fengziii · 2 years
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I never paid attention to the fact that I had a full physique, although looking at other girls, I realized that my body was not as slender as theirs. There were many attempts to lose weight, and these attempts were "correct" in everyone's opinion. I mean, I've been doing sports, but I don't remember eating restrictions. And of course, all these attempts failed and I just forgot about it. I tried interval fasting, the meaning of which was to take food up to a certain time. But I had a mother who always made me eat, so this way of losing weight didn't help me. And one day, resigned to the fact that nothing will help me lose weight, I saw a video on Youtube about how you can easily lose weight without eating anything. And I decided to resort to such measures. Well, what do you think? My father didn't pay attention to whether I was eating or not, because he understood that if I wanted to eat, I would go and eat. But the whole problem was my mother, who constantly monitored me in meals. She forced me to finish eating, even if I was already full and I feel that my stomach can't stand it anymore. In addition to this, there has always been a lot of baking at home, which I love very much. And most likely this led to my fullness. Let's get back to the topic. As I said earlier, she was a problem, because of which I only had to starve for 3 days and eat the other 3 days as usual, and so that she would not suspect anything. That's her schedule, which, according to her, she was clearly lucky with. In those days when I didn't eat anything, I had no needs for food and drink because previously there were no restrictions. I just didn't know if I wanted to eat or not. I spent all my days outside and everything was fine, I didn't think about food. So the first 3 days of fasting passed. And immediately there was a plumb line of 2 or 3 kg. It's something like 4.41lb or 6.61Ib. I don't remember exactly. Of course, I understood that it was water, but I was glad of that, because I hadn't been able to lose anything in terms of weight before. On day 4, Mom was at home and it forced me to eat. I tried to limit myself so as not to gain all the things that I had previously dropped, and of course my mother noticed it. I loved apples very much and my mom immediately suspected something was wrong when I stopped eating them for several days in a row. When she asked why I didn't eat them, I replied that I just didn't want to or ate something else. After three days of her arrival at home, I started to starve again. And there were about three or four such approaches until Mom... see the continuation in the next post☝🏻.
If you are interested, I will write a sequel. I really want to share this problem here because I just have no one in my life. And I'm sorry for the mistakes. I don't understand English punctuation.
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