fitafe · 4 years
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tiny mer!deku doodle for mermay!! 
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fitafe · 4 years
Can we get some Yuuri on Ice gender/sexuality headcanons?
A/N HSHSHS HELL YEAH but I've only watched like two episodes of yoi so I'm really sorry if this ooc 😭
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Mm ok so I hc him as
He realized p young but he was kinda,, freaking out out about it like?? ?????
So he didn't really acknowledge it until highschool
By then he was just u know what
Fuck it
And when he came out everyone was accepting it was great
And he realized he was pan around middle school
When he came out to Viktor he was so supportive
Seriously I'm not kidding hugs and cuddles and hell yeah
Yuri had already transitioned before he met Viktor
He still wears as much loose clothing as he can tho
I mean that shits comfy why wouldn't he
Also he totally had a pan binder before he got sugery
He bb
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If I'm not spelling his name right I'm gonna cry
Our boi
Our boi be cis
He be cis but hella gay
And everyone just knew
And nobody really commented on it
But when he came out
Most people were supportive but they were also like yeah we know we've known for years
Probably has a pride flag hanging up somewhere in his house
With everybody else pride flag there as well
Also if anyone misgender or deadnames his husband or son yurio he will throw hands
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I know like
Nothing about this dude so all I gotta say is
He trans and bi
With a strong preference for men
I'm sorry idk anything about him rip
A/N lmao I'm so sorry these are like the only characters I know 😭 pls don't kill me as I said I've only watched like two episodes and that was a year ago ://
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fitafe · 4 years
random bois + sky cotl + reader
A/N lmao no one is sending asks in so i asked the discord to chose some anime dudes and here we are. alsoif you dont knw what sky is (you most likely dont) then look it up and go play it. now.
we all know our boi is a verteran player
infact he was prob a beta player
that said youve been playing for a while as well
not as long as him ofc because he wanted to wait until the official version came out to show but like as he could he got u like all the shit
speaking of which
he buys you and shouyo like all the candles and adventure pass shit u want its fucking great
heart trades everyday
and if u need more hearts he’ll prob just find people from a unnoficial discord where u can ask for heart trades
also cr everyday
he lets u do wasteland tho cuz hoestly he sucks at avoiding krill no one knows why he just a krill magnet
he has to have home glitch ready at all times rip
plus its fun to ride those burnt ass shrimp fucks
i think he’d have all the elder hairs but mostly only wear valley elder ones
specifically yhte one with the bob
do they have names? 
whatever idk
youre like
the ultimate uber
especially for wasteland
and eden
sometimes youll go to prairie/isle to pick up moths
and then u get to see them grow and u just feel like a proud parent hshhahsh
sometimes kenma will come with but not often cuz he hates moths
loud and annoying and clueless and opening the wasteland gate while hes still collecting the fucking wax-
so u if u want him to come u prob have to bribe him
oh yall totally have beta capes
he knows al the glitches 
sometimes when hes feeling sad you’ll just cuddle while playing sky its great
if ur an artist he will literally die for ur art
like he wont show it but he’ll always make sure to take lots of screenshots for u to draw + different outfits 
so basically playing sky with kenma would be fucking awesome
hh ok so
you def started playing first 
you began like right before season of rythym
and he began right before enchantment
poor boi is so confused
has literally no idea how to play
you have to force him through gw and eden like he wont admit it but hes terrified
i mean
this bitch shrimp fuck keeps making him lose stars and wierd littles rocks keep knocking him over hhnnggng
poor boi
you have to help him through everything
as soon as u stop laughing
u hoestly cant help it bitch didnt know which way to go at the beging of isle even tho there was a fucking path right in front of him
hes so stupid we love him
honestly he didnt play much until u started forcing him to come with u on crs 
now he’s kinda obsessed with getting a shit ton of candles
Does Not Like Vault
he doesnt know why he just Doesn’t Like it
sometimes volleyball interferes with cr and ofc volleyball takes prority so u just sit there with his phone next to u and just reatach him when u need to
oh and u both have adventure passes
somtimes after a stressful day or smth u both just head to sanctuary and just chill there
like you’ll be messing with the crabs or smth and kags is hopping on the jellyfish
kags rlly wants forest hair
it just,, looks so cool
the ony elder hair u have is gw
but u jus need like 20 more hearts for valley
honestly its pretty sweet playing with kags he just calms down so much
except in gw and eden but we don’t talk abt that
A/N should i do more? i feel like i should do more but idk who
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fitafe · 4 years
Haikyuu Ethnicities(?) HCs - Karasuno
A/N idk if ethnicities is the right word but oh well. imean like what country theyre from. also this is my opinion and is probably not canon obviously. if u have a different opinion then either say so respectfully or not at all.
feel like he’d have afro carribean heritage
but he moved CA when he was like four
and then japan when he was in his first year middle school rip
100% japanese
honestly not too sure bout him
but im p sure theres a lil bit of portuguese in there
german boi
one whole german boi
maybe a lil bit of scottish
we all know he hispanic
specifically brazilian
i think that canon actually
lmao idk
also a hispanic boi
puerto rican bb
also he has got to be at least somewhat american u cannot change my mind
his mom is icelandic(?) tho :/
some hispanic heritage in there somehwere but not much
most of his family is from america
argentenian!! ! !!
also might be a lil bit of european in there somewhere
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
mostly japanese with a some english in there
idk she just gives that vibe
never grew up in australia tho so shes still scared shitless
A/N lmao there yall go. if u have suggestions, id love to hear them, as long as u do it respectfully. also mostly wanted to do this for hinata but it felt wrong not to include the rest so ┐(´ー`)┌
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fitafe · 4 years
ok so 
im gonna try and be a writer so send me some asks and see what happens! 
so rules!
i can do nsfw
yall can request any gender
plus specific hcs for a certian character
even if ur doing x reader
i can write some triggering things like panic attacks, mild gore, etc. if ur not sure then just just ask! 
i love love love doing male readers so feel free to send those in!
also thee more specific the request the better
not v good at vague request like (insert character) s/o hcs
please be polite but not shy! i dont bite i promise!
just wanna talk? go ahead
also plss send in hcs i need hcs
i dont just do x reader so yall can request certian ships or stuff like that
i out most of the fandoms im into in the tags, but geel free to ask if im in a certian fandom as i mightve forgottten or i had too many tags lmao
i can do matchups as well
i will not write rape, incest, or anything extreme
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