuming it if you need to watch your carbs. Additionally, some people may need to watch how much potassium they eat.
To increase the amount of vitamins C, omega-3 and B, choose jackfruit. It's also a safer choice if you want to smell sweet and pleasant. You may have better luck because it is included in many vegan and vegetarian recipes.
So, now that you know what jackfruit and durian are and how they differ, you can choose the right one next time. Be sure to read this article before choosing one or the other.
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(original source: https://pekdom.ru/produkty/4009-dzhekfrut-protiv-duriana-v-chem-raznica.html) You can use Google Translate and follow the links on the original website. There are some recepies and stuff.
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
Want to know how it is different from Jackfruit and why? Follow me!
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
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foodthatmovesme · 4 months
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